
时间:2019-05-13 04:12:59下载本文作者:会员上传


4.The Civil Rights Movement: What Good Was It?

Alice Walker

TextWhen we are children, growing up in our parents’ care, we○

world.Sometimes our parents provide it—if we are lucky—sometimes it comes from another

source far from home.☆We sit, paralyzed, surrounded by our anxiety and dread, hoping we will not have to grow up into the narrow world and ways we see about us.☆face.2It was just six years ago that I began to be —for I am ○

now twenty-three—but I did not really know it.And I did not know it because nobody told me that I—a pensive, yearning, typical high-school senior, but Negro—existed in the minds of others as I existed in my own.☆Until that time my mind was locked apart from the outer contours and complexion of my body as if it and the body were strangers.The mind possessed both thought and spirit—I wanted to be an author or a scientist—which the color of the body denied.I had never seen myself and existed as a statistic exists, or as a phantom.In the white world I walked, less real to them than a shadow;and being young and well hidden among the slums, among people who also did not exist—either in books or in films or in the government of their own lives—I waited to be called to life.And, by a miracle, I was called.【在前两段中,What words does the author uses to describe her state of being in her early days? And what words to describe her state of mind at that time? 作者用了哪些词语描写她早期的生活状态?哪些词描写她当时的心理状态?】【What words have caught your eyes? What words touch your heart? 哪些词句引起了你的注意?你觉得哪些语句很有力量?】

【在第二段中,What notion is repetitively mentioned in this paragraph? What situation is described here?What is the author trying to say here? 这一段里不断重复的一个概念是什么?描写了一个什么样的状态?作者想说的是什么?】

3There was a commotion in our house that night in 1960.We had managed to buy our first ○

television set.It was battered and overpriced, but my mother had gotten used to watching the

afternoon soap operas at the house where she worked as maid, and nothing could satisfy her on days when she did not work but a continuation of her “stories.” So she pennies and bought a set.【Why did mother have a TV set and how did she get their it? 】



4I remained listless throughout her “stories,” tales of pregnancy, abortion, hypocrisy, infidelity, ○

and alcoholism.All these men and women were white and lived in houses with servants, long staircases that they floated down, patios where liquor was served four times a day to comfortable chair, watched each movement of the smartly coiffed women, heard each word, pounced upon each innuendo and inflection, and for the duration of these “stories” she saw herself as one of them.She placed herself in every scene she saw, with her braided hair turned blond, her two hundred pounds compressed into a sleek size-seven dress, her smooth and white.Her husband became “,” talented, witty, urbane, charming.And when she turned to look at my father sitting near her in his sweat shirt with his smelly feet raised on the bed to “air,” there was always a tragic look of surprise on her face.Then she would sigh and go out to the kitchen looking lost and unsure of herself.My mother, a truly great woman who raised eight children of her own and half a dozen of the neighbors’ without a single complaint, was convinced that she did not exist compared to “them.” She subordinated her soul to theirs and became a faithful and timid supporter of the “Beautiful White People.” ☆Once she asked me, in a moment of vicarious pride and despair, if I didn’t think that “they” were “jest naturally smarter, prettier, better.” My mother asked this: a woman who never got rid of any of her children, never cheated on my father, was never a hypocrite if she could help it, and never even tasted liquor.She could not even bring herself to blame “them” for making her believe what they wanted her to believe: that if she did not look like them, think like them, be sophisticated and corrupt-for-comfort’s-sake like them, she was a nobody.Black was not a color on my mother;it was a shield that made her invisible.【How much is the author interested in those TV programs? How much is the mother interested in them? What kind of TV programs these are? 】【What does Alice feel about her mother? What is the image of her mother in Alice's essay? 】


5Of course, the people who wrote the soap-opera scripts always made the Negro maids in ○

them steadfast, trusty, and wise in a home-remedial sort of way;but my mother, a maid for nearly forty years, never once identified herself with the scarcely glimpsed black servant’s face beneath the ruffled cap.Like everyone else, in her daydreams at least, she thought she was free.6Six years ago, after half-heartedly watching my mother’s soap operas and wondering whether ○

there wasn’t something more to be asked of life, the Civil Rights Movement came into my life.Like a good omen for the future, the face of Dr.Martin Luther King, Jr., was the first black face I saw on our new television screen.☆And, as in a fairy tale, my soul was stirred by the meaning for me of his mission—at the time he was being rather ignominiously dumped into a police van for having led a protest march in Alabama—and I fell in love with the sober and determined face of the Movement.The singing of “We Shall Overcome”——rang for the first time in my ears.☆The influence that my mother’s soap operas might have had on me became impossible.The life of Dr.King, seeming bigger and more miraculous than the man himself, because of all he had done and suffered, offered a pattern of strength and sincerity I felt I could trust.He had suffered much because of his simple belief in nonviolence, love, and brotherhood.☆Perhaps the majority of men could not be reached through these beliefs, but because Dr.King kept trying to reach them in spite of danger to himself and his family, I saw in him the hero for whom I had waited so long.【注意作者怎样描写她忽然从电视上看到马丁路德金,以及她的感受。】【注意哪些词句把这一段的内容和前文联系起来了。】

1.○7这一段句子很长,注意断句。What Dr.King promised was not a ranch-style house and an acre of manicured lawn for every black man, but jail and finally freedom.He did not promise two cars for every family, but the courage one day for all families everywhere to walk without shame and unafraid on their own feet.☆He did not say that one day it will be us chasing prospective buyers out of our prosperous well-kept neighborhoods, or in other ways exhibiting our snobbery and ignorance as all other ethnic groups before us have done;what he said was that we had a right to live anywhere in this country we chose, and a right to a meaningful well-paying job to provide us with the upkeep of our homes.He did not say we had to become carbon copies of the white American middle class;but he did say we had the right to become whatever we wanted to become.【What is the point that the author tries to make clear in this paragraph? How does Alice understand King's ideas?】

8Because of the Movement, because of an awakened faith in the newness and imagination of ○

the human spirit, because of “black and white together”—for the first time in our history in some human relationship on and off TV—because of the beatings, the arrests, the hell of battle during the past years, I have fought harder for my life and for a chance to be myself, to be something more than a shadow or a number, than I had ever done before in my life.Before, there had seemed to be no real reason for struggling beyond the effort for daily bread.Now there was a chance at that other than Jesus meant when He said we could not live by bread alone.【这句话怎么理解?】

9I have fought and kicked and fasted and prayed and cursed and cried myself to the point of ○

existing.It has been like being born again, literally.Just “ to me.Knowing has pushed me out into the world, into college, into places, into people.10Part of what existence means to me is knowing the difference between ○

being able to tell when I am being wronged and by whom.It means being awake to protect myself and the ones I love.It means being a part of the world community, and being alert to which part it is that I have joined, and knowing how to change to another part if that part does not suit me.To know is to exist: to exist is to be involved, to move about, to see the world with my own eyes.This, at least, the Movement has given me.【Does Alice Walker answer the question that she raises in the title of this article? To Alice, what good was civil rights movement? 】


《新视野大学英语读写教程(第二版)第一册》 课后答案 Unit 3 Vocabulary III.1.Inwardly 2.regret 3.occasion 4.complained 5.urged 6.coordinate 7.reluctance 8.envy 9.adjust 10.amazed IV.1.in 2.of 3.on 4.on 5.to 6.out 7.to 8.to 9.on 10.about V.1.O 2.J 3.N 4.L 5.I 6.C 7.H 8.E 9.A 10.F Sentence Structure: VI.1.He had his ears pierced even though I told him not to.2.It was exciting game even though no goals were scored.3.He was treated exactly like all the other workers even though he had just joined the company.4.Even though you disagree with her, she’s worth listening to.5.There was never enough money to support his family even though he was hard-working and did two jobs at the same time.VII.1.After learning some simple Chinese, the American girl was able to communicate with the other students in her class.2.When doing the writing exercise for this course, you should remember that you are writing according to a specific structure.3.Until finished, the problem was a continuous worry to me.4.While working at the computer, the young man was listening to music over the radio all the time.5.The grass will grow more quickly if watered regularly.Translation VIII.1.I have decided to accept the new post, even though the job is not very well paid.2.The job has been taken to be very simple until(it is)actually started.3.Now that you are planning to move to Canada, you must try to adjust to cold weather in winter.4.He promised to help us to buy the house, but with a little reluctance.5.This is an important meeting.Please see to it that you are not late for it.6.He is experienced businessman who has engaged in foreign trade for quite a few years.IX.1.他决心向那个女孩谈自己的计划,即使他知道她很可能拒绝听。








Cloze X.1.A 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.B 9.C 10.A 11.C 12.C 13.A 14.B 15.C 16.C 17.C 18.A 19.B 20.A XII All of my classmates believe that Sandy has a good taste for music.The music she listens to always has a clear, strong rhythm and the music has a message for us to think about.Also, the words in the music are just like poems, so beautiful and easy for us to remember.Section B Reading Skills I.1.They found the man.2.He reached the airport in time.3.The old man dimly saw the young man.4.The young marine sat by the old man the whole night.5.A message came saying the real son was arriving Comprehension of the text II.1.A 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.B Vocabulary III 1.sole 2.extend 3.startle 4.located 5.inform 6.interrupted 7.collapsed 8.exchange 9.apparent 10.enable IV 1.The government has called for an immediate investigation of the activities of the police.2.We applied the medicine and in a few minutes Mrs.Johnson came to.3.She coldly said goodbye to her friends.With that she shut the door and cried in the room.4.Whatever your reason, I shall hold to my idea that people should be allowed to have private lives.5.To our surprise the stranger turned out to be allowed to an old friend of my mother’s.6.He’s not in the office;he’s now on his way to London for a meeting.7.When setting out on a long walk, always wear suitable shoes.8.He was too disappointed by this lack of success to try again.9.The couple loves each other dearly, but now and again they quarrel.10.In the subway station the poor old woman begged the passengers for money, but they paid no attention to her.



大学英语第三册听说教程上机学习大厅听力单元测试答案Unit 14 Listening Comprehension Directions: Listen to the short conversations and choose the correct answers to the questions you hear.The conversations and questions will be read ONLY ONCE.SET 1 1.A.Smoking.B.Coughing.C.Air pollution.D.Air condition.2.A.Tired.B.Interested.C.Satisfied.D.Discouraged.3.A.100 years.B.5 years.C.90 years.D.105 years.4.A.He turned the woman down.B.He hasn't got his driving license yet.C.He has not got a car at that moment.D.He is happy to drive her to the airport.5.A.A librarian.B.An engineer.C.An assistant.D.A teacher.Answer: 3 4 1 4 3 SET 2 1.A.In a doctor's office.B.In a gymnasium.C.In an operating room.D.In a professor's office.2.A.Football players often injure their feet.B.She hadn't heard about the man's problem.C.The man should have seen the doctor.D.She'll check the man's schedule as soon as possible.3.A.It won't take long to get to the station.B.It'll be easy for him to give the woman a ride to the station.C.He'll ride on the train with the woman.D.He's picking someone up from the station.4.A.Fill out an application form.B.Apply for a different position.C.File the papers in the cabinet.D.Show her the advertisement from the newspaper.5.A.Get notes about the class from a friend.B.Get his watch fixed.C.Finish his assignments more promptly.D.Arrive at class on time.Answer: 1 3 2 1 4 Listening Comprehension Directions: Listen to the conversation and fill in the form below with no more than three words for each blank.The conversation will be read TWICE.SET 1 CHANGES WHICH MOST COUPLES WILL HAVE TO FACE First, change in(1)It is possible that the couple will have to struggle and work their way up to a standard of living that is(2)to both persons.Second, change of(3)After marriage, there is a chance that you will lose contact with many of your old single friends to make friends with other(4)couples.Third, differences in(5)you do things You will probably find that your personal(6)are somewhat different from those of your new spouse.Fourth, differences of(7)No matter how much alike you think you and your spouse are, you won't always see(8)on every subject or issue.Fifth, change in(9)After you are married, you may view your world and your relationship a little less(10)Answer: 1.lifestyle 2.satisfactory 3.friends 4.married 5.the way 6.habits and traditions 7.opinion 8.eye to eye 9.attitude 10.idealistically SET 2 HELPFUL HINTS FOR A POSITIVE RELATIONSHIP WITH THE SPOUSE'S FAMILY First,(1)your in-laws as family members of the spouse you love.Second, don't(2)your spouse's family with your own.Third, don't run to your own parents for support when you have a conflict with your spouse.Fourth, don't(3)anger you may feel for your spouse toward his or her family.Fifth, establish a family atmosphere that avoids a(4)between your two families for your time,(5)

.Sixth, treat both families(6).Seventh, as a couple, try to establish as much(7)from both families as possible.For example, it may create conflicts to(8)from in-laws.Eighth, couples should take the time and effort to(9)about quality relationships and practice effective communication skills in their(10)with each other.Answer: 1.respect 2.compare 3.direct 4.contest 5.attention and affection 6.equally and fairly 7.independence 8.borrow money 9.educate themselves 10.interactions Listening Comprehension Directions: Listen to the passage and decide whether the following statements are True or False.The passage will be read ONLY ONCE.SET 1 1.In 1992, 2.3 million marriages were recorded in the USA.True False 2.In 1992, 1.2 million marriages went divorced.True False 3.Most couples have no confidence in a life-long marriage relationship.True False 4.There are many problems challenging the couple's best intentions in marriage.True False 5.Discussing important issues such as money and children will lead marriages to trouble.True False Answer: 1.True 2.True 3.False 4.True 5.False SET 2 1.A sign of job burnout is that somebody wants to burn his work into ashes.True False 2.There are only a few people who are immune to job burnout.True False 3.Job burnout doesn't happen immediately without any warning signals.True False 4.Job burnout only influences somebody's job, not his family life.True False 5.The cure of losing motivation is to learn self-management.True False Answer: 1.False 2.False 3.True 4.False 5.True Listening Comprehension Directions: Listen to the passage and choose the correct answers to the questions.The passage will be read ONLY ONCE.SET 1 1.A.They may quarrel.B.They may divorce.C.They may think they have made a mistake.D.They may have babies.2.A.Because all relationships experience peaks and valleys.B.Because the passion will go soon.C.Because there is no life-long love.D.Because a marriage is too hasty.3.A.From his marriage.B.From inside himself.C.From his parents.D.From his relatives.4.A.Because conflict is inevitable and they do not necessarily damage the marriage.B.Because conflict can be ignored.C.Because conflict is not important.D.Because conflict can finally disappear from the marriage.5.A.They mean that one of the couple is wrong.B.They indicate a lack of love between the couple.C.They mean that the couple are not alike in their thoughts.D.They are the signal of divorce.Answer: 3 1 2 1 3 SET 2 1.A.Job stress is failure in work.B.Job stress is caused when the requirement of the job cannot be met.C.Job stress is a kind of harmful physical response to one's job.D.Job stress is a kind of harmful emotional response to one's job.2.A.Challenges.B.Job.C.Emotions.D.Moods.3.A.Tired and exhausted.B.Relaxed and satisfied.C.A sense of pride.D.A sense of humor.4.A.They test our will.B.They provide us with the chance to be proud.C.They please themselves.D.They motivate us to learn new skills and master given tasks.5.A.Relaxed and satisfied.B.Exhausted and tensional.C.Failed but proud.D.Sick.Answer: 2 1 2 4 2 Listening Comprehension Directions: Listen to the passage TWICE and fill the blanks with the missing words SET 1 A study published in the British Medical Journal claims that(1)stress can take a serious toll on a woman's physical and mental health.The study, which spanned the course of many years, focused on more than 21,000 female nurses in(2)good health.Researchers discovered that when women work in a high-pressure environment where they have little control over their work and no social support system, their health-related quality of life can be(3)impaired.On the other hand, women with lower-demand jobs and higher levels of control over their duties were shown to have better health.The researchers also discovered that having someone to talk to about problems at

work is(4), and that the health of all women in the study was(5)by having a social support network in the workplace.Being(6)with tasks or having minimal control over the amount of work you perform and the time frame in which it must be(7), may cause you to experience feelings of frustration or unhappiness.The result is that your body produces stress hormones.Stress hormones are(8)released when an individual experiences(9)distress, and they negatively affect the body and its organs.Stress increases your susceptibility to heart disease, high blood pressure, depression and bodily pain, and(10)a blow to the overall health of women everywhere.Answer: 1.job-induced 2.relatively 3.drastically 4.beneficial 5.improved 6.overloaded 7.completed 8.typically 9.psychological 10.strikes SET 2 Stress evokes very powerful reactions, but researchers recently revealed that stress-coping tactics are very different in men and women.A recent study by the University of California, Los Angeles(UCLA),(1)in the July 2000 edition of US journal, Psychological Review, claims that the clichéd “flight or fight” response to stress(2)only to men, not women.In the face of stress, women display a very different reaction, focusing on social relations.Women tend to be(3)as a kind of response to stress.According to a report released by UCLA, the study based its findings on(4)of hundreds of biological and behavioral studies of response to stress by thousands of humans and animal subjects.It was revealed that rather than fleeing or becoming(5)as was previously assumed, women seek social contact, especially with other women, and spend time(6)their children, to cope with stress.On the other hand, stress can bring us something quite(7).Human beings need some stress to survive, since the stress response is one of the ways that the body protects itself in(8)situations.Stress can enhance performance under pressure, helping us rise to the occasion.Stress can fuel our creativity, create our excitement, for an important event or project.Stress lends excitement and(9)to many aspects of life.It is only when stress becomes unmanageable and gets out of(10)that it can wreak havoc upon our body, our peace of mind, and our productivity.Answer: 1.published 2.applies 3.friendlier 4.analysis 5.hostile 6.nurturing 7.positive 8.dangerous 9.vigor 10.control Listening Comprehension Directions: Watch the video clip and decide whether the following statements are True or False SET 1 1.Jack Barnes is the president of the club.True False 2.Mr.Abagnale tells the story about two mice that fell into a bucket of cream.True False 3.In the story, one mouse gave up climbing and ate a lot of cream.True False 4.In the story, the other mouse carried the bucket of cream back to its home.True False 5.Mr.Abagnale compares himself to the second mouse that would not give up.True False Answer: 1.True 2.True 3.False 4.False 5.True SET 2

1.The woman says she is leaving that night.True False 2.The man promises that he will arrive at 6:00.True False 3.If the man doesn't show up, Max will be sad.True False 4.On Max's birthday, he made a wish.True False 5.Max made a wish that his father would not tell lies for the rest of his life.True False Answer: 1.True 2.False 3.True 4.True 5.False Oral test Directions: Look at the picture below.SET 1 Try to tell about the picture as much as you can infer.If possible, try to find something relevant to talk about.SET 2 Try to tell about the picture as much as you can infer.If possible, try to find something relevant to talk about.Oral test SET 1 What kind of stress do you suffer? How do you cope with it? Do you think examinations are stressful to you? Do you think the stress will do you good or harm? Why? SET 2 Do you think your girlfriend's or boyfriend's family background is important? Why or why not? Do you prefer a long time communication and understanding before marriage? Why or why not? Will you discuss the problems of finance, housing, and children rearing to your would-be wife or husband before marriage? Why or why not? 大学英语第三册听说教程上机学习大厅听力单元测试答案Unit 510 Comprehension Directions: Listen to the short conversations and choose the correct answers to the questions you hear.The conversations and questions will be read ONLY ONCE.SET 1 1.A.John's ankle should be better now.B.This isn't a good time for John to quit.C.The news about John is quite a surprise.D.John should have stopped playing earlier.2.A.He may write a check for ten dollars.B.He may write a check for fifteen dollars.C.He may write a check for the amount of purchase.D.He may write a check for thirty-five dollars.3.A.In New York.B.In Boston.C.In Michigan.D.In Washington.4.A.Margaret knows what to eat.B.Margaret always knows how to help.C.Jack is usually happy.D.Jack made the wrong order.5.A.19,000.B.200,000.C.5,000,000.D.1,000,000.Answer: 4 4 4 2 2 SET 2 1.A.She's working hard on it all the time.B.She works only in the morning and in the evening.C.She works every other day.D.She studies twice a day.2.A.$180.B.$165.C.$135.D.$55.3.A.If Michael is there, he will offer to help them.B.There are a couple of areas that are not well known in the Rocky Mountains.C.Michael might be able to assist them.D.Campers are better off if they have more information.4.A.He hated to lose face.B.He was irritated.C.He was not angry.D.He was concerned about the man.5.A.It is not that late.B.The people who have come on time are all very relaxed.C.Almost half the class has not yet arrived.D.They don't need too many people.Answer: 1 2 3 3 4 Listening Comprehension Directions: Listen to the conversation and fill in the form below with no more than three words for each blank.The conversation will be read TWICE.SET 1 Traditional meaning of business(1)or(2)for things Three parts of the business(3),(4), and(5)of goods and(6)for a profit One other important factor of business the(7)of profit or economic(8), which is a major(9)in the functioning of a business company Profit the money that remains after all the(10)are paid Answer: 1.exchange 2.trade 3.production 4.distribution 5.sale 6.services 7.creation 8.surplus 9.goal 10.expenses SET 2 MR.AND MRS.J.REYNOLDS Address(1)Pine Avenue Telephone number(2)Number of people living in the house 4 Mr.Reynolds' workplace at Coutaulds Mrs.Reynolds' workplace at(3)Name of sons' school the(4)Boys School Mileage per year about(5)Number of holidays a year 2 Seasons for holiday(6)and(7)

Usual way of spending holiday go to(8)walking Normal expense on holiday about(9)pounds Destination of holiday plan this year(10)Answer: 1.21 2.56882 3.home 4.Independent 5.5000 6.summer 7.autumn 8.Scotland 9.1000 10.Greece Listening Comprehension Directions: Listen to the passage and decide whether the following statements are True or False.The passage will be read ONLY ONCE.SET 1 1.The woman feels they have got to reduce payment times.True False 2.They have decided to get tough with their customers.True False 3.Their suppliers will surely help them.True False 4.The man feels they have got to stop some existing training.True False 5.The woman feels that money spent on future training courses is worthwhile.True False Answer: 1.True 2.False 3.False 4.False 5.True SET 2 1.Ethbell Pepper taught English and drama classes to minority students in high schools for 30 years before she retired.True False 2.Ethbell Pepper had wished to relax and enjoy a peaceful life after retirement.True False 3.Ethbell Pepper attended a program at the University of California when she was 68.True False 4.Older adult students could bring a lot of valuable experience to the university with them and enrich the university's educational resources.True False 5.The appearance of older people in university could reduce the fear of the young students of growing older.True False Answer: 1.False 2.False 3.True 4.True 5.True Listening Comprehension Directions: Listen to the passage and choose the correct answers to the questions.The passage will be read ONLY ONCE.SET 1 1.A.500.B.Over 500.C.A few hundred.D.One hundred.2.A.Their normal growth.B.A lot of job opportunities.C.Their employee retirements.D.Their creative thinking.3.A.They may offer positions which you demand.B.They may send recruiters to colleges to interview people.C.They usually offer competitive salaries.D.Their employees may be promoted more quickly.4.A.He could report to the general manager directly.B.He has to wait for many years to report to the general manager directly.C.He has to accumulate experience to report to the general manager directly.D.He has to specialize in a certain field to get the opportunities to report to the general manager directly.5.A.Students.B.Employers.C.Employees.D.Engineers.Answer: 2 4 2 1 1 SET 2 1.A.There are more different ideas.B.There are more different beliefs.C.There are more different ways of looking at things.D.There are more mutual interests.2.A.People there are always satisfied with their living conditions.B.People there have identical needs that can be met without many disputes.C.People there have got used to their conditions and don't see the necessity to change.D.People there are lazy and easy to please.3.A.Social change is more likely to occur in technology than in values.B.Social change is more likely to occur in material aspects of society than in non-material aspects.C.Social change is more likely to occur in form than in substance.D.Social change is more likely to occur in the complex elements than in simple elements.4.A.Social change occurs more readily to people with a sharp distinction.B.Black Americans have distinctive differences in appearance from white Americans.C.Black Americans have less emotion than other American minorities.D.Black Americans have too many complex elements.5.A.Two different societies.B.The necessity of social change.C.Different social changes.D.Certain factors that determine the ease with which social changes occur.Answer: 4 3 4 2 4 Listening Comprehension Directions: Listen to the passage TWICE and fill the blanks with the missing words SET 1 China's hand-held computer market continued tumbling in last year's fourth quarter, and(1)have suggested the trend is unlikely to be(2)in the near future.The(3)was largely(4)to dwindling market demands due to lack of(5)by manufactures, though numerous new products had been(6)throughout the quarter.Many trimmed-down versions of PDAs received a cold(7)in the market due to their stillhigh

prices and manufactures'(8)understanding of consumers'(9)needs.The dismal PDA market has also significantly undermined distributors' profits and in turn, dampened their(10)to promote new products.Distributors' fretted interest in promotion had given way to PDAs' substitutes, which ate into PDA manufactures' sales and profits.Answer: 1.analysts 2.reversed 3.decline 4.attributed 5.innovations 6.launched 7.response 8.inadequate 9.diverse 10.enthusiasm SET 2 E-business(electronics business), derived from such terms as “e-mail” and “e-commerce,” is the(1)of business on the Internet, not only buying and selling but also servicing customers and collaborating with business(2).One of the first to use the term was IBM, when, in October 1997, it(3)a thematic(4)built around the term.Today, major(5)are rethinking their businesses in terms of the Internet and its new culture and(6).Companies are using the Web to buy parts and supplies from other companies, to collaborate on sales(7), and to do joint research.Exploiting the(8), availability, and worldwide reach of the Internet, many companies, such as Amazon.com, the booksellers, have already discovered how to use the Internet successfully.Increasingly, much direct selling(or e-tailing)is taking place on the Internet of computerrelated(9)and software.One of the first to report sales in the millions of dollars directly from the Web was Dell Computer.Travel booking directly or indirectly as a result of Web research is becoming(10).Answer: 1.conducting 2.partners 3.launched 4.campaign 5.corporations 6.capabilities 7.promotions 8.convenience 9.equipment 10.significant Listening Comprehension Directions: Watch the video clip and decide whether the following statements are True or False SET 1 1.Both the man and the young woman want to be alone with each other.True False 2.The man is worried about the young woman.True False 3.The man is glad the young woman is there with him.True False 4.The man has joined the war.True False 5.The young woman's father and mother live in the town.True False Answer: 1.True 2.True 3.False 4.True 5.False SET 2 1.The woman, Constance, is a doctor.True False 2.The woman is told that Dr.Edwards has disappeared.True False 3.The woman tells the sheriff that Edwards couldn't speak a word.True False 4.The woman is surprised when she is told that the man called Edwards is an imposter.True False 5.The older man has warned the woman about Dr.Edwards.True False Answer: 1.True 2.True 3.False 4.False 5.False Oral test

Directions: Look at the picture below.SET 1 Try to tell about the picture as much as you can infer.If possible, try to find something relevant to talk about.SET 2 Try to tell about the picture as much as you can infer.If possible, try to find something relevant to talk about.Oral test SET 1 When you are working for someone, what would motivate you to work harder? SET 2 Albert Einstein said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” Can you comment on his words and give your view on the roles of imagination and knowledge? 大学英语第三册听说教程上机学习大厅听力单元测试答案Unit 1114 Comprehension Directions: Listen to the short conversations and choose the correct answers to the questions you hear.The conversations and questions will be read ONLY ONCE.SET 1 1.A.Tom's illnesses are serious.B.Tom's illnesses are pretended.C.Tom's illnesses are brief but real.D.Tom's illnesses occur only when there is a party.2.A.Catch a cold.B.Hurry to get on the bus.C.Sit next to the bus stop.D.Fix his torn sleeve.3.A.A trip she took.B.A trip she takes frequently.C.A restaurant she owns.D.A famous statue in Philadelphia.4.A.Barry no longer lives in New York.B.Barry doesn't know how to economize.C.The woman called Barry in California.D.The woman didn't ever meet Barry.5.A.Richard is hard to find.B.Richard speaks with difficulty.C.Richard's roommate doesn't talk to him.D.Richard doesn't work very hard.Answer: 2 2 1 1 4 SET 2 1.A.Looking for a new job.B.Starting her vacation.C.Quitting her job in a few days.D.Complaining to her friend.2.A.The department store may sell tires.B.The department store doesn't sell tires.C.The department store sells tires.D.The department store carries tapes.3.A.The man must study in order to pass.B.The man won't pass unless he takes the test.C.The man must take the test.D.The man may skip the test.4.A.She arrived for registration too early.B.She misplaced her class card for biology.C.She missed registration.D.The man cannot spell her name.5.A.Because he woke up late.B.Because he missed the bus.C.Because he had a car trouble.D.Because there was very heavy traffic.Answer: 1 1 3 1 3 Listening Comprehension Directions: Listen to the conversation and fill in the form below with no more than three words for each blank.The conversation will be read TWICE.SET 1 We don't like people to come too near to us.A(1)found that when an American male talks to a stranger, he stands(2)centimeters away.If males stand very near to each other, they are either(3)or(4).There are some exceptions.We may accept the fact that people may(5)us on the bus or(6)in the rush hour because we can(7)for it.What we should do when we have to stand or sit in a crowded place? We don't look at the other people, we try not to touch them and we show(8).We may be annoyed by someone in a crowded cinema.He or she may want to take all the(9)between us.But when the show starts we forget about it because we(10)the performers who are

far away.Answer: 1.psychologist 2.50 3.very aggressive 4.unusually friendly 5.press against 6.on the subway 7.see the reason 8.an expressionless face 9.armrest 10.concentrate on SET 2 About whom is the story? My father and my mother.What were they? My father was a salesman for a(1).My mother was a(2)at a radio station.Where did they meet? They met in a(3).How did they happen to meet? My father stopped by(4)that Saturday morning to(5)and then the manager of a local radio station invited him to their(6).What does my father comment on meeting my mother? It was(7)that he was at the picnic that day.What were my mother's dating experiences at that time? She dated other men, including a car salesman who entered our(8).The car salesman gave her(9)for her birthday, which in those days meant the relationship was moving toward an(10)What's the end of the story? One night a few months later, my mother woke her mother and told her she was going to marry Dave.Answer: 1.big electronics company 2.writer 3.poker game 4.the branch office 5.make some calls 6.annual picnic 7.blind luck 8.family lore 9.a watch 10.engagement Listening Comprehension Directions: Listen to the passage and decide whether the following statements are True or False.The passage will be read ONLY ONCE.SET 1 1.Popular belief holds that “falling stars” are stars.True False 2.Meteors are not visible to the naked eye even at night.True False 3.Most meteors are burned into ashes when they enter the earth's atmosphere.True False 4.After successful landings upon the earth, huge meteors are given different names.True False 5.There is no satisfactory explanation about the source of meteors traveling through space.True False Answer: 1.True 2.False 3.True 4.False 5.True SET 2 1.England's mad cow disease has caused understandable hysteria.True False 2.The government is facing a loss of millions of dollars.True False 3.Researchers have different explanations to the cause of the mad cow disease.True False 4.Basic research cannot help prevent tomorrow's crises.True False 5.Unresolved scientific disputes have become a fact of modern life.True False Answer: 1.True 2.False 3.True 4.False 5.True Listening Comprehension Directions: Listen to the passage and choose the correct answers to the questions.The passage

will be read ONLY ONCE.SET 1 1.A.Spanish explorers.B.Indians.C.Other Englishmen.D.Political leaders.2.A.New political ways.B.New methods of fishing.C.New ways for water travel.D.How to trap animals.3.A.Corn.B.Domesticated animals.C.Building sod house.D.Trapping animals.4.A.The settlers were well prepared for the hardships that they would encounter.B.The new settlers found the winters severe.C.The Indians taught the settlers how to build canoes.D.The settlers brought tools and weapons to the new world.5.A.The new world.B.The new colonists.C.The life of the natives.D.The life of the early settlers.Answer: 1 1 2 1 4 SET 2 1.A.Dreams are unimportant and should be disregarded.B.Dreams give us helpful clues about ourselves.C.Only a trained psychologist can explain dreams.D.Dreams are often interesting.2.A.You may have unconscious fears of death.B.You may have forgotten to write down an appointment.C.You may be secretly resenting someone in your life.D.You should examine your teeth for signs of trouble.3.A.To show that dreams can remind us of something we've been too busy to remember.B.To show how we often dream of very ordinary events.C.To show how dreams can urge us to get more in touch with our real feelings.D.To indicate that we can discover our innermost anxieties through looking seriously at our dreams.4.A.That she was cleaning her apartment.B.That she was very happily married.C.That she was hitting her husband with a household appliance.D.That her husband attacked her with a vacuum cleaner.5.A.Because they are unimportant.B.Because they are trivial.C.Because they are similar to other things.D.Because we are too busy to notice them.Answer: 2 4 1 3 4 Listening Comprehension Directions: Listen to the passage TWICE and fill the blanks with the missing words SET 1 The universe is believed to have originated about 15 billion years ago as a dense, hot globule of gas expanding rapidly outward.At that time, the universe(1)nothing but hydrogen and a small amount of helium.There were no stars and no planets.The first stars probably began to(2)out of hydrogen when the universe was about 100 million years old.This is how our Sun originated about(3)billion years ago.Many stars came into being before the Sun was formed;many others formed after the Sun appeared.This process continues, and through(4)we can now see stars forming out of(5)pockets of hydrogen in outer space.In 1992, instruments aboard the Cosmic Background Explorer(COBE)satellite showed that 99.97 percent of the energy of the universe was(6)within the first year of its origin.This evidence seems to(7)the Big Bang theory, which holds that the universe originated from a single(8)explosion(a big bang)of a very small amount of matter of extremely high(9)and temperature.Astronomers also theorize that 99% of the matter in the universe is invisible, or dark matter, composed of some kind of matter that they cannot yet(10).Answer: 1.contained 2.form 3.4.49 4.telescopes 5.compressed 6.released 7.confirm 8.violent 9.density 10.detect SET 2 What will man be like in the future--in 5,000 or even 50,000 years from now? Man, even five hundred years ago, was shorter than he is today.Now, on(1), men are about three(2)taller.Five hundred years is a relatively short period of time, so we may(3)that man will continue to grow taller.Again, in the modern world we use our brains a great deal.Even so, we still make use of only about 20% of the brain's(4).As time goes on, however, we shall have to use our brains more and more, and(5)we shall need larger ones!This is likely to bring about a physical change too: the head, in(6)the forehead, will grow larger.Nowadays our eyes are in(7)use.In fact, we use them so much that very often they become weaker and we have to wear glasses.But over very long period of time it is likely that man's eyes will grow stronger.On the other hand, we(8)to make less use of our arms and legs.These, as a result, are likely to grow weaker.At the same time, however, our fingers will grow more(9)because they are used a great deal in modern life.But what about hair? This will probably disappear from the body altogether in(10)of time because it does not serve a useful purpose any longer.In the future, then, both sexes are likely to

be bald.Answer: 1.average 2.inches 3.assume 4.capacity 5.eventually 6.particular 7.constant 8.tend 9.sensitive 10.course Listening Comprehension Directions: Watch the video clip and decide whether the following statements are True or False SET 1 1.The first girl has read all books on the problems of black people.True False 2.According to the first girl, the time for non-violent revolution is past.True False 3.According to the girls, property values decline when a black family moves in.True False 4.According to one of the girls, Jewish people are the closest to black people.True False 5.The girls think the cat may be someone famous.True False Answer: 1.False 2.True 3.False 4.True 5.True SET 2 1.The father reminds his two little girls that they are on holiday.True False 2.One officer stops the family and demands their passport.True False 3.Christie is worrying whether they will get across the border or not.True False 4.Christie told the officer that she is ten.True False 5.The officers are suspicious because there is something wrong with the passport.True False Answer: 1.True 2.True 3.True 4.False 5.False Oral test Directions: Look at the picture below.SET 1 Try to tell about the picture as much as you can infer.If possible, try to say something about the relationship between the Earth and the Universe.You may even talk about some crises our planet is facing and propose possible solutions to those problems.SET 2 Try to tell about the picture as much as you can infer.If possible, try to say something about the peculiarity about the colt? Oral test SET 1 Have you ever dreamed of exploring the space in a spaceship one day? Is there anything that appeals to you in the space? Why or why not? SET 2 It seems that genetic engineering is changing our life.Can you give some examples in this regard? Do you have any worry about the effect of the changing? Why or why not? 大学英语第三册听说教程上机学习大厅听力单元测试答案Unit 15-16 Comprehension Directions: Listen to the short conversations and choose the correct answers to the questions you hear.The conversations and questions will be read ONLY ONCE.SET 1 1.A.In a laundry.B.In an elevator.C.In a library.D.In a bakery.2.A.Buy a birthday present.B.Wait too late.C.Pass the time.D.Bring some food to the table.3.A.Join her friend.B.Stay inside.C.Sketch the tree.D.Look for a job.4.A.He wrote it last semester.B.He'll finish it in a few minutes.C.He never does assignment early.D.He isn't going to write it.5.A.They are too heavy and she can't carry them.B.They are too heavy and she can't read them all.C.They are too many.D.She feels too tired to read.Answer: 2 1 2 3 3 SET 2 1.A.At a church.B.At a library.C.In England.D.At a theater.2.A.Every day.B.Frequently.C.Occasionally.D.Very rarely.3.A.Buy some paper.B.Do some typing.C.Change the typewriter.D.Ask the woman to type.4.A.He is not prepared.B.He is well prepared.C.He is almost ready.D.He will soon start.5.A.Next stop is New York.B.He wants to go to New York.C.What time the train gets to New York.D.What time the train gets to Philadelphia.Answer: 2 3 1 1 3 Listening Comprehension Directions: Listen to the conversation and fill in the form below with no more than three words for each blank.The conversation will be read TWICE.SET 1 EVER FASHION CATALOG OF PRODUCTS Item Catalog No.Quantity Unit Price running shoes(1)100(2)$ casual shoes(3)(4)(5)$ travel bags TB32(6)(7)$ Notes: 1.(8)% discount for orders exceeding $5,000 in value;2.Prices in the catalog stand for(9)days.3.Delivery in(10)days.Answer: 1.RS85 2.10 3.CS27 4.100 5.30 6.50 7.160 8.10 9.60 10.28 SET 2 TIPS FOR BACK CARE Do's Don'ts Keep weight(1)to prevent distortion in the spine's shape.Don't bend to(2)just your spine and back muscles.Always bend the(3)when bending down.Don't bend just the spine when bending down, especially when(4)and children.Measure(5)and worktables before buying and check that they are the correct height.Don't delay in(6)if back pain is persistent.Take time to choose the right bed that should be(7), but not hard.Don't use a(8)chair if you spend a lot of time at desk.Place a(9)or small cushion in the narrow part of your back to support your spine.Exercise(10)so that they give extra support to the back.Answer: 1.evenly distributed 2.overuse 3.knees and hips 4.lifting heavy items 5.kitchen units 6.consulting your doctor 7.firm and supportive 8.curve-backed 9.folded towel 10.your stomach muscles Listening Comprehension Directions: Listen to the passage and decide whether the following statements are True or False.The passage will be read ONLY ONCE.SET 1 1.Many critics think the current welfare regulations contribute to the problem of family dissolution.True False 2.Critics argue that all poor families should receive assistance grants.True False 3.Most unhappily married couples choose to separate according to this passage.True False 4.The benefits and costs of marriage to a large extent affect the formation of the family.True False

5.Family performs certain functions which are important to society.True False Answer: 1.True 2.False 3.False 4.True 5.True SET 2 1.A woman was seen killed by her neighbors yet only a few of them helped her.True False 2.It is very easy to tell that you are faced with a real emergency if you see a middle-aged man fall to the sidewalk.True False 3.If a person doesn't feel personally responsible, he won't give help to people in emergency.True False 4.80% of the students taking the test alone acted to help.True False 5.Americans in a group often provide help.True False Answer: 1.False 2.False 3.True 4.True 5.False Listening Comprehension Directions: Listen to the passage and choose the correct answers to the questions.The passage will be read ONLY ONCE.SET 1 1.A.Many parents have realized that too much stimulation may do harm to the baby.B.Babies are more sensitive than adults to the outside world.C.Psychologists encourage parents to train their babies right from the beginning.D.Many parents have a misunderstanding of the role stimulation plays in the development of a baby.2.A.Too much stimulation can have a negative effect on the intellectual development of babies.B.The more early stimulation we provide, the better effect we may achieve.C.Babies cry or become angry because they are overcrowded with new sensations.D.Babies will always respond actively to the outside stimulation in one way or another.3.A.Shout “enough already!My nervous system isn't quite ready for that stuff.” B.Avoid the irritating stimulus.C.Show no interest and fall into sleep.D.Become angry.4.A.Too much stimulation.B.Irritating stimulus.C.Activity that is to exercise the baby's senses.D.Activity to enrich the baby's daily life.5.A.To explain the reason why parents are encouraged to train their babies in their early years.B.To criticize the idea that the more stimulation a baby gets, the better.C.To demonstrate that the less stimulation a baby gets, the better.D.To put forward an idea that too much stimulation can be very upsetting to the baby.Answer: 4 1 1 3 4 SET 2 1.A.Because the boat did not really belong to him.B.Because he should have locked his boat to a tree.C.Because he wasted a good fishing night.D.Both B and C 2.A.Because the boat really belonged to the hospital.B.Because he had used the night well.C.Because he had asked for permission to use the boat.D.Both A and B 3.A.All the fish should go to the patient.B.The fish should go to the owner of the boat.C.The fish should be destroyed.D.Every part involved should get a third of the fish.4.A.In America.B.In Africa.C.In Asia.D.It's not mentioned.5.A.On a moonlit night.B.On a dark night.C.On a morning.D.On an afternoon.Answer: 4 2 4 2 3 Listening Comprehension Directions: Listen to the passage TWICE and fill the blanks with the missing words SET 1 A mixed state secondary school has banned skirts because its girls have been wearing them too short.The new uniform regulations at Keswick High School, near Ipswich, require girls to wear trousers to school to stop them turning up for lessons in(1).The decision was made after(2)with parents, pupils and teachers.The new rules will come into effect in September.Margaret Young, the chairman of the school(3), said: “Two years ago we sent out a letter to parents asking them to make sure skirts were regulation(4), which is just above the(5).The(6)was short lived and it wasn't long before skirts were very short again.” George Thomas, the school's head teacher, said the ban was necessary because some girls' skirts were impractical as well as(7).Mrs.Young, whose three grandchildren go to the school, said that the school was simply trying to(8)a uniform code.She said: “Parents might see their daughter go to school in one skirt but they change to another, shorter one, at school or they(9)up the top to make them look shorter.Some are practically pelmets.”Teachers waste a lot of time talking to pupils about uniform.“ Most parents have welcomed the uniform change.”Some have said they were(10)about the safety of their children walking home," said Mrs.Young.Answer: 1.miniskirts 2.consultations 3.governors 4.length 5.knee 6.impact 7.immodest 8.enforce 9.roll 10.concerned SET 2 Water problems in the future will become more intense and more complex.Our increasing population will(1)increase urban wastes, primarily sewage.Rapidly expanding industries which involve more and more complex chemical processes will produce larger(2)of liquid wastes, and many of these will contain chemicals which are(3).To(4)our rapidly expanding population, agriculture will have to be(5).This will involve ever increasing quantities of agricultural chemicals.From this, it is apparent that intense steps must be taken immediately to develop corrective measures for the pollution problem.There are two ways by which this pollution problem can be(6).The first relates to the treatment of wastes to decrease their pollution(7).This involves the processing of solid wastes(8)to disposal and the treatment of liquid wastes, or effluents, to permit the reuse of the water or minimize pollution upon final disposal.The second approach is to develop an economic use for all or a part of the wastes.Farm(9)is spread in fields as a nutrient or organic supplement.Effluents from sewage disposal plants are used in some areas both for(10)and for the nutrients contained.Answer: 1.tremendously 2.volumes 3.noxious 4.feed 5.intensified 6.lessened 7.hazard 8.prior 9.manure 10.irrigation Listening Comprehension Directions: Watch the video clip and decide whether the following statements are True or False SET 1 1.Nick checked the meat and signed it.It's fresh.True False 2.Nikki is supposed to be here to pull Aunt Voula's hair straight.True False 3.If nagging were an Olympic sport, Aunt Voula could be a champion.True False 4.Uncle Taki didn't wait for Aunt Voula because he was hungry.True False 5.Toula's father wants to send her to Greece to find a husband, but she doesn't want to go.True False Answer: 1.False 2.False 3.True 4.False 5.True SET 2 1.It is on New Year's day.True False 2.Bridget is 30 years old and still single.True False 3.Every year Bridget's mother tries to fix her up with some boring middle-aged man but this year she knows it's going to be different.True False 4.According to Bridget's mother, Mark is a rich lawyer.True False 5.Uncle Geoffrey actually is not Bridget's uncle.True False Answer: 1.True 2.False 3.False 4.True 5.True Oral test Directions: Look at the picture below.SET 1 Try to tell about the picture as much as you can infer.If possible, make some comments on her contributions.SET 2 What is the man trying to do to help himself out of danger? Try to tell about the picture as much as you can infer.If possible, try to find some other means that people may use when they need help from others.Oral test SET 1 In your opinion what does it take to make a successful career woman? Are there any difficulties or dilemmas that career women will have to face? Do you have any suggestions for them? SET 2 Have you ever been in a dangerous situation? What did you do to help yourself out? What qualities are necessary in dealing with a crisis?

第四篇:新视野大学英语unit3 讲稿

Unit 3

Marriage Across Nations

Warm-up activities

A marriage is an interpersonal relationship with government, social, or religious recognition, usually intimate and sexual, and often created as a contract.The most frequently occurring form of marriage unites a man and a woman as husband and wife.The reasons people marry vary widely, but usually include one or more of the following: legal, social and economic stability;the formation of a family unit;procreation and the education and nurturing of children;legitimizing sexual relations;public declaration of love.Proverbs Related to Love

Every man is a poet when he is in love.恋爱中人人都是诗人。

Love is the joint experience between two persons.爱情是两个人之间的一种共享体验。Love me, love my dog.爱屋及乌。

All shall be well and Jack shall have Jill.有情人终成眷属。

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.情人眼里出西施。

Love makes the world go around.爱使世界运转


(1)What may constitute barriers for one to marry his or her true love?

There are many factors for the failure to marry one’s true love.Apart from cultural differences, some other factors exert great influence on one’s marriage.To start with, the racial difference is one of the biggest obstacles to one’s marriage.Many lovers, driven by the true love for each other, go through diverse difficulties and hardships, only to part with each other in the end, just like the young couple shown in the video.Besides, the different family backgrounds sometimes prevent the lovers from getting married because they meet with resistance from their families.(2)What are your criteria for choosing your Mr.Right or Miss.Right? ⑴ good to talk to

⑵ not wimpy(懦弱的)⑶ gentle—not a “hard man”,⑷ no temper

⑸ responsible⑹ not passive

⑺ willing to take more risk ⑻ able

⑼ share things ⑽ confident

⑾ smile ⑿ want to talk to you

⒀ use money wisely, ⒁ not stingy—generous

⒂ trust ⒃ decisive

⒄mature ⒅a man(男子汉)

⒆sense of humor

Background Introduction

Interracial marriage: Before June 12th, 1967, interracial marriage was illegal and individual states in the US had the right to separate and punish interracial couples.These punishments included imprisonment of up to 10 years.Violations included marriage, sex, and living together.On June 12th, 1967, interracial couples became legal thanks to the US Supreme Court decision entitled Loving v.Virginia.Structure analysis The passage is a first-person narrative about the writer’s own experience of a mixed marriage in America.The passage is generally organized according to time sequence, the first thing first and the second thing second.The whole text is made up of four parts.PartⅠ(para.1-2)Why Gail and I live together and what we learn from our racial and cultural differences.PartⅡ(para.3-4)We want to marry for the right reasons.PartⅢ(para.5-9)Gail’s mother’s reaction when Gail spread the news of our wedding plans to her family.Part Ⅳ(para.10-21)Gail’s father’s reaction.New Words & Phrases

1.character n.1.[C] qualities that make sb.a particular type of person |性格,个性

e.g.What does her handwriting tell you about her character? |根据


I choose my friends for their good characters.|我择友的标准 是品格一定要好。

1.[C] qualities that make sth.what it is and different from others |


e.g.The whole character of the village has changed since I was

last here.|自我上次来这里之后,这个村子的面貌完全变了。The idea was to rebuild the house without changing its basic character.|计划是将那幢房子按原貌加以改建。2.compromise n.[C, U] an agreement that is achieved after everyone involved accepts less than what they wanted at first |妥协;折中

e.g.She found that compromise was always the best way when

she quarreled with her mother.|她发现,与母亲争吵时让步总是最好的解决方法。

It is hoped that a compromise will be reached in today's talk.| 希望今天的会谈能达成妥协。

v.reach an agreement by making a compromise |妥协;折中 e.g.The workers are going to strike for their welfare if the

employers are not ready to compromise.|雇主们要是不妥协,工人们就将为争取自己的福利而罢工。

Well, you want $400 and I say $300, so let's compromise at $350.好吧,既然你开价400美元而我还价300美元,那我们 就来个折衷价350美元。3.mutual a.1.felt or done in the same way by two or more people toward each other |相互的

e.g.The plan was ended by mutual agreement.|双方均同意终止这项计划。

Their working well together was based on mutual respect, trust, and understanding.|他们的合作是建立在互相尊重、信任和理解基础上的。2.shared by two or more people |共同的;共有的 e.g.mutual interests |共同的利益

Lynn and Phil met through a mutual friend.|林恩和菲尔是通过共同的朋友相识的。5.compatible

a.1.(of people)able to have a good relationship because of

similar opinions or interests |合得来的;情投意合的

e.g.The couple separated because they were not compatible.|这


Make sure you're compatible with him before you start sharing a house.|在你们合住之前你先要确定是否能和他和睦相处。2.(of equipment)able to be used together |兼容的;配套的 e.g.The computer program isn't compatible with this operating


The printer is compatible with most computers.|这台打印机能 与大多数计算机配套使用。6.overlook vt.1.not notice sth.|没注意到;忽略

e.g.He overlooked a spelling mistake on the first page.|他没有注


I overlooked this problem and have to deal with it now.|我之前 忽视了这个问题,现在必须要着手解决它。2.have a view of a place from above |俯视;眺望

e.g.Her bedroom has large windows overlooking a lake.|她卧室的


The beach house had a balcony that overlooked the sea.|从 那幢海边别墅的阳台能眺望大海。7.bud vi.produce buds |发芽,萌芽

e.g.The trees are budding early this year.|今年树木发芽早。

The unusually cold winter has caused many plants to bud late this year.|异常寒冷的冬天使今年许多植物都推迟了发芽。

n.[C] a part of a plant that will open to form a leaf or flower |芽;花蕾 e.g.The trees all around are covered in buds.|周围的树都发芽了。

Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May.|狂风会吹落五月的娇花嫩瓣。8.resistance n.1.[sing., U] refusal to accept sth.|抵制;反对

e.g.The idea met with some resistance.|那个意见遭到了一些反对。

There's a lot of resistance to the idea of a united Europe.|对欧洲统一的想法存在许多反对意见。

2.[sing., U] the use of force to act against sb.or sth.|抵抗;对抗

e.g.They put up a passive resistance.|他们进行着消极的抵抗。

A good diet helps the body to build up resistance to disease.|良好的日常饮食可增强身体的抗病能力。9.counsel vt.give sb.advice |劝告;忠告

e.g.He counseled them to give up the plan.|他劝他们放弃这个计


The school is now providing a service to counsel students with drug problems.|学校向有吸毒问题的学生提供咨询服务。10.harbor(BrE harbour)vt.keep sth.in one's mind for a long time |心怀;怀有

e.g.Tiffany's been harboring spite against our boss ever since her

transfer was refused.|自从蒂芬妮的调职被拒绝后,她对我们 的老板一直怀恨在心。

I'm certainly not harboring a secret liking for the man, if that's what you are thinking.|如果你这样想的话,我告诉你我并没有 暗恋那个男人。

n.[C] a place of shelter for ships |港,港口

e.g.All the ships stayed in the harbor during the storm.|风暴期间


Some of the best natural harbors in the world are there.|那里 有几个世界上最好的天然港。11.reservation n.1.[C, U] a feeling of doubt about whether sth.is good or right | 存疑;保留

e.g.I support this measure without reservation.|我全力支持这项措


She had some about her new job.|她对新工作心存疑虑。2.[C] an order of a room, seat, etc.in advance |预订

e.g.We made a reservation for dinner at the restaurant.|我们在这 家饭店预定了晚餐。

I plan to leave on August 4, and have made my flight

reservation for that date.|我打算8月4日离开,并已预订那天 的机票。

12.charm vt.attract sb.|迷人;使陶醉

e.g.He's a very effective boss;he in some way charms you into

doing what he wants.|他是个非常能干的老板,总有办法能让 你去做他所希望的事。

I was charmed by this gentleman when he stood up gracefully and came to me for a dance.|当这位绅士优雅地站起来并走过 来邀我跳舞时,我被他深深地吸引了。

n.[U] the quality of pleasing or attracting people |魅力;吸引力

e.g.She was a woman of great charm and she knew how to use it.她是个很有魅力的女人,而且她知道怎样利用这种魅力。

It's a town with a lot of old-world charm.|这是个具有古老魅力的小镇。Charming: a.very pleasing or attractive |迷人的;有魅力的

e.g.The old woman lived in a charming house near the beach.|那位老妇人住在海边一幢漂亮的房子里。

He nodded to me with a charming smile.|他带着迷人的微笑朝我点了点头。

13.confirm vt.prove that sth.is true |证实;证明;确定

e.g.The announcements confirmed that the election would take

place on June 20.|公告证实选举将于6月20日举行。

Everything you have just said confirms the view that nobody can be trusted.|你刚才所说的一切证实了一个观点:谁都不能 信任。

v.make a plan, meeting, etc.certain, esp.by telephone or writing | 确认

e.g.a note asking us to confirm when we would be arriving |要求我


I'd like to confirm a reservation for a double room on the first of July.|我预订了7月1日一间双人房,想确认一下。14.suspect vt.think that sth.is probably true |怀疑

e.g.Most people don't, I suspect, realize this.|我怀疑大部分人没


He couldn't have suspected that she was lying to him.|他根本 不会想到她对他说的都是谎言。

n.[C] sb.who is thought to be guilty of a crime |嫌疑犯

e.g.The police have caught two suspects in connection with the

bank robbery.|警方逮捕了两名涉嫌银行抢劫案的嫌疑犯。Last week police finally had a suspect for the murder.|上星期 警方终于查出那起谋杀案的一名嫌疑犯。15.harsh a.1.cruel |严厉的;苛刻的

e.g.His behavior met harsh criticism from his family.|他的行为遭到了家人的严厉批评。

That is a very harsh punishment to give a young child.|那样惩 罚一个幼儿很残忍。

2.unpleasantly loud and rough |刺耳的

e.g.The noise is too harsh to the ear.|那种噪声十分刺耳。

I cannot imagine how she became a broadcaster with her harsh voice.|她的声音那么刺耳,真难想象她是怎么当上播音 员的。16.hesitate vi.be slow to speak or act because one feels uncertain or unwilling 犹豫;踌躇;迟疑

e.g.He hesitated before he spoke, as if he wasn't sure how his

words would be received.|他在开口前犹豫了一会,好像不确 定人们对他的话会有什么样的反应。

He who hesitates is lost.|当断不断,必受其患。17.proceed vi.go to a further or the next stage;go on |继续进行

e.g.Having said how much she liked it, she then proceeded to

make critical comments about the way I'd done it.|她说她很喜 欢我做的这件事,可接着就批评起我做这件事的方式来。Let's proceed to the next question.|现在讨论下一个问题。18.resolve vt.1.solve a problem or difficulty |解决;解除

e.g.We need to resolve this difference quickly.|我们需要很快解决


The couple resolved their differences and made an effort to get along.|这对夫妻解决了他们的矛盾,努力和睦相处。2.make a definite decision to do sth.|决定;决心

e.g.The company resolved to take further action against thieves.| 公司决定采取进一步的防盗措施。

She resolved that she would never speak to him again.|她打 定主意再也不同他讲话了。

Phrases and Expressions

19.ups and downs the mixture of good and bad experiences |盛衰;沉浮

e.g.He stuck by her through all life's ups and downs.|他始终不渝


Like most married couples we've had our ups and downs, but life is like that.|像大多数夫妇一样,我们也经历过波折起伏。可生活就是那样的。20.work out be successful or end in a certain way |成功;产生结果 e.g.Things worked out quiet well.|事情的结局相当不错。

Is your new roommate working out OK? |你的新室友与你合得 来吗? 21.for a time for a short period;temporarily |暂时;一度

e.g.You'll have your own office soon but for a time you'll have to

share one.|不久你会有自己的办公室,不过你暂时还得与别人 合用。

For a time, we all thought that Sherry and Frank would get married.|有一段时间,我们都以为雪莉和弗兰克会结婚。22.meet with experience sth.by chance |遭遇;遇到

e.g.She met with much kindness.| 她得到许多好心的帮助。

They'd never met with such poor service before.|他们以前从 未遇到过这么糟糕的服务。23.all along all the time |始终

e.g.I realized I had had it in my pocket all along.|我发现它一直就


She was kind to me all along.|她一直对我很好。24.have nothing to do with have no connection with |与...无关

e.g.In the evening he likes to read books which have nothing to do

with his work.|晚上他喜欢看一些与工作无关的书籍。

He's a thief and a liar;I'd have nothing to do with him, if I were you.|他又偷东西又撒谎,我要是你,我才不跟他来往呢。

25.on the surface when not observed, thought about, etc.deeply |表面上;外表上 e.g.The plan seems on the surface to be quite practical.|表面看来


On the surface, this seems like a difficult problem, but in fact there's an easy solution to it.|表面看来,这问题似乎很难,但 实际上答案很简单。26.at one's worst in one's worst state |最差的时候;最糟糕的时候

e.g.I'm at my worst in the morning.|我早晨的时候感觉最不好。

This problem over delayed payment has shown him at his worst.在拖延付款的问题上显示出他为人最糟糕的一面。27.learn of come to know |获悉;听说

e.g.I'm sorry to learn of your illness.|得知你生病,我甚为难过。

We were shocked when we learned of his sudden death.|听 到他突然去世的消息我们感到非常震惊。28.take care of be responsible for;deal with |负责;处理

e.g.Her secretary took care of all her appointments.|她的约会都由 她的秘书负责安排。

All the travel plans have been taken care of.|所有旅行安排都 处理好了。

29.proceed to do sth.do sth.next;go on to do sth.|接着做某事

e.g.After the boy finished with his own story, he proceed to ask me

to tell him mine.|那个男孩儿讲完自己的故事后又让我告诉他我 的故事。

She had washed the clothes, and then, she proceeded to do the dishes.|她洗碗了衣服,接着又继续洗碗了。


1.一言既出,驷马难追 2.海内存知己,天涯若比邻 3.千里之行,始于足下 4.王小二过年,一年不如一年 5.打开天窗说亮话



1.What is said cannot be unsaid

2.Long distance separates no bosom friends

3.A thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step.4.To be going from bad to worse 5.Frankly speaking

6.To be simply nothing compared to… 7.To paint the lily

8.(an area)flowing with milk and honey 二

9.施展两面手法 10.人人皆有得意之日 11.班门弄斧

12三个臭皮匠,赛过诸葛亮 13.有钱能使鬼推磨

14.一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳 15.一寸光阴一寸金 16.天网恢恢,疏而不漏 17.你可不能食言啊 18.说到曹操,曹操就到 19.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲 20.远亲不如近邻 21.换汤不换药 22.搬起石头砸自己脚 23.情人眼里出西施 24.醉翁之意不在酒

9.to carry fire in one hand and water in the other 10.every dog has its day

11.to teach your grandma to suck eggs;to offer to teach fish to swim 12.two heads are better than one

13.money makes the mare go;money talks 14.once bitten, twice shy 15.time is money 16.justice has long arms

17.you can’t break your promise

18.speak of the wolf, and you will see his tail 19.a young idler, an old beggar

20.neighbours are dearer than distant relatives.21.the same old stuff with a different label;a change in form but not in essence 22.to tread on one’s own tail

23.love sees no fault.Beauty lies in the lover’s eyes.24.many kiss the baby for the nurse’s sake 三

25.血浓于水,落叶归根 26.你在开玩笑 27.他过着非人的生活 28.八仙过海,各显神通 29.每逢佳节倍思亲 30.酒逢知己千杯少

31.常言道:近朱者赤,近墨者黑 32.冰冻三尺,非一日之寒

25.blood is thicker than water, the falling leaves settle on the roots 26.you are pulling my leg 27.he is leading a dog’s life

28.like the Eight Fairies crossing the sea, each displaying his own talent

29.on festive occasion, more often than ever, we think of our dear ones far away.30.among bosom friends, a thousand cups pf wine are not too many.31.as the saying goes, ”what’s near cinnabar goes red, and what’s nest to ink turns back.”

32.it takes more than a day to freeze three feet of ice.Rome was not built a day.四

33.now or never

34.much cry and little wool

35.a small leak will sink a great ship 36.behind the mountains there are people to be found.37.nothing succeeds like success 38.enough is as good as a feast

39.little thieves are hanged, but great ones escaped 40.like attracts like

41.speech is silver, silence is gold.33.机不可失,失不再来34.雷声大雨点小 35.千里之堤,溃于蚁穴 36.山外有山,天外有天 37.一事成功,事事顺利

38.知足常乐39.窃钩者诛,窃国者侯 40.物以类聚,人以群分 41.雄辩是银,沉默是金 五

1.滴水石穿 2.破釜沉舟 3.隔墙有耳 4.积少成多 5.三思而后行 6.无风不起浪 7.一箭双雕


1.constant dripping wears the stone 2.to burn one’s boats3.walls have ears 4.many a little makes a mickle 5.look before you leap

6.there is no smoke without fire 7.to kill two birds with one stone 8.as you sow, so will you reap.六


10.the burnt child dreads the fire

11.better be the head of a dog than the tail of lion 12.where there is a will, there is a way 13.to kill the goose that lays golden eggs 14.strike while the iron is hot 15.to fish in the air

16.don’t wash your dirty linen in public 17.all good things must come to an end 18.a fall into the pit, a gain in your wit 19.hungry dogs will eat dirty puddings 20.易如反掌 21.鼠目寸光


23.留得青山在,不怕没柴烧 24.千里送鹅毛,礼轻情意重 25.坦白从宽,抗拒从严 26.削足适履


28.良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行 29.兼听则明,偏听则暗 30.to show one’s cards 31.to be armed to teeth

32.to head a wolf into the house 33.as sly as a fox

34.an eye for an eye,a tooth for a tooth

9.man proposes, god disposes 10.一朝被蛇咬,十年怕见草绳 11.宁为鸡头,勿为牛后 12.有志者,事竟成 13.杀鸡取卵 14.趁热打铁 15.缘木求鱼


17.天下无不散之筵席 18.吃一堑,长一智 19.饥不择食

20.as easy as turning over one’s hand 21.see no farther than one’s nose

22.a gentleman uses his tongue, not his fists 23.while there is life, there is hope

24.the gift itself may be as light as a feather,but sent from afar, it conveys deep feelings.25.leniency to those who confess, and punishment to those who resist.26.to cut the feet to fit the shoes

27.distant water cannot put out a nearby fire

28.good medicine is bitter in the mouth,but good for the disease.29.listen to both sides and you will be enlightened;heed only one side and you will be benighted.30.摊牌31.武装到牙齿32.引狼入室33.像狐狸一样狡猾 34.以牙还牙,以眼还眼 七

35.god helps those who help themselves.36.碰一鼻子灰

37.木已成舟,只好如此了 38.不管三七二十一

39.十五个吊桶大水一七上八下 40.a fly on the wheel 41.a bull in a china shop 42.by hook or crook 43.杀鸡给猴看 44.既往不咎

45.the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak 46.birds of a feather flock together 47.a stitch in time saves nine


49.give him an inch and he will take an ell 50.有眼不识泰山

51.a horse stumbles that has four legs

52.to lock the stable door after the hore has been stolen 53.i am dead-beat today.54.己所不欲,勿施于人 55.坚韧不拔 56.呕心沥血 57.绚丽多彩 58.弄巧成拙 59.忘乎所以 60.亦步亦趋

35.自助者天助 36.to be rejected

37.what is done is done

38.regardless of the consequences 39.in a turmoil;to be extremely upset 40.自以为有天大本事的人 41.肆意捣乱 42.不择手段

43.to punish somebody as a warning to others 44.let bygones be bygones 45.心有余而力不足

46.物以类聚,人以群分 47.小洞不补,大洞吃苦

48.the unexpected always happens 49.得寸进尺

50.to entertain an angel unawares 51.人非圣贤,孰能无过 52.贼去关门


54.do as you would be done by 55.staunch and unyielding 56.to work one’s heart out 57.gorgeous

58.to outsmart oneself 59.to get swollen-headed

60.to dance to sb’s music;to follow sb.to the heel 八

61.胆小如鼠 62.丧心病狂 1.别有用心 2.出尔反尔 3.称王称霸 4.背信弃义 5.狂妄自大 6.狼狈为奸 7.礼尚往来 8.众志成城 9.利令智昏


62.as mad as a March hare 1.with malicious intent

2.to go back on one’s word 3.to lord it over 4.to act in bad faith

5.self-important;false pride 6.to work hand in glove with 7.courtesy demands reciprocity 8.unity is strength

9.to bend one’s principles to one’s interest

10.自食其果 11.忠言逆耳 12.自取灭亡 13.倒行逆施 14.变本加厉 15.有目共睹 16.一如既往 17.危言耸听 18.说三道四 19.丧权辱国 20.后患无穷 21.义愤填膺 22.大势所趋 23.背道而驰 24.一意孤行

10.to eat one’s own bitter fruit

11.honest advice is unpleasant to the ear 12.to cut one’s throat 13.to set back and clock

14.to intensify one’s efforts to do sth 15.as clear as day 16.as always 17.alarmist talk

18.to make irresponsible remarks

19.to humiliate the nation by forfeiting its sovereignty 20.endless troubles will follow 21.to be filled with indignation 22.the trend of time 23.to run counter to… 24.to act wilfully

V.Exercises 1.Interpret the following Chinese idioms and quotations into English.(1)别有用心have ulterior motives(2)出尔反尔go back on one's word(3)称王称霸rulers seek hegemony(4)背信弃义break faith with somebody(5)狂妄自大arrogant and conceited(6)狼狈为奸work in collusion with each other(7)礼尚往来courtesy demands reciprocity(8)众志成城unity is strength / The united will of the masses is like a fortress(9)利令智昏blinded by one’s gains;to bend one’s principles to one’s interests(10)自食其果to face the consequences of one’s own action(11)忠言逆耳truth seldom sounds pleasant(12)自取灭亡court or invite self-destruction(13)倒行逆施go against the tide of history(14)变本加厉(behavior, conduct etc.)go from bad to worse(15)有目共睹To be obvious to all;as clear as day(16)一如既往啊as always(17)危言耸听To exaggerate just to scare/frighten people(18)说三道四To make irresponsible remarks/criticisms(19)丧权辱国To surrender a country’s sovereign rights under humiliating terms(20)引狼入室bring in a troublemaker(21)后患无穷with no end of troubles in sight(22)义愤填膺feel indignant at the injustice(23)大势所趋the trend of the times(24)背道而驰run in the opposite direction / To run counter to(25)一意孤行insist on doing things in one's own way(26)坐收渔人之利profit reaped by a third party(27)远亲不如近邻。a relative far off is less help than a neighbor close by(28)换汤不换药。a change in form but not in content or essence(29)搬起石头砸自己的脚。lift a rock only to drop it on one's own feet(30)冒天下之大不韪risk everyone's condemnation 31)情人眼里出西施。Beauty is the eyes of the beholder(32)醉翁之意不在酒。Many kiss the baby for the nurse’s sake

(33)只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯。The magistrates are free to burn down houses, while the common people are forbidden even to light lamps./ One may steal a horse while another may not look over a hedge.(34)住在狼窝边,小心不为过。Live in den edge, be careful enough(35)天地万物;莫贵于人。Of all the living things nurtured between heaven and earth, the most valuable is the human beings.(36)又要马儿好,又要马儿不吃草。to expect a horse to run fast and yet won't feed it(37)天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。In nature there are unexpected storms and in life unpredictable vicissitudes(38)人不可貌相,海水不可斗量。A person cannot be judged by his appearance, just like sea cannot be measured by a bucket.(39)人无干日好,花无百日红。Man cannot be always fortunate;flowers do not last forever(40)血浓于水,叶落归根。Blood is thicker than water, the falling leaves settle on the roots(41)满招损,谦受益。Pride hurts modesty benefits(42)居移气,养移体。Yang-gas shift, the shift-home(43)刚者至柔,柔者至刚。Nothing is so strong as gentleness;Nothing is so gentle as strength.(44)八仙过海,各显神通。each one showing his or her special prowess(45)每逢佳节倍思亲。On festive occasions more than ever one thinks of one's dear ones far away.(46)酒逢知已干杯少Thousand cups seem still less when friends drink together(47)常言道:近朱者赤,近墨者黑。As the saying goes, “What’s near cinnabar goes red, and what’s next to ink turns black.”(48)有缘千里来相会,无缘对面不相逢。As decreed by providence you have met him, otherwise you might have failed although you traveled a thousand li(49)凡事预则立,不预则废。Preparedness ensures success and unpreparedness spells 第2 / 4页

failure.Forewarned, forearmed.(50)棒头出孝子Spare the rod and spoil the child(51)饱汉不知饿汉饥。The well-fed simply has no idea of how the starving suffers(52)伴君如伴虎。being close to the emperor is like being close to a tiger/ Nearest the king, nearest the gallows(53)天行健,君子以自强不息。As Heaven's movement is ever vigorous, so must a gentleman ceaselessly strive along(54)冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。it takes more than one cold day for the river to freeze three chi deep(55)宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。Sharp Edge of a Sword Comes out from Grinding, and Plum Blossom's Fragrance Comes from the Bitter Cold 2,Interpret the following English idioms into Chinese.

(1)as blind as a bat 有眼无珠(2)as cool as a cucumber泰然自若(3)as easy as rolling off a log 易如反掌

(4)a bed of roses称心如意的境遇,安乐窝(5)between the devil and the blue sea 进退维谷(6)to call a spade a spade 直言不讳(7)now or never 机不可失

(8)to pull one’s leg和别人开玩笑(9)with tongue in cheek 言不由衷

(10)much cry and little wool 雷神大雨点小

(11)to wear one’s heart on ones ’sleeve过于心直口快;过于直率(12)The leopard cannot change its spots.江山易改,本性难移(13)A small leak will sink a great ship.千里之堤,溃于蚁穴

(14)He that sups with the devil must have a long spoon.与坏人交往必须谨慎(15)As the touchstone tries gold,so gold tries men.烈火显真金,逆境识英雄(16)Behind the mountains there are people to be found.山外有山,天外有天(17)The proof of pudding is in the eating.实践得真知

(18)One cannot make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.朽木不可雕 第3 / 4页

(19)Nothing succeeds like success.一顺百顺(20)Enough is as good as a feast.适可而止

(21)Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.不要过早打如意算盘。(22)Many hands make light work.人多好办事

(23)The mills of God grind slowly.天网恢恢疏而不漏(24)He laughs best who laughs last.笑在最后笑得最好(25)Marry in haste and repent at leisure.草率结婚后悔多

(26)Courtesy on one side lasts not long.单方面礼貌不会长久,来而不往非礼也

(27)Little thieves are hanged,but great ones escaped.窃钩者诛,窃国者侯(28)Like attracts like.物以类聚,人以群分

(29)Everyone for himself, the devil take the hindmost.人不为己,天诛地灭(30)Speak of the wolf,and you will see his tail.说曹操,曹操到(3 1)It’s no use crying over spilt milk.覆水难收,后悔无益(32)Fish begins to stink at the head.上梁不正下梁歪

(33)Nothing venture,nothing gain/have.不入虎穴,焉得虎子(34)Time and tide wait for no man.时不我待,岁月不饶人

(35)The life of the wolf is the death of the lamb豺狼活,则羔羊死/狼的生就是羔羊的死(36)Speech is silver,silence is gold.雄辩是银,沉默是金(37)Short accounts make long friends.好朋友勤算账(38)There is no rose without a thorn.朵朵玻瑰皆有刺(39)Better late than never.亡羊补牢

(40)Many a good cow hath a bad calf.虎父生犬子



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