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五年级单元作文参考(Unit 1-6)


My Math Teacher

Mr Zhong is my math teacher.He’s tall and thin.He’s very young.He’s very strict, but he’s very kind.He’s very smart, too.We all like him very much.二.描写你的一周。

My Days of a Week

On Mondays, I have Chinese and music class.On Tuesdays, I have art and P.E.class.On Wednesdays, I have science and Moral Education class.On Thursdays, I have English and math class.On Fridays, I have music and Chinese class.On Saturdays, I often play ping-pong and watch TV.On Sundays, I often do my homework and help my mother do housework.My favourite day is Saturday, because I like playing ping-pong.三.描写你周末。

My weekend

Hi.I am Tom.I am a student.I am a boy.I don’t go to school on the weekend.I do my homework and read books on Saturday.I watch TV , play computer games and play ping-pong on Sunday.This is my weekend.Weekend is fun for me!I love my weekend.四.描写你的一日三餐。

My Meals of a Day

I often have bread and milk for breakfast.I like milk, because it’s healthy.I often have tofu and fish for lunch.Tofu is my favourite food.It’s tasty and fresh.I have chicken and vegetables for dinner.Vegetables are healthy for us.I like them, too.五.用英语介绍一下你自己,说说你的年龄,性别,外貌和你能做的事。

My name is Jack.I am boy.I’m 11 years old.I’m tall and strong.I like sports very much.I can play football and basketball.I can play chess, too.I’m very helpful at home.I can wash the clothes and do the dishes.I often help my mother do housework.六、写一写你会能的事情和不会能的事情

My name is Mary.I am a helpful girl.I can do housework at home.I can sweep the floor.I can empty the trash.I can wash the clothes and set the table, too.But I can’t cook the meals.I’d like to have a try.七、写一写你和你的家人能做的事情。

My family are helpful.My father can wash the cars and do some housework.My mother can cook yummy food.My brother can clean the bedroom.My sister can make the bed.I can put away the clothes and do the dishes.八、描写你的房间。

My Room

I have my own room now.It’s big and nice.In my room, there is a bed, two end tables, a big closet, a desk and a computer.There are blue curtains near the window.The end tables are near the bed.The air-conditioner is over the shelf.The computer is on the desk.I like my room very much.九、描写你的家。

My Home

I live in a house.There is a living room, a bathroom, a kitchen, and three bedrooms.I have my own room now.It’s nice and clean.There is a bed, a table, a shelf, an air-conditioner and an end table.The end table is near the bed.The air-conditioner is over the shelf.I like my home very much.十、描写你的城市。

My city

Welcome to my city.(I live in a city.)My city is nice and big.There are many clean roads, some colourful flowers and many tall trees in my city.And there are many tall buildings, too.The sky is blue.There are many white clouds and happy birds in the sky.I love my city very much.十一、描写你的乡村。

My village

This is my village.There are many rivers in my village.Some bridges are over the rivers.And there are many nice flowers near the rivers.There are many small houses in my village, too.Some tall trees are around the houses.The water is clean.The air is fresh.The sky is blue.The clouds are white.The grass is green.I can run on the grass.My village is very beautiful.I love my village very much.十二、描写你的公园。

A Nice Park

I often go to the park with my parents.In the park, there is a lake, some flowers, some grass, some trees and a sky.The sky is blue.There are many white clouds in the sky.The lake is nice.There are many fish in it.The trees are tall and the flowers are colourful.The grass is clean and green.I like the park very much.


1.Unit 1 描述下你的老师(包含外貌,性格,最爱的食物和周末活动)

Our new Chinese teacher is Miss Wang.She is young and thin.She’s strict but kind.Tomatoes are her favourite food, because they are tasty and healthy.On Saturdays and Sundays she often TV.Her class is so much fun.I like her very much.2.Unit 2 &3 自我介绍下(年龄,最喜欢的日子,食物和老师)假设你是Mike。My name is Mike.I am 11 years old.My favourite day is Monday.We have English, science, computer and P.E.My favourite food is fish, because it’s tasty.My favourite teacher is Miss Wang.She is our English teacher.She is young and thin.Her class is so much fun.3.描述下你的教室

We have a new classroom.It’s big and nice.There are many desks and chairs.There are blue curtains.There is a new air-conditioner.The trash bin is behind the door.There are some pictures over the board.There is a computer.I love my classroom very much.4.Unit4 写写你在家能做些什么, 你对家里有帮助吗

I am helpful at home.I can do housework for my mom.I can sweep the floor and water the flowers.I can clean the bedroom.I can cook the meals and set the table.I can wash the clothes and put away the clothes.I can make the bed and do the dishes.(I can’t…But I’d like to have a try.)

5.Unit5你的卧室一定很漂亮 介绍一下

I have my own room now.It’s small and nice.There is a mirror, a bed and a big closet.There are green curtains and two end tables.There is a new air-conditioner.The trash bin is behind the door.The books are on the shelf.I love my new room very much.6.Unit 6根据本单元的内容 描述你家乡的环境--My beautiful village

I like my village.There are many mountains near my village.There are no tall buildings.The sky is blue.The clouds are white.The air is fresh.There are many rivers and bridges in the village.The water is clean.There are many fish in the rivers.There are many trees and flowers.It’s a beautiful village.Welcome to my village.7.介绍下你卧室的摆设情况(课本P63)

I have my own room now.It’s small and nice.There is a big table.There are white curtains.The closet is near the table.Many clothes are in the closet.The trash bin is behind the door.The mirror is under the air-conditioner.There is a computer on the table.I love my room very much.


Who’s your English teacher? Mr Carter.谁是你的英语老师?卡特先生。(who’s=who is 是谁。回答人)What’s he like? He’s tall and strong.他长什么样?他又高又壮(回答长相形容词:young 年轻的 funny 滑稽可笑的 tall 高的 strong 强壮的 kind 和蔼的;亲切的 old 年老的 short 矮的thin 瘦的strict 严格的 smart 聪明的;巧妙的 active 积极的;巧妙的都可以)3 Is she quiet? No, she isn’t.She’s very active.Is she strict? Yes, she is, but she’s very kind.她文静吗?不。她很活跃。她严厉吗?是的,但她也很和蔼。(Is heshe old?--Yes, he she is.No, he she isn’t.注意分男女)What day is it today? It’s Wednesday.今天星期几?星期三(What day is tomorrow?明天明天星期几?Tomorrow is Thursday。明天星期四)What do you have on Thursdays? 你星期四上什么课?(have有或吃的意思 后面没有三餐就是问你有什么课)We have English, math and science on Thursdays.我们上英语、数学和科学。(注意English和Chinese开头大写)What do you do on Saturdays? I watch TV on Saturdays.你星期六通常做什么?我通常看电视。(或用read books 读书do homework 做作业play computer games 玩电脑游戏play ping pang 都可以)What about you? I do my homework, too.你呢?我也做作业。6 What do you have for lunch on Mondays?(三餐前用for星期前用on)We have tomatoes, tofu and fish.你们星期一中饭吃什么?我们吃西红柿、豆腐和鱼。(tomato 西红柿和potato 土豆复数+es)What’s your favourite fruit?(food食物回答fish等)I like apples.They’re sweet.I like fruit.But I don’t like grapes.They’re sour你最喜欢什么水?我喜欢苹果。它们很甜。我喜欢水果。但我不喜欢葡萄。它们太酸了。(apples是复数用复数的“它们是” they’re=they are)(I like carrot juice.It’s fresh and tasty.我喜欢牛肉,它是好吃的。用单数的“它是” It’s)What can you do? I can sweep the floor.I can cook the meals.I can water the flowers.你能做什么?我能扫地。我能烧饭。我能浇花。

Can you make the bed? No, I can’t.Can you use a computer? Yes, I can.你能铺床吗?不能。你能用电脑吗?我能。(但Can I help you?我能帮忙吗?要用Yes,please./No thanks.来回答)There are two bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a living room.There is a mirror, a bed and a big closet.有两个卧室,一个厨房,一个浴室和一个客厅。有一面镜子,一张床和一个大壁橱。(There are复数的“有”后面要+s)The closet is near the table.Many clothes are in the closet.The trash bin is behind the door.壁橱在桌子旁边。许多衣服在壁橱里。垃圾桶在门后面。(closet衣柜是一个用is,clothes衣服是许多件用are)同时要记住(There are two end tables near the bed.There is a mirror on the wall.一山不能容二虎这The books are on the shelf.The computer is on the desk.这几个例句用于写作文)Is there a forest in the park? Yes, there is.Is there a river? No, there isn’t.公园里有森林吗?是的,有。有河流吗?不,没有。

Are there any pandas in the mountains? No, there aren’t.Are there any fish in the rivers? Yes, there are.山里有些熊猫吗?不,没有。河里有些鱼吗? 是的,有。(any 用于问句和否定句中。fish是可以数的,但是不用+s跟sheep绵羊一样)He’s from Canada.他来自加拿大。(Canada,Mr,Miss,Monday(Mon.)星期一

Tuesday(Tue.)星期二 Wednesday(Wed.)星期三 Thursday(Thu.)星期四 Friday(Fri.)星期五Saturday(Sat.)星期六 Sunday(Sun.)星期日开头要大写。)

2Is this your(mother ’s)bedroom?这是你的(妈妈的)卧室吗?Is it a nature park?它是一个自然公园吗?都用Yes ,it is.No,it isn’t.来回答)Do you like this park?Yes ,I do.No,I don’t来回答

3元音字母a,e,i,o,u前用an如:an art teacher一个美术老师an English teacher一个英语老师an end table一个床头柜(two end tables两个床头柜)an air-conditioner一个空调(啊new air-conditioner一个新空调)

I’m helpful at home.我在家是有用的。I’m hungry我饿了。Are you helpful at home?你在家有用吗?Sure!Can I interview you for the school newspaper?我能以学校的名誉采访你吗?Yes,certainly.Thank you!谢谢!You’re welcome!不用谢!

4What’s your room it like?你的房间像什么样?There is a big closet.What’s on the table?桌子上有什么?There is a computer.有一台电脑。

Where’s the trash bin?垃圾桶在哪里?It’s near the door.在门的旁边。(Where’s问在哪里用位置次来回答如:in 在……里面 on 在上面 under 在下面 near 在……旁边 behind 在……后面 over 在……上面 in front of 在……前面来回答)

5I have my own room now.我现在有自己的房间了。Really?真的吗? 6His name is Liu Guoqiang(注意名字的正确写法)


8There are no tall buildings.没有高大建筑物。(no没有在阅读中要注意否定)This is a picture of my room.这是我房间的一张照片。

Unit 1:Young 年轻的 funny 滑稽可笑的 tall 高的 strong 强壮的 kind 和蔼的、亲切的 old 年老的 short矮的 thin 瘦的 Mr 先生 like 像、喜欢 strict 严格的 smart 聪明的、巧妙的 active 积极的、活跃的 quiet 安静的、文静的 very 很、非常 but 但是

Unit 2:Monday 星期一 Tuesday 星期二 Wednesday 星期三 Thursday 星期四 Friday 星期五 Saturday 星期六 Sunday 星期天 day 天 have 有、吃 on 在…..时候 do homework 做作业 watch TV 看电视 read books 读书

Unit 3:eggplant 茄子 fish 鱼 green beans 青豆 tofu 豆腐 potato 土豆 tomato 西红柿 for 为 lunch 中餐 we 我们 tasty 好吃的 sweet 甜的 sour 酸的 fresh 新鲜的 salty 咸的 favourite 最喜欢的 they are 他们是 fruit 水果 grape 葡萄

Unit 4:cook the meals water the flowers 浇花 sweep the floor 扫地 clean the bedroom 打扫卧室 make the bed 铺床 set the table 摆饭桌 wash the clothes 洗碗碟 do the dishes 收拾衣服 use a computer 使用计算机)

Unit 5:curtain 空调 trash bin 垃圾箱 closet 壁橱 mirror 镜子 end table 床头柜 bedroom 卧室 kitchen 厨房 bathroom 卫生间 living room 客厅 in 在…里面 on 在…上面 under 在…下面 near 在..旁边 behind 在…后边 clothes 衣服

Unit 6:river 河流 flower 花 grass 草 lake 湖泊 forest 森林 path 路 park公园 picture 照片 house 房子 bridge 桥 tree 树 road 公路 building 建筑物 clean 干净的



My English Teacher

Miss Tang is my English teacher.She’s very pretty.She is tall and thin.She has two big eyes and a small mouth.Her hair is long.She likes cats very much.And she likes singing and dancing, too.Her English is very good.We often play games in English classes.She is very kind to us.We all love her.【要领点评】这篇作文的题目是“我的英语老师”,是一篇介绍人物的作文。小作者开门见山,直接点题,首先介绍了英语老师的姓名,然后逐一介绍了她的外貌特征、喜好、英语水平、上课特点以及师生情感等。同学们在写作文时,要注意使用自己最熟悉的词[组],以免写出一些错句子。写作时要注意意思连贯、语句通顺、标点正确、书写清晰、规范等。

My Days of the week

I’m a student and I am in Grade 5.I get up at six o’clock every day.I have breakfast at half past six, and go to school at seven o’clock.I have classes from Monday to Friday.I have an English class on Friday and I have a PE class on Tuesday.I don’t have to go to school on school, and I like to go swimming on that day.【要领点评】这篇作文的题目是“我的一周”,小作者没有说一些空话,而是从自己的亲身经历写起,叙述了自己一周七天的所作所为,并特别强调了星期天的喜好,写得自然、流畅。同学们写作文时要注意人称及谓语动词的变化,要依据提示,结合自己的实际,写自己身边熟悉的事情。

My Favourite Food

Do you know what this is?Guess!Its colour is yellow.It’s long and thin.It looks like a small boat and crescent.Oh, it is a banana.Do you know what that is? Guess again!Its colour is orange.It’s round.It looks like a small ball and a small lantern.Oh, it is an orange.I like then a lot.I like ice-creams.I like to chew gum.Chocolates and candies are yummy.I like them very much.How about you? What’s your favourite food?

【要领点评】My Favourite Food 是一篇很成功的文章,小作者并不是简单地列举出自己最喜欢的每一种食物,而是有详有略地进行介绍。整篇文章用词准确、语言流畅、没有语法错误。另外,文章中出现了一些生词,可见小作者是用心查字典了。

I can help do housework

I am a girl.My name is Li Ling.I’m in Class Three, Grade Five.I’mhelpful at home.I can water the flowers, empty the trash and sweep the floor.After meals, I can help my mother do the dishes.On Sunday, I can wash the clothes.What about you? Are you helpful, too?

【要领点评】 本篇作文的题目是“我可以帮助做家务”,作者主要叙述自己在家帮助做的事情,介绍自己的名字,所在年级及在家能做的家务,很详细,到位。同学们在写作时,应尽量写一些亲自经历的事情,这样会避免在作文时显得太空,因为只有自己经常做的事情印象才会特别深刻。写作时还要注意大小写和时态。

My Village

My village is very beautiful.There are many houses in the village.Near the village, there is a forest.A small river is in front of the village.The water in it is very clean.We can see some fish in the river.Near the river, you can see a mountain.Some flowers and grass are on the mountain.I like my village.Welcome to my village!



(1)同心改革为祖国 猜一字 中

(2)一弯月照枝头亮,两颗星悬天下明 猜一字 秋

(3)心已决断不宜迟 猜一字 快

(4)休把旁人抬太高 猜一字 乐

(5)十五的月亮 猜成语 正大光明

(6)一轮明月挂中天 猜股票术语 高位盘整

(7)举头望明月 猜电影演员

(8)敢上九天揽月 猜汽车名牌 凌志

(9)得月楼前先得月 猜一字 棚

(10)云破眉月倚西楼 猜一字 私

(11)明月松间照 猜摄影名词 黑白显影

(12)月落日出雁阵业 猜一字 胭

(13)九月初三月似弓 猜饮料 珍珠露

(14)节日晚会露一手 猜一字 挽

(15)双泪落君前 猜一字 只

(16)重逢 猜一字 观

(1)留取丹心照汗青 打四字称谓 名誉会长

(2)中秋过后又重阳 打郑板桥诗句一 一节复一节

(3)新婚度蜜月,中秋游异邦 打成语一 喜出望外

(4)借问酒家何处有 打中医术语 童便作引

(5)今世孔夫子 打古文篇名 后出师表

(6)东张西望缘何事? 打六字常用语 两方面看问题

(7)大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆 打一成语 风平浪静

(8)此路不通!打一打成语 令行禁止

(9)推开又来 打一字 摊

(10)八面透风 打一六字俗语 气不打一处来

(11)善飞者必飞珠峰 打一句唐诗 会当凌绝顶

(12)彼此各有一半 打一字 跛

(13)东征西讨 打一字 证

(14)北京午夜 打一动物 燕子

(15)卷帘人道雨过天晴 打一七字常言 打开天窗说亮话

(16)夜夜看落花 打一礼貌用语 多谢

(1)庄生晓梦相迷,望帝春心 打一词牌名 蝶恋花

(2)再掀昔日红学热 打一成语 重温旧梦

(3)天黑之前闲不着 打三字常用语 白忙活

(4)童年时光已忘怀 打七字口语 大人不记小人过

(5)渔 打成语 如鱼得水

(6)引起公愤 打四字常言 人人有责

(7)最后一着 打多字口语一 这下玩了

(8)请坐说话 打法律词一 免予起诉(9)甲A泰山夺第一 打一著名企业家 鲁冠球

(10)鑫 打一外国古迹 金字塔

(11)人人让座 打一字 庄

(12)终岁不绝丝竹声 打一足球队员 曲乐恒

(13)个 打七字术语 给人抓住了把柄

(14)西南地区发展缓慢 打一公路 东北高速

(15)我的初吻 打一字 唔

(16)恭贺新禧 打一画家名 祝大年

(1)枪杆子,笔杆子,革命就靠这两杆子 打一成语 双管齐下

(2)心存怨气问莫答 打宋词一句 不应有恨

(3)九点 打字一 丸

(4)大陆亲人盼团聚 打几何名词一 内切圆

(5)天涯任我行 打三字电信名词 全球通

(6)迷途无人帮 打成语一 失道寡助

(7)游子身上衣 打五字口语一 别来这一套

(8)九死一生 打金融名词一 存单

(9)二话不说 打猜无线电名词 单声道

(10)产房在哪 打五字常言一 人生地不熟

(11)说话和气 打体育名词一 柔道

(12)错抛媚眼 打足球术语 传球失误

(13)粒粒皆辛苦 打三字粮食品种 珍珠米

(14)上了年纪话题多 打成语一 老生常谈

(15)来往不逢人 打二字法律用语 走私

(16)站了两天 打字一 暗



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    Unit 1 What’s he like ? 单元教学目标 课时安排:6课时 知识与能力目标 句型:1、能够听、说、读、写句型:Is he young funny ? Yes , he is . No , he isn’t . What’s sh......


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    小学英语pep五年级上册第六单元练习题 一、补充句子。 1.a foresta nature park. 2.many treesthe road. 3.a nature park? Yes, it is. 4.any tall buildings in the city?......


    五年级下册英语(pep)测试卷 Unit 4 What are you doing? 听力部分 (40%) 一. 听音,选择,并将序号写在前面括号里。(18分) 1.A.doing homeworkB.doing the dishesC. doing morn......