
时间:2019-05-13 04:21:27下载本文作者:会员上传



1假设你是Li Ming, 请给你的美国笔友写一封信,介绍你的英语老师Mr Lee.要求:1他四十多岁,高个子,中等身材,黑色,直的短发,有一个幸福的家2 性格外向(outgoing),友好,与学生相处很好他的课堂很有趣,课后常帮我们学英语不抽烟,非常喜欢运动,擅长下棋写一至两点其他同学对他的看法

Dear Tom,How are you recently? Now I’ll tell you something about my English teacher Mr Lee.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I am looking forward to your reply.Yours,Li Ming

2假设你是Lily, 你想和Jane交朋友,请你介绍自己和你的日常生活.,可适当添加细节 提示:1北京6中的中学生4 喜欢体育,英语,语文课

2早上6点起床,读英语.5 下午5点回家,周末和妈妈购物7点骑车上学6 电子邮件Lily@126.com


3作为一名北京的中学生,请你介绍北京的四季,人们喜欢做的活动.提示:北京春天干燥多风,人们喜欢跑步;夏天炎热多雨,人们喜欢打篮球,锻炼 秋天凉爽晴朗,人们喜欢爬山;冬天寒冷少雪,一旦下雪人们喜欢玩雪,照相



Name: TinaAge: 15

Symptoms(症状): Heavy;feel tired

Reasons: Stays up;hardly(几乎不)exercise;eat much fast food

What to do: ……



提示词语:be busy with, decide to, set out(出发), sun, bird, go boating, feel relaxed, have a wonderful time

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6澳大利亚学生Sam最近又来到了北京,去了王府井。请你以Sam的身份给父母写一封信,介绍一下王府井过去和现在的变化及Sam的感受。

提示词语:go, morning, Wangfujing Street, in the past, at present, many years ago,noise, building, shop, market, flower, poster

Dear Mom and Dad,________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________Yours,SamDear Tom,How are you recently? Now I’ll tell you something about my English teacher Mr.Lee.Mr.Lee is in his forties.He is tall and he has a medium build.He has short straight black hair.He has a happy family.He is outgoing and friendly and he gets along well with students.Besides, his classes are very interesting.After class, he often helps us with English.He never smokes.He likes sports.He is especially good at playing chess.Most of my classmates like him and think he’s not only a good teacher but also a good friend.Hi,Jane.My name is Lily.I am in Beijing, China.I am a student in No.6 Middle School.I always get up at 6:30 in the morning.Then I read English books.At about 7:30, I go to school by bicycle.My home is near the school.My favorite subjects are art, P.E., English and Chinese.After school, about 17:00, I go home.On Saturdays or Sundays, I go to watch movies or go shopping with my mother.My e-mail address is Lily@126.com.I want to be one of your friends.Beijing is a very beautiful city.It is dry and windy in spring.People like jogging in spring.It is hot in summer, and it often rains.People like playing basketball for fun and exercise.In autumn, Beijing is cool and sunny.People like going to climb the mountains because it's a good season to climb the mountains.In winter, Beijing is cold and seldom snowy.But when it snows, people like playing with it and taking photos.You often stay up and hardly exercise, so you are too heavy and always feel tired.I have some suggestions for you.First, you should go to bed by 10 o’clock and sleep about 8 hours a night.Then you’ll have enough energy to do everything.Second, you’d better play more sports.Why not play tennis or ping-pong for an hour every day? It is good for your health and you’ll be thin.Remember that good eating habits are also very important.Never eat too much fast food and have three meals regularly every day.Finally, you should eat more fruit and vegetables.I hope you’ll be better soon.I am busy with my school work every day, so I'm a little tired of it.Last Sunday, my classmates and I decided to take a short trip.We went to Beihai Park happily.We set out early in the morning.It was a beautiful day.The sun was shining, and the birds were

singing.When we got there, there were many people in the park already.We went boating on the lake.We felt relaxed with the wind blowing.Three hours passed quickly, and we had to leave.It was really a happy day.I didn't feel tired at all.I had a wonderful time with my classmates, and I refreshed myself.6I’m very happy to visit Beijing again.Wangfujing Street is totally different from the one in the past.There weren’t so many people many years ago, but now there are a lot of tourists.It is too noisy.There were many old buildings in the past,but now there are a lot of new buildings, modern shops and large markets in it.You can see many beautiful flowers and posters.How amazing!I believe it will become more beautiful in the future.


一.选择题:What a ban line!I can’t ________you clearly.A listenB listen toC hearD see

2The Smiths ___________sitting at the table.A isB amC areD be

3On Spring Festival everyone __________ on their new clothes.A hasB haveC havingD are having

4Tony is using his computer __________ her email.A checkB to checkC doD to enjoy

5----Would you like to go to cinema with me?

----_________,A That’s rightB That’s all rightC Thank youD Yes, I’d love to.6I _________ a teacher in the future.A will beB is beC is beingD will is

7Wales has _________ population of about 3 million.A aB anC theD /

8This English newspaper is very easy for the students because there are ________ new words in it.A fewB a fewC littleD a little

9They are friendly _______ us.A toB atC withD in

10Look!The boy _________ over there.A is singingB is going to singC singsD singing

11My classmates listen to our teacher ________.A carefulB quietlyC carelessD loudly

12No one is _______ Mary in the class.A so tallest asB as taller asC so high asD so tall as

13It takes ________ time to get there by train.A too manyB too muchC very muchD much too

14There is a busy street __________ lots of stores.A inB onC atD with

15He ________ his hometown after he graduated from Qinghua University.A came backB went backC returnedD returned to

16Bill’s mother often tells him ________spend too much time playing computer games.A not toB be notC don’tD doesn’t

17----When will you reach Beijing?

----We’ll __________ there on March 10th.The girl spend ten days __________ to ski.A learnB to learnC learningD learnt

19He will wait _________ the bus stop this afternoon.A inB atC forD to

20We enjoy the party ________.A manyB someC a lot ofD a lot

21I ________ the picture, but I can’t ________ any birds

A look;seeB see;lookC look at;seeD see;look at

22Look at the man.He __________ the bus.A runs forB is runsC is runningD is running for

23Thank you for _______ us.A helpB to helpC helpingD helps

24My mother _________ noodles, but my father _________.A likes;doesn’tB don’t like;do C likes;didn’tD didn’t like;do

25My uncle enjoys ___________ TV after supper.A watchingB watchedC watchesD to watch

26There is going to _______ a football match next Saturday.A haveB hasC beD be

27They hope it is going to be _______.A windsB windC windyD to wind

28The boy _______ his homework on time every day.A do doesB does not doC doD do not do

29One of my friends _________ a foreigner.A amB isC areD be

30Hurry up!The bus __________ soon.A leavesB is leavingC going to leaveD leave

31He tries to stop his wife from making ______ with those women.A a friendB friendlyC friendsD friendship

32I think we will _________ ourselves at his birthday party next Sunday.A loveB enjoyC keepD like

33They are going ti watch a football game __________ this Friday.A onB inC atD /

34I am going to revise _________ my test.A withB toC forD because

35We have some problems ____________there on time.A gettingB to getC comingD get

36Our life will be ________ better in the 22th century.A lessB muchC fetD more

37It’s going to be ________ tomorrow.A rainB rainyC rainsD raining

38----I hope you ________ my party next weekend.----Ok.I _______.A to come to;willB come to;will

C can comeD can come to;can

39What _______ weather it is!

A a fineB a badC the badD bad

40----________ will the meeting begin?

----In half an hour.A How longB How oftenC How manyD How soon

41In winter, temperature usually _______ zero.A falls underB falls belowC in falling underD will fall below

42We _________ to the park if it is fine tomorrow.A will goB have goneC goD is coing

43What do you think of the young man __________ a good looking face?

A onB inC withD of

44________ my free time, Ilike listening to music.A InB AtC OnD About

45China is very________ the Great Wall and pandas.A famous asB ready toC famous forD ready for

46__________ the population of Beijing>

A WhatB How many isC What’sD How much is

47Tom is __________ of the two boys.A youngerB youngC the youngestD the younger

48___________ you read, ___________ you will be.A The more;the happier;B The much;the happier

C More;happierD Much;happy

49They are busy __________ their work now.A doingB to doC with doingD do

50The country has __________.A a small populationB a little population

C a much populationD a more population

51Her voice sounds ___________.A beautifulB beautifullyC goodD well

52I find __________ important to learn English well.A thisB thatC itD one

53It’s clever __________ him to do that.A forB withC ofD about

54You need _________ a present for Tom’s birthday.A buyB to buyC buyingD buys

55“Is the math problem __________?”“Yes, I can work is out _____________.”

A easy;easilyB easy;easyC easily;easyD easily;easily

56I waited for him _________ ten last night.A toB untilC forD at

57You mustn’t eat anything __________ you see the doctor.A becauseB ifC whenD until

58The baby is too young to ___________.A put onB wearC get dressedD put on himself

59Here __________ some pictures __________ our trip __________ Shanghai.A is;of;toB are;of;toC is;with;toD are;with;of

60----________ is it from your home to the cinema?

----About twenty minutes’ walk.A How longB How oftenC How farD How soon

61_________ of the two women is my teacher.A The olderB OlderC The oldD The oldest

62One of the two sisters is more friendly than ___________.A that oneB anotherC the otherD others

63She _________ no time to have breakfast.A hasB hadC wasD were

64Quincy is a town ___________ the east coast of America.A inB atC onD with

65__________ I’ll go back to my hometown.I missed it very much.A SometimesB One dayC Some timeD Some times

66Fish cannot live ___________ water.A withB hasC withoutD doesn’t have

67Our teacher is strict __________ us__________ our study.A with;withB with;inC in;withD in;in

68His brother was born _____ May, 1982.A inB atC toD on

69Bill Gates is the _______ of theMicrosoft.A founderB finderC foundD find

70We should be _________ foreign friends.A friendsB friendlyC friendlyD friend to

71There _________ so many people in the street.A isB areC haveD has

72He was born _________ May 18th ,1999.A inB onC toD at

73My brother often ________ me stories in the evenings.A tellsB speakC talksD say

74There was no one there, so Lucy entered ________ the house.A toB intoC /D in

75He went shopping ___________ some food.A forB buyC take

76He hurried ___________ the shop __________ some food.A to;buyB up;buyC to;to buyD to;bought

77----Have your read this book?

----Yes.I ________ it two weeks ago.A am readingB have readC will readD read

78She ________ like the two big beds.A don’tB didn’tC wasn’t

79----Do you know _________ tomorrow?

----At 8’clock.A when did she comeB when she came

C when will she comeD when she will come

80Last Sunday he _________ to the theatre.A by bikeB by his bikeC on a bikeD rode a bike

81I can’t understand this passage _________ there are no new words in it.A ifB becauseC thoughD and

82Some monkeys are sitting _________ the tree.A onB inC atD of

83The old woman ________ at the age of 80.A deathB deadC dieD with

84How long did you it ________ you finish your homework.A takeB spendC tookD spent

85He with his friends ________ going to the USA.A amB isC areD be

86It often _______ here in autumn.A rainB will rainC rainsD is raining


1It’s six o’clock now.The Greens ______________(have)dinner at home.2He ___________(real)likes learning English.3I don’t enjoy ___________(dance).4Red ____________(mean)good luck in China.5Look!The people _____________(swim)in the river.6Christmas is an important ____________(west)festival.7He often __________(do)his homework after dinner, but now he ___________(do)it because he wants __________(watch)a football matches.8How _________ your parents _________(go)to work?

9__________ she __________(go)to Beijing tomorrow.10Are these ____________(knife)yours?

11He often helps me __________(do)my homework.12Everyone is our class __________(like)to learn English.13There __________(be)a basketball match in our school next week.14----What will the weather be like tomorrow?

----It will be _________(wind).I will stay at home and do some __________(clean).He is getting ________(dress)now.The ___________(hard)you are, the ____________(much)you get.The Chinese boy speaks English ___________(well).My sister learns English ___________(quick).Daming runs _____________(fast)in our school.Dick sings ____________(well).Alice sings ___________(well)than John.But Mary sings

____________(well)in her class.We ____________(not have)a TV ten years ago.She spent two weeks ___________(write)the story.It took me one hour _______(finish)my homework..


大众版 1(By, Doris Yang.)

My Friend

My best friend is Zoey.Let me tell you something about her.First of all, she is of medium height and lovely.She likes travelling very much.For example, last week, she went to the farm.She said it was great!She went to the farm and saw a lot of animals.She also milked a cow.And, she took a lot of photos and bought some gifts.She also brought me a very lovely gift.I love it very much.be friend.大众版 2(By, Doris Yang.)

June 27th

Last weekend, I went to a farm with my best friend, Zoey.She’s a beautiful girl.We went camping in a village.The farmer showed us around there.And we picked some apples and ate them.They were delicious.We also went fishing.The air was so clean.day, wasn’tit?

大众版 3(日记)By, Doris Yang.June 27th

I had a busy weekend.On Saturday morning, I cleaned my room.And in the afternoon, I stayed at home and studied for a test.In the evening, I watched the soccer game with my father.Next day, I went to the beach with my friend Zoey.She’s of medium height.And she has long black hair.We also went swimming in the sea.We had a good time!What a busy weekend I had!


A Happy Day

---By Cassiel

I had a happy day.Yesterday I went to the farm with my friend, Jenny.She has long black hair and big eyes.She doesn’t wear glasses.She usually wears school uniform.She is good at playing the violin.So she joins the school music club.I like her because she is really fun and interesting.In her free time, she often tells lots of jokes to me.Yesterday we went there by bus.It only took us half an hour to get there.We went for a walk around the farm and talked with a farmer.I took some photos about the farm.It was very interesting.Then I picked some apples and took them home.about farming.How happy a day this is!

升级版 2

My Friend

---By Yubo

I have a lot of friends, but my best friend is Eric.He and I are in the same class.He is thin.And he is of medium height.He has short black hair and he doesn’twear glasses.He has bright eyes.He has an oval face.He usually wears sports shoes.I like him because he is handsome.He also is warm-hearted.Last weekend, he and I went to the library.We took the bus.When we got on the bus, we found two seats.We sat down.Just at that time, an old woman got on the bus slowly, but there were no seat.When Eric saw it , he stood up and gave his seat to her.Though he had to stand all the way, he said, he was very happy.How fantastic Eric is!

升级版 3

My School Trip

----By Anne

On the weekend, my school went on a school trip to a farm.It was a rainy day.We went there by bus.In the bus, I sat beside my best friend, Shadell.She has long hair and big eyes.She’s of medium height.Well, she is a good girl.The ride was quite long, it’s about 1 hour.At the farm, we saw lots of animals, like pigs, sheep, cows and so on.The donkeys were kind of noisy, they were always going, heehaw, heehaw.We also saw lots ofplants, like grapes, cotton and strawberries.In the afternoon, Shadell and I talked with the farmer.The farmer told us a lot about farming, it was quite interesting.still a fun trip.



My Learning Plan

I will remember the text of the Chinese and the English words and Phrase in the morning.I should take notes__ write down the important language points the teather tought.In the evening, before go to bed I will review the important points, that is very important, In adition,I will write diary __write down the interesting things and my secret thougnts,that is also benefital to my composition writing.用所学语言简单介绍自己熟知的城市

Nanjing,the capital of Jiangsu Province,lies in the southeast of China.It has a population of about 5 million.The city has a history of more than 2400 years,and was once the capitals of ten dynastis.You can stay in a hotel.The service there is good,you will feel satisfied.There are a lot of resturants,you can choose one and have good meal at there.Nanjing is a beautiful city,it has a lot of places of interest,such as the Xuanwu Lake,the Jiming Temple and the Stone City.You can go any where you want.It also has many modern factories,high buildings and a long bridge.If you want to go there,you can by train or by air.用形容词最高级形式描写自己的假期旅行

An unforgetful trip

I went Chong Qing in July 22.It is a city which was built near mountains.So people call it Mountain City.In Chong Qing,I went to the Red Stone Center, to see the places which the prisoners lived in the past.It is a terrible and awful trip.There are a lot of dogs, and soldiers with guns near the prisons.And most of the prisons are good, they didn't want to tell the bad people where the other people were.They lived in very small houses.No good food to eat, no good water to drink.They had only twenty minutes to stay out side per day but they still said nothing.I think they are the heros in that century.I will follow their spirit.按照时间顺序描述一个人的生活经历

Lei Feng was a model soldier, On December 1 8,1940, he was born in a poor peasant family in a little mountain village of Hunan Province.He didn't go to school till 1950.At the age of 18, he worked as a steel worker.He was often praised for his good job.On January 8, 1960, he joined the army.In the same year, he joined the Communist Party.He loved the Party and the people, and constantly did good for others.As a result, he became a model soldier.After his death, Chairman Mao called on the people to “Learn from Comrade Lei Feng”.The whole nation were moved by his deeds.Lei Feng's spirit will live in our hearts forever.



my favorite Olympic sports

Different people have different life style.For example, some people usually go shopping on weekends ,some people usually sleep on weekends.But ,today most people usually do some sports on weekends.Because there are a lot of work to do and they always fell much pressure on weekdays.So they hardly ever exercise and they always feel unheathy.I exercise my body every day.And I have a good eating habits.So I am heathy.For me, I like many sports, such as, running , playing soccerball,playing tennis and so on.But my favorite sports is playing basketball.I often play basketball on weekends.First, I think it is very exciting.Second, it make me have many friends in basketball court.third.it's good for my healthy.But I play basketball ran out of my free time.then I don't get good grades.Sometimes beacase of playing basketball, I always got injured.So my parents often worried about me.sometimes my parents stop me from playing basketball, sometimes I afaird that my parents won't buy basketball any more.However, I like playing basketball very much.I've been playing basketball since I was ten.I think it's very important for my life.I' m sure that will make my life colorful and interesting.my favorite Olympic sports

I like table-tennis,chess and football.Football is my favourite sport.I'm good at playing football.I think it's easy for me.I have my favourite football player.He is Shevchenko.He's in AC Milan Club.I want to te a famous football player like Shevchenko.I often play football with my father at weekends.On Sunday I like to watch football matches.My favourite classroom in the future

We will have a beautiful classroom.There will be a satellite TV on the frontwall of our classroom.Each of us will have a computeron the desk.We can study on the Internet.We will not use pens or pencils.Wewill write on theourcomputers.It won’t be hot in summerand won’t de cold in winter.I like our future classroom.I hope that the arrival of this day as soon as possible.in the future

We will have a beautiful classroom.There will be a satellite TV on the frontwall of our classroom.Each of us will have a computeron the desk.We can study on the Internet.We will not use pens or pencils.Wewill write on theourcomputers.It won’t be hot in summerand won’t de cold in winter.I like our future classroom.I hope that the arrival of this day as soon as possible.I love Spring Festival

Spring Festival is the most importantand popular festival in China.Before Spring Festival ,the people usually clean and decorate their houses.And they go to the Flower Fairs to buy some flowers.During Spring Festival ,the adults usually give lucky money to children.People often get together and have a big meal.Some people eat dumpling for dinner.I love Spring Festival.



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