
时间:2019-05-13 04:32:01下载本文作者:会员上传



Open the pencil-case 打开你的铅笔盒

Close your book 关上你的书

Show me your eraser拿出你的橡皮

Show me your ruler 拿出你的尺子

Show me your crayon拿出你的蜡笔

Show me your pen 拿出你的钢笔

Show me your sharpen 拿出你的卷笔刀

Go to school 去上学

Carry your bag背上你的书包

Touch your head 摸摸你的头

Touch your nose 摸摸你的鼻子

Touch your mouth 摸摸你的嘴

Touch your eye/eyes摸摸你的一只眼睛/双眼

Touch your ear/ears摸摸你的一只耳朵/双耳Touch your face摸摸你的脸

Touch your hand/hands摸摸你的一只手/双手Touch your tooth/teeth摸摸你的一颗牙/多颗牙 Touch your arm/arms摸摸你的一只胳膊/两只胳膊 Touch your leg/legs摸摸你的一条腿/双腿 Touch your finger/fingers摸摸你的一个手指/多个手指1

Touch your toe/toes摸摸你的一个脚趾/多个脚趾 Touch your shoulder/shoulders摸摸你的一个肩膀/双肩Touch your knee/knees摸摸你的一个膝盖 Touch your foot/feet摸摸你的单脚/双脚 Wash your face 洗洗你的脸

Wash your hands 洗洗你的双手

Wash your feet洗洗你的双脚

Clap your hands 拍拍你的手

Snap your fingers弹弹你的手指

Wave your arms挥挥你的双臂

Cross your legs交叉你的腿

Nod/shake your head 点/摇你的头

Shake your body摇晃你的身体

Tap/Stamp your feet跺跺你的脚

Show me your red crayon 拿出你的红色蜡笔

Stand up起立

Sit down 坐下

Touch the ground 摸地

Turn around 转一圈

Act like a cat像猫一样的做

Act like a duck 像鸭子一样的做

Act like a panda 像熊猫一样的做

Act like a monkey 像猴子一样的做

Act like a rabbit像兔子一样的做

Act like a dog 像狗一样的做

Hunt like a mouse像老鼠一样搜寻食物

Climb like a bear像熊一样爬

Walk like an elephant像大象一样走

Fly like a bird像小鸟一样飞

Jump like a squirrel像松鼠一样跳

Pass me the French fries给我炸暑条Cut the bread切面包

Eat the hot dog 吃热狗

Smell the chicken/coffee 闻闻鸡肉/咖啡 Make the cake 做蛋糕

Show me the hamburger/milk 拿出汉堡/牛奶 Pour the water/tea倒水/茶 Taste the tea尝茶

Drink the juice/water喝果汁/水 Show me the 1,2/3,4展示1,2,3,4 Bounce the ball拍球

Fly the kite放风筝

Throw the plane扔飞机

Hold the doll抱娃娃

Drive the car开车

Blow up the balloons吹气球

Say ok/goodbye/bye说ok/再见 Look and see看

Come and follow me跟着我 Draw a tree画树

Have a seat坐下 Read after me dog跟我说dog Raise your leg抬起你的一条腿 Clap with me跟我拍手

Close your eye/eyes闭一只眼/双眼 Show me ten比画10

Make your arms short把你的胳臂变短 Listen to me听我说

Open the door/window开门/开窗 Look at me看着我Close the door/window关门关窗 Follow me跟着我Count numbers from 1 to 10从1数到10 Point to the table指桌子 Make a circle画圆圈 Make yourself tall把自己变高

Make your eyes big把你的眼睛变大 Make your arms long把你的胳臂变长 Make yourself short把自己变矮 Make your eyes small把你的眼睛变小



1、How are you?I’m fine, thank you!

2、How old are you?I’myears old.3、Where are you from?Where do you come from?I am from Mile.4、What’s your name?My name is.5、Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you, too.6、Who are you?I am7、May I have a look? Sure, here you are!

8、This is for you.Thank you.9、Thank you!You’re welcome!

10、How many balloons?

11、How many kites can you see?I can see12、How many crayons do you have? I have13、Who is this man/woman/boy/girl?

14、What’s in the?

15、Do you like peaches/pears/bananas?

16、What about mangoes?

17、When do you get up? I usually get up at 6:00.18、When do you go to school? I go to school at 6:3019、When do you eat breakfast? I eat breakfast at 7:0020、What do you do on the weekend?

I watch TV and go shopping.Sometimes I visit my parents21、Which season do you like best? I like winter.22、Why do you like winter?

Because I can skate and make a snowman.23、How many seasons are there in a year?

Four, Spring, summer, fall and winter.24、How many months are there in a year?Twelve.25、When is your birthday? My birthday is26、What day is it today? It’s Monday27、What’s the date?It’s July 27th.28、What are you doing?

What is he/she doing?

29、What color is it? It’s yellow.30、What color do you like? I like blue and purple.31、How many people are there in your family?

Three.My father、my mother and me.32、Who’s your English teacher? Miss Wang.33、What’s she like? She is short and thin.34、Is she strict/quiet/active?

35、What do you have for lunch/dinner?

36、What’s your favorite fruit/food/sport/season?

37、What can you do at home?

I can sweep the floor/ make the bed.38、What do you do?I am a student.39、What does your father/mother/uncle/aunt do?

What is your mother/father/sister/brother?

What’s your job?What’s your father’s job?

40、Can you water the flowers?

41、Look at the picture.What’s the matter with the girl/boy/grandmother?

42、How tall/heavy are you?

43、How do you feel?

I feel excited/happy.44、What did you do on your holiday?

I went to shanghai

45、Can you play the violin/play basketball?

46、How do you go to school?

I go to school by car.How does your father/mother go to work?

47、What’s your hobby?

My hobby is riding a bike/flying kites/drawing picture.48、Where does the rain come from?

It comes from the clouds.49、What would you like for dinner?I would like50、How do you do?How do you do?

51、How big are your feet?I wear size 6.52、Which animal do you like? I like53、Who works in hospital/school/factory?54、What’s your favorite subject?

55、What do you do on Mondays?

56、How much is your dress?57.57、What’s the weather like today?

It’s sunny/cloudy/rainy/wind.58、How many numbers can you count?

59、Is there a bird in the picture?

Yes, it is.60、Are there any pandas in the picture?

Yes, there are/ No, there aren’t.



下面跟大家一起来学习常见句型try doing/to do:

try to do 努力,企图做某事,try doing 试验,试着做某事。例如:

You must try to be more careful.你可要多加小心。

I tried gardening but didn't succeed.我试着种果木花卉,但未成功。




1. 简洁明了


as a consequence of /as a result of→therefore

at the present time → now

will you be good enough to→ please

because of the fact that→ because

We are writing this letter to you with a view to enter into business relations with your company.→ We are eager to start business with you.Upon receipt of your order, further attention will be drawn to your request.→When we receive your order, we’ll begin to consider your request.2. 具体化,正确无误


send → mail/ pose

travel → fly/ drive


I would guess that….It is my opinion that….Maybe / probably



We offer 2 percent discount for every 10 units.→ You will enjoy 2 percent discount for every 10 units.商务信函常用套语

建立贸易关系(Establishing Trade Relations)

1. As your name and address appear on Yangtse Evening Post, we are writing to you with a desire to establish business relation with you.2. We write to introduce ourselves as one of the leading exporters of a wide range of …

3. We are enjoying an excellent reputation and we should like to offer you our service.4. We are willing to enter into business relations with you on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.5. We are also enclosing a catalogue showing the details of our line.销售信函(Sales Letter)

1.We take pleasure in enclosing the latest catalogue of …./ price list of…

2.This item, superior in quality and moderate in price , is sure to sell well in your

market.3.to rank first among similar products.4.are well received by the consumers home and abroad

5.The material is of top quality.6.It is made of high quality alloy.7.Its outer cover is made of special plastics.8.The frame and wheels are made of top quality stainless steel.9.All the products are made of pure silk.10.The cover of the toy car is made of new, specially-treated plastic.11.The newly-designed fishing rod is made of special material.12.It can work with all types of VCD and MP3 discs.13.This player is reliable and durable.14.The quality is first-class, and their performance is superb.15.This laptop is portable and easy to operate

16.With its multi-functions, this mini-type computer will no doubt make your life and

work much easier.17.It’s unique in its pleasing design, excellent quality and portable size.18.Excellent in design, fashionable style, fine workmanship, big variety and wide in

selection.订购函(Letter of Order)

1.Thank you for your order of….2.We accept the trading terms you’ve quoted and enclose our official Order No….3.The ordered goods are in urgent need and your prompt delivery will be

appreciated.4.This is a trial order.If the goods sell well, we will give further orders.5.Please see to it that your goods meet our requirement.询盘与报盘(Inquiry and Offer)

1.We learn from….that you are one of the manufacturers of…, will you please send

us your prices of…

2.We shall be pleased if you send us the lowest quotations.3.We understand that there is a good demand for …in your market, and take this

opportunity of enclosing our quotation for your consideration.4.We thank you for your letter asking for a quotation.We are pleased to make the

following offer.5.We hope these terms are satisfactory and look forward to your order.6.As we have no…in stock, we regret being unable to offer.But we will keep in

mind your requirement and shall contact you once it id available.催款(Urging Payment)

1.Our records show that your account of….is past due.2.In spite of 2 reminders, the above account still remain unsettled.3.We shall be grateful for an early settlement.4.If we fail to receive from you a check of…dollars in 5 days , we will have to hand over this matter to the lawyer.5.We trust that we shall be able to find a favorable solution.抱怨索赔函(Complaint and Claim)

1.We have received the goods of your shipment, but unfortunately they are not in accordance with the sample.2.We are sorry to inform you that the delivery is far from being satisfactory.3.We regret to inform you that one of the cases of your delivery arrived in a badly / damaged condition.4.The goods are below standard in quality.5.We require a full refund for the delivery.6.We are looking forward to your settlement at an early date.社交信函常用套语

感谢信(Thank you letter)

1.Please accept my sincere appreciation for Mr….2.Many thanks for your hospitality.3.It is very kind of you to see me off at the airport when I left your country.4.Please give my best regards to the people who prepared the party for me.5.I hope that I may be able to return your kindness in future.祝贺信(Letter of Compliment)

1.Warm congratulations on your success in passing the entrance examination to ….University.2.Please accept our sincere wishes for your promotion.3.I write to convey my hearty congratulations.4.It is really a good news that you obtained the full scholarship of….University.5.I extend my best wishes for your success and prosperity.6.May each year bring you new hopes.邀请函(Invitation and Reply)

Formal invitation

1.On behalf of Dean Gordon Lee and Kwantlen University College, I am extending

to you our formal invitation to visit Kwantlen campus.2.We would like to have you as the guest of the College for an overnight stay at the

College Club the night of June 21.3.You are invited to attend a graduation party at my house.4.Will you and Mr.Hudson be able to join us and a couple of friends in Saturday

evening.5.We are delighted to be able to invite you to join the delegation and hope you will

be able to participate.Informal invitation

1.I would be delighted if you could spare an hour for lunch on October 12 at the

Holiday Inn.2.I will plan to meet you in the …about twelve-thirty.3.We should be delighted if you could join us.4.We should be very happy if you could come to dinner with us at our apartment at

about7 p.m.Letters of expressing acceptance

1.We are very delighted to accept your kind invitation to participate in the program.2.Thank you very much for your invitation and we are looking forward to the bright

future through our joint efforts.3.What a pleasant surprise.We are delighted to meet you on Friday.4.Thank you again for your kind invitation.Letters of expressing declining

1.Unfortunately, our schedule in the late April will not allowed us to visit the

United States.2.To our regret, owing to company duty which takes me overseas at this time, we

are unable to accept and we should be glad if you would accept our apologies.求职信(Letter of Application)

1.I’d like to apply for the position of….2.With reference to your ad.On China Daily of May 5 for a sales manager, I offer myself for the post.3.I have some experience of such work for ages, so I hope you could consider my qualification for the job.4.I should be pleased to have a personal interview.5.I enclose a resume together with my recent photo.6.Hope your reply soon at your convenience.7.I am a graduate of …., I have a master degree.8.I passed Band Six in College English Test.9.I have already learned a lot in the classroom and I hope to be able to make practical use of it in business in your company.10.I joined the Communist Party of China in my junior year.11.I act as a part –time salesman for the company.12.I hope to have a job which offer me an opportunity for advertisement.13.I can start to work whenever it is convenient for you.14.I think I can, and I don’t mind hard job.15.When I think something is right, I will stick to that.16.I think that I am good at planning, I manage my time perfectly so that I can always get things done on time.17.I am quite active and energetic, I approach things enthusiastically and I don’t like leaving things half done.




1.I got a degree in Literature and took a course in typing.我获得了文学学士学位,还学过打字。

2.I haven’t done anything like that before.我以前没有做过这种工作。

3.I think I’m quite fit for assistant’s job.我觉得我很适合做助理的工作。

4.I used to work as a sale’s manager.我以前做销售经理。

5.I’m quite familiar with editing.我做过很多编辑工作。

6.I want a job with a vacation every year.我想找个每年都能度假的工作。

7.I was thinking of a job in a school.我打算到学校找份工作。

8.I worked in the accounting section of a manufacturer of electrical products.我曾在电子产品制造商的会计组工作。

9.I love playing tennis.我喜欢打网球。



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