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Climate change and I

The United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, the Danish capital, held in December 2009, made the subject of climate warming as the world's most hot topic of the global environmental field.The phenomenon of global warming appeared as early as the second half of the last century, concerned by scientists around the world, while during three decades nearly, the warming trend has not changed but increased, bringing a series of serious results.However, faced with global warming, different people have different views.Some people believe that global warming is entirely nature's own laws, with which human activity has nothing to do;someother people recognize it’s being more hot but believe that it will not lead to that serious consequences the scientists imagined.In my opinion, there is no doubt that global warming and human activities are closely related.Since the result of climate warming is very serious, we need to make effective action to control global warming.The following will be divided into five parts, the first section is the introduction, and the second one will analyze why human activity causes global warming;the third part will analyze the serious consequences of global warming;the fourth part will discuss that what human beings, especially ordinary people can do for the control of global warming;the last part is a summary text of this essay.Earth observations indicate that climate warming is mainly caused by human activity, which may be a good thing as it shows that human beings can work to change the trend of global warming.Although we can not rule out natural variability is also a reason of climate warming, but the observed climate change in the past few decades is likely mainly caused by human activity, which caused a great mass of carbon dioxide.Human factors include the rapid increase in population, the use of fossil fuels, all of which will bring a lot of carbon dioxide.And the same result would be caused by the destruction of forests, because forests have ability of absorbing carbon dioxide.Human activity leading to climate warming is mainly industrial production activities, particularly in the developed industrialized countries, however people's daily life, such as the use of air conditioners, contribute to climate warming as well.Those who believe that human activity does not cause global warming people, either is poor of scientific knowledge, or is no sense of responsibility for the security of all humanity and the survival of future generations.Then, let us take a look at global warming in terms of what kind of disaster it means for human.According to the scientists predict, climate warming will lead to a series of serious consequences, including the followings.First, the Earth will have more space to become ocean, floods are becoming increasingly frequent.The chance of flooding suffered and other natural disasters will increase;the capacity of human

beings against these disasters will be challenged.Second, the water temperature increasing could make the Antarctic Peninsula and the Arctic Ocean ice melt, which is the direct cause of rising sea levels, polar bears and walrus are likely to die out at the same time.Thirdly, many small islands and coastal cities will be inundated, while the world's population live in the largest cities like New York, Shanghai, Mumbai, Tokyo, most of which locating on the coast side, which means that if temperatures continue to rise, the vast majority of people have to move to higher altitude areas.Fourth, people will suffer the food shortage, because agricultural production is deeply dependent on climate.Climate warming will make many places dry, hot, not suitable for planting crops.A severe food problem will become even more severe.From the serious consequences climate warming will bring about, we can see, human beings must act to combat global warming as controlling global warming is related to global human survival.Finally, to face climate warming, mankind is not the inability to be able to, because human activity is the main reason for global warming, as the Chinese saying goes put it, “ Let him who tied the bell on the tiger take it off ”, human beings can control the climate warming, as long as they ready.So, what human beings should do to reduce carbon dioxide emissions to control global warming then? For the politicians from various countries, who run the world, is to reach a consensus for responding to the problem of global warming.Developed countries should, through financial and technical assistance, help developing countries improve their capabilities to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.Ordinary people like me, can also contribute to controlling global warming.For example, we should reduce the use of disposable chopsticks, which will help to reduce deforestation;we should reduce the use of air conditioners, refrigerators and other appliances, which will directly reduce carbon dioxide emissions;we should choose to walk or ride a bicycle at most time instead of the ride on cars and other motor vehicles, to reduce energy use and ultimately reduce carbon dioxide emissions.We can really do so many things as long as we want to;if everyone make a little bit of contribution, controlling global warming is no longer impossible.In conclusion, the scientific observations indicate that climate warming is mainly due to excessive carbon dioxide emissions caused by human activities;climate warming will bring a variety of serious consequences include sea-level rise;the common human need immediate action to reduce carbon dioxide emissions to curb global warming.As long as each of us is making efforts towards this goal, we were able to better control global warming to make the environment more suitable for the survival of humanity.2009年12月份在丹麦首都哥本哈根召开的联合国气候变化大会使气候变暖这一话题成为全球环境领域最受关注的话题。气候变暖的现象早在上世纪下半叶就受到全世界科学家们的关注,而近二三十年来,气候变暖的趋势并未改变,反而有加剧的迹象,并带来了一系列的严重后果。然而面对气候变暖,不同的人有不同的观点。有的人认为气候变暖完全是大自然的自身规律,与人类活动无关;也有的人认为气候变暖并不会导致科学家们想象的那么严重的后果。在我看来,气候变暖毫无疑问与人类活动是有很大关系的,而且气候变暖的结果非常严重,我们必须做出有效的行动以控制气候变暖。以下将分四部分,第一部分将分析为什么人类活动是气候变暖的原因;第二部分将分析气候变暖的严重后果;第三部分则将论述人们特别是普通人在日常生活中可以为控制气候变暖做什么贡献;最后一部分总结全文。





第二篇:气候变暖 议论文















苏琴 刘文君在《全球气候变化对我国农业生产的影响 》中认为温度升高可延长全年生长期,对无限生长习性或多年生作物以及热量条件不足的地区有利,而对生育期短的栽培作物来说又是不利的,因为温度高使作物的发育速度加快,生育期缩短,单产下降。在平均温度升高的同时,极值最高、最低温度的出现频率增加,对局部地区作物的生长发育有抑制作用。高温条件下作物生育期缩短,生长量减少,可能会抵消全年生长期延长的效果。温度升高,高温热害、伏旱将更加严重,目前对我国亚热带农业生产的影响已十分突出,暖温带也有程度不同的类似问题。高温胁迫的热害已经限制了作物生产,影响玉米、大豆、高粱、谷子等的种植和产量,水稻、棉花的生育也受到强烈抑制。温度升高对不同的生长季节有不同的效果,其影响程度视作物种类、地区和种植水平而异。在温室效应影响下高温热害加剧,将是影响我国农业生产的严重问题。另外,气温升高冬种面积将扩大,北方夏收和南方小春作物将增产。冬季气温升高对我国的农业意义更突出,对秋播和临冬播种的作物生育有利,小麦、油菜等作物越冬率、分蘖或分枝增加,作物生长发育较充分,有利于产量形成。我国冬种面积约占可以冬种的耕地面积的 40 %,还有相当大的潜力。因此冬种面积将扩大,夏收和小春作物产量将会增长,这也是利用有利的冬季弥补不利的夏季的有效措施。

傅桦指出气温升高,将使我国积温及持续天数增加,种植界限北移,复种指数提高,有利于农作物产量的增加,还会使生长期延长,促进农业生产.据推算,年平均气温每升高1 ℃,农业气候带将北移100mm.但是,温度愈高,生长期愈长,害虫繁殖愈快,也容易成灾,增加了



周文魁在《气候变暖对我国农业生产的影响综述》中指出气候变暖使我国年平均气温上升,从而导致积温增加、生长期延长,且种植成片北移。当年平均温度增加1℃时,大于或等于10℃积温的持续日数全国平均可延长约15 天。全国作物种植区将北移,如冬小麦的安全种植北界将由目前的长城一线北移到沈阳—张家口—包头—乌鲁木齐一线。气候变暖还将使我国作物种植制度发生较大的变化,据计算,到2050 年,气候变暖将使大部分两熟制地区被不同组合的三熟制取代,而两熟制地区将北移至目前一熟制地区的中部,一熟制地区的面积将减少23.1%。马爱民 在《气候变化的影响与我国的对策措施》中提出全球气候变暖将明显提高中国各地的有效积温,使无霜期延长,因而有利于复种指数的提高,并造成喜温作物的种植北界向高纬延伸以及作物产区的地理位移。这意味着我国目前的各种作物气候区划都可能发生变化:现在的一些作物适宜种植区将变得不再适宜,并出现一些新的适宜种植区。各地农事安排都将可能发生重大变动。种植区的北移固然有利于农用土地的扩大,但新开垦的土地因土壤贫瘠或水源不足,大多不易获得高产。而北移了的农作物更容易受到突降低温的威胁。

中国农业科学院农业气象研究所研究员崔读昌认为,目前存在过分强调气候变暖对种植业产生危害的倾向,忽略了其有利的一面;同时,我国农业通过自身调节、技术改良,完全可以适应这种气候变化。崔读昌指出,我国种植制度属于多熟种植,也就是常说的—年多季,而这主要取决于气温的高低。—年中积温越高,则季数会相应有所增加。所以,随着气候的变暖,我国部分地区的种植制度可以进行相应的调整以适应变化的需求:东北地区南部,可考虑两季种植;华北地区,南方亚热带地区,气温的升高则可以降低寒露风对晚播作物的危害,稳定其产量。另外,气候变暖还给某些作物的北移西延创造了有利件。中国农业大学资源与环境学院杨晓光教授、刘志娟博士生和中国农业大学农学与生物技术学院陈阜教授。在《气候变暖对中国种植制度北界和粮食产量的可能影响分析》中研究结果表明:(1)与我们目前常用的中国种植制度气候区划结果(1951-1980年)相比,1981以来由于气候变暖,在陕西省、山西省、河北省、北京市和辽宁省,一年两熟种植北界明显向北移动;在湖南省、湖北省、安徽省、江苏省和浙江省一年三熟种植北界向北空间位移明显。在不考虑品种变化、社会经济等方面因素的前提下,各省的种植制度由一年一熟改变为一年二熟,粮食单产平均可增加54%~106%;由一年二熟变成一年三熟,粮食单产平均可增加27% ~ 58%。(2)与1951-1980年相比,1981-2007年辽宁省、河北省、山西省、陕西省、内蒙古、宁夏、甘肃省和青海省冬小麦的种植北界不同程度北移西扩。以河北省为例,冬小麦种植界限的北移,可使界限变化区域的小麦单产平均增加约25%。(3)浙江省、安徽省、湖北省和湖南省双季稻的种植界限平均向北移动47公里、34公里和60公里。单从热量资源的角度出发,种植界限的变动将会使江苏省、安徽省、湖北省和湖南省粮食单产分别增加13.8%、12.2%、1.8%及29.9%。




(2)[郑国光] 郑国光:推动农业适应气候变化 把“不利”化成“有利”)2012年6月5日(星


(3)苏 琴 刘文君(全球气候变化对我国农业生产的影响)


(5)杨晓光教授、刘志娟、陈阜.气候变暖对中国种植制度北界和粮食产量的可能影响分析 该项研究成果刊登于《中国农业科学》2010年43卷第2期

(6)傅 桦(首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院,北京 100037)全球气候变暖的成因与影响


第四篇:全球变暖原因 英文

Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans in recent decades and its projected continuation.Some of the reasons for global warming, mainly divided into two aspects of both human factors and natural factors: Human Factors:

1、Population factors

In recent years, the dramatic increase in population is one of the main factors that contribute to global warming.At the same time, it also seriously threatens the balance between natural ecological environment.So many people, only their own emissions of carbon dioxide each year will be a staggering Numbers, the result will lead to make the content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere directly increase unceasingly, this form of carbon dioxide “greenhouse effect” will directly affect the earth's surface climate change.2、Atmospheric environmental pollution factors

At present, the increasingly serious environmental pollution has constituted a major global problem, is also one of the main factors that contribute to global warming.Now, on global climate change research has clearly pointed out that since the end of last century had started to rise the temperature of the earth's surface.3、Marine ecological environment deterioration factors

At present, the change of sea level is continuously rising, according to experts predict the next century, sea level could rise 50 cm.If you don't take on the measures, will directly cause the destruction of freshwater resources and pollution.In addition, land activities to produce large amounts of toxic chemical waste and solid waste constantly into the sea;Major in sea water in the oil(leak)events and caused by human activities such as coastal areas such as the destruction of the ecological environment is the main factor that leads to the ecological environment destruction.4、Land erosion, salinization, desertification and other factors

Land erosion, salinization, desertification and other factors, human activities such as for wood and deforestation, cultivated land used for agricultural production and overgrazing reason, is still a serious damage to vegetation.The world per minute on average 20 hectares of forest are destroyed, 10 hectares of land desertification, 47000 tons of soil erosion.Soil erosion decreased soil fertility and water retention, thus reducing the biological productivity of the soil and its ability to maintain productivity;And can cause a wide range of floods and dust storms, causing great economic losses to the society, and the worsening ecological environment.5、The forest resources in factors

Around the world, because of natural or man-made factors causing forest area is greatly reduced.6、Acid rain harm factors

The effects of acid rain to the ecological environment has become more and more attention all over the world.Acid rain can destroy forest, acidification lakes, endanger biological, etc.At present, the acid rain in the world more concentrated in Europe and North America, most of the acid rain occurred in developed countries, some developing countries, acid rain, also in the occurrence and development rapidly.7.、Factors accelerate extinctions Life on earth is a valuable human resources, and biodiversity is the foundation of human survival and development.But now the biological species on the earth are shrinking at an unprecedented rate.8、Water pollution factors

According to the global environment monitoring system for water quality monitoring project shows that about 10% of the global monitoring of the pollution of the river, since this century, the human water consumption is dramatically increased, at the same time, water pollution, scale is continually expanding, this creates a contradiction between supply and demand of fresh water.Therefore, the treatment of water pollution is very urgent and important.9、Toxic waste pollution factors

Growing toxic chemicals not only pose a serious threat to human survival, but also to the ecological environment of the earth's surface will lead to harm.10、Human activities

Since the industrial revolution, human activities widely changed the shape of the earth's surface and the distribution of plants and animals, especially the extensive use of fossil fuels and other ways to discharge a large amount of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.This makes the original content of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere of increased;Also added some originally not in the atmosphere, has strong greenhouse gases, such as CFCS and HFCS, PFCS [2].With the increase of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere, atmosphere further hindered the launch of the long wave radiation, the earth into space to keep the radiation balance, will heat up on the ground, in order to enhance longwave radiation.But the surface temperature will not continue to rise, corresponding to the concentration of greenhouse gases, will reach a new equilibrium.Natural Factors

1、The world is in a warm period.2、The earth periodic track changes

The earth periodic track by oval into circular trajectory, distance closer to the sun.According to some scientists study the earth's temperature has a moderate high low temperature alternating, there is a certain regularity.The China meteorological administration, deputy director of the national climate center, said luo according to many scientists predict that in the world in the next 50-100 human will completely into a warming world.Because of the influence of human activity in the 21st century, the concentration of greenhouse gases and sulphate aerosols increase quickly, make the future of the world in 100, east Asia and China's temperature is rising rapidly, the global average surface temperature to rise 1.4 ℃ to 5.8 ℃.To 2050, the average temperatures would rise by 2.2 ℃.“Frequent rare heavy fog weather since winter is also a sign of warmer winters.” Luo said that the fog weather is due to “warm winter” cause strong cold air is very weak.The reality of global warming is to ring alarm bells around the world, climate warming has the serious influence to human survival and sustainable development of society, it is not only a matter of science, and it is a political, economic, energy and other aspects of the comprehensive problem, the fact that global warming has risen to the height of national security

第五篇:全球变暖英文资料Globe warming

As we all know, there is a big problem on the earth, ‘Globe warming’.It is related to human’s survival, so we should know the whole system of the earth, then we will understand why the warming will destroy and kill the life.Glacier ice exists on all the continents except Australia.Mountain glaciers, in particular, are very sensitive indicators of climate change, the glaciers and the ice serve many functions.Firstly, during the Arctic winter, the air is colder than the water, the ice helps to insulate the water from the atmosphere, where there is no ice there’s a huge heat flow from the water to the atmosphere, which causes the air temperature to go up;Secondly, the ice also restricts the energy of the wind from causing waves near the ice, that’s why ships often stay near the ice, where the seas are calmer;Thirdly, the ice also acts as a mass exchange preventing ocean water from evaporating into the atmosphere, and since ice is white, it reflects the sun’s energy and keeps the system cool, without ice, the temperature of the earth would be likely to increase, perhaps significantly.Even a modest of 2 to 4 degrees, Fahrenheit could have a profound effect, some regions of the world might experience more rainfall which leads to floods, which would have impact on agriculture and forest growth.Fertile wet lands could be lost due to rises in sea level, and low-lying areas might experience flooding from melting water run off, higher temperatures in most areas of the world could become fertile breeding grounds.So, we

could see malaria in areas of the world where it never existed before.What cause the temperature goes up? There are many things affecting the balance of temperature.Such as ‘precipitation’, humidity’, ‘wind speed’, ‘slope’, and ‘reflectivity’, which we call natural phenomenon.Except those things, there is a major thing, ‘human activity’, for example, ‘fossil fuel’, there is an evidence of melting data which suggests that since 1850 some alpine glaciers have lost between 30% and 40% of their surface area and about 50% of their volume, similar findings have been reported in other glaciers around the world.Global compilations show that sea level has risen about 1/10 of an inch per year, which may not sound like a lot, but by the year 2100, sea level may rise by almost two feet, if this warming trend continues.So what we should do to protect our planet? We should follow the advice, ‘car pool’, ‘using transportation’, ‘by bike’, ‘planting trees’, and so on.



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