第一篇:听说 影评
电影《听说》中的梦想主要以小朋的梦想为主线,小朋尽管是听障朋友,但是她没有因为这项缺项而放弃自己的梦想,她很坚持也很努力,为了梦想,为了那十分之一秒,百分之一秒,她一次又一次突破自己,当得知自己要失去参加奥运会的机会,她很伤心,但是伤心过后,她并没有选择放弃,而是选择更大的挑战,自力并继续坚持锻炼。小朋对秧秧说:你为什么偷我的梦想?我是我,你是你,你为什么要将我的梦想放在自己身上,没有人可以永远依附另外一个人而活……就算我是听障,我也有自己的人生,我不可能每次都拿金牌,你也不应该牺牲自己来成就我。” 尽管这是和秧秧争吵时说的话,但是也表示出她的决心,她相信自己不仅可以实现自己的梦想,也可以自力,更是告诉秧秧要勇敢追求自己的梦想。儿时的我们应不乏听说过,父母叫我们读书,我们才读书,我们厌烦做不完的作业,上不完的课。长大后,我们才明白我们不可能为了父母而读书,我们不可能依附父母而活,我们读书,我们工作,我们奋斗,都是为了我们的梦想,我们自己的梦想。梦想,可以姗姗来迟,却不可以弃之不顾。
愛情和夢想都是很奇妙的東西,不用聽,不用說,不用被翻譯,就可以感受到。──《聽說》 忙碌而壓抑的復習周,給自己一段放空的時間,再次重溫《聽說》這部帶給我很多溫暖和感 動的電影。
台词不是必须的,对白也不是万能的,一部好电影需要懂得用画面讲故事,而不是靠其他的途径。默片时代的电影俱是做的很美,因为不依赖言语,每一帧画面都承载起了自己的意蕴,或者悲伤或者诙谐,或者是千头百絮,也许是安静给了画面空间,也许是视觉弥补了无声的效果,那些电影在今日看来也需要报以赞叹。大概这就是无声胜有声的意境......这是一部爱情文艺片干净的便当店和馄饨摊干净的阳光 干净的机车爱和梦想是永恒的主题没有那么多的语言 就能表达心情翻译很赞 手语的翻译很有爱跟加分小朋那句:失去你为我挥舞这面旗子的机会瞬间让我泪流满面看这部片子 是让人清新......这里有一个美丽的误会,原来你我眼中的你我,并不是真正的你我。安静的手语编织出的是你我缘分的天空。若你能听见,那么你就能知道我最初的想法,而不是在你一串“为什么”的追问之后,我改掉了的台词。若我能听见,那么我就能知道你自己的声音是怎样,而不是幻想到底是像林志玲还是蔡依林
他以为她听不见,她以为他听不见,因为之前他们都没有在对方面前说过一句话,其实这是一个美丽的误会~ 看到 泳池前 天阔自言自语时秧秧的表情,我就笑了,导演埋下的这个坑还真是妙啊~ 他带她见父母,天阔爸妈帮天阔在纸上写着„你愿意嫁给他吗‟向秧秧表白,她突然说出“我愿意”的时候,我已经不惊讶了,而是惊喜
第四篇:英语视听说 影评 观后感中英翻译
英语视听说影评 观后感汉语 英语
The film review of Hardboiled 1
“Tough” is a never before seen movies, at least in the Chinese movie ever seen so just fierce and a forthright, director of Dinesen works with a brain rot people actually do protagonist, practice the fool equal to forest Gump, Gump see American history of the general, the tough guy is through the fool old three of simple view of the world, dumbfounded but also very direct.Old three is a kind of person? The hero real name is called Wang Tao of veterans navy has a good kung fu, when serving for rescue the drowning comrade-in-arms, the brain through lack of oxygen in the water had been traumatic under the old three this simple reply by eight years old, he became silly IQ, but also become more persistent.Old three seems natural enemies is avoid evil as, after retiring from army is stepping up exercise every day, every body and exercise powers meet bad behavior attitude to stand up, be equal to basically spider-man kind of heroes, and the youngest is always tagging, do not change rapidly after defeat evil forces left, the modern paladin in police looks more rich mystery.This looks like an urban fairy tale, but director let old
three this character become abnormal true, why is that? The wiser because brain injuries, he can simply analysis of things right and wrong, which let his shovel crafty professor behavior has certain theoretical basis, in this materialistic everyone in the pleasures of the coveted, lest really only old three such only a fool would go to do all the dirty things, he believes this earthly things have a kind of strength, is to destroy evil and exist, that is he, old three!
Don't think the youngest is pure fool, his combat experience than many normal person is rich, because he was a veteran of the army, experienced, even if not thousands of manta and the head, but a sleek martial arts are not the seawater to erosion, intelligence damaged old three more focused, he practiced lungful for his general body steel hit evil forces with provide the reliable basis spirit altogether unbending one track-minded, old three strikes evil forces is resolute, is also never retreat.The wiser because play, also spelt blindly buried a many ills, all bystanders would predict that sooner or later he will take the most pains, because he is not only simple, and he still thought of a limb.But all the movies, the police to distinguish right relatively, the headquarters is the essential element in the film
is decoration.Let the audience yourself to choose ideal hardboiled, because these two hardboiled has its own advantages and disadvantages, but old three still appears more lovely and stereo some.I think in this movie villain made several led, Anthony Wong in international theft gang is the biggest movie villain, basically are old three taken, but only the big, bad Anthony Wong as the old three to whom, Alonso stayed trick self-mockery is “good”, the bad guys superficially looks elegantly-dressed, is actually did break something.Results and justice awe-inspiring, third parties on a pedestrian distinguish right scuffles are inevitable.Video of the comedy effect and action scenes are worth applauding, director is to break the traditional male character design, but the film makes but not descends to a cheap comedy,It would be a moving action films, this is entirely due to director for the accurate positioning, hero old three old three although silly, but actually a lot of things he is knowing that just cannot tell, old three than anyone can see the world, He is walking in the pioneer heroic this road, a lot of the people in the world are see evil force away from the sufferer.he set a justice for the society, although the benchmarking spirit of cannot guarantee that he will become infected with many people,but perhaps like old three himself to the mirror it: “no one help, even if himself alone, also want to play!”
Film Critics of “Dead Poets Society”
What is life? In the movie“ dead poets society”, life is a poem, life is music, drama is most the brilliant chapter;life is ideal, life is free, a person should have full confidence and independence;it will guide you, encourage you, inspire you to death and living the courage to the pursuit of true and noble faith of youth.Dead Poets Society tells about the story of students at the Wilton Academy, which is a famous preparatory school in Vermont.The plot centers on how Mr.Keating, a young and exciting teacher, who is determined to teach his students to live life with absolute passion, tutors his students to challenge the institutions around them.“Captain” led the students station to the table down around four, as he tells us, change an angle to have a look the world, you'll find out different things.Thus odd the brave learned to face, he was aware of the meaning of life.Knox ultimate pursuit to his most loved the girl, he learned that life is wonderful.Neal's dramatic dream in the snowy night successfully staged, his heart with passion and crazy beats, he was like a teacher said, do you really want to do.However , Mr.Keating’ existence is also a dagger.When the childen see light, they also smell death.Neal's rebellion, pale and weak force him to be driven into a corner.Radical teacher Keating was framed with Neal's death, the result is: leave.Children are collective station onto the table, watch their captain.Here, no regret, because children already realized he taught everything!The movie is one of the most wonderful films I have ever watched.To be honest,I were always thinking that there were few movies or stories that could indeed touch me from the bottom of my heart.We have been limited since we were born.There are a great many rules and judgement around us which we are asked to do everything in accordance with.We all have a great need for acceptance,which lead us to act like all the other people regardless of ideas of our own.But life is short.Each and every one of us is one day going to stop breathing,turn cold and die.We don’t have to perform.Just make it for ourselves.Just like what Mr.Keating tells the students,we don’t read and write poetry because it’s cute.We read and write poetry because we are members of humen race.And human race is filled with passion.Seize the day.“ Neal can be proud to say:” I lived, I was free to live!“ Neal, you have led us to a revival of” dead poets society“, in the night in the cave, we repeat the poem:” I went to the woods, because I wanted to live a meaningful life, I wanted to live deep, learn the essence of all life.Let's all give up all that was not life, and not when I return to the earth, but I found that I had not lived.“Dead poets society” reminds us, everyone of us is the only thing in the world, is also the most out of the ordinary, the genius of the one and only.Do we want to do, take the bull by the horns, no pressure, no doubt, fear nothing, brave starts our pace.life is a contradictory process, think of it very easily, not easy to be yourself in a real hit.Growth should be full of joy and happiness, but the cruel reality always relentless break our dream wings.The school built high walls, no body warmth, tortured people's social environment, wave after wave will drive us to the abyss of suffering, to accompany our only dark day, there is no dawn sun, cold air, and the pressure on the body of the mountains.If there is no evil, you will know how painful experience the warmth and happiness? Anyhow,just as the famous sing goes “ When I was alive, I will be the master of life, not be its slave.”