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实用听说教程I(09-10学年 第1学期)

Week Two(90m)

Teaching Contents: Unit 1 Introduction(Part I, Part II,)Teaching Aims:

I.Introduce yourself II.Introduce two strangers III.Ask and answers questions concerning

Who you are or somebody else is(name)

What you are or somebody else is(job)

Where you are or somebody else is from(birth place)

What your or somebody else’s major is IV.Greet each other Teaching Means:

Multi-media Focal Points of Teaching: Key words & Communication English Difficult Points of Teaching: Communication English Procedure of Teaching: I.Greeting II.Introduction III.Presentation of the new material I)Starting out

Could you introduce yourself and your family to your partner or to the class? You may use the following top help you: Your name and your age Your job or your major Where you are from and where you live Your family members and their jobs II)In-class Activities Section A 1.listening activities Learn the new words and expressions, and listen to the passage, then do the exercises.2.Speaking activities Useful expressions to learn I’d like to do sth.A year and a half This is my first time to do sth One after another Section B 1.listening activities Useful expressions to learn What’s your major I’m(an art)major I’m majoring in(computer science)2.speaking activities

实用听说教程I(09-10学年 第1学期)

Do you know A? Let me introduce A to you.A, this is B;and B, this is A.Liu Jun, come and meet Li Ting.Li Ting, this is Liu Jun… And Liu Jun, this is Li Ting… He’s a marketing major.… this is Li Ting, a student from the Art Department.Section C 1.listening activities Useful expressions to learn Couple/a couple of The states, admit to, Harvard university, congratulations to sb., primary school, continue 2.Speaking activities IV.Reinforcement

Go over the words and phrases learned in this class and make sentences with them.V.Homework

Read culture notes in part three, and do the after-class activities in part four.实用听说教程I(09-10学年 第1学期)

Week Three(90m)

Teaching Contents: Unit 2 Greeting(Part I, Part II,)Teaching Aims:

I.Greet people In a casual way In an ordinary way In a formal way II.Say goodbye

In a casual way In an ordinary way In a formal way

III.Greet each other Teaching Means:

Multi-media Focal Points of Teaching: Key words & Communication English Difficult Points of Teaching: Communication English Procedure of Teaching: I.Greeting II.Introduction III.Presentation of the new material II)Starting out

What would you say in the following situations?

When you meet your classmate in the morning or in the afternoon When your meet an old friend whom you have not seen for a long time When your meet your teacher on campus When you meet the parents of your friend in their home When you meet your former classmate on your way home

II)In-class Activities Section A 1.listening activities Learn the new words and expressions, and listen to the passage, then do the exercises.Homesick adj.想家的 2.Speaking activities Useful expressions to learn What a big surprise Get on with Keep in touch with Give one’s best wishes/ regards to sb.Section B 1.listening activities Practice reading aloud

实用听说教程I(09-10学年 第1学期)

Make much progress You look great today Same an usual Same here Section C 1.listening activities Useful expressions to learn Recently adv.近来

Whenever conj/adv.无论何时 2.Speaking activities IV.Reinforcement

Go over the words and phrases learned in this class and make sentences with them.V.Homework

Read culture notes in part three, and do the after-class activities in part four.实用听说教程I(09-10学年 第1学期)

Week Four(90m)

Teaching Contents: Unit 2(Part III & Ⅳ)Teaching Aims:


Greet people In a casual way In an ordinary way In a formal way II Say goodbye

In a casual way In an ordinary way In a formal way

III.Greet each other Teaching Means:

Multi-media Focal Points of Teaching: Key words & Communication English Difficult Points of Teaching: Communication English Procedure of Teaching: I.Greeting II.Introduction III.Presentation of the new material Culture notes 1.Ask the students to read this part on their own since the notes are mostly written in Chinese.The teacher wants to check if they have read it by asking if they have read it by asking the following questions: How would Americans greet each other? How would you respond if your boss greets you by saying “how are you?” when you feel terrible?(Fine, thanks.)After-class activities Section A This section contains eight pairs of words that have either similar sounds or similar forms.The students have to understand what they have heard in order to pick the correct words.Section B The eight exercises items include here are more functionally based.Some of them contains typical errors that Chinese learners tend to make.Section C Play the recording once, and let the students do Activity A.Then let them compare their answers without doing the class checking.Section D Either let the students read the passage to them, and then check in class if they could understand the woman’s explanation.实用听说教程I(09-10学年 第1学期)


Go over the words and phrases learned in this class and make sentences with them.V.Homework

Preview Unit 3,and finish the exercises in after-class activities

实用听说教程I(09-10学年 第1学期)

Week Five(90m)

Teaching Contents: Unit 3 Majors and Study(Part I, Part II,)Teaching Aims:

I.Describe your schedule.II.Describe your major and the courses you are taking.III.Describe your English study IV.Greet each other Teaching Means:

Multi-media Focal Points of Teaching: Key words & Communication English Difficult Points of Teaching: Communication English Procedure of Teaching: I.Greeting II.Introduction III.Presentation of the new material III)Starting out

Could you say something to your partner or class about your course work? What is your major? What grade are you in? What are the main courses in your major? How many courses are you taking this semester? Which subject do you like best? How many classes do you have every week? II)In-class Activities Section A 1.listening activities Learn the new words and expressions, and listen to the passage, then do the exercises.2.Speaking activities Useful expressions to learn Introduction to Computer Science, Principles of computer programming, Computer aided design, integrated English, listening and speaking English, English Letter Writing, A brief History of Chinese Art, Oil painting, Principles of Art, Basic Computer Science Section B 1.listening activities Useful expressions to learn Test item, multiple choice 2.speaking activities Local: belong to or existing in a particular place e.g.1)local newspaper: Shanghai Daily cf.national newspaper: People’s Daily Section C 1.listening activities Useful expressions to learn Schedule : timetable e.g.on a tight schedule

实用听说教程I(09-10学年 第1学期)

Advanced: ahead or far along in progress, knowledge, skill,etc 2.Speaking activities IV.Reinforcement

Go over the words and phrases learned in this class and make sentences with them.V.Homework

Read culture notes in part three, and do the after-class activities in part four..实用听说教程I(09-10学年 第1学期)

Week Six(90m)

Teaching Contents: Unit 5 Parting and Leave Taking(Part I, Part II,)Teaching Aims:

I.Announce intention to leave II.respond to intention to leave III.say good-bye IV.ask for and give permission to leave Teaching Means:

Multi-media Focal Points of Teaching: Key words & Communication English Difficult Points of Teaching: Communication English Procedure of Teaching: I.Greeting II.Introduction III.Presentation of the new material IV)Starting out

What would you say when you’re planning to leave somebody or a place

I think I have to go now.I’m afraid I must be going.I’d better get going.It’s getting late, and I have to be going.Well, we have to hit the road now.II)In-class Activities Section A 1.listening activities Learn the new words and expressions, and listen to the passage, then do the exercises.Invite, goodness, my goodness, realize 2.Speaking activities Useful expressions to learn Delicious Hit the road In this/that case Ride, give sb a ride Section B 1.listening activities Keep/stay in touch with Be in touch with Get in touch with Lose touch with Section C 1.listening activities Useful expressions to learn Flight, announcement, board,实用听说教程I(09-10学年 第1学期)

2.Speaking activities Shake hands with sb See sb off All the way Some day Make friends with I hope so IV.Reinforcement

Go over the words and phrases learned in this class and make sentences with them.V.Homework

Read culture notes in part three, and do the after-class activities in part four.实用听说教程I(09-10学年 第1学期)

Week Seven(90m)

Teaching Contents: Unit 5(Part III & Ⅳ)Teaching Aims:

I.Announce intention to leave II.respond to intention to leave III say good-bye IV ask for and give permission to leave

Teaching Means:

Multi-media Focal Points of Teaching: Key words & Communication English Difficult Points of Teaching: Communication English

Procedure of Teaching: I.Greeting II.Introduction III.Presentation of the new material Culture notes Ask the students to read this part on their own since the notes are mostly written in Chinese.The teacher wants to check if they have read it by asking if they have read it by asking the following questions: When a party or a dinner finishes, who usually takes leave? Could you name two expressions used to take one’s leave? What do people usually say when they part? When do people use “See you” or “See you later”

After-class activities Section A This section contains eight pairs of words that have either similar sounds or similar forms.The students have to understand what they have heard in order to pick the correct words.Section B The eight exercises items include here are more functionally based.Some of them contains typical errors that Chinese learners tend to make.Section C Play the recording once, and let the students do Activity A.Then let them compare their answers without doing the class checking.Section D Either let the students read the passage to them, and then check in class if they could understand the woman’s explanation.实用听说教程I(09-10学年 第1学期)


Go over the words and phrases learned in this class and make sentences with them.V.Homework

Preview Unit 7,and finish the exercises in after-class activities.实用听说教程I(09-10学年 第1学期)

Week Eight(90m)

Teaching Contents: Unit 7 Apologizing(Part I, Part II,)Teaching Aims:

I.Apologize for doing something wrong II.Offer forgiveness Teaching Means:

Multi-media Focal Points of Teaching: Key words & Communication English Difficult Points of Teaching: Communication English Procedure of Teaching: I.Greeting II.Introduction III.Presentation of the new material V)Starting out

What would you say in the following situations?

When you are late for class.When you fail to hand in your homework in time.When you have forgotten an important appointment.When you have sneezed in public

When you have stepped on someone’s toes for foot.II)In-class Activities Section A 1.listening activities Learn the new words and expressions, and listen to the passage, then do the exercises.Terribly, Germany, oversleep 2.Speaking activities Useful expressions to learn Manage to do

It’s sb’s fault that/ for sth Have problems doing sth Bring sth along Heavy traffic Lose one’s way Road accident Take the wrong bus Have a flat tyre Can’t remember the address

Section B 1.listening activities Traffic, breakdown, beef, hamburger, sandwich, hot dog ,fried chicken , French fries, potato chips 2.Speaking activities

实用听说教程I(09-10学年 第1学期)

Have a chat with Joke with sb about sth Sensitive to/about Apologize to sb for sth Forgive sb for sth Section C 1.listening activities Useful expressions to learn Damage, spill, big deal 2.Speaking activities IV.Reinforcement

Go over the words and phrases learned in this class and make sentences with them.V.Homework

Read culture notes in part three, and do the after-class activities in part four.实用听说教程I(09-10学年 第1学期)

Week Nine(90m)

Teaching Contents: Unit 9 Weather and Seasons(Part I, Part II,)Teaching Aims:

I.II.III.IV.Talk about the weather Comment on the weather to start a conversation Talk about the climate of a place Report the weather forecast Teaching Means:

Multi-media Focal Points of Teaching: Key words & Communication English Difficult Points of Teaching: Communication English Procedure of Teaching: I.Greeting II.Introduction III.Presentation of the new material VI)Starting out

Could you introduce the climate of your hometown to your partner or to the class

How many seasons are there in a year?

What are they?

What is the weather like in spring(summer, autumn, or winter)?

Is it very hot in summer and very cold in winter?

Does it often rain or snow?

Which is your favourite season? And why?

What are the popular sports in each season?

II)In-class Activities Section A 1.listening activities Learn the new words and expressions, and listen to the passage, then do the exercises.Bloom, in bloom 2.Speaking activities Useful expressions to learn Downpour Stick(be/get stuck)Changeable

Section B 1.listening activities Mild, temperature, snowball, snowman, continually 2.Speaking activities

Section C 1.listening activities

实用听说教程I(09-10学年 第1学期)

Useful expressions to learn China Radio International, shower, westerly 3.Speaking activities IV.Reinforcement

Go over the words and phrases learned in this class and make sentences with them.V.Homework

Read culture notes in part three, and do the after-class activities in part four.实用听说教程I(09-10学年 第1学期)

Week Ten(90m)

Teaching Contents: Unit 9(Part III & Ⅳ)Teaching Aims:

I Talk about the weather II Comment on the weather to start a conversation III Talk about the climate of a place IV Report the weather forecast

Teaching Means:

Multi-media Focal Points of Teaching: Key words & Communication English Difficult Points of Teaching: Communication English

Procedure of Teaching: I.Greeting II.Introduction III.Presentation of the new material Culture notes Ask the students to read this part on their own since the notes are mostly written in Chinese.The teacher wants to check if they have read it by asking if they have read it by asking some questions.After-class activities Section A This section contains eight pairs of words that have either similar sounds or similar forms.The students have to understand what they have heard in order to pick the correct words or phrases.Section B The eight exercises items include here are more functionally based.Some of them contains typical errors that Chinese learners tend to make.Section C Play the recording once, and let the students do Activity A.Then let them compare their answers without doing the class checking.Section D Either let the students read the passage to them, and then check in class if they could understand it.IV.Reinforcement

Go over the words and phrases learned in this class and make sentences with them.V.Homework

Preview Unit 1 of Book II,and finish the exercises in after-class activities..实用听说教程I(09-10学年 第1学期)

Week Eleven(90m)

Teaching Contents: Unit 1 Asking for directions(Part I, Part II,)Teaching Aims: I ask for directions II give directions

Teaching Means:

Multi-media Focal Points of Teaching: Key words & Communication English Difficult Points of Teaching: Communication English

Procedure of Teaching: I.Greeting II.Introduction III.Presentation of the new material I Starting out

Ask your partner how to go from your classroom building to the following places

The library

The computer lab.The administrative building

The school gate?

II)In-class Activities Section A 1.listening activities Listen to the short dialogues and finish the exercises.2.Speaking activities Useful expressions to learn Registration, the administrative building, roof, ceiling, story Section B 1.listening activities Sunny, square 2.Speaking activities Wal-Mart, block, crossroads

Section C 1.listening activities 4.Speaking activities Baggage, luggage, subway, underground, connect, headed for, exit, entrance

实用听说教程I(09-10学年 第1学期)


Go over the words and phrases learned in this class and make sentences with them.V.Homework

Read culture notes in part three, and do the after-class activities in part four.实用听说教程I(09-10学年 第1学期)

Week Twelve(90m)

Teaching Contents: Unit 1 Food and Eating out(Part I, Part II,)Teaching Aims:

I talk about daily meals II talk about food and fruit III order food in a restaurant

Teaching Means:

Multi-media Focal Points of Teaching: Key words & Communication English Difficult Points of Teaching: Communication English

Procedure of Teaching: I.Greeting II.Introduction III.Presentation of the new material I Starting out

Do you know what to say when asked the following questions?

What do you have for breakfast?

Where do you usually have your meals(breakfast, lunch and supper)

What kind of food do you like best?

What is your favorite food or fruit?

Do you like the food served in the school canteen?

How do you order food in a fast food store?

How do you order food in a western style restaurant?

What is the English for 我请客?

II)In-class Activities Section A 1.listening activities Listen to the short dialogues and finish the exercises.2.Speaking activities Section B 1.listening activities Recommend, sour, sweet and sour fish, customer, carp, sauce, shrimp, juice 2.Speaking activities Booth, menu, goodness, my goodness, pork, bill, treat, Dutch Section C 1.listening activities stir-fried food, steamed, bread, minced meat 2.Speaking activities Food stall, soy milk, ice cream

实用听说教程I(09-10学年 第1学期)


Go over the words and phrases learned in this class and make sentences with them.V.Homework

Read culture notes in part three, and do the after-class activities in part four.?

实用听说教程I(09-10学年 第1学期)

Week Thirteen(90m)

Teaching Contents: Unit 2(Part III & Ⅳ)Teaching Aims:


talk about daily meals II talk about food and fruit III order food in a restaurant

Teaching Means:

Multi-media Focal Points of Teaching: Key words & Communication English Difficult Points of Teaching: Communication English

Procedure of Teaching: I.Greeting II.Introduction III.Presentation of the new material Culture notes Ask the students to read this part on their own since the notes are mostly written in Chinese.The teacher wants to check if they have read it by asking if they have read it by asking some questions.After-class activities Section A This section contains eight pairs of words that have either similar sounds or similar forms.The students have to understand what they have heard in order to pick the correct words or phrases.Section B The recording of the these mini-dialogues maybe played twice, but as the students are getting used to this exercises, the recording should be played only once if the exercises is done in class.Section C Play the recording once, and let the students do Activity A.Then let them compare their answers without doing the class checking.Section D Either let the students read the passage to them, and then check in class if they could understand it.IV.Reinforcement

Go over the words and phrases learned in this class and make sentences with them.V.Homework

Go over what we have learned in this term,and prepare for the final examination.



*** 黄玉






















What is the matter? 1.The analysis of teaching material: For eight grade students, we should based on the knowledge students already studied.I use all kinds of targets to teach and let them master the words of diseases.I forced students do a roll play who imitating the procedure of seeing a doctor.With this , can raise students interest and make students lead the class.2.The Analysis of the Students: In this period students are lively, active and have strong curiosity, so they are eager to express in English.Their ability to imitate and remember is particularly strong.3.Teaching objectives 3.1 Knowledge Objectives:

1)Be able to master the pronunciation, meaning and spelling of the names of diseases: fever, sore throat, sore back;stomachache, headache, toothache, cold, cough;

2)Be able to learn the expressions of giving advice: lie down and rest, drink hot tea with honey, see a dentist, take this medicine;

3)Be able to talk about health problems by using “What’s the matter? I have a…” and give advice by using “You should…You shouldn’t…”

3.2 Ability Objectives:

1)Be able to talk about one’s health problems and give advice fluently;

2)Be able to role play doctor and patient;3.3 Moral Objectives:

1)Improve the cooperative spirit through pair work and role playing

2)Care more about yourself and your family members’ health.4.Teaching focus and difficult points: students should master the words about diseases and can give considerable advises.The teaching Focus

1.Master the names of diseases: fever, sore throat, sore back;stomachache, headache, toothache, cold, cough;

2.Can give some considerable advises: lie down and rest, drink hot tea with honey, see a dentist, take this medicine;

2.Talk about health problems by using “What’s the matter? I have a…”and give advice by using “You should… You shouldn’t…”

The Teaching Difficulties

1.Students may find it difficult to remember all the target new words in the class;2.Students may find it difficult to give considerable advice to the certain disease because of their limited life experience.5.Teaching methods: Communicative language teaching.6.Teaching aids: blackboard, multimedia, chalk, eraser and so on.7.Teaching procedures.Step1: Warming up:

1.First greet students and start the class.2.Presentation of pictures about medical instruments(ward, sickbed, operating room).3.Let students recognize these pictures and ask them:” Where they can see these medical instruments?” and students will say:”in hospital”.Step2: Presentation of pictures about diseases 1.Then get students to guess the diseases..When I do an action, ask students: “What’s the matter?” For example, when I put my finger on the stomach, ask students: “What’s the matter with me?” Help students say: “I’m not feeling well.I have a stomachache.” Then teach the other target words: fever, sore throat, toothache, sore back in the following way: Put my finger on the other part of body and get students to ask: What’s the matter? Then get other students to guess the problem.2.Use body language to guide students to guess another two names of diseases: cold, cough.3.Show students pictures of diseases half hidden, and get students to guess the names of diseases: fever, sore throat, toothache, sore back, cold, cough.Design Description: use pictures, can arouse the curiosity of students to actively participate in teaching activities, the teaching of word mode is simple and intuitive, easy to be accepted by students.Grade eight students love speculation activities, so using the half cover images allows students to consolidate the learned words.Step3: Pair workLet students talk to their desk-mate and use question and answer.Put finger on the part of a student’s body and ask: “What’s matter?” and guide him to use the pattern: I’m not feeling well.I have a… Then ask students to work in pairs and talk about health problems by using the target language: What’s the matter? I’m not feeling well.I have a …

Design notes: pairs practice can stimulate student participation, expand participation, and enable more students to speak English.Step4 Presentation of expressions of giving advice.Tell students that I have a cold/cough, ask them: What should I do? Students may give different answers, collect their answers and help them to use: You should/shouldn’t do… Then show some pictures of other diseases mentioned before and ask them to give advice to each

problem by using target language: You should/shouldn’t do… During this activity, some phrases will be learned: lie down and rest, drink hot tea with honey, see a dentist, drink lots of water, take some medicine.Design Description: to show students pictures about the disease, it can not only help students to review the new knowledge, but also can naturally introduce a new topic for disease advice.Then, through between male and female disease to carry out said matching game recommendations, stimulate the enthusiasm of students, and consolidate the sentence.At the same time.The student growth related knowledge, strengthen the awareness of health.Step5 Group work

Ask students to make a five-people group, one of them is a doctor, one is doctor assistant, the rest of them are patients.Ask the students to role play the dialogue above.Then ask several groups to perform before the class by using some tools: bandage, a uniform, a stethoscope.Ask other students.8.Homework: Let students recite these words and the text.







例如我在人教版新目标八年级上Unit 6 I’m more outgoing than my sister.的教学设计中,是以一首韩红的歌曲《天路》引出,让学生感受情景,猜测歌手的名字,并描述韩红的外貌,再引出更多的名人,复习描述外貌的单词和句型。为本课学习比较级做好单词,短语的准备。通过以上创设的情境,学生的学习积极性得以提高,主观能动性被充分调动起来,学习热情高涨。并且和教学内容与形式息息相关,学生在感受轻松愉悦的课堂气氛的同时,也体会到紧凑的课堂节奏,注意力高度集中,为下一步的教学奠定良好的基础。Step 2.学习目标语(Study new language)1.Study new language:

任务2 通过图片谈论导入新语言知识的学习,学习完成任务所需要的目标词汇、句式等,例如我在人教版新目标八年级上Unit 6 I’m more outgoing than my sister.的教学设计中,设计了几幅图片,描述并介绍了新目标语言----比较级的意义及句式。2.Speaking: Take about the picture in 1a进行图画描述。

任务3 在1a图片所提供的情景或者创设新的语境来进行交际练习,体会、使用新目标语言。教师引导学生就1a的图画进行观察,描述自己在图片中看到的内容,在此期间,可以采取小组讨论,小组竞赛的形式激发他们的积极性,初步展示学生对新目标语言的口语表达能力。这是培养学生英语思维重要的、也是必要的过程。

Step 3.1b听力训练(listening)任务4 Pre-listening听前活动设计:听前活动设计的目的是激活学生已有的相关知识,补充相关文化和背景信息,扫除生词,并预测听力材料的内容和结构,为之后的听力理解活动做好铺垫。为此听前活动设计要选择学生熟悉的,了解的和感兴趣的内容,通过图片,对话,视频等形式,激发学生的求知欲望。具体有以下几种方式(1)话题导入



我在九年级Unit11 Could you please tell me where the restroom are?的教学设计中,针对课本问路指路的听力内容,首先引入我们学校附近的地理状况,我扮演成陌生人,与学生展开对话,然后,再让生生对话,进行话题引入。




我在人教版新目标九年级Unit 9 When was it invented? 听力2a的教学设计中, 针对听力原文新发明生词太多的情况,我首先在幻灯片中展示各个新发明的图片及名字并且教会学生这些生词,带读一些发明家的名字,为下一步听力降低了难度。




我在人教版新目标九年级Unit 7 Where would you like to visit?听力2a的教学设计中, 针对课本插图旅游画面及听力题干,我问学生:what can you see in the picture ? what do you think you will listen to? 并进而启发学生: From picture, we know it is about traveling.From sentences, we know maybe some people are choosing somewhere to travel.从而指导学生预测听力材料内容。任务5 While-listening听中活动设计


Step 4. 1c对话练习(pairwork)任务6 Post-listening听后活动设计 Listen and repeat: 听录音跟读

听力练习后,学生已有了较完整的听力材料,再通过听录音跟读,让学生朗读录音材料中的句子、问题、对话等内容,训练正确的语音语调,进一步巩固目标语言,为后面要完成的任务打下口语基础。1c Pair work:根据对话内容,进行模仿练习。3 Competition and Speaking: 竞赛与口语表达

任务7 创设情境,展开活动,巩固目标语言,教学中,教师应积极组织例如游戏,竞赛活动。竞争是诱发进步的动力,小组竞赛是激发学生积极性和争取优良成绩的一种有效手段,同时能激发学生浓厚的兴趣和上进心。竞赛不仅是与其他同学的竞争,也是对自我的挑战,可以极大地调动学生的学习积极性和参与意识,在此过程中,学生踊跃发言,积极思考,课堂气氛活跃,把课堂推向高潮,教学效果好。竞赛前,将竞赛规则、过程、内容明确让学生了解,使他们做好相应准备,准备越充分,学生参与比赛的积极性就越高,在取得成功后,他们能从同伴的羡慕中得到自我提高的内驱力。竞赛内容可以是根据听力材料复述所听内容,将短文改成对话或将对话改成短文,改换人称角色扮演,故事续尾,调查访问及辩论,也可以是教师根据学生生活体验,时代背景利用多媒体另设情境,在竞争赛中,内容设计应层层递进,注重启发式教学,采用“多维互动启发式”教学方法,优化课堂要素结构,营造良好课堂氛围。突出对能力的培养,并加大实训力度。以学生为主,教师起到指导作用,实现师生互动,提高教学效果。在课件设计上,应注意制作理念新颖,内容丰富,容量大,可操作性强。使学生训练时,更加直观有效。以供学生充分练习。

例如 1 我在人教版新目标七年级下 Unit 5 I’m watching TV的这个环节教学中,设计小组竞赛活动,让学生根据幻灯片上的画面猜测画面上的人物在干什么,他们在表述的过程中就会用刚刚学到的现在进行时态,然后再给出更多画面,让他们小组成员合作,互相问答,期间又会用到不同人称的现在进行时态的问句,训练层层递进,扎实有序,课堂活跃。

2我在人教版新目标八年级下 Unit 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf? 的这个环节教学中,设计小组合作活动,制作了多幅幻灯片,每张幻灯片分别有老师,父亲,奶奶不同人物及各种礼物,让小组合作讨论应该给每一位送什么样的礼物,并说说为什么,在讨论中,他们就会用的所学到的提出建议和表达评论的句型,同学们各抒己见,讨论热烈。

3我在人教版新目标八年级上Unit 6 I’m more outgoing than my sister.的这个环节教学中,设计小组竞赛活动,制作了多幅幻灯片,每张幻灯片都有两个大家熟悉的明星,让学生观察他们的不同,然后用刚刚学到的比较级表述他们的不同,同学们发言踊跃,课堂气氛达到高潮。Step 5.2a-2b听力训练((listening)Pre-listening 听前活动

Take about the pictures in 2a & 2b 针对课本图画进行描述, 教师要帮助学生明确要求,2a的听力是在1b的基础上加以拓展的,难度要比1b大一些,因此,在设计教学活动的时候,要为学生搭建一个可供向上攀登的阶梯,教师可以引导学生就课本图画进行自由表述,可以提出具体的问题启发学生思考,带领学生预测将要听到的内容,调动学生积极参与活动。While-listening 听中活动 任务7 1.Listen and do 2a 听录音,完成2a部分练习

经过图片表述以后,学生对听力的内容有所预知,有所了解,降低了听力的难度。学生在听第一遍的同时,一般能顺利地完成2a的内容, 并且为2b的听力打下了坚实的基础。在听录音前,教师要注意引导学生抓关键信息。2.Listen and do 2b听录音,完成2b部分练习


3.listen and answer听录音,回答问题(灵活处理的环节)完成2a 和2b后,教师可以根据听力内容再设计1-2个较概括性的问题,进行判断或选择,训练学生辨别信息真伪的能力。(此步骤教师应灵活运用,根据教学内容设定,对于较难的听力材料可以这样处理,容易的材料可有可无。)Post-listening 听后活动 任务8 1.Complete the conversation /Order the conversation 漏词填空/对话排序

在设置漏词填空时要考虑到本课的重点, 把本课的基本句式和重点词汇等作为漏词的内容,让学生在训练听的同时不知不觉中强化识记了单元话题的有关词汇和句式。

2.Listen and repeat/ Read aloud: 跟读或朗读(必需的环节)

此时学生已经熟悉了听力材料,再放一遍录音,让学生跟读。这样,既可以使有限的听力材料得到反复听、反复用,在听和读的过程中培养学生听、说的技能,也是帮助学生熟悉背诵语言材料的有效手段。同时,又为2c的Pair work打下了基础。

Step 6.2c Pair work 任务9 1 Pair work根据对话内容,进行模仿练习。2.Consolidation and Extension巩固拓展

Activities: make new conversations

教师根据话题提出任务,借助于图片与相关的Key words的提示,让学生运用所学目标语言完成任务, 人称混合应用,是对本课所学内容的综合提升和拓展。教师设计的任务.应尽量贴近学生生活,生活就是知识,生活化的角色更易于调动学生参与的积极性,要使用有限的课程资源,尽可能多地为学生提供“开口说英语”的机会。

Step 7.Summary小结 任务10



例如 我在人教版新目标八年级下unit 5 If you go to the party, you will have a good time!完成1b,1c及竞赛活动后后的这个环节教学中,让小组讨论总结本课重点难点及目标语言,再由每组选一位学生陈述。学生集思广益,系统梳理,总结效果很好,期间培养的学生自主学习的能力,并辅导了学法。2启发式



例如 我在人教版新目标九年级unit3 teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes 完成2b,2c及相应活动后后,在屏幕上用画面展现出各种中学生行为,然后提问What do you think should be allowed to do? Why? What do you think should not be allowed to do? Why? 依此类问题启发学生深入思考学校中的日常生活,并进而练习口语。3悬念式

悬念是众多学生求知欲的动力源泉。制造悬念就是要在学生已形成的概念,对某些问题的生活体验与对这些问题的更精确地解释与陈述之间树立矛盾。(王天荣 2010)

例如 我在人教版新目标九年级unit10 By the time I got outside, the bus had already left.完成1b,1c及竞赛活动后的这个环节教学中,我向学生提出问题 Do you think if Tina was late? Was Tina’s teacher angry with her? What happened to her at last? If you want to know the answers, Let’s wait for next class.留下悬念,让学生对故事的结局充满好奇和猜疑,让他们对下节课充满期待。4导入式


例如 我在人教版新目标八年级下unit3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived? 完成1b,1c及竞赛活动后,我向学生假设,If you were the alien, what would you want to do ? In fact, the alien did many things.What happened then? The alien went to a store, and bought a souvenir.You must want to know something else about it , Let’s wait for next class.将下节课的学习内容与本节课连接起来,引发学生兴趣与思考,促使其期盼下节课。5赏析式


例如 我在人教版新目标八年级上Unit 6 I’m more outgoing than my sister.完成1b,1c及竞赛活动后,在屏幕上打出谚语,Everyone is special.Everyone is important.(人人都有自己的特色,人人都很重要.)Don’t judge a person by what he looks like。(貌取人),和同学共同欣赏,评点并帮助他们形成正确的价值观.当然也 可以选择诗歌,影片,音乐进行赏析。





一、Background information

Teacher: Miss Qin

Students: 40


Age: 13-14 years old

Lesson duration:40mins Teaching contents: unit1, what are you going to do at the weekend? Module 3

student’s book 2


1、教材内容:本模块围绕 计划 这个话题展开的,从同学们的周边环境入手,从而达到可以计划自己要做什么事情

2、本节课为本模块的第一单元,教学内容包括教材14—15页的 speaking and listening.学生在老师的引导学习下知道一些重要的单词,短语。和能够自然地运用这些短语进行对话。能够计划短期的行程



四、teaching aims;

1、knowledge aims ⑴ New words:


revise picnic

test ⑵New phrases:

check email

revise for

have a picnic ⑶Structures:

be going to+动词原形表达一般将来时 2 Ability aims: be able to use the structures to make a dialogue

五、Teaching strategies: communication approach, audio-lingual approach

六、teaching aids: PPT



七、teaching procedures Step 1:Lead in T:Class begin

S: Stand up.Good morning, Miss Qin T: Good morning, class.Thank you, sit down, please, look, these are my friends, we usually have a picnic at the weekend.Do you know “have a picnic”? S:No T:OK, please look at the picture, have a picnic means we can eat and drink in outside, anywhere, and you can smell flowers…now, do you know? S: Yes T: Ok, what are you usually to do at the weekend? You, please S: I usually play computer games at the weekend T: Ok, it is relaxing, what about you? S:I usually do my homework T:Yean;you are a good student, what about you? S: I usually visit my grandparents T: Good, I think you like you grandparents very much, ok, weekend is coming.This weekend, < look at PPT.>what is my plan at the weekend, do you know plan? S: Yes T: Yean, plan plan, read it, you can guess what is my plan at the weekend, can you guess? You can guess in this way.You are going to…maybe you are going to…

S: Maybe you are going to have a picnic T: Ok, what about you? S: Maybe you are going to have o party T: En it is a good idea S: Maybe you are going to go shopping T: Yean yean, I like go shopping …

T: Look ,this is my plan , read it ,louder Ok ,what is your plan at the weekend, you can answer in this way, I am going to…what are you going to do at the weekend S;I am going to get up early T: Ok.This is a good habit.You? S: I am going to… …

T: please ask and answer the question in pair, what are you going to do at the weekend? I am going to…what about you? I am going to…yean, now please do it T: Louder please, so that everyone can hear you….thank you, look at me who like do it, please two boys S: T;Thank you so much, S: T: Ok, that girl, what is your name? S: Nancy T: Nancy, you like read books right, I like read books very much, so we are friends T;So you see , my friend Nancy is going to read some books, and that is his plan, what is the plan of your friend, you can ask your friends about their plans, you should answer it use “my friend/friends is/are… he/they is/are going to…we /they are going to…OK? Ok, go do it T: You, please S: My friend is Lucy;she is going to have a piano lesson on Saturday morning.We are going to have a piano on Saturday afternoon T: Ok.Who is Lucy? Ok your weekend is very interesting, what about you? S: my friends are lily and joy;they are going to have a party.T: en, first, we are going to listen the tape, and you can finish this blanks, ok? S: ok T: are you finished it? Ok, check your answer T: look at the screen again, who can read this question? who can..just try, ok S: …

T: Good, you can read it confidently, now we can listen it and then answer question


: Check you answer, second listen it again and choose the correct answer….check your answer.Look at the page 15, listen again and finished, then I want to choose some students to answer it T: are you finished it? Ok, check it, you? S;…

T: good, right answer, next …

T: we are finished it, ok, do you think Betty and Daming’s weekend are very great? S: Yes T:Now, please, play a role with your partner

T:this group, can you? Ss:…



we have learn much about the structure and some important phrases, please work with your partner to make your own dialogue like page 14, if you have any questions, please hands up, begin ,go go go T:Who want to show your dialogue? Ok please …

T :Any one else, this group, can you? T :You are very good today.now we will review together, look at the picture, do you know what’s this? S:Clock T:Good, first, he is going to get up early, and then he is going to revise for his test.then he is going to buy some clothes, then he(ask students to answer it)

Homework Write down your own dialogue about how to spend your weekend



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