
时间:2019-05-14 10:00:23下载本文作者:会员上传


Transfer Agreement


This Transfer Agreement(“Transfer Agreement”)is entered into by and between the following parties on September 20, 2011:


Party A: ??? Hong Kong Limited, a corporation duly organized and existing

under the laws of Hong Kong;

甲方: ???香港有限公司,一家依据香港法律成立并有效存续的公司;

Party B: Mr.???, a Chinese citizen and holder of ID

乙方:???, 一位中国公民,身份证号???;

Party C:???a company duly organized and existing under the laws of the People’s

Republic of China.丙方:????有限公司,一家依据中华人民共和国法律成立并有效存续的公司;

Party D: Trading Co., Ltd., a wholly foreign owned enterprise duly organized and

existing under the laws of the People’s Republic of China.丁方: ???贸易有限公司,一家依据中华人民共和国法律成立并有效存续的外商独资经营企业。

Whereas, Party A and Party B entered into the CONSULTING AGREEMENT(“Contract”)on the date of May 23, 2011;


Whereas, the Parties agree that Party A transfers all the rights, obligations and liabilities(if any)under the Contract to Party C.鉴于,各方同意甲方将其在合同项下的全部权利、义务和责任(若有)转让给丁方。

The Parties hereby agree as follows:


1.Party A transfers all the rights, obligations and liabilities(if any)under the Contract, including but not limited to Party A’s right to claim against and obtain compensation from Party B and Party C for any breach of the Contract before the date of this Transfer Agreement(if any)and Party A’s liabilities to Party B and Party C for breach of the Contract before the date of this Transfer Agreement(if any), to Party D, and Party D replaces Party A as the party to the Contract.甲方将其在合同项下的全部权利、义务和责任(若有),包括但不限于甲方要求乙方和丙方就其在本转让协议生效之日前的违约行为(若有)承担违约责任


2.This Transfer Agreement takes effect on the date first written above.本转让协议自文首记载之日起生效。

3.All other terms in the Contract shall remain unchanged.合同中所有其他条款保持不变。

The Parties have signed this Transfer Agreement on the date first written above.各方于文首记载之日签署本转让协议。

Party A/甲方:

Signed by/签字:________________



Party B/乙方:

Signed by/签字:________________




Party C/丙方:

Signed by/签字:________________




Party D/丁方:

Signed by/签字:________________





互联网域名转让协议(中英文)Internet Domain Name Assignment Contract

签署日期 The date of signature

出让方(甲方):Assignor(Party A):

受让方(乙方):Assignee(Party B):


According to the law, on the basis of voluntary will, equality and mutual benefit, parties A and B conclude the contract with mutual agreement.I.域名情况及转让范围The status of the domain name and the scope of the assignment 1.甲方合法拥有下列域名:在规定期限内的管理权,使用权,所有权。

Party A enjoy the managing, using and property right about the following domain name

in prescribed terms.2.甲方同意将上述域名的权限完全转让乙方所有。

Party A agrees to assign above-mentioned right totally to Part B.3.以下是域名的详细信息:

Following is the details of the domain name:


当前注册人(出让人)Current registered person

新注册人(受让人)The new registered person(B)





地址 The address

国家 Country

邮编 Zip Code


Telephone No.传真The Fax No.电子邮箱The email address

所属注册商Authorized agent

注册时间Registration time

II.转让价格及支付方式 The assignment fees and the payment 1.出让总价:, The total assignment fees:


Party B should pay off the total assignment fees in one time before the completion of the assignment deed.3.甲方收到转让费用后办理转户手续。(以当地银行收到款项为准)

After receiving the assignment fees, party A would perform the transfer procedure.(The receipt time refers to the payment is received in local bank)

4.其他费用: 甲方支付Other expenditure : It is paid by party A

III.双方权利与义务、域名过户流程及其他The liability of two parties and assignment procedure


Rights and obligations of two parties: a.甲方保证合法拥有以上所述域名的所有权、管理权、使用权,如有欺诈行为将承担相关的民事和刑事责任;The party A guarantees that it enjoys above mentioned property, managing and using right.If there were any fraud, it would bear the correlative civil or criminal liabilities.b.甲方收到转让费用后5个工作日内为乙方办理过户事宜,不得拖延;The party A will proceed the assignment in 5 workdays after it gets the assignment fees and there is not any delay.c.过户后乙方使用此域名产生的一切后果及责任与甲方无关,由乙方承担全部责任;Concluded the assignment, any result and liability, which Party B will bring in the process of using of the domain name, is none of the business With Party A and should be born by Party B.2.过户流程:

Transfer flow: a.乙方在该域名的注册商官方站下载过户资料表格,填好后签字盖章EMS邮寄到甲方; Party B should download the data sheet for assignment from the official website of the authorized agent, execute and post it to Party A by EMS.b.甲方在收到乙方的过户资料后,经审核无误后签字并盖章;

Party A should execute the assignment data sheet after receiving and checking out it free from error.c.财务到帐后,甲方将完整的过户文件EMS提交至北京注册商总部;

Party A can submit the whole documents to the authorized agent once Party A gets the assignment fees by EMS.d.北京注册商总部收到过户资料后,在2-5个工作日内将把原注册内容替换成新注册人的信息;

Receiving the documents for assignment, the authorized agent would replace the original information of assignor as the new information about assignee in 2 to 5 workdays.e.完成过户手续后,乙方可在中国互联网信息中心官方站查询该域名的WHOIS,核对无误后发传真或电子邮件给甲方做最后的确认。

Concluded the assignment, Party B can search WHOIS of the domain name on the official website of China Internet Network Information Center.After checking, Party B should send email to Party A for confirmation.3.双方应本着诚实信用的原则履行本合同。任何一方在履行中采用欺诈、胁迫或者暴力的手段,另一方可以解除合同并有权要求对方赔偿损失。任何一方在履行中发现或者有证据表明对方已经、正在或者将要违约,可以中止履行本合同,但应及时通知对方。甲方提前解除合同,无权要求乙方返还域名并应对乙方遭受的损失承担赔偿责任,乙方无故解除合同,应返还甲方上述费用以及域名。

The two parties should take the principle of good faith performance of this contract.The use of any party in the performance of fraud, coercion or violent means, the other party may terminate the contract and the right to demand compensation for damages.Found in the performance of any party, or there is evidence that the other party have been, are or will default, may suspend the performance of the contract, but shall promptly notify the other party.Where party A early termination of the contract, no right to demand the return of the domainand should bear the liability for losses of party B, where party B terminate contract without valid reason, these costs should be compensated to A and the domain name should be returned to party A.4.其他: 其余未尽事宜双方协商解决。

Other matters: The remaining outstanding issues resolved through mutual consultation.III.合同双方签署后生效Contracts enters into force after execution


The contact shall be executed in two counterparts, each party holds one.出让方(甲方):


Assignor(Party A):

Assignee(Party B):





XXXXX 有限公司


目 录

第一条 定义和解释规则.................................................................................................................4 第二条 股权的出售和购买.............................................................................................................4 第三条 转让价款的支付.................................................................................................................5 第四条 转让方及目标公司的陈述和保证.....................................................................................5 第五条 受让方陈述和保证.............................................................................................................7 第六条 保密.....................................................................................................................................7 第七条 违约行为与救济.................................................................................................................7 第八条 附则.....................................................................................................................................8


1)XXXXX Co., Ltd, 一家根据XXXXXXXXXX法律组建并存续的公司,注册地址为【 · 】(以下简称“转让方”); 2)XXXXXX COMPANY LIMITED, 一家根据XXXX法律组建并存续的公司,注册地址为【 · 】(以下简称“受让方”); 在本协议中,转让方和受让方有时分别称为“一方”,并有时被统称为“双方”。




第一条 定义和解释规则

1.1定义 除本合同条款另有约定或上下文另有所指,本合同中所有相关用语的定义如下: 1.1.1“协议”指本股权转让协议(包括本协议的附录、附表和附件),包括对其不时进行的修改、补充、修订或重述; 1.1.2“转让方”见本协议文首段落的定义; 1.1.3“受让方”见本协议文首段落的定义; 1.1.4“目标公司”见本协议文首段落的定义; 1.1.5“目标股权”见本协议文首段落的定义;

1.1.6“财务报告”指目标公司截至基准日止会计期间的经受让方审核及同意的财务报表及账目,包括资产负债表、损益账及所有附载的附注、报告及其它文件; 1.1.7 “基准日”指财务报告载明的; 1.1.8 “中国”指中华人民共和国;

1.1.9 “交割日”指目标公司股权变更手续在厦门市工商行政管理局或其授权下属机构办理完成的日期; 1.1.10 “本协议”指本协议及包括不时对本协议进行修订的补充合同;

1.1.11 “产权负担”指股权担保、留置权、抵押、限制、押记、质押、他人权利、其它抵押权利、产权负担、选择权、优先权及任何其它形式的权利。1.2 解释规则

1.2.1 依其上下文,每个以单数或复数形式出现的用语均应包括单数和复数形式,以男性或中性形式出现的代词均应包括男性、女性和中性形式。“包括”之后均应被认为跟有“但不限于”。1.2.2 任何提及法规、规则、规章、命令或类似依据的条款之处均应被认为亦指该等条款的任何替代或其修订。

第二条 股权的出售和购买

2.1 根据本协议约定的条件,转让方同意向受让方出售,受让方同意购买转让方持有的目标公司美元90,150,000.00元出资额,占目标公司注册资本80%的股权。本协议项下的股权转让款为人民币90,150,000.00元。2.2 该目标股权不附带任何产权负担及其它第三者权益。

2.3目标公司没有任何未向受让方书面披露的资本承担、隐藏负债、或有债务或担保责任。2.4 转让方保证,本协议签订日起至交割日止的过渡期内,转让方将尽力、有效及谨慎地经营目标公司现有的业务,保持其正常运作,确保服务的素质、人事的管理、营运及商誉等各方面均不受损害。在没有得到受让方的同意前,转让方须确保目标公司不会在本协议签订日起至交割日止的过渡期内承担新的重大财务负担(包括担保责任)。2.5 在本协议签订日起至交割日止的过渡期内,转让方将在受让方要求时,向受让方尽力提供一切与受让方受让目标股权或与目标公司业务、财务、管理等各方面有关的资料,并不隐瞒任何与收购相关之资料、数据或凭证。此外,转让方同意,在本协


第三条 转让价款的支付

3.1 本协议第四条的转让方和目标公司的陈述和保证在付款日之前/时应均为真实、正确。3.2 全部交易相对方已完全遵守了本协议的约定,履行了协议规定在付款日前应履行的义务。3.3 受让方应在完成本协议项下目标股权的工商变更登记后10个工作日内将全部股权转让价款或等价物支付给转让方。3.4 若在付款日或之前,受让方得悉发生任何一件下列事件,受让方可单方面实时终止本协议。若届时目标股权已转让予受让方,受让方须把目标股权尽早转回给转让方,一切有关费用由转让方支付: 3.4.1 如果无论是在本协议书中或在任何保证文件中、或本协议书或保证文件所设想的、或按照本协议书或保证文件所作出或交付的任何通知、证书、证件、文件或报表中由转让方作出的证明、陈述、保证书是在任何方面不真实或不准确;3.4.2 如果转让方或目标公司:




3.4.3 如果转让方履行其在本协议书内、或在保证文件内规定下责任或文件所载的任何承诺或责任成为不可能或不合法; 3.4.4 如果转让方或目标公司的业务、资产、营运合约、一般情况或前景发生重大不利的改变; 3.4.5 如果目标公司的资产或资产的重大部分或组成部分被查封、没收、或被收回、或被强迫征用(无论是否获得赔偿),或全部或大部分被毁坏或损坏; 3.4.6 如果在本协议书签署日或在其后的任何时间,目标公司的注册或实益所有权

改变而事先未经受让方书面同意;或 3.4.7 如果目标公司有任何未在本协议或附表中披露的负债、债务(包括或有及保证债务)或担保责任。

第四条 转让方及目标公司的陈述和保证





转让方及目标公司已经向受让方完整地提供了其在决定是否购买公司股权时要求公司提供的信息,以及目标公司认为对于受让方做出购买股权的决定会产生重大影响的全部信息。向受让方提供的本协议或其他声明、证书或其他文件所包含的信息不包含重大事实的虚假陈述和遗漏,或使陈述发生误导的情况。4.4 附属机构

除已披露的附属公司或对外投资权益外,目标公司现在不直接或间接拥有或控制任何其他公司、合伙、信托、合资企业、有限责任公司、协会或其他商业实体的任何利益。目标公司非任何合资企业、合伙或类似安排的参与方。4.5 赔偿责任

4.5.1转让方确认,若受让方及/或目标公司因目标公司在交割日前所产生之法律责任而蒙受任何损失(在本协议中已披露及在目标公司成交帐目中已载的除外),转让方须全面向受让方及目标公司承担担保及赔偿责任。为释疑虑,转让方无条件及不可撤销地向目标公司及受让方保证会全面赔偿目标公司及受让方所有目标公司在交割日前所产生之法律责任及所有一切债务(在本协议中已披露及在目标公司成交帐目中已载的除外),以确保目标公司及受让方不会蒙受任何损失。4.5.2若转让方未能在受让方及/或目标公司要求时实时承担上述之保证及赔偿责任,转让方承诺及保证,受让方及目标公司有权把转让方在目标公司之任何利益(包括利润、红利等)用作赔偿受让方及目标公司之损失,转让方不得异议。在此,转让方无条件及不可撤销地授权及委托目标公司做一切所需行动,并授权及委托受让方代其签署一切有关文件,确保上述承诺及保证得以落实。4.6 交易完成前的行动














第五条 受让方陈述和保证


5.2受让方在本协议签署前已履行其公司内部必要的批准和授权。5.3受让方保证按本协议的规定履行义务。第六条 保密

6.1在未获得受让方事先书面同意前,转让方一概不得就受让方有意受让目标股权或任何相关事项作出任何通知或公布。6.2受让方不可将任何与本协议签订的相关事项/及或资料向任何第三者披露。6.3在下列情况及范围内,任何一方可公开与有关本协议或任何相关事项有关的资料: 6.3.1 任何有关司法权限内的法律规定;

6.3.2 向任何一方及/或目标公司的专业顾问及银行披露;

6.3.3 有关资料并非由于任何一方的过失而已经由公众人士获悉;或 6.3.4 各方书面同意。

6.4 转让方须就一切由于签订或履行本协议而接获或获得并与本协议内容、磋商和所涉及事项或与另一方有关的资料绝对保守秘密。6.5 无论本协议在任何情况下终止,本条所载规定于本协议终止后3年内继续有效。每一方根据本协议获得的权利及补偿乃累积性质,并不排除法律所赋予的任何其它权利及补偿。第七条 违约行为与救济

7.1 本协议的任何一方违反其在本协议中的任何一款声明、保证或所承诺的义务,即构成违约,违约方须向守约方支付相当于目标股权转让总金额20%的违约金。如果违约金不足以弥补守约方损失的,应赔偿守约方的实际损失。本协议另有约定的除外。上述损失的赔偿及滞纳金和违约金的支付不影响违约方按照本协议的约定继续履行本协议。

7.2 本协议的任何一方因违反或不履行本协议项下部分或全部义务而导致本协议无效或不能履行,违约方须向守约方支付相当于目标股权转让总金额20%的违约金。本协议另有约定的除外。7.3 若一方违约,守约方有权采取如下一种或多种救济措施以维护其权利:

7.3.1 暂时停止履行其本协议项下或相关的义务,待违约方违约情势消除后恢复履行;守约方根据此款规定暂停履行义务不构成守约方不履行或迟延履行义务。7.3.2 发出书面通知单方解除本协议,解除通知自到达对方之日起生效。7.3.3 要求违约方赔偿守约方的损失。

第八条 附则








转让方: 联系人: 地 址: 邮 编: 电 话: 电 邮: 传 真:

受让方: 联系人: 地 址: 邮 编:

电 话: 电 邮: 传 真:











转让方:XXXXX Co., Ltd





Dated June 28, 2009



XXXXXXXXX Co., Ltd.-by and between


As the Transferee

Table of Contents

ARTICLE 1 DEFINITIONS AND RULES OF CONSTRUCTION...........................................14 ARTICLE 2 SALE AND PURCHASE OF EQUITY..................................................................15 ARTICLE 3 PAYMENT OF TRANSFER PRICE......................................................................15 ARTICLE 4 REPRESENTAION AND WARRANTIES OF THE TRANSFEROR AND THE TARGET COMPANY....................................................................................................................17 ARTICLE 5 REPRESENTAIONS AND WARRANTIES OF THE TRANSFEREER............19 ARTICLE 6 CONFIDENTIALITY................................................................................................19 ARTICLE 7 DEFAUT ACTION AND REMEDY........................................................................20 ARTICLE 8 SUPPLEMENTARY PROVISIONS.......................................................................21

SHARE TRANSFER AGREEMENT This share transfer agreement is made in Shanghai, China on this day of June 28, 2011 by and between:(1)XXXX Co., Ltd, a corporation established and existing under the laws of British Virgin Islands, with its registered address at [address](hereinafter referred to as “Transferor”);and(2)XXXXX COMPANY LIMITED, a corporation established and existing under the laws of Thailand, with its registered address at [address](hereinafter referred to as “Transferee”);In this Agreement, each of Transferor and Transferee shall be referred to as a “Party”, and, collectively, the “Parties”.WHEREAS,(1)XXXXXXX Co., Ltd.is a corporation duly organized and validly existing under the laws of People's Republic of China, with its registered address at No.109 ZZZZ Road ZZZZ District Shanghai, P.R.China.(Hereinafter referred to as “Target Company”);(2)Target Company has a registered capital of [USD 800,800,000.00].Transferor makes a capital contribution of [USD 800,800,000.00] to the Target Company, equal to 100% of the equity interest in the Target Company.(3)Transferor hereby agrees to transfer its equity interest in its capital contribution of [USD 90,150,000.00], 80% of the registered capital of the Target Company(Hereinafter referred to as “Target Equity”)to Transferee.The Buyer hereby agrees to purchase such Target Equity.NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, and the mutual representations, warranties, covenants and agreements herein set forth and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows:

ARTICLE 1 DEFINITIONS AND RULES OF CONSTRUCTION 1.1 Unless the terms or context of this Agreement otherwise provide, each of the terms used in this Agreement shall have the meaning specified below:

1.1.1”Agreement” means this Share Transfer Agreement(including the Annexes, Schedules and Exhibits hereto), as amended, supplemented, modified or restated from time to time.1.1.2 “Transferor” has the meaning set forth in the introductory paragraph hereto.1.1.3 “Transferee” has the meaning set forth in the introductory paragraph hereto.1.1.4 “Target Company” has the meaning set forth in the introductory paragraph hereto.1.1.5 “Target Equity” has the meaning set forth in the introductory paragraph hereto.1.1.6 “Financial Statement” refers to the Target Company's financial statements and accounts for the accounting period until the Base Date which are examined and approved by the Transferee, including the balance sheet, statement of loss and profit and all notes, reports and other documents attached thereto.1.1.7 “Base Date” refers to December 31, 2009 as specified in the Financial Statement.1.1.8 “China” refers to the People's Republic of China.1.1.9 “Closing Date” refers to the date on which the target Company completes formalities for equity change with Xiamen Industrial and Commercial Administration Bureau or its authorized subdivision.1.1.10 “This Agreement” refers to this Agreement and all supplementary contracts under which this Agreement is amended from time to time.1.1.11 “Encumbrance” refers to any equity guarantee, lien, mortgage, limit, pledge, third party's right, mortgage of any kind, encumbrance, option, priority and other rights of any kind.1.2 Rules of Construction.1.2.1 Wherever from the context it appears appropriate, each term stated in either the singular or the plural shall include the singular and the plural, and pronouns stated in either the masculine or the neuter gender shall include the masculine, the feminine and the neuter.The words “include”, “includes” and “including” shall be deemed to be followed by the phrase “without limitation.” 1.2.2 Any reference to any provision of a statute, rule, regulation, order or similar authority shall be deemed to refer to any successor or amendment to such

provision.ARTICLE 2 SALE AND PURCHASE OF EQUITY 2.1 Under the terms and conditions hereof, the Transferor agrees to sell to the Transferee, and the Transferee agrees to purchase from the Transferor, the equity interest in the capital contribution [USD 90,150,000.00] to the Target Company, equal to 80 % of the registered capital of the Target Company.The equity transfer price under this Agreement is RMB____ Yuan.2.2 The Target Equity is clear of any Encumbrances and any other third party's rights.2.3 All Assets and liabilities of the Target Company and other related data lists are specifically described in Schedules 3-9 hereof.The Target Company is clear of any capital commitment, hidden or contingent liabilities or guarantee obligations undisclosed to the Transferee in writing.2.4 The Transferor warrants that, during the transition period from the execution hereof until the Closing Date, the Transferor shall endeavor to effectively and prudently run the current business, keep the Company in normal operation, ensure service quality, human resource management, operation and goodwill of the Company not be damaged.Without the Transferee's approval, the Transferor shall ensure the Target Company will not assume any new major burdens(including guarantee liability)during the transition period from the execution hereof until the Closing Date.2.5 Within the transition period from the execution hereof until the Closing Date, the Transferor shall, at the request of the Transferee, endeavor to provide the Transferee with materials relating to the Target Equity, business, finance and management of the Target Company, and shall not conceal any materials, data or certificates.In addition, the Transferor agrees that, upon execution hereof, the Transferee and its agent may enter the office of the Target Company to inquire and duplicate relevant business materials, asset state, accounts and records at any time.After the Closing Date, if required by the Transferee, the Transferor has the responsibility to assist the Transferee obtaining and/or explaining materials relating to the business, finance and management of the Target Company.ARTICLE 3 PAYMENT OF TRANSFER PRICE 3.1 The representations and warranties of the Transferor and the Target Company in Article 4 hereof shall be authentic and correct on/prior to the date of payment.3.2 All Parties to a transaction have performed all obligations to be fulfilled before the date of payment in compliance with the provisions hereof.3.3 Within 10 working days upon completion of the industrial and commercial alteration registration of the Target Equity hereunder, the Transferee shall pay the equity price or its equivalent to the Transferor.3.4 On or prior to the payment date, if aware of any of the following events, the Transferee may unilaterally terminate this Agreement at any time.If the Target Equity has been transferred to the Transferee, the Transferee must return the equity as soon as possible and all relevant expenses shall be at the Transferor's cost.3.4.1 If the evidence, representations or guarantee, made by the Transferor in any notice, certificate, certification, document or statement made or delivered in accordance with this Agreement or warranty document, or in or assumed by this Agreement or any warranty document, is in any way untrue or incorrect;3.4.2 If the Transferor or the Target Company is under any of the following circumstances:(a)Any court or other competent department issues an order of bankruptcy, liquidation, winding-up or dissolution of the Transferor or the Target Company, or issues an order to engage a liquidator, receiver, trustor or a similar officer concerning the Transferor or the Target Company, or any resolution of such kind is passed, or any procedure of such kind is started;(b)Any movable properties, real estate or Assets of the Transferor or the Target Company are detained, or detained for the purpose of executing a decree or as applied to a court;(c)The Transferor or the Target Company completely ceases payment to creditors, and shall be unable to pay their respective liabilities to the extent of any applicable laws on insolvency, bankruptcy, liquidation, winding-up or dissolution, or shall shut up or proposes to shut up most business;3.4.3 If it is impracticable or illegal for the Transferor to fulfill any undertakings or responsibilities specified in any document or responsibilities under this Agreement or the warranty document;3.44 If any major change occurs to the business, Assets, Operation Contract, general condition or prospect of the Transferor or the Target Company;3.4.5 If the Assets of the Target Company or major part thereof are attached, confiscated, recovered or expropriated(whether compensated or not), or all or part thereof are damaged or destroyed;3.4.6 If on or at any time after of the execution of this Agreement, the registration or beneficial ownership the Target Company is altered without written consent of the Transferee;or 3.4.7 If the Target Company is subject to any liabilities, debts(including contingent and guaranteed debts)or guarantee obligations.ARTICLE 4 REPRESENTAION AND WARRANTIES OF THE TRANSFEROR AND THE TARGET COMPANY 4.1 Entity, good standing and qualification The Transferor is an entity duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of its registration jurisdiction.It has all necessary right, power and authority to own all existing Assets, run current business or any proposed business, and perform all obligations under this Agreement or any document signed under this Agreement.The Transferor has adequate qualification of transaction and is in good standing within the jurisdiction.4.2 Authorization

All company actions to be conducted by the board of directors and shareholders for the purpose of authorizing the Company to enter into this Agreement and deliver the equity have been or will be completed.All company actions to be conducted by the Company officers for the purpose of entering into and delivering this Agreement as well as delivering the equity have been or will be completed.This Agreement and any possible document signed under this Agreement shall constitute valid and legally binding obligations to the Company and may be performed for the Company in accordance with relevant provisions.4.3 Disclosure The Transferor and the Target Company have provided all information as required by the Transferee in deciding purchasing the Company's equity and all information which, in the view of the Target Company, may have major affect to the Transferee in deciding purchasing the equity.No false statement or omission of any major facts or misleading statements are made in this Agreement, other statements, certificates or documents provided to the Transferee.4.4 Affiliates

Except for all affiliates or external investment which has been disclosed to the Transferee, the Company currently, directly or indirectly, owns or controls no interests in any other company, partnership, trust, joint venture, limited liability company, association or commercial entity.The company is a participant to no joint venture, partnership or similar arrangement.4.5 Compensation responsibility 4.5.1 The Transferor hereby confirms that in the event the Transferee and/or the Target Company suffers from any losses arising from legal responsibilities incurred by the Target Company before the Closing Date(except for those disclosed herein and specified in the transaction account of the Company), the Transferor must be liable for full guarantee or compensation to the Transferee or the Target Company.For the avoidance of doubt, the Transferor hereby unconditionally and irrevocably undertakes to the Target Company and the Transferee that the Transferor shall compensate the Target Company and the Transferee for all legal responsibilities and liabilities incurred by the Target

Company before the Closing Date(except for those disclosed herein and specified in the transaction account of the Company), so as to guarantee the Target Company and the Transferee suffer from no losses.4.5.2 If the Transferor fails to fulfill the above responsibilities of compensation and warranties at any time required by the Transferee and/or the Target Company, the Transferor hereby undertakes and promises that the Transferee and the Target Company have the right to compensate the losses of the Transferee and the Target Company with any interests of the Transferor in the Target Company(including profits and dividends), to which the Transferor may not have and objection.The Transferor hereby unconditionally and irrevocably authorizes and entrusts the Target Company to take all necessary actions, and authorizes and entrusts the Transferee to execute all relevant documents, so as to ensure the fulfillment of the above undertakings and warranties.4.6 Actions before closing 4.6.1 Prior to closing of the equity transaction, the Transferor shall urge the Target Company as follows:(1)The company shall only engage in general and daily business;(2)The company shall execute and affix its official stamp on all necessary documents, go through all necessary procedures and make all applications to the examination and approval authority and all relevant departments of the Chinese Government for approval hereof, transfer hereunder and agreement on amendment to the joint venture articles of association;(3)The board of directors shall vote for this Agreement, transfer hereunder and agreement on amendment to the joint venture articles of association;(4)The company shall disclose all information relating to any facts or issues(disregarding occurring prior to, on or after the execution date hereof), as known by the Transferor or the Target Company, to the Transferee in a timely manner;(5)The Company shall adopt all reasonable measures to maintain and protect its Assets, retain clients and maintain its relationship with the clients.4.6.2 Limit on the Transferor During the period as of the execution hereof until the completion of the transfer hereunder, in terms of all major matters concerning operation of the Company, the Transferor shall fully cooperate with the Transferee, and ensure the Company shall not conduct any of the following actions without the written consent of the Transferee:(1)Borrow additional loans or incur any other liabilities(except for normal commercial credits in the process of general and usual business);(2)Make any guarantee set up on company Assets or business to any party, or set up any Encumbrance on company Assets or business to which the beneficiary may be any party.(3)Alter(exclusive of minor changes, and if any, the Transferor shall notify the Transferee of such changes as soon as reasonably possible)the employment

terms and conditions for any employee(including but not limited to remunerations, retirement benefits and other benefits), or provide any benefits or pension to any of the above employee or its dependants, or dismiss any employee, or engage or designate any new employee, unless as otherwise provided for by law;(4)Declare, make or pay any dividends or other distribution to the shareholders;(5)Issue any capital stocks or borrow any amount(except for debts occurring in the process of current operations);(6)Take any action which may involve substantial obligation or may lead to substantial change of the Company nature, structure or business scope(except that of general and usual business);(7)Purchase or dispose, or agree to purchase or dispose any major business, equity, shares or any major Assets with a value of more than RMB1,000,000.00;or

(8)Agree to take any of the above actions.ARTICLE 5 REPRESENTAIONS AND WARRANTIES OF THE TRANSFEREER 5.1 The Transferee is fully competent for purchasing the equity in its own name.5.2 The Transferee has fulfilled necessary internal approval and authorization prior to execution hereof.5.3 The Transferee guarantees to perform the obligations as stipulated herein.ARTICLE 6 CONFIDENTIALITY 6.1 Without prior written consent of the Transferee, the Transferor may not make any notice or announcement concerning the Transferee's intention to purchase the Target Equity or any matters relating thereto.6.2 The Transferee may not disclose any matters and/ or materials relating hereto to any third party;6.3 To the extent of the following circumstances and scope, any party may disclose any materials relating to this Agreement or any relevant matters: 6.3.1 Any legal provisions within the jurisdiction;6.3.2Disclosure to the professional consultant of any party and/or the Target Company as well as banks;

6.3.3 Relevant data being known to the public not due to any party's default;or 6.3.4 Written agreement by and among the Parties.6.4 The Transferor shall in absolute confidentiality any data relating to the content, negotiation and relevant matters of this Agreement or to another party which is acquired or accessed due to execution or performance hereof;6.5 Disregarding termination hereof under any circumstances, the provisions in this Article 6 shall continue being valid within three(3)years upon such termination.The rights and remedies of each party hereunder are accumulative, which shall not prejudice any other legitimate rights and remedies.ARTICLE 7 DEFAUT ACTION AND REMEDY 7.1 Any breach of any representations, warranties or undertakings hereunder by any party hereto shall constitute a default of this Agreement.The default party shall pay the non-default party liquidated damages amounting to 20% of the total transfer price of the Target Equity.In the event that the liquidated damages are not sufficient to compensate the losses of the non-default party, the default party shall compensate the non-default party's actual losses, unless as otherwise provided herein.The payment of the above compensation, late fee and liquidated damages shall not prejudice the continuous performance hereof by the non-default party as stipulated herein.7.2 Where this Agreement is invalid or unable to be performed due to any party's violation or failure in performance of all or part of the obligations hereunder, the default party shall pay the non-default party liquidated damages amounting to 20% of the total transfer price of the Target Equity, unless as otherwise provided herein.7.3 In the event that one Party breaches this Agreement, the non-default party has the right to exercise any one or more of the following remedies to safeguard its rights:

7.3.1 Suspend performance of the obligations under or relating to this Agreement, and resume the performance after the default party has eliminated the default situation;suspension of performance of obligations by the non-default party shall not constitute non-performance or delay in performance of such obligations.7.3.2 Rescind this Agreement unilaterally with a written notice which shall come into force as of the date when it is served on the default party.7.3.3 Require the default party to compensate the losses of the non-default party.[19]

ARTICLE 8 SUPPLEMENTARY PROVISIONS 8.1 Transaction expenses Taxes and expenses incurred by the transaction hereunder shall be borne by the Transferor and the Transferee respectively in accordance with the Chinese law.Where there is no such provision, each party shall bear 50% thereof.[20] 8.2 Governing law This Agreement shall be executed, governed by and interpreted solely in accordance with the laws of China.8.3 Dispute resolution Any dispute arising from or in connection with this Contract shall be submitted to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission Shanghai Sub-Commission for arbitration which shall be conducted in accordance with the Commission's arbitration rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration.The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties.The address of arbitration is Shanghai.Costs and expenses for the arbitration shall be paid by the Party decided by the arbitrator or allocated between the Parties.8.4 Language The Chinese version hereof shall prevail.Any translation hereof shall be used only as reference by the Parties to the transaction.8.5 Amendment unless as otherwise permitted herein, the Parties hereto may amend, modify, cancel or terminate any terms of this Agreement in writing.8.6 Notice

8.6.1 Any notice and other correspondence concerning this Agreement between the Transferor and the Transferee(hereinafter, “Notice”)shall be made in writing(delivered personally, by post or fax)and delivered to the notified party in accordance with the following address or number and shall constitute a valid notice only if the name of the contact person is specified: Transferor: Contact person: Address: Postal code: Tel: Fax:

Transferee: Contact person: Address: Postal code: Tel: Fax:

8.6.2 The time of service of notices delivered as above shall be determined as follows:(1)Any notice delivered personally shall be deemed as served when being signed by the recipient and not served without signature of the recipient;(2)Any notice mailed shall be delivered by way of registered letter, express mail or EMS, and shall be deemed as served 48 hours after the being received by the recipient(postponed in case of statutory holidays and vacations);(3)Any notice sent by fax shall be deemed as served upon a confirmation letter of receipt is obtained.However, if the notice is sent on a holiday, it shall be deemed as served on the first working day following such holiday.(4)In the event of any change of the above addresses or numbers, the Party shall notify the other of the change within 7 days, otherwise, the notice sent to its original address shall be deemed as valid.8.7 Completeness

This Agreement shall constitute full and complete understanding and agreement among the Parties concerning the subject matter of the consultation.Any other written or oral agreement on such subject matter among the Parties shall be cancelled.8.8 Severability Any invalidity or unexercisability of any term hereof shall not affect the legal force and exercisability of any other terms hereof.8.9 Counterpart This Agreement shall have six counterparts, with each party holding one.The rest four counterparts shall be submitted to relevant governmental departments for purpose of examination and approval.

This Agreement shall be executed upon legitimate authorization to the following Parties:

Transferor: XXXXXXX

Co., Ltd Legal representative:(Authorized representative)

Transferee: XXXXXXX COMPANY LIMITED Legal representative:(Authorized representative)






第一条 房产基本情况:此房屋前后均为街道,东临刘宗


第二条 价格

双方议定上述房地产总价款为人民币大写________(即人民币小写 ___元),乙方在合同生效时一次性付清所有款项。

甲方应在_____________ 前将该房屋交付乙方,并保证该房产无无任何担保、抵押、房产瑕疵,无人租住、使用;无欠账,如水电费、有线电视费等。

第三条 付款方式


第四条 交付期限


第五条 甲方逾期交付房屋的违约责任


第六条 关于合法、权属的约定



第七条 甲方保证在交易时该房屋没有产权纠纷,有关按揭、抵押债务、税项及租金等,甲方均在交易前办妥。交易后如有上述未清事项,由甲方承担全部责任。另鉴于此房土地使用证暂未发放,待发证后甲方承诺及时交给乙方,并承诺如乙方需办理过户手续,给与积极配合。

第八条 本合同未尽事项,由甲、乙双方另行议定,并签订补充协议。

第九条 本合同之附件均为本合同不可分割部分,具有同等效力。

第十条 本合同(经甲、乙双方签字)之日起生效。

第十一条 本合同一式贰份,甲、乙双方各执一份,均具有同等效力。





转 让 协 议




1:甲方将所经营至年月以前由 甲 方承担所发生的一切经济纠纷责任问题及各项担保的经济责任。









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