
时间:2019-05-14 10:46:19下载本文作者:会员上传


passionful huan performs its tour of brand ——publicity video of wui huan cable & wire co.ltd.片头: 电网,信息网,四通八达;承载着希望,传播着光明;架能源之桥,建信息之链, 电缆,让沟通无极限.electric networks and information networks etend in all directions, they transfer hope and spread bright.by building the bridge of energy sources and the chain of information, huan cable ma

kes communication infinite.片名: 片名:激情演绎品牌之旅 passionful huan performs its tour of brand 市电线电缆有限公司, 国家经贸委城农网建设与改造推荐合格企业, 从一家名 不见经传的企业, 在短短的十几年内便跻身于国内行业著名品牌之列, 电线电缆产品年产量 达 10 多亿元.产业的发展带动了企业规模的迅速扩大,电缆现拥有员工 1000 多人,占 地面积 30 万平方米,总资产超 5 亿元.wui huan cable & wire co.ltd.is the commended qualified enterprise by state economic and trade commission for the construction and alteration of urban and country electric networks.during ten years, the formal unknown company has edged herself into the rank of named brands in domestic cable trade, created an annual production value over 1 billion yuan.industrial develop drives the enlargement of enterprise scale, huan cable is owning over 1000 employees, covering an area of 3 million sq.m, and holding assets more than 500 million yuan.立足市场, 品牌是企业的生命.对于品牌的建设, 电缆紧紧抓住的是品牌的核心 价 值二字.正是电缆在几十年的经营中紧紧抓住了客户价值 ,并不断地改进和提高 实现客户价值的能力和基础,保证了电缆的永续发展.based upon market, brand is the life of enterprise.to set up brand, what huan firmly seizing for decades of years is key value, with ceaseless amelioration and increase, it insures the constant develop of huan cable.实现客户价值,作为一个工业产品来说,最重要的是怎样拥有自己的核心竞争力,怎样 在众多的电缆企业中保持领先的地位?怎样创建电缆的技术,特色,优势,服务与文 化?这都是电缆的决策者从企业创立以来就精心打造的基础.for an industrial product, to realize client value, the most important thing is how to hold its key competitive ability, how to keep advanced among numerous cable enterprises, how to create the technique, characteristic, superiority, service and culture of huan cable.all above is the basis that elaborately established by policy makers of huan since the enterprise founded.戴志祥,一个在经济浪潮中劈波斩浪而成长起来的年轻企业家.几十年的艰辛和磨难, 沉淀了深刻的思想,融聚了智慧与力量,也掌握了经营的玄机,这成为了企业

走向辉煌的良 好根基.dai zhiiang, a young enterpriser rose from slipping through the economic tidal waves.hardships and crucifiion for decades of years have deposited profound thinking, agglomerated wisdom and strength, and also mastered the mysterious principles of marketing, all these became the footstones for the road leading to success.技

术,创建品牌之魂.技术,创建品牌之魂.technique, soul of establishing brand 犹如灵魂之于肉体,品牌永远离不开产品的支撑.戴总常说,品牌是做出来的,不是吹 出来;做任何事,起点一要高,眼光一定要远.企业建立伊始,就将自己定位在国内规 模化的专业电缆企业.从生产场地,生产设备,检测设备以及人员的配备,都保持着与国内 的领先水平同步发展.what soul is to body, brand is to the support of products.president dai usually said that, only most work and least talk, higher start and further foresight can set up brand.since established, being a domestic large scale professional cable enterprise is the position of huan.her plants, machines, testing equipments and talents are all synchronizing with the world advanced level.设立了自己的电缆研究机构, 并不惜重金聘请电缆行业的海内外专家来公司指导新 产品的开发研制和设计工作,以保证每年有十多项的新品供用户使用.huan has set up her own institution of cable, and pay dear for inviting eperts at home and abroad to direct the research and design of new products, so to assure over ten new products annually.目前电缆已形成有裸电线,电力电缆,电气装备电缆,控制电缆四大类 100 多个品 种的产品, 还生产填补亚洲空自的航空用中频低耗橡皮绝缘电缆, 低烟无卤(低卤), 抗水树, 光电复合,阻燃,耐火,防水,防鼠防蚁,耐油,耐高温及辐照交联等科技含量较高的特种 电缆.所有产品都严格按 iso9001 质量标准体系控制生产.at present, huan has formed 4 large species including bare wire, power cable, electric cable and control cable, over 100 types of products, like aerial intermediate-frequent & low-cost rubber insulated cable that fill in the gap of asia, special technical cable such as low smoke & no/low bitten, wtr, photoelectricity comple, flame–retardant, refractory, water-proof, oil-proof, high temperature resistant and irradiated lpe, etc.特色和优势, 特色和优势,品牌不败的法码 characteristics and advantages, poise of unbeaten brand 所谓特色,也就是差异竞争,有差异就得不断的创新.电缆除了产品技术的创新以 外,在管理,营销上也通过不断创新来满足客户价值,以保持企业的强势品牌.what is called characteristics is competition of differences, only ceaseless innovation can keep difference.besides technical innovation of products, huan also satisfies her clients with ceaseless innovation on management and marketing to keep strong brand of enterprise.在管理上,人认为电缆行业是一个规模化生产的企业,只有通过集约管理,才能控 制各环节的浪费,降低生产成本,提高产品质量和生产效率,从而与消费者共享科技管理所 带来的利益,也就是说,人主张技术进一步,价格让一步.on management, huan people think cable industry is of scale production, only intensive management can control the wastes of all sectors, depress costs and improve quality and efficiency, so to share the benefits of scientific management with clients.that is improve in technique and concede in price claimed by huan people.在营销上,健全的营销网络,永远是人的法宝.营销网络对于企业品牌就象神经网 络对于人脑一样重要,好的营销决策与产品只有通过健全,通畅的网络渠道,才可以接触更 多的消费者,获取更多的赢利机会.电缆 100 多个销售分公司遍及全国各地,并已形成 了自己固定的客户群.为电力,石油,铁路,煤碳,化工,通讯,冶金,建筑等领域提供各 类电线电缆.近几年来,的国际贸易也得到了快速的发展,为成为世界的电缆专业 生产基地打下了坚实的基础.on marketing, a sound network is always the trump of huan people.marketing network is to brand as neural networks is to man.only through a sound and clear channel, good products and marketing policies can meet more consumers and win more chances.over 100 marketing filiales of huan etend all over the country and have formed their own immovable client circle, they provide all kinds of cable & wire for trades like electric power, petroleum, railway, coal, chemical, communication, metallurgy and architecture, etc.in the last few years, international trade of huan has also developed quickly, that established firm basis for huan to be the international production base of cable.服务与文化,是品牌之信 服务与文化, service and culture is the faith of brand 在人眼中, 服务不是产品的修修补补, 是在人提供有形产品所附加的无形价值, 是之信的充分体现.的服务不是停留在满足客户对服务需求的层面, 人的服务 是变被动服务为主动服务, 主要表现在售前的知识服务, 售后的跟踪服务和回访服务.顾 在 客至上,持续改进的经营理念指导下,在内抓好五检制的质量过程控制,为客户提供 最优质产品;在外以建立统一服务规范,极大改善企业与客户间的关系,为企业赢得良好口 碑.in the eyes of huan people, service is not the patching up of products, but the additional immaterial value.service of huan doesnt rest on the layer of satisfying the demands of clients, but change passive service into active service.it mainly epresses in the before-sale knowledge service, after-sale tracking service and return visit service.directed by the policy of client is the first, persist in improvement, it has perfected the inner quality control of five testing systems that provided best products for clients, and has set up the uniform outer service criterion that improved relationships with clients, and won well public praise for enterprise.企业文化,是人长期以来所培养的一种企业价值趋向的认同.也就是说:作为一个 良性发展的企业,必须得到四个满意,让客户满意, 让社会满意,让员工满意, 让股东满意.corporation culture is a self-identity of corporation value tendency that huan people have long formed.i.e., as a well developing enterprise, it should acquire four satisfactions, that is, satisfy the clients, satisfy the society, satisfy the employees and satisfy the stockholders.人历来把人作为企业发展的第一要素,建造员工宿舍,员工子弟的奖学金 制度,员工的培训计划,合理的公司员工福利待遇,让进入的员工能踏实舒心地做好自 己的本质工作.huan always thinks employee as the first element for developing.by building lodging house, offering huan scholarship for employees children, making employee training plans and reasonable welfare, every worker of huan can do his job with sureness and satisfaction.戴董事长常说:一家企业不仅仅是一个赚钱的机器,它还应该融合和回报社会,企业的 形象才会生动.通过建钟楼,幼儿园,学校,希望工程等公益事业,尽自己所有回报社 会.board chairman dai often says that, an enterprise is can not only be a machine of making money, but also should connect and respond the society, so to make a lively enterprise image.by building belfries, kindergarten, school and supporting commonweals like the hope project, huan has tried her best to respond the society.孜孜不倦的追求,得到回报的是企业事业的发展,职工的信赖,社会的荣誉.年 戴董事长被江苏省评为第二届江苏青春创业风云人物.年,又获得第三届中国经 济十大创新人物奖申环牌电缆也获得了中国驰名品牌中国知名品牌中国著., , 名品牌中国名优产品以及江苏省质量信用产品江苏省名牌产品江苏省 3a , , , 级重合同守信用企业银行资信 3a 级企业市重点保护产品等众多荣誉称号., , unwearied pursue acquires the development of enterprise, trust from employees and credits from society.in , board chairman dai was named the 2nd jiangsu man of the time of vernal enterprising.in , he won the honor of the 3rd china top ten man of economic innovation.shenhuan cable was named the china resound brand, china famous brand, china famed brand, china ecellent product, jiangsu product of quality and credit, jiangsu famous product, jiangsu 3a level faithful corporation, 3a level enterprise of bank reference, wui major protected product, etc.面对一个已走向成功的企业,戴董事长有着更多的感悟: 我坚信,有我们新老客户的长期关心与支持,围绕着四个满意,第一就是如何让我们的客户 满意,第二就是如何让我们的员工满意,第三个是如何让政府与社会满意,第四个是如何让 投资者满意.并且在管理上面完善我们的管理制度,使我们的整个管理流程更清晰,制度更 完善,公司围绕各种制度,建立了一种精细化管理,使我们的产品品质在工作中长期的一种 稳定.通过我们公司全体员工的智慧与努力, 我们十年的五十个亿的目标一定能够实现.(结尾)in the face of an enterprise leading to success, board chairman dai has many sentiments: i believe, with the long-term care and support of all our clients, by revolving around the four satisfactions, satisfy our clients, our employees, the government and society, and the investors, perfecting our management system, making the flow more clear, setting up a fine management, and achieving the long-run stability of our product quality, with the wisdoms and efforts of all huan people, our goal of making 5 billion yuan in ten years is sure to realize.望碧水长天,倍感任重道远,听惊涛恋岸, 更激起弄潮豪情.如今,站在新世纪的起点, 人肩负着品牌之旅的使命,与时俱进,向着绚烂夺目的明天,劈波斩浪,乘风远航!look over skyey water, feeling heavy responsibilities on shoulder;hear waves dashing against the shore, arousing lofty sentiments of racing in the tides.now, standing at the start line of new century, huan people are shouldering the task of tour of brand for the brilliant future.she is advancing with times, and buffeting her way through the waves in the longer voyage.



In Octorber 2003, the first Chinese citizen saw his homeland from outer space, and the mythology and dreams of thousands of years, became a reality.Our songs of how the earth is our garden and our pride in surviving our long history suddeny became more vivid and clear.我们是谁?我们在想什么?早在创造中国历史的这一刻之前,中国人也从未中断过从其他的角度来审视自己的国家。传统是一种背负,还是一种推动发展的动力?文化的传承是太受到关注,还是太漫不经心?你看到的是冲突还是融合,是回忆还是未来?

Who are the Chinese? What makes us who we are? But even before this momentous chapter in our history, Chinese people have always regarded themselves from multi facets and angles.Is tradition a burden, or kind of driving force for development? Do we take our culture heritage too seriously, or not seriously enough? Do you see conflict or fusion, or visions of the future.Chapter 1Opening the Door with Confidence

第一章 开放而有自信

In 1979,China opened the biggest window in the world to the outside, and China suddenly dazzled people of panarama with the panorama of change.Some may argue that under such a huge material and mental stimulation, it would be hard to maintain equilibrium.30年前,一扇世界上最大的窗户打开了……



In my mind, China is a country that has very strong inclusiveness.……


She is a country with rich culture……


She has a long history, but also changes everyday……

But after 30 years, the world has seen how much China's profound history and culture ascent has given, leave us the flexibility and unity when facing fast transformation.但接下来30年间发生的事情,却让全世界都看到,一个有着悠久历史底蕴的文化在面临全新变革之时,能够展现出怎样的包容性和应变能力。

(龙永图 WTO谈判中国首席代表):加入世贸以后,整个国力的增强使得中国更加的自信,也更加开放了。

(Long Yongtu China's WTO accession negotiations Chief Expert):After China's accession to the WTO, Chinese people are getting more and more confident because of increasing national strength.Oberservers must admit in its meeting with the world, China has preserved its own special character.30 years opening has been a time of bravely facing the new and stepping forward on a path of our own choosing.Several respected international reports bring us No.1 in terms of public confidence in the future.Is this confidence underpined by GDP growth, or thousands of years of culture, or the efforts of many millions of people? We believe China will deliver an answer before too long.人们不得不承认,中国在和全世界接轨的同时,保持着自己鲜明的特色:30年开放,30年面对新事物而勇敢无畏,自信的选择着适合自己国情和民情的发展道路。近年来多次海内外专业机构的调研都可以显示,民众信心指数一项,中国多次排在世界第一,自信的背后,是GDP的支持,是千年文明的底气,还是亿万份努力的投入?相信不用太久,中国就会交出答案。

Chapter 2Growth with Sustainability 增长而能持续

早在两千多年前,中国的哲人孟子就提出了,不要过度捕捞鱼虾,这样才可以不断得到鱼虾。要按严格的时令进山伐木,这样才能有利于森林的生长。这类思想,如今被称为循环经济。Over two thousand years ago, the great Chinese philosopher Mencius observed the refraining of overfishing will ensure fishing last forever.And also cutting woods according to seasons ensures healthier forest.Such century with all the wisdom now goes by the name sustainable development.在今天的中国,你可以看见GDP的增长,收入的增长,甚至梦想的增长。也可以看见更多人享受着教育的增长。

In China today, you can see GDP increasing, personal income increasing and with that the increase of people's dreams.You can also see people sharing the increase of educational opportunities.(M)中国近几年的教育的发展,可以用天翻地覆来形容……

Recently, the development of Chinese education is amazing...(F)正在逐步的完成从应试教育到素质教育的转变……

The exam-oriented education is changing to quality-oriented education step by step...(F)我们的教学越来越丰富,我们的孩子得到的教育越来越多元化……

It will be more and more kinds of methods for teaching and our children will get diversified education...能源的增长以及责任心的增长,中国人已经懂得,任何增长也不值得拿牺牲自己美丽的家园和后代的未来来交换。

As energy need have increased, so has China's international environmental responsibility,Chinese people know that our beautiful country and our children's futures are too high a price to

pay for economic growth.Chapter 3 Development with Sharing 发展而能共享


A leading Eurupean city?It's actually Shanghai.In China today, foreign professionals are vying with tourists to be the largest oversea group.(M)我因为商业贸易每年来中国两次,感受到中国人都非常好……

I came here twice a year for businesses, and feel Chinese people are very nice...(M)我们现在生活在身边的外国人越来越多了……

I've been in China and studied in university.There are many opportunities in business...(M)中国的每一个部分,你都能看到这样不同的文化,我认为这是亚洲最好的地方……Every part of China, you have like different culture, I think it is the best place in Asia...(M)感觉现在生活在身边的外国人越来越多了……

The number of foreign people around us is increasing.(F)中国现在已经很国际化了……

China has been very international...尤其在北京奥运会、上海世博会和广州亚运会的促进下,越来越多的外籍人士正在把中国作为自己事业的新的起点。

The Beijing Olympics, the Shanghai Expo, the Guangzhou Asian Games.In fact more and more foreigners are starting theirs careers in China.(曾子墨 知名主持人)在奥运会期间,我想全世界的中国人,无论生活在地球的哪个角落,你都会觉得特别的自豪。

(Zeng Zimo Well-known television host)During Olympic Games, I think every Chinese who live all over the whole world no matter where ever you live which corner of the earth, you will be proud of being a Chinese.经济发展的成果还使中国得以更好的担当世界公民的使命。而在国内,阶层之间如何共享国

家的发展,则被当做稳定社会的第一要务来思考和实践。在北京,农民工的孩子现在拥有了自己的班级甚至学校,发展利益的合理分享将不懈的被追求下去。As such the results of sustained economic development have all in hands of growing status on the world stage.Sharing the fruits of development among the different sectors of society has been our first priority in our thoughts and actions.In Beijing, migrant workers' children have their own special educational arrangements.Sharing the benefits of growth in a reasonable way is a unwavering way we must pursue.(M)我们国家现在正在提倡走城乡一体化的道路……

Our country is encouraging the urban-rural integration...(M)各个阶层都能享受国家的福利……

All levels of the society can enjoy the benefits from government...(M)社会保障制度也 越来越完善……

Social insurance system is also improving...Chapter 4 多元而能共荣 Multiculturalism with Shared Prosperity


While leaving five thousands kilometers apart, the 55 ethnic minorities and the far north south east and west of China over thousands of years have mixed with cultureand added to our cultural richness and diversity.Our newfound prosperity has given minorities more choices to enhance traditional lifestyles and increase mobility and communication.Minorities enjoy relatively liberal regulations allowing them to pass their unique heritage on to their children.Such unique freedom further adds to our cultury's rich cultural diversity.And auditiosly(?)blends the imaginations of east and west, ancient and modern.Painting, sculpture, music, architecture, movies, Chinese arts are unified by a clear national identity.China is more encouraging of unique individuals and styles.Such diversity is the corner stone of our brave and open-minded future.Chapter 5 Freedom with Responsibility 自由而又秩序

China today is home to seven hundred and eighty millions mobile phone users

and four hundred and twenty million internet users.And every day, many

millions communicate and express themselves to modern technology.Chinese netizens are becoming accustomed to influencing regional and global

opinion.From all over the globe, Chinese netizens are showing their instantcompassion and agileness to strengthen the society by helping those most inneed.Our people’s optimism in generosity is born of a huge loyalty and love fortheir country.Chapter 6 Expanding Democracy with Stable Authority

Understanding a little of Chinese history shows that recent years have

involved compression or even skipping over important stages of development.Heroes of China have always struggled during complex stages of development tobuild democracy.It's not hard to imagine how hard this has been.Today, around 9 hundred million people in the Chinese countryside enjoyvillage voting rights.The world applauses such training for democracy,afterall, before flourishing nationally, free elections must begin after(?)villagelevel.The National People's Congress remains China's supreme legislative body.Sincethe late 70's, far fairer and more transparent have been used to elect NPCdelegates.Here the most important decisions in the country are made.This is China's period of greatest change.A proper legal framework is

starting to replace the habit of personal relationships as the principal

weapon and defence for people's interest.Chapter 7 Economic Differences with Mutual Respect

During an economic take-off, difference between rich and poor can sometimes beseen.Is this something China should worry about?

Much Chinese new wealth tells a ride-to-rich story(...?).And people rememberthat not so long ago they have only a dream in their pocket.People can transform from poverty to richness in a single day, but it willnever change the respect and love between people.And everyone who has a dreamdeserves respect.Improved living conditions ensures everyone can contribute to public servicesand initiatives.Chapter 8 Prosperity with Prudence

Chinese people are shifting from the consumer of materials to non-materialgoods.Besides buying cars and houses, people are buying a modern lifestyle.As saving money has long been a national virtue, China can backup itsdevelopment with strong financial reserves.When celebrating China's sixty anniversary, the government also demonstratesthe value of thrift.The Shanghai Expo is similiarly leading the way inrecycling.Chinese people understand future happiness must be built on the foundation ofthe past.Chinese people have never cherished their cultural heritage morethan today, nor felt more its lingering charm which is why after so manygenerations, we are still here.From tradition to revelation inspired by the future, Chinese people are

creating an even newer way of thinking: building this generation's new commonspirit.China on the way……



【片头】 【解说+字幕】:






时光追溯到1948年,在巍巍皋兰山下、悠悠黄河岸边,一所集医疗、科研、教学、预防、保健、康复、急救为一体的综合性三级甲等医院巍然耸立。兰州大学第一医院不仅拥有国际先进的仪器设备,顶尖的专业人才,还与国内外多所研究机构建立了合作关系,医疗水平始终与国际同步。3096人的专业团队,在这个12万平方米的杏林圣地济世弘医,成就了全省综合医院的举足地位,也见证了麻醉科学在陇原的崛起。【片花】行业引者 【字幕】历史沉淀事实。



1996年在省内率先开展新生儿、婴幼儿手术的麻醉; 2001年在省内率先开展了肝移植手术麻醉。















































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无限地逼近,我们会发现一座由19层船型主楼与圆弧型裙楼组成的“上” 字形地标性建筑群,这幢将“凝固的音乐”精神贯彻至每一个细节的“扬帆启航”式建筑,这就是承几千年舜耕之文化,融曹娥江之商业文明的上虞国际大酒店!立足绿色商务型酒店,位处“长三角”世界六大城市圈核心地段,毗邻萧山国际机场、宁波栎社机场,接轨杭州湾跨海大桥,直面沪杭甬高速公路出入口,极大地缩短上虞与各国际大都市的距离,给商务洽谈、旅游观光等八方来宾带来极大的交通便利。















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