
时间:2019-05-14 12:17:25下载本文作者:会员上传


Unit 1

Part Four: Exercises1.Exercises in the text: Translating(From English into Chinese)

1)On university campuses in Europe, mass socialist or communist movements gave rise to increasingly violent clashes between the establishment and the college students, with their new and passionate commitment to freedom and justice.在欧洲的大学校园里,大学生以新的姿态和激情投入到争取自由和正义的事业中去,大规模的社会主义或共产主义运动引发了他们与当权者之间日益升级的暴力冲突。

2)2)These days political, social and creative awakening seems to happen not because of college, but in spite of it.Of course, it’s true that higher education is still importantl For example, in the UK, Prime Minister Blair was close to achieving his aim of getting 50 per cent of all under thirties into college by 2010(even though a cynic would say that this was to keep them off the unemployment statistics).现在,政治、社会和创造意识的觉醒似乎不是凭借大学的助力,而是冲破其阻力才发生的。当然,一点不假,高等教育仍然重要。例如,在英国,布莱尔首相几乎实现了到2010年让50%的30岁以下的人上大学的目标(即使愤世嫉俗的人会说,这是要把他们排除在失业统计数据之外)。

3)I never hoped to understand the nature of my generation or how American colleges are changing by going to Lit Theory classes.This is the class where you look cool, a bit sleepy from too many late nights and wearing a T-shirt with some ironic comment such as “Been there, done that and yes, this IS the T-shirt”.我从没指望通过上文学理论课来了解我这一代人的特征,或了解美国大学在如何变化。这门课是让你在课堂上扮酷的----带着一丝熬夜太多的困劲儿,穿着一件T恤衫,上面印着“去过那儿,干过那事儿,对,这就是那件T恤衫”,或诸如此类带有揶揄意为的俏皮话。

4)We’re a generation that comes from what has been called the short century(1914-1989), at the end of a century of war and revolution which changed civilizations, overthrew repressive governments, and left us with extraordinary opportunities and privilege, more than any generation before.我们这一代人来自所谓的短世纪(1914-1989),生于其后期。这个世纪充满了战争和革命,它改变了人类文明,推翻了强权政府,给我们留下了非同寻常的机会和特权。我们所得到的机会与特权比从前任何一代人都要多。

(From Chinese into English)


Instead of resolvving contradictions, the series of measures taken by the government gave rise to more violent clashes.The Opposition formed and alliance with the trade unions and launched a general strike, which ultimately brought about the downfall of the government.2)如今,大学与现实世界的距离越来越小,学生也变得越来越实际。从前,大学是一个象牙塔,学者追求的是学问本身而不是把学问作为达到目的的手段,但这样的时代已经一去不复返了。

Nowadays, the gap between the university and the real world is shrinking and students are becoming more and more practical.Gone are the days when the university was an ivory tower in which scholars pursued knowledge as an end rather than a means to an end.3)我从未指望靠上课来学好这门课。但我确实去听课,因为在课上我能了解这门课的重点,学会如何组织材料、如何推理。

I never hoped to learn the subject well by attending those lectures.But I did go to lectures, for it was the place where I could get the important points of the course and learn how to organize materials and how to reason.4)我一直想法设法解决这个难题,但就是找不到满意的答案。可是当我去厨房喝饮料的时候,我突然间灵机一动,意识到解决问题的方法实际上可能很简单。

Although I have been trying every means to solve the problem, I cannot work out a satisfatory solution.But when I went to the kitchen to get a drink, something clicked and made me realize that the solution might be quite simple.Unit 2Translating

(From English into Chinese)

1)Such motor mimicry, as it is called, is the original technical sense of the word empathy as it was first used in the 1920s by E.B.Titchener, an American psychologist.Titchener’s theory was that empathy stemmed from a sort of physical imitation of the distress of another, which then evokes the same feelings in oneself.这种所谓的运动神经模仿就是“同感”的原始技术含义,而“同感”这个词于20世纪20年代由美国心理学家E.B.铁钦纳首次使用。铁钦纳的理论是:同感发自对他人痛苦的一种身体模仿,这种模仿继而在自身引起同样的心理感受。

2)He sought a word that would be distinct from sympathy, which can be felt for the general plight of another with no sharing whatever of what that other person is feeling.Motor mimicry fades from toddlers’ repertoire at around two and a half years, at which point they realize that someone else’s pain is different from their own, and are better able to comfort them.他当时在寻找一个与同情有所区别的词;同情是针对他人的一般困境而发的,无须分担他人的任何感受。小孩两岁半左右就渐渐不再有运动神经模仿行为,那时他们会意识到别人的痛苦与自己的不同,会更有能力安慰别人。

3)I also love the split-second shocked expression on the new people, the hasty smiles and their best imitations of what they think of as their “normal faces”.If they do the ritual well enough I turn my head ever so slightly and tuck my hair behind one of my ears, whichever one’s closer to them.我也喜欢生人脸上那瞬间的震惊表情,匆忙的微笑和他们竭力装出的“正常脸色”。如果他们这套仪式做得够好,我就会微微转过头,把头发掖到离他们较近的那只耳朵后面。

4)“I mostly just read lips because it was easier to pick up than signing, although that’s not the only reason I was staring at your lips,” I told him.He laughed.We talked more, and then the host upped the music volume and dimmed the lights for the “dance floor”, and I had to lean in much, much closer to be able to continue reading his lips in the semi-darkness.And read his lips I did.我告诉他说:“我基本上只读唇语,因为这比用手语更容易,但这不是我一直盯着你的嘴唇的唯一原因。”他大笑起来。我们又说了一会儿话。后来,主人放大音乐的音量,调暗“舞池”的灯光;我不得不凑近他,近得多得多,以便能在昏暗中接着读他的唇语。我的确读到了他的唇语。

(From Chinese into English)


The moment I saw those old photos in the drawer, tears welled up in my eyes, for my memory went back to the days when I lived happily with my grandparents, my parents and my brothers and sisters.2)有个学生踩到地上的一滩水滑倒了。周围的人反应各异,有的关心地走上前去看他是否受伤了、能为他做点什么;有的则站在一边不知所措;有的干脆就不理。

When a student slipped on a pool of water and fell over, people’s reaction diverged from one another.Some approached caringly to see of he was hurt and if they could help;some just stood there confusing over what to do about it;while others just tuned out.3)上星期六上午,我像往常一样去超市购物。我刚要打开车门,却发现没带钱包。我只好回家去找,可是哪儿也找不到。

Last Saturday morning, I did the usual and went shopping in the supermarket.When I was about to open the door of my car, I found that I did not have my wallet on me.I could do nothing but go back home in search of it, but I failed to find it anywhere.4)我上小学二年级的时候,我们班有个同学得到的生日礼物是一辆红色的遥控车。我们大家只有羡慕的份,却不能也去买一辆,因为那种遥控车很贵,而且还是在香港买的,那时候在我们看来香港和美国一样遥不可及。

When I was a second grader, one of my classmates got a red radio-controlled toy car as a birthday gift.The rest of us could only admire, but could not imitate, because the car was expensive and was bought in Hong Kong, a place which seemed to us as far away as New York at that time.Unit 4(From English into Chinese)

1)The objective importance of an event is obviously not enough—there are plenty of enormous global issues out there, with dramatic consequences, from poverty to global warming—but since they are ongoing, they don’t make the headlines on the same day.9/11, in contrast, was not just international, but odd, unexpected, and(in the sense that it was possible to identify with the plight of people caught up in the drama)very human.一个事件光有客观重要性显然还不够——世界上有大量全球性的大问题,都会造成戏剧性的后果,从贫困问题到全球变暖问题——但由于它们都是进行中的,并不都集中在同一天上头条。对比之下,9/11不仅具有国际性,而且奇特怪异、出人意料,还(可能使读者对深陷那场悲剧中的人们的痛苦感同身受,从这个意义上讲)极具人性。

2)But TV news is not necessarily more objective or reliable than a newspaper report, since the images you are looking at on your screen have been chosen by journalists or editors with specific objectives, or at least following set guidelines, and they are shown from a unique viewpoint.By placing the camera somewhere else you would get a different picture.但是,电视新闻未必比报纸报道更客观或更可靠,因为你在屏幕上看到的图像是经记者或编辑根据特殊的目的,或至少是按照预定指示筛选过的;它们是从一个独特的视点展现给观众的。如果把摄像机移到别的地方,你就会看到另一番景象。

3)The Internet provides an easy outlet for anyone with an opinion, and there’s nothing a newspaper editor likes more for reassurance about their work than feedback and opinions, as diverse as possible.Teenagers today don’t remember a time when they didn’t have the Internet, and reading a newspaper is something they only do if they have assignment to write about the specific medium of print journalism.互联网为任何有意见的人提供了一个便利的窗口;报纸编辑最喜欢的莫过于给他们提供各种不同的反馈和意见,他们能从中得到安慰。如今十几岁的少年已不记得曾经没有互联网的日子了;只有在写关于印刷新闻这一特定媒体的作业时他们才去读报。

4)So maybe the newspaper won’t die without a struggle.Trends for the future of newspaper include an increase demand for local news, and the continued exploitation of lifestyle journalism,which began in the late 1980s, especially within personal finance and travel, will create new revenue streams.如此看来,报纸是不会轻易消失的。未来报纸发展的趋势包括对本地新闻需求的日益增长,而始于20世纪80年代后期的对生活方式新闻的持续开发利用—尤其在个人理财和旅游方面—将会创造新的收入来源。

(From Chinese into English)


So sudden, so striking was the news that I sat motionless on sofa for a few minutes.My first instinct was to call our leaders to tell them what had happened and see what we could do for those colleagues who died or got injured in this

traffic accident.2)纸版的儿童图书与电子书相比有很大的优势。对孩子们来说,一本印刷精美的纸版书不仅是一本书也是一个玩具。纸版书的感觉与在屏幕上读书的感觉是很不同的。

Paper books for children have an enormous advantage over e-books.For children, a beautifully printed paper book is not only a book but also a toy they can play with.Reading a paper book is rather different from reading a book on the screen.3)近年来,传统媒体呈现出衰退的趋势,新媒体迅速发展。尽管如此,这并不一定意味着传统媒体已经失去市场。若谈到阅读新闻之类,人们还是习惯于像报纸这样的传统媒体。In recent years, traditional media are in the tendency of decline and new media are developing rapidly.However, this does not necessarily mean that traditional media have lost the market.When it comes to reading things like news, people are still used to such traditional media a newspaper.4)随着金融危机的爆发,许多企业陷入了困境。对于那些因缺乏流动资金无法进行再生产又不想让恶性循环继续下去的企业,他们唯一能做的事情就是向政府求助。With the explosion of the financial crisis, many enterprises find themselves in difficulties.For those who have no circulation fund to invest in new production and would not let the vicious circle continue, the only thing they can do is to turn to government for help.Unit 7

Translate the sentences into Chinese.1.我以前也经常这样为他扔木头。根据木头的不同重量和我动作的大小,我知道它们大概能飞多远。但这块木头赶上了一阵疾风,朝着床单想去的方向飞过了院子,越过了围栏,最后以溜冰高手般的优美动作滑进湖水里。(翻译时应弄清作者为什么扔木头,抓准语气。注意caught a gust及depending on的意思。)


3.它会认人、选择食物、识别道路。但这是否意味着它有思维能力呢?如果有的话,又如何证实呢?我们对动物的认知是经过过滤的,是建立在人类对世界的理解的基础上的,我们常常把人类的情感和思想投射到其他动物身上。(Our perceptions„of the world是翻译难点。建议把句子拆分,才能使译文清晰易懂。)

4.许多20世纪的科学家轻视这些发现,认为它们不可靠,这是受了拟人说的影响,即根据人的特征来判断动物。但是,现在舆论的天平/钟摆已经不再向那些认为动物像机器一样没有智慧的观点倾斜/靠拢了,而是向达尔文的观点倾斜。大范围的动物研究表明:智慧之根在动物界的分布既深又广,变化多端。(the pendulum is „ back towards Darwin’s ideas是比喻,注意其译法。)

Translation the sentence into English.1.The burglars were throwing the stolen items to the pickup and were just about to drive awaywhen the guards watching over the living quarters found them and called the police.2.2.The tree soldiers had walked with difficulty through the woods for a whole day, trying tonavigate to the east bank of the river, only to find that they had been circling in the woods and were still dozens of miles short of their destination.3.3.It seems to me that the scholar who talked about animal intelligence this morning hasobviously overestimated the animal intelligence.She went so far as to suggest that chimpanzees can communicate with humans through computers.4.4.As volunteers, what we need to do is not just limited to smiling to those who come to us forinformation and help.We must also learn skills for cross-cultural communication, without which our performance cannot be satisfactory.Unit 9

1.Exercises in the text: Translating(From English into Chinese)

1)There can be no doubt that this sort of cooperative approach can help many students develop personal skills which will help improve their prospects in their search for a job.One of the most well-known personality tests used by employers when interviewing candidates, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator(MBTI),puts the extrovert / introvert dichotomy at the top of the list of personality traits it tries to analyze.毫无疑问,这种合作学习法能帮助许多学生培养有助于改善就业前景的个人技能。公司在面试应聘者时使用的最有名的人格测试之一是“迈而斯-布里格斯性格分类法”(简称MBTI),这种分类法把外向/内向性格两分法置于他所分析的人格特征列表之首。

2)For students who choose to offer their talents in this way, one side effect is to gain a wealth of experience to be added to the CV, which will not go unnoticed by future employers.But a word ofwarning is in order: You should remember what your priorities are.对那些选择在这些方面施展才能的学生而言,还有个意外的收获:可以把他们获取的丰富经验写进个人履历里,而未来的雇主是不会不注意到这些经验的。不过提醒一句:你应该记住自己的首要目的是什么。

3)We set up their annual cataract eye camp, with free cataract surgery for the local elderly or anyone that needed an eye check.We helped set up the school, cleaned it out, and turned the classroom into the surgery room.It was called the “operation theater.” The first two days werededicated to the eye surgery, and the rest of the week to the eye camp.我们帮他们搭建每年一度的白内障治疗营地,为当地老年白内障患者免费做手术,或为有需求的人检查眼疾。我们帮他们在学校里安装设备,打扫环境,将教室变成外科手术室,称为“手术教室”。头两天帮忙做眼科手术,后五天在白内障营地帮忙。

4)They were a bit unorganized, which could have been improved with better communication between the local agencies and VFP.The best part was bonding with the volunteers, and the agencies did a good job in varying our tasks„ We got to know the locals.Every time I think about riding through the rice fields, being invited in for tea, it makes me smile.他们做事不太有条理,如果地方机构与和平志愿者组织之间能更好地相互沟通的话,事情就会顺利一些。最好的经历是与其它志愿者建立友情,地方机构尽量给我们分配不同工种的活。。。我们结识了很多当地人。每当想起骑车穿过稻田应邀去当地人家喝茶的情景,我就会发自内心地微笑。

(From Chinese into English)

1)如今对中国的中学毕业生而言,上大学已经不是什么太困难的事情了,因为现在大学的 数量已经是二十年前的三倍。但是要被一流大学录取,你还要比同龄人有更强的竞争力才行。(times„as many as)

Nowadays in China, it’s no longer so hard for high school graduates to go to university, because there are three times as many universities as there were 20 years ago.But to be admitted by a first-class university, you still need to be more competitive than your peers.2)你花钱参加这个项目是值得的,因为你从中获得的职业技能可以改善你的就业前景,而且你所有的努力终将会得到回报。(acquire;prospects;pay off)

It is worthwhile to spend money on this project, for the career skills you acquire in the process are bound to help improve your prospects in your search for a job and all your efforts will eventually pay off.3))虽然通过和这些志愿者并肩工作,我可以学会怎样与他人合作,但我得交参加费。我不得不承认为此我正在花费更多的时间去兼职挣钱,这让我总觉得时间不够用。(work side by side with„;acknowledge;save up for)

Though I can learn teamwork by working side by side with other volunteers, I need to pay for the participation.I have to acknowledge that I am now spending more time doing part-time jobs to save up for the project, which makes me feel a shortage of time.4)不同的运动在身高、年龄、力量、耐力等方面对参加者有不同的要求。因此有多少种运动就有多少类型的运动员。想参加运动的人总能找到合适的项目。(in terms of;as many„as;no doubt)

Different sports have different requirements in terms of height, age, strength and stamina.Therefore, there are as many types of athletes as there are sports.There can be no doubt that anyone who wants to get some exercise can find the right sport.

第二篇:新标准Unit 10

Unit Ten: Animal Stories

Text A

Background Information

Some birds are very smart.Ravens, for instance, have the ability to solve difficult problems, such as figuring out how to steal fish from a fisher.Happiness, sadness, anger, fear, love, hate--emotions play an important role in our lives.Many animals also have emotions including stress.Sometimes stress causes serious health problems to animals.Chimps appear to show an awareness of death.They become very sad when family members die.Chimps and dolphins are highly social animals and are more likely to have consciousness.Group Discussion

1.Do you keep a pet? Why do you think pets mean so much to some people?

2.Do you believe animals have intelligence? Do you have any stories of animal intelligence?

Part Division of the Text

The text can be divided into three parts:

Part 1(Paragraphs 1-3):

Part 1 tells us how Pat Myers began to have a pet parrot with the name of Casey.Part 2(Paragraphs 4-11):

Part 2 depicts that Casey can speak properly on many occasions.Part 3(Paragraphs 12-16):

Part 3 tells us that Casey can finally express love to Pat Myers.Further Understanding

1.Why did Pat Myers begin to keep a pet?

She had been kept in her apartment for a year because of a serious illness, so she began to keep a pet as a companion.2.Was Casey quick at learning to express love to Pat Myers?

No.When Pat Myers tried to teach him how to express love, he failed to learn it quickly.It was after Pat was away from home for a long time that Casey learned to express love.Useful Expressions趣味相投者(常带贬义)轻如羽毛鹦鹉学舌般地请求免除(义务、责罚等)假装没看见,熟视无睹弊大于利没有坏处处于良好竞技状态;正在进行训练安全地理解某事;控制局面




suggest sth

suggest doing sth

suggest + that-从句

Idiomatic Expression:

suggest itself(to sb)浮现在(某人)脑海中

Grammar Note:

suggest后面如果跟that-宾语从句,从句的动词以be-型虚拟式出现,即不管主语是什么人称,也不管动词suggest是什么时态形式,that-从句中的动词一律用原型。这里的be-型虚拟式可以与“should + 不定式”交替使用。”如:

He suggested that the book be sent at once.(或He suggested that the book should be sent at once.)

有类似用法的还有其他动词。如:decide, demand, insist, order, propose, recommend, require, request, advise等。


It is advisable that the book be sent at once.His suggestion is that the book be sent at once.Derivation:



Collocation: deliver„to

We deliver your order to your door.Idiomatic Expressions:

deliver the goods 送货

deliver(oneself)of 讲,表达


deliverern.递送人in silence 沉默地,安静地



Collocations:appropriate for

appropriate to

You are supposed to write in a style appropriate to your subject.Casual clothes are not appropriate for a formal occasion.Patterns:It is appropriate to do sth

It is appropriate + that-从句

Grammar Note:

appropriate后面如果跟that-从句,从句的动词以be-型虚拟式出现。be-型虚拟式也可以与“should + 不定式”交替使用。如:

It is appropriate that he be present.(或It is appropriate that he should be present.)




Idiomatic Expressions:

in silence 沉默地,安静地

speech is silver, silence is gold开口不如缄默

Collocations:keep silence

break silence

dead silence

complete silence

The silence was broken by a loud cry.There was dead silence in the room after he put forward the question.Derivation:silentadj.安静的5.glare

glare & look, gaze, stare, peek, peer, peep


glare 指“带着凶狠或愤怒的表情或眼光看”。如:

He glared at the boy who broke the window of his room.gaze 指“(集中注意力地)长时间地注视,目不转睛地看”。如:

She turned to gaze admiringly at her husband.stare 指“睁大眼睛盯着看”。如:

It’s rude to stare at people.peek 指“(迅速地)偷看,(通过孔隙)窥视”。如:

You must not peek in hide-and-seek.peer 指“因为看不清楚而用力地细看”。如:

He had to peer at his book because the room was dark.peep 指“迅速地、偷偷地看一眼”。如:

I peeped at the letter while he was reading it.Collocation:glare at

Idiomatic Expression:

in the glare of publicity在众目睽睽之下,在公众注意之下


Collocations:agree with

agree on

agree about

agree to

They have agreed on the plan.He agreed with me about the proposal.I agree to what you have said.agree 如果和介词with搭配,表示三种意思。


I agree with what you said.——表示“和„„一致”。如:

The verb does not agree with its subject.——表示“和„„相适合”。如:

The climate does not agree with me.Patterns:

agree + 动词不定式

agree + that从句

The teacher agreed to give him a chance.I agree that the book is well worth reading.Idiomatic Expressions:

agree to differ同意保留不同意见

be agreed意见一致

I couldn’t agree more我完全同意





Collocations:be uneasy about 为„„担忧

be uneasy with sb 和某人在一起很别扭

She felt uneasy about the safety of the children when they did not come home.She felt uneasy with her parents-in-law.Derivation: uneasinessn.不安,不自在uneasen.心神不安,不舒服


forgive 的过去式和过去分词形式分别为forgave和forgiven。

Patterns: forgive sb sth

forgive sb for sth / doing sth

We forgave him his mistakes.I will never forgive you for what you have done.Comparison:

forgive, pardon & excuse


Please forgive me for being absent.Pardon me for disturbing you.Excuse me for coming late.forgive 表示“原谅且不再怀有怨恨”。

pardon 更侧重于“原谅而且免除责任或惩罚”。

The governor pardoned the convicted criminal.excuse 强调“宽容错误、过失或不当之处”。如:

I excused him his shortcomings because I liked him.Idiomatic Expression:

forgive and forget不念旧恶, 不记仇



forgivingadj.宽容的,仁厚的9.be about to do

be about to do 强调“正要做(某事),打算立即做(某事)”。

Grammar Note:

be about to do是表示将来时间的手段之一。be动词以一般过去时出现时,表过去将来时间。如:

He is about to leave.I felt that something significant was about to happen.在一定语境中,过去形式was/were about to do表示未曾实现的意图。如:

He was just about to leave the office when the telephone rang.The burglar was about to break into the house, but the policemen appeared before him.Comparison:

be about to do & be to do

这两个结构都可用于表示将来时间。be to do强调“按计划、安排即将发生的动作”,较为正式。而be about to do强调“立即、马上要做的事”,并不强调计划性。

The Queen is to visit our country this May.be to do 还可以表示命令或禁止。如:

You are not to be back late.be to do 如果以一般过去式出现,即was / were to do,表示过去将来时间。如:

As I was to leave the next morning, I went to bed early.和was / were about to do相似,用was / were to have done可以表示被取消而没有实现的计划。如:

I was to have left this morning, but it rained.Sentence Translation:

1.“I’m going to have a sick mind living alone here,” Pat Myers told her daughter, Annie.“我一个人呆在这儿都快发疯了,”帕特• 迈尔斯对她女儿安妮说。

Structural Analysis:

句中的be going是现在进行体表将来的用法,指即将发生的事情。现在进行体除了表示说话时或现阶段正在进行的动作外,还有表示将来的用法。这种用法一般表示近期内即将发生的事情。如:

I值得注意的是,用现在进行体表示将来时间,在句中或上下文中通常要有表示将来时间的依据,否则容易造成误解。如第一句和第三句中的tomorrow morning和tonight就表明是将来时间。

2.And so she began to keep a parrot.她就这么养起鹦鹉来了。

Structural Analysis:

这句话的关键是理解代词it的含义。it在这里并不指具体的某人或某物,而是指上下文中提到的“养鹦鹉”这件事。类似的用法还见于文中It makes the whole place feel better这句话。it作为代词时,有以下几种意义。


(speaking on the telephone)

3.——指上下文提到的某一情况或事实,文中的it就是这个用法。如: ——指天气、时间、距离、日期等。如: ——习惯用法。如:





They signed a treaty to settle all border disputes by arbitration.2这些外国人提出了一个合资企业的建议

These foreigners have put forward a proposal for a joint venture.3崇拜祖先的风俗在这些人中是普遍的The custom of worshipping ancestors is prevalent in the group 4帝国主义列强掠夺了许多珍贵的艺术品。

The imperialist powers plundered many valuable works of art.5微风送来阵阵青草和野花的香气

The breeze brought with the fragrance of grass and wild flowers 6国会通过了一项禁止屠杀动物取乐的法令

Congress passed a bill to ban killing animals for fun


She has no sympathy for patients


Mother worried about his son's safety in a heavy mood 第三单元.1试图达到别人所立下的标准会把你搞疯

1Trying to live up to the standard set by others

will make you crazy


“I used to be scared of animals, but now I find that

they bring me much happiness” A pet owners said.3建立一个为之奋斗的目标,设立一个清晰的实现路径,然后在你每一天的工作生活中付诸行动。

By having a goal to shoot for set up a clear implementationpath, then in your everyday work life into action.4有无可能把你所有诗中的信息用一两句话来归纳?


Possible to you all the information in the poem with a can besummed up in two words? Or each poem has its respectivelife and instructions?

5由于过去20多年来,特别是最近13年的发展,中国已初步 建立了与社会主义市场经济相适应的金融体系。

In the past 20 years, especially in the recent 13 years ofdevelopment, China has initially established a compatiblewith the socialist market economy of the financial system.6我期待着这份新工作,然而我可能会觉得很难达到我的前 任的水平,她在退休前干了15年。

I'm looking forward to the new job, but I might find itdifficult to measure up to my predecessor, she works foryears before retirement.7我们党和国家一定要关心群众生活,现在应该提出了这个问题了。Our party and state must be concerned with the populace life,should put forward this problem now.8只有这样,他们才能不辜负党的期望。

Only in this way can they live up to the party's expectations.第四单元


母亲长期以来强加给他的想法是不是错误了to the shadow of failure has been in his mind now, make him

have to doubt her mother for a long time to impose his idea is wrong 2这本书揭开了古巴比伦神秘的面纱,向我们详细描述了

这个王国繁荣时期社会各阶层的景象。the book opened the mysterious veil of ancient Babylon gave

us a detailed description the kingdom boom all walks of life.3在一个民主法制的社会,政府必须采取积极措施确保

每一个公民的正当利益不受损害。in a democratic rule of law society, the government must take

active measures to ensure the legitimate interests of every citizen.4她多么想伸出双臂乞求敌人放了她啊。可她知道自己

只能坚持到底,不到最后一刻不会放弃。she put her want to stretch out his arms to implore the enemy

Can she knew she could only hold on to the end, will not give upuntil the last moment.5他妻子的胡搅蛮缠让他别无选择只能同意在离婚协议上签字。

Five of his wife's importune let he had little choice but to agree

to sign the divorce agreement.6面对遇到的每一个挑战,你会离目标越来越近,只有坚持不懈,就一定能获得最后的成功confront each challenge, you will is getting closer and closer to thetarget, only the perseverance, we will be able to get the final success.7我曾遇到过许多朽的灵魂,他们几乎毁灭在生活的重压之下,在人生的道路上匍匐煎熬。I have encountered many soul rot, they almost destroyed in

under the weight of life, creeping down on the way of life.8听到终于胜利的消息,人们兴高采烈,吧家里仅存的食物

和酒都拿出来庆祝。finally heard the news of victory, people in high spirits,go home only take out food and drink to celebrate.i



1So in my childhood or youth, I must have done something good.2虽然她还很年轻,但她能够做许多需要技巧地工作although she was very young, but she can do a lot of skill to work


I have to read before put forward opinions about the one

thing that all of the presentation


了这样的一个儿子。people predict there will be a great success in the future,he was his parents also celebrates the symplectic with such a son.5为什么士兵在撤退时,把桥梁多炸掉了呢?.5In their withdrawal, 5 why soldiers how blew up the bridge?.6让我们把每个条款都再仔细核对一遍,看看是否还有不清楚或遗漏的地方。6Every clause 6 let's check again carefully again and see if

there is unclear or missing

夜里冷的我一点也睡不着cold I can't sleep at night


8But that kind of voice and clear, convinced him that this

from time to time his illusion.第八单元


1she hopes to organize more such activities.2你首先得激发孩子的学习兴趣,然后再去教他们。The first thing you have to stimulate a child's interest in

learning, and then to teach them.3争论细节问题耗费了委员会数小 时宝贵的时间。

3arguments details hours spent committee valuable time.4警察任在寻找跟上个星期的抢劫案有牵连的人。the police was looking for the last week's robbery is implicated.5这对夫妻不断争吵,由于实在无法相容,最后他们决定分手。

5the couple quarrel, because can't compatible, they finally

decided to break up.6警方不得不采取果断行动来对付骚乱。

6the police had to take decisive action to deal with riots.7从大选开始,这两个政党就一直争论不休。

7Starting from the general election, the two parties has been debated.8他帮我们填补知识上的空白。

8He help us to fill the blank of the intellectual.


1这场给人类带来巨大灾难的战争对这样一个诗人产生了什么影响How did the war ,which brought terrible disasters to mankind,impact on such a poet.2做母亲的有时候不能察觉她们所深爱的孩子们的 过错,这样做的结果回事孩子们再次犯错。Mothers are sometimes blind to the faults of their beloved children which will cause the children to make the same mistake again.3做为一个在 这个我完全陌生的新移民,她总是感觉到孤立无援。

As a new immigrant in this completely strange country she always felt isolated.4做事不先考虑常会导致失败,因此我们应该三思而后行

Acting before thinking often results in failure.so we should think before we leap.5奢谈的饿时候已经过去了,我们必须积极行动起来保护我们的环境。

The time for taking is past.wemust take a positive action to protect our environment.1年轻人有时会抱怨无法和父母沟通。Young people sometimes complain of not being able to communicate with their parents.2玛丽从小就盼望着能在 中国云南的一个村庄住上几年现在他终于梦想成真了。

Ever since childhood ,Maryhas been longing to take up residence in a Chinese village for a few years.Now her dream has come true.3家养的动物习惯于依赖人因此很难在 野外继续生存。

Domestic animals are used to depending on humans, so it is difficult for them to survive in the wild.4他突然有种恐惧感觉得自己会因为经济不景气而被公司裁员

He was suddenly overtaken by a fear that he would be laid off by the company because of bad economy.5我想他很快就会回来,因为他答应和我一起吃饭。

I figure he'll be back soon since he promised to have dinner with me.1记者敦促发言人就此次军事打击作出解释.1The reporter pressed the spokesman to make explanation of this military attack.2.他的竞选演讲未能使选民相信他就是参议员的合适人选.His election speech failed to convince the voters that he was the right person for the senator

3.尽管我承认有问题存在,但我并不认为这些问题不能解决.Whike I admit that there are problems,I do not think these problem can not be saved.4.他在电视上的第一次辩论给观众留下了深刻的印象.His firsh debate on TVmade a deep impression on the audience.5.一切事物都是相互联系又相互作用的.All things are interrelated and interact with each other.1.大会报告人原来是我的一位老朋友的女儿。

The lecturer at the conference turned out to be the daughter of an old friend of mine.2.尽管他已经退休5年了,但他在学术界仍然很活跃。

It is 5 years since his retirement, but he has remained active in the academic circles.3.如果确实在经济上有困难,你可以申请助学金。

If you do have financial difficulties, you can apply for a student loan.4.这位科学家研制这种新材料达10年之久才有了突破。

This scientist had worked hard at this new material for 10 years before he made his own way in the end.5.世界上主要的几家飞机制造公司正竭力制造飞得更快,更远的飞机,以争得更大的市场。

The chief airplane manufacturers in the world are pushing the envelope to make faster and longer range airplanes to compete for bigger share of the market.1.思想是通过语言来表达的.Thoughts are expressed by means of language.2.我今年买的新书多得难以数清.I have bought so many new books this year that it is realy difficult for me to keep count of them.3.这位老太太确信,今天她儿子会回家来为她庆祝生日的.The old lady feels assured that her son will come back home today to eclebrate her birthday

4.他妈妈坚持说他每月的零用钱不能超过100元.His mother insisted that his pocket money should not exceed 100 yuan per month.5.上个月我们买了一辆车,是用我的名字登记的.We bought a car cust last month which was registered under my name.1.伟人能以人格的力量来控制他人。

A great man can dominate others by force of character.2.根据最新报道,中国旅游者去一些东南亚国家旅游无需再申请入境签证。

According to the latest report, Chinese tourists do not have to apply for an entry visa to some southeast Asian countries.3.从信封的颜色来看,这封信可能来自一位女性。

The color of the envelope suggests that the letter might be from a women.4.虽然火车的速度比不上飞机,很多人还是愿意坐火车。

Trains can't rival planes for speed, but many people prefer to travel by train.5.一旦人们看到这种管理模式确实有效,就更有可能接受它。

People are much more likely to accept this administration mode once they see that it really works.1、这支乐队二十世纪八十年代凭借那张专集一举成名。

In 1980s this band shot to fame with that single album.2、冒一下险吧,你可能还是会输,但赢的机会增加了。

Task a risk ,and you maybe lose but the chances of winning increase.3、科学家正积极研究治愈爱滋 病(AIDS)的良方。

Scientists are pushing themselves to the limits in their research for finding a AIDS killer.4、现在我们知道了网络的意义:鼠标一点就能知晓天下大事。

Now we know the point of the internet: we can learn about everything happened in the world by clicking the mouse.5、一些人认为政府迟早会将克隆人类的研究纳入规范。

Some people think that sooner or later the government will regulate the research of human cloning.1乔治对中国文化着了迷,决定去一所夜校学习中文。

George is nuts about the Chinese culture and has decided to learn Chinese in an evening school.2.记者们获悉戴安娜(Diana)要来本市访问的消息,迅速赶到机场去获取新闻。The reporters got wind of Diana's visit to the city and rushed to the airport for the news.3.经过两个月的不懈努力,警方终于在一个南方城市找到了罪犯的踪迹。

After two months of restless effort, the police finally tracked the criminal down in a southern city.4.两家公司已经原则上达成协议实施这项计划。

The two companies have already agreed in principle to go ahead with the project.5.如果你们的质量没有实质性的增长,我认为你们在市场上不会有什么竞争力。

If your quality isn't improving for real, I don't think you will be competitive in the market.1、知道原理是一回事,但要付诸实践又是另外一回事。

It’s one thing to understand the principle,it’s another thing to put it into practice.2、据报道,慢跑(jogging)可将患心脏病的可能性减少三分之二。

It’s reported that jogging makes you three times less likely to suffer from a heart attack.3、根据最新调查,半数英国人不清楚欧元和英镑的比值。

Almost half of the British people have no idea what the euro is worth in relation to the pound, according to the latest survey.4、这片土地本应建成一个供大家享用的公园,但现在却立起了几栋公寓楼。

The area should have been made into a park for everyone to enjoy but now some apartment buildings stand there.5、不知道所有这些相关信息能否凑成一幅关于他的清晰图画。

I’mwondering whethter all the related information could add up to a clear picture of him.1.他饮酒过量,对身体不好。

He drinks more wine than is good for his health.2.他知道这时父母亲都在急切地等着他回家过年。

He knew that at this moment his parents were eagerly waiting for him to return home for the New Year.3.招我们喜欢的不仅是他的聪明,还有他的幽默。

What appeals to us is not only his intelligence but also his sence of humor.4.这位国际知名导演拍摄的最新影片结果是彻底的失败。

The latest movie made by that internationally famous director turned out to be a total failure.5.有些年轻人似乎对一切事情都缺乏耐心。

It seems that some youngsters don't have patience with anything.1、他悲叹一声,对我们说他年轻时也曾风光一时。

He breathed/heaved a sigh of sorrow, telling us that he had seen a better day when he was a young.2、他有极强的责任感,这就是为什么他被选中掌管这个项目。

H e has a strong sense of responsibility ,and that’s why he is chosen to take control of this project.3、不管你去哪里,不管是出差还是去玩,尽量多了解那个地方总是一个不错的主意。Wherever you go ,be it for business of entertainment, it is always a good idea to know about the place as much as you can.4、我们得小心一点,同样的情景可能就要出现。

Let’s be careful.The situation may be about to repeat itself.5、事实上,室内空气质量与儿童的健康密切相关,当然与成人的健康也有关系。

In fact, the air quality of a house has a great deal to do with children’s health, and adults’ health for that matter.1.为什么人们要在旅行上花费这么多的时间和金钱呢?

Why is it that people spend so much time and money on traveling?


Traveling by air is quick and safe.No wonder it is a popular choice for travelers.3.我们学校的大部分学生都选了网页设计这门课,计算机中心里白天晚上都挤满了人。Most of the students in my collage have enrolled in the course of web page design and the computer center is always filled with people day and night.4.我一直梦想着朋友遍天下。多亏了网络,我的梦想终于实现了。

It has always been my dream to have friends all over the world.Thanks to the Internet, my dream has come true.5.网上免费的信息,方便的交流,诱人的游戏,对于他这就是互联网的一切。

Free information on-line, convenient communication with friends, attractive games, to him this is what the Internet is all about.1.许多人认为这种药有助于睡眠,而我只能暗自感叹:“要是他们知情就好了。

A lot of people believe that sleeping pills help them sleep.All I can think is, "if they onlyknew.2.当我第一次驾机飞上蓝天时,我终于美梦成真。

My dream came true when I first flew up into the blue sky in an airplane.3.这位乡下孩子接触到了城里的种种陌生的事物。他感到十分惊讶,仿佛自己进入了未来世界一般。

The country boy was exposed to many strange things in the city.He felt greatly shocked as if he had entered a future world.4.大学毕业才一年,他就从一个追求梦想的青年变成了一个凡事都无所谓的庸人。

Within only one year after graduation from college,he went from a student whopursued his dream to a person who didn’t care about a thing.5.我已经获准进入那个地区进行采访,这可不是人人都能得到的机会。

I have been given permission to do the interview in that area, and that's not something that everyone gets.1.随着战争的开始,接踵而来的便是为期十年的屠杀和毁灭。

With the beginning of the war came ten years of killing and destruction.2.我们将继续从事我们一直在从事的事业。

We shall continue to do what we have always been doing.3.他们大多数人从头一天早上起就一直在干。今晚,他们,仍然,谁也睡不成。

Most of them had been up since the morning before yesterday.But none of them will sleep tonight either.4.李明是土生土长的成都人。他仍然记得以前在四合院(quadrangle)里生活的情景。

Born and raised in Chengdu, Li Ming still remembers the time when he lived in a/the quadrangle.5.你怎么竟敢在光天化日之下如此残忍地虐待一个幼小的儿童?

How dare you treat a young child in such a cruel manner in broad daylight?


The thefts in recent months paled in comparison with the case.2.那次交通事故虽然已经过去了好几年,但他还是摆脱不了负疚感。

Several years have passed since the traffic accident, and he still can't shake away the guilty feeling.3.尽管我们提出了降低成本的建议,董事会的成员们似乎没有认真考虑。

Though we had put forward the proposal to reduce cost, the board members didn't appear to take it seriously.4.周围的山坡已经变得光秃秃的,但这并没有使村民们想起保护环境的重要性。

The bare hills around haven't reminded the villagers of the importance of protecting the environment.5.办公室里可能再不会响起他那爽朗的笑声了。

It is unlikely for his hearty laughter to ring in our office again.1.为了所有在场的人,也为了我们的下一代,只要有和平的机会,我们就必须利用它。As

long as there is a chance for peace, we must take advantage of it for the sake of our younger generation as well as for all the people present here.2.他们历史性的握手打开了和平之门,标志着暴力的结束。

The historic handshake between them opened the door to peace and marked the end of violence.3.我们应尽一切可能与企图破坏和平进程的人作斗争,迫使他们停止从事恐怖活动。We should exhaust every possibility to fight against those who attempt to torpedo the peace process and force them to cease to engage in terrorism.4.虽然他的和平政策得到了广泛的支持,然而和平事业仍然充满了艰难困苦。

Although his peace policy received broad support, the cause for peace was still fraught with difficulties and pain.5.就我而言,我要和所有与这个项目有关的人进行接触,以制定一个最佳方案。

In my case, I will come into contact with all those concerned with the project to work out the best scheme.



If you ask me, taking a second major isn’t good for every undergraduate.In my freshman year as an English major, I took economics as my minor.By all odds, I was the most hardworking student in my class.But try as I might to meet the requirements of the two different subjects, I still couldn’t do well enough to pass all the exams.Given that the study of economics required a good command of mathematics, I had to spend so much time on math that I neglected my English major.第二学期,《英国文学》及《宏观经济学》两门课不及格给我敲响了警钟,这可是我一生中第一次考试不及格,这大大打击了我的自信心。虽然我不是一个容易向命运低头的人,在暑假结束的时候,我还是决定放弃经济学,以免两个专业都难以完成。当我只需修一个专业的时候,一切似乎又回到了正轨。(if you ask me;odds;try as … might;sap one’s confidence;given that;bow to fate;come to a close;for fear that;now that)Failing English Literature and Macroeconomics in the second semester sounded the alarm for me.This was the first time I did not pass a course in my life, which had greatly sapped my confidence.Although I was not a man who would easily bow to fate, as the summer break came to a close, I decided to give up economics for fear that I would fail in both subjects.Now that I had only one subject to attend to, everything seemed to be on the right track again.(二)1 张磊是在毕业工作后才开始意识到读书的乐趣的。反思自己的大学教育时,他感慨不已:他的一些同学都沉浸于从图书馆或书店找到的各种有趣的书籍,而他却只读了一些教科书,其中连一本真正能让他爱不释手、值得一读的书都没有。他可以说是被剥夺了通过书了解作家奇妙世界的特权。

It was not until after he had graduated from university and started to work that Zhang Lei became aware of the pleasure of reading.Reflecting on his undergraduate studies, he lamented that he, unlike his classmates who had immersed themselves in various interesting books they were able to lay hands on from the library or bookshop, had only read textbooks, none of which was really worthwhile, or could be read in one sitting.He was deprived of the privilege of gaining access to the writers’ fantastic worlds through the windows their books have opened, so to speak.2 如今,他嗜书如命,废寝忘食,好像要把大学期间没机会读的好书全都读一遍。到目前为止他已经利用业余时间读了几百本小说、传记和游记。他意识到书不仅能向他展示一个充满希望的前景,帮他消除现实生活中的压力和疲劳,而且能够帮他澄清一些误解,找到生活的真谛。(reflect on;in one sitting;lay hands on;immerse in;worthwhile;privilege;withstand;vista)Now he has become an avid and omnivorous reader.It is as if he wants to make up for those marvelous books he hadn’t had a chance to read in his university days.By now, in his spare time, he has read several hundreds of books, including novels, biographies and travel notes.He realizes that books cannot only reveal to him the vista of a hopeful future and help him withstand stresses and strains, they can also help him clear up some misconceptions and discover the true meaning of life.(四)谈及目前经济萧条所带来的影响,学生活动的减少就是一个很好的例证。为了活跃校园生活,大学愿意划拨一部分资金来资助学生社团活动,但由于今年学校的预算大幅减少,对社团的资助也相应缩减了不少。显然,学生社团要恢复以前的活力就必须想办法克服自身的经济困难。有人主张招募更多会员,因为会员费的增加可以帮助他们度过难关。

When it comes to the effects of the current economic downturn, the decrease of student activities is a good case in point.To enliven campus life, the university is always willing to carve out money for activities organized by student clubs and societies, but such sponsorships have been pared down this year because of huge budget cut.Apparently, student organizations need to weather their own financial crisis if they want to recover from their current state of inactiveness.Some suggest enrolling more club members, on the ground that the consequent increase of membership fees may help them get out of the difficulty.当然,如果有更多的会员交年费,而且缩减一些日常开支,我们还是能省下一些钱来组织活动的。但是,问题的关键在于社团活动的费用与参加活动的人数是成正比的,因此这种方法恐怕不太可行。要推进社团活动,同时又不使经费超支,我们必须群策群力,拿出别的筹钱方法,而不是仅仅依赖学校拨款和会员费。(when it comes to;carve out;pare down;cut back on;bottom line;go into the red;pool;in lieu of)No doubt, if we have more members paying the annual fee, and if we cut back on our daily expenses, we can spare some money for organizing activities.But the bottom line is that the expenses of these activities are in proportion to the number of participants.I’m afraid this won’t be of much help.To boost student activities and to avoid going into the red, we still need to pool our ideas and come up with some other ways of raising money, in lieu of relying only on university grants and membership fees.(五)我们对理想丈夫或理想妻子的假设显示出我们的性别期待以及我们对性别期待的反应。如果大多数年轻姑娘希望她们的未婚夫强悍、能干、可 靠,那么小伙子们也就别无选择,只能把自己训练得强悍、能干、可靠,这样才能赢得女孩子的芳心。如果他们的做法与性别期待背道而驰,那么 他们很可能会在悲叹自己的光棍生涯中度过下半辈子。根据同样的不成文 法则,如果多数年轻男子希望他们的未婚妻温柔体贴、耐心、忠贞,认为 这些比什么都重要,那么姑娘即便不是这种人,也会假装自己将来会成为 贤妻良母。Our presumptions about what ideal husbands or wives are like reveal a lot about our gender expectations as well as our responses to them.If most girls want their fiancés to be tough, capable and reliable, there is no more option left for young men other than to be trained as tough, capable and reliable if they want to win girls’ heart.If they act to the contrary, they will most probably bemoan their bachelor’s status for the rest of their lives.Following the same unwritten rule, if most boys expect their fiancées to be caring, patient and faithful more than anything else, girls are prone to let on that they will become faithful wives and loving mothers even if they are not the type.深入研究一下这种性别期待,我们就会发现这是受生理和社会因素制 约的。无疑,女性为孕育婴儿做好了生理准备,而男人则完全不适合这项 工作。男人只有努力挣钱养家,才能让一家人过上好日子。(presumption;option;other than;bemoan;unwritten rule;to be prone to;let on;goes without saying)Looking into such gender expectations, we may find that they are based on both physiological and social factors.It goes without saying that women are physically prepared to bear children, whereas men are utterly unfit for the job.Therefore, a family is better-off when its male members devote their time to providing food and other necessities for it.(六)为保证校园的安全,校方最近发布了一项新的规定,禁止小商贩进入校园。校长呼吁学生在这件事上与学校合作。学生们表示强烈反对,几百 名学生在学校的 BBS上表达了他们的愤怒。他们说,因为校园离市中心很 远,校内商店里的货品又不多,把小贩赶出校园就无异于把学生扔到孤岛 上。有些人提出,正是在这样的事情上,学校应该听取学生的意见和需求。有些学生认为,这项规定能让校园更安全的想法是错误的。

To make the campus safer, the university authorities recently released a new regulation that forbids any vendors from entering the campus, and the president called on the students to cooperate with the university on this matter.But the students’ opposition was strong, and hundreds of them expressed their anger on the university BBS.They said that to keep vendors off campus is like deserting the students on an island, as the university was far away from the downtown and the shops on the campus did not provide enough commodities.Some claimed that it was precisely for matters of this kind that university should listen to students’ opinions and needs.Some students thought the university had got it wrong in believing that this regulation will ensure safety on campus.学生的反应让校长感到震惊,为弥补过失,他宣布学校将重新考虑这 项规定。他对学生说,他们完全有权力过上方便、舒适的生活,但校园的 安全也同样重要。他还提议在校园里建一个大超市,在宿舍楼附近开一些 便利店(convenience store),这样就能大大方便学生们的生活。(it’s for matters of this kind;get sth wrong;make amends;be entitled to)Shocked by the students’ reaction, the president tried to make amends for his mistake by announcing that the university will look into this new regulation again.He told students that they were entitled to live a convenient and comfortable life, but safety is just as much an important concern as that.He proposed to build a big supermarket within the campus and some convenient stores near dormitory buildings, which would certainly make students’ life much easier.(七)在毕业典礼上,一家知名 IT公司的经验丰富的 CTO托 马斯克拉克 给 140名渴望在IT行业干出一番事 业的计算机科学专业的学生提出了一 些重要建议。在他看来,信息技术不仅仅是组装机器和装置。这个领域,在 创新起着关键的作用。所以IT工作者自然要承受巨大的压力,因为他们每天都要想出一些新点子。

In the graduation ceremony, Thomas Clark, a veteran CTO of a renowned IT company, offers some important advice to 140 computer science majors who aspire to pursue a successful career in IT.In his opinion, information technology is not just about assembling machines and devices;it is a domain where innovation plays the key role.So naturally IT workers have to endure high pressure in their work as they need to come up with new ideas on a daily basis.但是克拉克也指出,行业的最终目标是利润。IT如果你想在这个领域获得成功,你应该牢记创新并 不等同于个人主义。值得注意的是,很多有天赋的年 轻人由于狂妄自大,交流能力差,没能发挥他 们的潜力,因此没有取得成功。克拉克强调说,你必须学会和不同部门的人合作,这样你才能创造出能被市场接受的产品,你的才华才能绽放。(aspire to,assemble;domain;on a daily basis;ultimate;synonymous with;blossom)But Clark also points out that the ultimate goal of IT business is profit.If you want to succeed in this business, you need to keep in mind that innovation is not synonymous with individualism.It is noticeable how many gifted young men have failed to achieve success because of their arrogance and poor communication skill.Clark emphasizes that you have to learn to cooperate with people from different departments and only thus can your talent blossom out by creating products that will be accepted by the market.(九).近20年来,一直有人认为简体字是激进的汉语改革的产物,不能保留传统文化的精华。在他们看来,那么多中国人读不懂繁体字是一件可耻的 事。有些人甚至认为简体字是一个有缺陷的语言系统,用简体字使中国人变笨了,中华文明已经到了紧要关头,必须用繁体字才能拯救我们的民族文化。In the last couple of decades, there have always been people who believe that simplified characters are a product of the radical reform of Chinese language, and fail to retain the essence of our traditional culture.From their point of view, it's disgraceful that so many Chinese cannot read traditional characters.Some even argue that simplified characters are a defective system of language and using them makes Chinese people dumb, and that our civilization has reached a critical stage where we have to go back to traditional Chinese characters to save our national culture.但是这些提倡恢复繁体字的人并不能提出足够的理由来支持他们的观 点。他们还忘记了重要的一点:繁体字太复杂,在中国古代,这在受过良 好教育和没受过教育的人之间造成了巨大的鸿沟,而简体字则让上亿的中 国人识了字,并在一定程度上模糊了受过教育的精英和普通大众之间的界 限。如果我们重新启用繁体字,可能会侵害到大多数人受教育的权利,破 坏中国社会的团结。

But those in favour of traditional characters are unable to provide sufficient evidence for their assertions.They also forget an important point: In ancient China the complexity of traditional characters created a rift between the educated and the uneducated, while the simplified characters had helped hundreds of millions of people become literate, and to a certain extent blurred the boundaries between the educated elite and the ordinary public.If we went back to traditional characters, it would be very likely to infringe on the majority's right to education and damage the unity of Chinese society.



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