
时间:2019-05-14 14:21:43下载本文作者:会员上传


In the name of beauty

A 1.why do we apply(dye)to(cloth)

2.the were(made)from(natural)

B1.Another proper(Clothing Dye-Past and present)B

2.When was all(Long ago)D

3.what is the(Be careful)ADieting

A 1.It is recommended that people(see)a(doctor)

2.For children to eat(healthy)food during(puberty)

B 1.what is the main(Be careful)A

2.Why should a doctor(To see)B

3.According to the(they don`t provide)AAre sports bad for you

A1.should not be(allowed)to play..It is dangerous

2.when they are(aggressive),players are too(injured)

B 1.another proper title(The negative effects)B

2.what is one(don`t allow players)D

3.according to(it is becoming more aggressive)CThe Mbuti

A 1.Why might be mbuti(disappear)



B 1.Another proper(The Important)D

2.what does(Mbuti people)B

3.What do(smoke)ARights of lefties

A.1.why do different..on(different)


2.--wanted to(defend)

--people were(right)

B.1.what is(napoleon had something)A

2.what does the writer..(most people used their right..)A

3.waht does the underlined(Making Europeans.)CRead It or See It

A 1..the novel,...won the(Pulitzer Prize)

2..the movie,..won(Academy Awards)

B 1.what is the main idea(Gone with the wind..)D 2what can be said(It is one of a few successful)C 3what does the underlined(Adaptations)CSleep and Dreams

A 1.at least(seven hours)of sleepold people(less)

--teenagers(a lot)

B1.what is the main idea(what happens when we sleep)A 2 what is the best..(need)Cwhy do we..(so our bodies can be)CAthletes to admire

A1.their(behavior)id bad they are(rude)



B 1.another proper title(athletes as Role models)A

2.what is a quality of(They try their best)C

3.why should athletes(children are watching)BBorrowed Words

A 1.The pronunciation of..words(changed)to sound like(English)

2.words about culture(baller)

..about military(soldier)

B 1.Another proper title(French words in English).Which of the following(Art).When did many French(In the 1000s)Computer System Protection

A1 what can be..a computer(system)

--(password)and codethis can be(stolen)


B1 What is the main idea(Don`t share sensitive information)Bwhat message is inferred(They are many kinds of experts)A

3what does the author not(The cost of damage)DThe Death of Bigfoot? A1.Michael Wallace used...make money.(F)

2.The bigfoot...home were fake.(T)

3.Ray Wallace..of Bigfoot conversation(T)

4.Jeff Meldrum believes..was imaginary(F)

B 1.When did Ray wallace make bigfoot(before 2002)A

2.Why did Ray wallace develop..(to make money)C

3.what did Mr.wallace(They speak their own language)B

4.Why is jeff Meldrum(He believes bigfoot may be..)D

12.“Unlucky” Number 13

A 1.It is possible to have four months with a Friday.(F)

2.No American skyscrapers(F)

3.Only a small percent of Americanthe 13th(T)

4.Yong people believe...more than older people(T)

B1.Which of the following might..(Having an office..)B

2.What do most airplanes lack..(A 13th row)C

3.what percentage of Americans..(13 percent)A

4.How do Americans who(They are a little more careful)DTOEIC or not TOEIC

A1.Most American universities use the TOEIC(F)

2.Universities use both the TOEFL and the TOEIC exams(T)

3.Some student receive high scores on...conversational english(T)

4.According to the article,..best of all the English exams(F)

B1.What is an advantage of studying(Most American universities)B

2.According to the article,how(It is nor a true indicator)A

3.why might someone with(They only learned how to..)D

4.Which exam does the article..Learners(TOEIC)BThe most successful Bounty Hunter

A1.Mackenzie Green is a female bounty hunter(T)

2.Mackenzie Green carries a gun(F)

3.According to...to be very strong(F)

4.A good bounty most also be an actor(T)

B 1.why is Mackenzie Green so(she is the most successful bounty)C

2.what is a gut feeling(Your instincts)B

3.why does she have to know(she has to know what is allow)D

4.according to Mackenzie ,..hunting?(It requires good people)AMalcolm X

A 1.Malcolm X started the nation of islam(F)

2.There are many similarities between..X.(F)

3.Malcolm X thought the...was a issue(T)

4.Malcolm X died in..1965(T)

B 1.How old was Malcolm(13)A

2.Why did he change his..to X(It is a symbol..name)C.what is the biggest(Malcolm X thought that..for protection)B

4.why did Malcolm X join..(His two brother urged him)DMaster or slave?

A 1.Desiree`s baby is..by kate chopin(F)

2.Desiree`s is married ti armand(F)

3.It was considered shameful for..(T)

4.Armand dies at the end of the story(F)

B 1.Who has mixed blood in the story(Armand an the baby)D.who says..white(Armand)A

3.why dies Desiree leave(her husband has rejected her)B.where does the baby`s mixed blood..(Armand`s father)CTwo Very Different Space Programs

A 1.The US space program was..civilians(T)

2.The Soviet Space..by civilians(F)

3.The US space program was very secret.(F)

4.The soviets only publicized their successes(T)

B 1.How were the US and..alike(They both suffered failures)B

2.who handled the technical operations..(The military)C

3.How do we know abot the..1960?(It was revealed..later)A

4.How much of the US..by civilians?(About half)DAsteroid Impacts on Earth

A 1.The damage done by...The asteroid hits(T)

2.An asteroid that hits...cause a tsunami(F)

3.An asteroid that strikes...most destruction(F)

4.Even a one kilometer...of people.(T)

B 1.Why is an asteroid more...than land?(oceans make up..)C

2.What would happen...Atlantic Ocean?(All of the above)D

3.What is a tsunami?(A giant wave)A

4.which is not a..will produce?(The time that the asteroid)DDo as We Say

A 1.In the US,..after the civil war(T)

2.Once slavery ended,...in the US.(F)

3.Before 1920,women could vote(F)

4.Even in the 1960,..denied jobs.(T)

B 1.What is the main law of the..states?(The Constitution)D

2.When was slavery outlawed?(After the civil war)B

3.Why were African..until fifty years(They did not have..)A

4.When did women get the right to vote(1920)CHealthy Problems of Obesity

A 1.Obesity can cause diabetes.(T)

2.Diabetes helps..better(F)

3.Obesity increases the risk for..cancers(T)

4.Problems associated with obesity..prevented(F)

B 1.What did one study(80pencent were obese)C

2.what occurs when..properly(Hearts attacks)D

3.what can cause seizures?(The body not absorbing sugar)A

4.How can the problems associated..(By losing weight)B

补全短文Money and Banks(DBCA)

Money is very....of years.(D)Before money..., items.People earn money....other things(B)Even things...cost money.Banks are..accounts(C)Banks also...to people.Banks use..The bank..by interest.(A)In other...borrowed


Butterflies are...Earth.(A)There are more...of butterflies.Butterflies....sizes

(C)Butterflies go through..of life.The first stage....the chrysalis stage.(B)In the chrysalis..cells.Then, it........the chrysalis.When the butterflies.....and to mate.(D)Some,like...months.Harriet Tubman(DACB)

Harriet....work.(D)They were....no rights.They could...Underground...Railroad.(A)The Underground...a railroad.It was.....United states.After..her.(C)Harrier...captured.Altogether,.in the North.(B)Former....Moses.That....Railroad.Monster Boy(DBAC)

When I......old.(D)I...my sight.That...parents.One day...replacement.(B)Much..pleased.I..storm.My Mother..bear.(A)The...store.Their..love

Now that..other toys.(C)I refuse..back.But...today.My Mansion(BCAD)

Welcome to..around(B)Oh,...door Of course...you leave.Here,...the first floor.(C)As we come...kitchen.Naturally,...pizza Hut.Why don`t..room(A)Yes,...wide.The satellite..chairs.(D)Oh,..daydreaming.My...someday?Stocks(CDBA)

The stock..will pay.(C)When...made.Millions..day.When things..stock.(D)The...to sell.That..paid for it.(B)Then price falls

Perhaps..a business.(A)If you....of stock.That...up.....Companies.Mysteries(CBDA)

I might be ,his programs.(C)They can...of life.For example..a frog.(B)They..in a pond.Isn`t..belong?

Dog..human.(D)However,..swimming.Another thing..puppet,(A)He is..people......clearly.A day`s Journey(BCAD)


It is..children.(A)That..dite.(D)Another..experience....WebSharks(ADBC)

The great...shark.(A)The Great..below.The...forth.(D)The..apart.The Great...and turtles(B)It is..smell.Great...prey.(C)Most....underneath.10Windsor Palace(CADB)

(C)Windsor...castle.William....1350.In1475,..(A)The...Palace During...walk.(D)Charles..rebuilt.In1824,....(B)Wyattville....buildings.完形填空success(AACCA ADBAB)

I did very badly...(anything,day,degree,when, proud left,famous,but,just,said)Halloween Costume(ADBAD CCCCD)

What are you going...(mother, costume, herself ,listen ,stranger, couldn`t ,care ,sense ,alive ,ants)3 Princess Megan(BCBAA CCADC)

Once upon a time..(grand, wish ,own, luxurious ,garden, flowers ,delicious ,also,ate ,lightning)4 thanksgiving(DBCBA BDDDC)

Thanksgiving is a...(meaningful,don‘t ,opportunity,religious,join,Feast,apart,happy,money,year)Do the Web(CAABD ACDBD)

Do you have your..(fan,sooner,take,service,service,charge, inexperience,create,write,world,communication)Eggs(DDABB BCABD)

Eggs are my...(ingredient,eggs,rich,health,inside, white,unhealthy,high,less,eggs)7 Motorhomes(DBDAB DBCCD)

Take a big truck.(together,home,refrigerator,toiler,new,furniture,Tired,tanks,hold,camping,travel)Does Character Matter(CCBCB DDDAC)

Does the personal(behavior,top,doesn`t,job,know , other,enough,believe,trust,say)Tremor`s Trembling Terrors(BDDBC ADBAA)

Tremor Troll trembles(bes,broken,afraid,smart,reduce, safer,breathe magnified,loud,threatening)10 A Lucky coin(DABBC AABDB)

When does one(reports,sold,only,other,supply, copper,eager,what,price,fortune)





1、Have you talked to her?lately?





2、About?one quarter of?the workers in the country are employed in factories.A.third




3、The dentist has decided to?extract?her bad tooth.A.take out


C.push in


4、We shall keep the money in a?secure?place.手机、网页、电脑三位一体学习模式www.xiexiebang.comtianyu.com

13、He is?certain?that the dictionary is just what I want.A.sure B.angry C.doubtful D.worried

14、Our lives are?intimately?bound up with theirs.A.tensely B.nearly C.carefully D.closely

15、The soldier?displayed?remarkable courage in the battle.A.placed B.showed C.pointed D.decided




Easy Learning

Students should be jealous.Not only do babies get to doze their days away, but they’ve also mastered the fine art of learning in their sleep.By the time babies are a year old they can recognise a lot of sounds and even simple words.Marie Cheour at the University of Turku in Finland suspected that they might progress this fast because they learn language while they sleep as well as when they are awake.To test the theory, Cheour and her colleagues studied 45 newborn babies in the first few days of their lives.They exposed all the infants to an hour of Finnish vowel sounds—one that sounds like “oo”, another like “ee” and a third boundary vowel peculiar to Finnish and similar languages that sounds like something in between.EEG recordings of the infants brains before and after the session showed that the newborns could not distinguish the sounds.Fifteen of the babies then went back with their mothers, while the rest were split into two sleep-study groups.One group was exposed throughout their night-time sleeping hours to the same three vowels, while the others listened to other, easier-to-distinguish vowel sounds.When tested in the morning, and again in the evening, the babies who’d heard the tricky boundary vowel all night showed brainwave activity indicating that they could now recognise this new sound.They could identify the sound even when its pitch was changed, while none of the other babies could pick up the boundary vowel at all.Cheour doesn’t know how babies accomplish this night-time learning, but she suspects that the special ability might indicate that unlike adults, babies don’t “turn off” their cerebral cortex while they sleep.The skill probably fades in the course of the first year of life, she adds—so forget




Screen Test

Every year millions of women are screened with X-rays to pick up signs of breast cancer.If this happens early ecough, the disease can often be treated successfully.According to a survey published last year, 21 countries have screening programmes.Nine of them, including Australia, Canada, the US and Spain, screen women under 50.But the medical benefit of screening these younger women are controversial, partly because the radiation brings a small risk of inducing cancer.Also, younger women must be given higher doses of X-rays because their breast tissue is denser.Researchers at the Polytechnic University of Valencia analysed the effect of screening more than 160,000 women at 11 local clinics.After estimating the women’s cumulative dose of radiation, they used two models to calculate the number of extra cancers this would cause.The mathematical model recommended by Britain’s National Radiological Protection Board(NRPB)predicted that the screening programme would cause 36 cancers per 100,000 women, 18 of them fatal.The model preferred by the UN Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation led, to a lower figure of 20 cancers.The researchers argue that the level of radiation-induced cancers is “not very significant” compared to the far larger number of cancers that are discovered and treated.The Valencia programme, they say, detects between 300 and 450 cases of breast cancer in every 100,000 women screened.But they point out that the risk of women contracting cancer from radiation could be reduced by between 40 and 80 percent if screening began at 50 instead of 45, because they would be exposed to less radiation.The results of their study, they suggest, could help “optimise the technique” for breast cancer screening.“There is a trade-off between the diagnostic benefits of breast screening and its risks.” admits Michael Clark of the NRP

B.But he warns that the study should be interpreted with caution.“On the basis of the current data, for every 10 cancers successfully detected and prevented there is a risk of causing one later in life.That’s why radiation exposure should be minimised in any screening programme.”

Paragraph 2_____

24、Paragraph 3_____

25、Paragraph 4_____

26、Paragraph 5_____

A.Harm Screening May Do to a Younger Woman

B.Investigating the Effect of Screening

C.Effects Predicted by Two Different Models

D.Small Risk of Inducing Cancers from Radiation

E.Treatment of Cancers

F.Factors That Trigger Cancers


In other words, compulsive spenders feel that with credit, they can do anything.Their pleasure in spending enormous amounts is actually greater than the pleasure that they get from the things they buy.There is special psychology of bargain hunting.To save money, 0f course,most people search for sales, low prices and discounts.Compulsive bargain hunters, however,often buy things they don't need just only because they are cheap.They believe that they are helping their budgets, but they are really playing an exciting game: when they can buy something for less than other people, they feel that they are winners.Most people, experts claim,have two reasons for their behavior: a good reason for things that they do and the real one.Of course, it is not only scientists who understand the psychology of spending habits, but also business people.Stores, companies, and advertisers use psychology to increase business:they consider people's needs for love, power, or influence, their basic value, their beliefs and opinions, and so on in their advertising and sales methods.Psychologists can often use a method called “behavior therapy” to help individuals solve their personality problems.In the same way, they can help people who feel that they have problems with money.The word “compulsive”(Line 2, Para.1)probably-means__________.A.necessary




32、According to the passage, the greatest pleasure of crazy shopping for a compulsive spender is__________.A.to get things they want

B.to meet their strong psychological need

C.to spend a lot of money

D.to meet their basic needs

33、According to the passage, compulsive bargain hunters constantly search for the lowest possible prices __________.A.because they feel satisfied if they spend less moneythan others

B.because they have money problem

C.because they like to show off their success in getting things for less money

D.because they want to save money to help their budget

34、According to the passage, which of the following is true?__________.A.All people only buy things they need.B.Both business people and advertisers increase sales through using psychology.C.Scientists understand psychology better than business people.D.Compulsive spenders can never get any help to solve their problems.with money.35、What does the passage mainly discuss?__________.A.The use of the psychology of spending money in business.B.A special psychology of bargaining.C.A method to help compulsive spenders to solve the problem of money.D.The psychology of money-spending habits.36、回答36-50题:

Lifetime Employment in Japanese Companies

In most large Japanese companies, there is a policy of lifetime employment.What this means


The story of man's dream of flight, of his desire to reach the stars, is as old as mankind itself.According to Greek legend, Daedalus was the first man to fly.He and his son had been kept on an island.In order to escape, Daedalus shaped wings of wax(2)into which he stuck bird feathers.During their flight, his son flew too high and the sun melted the wax.He was drowned in the sea.The father was supposed to have continued his flight and reached Sicily, several hundred miles away.There is also an English legend of King Bladud who, during his rule in the ninth century

B.C., used wings to fly.But his flight was short-lived and he fell to his death.The dream of flying continued, but in all the legends, the flier rose like a bird only to fall like a stone.It took hundreds of years that men flew up into the air and returned to earth safely.The first man to approach flying on a scientific basis was an Englishman who lived during the thirteenth century.He looked at the air about us as a sea, and he believed that a balloon could float on the air just as a boat did on water.Almost four hundred years later, an Italian priest applied his principle of air flight.He designed a boat, which would be held in the air by four hollow spheres(空心球).ach of the four balls was to be 20 feet in diameter(直径)and made of very thin copper.But his boat was never built since it was not possible to make spheres of such thin metal and such size in those days.After studying the flight of birds and the movement of the air, a great scientist of the fifteenth century concluded that birds flew because they flapped(摆动)their wings and that it was possible for man to do the same.So a kind of flapping-wing flying machine was invented.Many men tried and failed to fly with flying machines.It was not until 1890 that people discovered why this method would never succeed-man could not develop sufficient power with his arms and legs.How did Daedalus manage to escape to Sicily, according to the passage?

A.He killed the guards and got out of the island.B.A god came to rescue him and took him away.C.His son came to rescue him and took him away.D.He made wings of wax and flew away from the island.42、According to the English legend, King Bladud lost his life because__________.A.he flew too far.B.he flew too high.C.he fell to the ground,D.he was hit by a stone.43、The first scientific air flight was designed by__________.A.a Greek.B.an Englishman.C.a Chinese.D.an Italian.44、The priest failed to build the boat because__________.A.he could not raise enough money.B.his design was not scientific.C.he could not find enough copper.D.copper spheres could not be made as designed

45、According to the last paragraph, man could not fly with flapping-wing flying machines



Nevertheless, by examining the actual pyramids and various tools Which have been found, archaeologists have formed a fairly clear picture of them.One thing is certain: there must have been months of careful planning before they could begin to build.__________(50)You may think this would have been easy with miles and miles of empty desert around, but a pyramid could not be built just anywhere.Certain rules had to be followed, and certain problems had to be overcome.A.The dry climate of Egypt has helped to preserve the pyramids, and their very shape have made them less likely to fall into ruin.B.It is practically certain that plans were made for the building of the pyramids because the plans of other large works have fortunately been preserved.C.The first thing they had to do was to choose a suitable place.D.Consequently, we are only able to guess at the methods used.E.Many people were killed while building the pyramids.F.They have stood for nearly 5,000 years, and it seems likely that they will continue to stand for thousands of years yet.________



49、________ 50、________





For many years in the desert, camels Used to be the only form of transportation(运输).Before the(51)of modern trains, camel trains used to carry all the goods for trading between Central Africa and Europe.Traders sometimes(52)to put together camel trains with 10,000 to 15,000 animals.Each animal often carried(53)400 pounds and could travel twenty miles a day.This form of transportation was so important that camels were called the “ships of the(54).”

Now modern trains travel across the desert in a very(55)time.One engine can pull as much weight as 135,000(56).In addition, trains use special cars for their load.Refrigerator cars carry food;boxcars carry heavy goods;stock cars carry animals;and tank cars carry oil.Air travel has changed, too.The earliest planes were biplanes(双翼飞机), with(57)sets of wings.The top speed of this plane was 60 miles per hour.The pilots used to sit or lie on the wings in the open air.The plane(58)sometimes stopped in the middle of a trip.It used to be(59)to fly in bad weather.In snow or in rain, the wings frequently became icy.Then the plane might go down.Mechanical improvements during the First World War changed airplanes.Monoplanes(单翼飞机)took the(60)of biplanes.Pilots flew inside of covered cabins.Still, even these planes were small and expensive.Only(61)people were be able to travel in airplanes.Now modern jets make air travel possible for all people.No place in the world is more than


A.probable B.possible C.improbable D.impossible 60、A.seat B.pace C.place D.vacancy 61、A.technical B.rich C.those D.professional 62、A.got rid of B.raised C.avoided D.lowered 63、A.much B.so C.very D.such 64、A.sometimes B.occasionally C.neither D.never 65、A.But B.So C.Now D.However 更多内容请登陆天宇考王官网查看




答案:C 2 D 3 B 4 A 5 CD 7 A 8 D 9 B 10 DA 12 C 13 D 14 D 15 AB 17 C 18 A 19 A 20 BA 22 C 23 B 24 E 25 CD 27 C 28 E 29 D 30 B

C 32 C 33 D 34 A 35 B

C 37 D 38 A 39 D 40 B

B 42 D 43 C 44 D 45 A

D 47 F 48 E 49 C 50 A

C 52 B 53 D 54 D 55 A

D 57 B 58 C 59 A 60 D

C 62 D 63 A 64 C 65 B










*1.In the Name of Beauty 以美的名义(1)A:


2、made,natural。B:B、D、A *2.Dieting 节食(4)A:



*3.Are Sports Bad for You?运动对人有害吗?(7)




*4.The Mbuti 姆布蒂人(10)A:



*5.Rights of Lefties 左撇子的权利(13)A:



*6.Read It or See It? 读它还是看它?(17)A:


2、Academy,Awards。B:D、C、C *7.Sleep and Dreams 睡觉和做梦(21)A:


2、less,a lot。B:A、C、C

*8.Athletes to admire值得敬佩的运动员(24)A:


2、dedicated,helps。B:A、C、B *9.Borrowed Words外来词(27)A:



*10.Computer System Protection 计算机系统保护(30)




**11.The Death of Bigfoot? 大脚怪之死(33)A:F、T、T、F。B:A、C、B、D

**12.“Unlucky”Number 13不祥数字13(36)A:F、F、T、T。B:B、C、A、D

**13.TOEIC or not TOElC? 要不要考托业?(40)A:F、T、T、F。B:B、A、D、B

**14.The Most Successful Bounty Hunter 最成功的赏金猎人(43)


**15.Malcolm X 马尔科姆-艾克斯(48)A:F、F、T、T。B:A、C、B、D

**16.Master or Slave? 主人还是奴隶?(52)A:F、F、T、F。B:D、A、B、C

**17.Two very Different Space Programs 两个大不相同的太空计划(56)


**18.Asteroid Impacts on Earth 小行星撞击地球(60)A:T、F、F、T。B:C、D、A、D

**19.Do as We Say 言出必行(64)A:T、F、F、T。B:D、B、A、C

**20.Health Problems of Obesity 肥胖引发的健康问题(67)A:T、F、T、F。B:C、D、A、B ***21.Fighting Migraines 抗击偏头痛(71)A:T、F、F、T。B:B、C、C、D

***22.Why Play Computer Games? 为什么玩电脑游戏(75)A:F、T、F、T。B:C、B、D、A

***23.Internet and Freedom of Speech 互联网与方言论自由(79)A:T、F、T、T。B:B、C、B、D ***24.High School Dropout Rates 高中辍学率(83)A:F、F、T、T。B:C、D、A、B

***25.Kyoto Protocol京都议定书(87)A:T、F、F、T。B:B、D、A、C

***26.The Green Myth关于绿色的故事(91)A:T、F、F、T。B:B、C、A、D

***27.Exporting Beauty出口美女(95)A:T、F、T、T。B:B、B、C、A

***28.Promoting Business Ethics提升商业道德(100)A:F、T、T、F。B:C、B、A、A

***29.Where Are the Asian Companies?亚洲企业在何处?(105)


***30.Helping Charities Can Help You,Too!帮助慈善机构也可以帮助你自己!(108)



*1.Money and Banks钱与银行(113)D、B、C、A


*3.Harriet Tubman 哈丽特-塔布曼(118)D、A、C、B

*4.Monster Boy怪兽男孩(121)D、B、A、C

*5.My Mansion我的府邸(124)B、C、A、D

**6.Stocks 股票(126)C、D、B、A

**7.Mysteries 难解之迷(129)C、B、D、A

**8.A Day’s Journey 一天的旅程(132)B、C、A、D

**9.Sharks 鲨鱼(134)A、D、B、C

**10.Windsor Palace 温莎行宫(137)C、A、D、B

***11.Half-truIh 半真半假(140)B、D、C、A

***12.Thought-provoking Words 发人深省的话(143)A、D、B、C

***13.A Little Advice 一点儿建议(146)B、D、A、C

***14.Science News 科技新闻(149)B、A、D、C

***15.Democracy and Freedom 民主和自由(152)C、D、A、B


*1.Success 成功(156)A.anything、A.day、C.degree、C.when、A.proud、A、D、B、A、B

*2.Halloween Costume 万圣节服装(160)A.mother、D、B.herself、A.listen、D、C、C、C、C、D *3.Princess Megan 梅根公主(164)B.grand、C.wish、B.own、A、A、C、C、A.also、D.ate、C *4.Thanksgiving感恩节(166)D、B.don’t、C、B、A.join、B.feast、D.apart、D、D、C.year

*5.Do the Web!建一个网站吧!(171)C.fan、A.sooner、A.take、B、D.charge、A、C、D、B、D **6.Eggs 鸡蛋(174)D、D.eggs、A.rich、B.health、B.inside、B.white、C、A.high、B.less、D.eggs **7.Motorhomes 旅宿车(179)D、B.home、D、A.new、B、D.tired、B.tanks、C.hold、C、D.travel

**8.Does Character Matter? 品质真的重要吗?(183)C、C.top、B、C、B.know、D.other、D、D、A、C **9.Tremor’s Trembling Terrors 令Tremor战栗的恐惧(187)B.bed、D、D、B、C、A、D、B、A、A **10.A Lucky Coin 幸运币(192)D.reports、A.sold、B.only、B.others、C.supply、A、A、B、D、B ***11.How Television Has Changed 电视之大变(196)C、A、C、D.popular、C.bad、D、A、B、B、D ***12.The World’s Economy 世界经济(201)B、C.share、C、B.ones、C.that、C、D、B、B.as、B.whose ***13.Amy’s Personality 艾米的品性(206)D.teacher、D、C、C.why、C.clean、D.star、D、B、A、B ***14.Simple Math 简易数学(210)C、D、D.years、A、B.second、B.point、C.two、D、C、D.true ***15.The Idea 一个主意(214)D.hated、D.his、C.order、B.year、A.back、B、C、B.worry、A、D






A A(an honest man, a university, a piece of paper/message/furniture), abandon = give up, ABC, abide by, ability to do sth, be able to do sth, abnormal –normal, go aboard, study abroad, abolish = cancel/do away with, talk about, sit about, above all, to put money above everything, abrupt = sudden/tough, absence =lack, be absent from, absent-minded, absolute = complete, be absorbed in, abstract / concrete, absurd = foolish, be abundant in = be rich in, academic, accelerate =speed up, accept, acceptable, gain/have access to, accessible = easily obtained/approached, by accident = by mistake, accomplish = finish/ complete, in accordance with, according to, account for, on account of = because of/due to, on no account = in no way, take into account/consideration, accurate, accuse…of..= charge … with …, be accustomed to, ache = pain/ toothache, headache, get/catch a headache/ cold, achieve/ meet one’s goals, achievement(s), acknowledge = admit, be acquainted with = be 1 familiar with, acquire(knowledge, habit), go across, come across = meet unexpectedly, act upon, physical activities, actor/ actress, actually = in fact = in reality, acute / chronic, ad = advertisement, adapt/adopt, adapt..to..add up to, be addicted to, in addition to, additional = added, address the envelop/ address the audience, adequate = enough/ample, adhere to, administer = control/ manage, gain admission to, adopt(attitude), adult, adulthood, in advance, advance = promote, take advantage of ,adventure = risk, adverse = harmful, a piece of advice, advisable = wise, advise sb.to do sth, advocate = support, current affairs, affect/ effect, affirm =assert, afford sth, be afraid of =fear, look after sb., in the afternoon, afterwards, again and again, now and again = from time to time, lean against, vote against, at the age of, age = get older, agree to sb.agree with sth.agreeable = pleasing, agriculture, ahead of, aid, aim at, aim = goal/target, by air, in the open air, aircraft =plane =airplane, at the airport, alarm = frighten, alcohol, alert..to.., =warn …of/against …, alien = foreign, look alike, keep alive, above all, after all, all over, in all, allege = declare, state, alleviate = relieve, alliance = union, allied = united, allocate = distribute, allow = permit, almost = nearly, live alone, go along the street, talk aloud, not only…but also…, /(I like it, too./ I also like it.), alter = change, although/though, at an altitude of/ at the height of, altogether = in all, always = often, amazing = surprising, ambiguous = doubtful, uncertain, ambition, ambitious, amend = improve, 2 America, American, amid = in the middle of, amongst = among, a great amount of money, amplify = talk in detail, amuse = entertain, amusement/entertainment, analyze, analysis, ancestor, ancient, and, anger, angry, angle(from the angle of), animal, animate/inspire, annoy, announce/declare, annual, another, answer(answer to the problem, answer for), anticipate/foresee, antique, anxious(be anxious about), any, anyone/anybody, anything, anywhere, apart(set apart, apart from), apartment, apologize, apparently, apparent, appeal(appeal to), appear/seem, appetite/stomach, apple, apply(apply for a job, apply… to..), appoint, appointment, appreciate, approach(+ to)= method, approval, approve, approximate, April, apt(be apt to do sth.), aptitude/ability, architecture, area, argue(argue for/against), arise, arm in arm/hand in hand, army, around(all around/all over), arouse, arrange(a meeting), arrest, arrival, arrive at/in, art, article, artist, as(consider…as, look upon..as.., treat …as.., as/so…as.., as for/to…, as if/though), ascend/descend, ash, Asia, Asian, aside(aside from/apart from), ask(ask after, ask for, ask sb.to do sth,), asleep, aspect, assemble, assembly line, assert, assess, asset, assign(assign sb.to do sth.), assimilate, assist/aid, assistant, associate



sth.,associate with),association/committee, assume/suppose, assure/insure/ensure/sure, astonish, astronaut, at(be good at, look at, at the age/speed/rate of, at home), atmosphere, attack, attach(be attached to), attempt, attend(a 3 meeting/school/sb., attend to), attendance/presence, attention(pay attention to), attitude, attract, attractive, attribute(attribute…to …), audit, August, Australia,Australian,authentic/real/reliable,author, authority/power, automate, automatic, automobile, autumn/fall, available, avenue/street/road, average(on(an, the)average, to average three hours of work a day), avoid, await = wait for, awake =wake up(awake = sleepless), award, aware(be aware of..), away(put..away, right away.), awful/terrible, awkward(注意该词的几种词义).B baby, back(back and forth, back up/support), background, backwards, bacterium/bacteria, badly/very(he was badly damaged.), balance, ban/bar, banana, band, bank, bankrupt, barely/hardly, bargain(a real bargain), base(be based on/upon), basic/fundamental, battery, battle, B.C.be, beach, beam(a beam of), bear(注意该词的几种词义), bearing, beat, beautiful/beauty, because, become, go to bed, bee, beef, beer, before/after, beforehand/in advance, beg/bag, begin/start(+ doing/ to do sth.), beginning, behalf(on behalf of), behavior/conduct, behind/ in front of, belief, believe(believe in), belong(belong to), below/under/beneath, beneficial/favorable, benefit(for the benefit of, benefit form), beside/besides = in addition, best(at best/ at least;at one's best, do/try one's best, make the best of), better(be better off, had better 4 do sth), between/among, beyond, bicycle, bid, big/great, bill(pay the bill), billion/million/trillion, biography, biological, bird, birth(give birth to, by birth), birthday, bit(a bit of, bit by bit), bitter, black, blackboard, blame(blame sb.for sth.), blank, blanket, blend, blind, block(a block of rock/ice/wood), blood, bloody, bloom, blue, board(on board), boat, body, boil(boil up), bold, bomb/blow up, bone, book(booking office), boom, boost/lift, border(border on/upon), boring/troublesome, born, borrow/lend, boss, both(both … and..), bother/trouble, bottle, bottom, bound(be bound for), boundary, box, boxing, boy, boyfriend, brain, branch/department, brand, brave, breach/break, bread, break(break away from, break down, break into, break out, break off, break through, break up), breakdown/ collapse, breakfast, breath(catch one's breath, hold one's breath, out of breath), breathe, breed/ raise, bridge, brief(in brief), briefly, bright/clever/ brilliant/intelligent, bring(bring about, bring forward, bring up), bring/take, Britain, British, broad, broadcast, brother, brush, budget, build, building, bulk/block, bullet, burden, burn(burn up), burst(burst into tears/laughter), bus, business, busy(be busy with), but/only(but for), buy, by(by air/railway/sea/plane/bus;pass by, by the rule, a box five feet by six feet, by and by)C Cabin, cable, cafe, cake, calculate, calendar, call(call sb.call for, call 5 off/cancel;call on sb.;call up), calm(calm down), calm/still, camera, campaign/champagne/champion,campus,can/container,Canada, Canadian, cancer, candidate, cap, capability/ability, capable(be capable of), capital, captain, car, carbon, card, cardinal/essential, care(care about, take care of), career, careful, careless, carrier, carry(carry on, carry out), cartoon, case(in any case, in most cases, in case, in case of), cash, cast/throw, casual, cat, catch(catch up with, catch a cold, catch attention), cater(cater for), cause, cautious/careful, cease/ stop, celebrate, cell, census, centennial, centigrade, central, center, century, certain, chain, chair/host, chairman, challenge, chance/opportunity(a chance to do sth.;by chance, take a/the chance), change, channel, character, characteristic(be characteristic of), charge(in the charge of, take charge of, charge..with..), charming/attractive, cheap/expensive, cheat(cheat sb.of money), check(check in, check up), cheerful/pleasing, cheer(cheer

up),chemical/physical,chemistry,cherish(hope/dreams/friendship), chief, child/children, childhood, childish, China/china, Chinese, choice, choose(choose sth.from/among sth.), Christmas, chronic, church, cigarette, cinema, circle, circuit, circular/round, circulate, circumstance(under/ in no circumstances), citizen, city, civil, claim, clash(clash with, a clash of views), class/category, classic/classical, classroom, classmate, clean, clear(clear away, clear up), clerk, clever, client, climate, climax/top, climb(climb 6 up/down the hill), cling(cling to), clinic, clock, clockwise, close/open(close down, close season), cloth/clothes/clothing, cloud, cloudy, club, clue/hint, clumsy/awkward, coach, coal, coarse/rough, coast(along the coast), coat(coat the throat), code, coffee, coin, coincide(coincide with), cold(have/catch a cold), collar(white/blue/grey-collared), colleague, collect/gather, collective, college/university, colonial, color, colorful, column, combat/fight, combine/combination, come(come across, come out, come up, come up with), comfort, comfortable, command/control, comment(comment

on),commercial,commission,commit(mistakes/guilt), commitment, commodities/goods, common/average(in common), communicate(communicate with), community, compact, companion, company/firm/concern/enterprise/corporation, comparative, compare(be compared with, be compared to), comparison(by comparison),compel/force,compensation,compensate, compete/contend(compete with/for), competence/ability, competition, complain(complain

about),complaint,complex/complicated, complicate, comply(comply with), composition, component/part, comprehend/grasp,comprehension/understanding,comprehensive, comprise, compromise, compute/calculate, computer, comrade, conceal, conceive(an idea/a plan), concentrate(concentrate one's attention on..), concentration/focus, concept, concern(as far as …be concerned, be concerned about), concerning/about, concise/brief, conclude(the study 7 concluded that…), condemn/blame(violence), condition(on condition that..), conference/meeting, confess, confident, confidential/secret, confine(be confined to), confirm, conflict/clash, conform(conform to/with), confront(be confronted with/ be faced with), confuse, congress, connect(connect..with..), conquer, conscious(be conscious of), consent(consent to/agree with), consequence/result(in consequence), consequently/therefore,conservative/conventional, consider…as…, considerable/considerate, consist(consist of, be made up of, be composed of), consistent, constant, constitute, constitution, construct, consult


(with)…about…),consume, consumer/customer, consumption, contact(contact sb.;be in/out of contact with…), contain, contaminate, contemporary, contempt/look down on, contend/argue, content, continent, continue + doing, continuos, contract, contradict, contrary(contrary to, on the contrary), contrast(in contrast with, contrast with), contribute(contribute to/lead to), control(out of control/under the control of), convenient, conversation, convert/change, convey/pass, convict(convict sb.of..), convince(convince …of.., be convinced of..), cook, cool, cooperate, cope(cope with/handle/deal with), copy, corn, corner, correct, cost(at the cost of), costly/expansive, cotton, could, count(count in/out), country, countryside, couple, courage, course(in the course of, of course), court, courteous/polite, cover(cover…with..), coverage, craft, crash/clash, 8 crazy/mad, create(a credit,bridge/a

crime,problem), creative,crisis,creature, critic, credible/reliable, criminal, critical/decisive/crucial, criticize, cross, crowd, crowded, cruel, cry, cultivate/plant, culture, cure, curious(be curious about), currency, current, curtain, custom(the Customs), cut(cut across, cut down, cut in, cut off, cut out), cycle.因为时间有限,所以我们不能为学员把词汇一一的进行“考点展开”讲解,希望学员有时间能按照这个思路把重点的,基本的词汇进行展开复习,这样的复习一定会对我们最后的考试有所帮助(尤其是词汇题和完型填空题部分的解答)。以下是推荐的基本的,重点的单词。D Daily, damage, damp, dance, danger, dangerous, dare, dark, data/datum, date, daughter, day, dead(注意该词既可用作形容词,又可用作副词,且含义不同),deadline, deadly((注意该词既可用作形容词,又可用作副词,且含义不同), deaf, deal, dean, dear, death, debate, debt, decade, deceit/cheat, December, decide, decision, decisive, declare, decrease, dedicate, deep/deeply, defeat, defect, defend, deficient, define, definite, defy, degree, delay, delete, deliberate, delicate, delicious, delighted, deliver, delivery, demand, demonstrate, dense, deny, department, departure, depend, dependent, depression, deprive, derive, 9 descend, describe, desert(注意该词有两种词类,不同的词义),deserve, design, desire, desk, despite, destination, destroy, destruction, detail, detect, determine, develop, device, devise, devote, diagnose, diagnosis, dialogue, dictionary, die, diet, differ, difference, different, difficult, difficulty, dig, digest, digital, dilemma, diligent, dim, diminish, dinner, direct, direction, directly, director, dirt , dirty, disabled, disagree, disappear, disappointed, disaster, disc, discard, discipline, disclose, discourage, discover, discovery, discriminate, discuss, disease, dismiss, disorder, display, dispose, dispute, distance, distant, distinct, distinction, distinguish, distinguished, distract, distress, distribute, district, disturb, dive, diverse, divide, division, divorce, dizzy, do, doctor, document, dog, doll, dollar, domain, domestic, dominant, dominate, donate, door, dose, double, doubt, doubtful, down, downstairs, dozen, draft, drain, drainage, dramatic, draw, drawing, dreadful, dream, dress, drill, drink, drive, driver, drop, drought, drug, dry, due, dull, durable, during, dust, suty, dwell, dynamic E Each, eager, ear, early, earn, earnest, earnings, earth, earthquake, ease, easily, east, easy, eat, eccentric, economic/economical, economics, economy, edge, edit, educate, education, effect, effective, efficiency, efficient, effort, e.g., egg, Egypt, eight, eighteen, eighth, eighty, either, elaborate, elderly, election, electric, electrical, electricity, electronic, 10 elegant, element, elementary, elephant, eleven, eligible, eliminate, else, elsewhere, e-mail, embarrass, embody, embrace, emerge, emergency, emotion, emphasis, emphasize, employ, employee, employer, employment, empty, enable, encounter, encourage, end, endanger, endeavor, endow, endure, enemy, energy, enforce, engage, engine, engineer, engineering, England, English, enhance, enjoy, enjoyable, enlarge, enlighten, enormous, enough, Enquirer/inquire, enrich, enroll, ensure, enter enterprise, entertain, enthusiasm, enthusiastic, entire, entitle, entrance, envelope, environment, equal, equally, equip, equipment, equivalent, erect, error, escape, especially, essay, essence, essential, establish, estate, esteem, estimate, eternal, Europe, European, evaluate, eve, even, evening, event, eventually, ever, every, everybody, everyday, everyone, everything, everywhere, evidence, evident, evil, evoke, evolve, exact, exactly, exam, examine, example, exceed, excellent, except, exception, exchange, excite, excited, exciting, exclude, excuse, executive, exercise, exert, exhaust, exhaustive, exhibit, exhibition, exist, existence, exit, expand, expansion, expect, expenditure, expensive, experience, experiment, expert, expire, explain, explode, exploit, exploitation, explosion, export, expose, express, expression, extend, extension, extensive, extent, external, extinct, extra, extract, extraordinary, extreme, extremely, eye

F Fabric, face, facilitate, facility, fact, factor, factory, faculty, fail, failure, faint, fair, fairly, faith, faithful, fall, false, fame, familiar, family, famous, fan, fancy, fantastic, far, fare, farm, farmer, fascinate, fascinating, fashion, fashionable, fast, fasten, fat, fatal, father, fault, faulty, favor, favorable, favorite, fax, fear, feasible, feather, feature, February, federal, fee, feed, feel, feeling, fellow, female, fence, fertile, festival, fever, few, fiction, field, fierce, fifteen, fifty, fight, figure, file, fill, film, final, finally, financial, find, finding, fine(注意该词有两种词类,不同的词义), finger, fireman, firm, firmly, first, fish, fir, five, flat, flavor, flee, flexible, flight, float, flood, floor, flourish, flow, flower, flu, fluctuate, fluent, fluid, fly, focus, fog, follow, following, fond, food, foolish, foot, football, for, forbid, force, forecast, foreign, foreigner, foresee, forest, forever, forget, fork, form, formal, format, former, forth, fortunate, fortune, forty, forward, fossil, foster, found, foundation, four, fourteen, fourth, frame, France, frank, free, freedom, freely, freeze, French, frequency, frequent, fresh, Friday, fridge, friend, friendly, friendship, frighten, from, front, frontier, frown, fruit, frustrate, frustration, fuel, fulfill, full, fun, function, fund, fundamental, funny, fur, furious, furnish, furniture, further, furthermore, future.G 12 Gain, game, gang, gap, garage, garden, gas, gasoline, gather, gay, gaze, gene, general, generally, generate, generation, generous, genius, gentle, genuine, gesture, get(注意该词的短语), giant, gift, give, glad, glance, glimpse, global, globe, go(注意该词的短语), goal, good, goods, gorgeous, govern, government, grace, graceful, gradual, graduate, grand, grant, grasp, grateful, grave, great, greedy, gross, ground, grow, growth, guard, guess, guidance, guilty, guilt H Habit, habitant, half, halt, hamper, hand(注意该词的短语), handful, handicap, handle, handsome, handy, happen, hard(注意该词的跨词类用法), hardly, hardship, harm, hardware, harness, harsh, harvest, hate, have, hazard, hazardous, head, heal, heath, healthy, hear, heart, heartily, heat, heavy, height, help, helpful, hence, here, hesitate, hide, high, highway, hinder, hint, hire, historic/historical, hit, hobby, hold(注意该词的短语), honest, honor, honorable, hopeful, horrible, horror, hospital, host, hostile, hot, housing, hour, how, however, huge, humid, humiliate, humorous, hunger, hungry, hunt, hurry, hurt I I, ice, idea, ideal, identical, identify, idle, if, ignorant, ignore, ill, illegal, illness, illustrate, image, imagination, imagine, immediate, immense, 13 immigrate, immune, impact, impartial, impel, implicit, imply, import, importance, important, impossible, impression, improve, impress, impulse, in, incentive, incident, incline, include, income, increase, increasingly, incredible, indeed, independent, indicate, indication, indifferent, indirect, individual, indoors, induce, industrial, industrious, industry, inevitable, infancy, infect, infer, infinite, inflation, influence, inform, informal, information, ingredient, inhabitant, initial, injure, injury, inner, innocent, innovate, input, inquire, insect, inside, insight, insist, inspect, inspire, install, instance, instant, instead, instinct, instruction, instrument, insult, intelligence, intelligent, intend, intense, intensive, intention, interact, interest, interesting, interior, intermediate, internal, international, Internet, interrupt, interview, intimate, into, introduce, introduction, invade, invent, invest, investigation, investment, invite, involve, irritate, isolate, issue, Italian, Italy, item, itself, its.J Jack, jacket, jam, January, Japan, jet, job, joke, journal, journey, joy, judge, judgement, July, jump, June, junior, just((注意该词的跨词类用法)), justice, justify K Keen, keep(注意该词的短语), key, keyboard, kick, kidney, kill, kind, 14 kitchen, knife, knit, knock, know, knowledge L Lab, labor, lack, lag, land, landlord, landscape, language, large, largely, last, late, lately, later, latter, launch, law, lawful, lay, layer, lazy, lead, leader, leading, lean, learn, least, leave, lecture, left, legal, legend, leisure, lend, length, less, lesson, let(注意该词的短语), letter, level, liable, liberal, liberty, liberate, library, license, lie, life, lift, light, lighten, like, likelihood, likely, limitation, line, link, liquid, list, listen, literal, literally, literature, little, live(注意该词的短语), lively(注意该词是形容词), living, load, loan, local, located, lodge, logic, London, lonely, long, look(注意该词的短语), loose, lose, loss, lot, loud, love, lovely(注意该词是形容词), low, lower, loyal, lucky, luck, luggage, lunch, lung, luxury.M Machine, machinery, mad, magazine, magic, magical, magnetic, magnificent, mail, mainland, mainly, maintain, maintenance, major, majority, make(注意该词的短语), male, manage, management, manager, manipulate, mankind, manner, manual, manufacture, many, March, march, marginal, mark, market, marriage, marry, marvelous, mass, massive, master, match, material, mathematics, matter, mature, maximum, May, maybe, may, me, meal, mean, meaning, means, 15 meantime, meanwhile, measure, mechanical, medical, medicine, medium, meet, meeting, member, memory, men, mend, mental, mention, menu, merchandise, mere, merely, merit, merge, mess, merry, message, metal, method, Mexican, mid, middle, might, mighty, migration, mild, mile, military, milk, million, mind, mineral, minimum, minor, minute, miracle, mirror, miserable, missing, mission, mistake, misunderstand, mix, mobile, mock, model, moderate, modern, modest, modify, moment, Monday, money, monitor, month, monthly, mood, moon, moral, more, moreover, morning, most, mostly, mother, motherland, motive, mount, mountain, mouth, move, movement, much, multiple, murder, muscle, museum, music, musical, must, mutual, myself, mysterious.N Naked, name, namely, narrow, nation, national, native, natural, naturally, nature, naughty, near, nearby, nearly, neat, necessarily, necessary, need, negative, neglect, neighbor, neither, nervous, net, network, never, nevertheless, new, news, newly, newspaper, nest, nice, night, no, nobody, noise, nosy, none, nor, normal, normally, north, notable, note, noted, nothing, notice, notify, noticeable, novel, November, now, nowadays, nuclear, number, numerous, nurse, nut.O 16 Obey, object, objective, obligation, observe, obstacle, obtain, obvious, occasion, occasional, occupy, occupation, occur, ocean, October, odd, of, off, offend, offer, office, official, often, old, on, once, one, oneself, ongoing, only, open, openly, operate, operation, opinion, opportunity, opposite, optimistic, option, orange, order, ordinary, organ, organization, organize, origin, original, other, otherwise, ought, outcome, outer, outline, output, outlook, outside, outstanding, over, overall, overcome, overtime, owing, own, owner, oxygen.P Pacific, package, pack, page, pain, painful, paint, painting, pair, palace, pale, panic, paper, parcel, parent, park(注意该词的跨词类用法),part, participate, particle, particular, particularly, partly, party, pass, passenger, passion, passive, past, pastime, patience, patient, pattern, pave, pay(注意该词的短语), payment, peace, peak, people, per, perceive, percent, percentage.Perfect, perfectly, perform, perhaps, period, permanent, personal, personally, persuade, phrase, phenomenon, phone, phrase, physical, pick, picture, piece, pill, pilot, pipe, pity, place, plain, plan, planet, plant, play, plead, pleasant, pleasing, pleasure, plus, pocket, poem, point, poisonous, police, policy, polish, polite, politics, pollute, pollution, poor, pop, popular, population, port, portion, pose, position, positive, possess, possibility, possible, possibly, post, postpone, potential, 17 pound, poverty, power, powerful, practical, practice, praise, precede, precious, precise, predict, prefer, preference, pregnant, prepare, prescribe, presence, present(注意该词的跨词类用法), presently, preserve, president, press, pressure, pretend, pretty(注意该词的跨词类用法), prevail, prevent, previous, price, pride, primary, prime, primitive, principle, print, prior, private, prize, probable, probably, probe, problem, proceed, process, produce, product, productive, profession, profit, profitable, profound, program, progress, project, prolong, promise, promising, promote, prompt, prone, pronounce, proof, proper, property, proportion, propose, proposal, prospect, protect, protection, protest, prove, protest, prove, provide, provoke, psychological, public, publicly, publish, pull(注意该词的短语), punish, pure, purely, purpose, pursue, pursuit, push, put(注意该词的短语), puzzle Q Qualify, quality, quantity, quarrel, quarter, question, quick, quickly, quiet, quietly, quit, quite, quote R Race, racial, radical, radio, rage, railway, rain, rainy, raise, ramble, random, range, ranger, rank, rape, rapid, rapidly, rarely, rate, rather, ratio, rational, raw, reach, react, reaction, read, readily, reading, ready, real, 18 realistic, reality, realize, really, reason, reasonable, recall, receive, recent, recently, reckon, recognize, recommend, record, recorder, recover, recovery, recreation, recycle, red, reduce, reduction, redundant, refer, reference, reflect, reform, refuse, refusal, regain, refresh, regard, regardless, region, register, regret, regular, regularly, regulation, reinforce, reject, rejection, relate(注意该词的词义), relation, relative/related, relax, release, relevant, reliable, relief, relieve, religion, reluctant, rely, remain, remark, remarkable, remedy, remember, remind, remote, remove, render, renew, rent, repair, repeat, repeatedly, replace, replacement, reply, report, represent, representative, reputation, request, require, rescue, research, reserve, resemble, resident, resign, resist, resolve, resort, resource, respect, respective, respond, response, responsible, rest(注意该词的跨词类用法), restore, restrain, result, resume, retail, retain, retire, retirement, return, reveal, review, revive, revolution, reward, rewarding, rid, ride, ridiculous, right(注意该词的跨词类用法), right-handed, ring, rise, risk, risky, rival, river, rock(注意该词的跨词类用法), rocket, romantic, room(注意该词的词义), root, rope, rough, roughly, round, rubber, rubbish, rude, ruin, rule, run, rural, rush S Sacrifice, sad, safe, safeguard, safely, safety, sake, salary, sale, salt, same, 19 sample, sand(注意该词单复数的词义差异), satellite, satisfactory, satisfy, satisfying,save,savings,say,saying,scale, scarcely/hardly/seldom/rarely, scatter, scene, scenery, schedule, scheme, scholarship, science, scientific, scold, score, Scotland, scream, screen, seal, search, season, seat, second, secondary, secondly, secretary, section, secure, see(注意该词的短语), seek, seem, seize, select, self, selfish, send, senior, sense, sensible/ sensitive, sentence, separate, September, series, serious, seriously, serve, service, set(注意该词的短语), setback, settle, settlement, severe, severely, sexual, shake, shall, shallow, shame, shape, share, sharp, sharply, sheer, shift, shine, shock, shoot, shop, shopping, short, shortage, shortcoming, shorten, should, shout, show, shrink, shut, ,shy, sick, side, sight, sign, signal, significant, silence, silly, similar, similarly, simple, simple, since, sincere, Singapore, single, sink, sit, site, situation, size, skill, skilled, skillful, skin, sky, sleep, sleepy, slide, slight, slightly, slow, small, smart, smell, smile, smoke, smoker, smooth, smoothly, snake, snow, snowy, so, so-called, soccer, social, society, soft, soften, software, soil, sole, solid, solution, solve, some(注意该词的用法), somehow, something, sometime, sometimes, somewhere, song, soon, sorrow, sorry, sort, soul, sound(注意该词的跨词类用法), soup, source, south, space, spacious, Spain, Spanish, spare, speak, special, specialist, specially, species, specific, speculate, speech, speed, spend, spirit, spite, splendid, split, spoil(注意该词的用法), 20 spoken, spokesman, sport, spot(注意该词的用法), spread, spring, spur, stable, staff, stage, stand(注意该词的短语), standard, stare, start, state(注意该词的用法), statement, status, stay, steady, steal, steam, steel, step, stick, stiff, still, stimulate, stir, stock, stop, storage, store, straight, strange, stranger, strategy, strength, strengthen, stress, strict, strictly, strike, striking, strong, strongly, structure, struggle, student, study, stuff, sturdy, stupid, style, subject, subjective, submit, substance, substantial, substitute, subtle, suburb, succeed, success, successful/successive, such, suffer, suffering, sufficient, suggest, suit, suitable, sum, summit, sunny, super, superior, supermarket, supervise, supply, support, suppose, sure, surface, surpass, surprising, surrounding, survey, survive, suspect, sweet, symbol, sympathetic, symptom, system.T take(注意该词的短语), takeover, talented, talk, target, task, taste, teach, teaching, team, tear(注意该词的跨词类用法), tease, technical, technology, telephone, tell, temperature, temporary, tempt, tend, tendency, tension, terrible, terrific, territory, textile, than, that, theft, theory, therefore, thick, thin, thing, think, thirsty, thorough, thought, threat, threaten, through, throw, thus, tidy, tight, tightly, time, timetable, tiny, tired, title, to, tolerant, top, topic, total, totally, touch, tough, tour, tourism, track, trade, traditional, traffic, train, transfer, transform, 21 transport, travel, treasure, treat, treatment, trend, trip, trouble, true, truly, trust, try, turn(注意该词的短语), twice, twin, type.U Ugly, ultimate, unable, under, understand, undertake, undoubtedly, unexpectedly, unfair, union, unique, unite, universal, university, unless, unlike, unlikely, until, up, upset, urban, urgent, usage, use, used, useful, useless, usual, usually, utilize, utterly.V Vacant, vacation, vague, valid, vain, valuable, vanish, variety, various, vary, vast, vehicle, venture, verge, very, via, victim, victory, view, violate, violence, violent, virtually, virtue, virus, visible, visit, visual, voice, voluntary, vote

W Wage, wait, wake, walk, wall, wander, want, warm, warn, warning, waste, watch, water, way, weak, wealthy, wear, weary, weather, weave, wedding, weakly, weight, welcome, well, what, whatever, when, where, whereas, wherever, whether, which, while, white, whole, wholly, whom, whose, why, wide, widen, widespread, wild, wildlife, will, willing, win, wind, windy, wipe, wise, wish, with, withdraw, within, without, witness, 22 woman, wonder, wonderful, wood, wooden, word, work(注意该词单复数的词义差异), world, worldwide, worry, worried, worse, worth, would, write, wrong X x-ray Y Yard, year, yellow, yesterday, yield, young, youngster, yours, yourth Z Zero, zone, zoo



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