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基于分层聚类的FCM聚类系统,版本号 V1.0.产品名称中的“FCM”是“模糊c-均值聚类算法”的缩写。





The History of Labor Day

Labor Day differs in every essential from the other holidays of the year in any country, said Samuel Gompers, founder and longtime president of the American Federation of Labor.All other holidays are in a more or less degree connected with conflicts and battles of man‘s prowess over man, of strife and discord for greed and power, of glories achieved by one nation over another.Labor Day...is devoted to no man, living or dead, to no sect, race, or nation.Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers.It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity and well-being of our country.Founder of Labor Day

More than 100 years after the first Labor Day observance, there is still some doubt as to who first proposed the holiday for workers.Some records show that Peter J.McGuire, general secretary of the Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners and a co-founder of the American Federation of Labor, was first in suggesting a day to honor those who from rude nature have delved and carved all the grandeur we behold.But Peter McGuire‘s place in Labor Day history has not gone unchallenged.Many believe that Matthew Maguire, a machinist, not Peter McGuire, founded the holiday.Recent research seems to support the contention that Matthew Maguire, later the secretary of Local 344 of the International Association of Machinists in Paterson, N.J., proposed the holiday in 1882 while serving as secretary of the Central Labor Union in New York.What is clear is that the Central Labor Union adopted a Labor Day proposal and appointed a committee to plan a demonstration and picnic.The First Labor Day

The first Labor Day holiday was celebrated on Tuesday, September 5, 1882, in New York City, in accordance with the plans of the Centraal Labor Union.The Central Labor Union held its second Labor Day holiday just a year later, on September 5, l883.In l884 the first Monday in September was selected as the holiday, as originally proposed, and the Central Labor Union urged similar organizations in other cities to follow the example of New York and celebrate a workingmen‘s holiday on that date.The idea spread with the growth of labor organizations, and in l885 Labor Day was celebrated in many industrial centers of the country.五一劳动节各种说法:

资本主义国家不庆祝“五一劳动节”的,因此 要么说 五.一:“May day”。如果你一定要说,就说“国际工人节” international worker's day 不然老外不懂。如果用“labor day”就不恰当了,在美国labor day是九月份,如果你对美国人说labor day,他们会搞错的。


五一国际劳动节简称五一节,在每年的5月1日。它是全世界劳动人民的共同节日。关于“五一节的由来”是这样的:此节源于美国芝加哥的工人大罢工。1886年5月1日,芝加哥的20 多万工人为争取实行八小时工作制而举行大罢工,经过艰苦的流血斗争,终于获得了胜利。为纪念这次工人运动,1889年7月14日,由各国马克思主义者召集的社会主义者代表大会,在法国巴黎隆重开幕。大会上,与会代表一致同意:把5月1日定为国际无产阶级的共同节日。这一决议得到世界各国工人的积极响应。1890年5月1日,欧美各国的工人阶级率先走上街头,举行盛大的示威游行与集会,争取合法权益。从此,每逢这一天世界各国的劳动人民都要集会、游行,以示庆祝。

中国人民庆祝劳动节的活动可追溯至1918 年。是年,一些革命的知识分子在上海、苏州等地向群众散发介绍“五一”的传单。1920年5月1日,北京、上海、广州等城市的工人群众走上街头举行了声势浩大的游行、集会。新中国成立后,我国于1949 年12月将“五一”定为法定的劳动节。


of cause

international Labor Days call 51 sections, May 1 in every year.It is the whole world labor common festival of the people.As for“51 causes of the section”s are such:

This stanza comes from the worker's big strike of American Chicago.On May 1 in 1886, Chicago of 20 in order to fight for practicing eight hours to work to make but hold the big strike, many ten thousand workerses pass by hard of

bloodshed conflict, acquired the victory finally.For memorial this time the socialist that the worker's one who exercise, July 14 in 1889, from all countries Marxist call represents the conference, Parisian solemn and impressive open in

France.On the conference, attend meeting to represent the consistent approval:Common festival that May 1 settles for the international proletariat.This resolution gets the international community, the worker responds to actively.On May 1 in 1890, the working class of Euro-American all countries leads off to go into the street, holding the grand

demonstration and holding a meeting, fighting for the legal rights.From now on, every time round this international community labors the people to all want the catcall, parade, to show to celebrate.The Chinese people celebrate the activity of the Labor Day and can trace back to to 1918.Is a year, etc.of some knowledge members of revolution at Shanghai, Suzhou ground sends forth to introduce toward crowd“51” of

handbill.On May 1 in 1920, worker's crowd of etc.of Peking, Shanghai, Guangzhou city goes into the street to hold the huge parade of threatening force and hold a meeting.After new China establish, our country in December of 1949 will“51” settle for the legal Labor Day.“51” night before lasts of 1921, the long and hot store labor extension school that summer waits for someone to

establish in the communism group of Peking member 邓 in, the workers learn to sing 《 51 memorial songs 》.Its lyrics is:“ The beautiful freedom, the star of world, puts together me red-blooded, sacrifice for him, want to sweep away the force system everything clean, remember the beautiful day of May first.The red flag dance in the wind, walk bright road, each exhausted ability, each take need, don't divide the rich and poor high or low, responsibility only mutual aid, wish hard everyone is together enterprising.” This stalwart and emollient song, from grow the teacher of the hot store labor practice school and University of Peking to progress the student to create the plait but become together.



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4.4 表题在表格的上方,表序用“Table 1, Table 2„”表示,Table和后面的数字间加1空格,数字后面与文字之间加2个空格,其它说明写在表格的下方或旁边;表格中如有单位,应写在方括号内(如:[mm])例:

Table 3High and low settings of predictor variables

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4.6 文中图要与正文保持一定间隔,图题在图的下方或图的一侧,且与图为一整体。图序用

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c2 = a2 + b2.(1)


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6.4参考文献中如果不是英文文献,请在参考文献后用英文注明语种,如:(In Chinese)。

6.5 几种常见参考文献的格式编排规范:

(a)期刊类:(作者: 刊名, 卷(年)No.期号, p.起始页码.),刊名的所有实词首字母大写。例:


T.D.Zhang, A.J.Shih and E.Levin: Annals of the CIRP, Vol.43(1994)No.3, p.305.(b)书籍类(作者:: 书名-斜体(出版社, 国家 年), p.起始页码.),书名的所有实词首字母大写。


[2] M.A.Green: High Efficiency Silicon Solar Cells(Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland 1987).(c)会议论文集类:(作者: 会议名称-斜体(会议地点,时间), 卷(年), p.起始页码),会议名称的所有实词首字母大写如:

[3] G.Bräuninger: Proc.International Workshop on Diamond Tool Production(Turin, Italy,November 8-10, 1999).Vol.1, p.154.(d)学位论文类:(作者: 论文名称-斜体(学位类别, 学校, 国家 年).p.起始页码.)

[4] C.H.Xu: Design, Simulation and Application of Composite Ceramic Tool Materials(Ph.D.,Shandong University of Technology, China 1998), p.28.注:Ph.D.博士,MS.硕士

(e)专利类:(作者: 国家 专利号.(年).)

[6] P.G.Clem, M.Rodriguez, J.A.Voigt and C.S.Ashley: U.S.Patent 6,231,666.(2001).(f)网址类(列出网址)

[7] Information on http://




③如果有基金项目资助需要标注,请在“Conclusions 或 Summary”和“References”之间增加“Acknowledgements”。





We are aware of the responsibility that the legal language carries more than any other kind of language.A small difference in wording can make a big difference in people’s lives.This course seeks to enable students to build their legal vocabulary, classroom expression skills, and presentation capabilities.Our English for law course covers many different types of law, for example, commercial law, criminal law, intellectual property law, media law, human rights law, to name but a few.This course focuses on developing theses skills:

To use legal terminology with ease and accuracy, both orally and in writing.To participate with confidence and fluency in class discussion.To comprehend and summarize text relate to legal matters.To express ideas clearly and concisely in writing academic papers.TIME and PLACE of CLASSES

This is a one-trimester course.It meets on Mon and Fri(double weeks)in Software Building, 122.LECTURER

Wang Xiaoxuan, HWB 4th floor.Personal Email: to be advised when necessary, and all the students are recommended to use the public Email of our

class(,code: 00000000).Office hours(to be advised)Assessment

Participation in classes

Oral contribution


Attendance at the course is compulsory.Students who fail to attend without good reason should expect to score less well regarding contributions.40% 30%30%

第五篇:版权文档英文说明 2







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