常用公共标志:当你进入一栋大厦的时候,Entrance 入口,Exit 出口是最常见的;银行或商业中心都有这样的标志:Business Hours(营业时间),No Admittance 闲人免进,还有最有用的两个标志:Men“s/Gentlemen/Gents Room 男厕所,Women“s/Ladies/Ladies” Room女厕所;有些场所外面会设置:Dogs Not Allowed 禁止携犬入内;在食品和一些商品上标有:MAN:25032002 生产日期:2002年3月25日,EXP:25032002 失效期:2002年3月25日,这些都是你要留心的。这类词汇遍地都是,记住这些,不仅仅是帮助你扩大词汇量,而且同时也帮助你了解了生活中的英语应用,下次再乘坐公共汽车或地铁的时候,你就可以看下门上,车厢内都有什么样的标志,去看电影的时候,也可以找下售票处的英文介绍,长城上的英文是什么意思,所有这些都要你留心记忆,这样才能不断扩大你的词汇量,而且是在快乐中记忆的,一定不容易忘记。
上面说的是一些常见的词汇,还有一些比较比较专业的词汇,例如:economist 经济学家,socialist economy 社会主义经济,capitalist economy 资本主义经济,collective economy 集体经济,planned economy 计划经济,controlled economy 管制经济,rural economics 农村经济,liberal economy 自由经济,mixed economy 混合经济,political economy 政治经济学,protectionism 保护主义,autarchy 闭关自守,primary sector 初级成分,private sector 私营成分,私营部门,public sector 公共部门,公共成分,economic channels 经济渠道,economic balance 经济平衡,economic fluctuation 经济波动,economic depression 经济衰退.....所有这些都是关于经济的词汇,可以当成同类来记忆,这样既利于总结归纳,也比较好记。总之,有多少词汇量,就要付出多少努力,当让,好的记忆单词的方法会让你记得多,记得牢,但心细和持之以恒是一定要做到的。
【关键词】初中英语 词汇记忆 教学方法
3.教会学生通过拆分音节来读写和记忆单词。单词是由一个或几个音节组成的,在教学中就可以教学生在一个长的单词里按与汉语里的声母作用相同的字母来拆分音节,这样我们就可以把一个长单词按读音划分为几个音节,以便记忆。比如tomato(西红柿)这个单词,我们可以分为 to-ma-to 3个音节,而其中t,m,t就与汉语拼音的声母作用相似。教会学生读音后,学生记忆这个单词只需记住o,a,o这3个字母的发音及其拼写,而t,m和t是能读出来就能写出来的。因此记一个单词的时候,先要学会拼读,然后从读音里析出辅音字母,只需记住元音字母组合即行。这样就减轻了学生的负担。这也要求教师在指导学生学习单词时,多训练学生规范读音,帮助学生总结和掌握这些发音规律,训练他们将单词的拼写和读音联系起来记忆。
笔者认为通过将“图片”、“实物”等直观教学道具,可以有效吸引学生注意力,引发学生兴趣,对于加深单词的理解和记忆帮助很大。根据笔者教学实践经验表明,通过引入我们日常生活中经常看得见的物品,如日常饮用的饮料、食用的食物、品尝的水果、使用的文具等等,对加深学生对英语单词的记忆效果尤为突出。如日常早餐用的食物:dumpling(饺子)、Steamed buns(馒头)、Sweet dumplings served in soup(汤圆)、Rice and vegetable roll(饭团),这不仅可以帮助学生记忆相关名词,还可以帮助学生记忆动词,以至于有利于他们对英语语法的学习,可谓“一举三得”。再如引入课前制作好的图片教具,如cup-board(杯子托板)、table(桌子)、desk(椅子)。通过这种形象、直观的教具,不仅有利于学生加强单词的记忆,而且还有利于学生美术素质的培育。
教学游戏集智力、活动和竞争于一身,是组织课堂的有效辅助手段,是实现方法多样性和趣味性的途径。根据笔者对99名学生的调查表明:95%的学生喜欢通过游戏来学习。在复习数词0-10时,笔者设计这样一个游戏:把学生分成11人一组开展游戏,从zero开始按顺序起立报数,逢3或3的倍数时,学生只能起立拍手一下。Example:S1:zero S2:one S3:two S4:(起立拍手)S5:four S6:five S7:(站起之后迅速坐下)……失误最少的小组为优胜组,给予奖励。游戏过程,课堂气氛异常活跃,观战的同学在心里也默默地随游戏的同学一起报数。在游戏中学习,学生在身心愉悦的状态下更牢固地掌握词汇,效果显著。
许多学生习惯于看汉语背单词,他们认为,背单词的过程就是把英文单词在脑海里翻成汉语的过程。这样,学生容易形成对一些句子的误解,例如:1.The tiger is dangerous.2.The tiger is in danger.这两句话究竟哪个对呢?从语法角度来说,两句都对,但是意思完全不同:第一句中的 dangerous(危险的),表达的意思是老虎是凶猛的动物,对于人类来说,老虎非常“危险”;第二句中的danger(危险),意思是说,老虎碰到了一个更加凶猛的家伙,它的处境非常“危险”。我们有些人过于依赖中文释义还有另一个问题,即无法精确表现近义词之间的区别。比如,match和race这两个词 的意思都是“比赛”,但有很大的区别,前者是说有双方参与、对打的比赛,像橄榄球比赛,而后者是竞速比赛,像跑步。所以,笔者建议,学生在选购词汇书时,一定要挑选有英文释义和例句的书。我是用的是新东方的红皮书。误区
由于考研英语多数题型采用选项(multiple choice)形式,我们在学习过程中容易养成"只知大概,不知具体”的毛病。同时,认词是掌握词汇最基本的要求,对于考研英语复习来说,光是知道一个词的词义是远远不够的,还必须知道这个词与其他词,尤其是其同义词和近义词的区别。下面这样的句子:With our own car,we don't have to cost a lot of time waiting for a bus.“cost”一词应该换成“spend”,出错原因显然是没有弄清这两个词的区别:虽然两者都可表示“花费”,但cost常用sth.做主语,而 spend常用sb.作主语,句中主语是we,所以要用动词spend。我觉得,为了解决这种困境,考生应该将曾经出现过多种意思的单词进行归纳总结,做到心中有数。
用的描写性形容词,或者由形容词派生的副词,对写文章非常有帮助,我们应该要求自己多积累一些这方面的词汇。此外,一些学弟面临副词贫乏的问题,如表示很、非常的意思,学生只会用very。实际上,有很多由形容词派生出来的副词,都可以很好地替代very。以天冷为例,可以说It’s pretty cold.或者说 It’s extremely cold。这样的表达不仅让人赏心悦目,还可避免重复。学习的目的,最终是为了运用。如果记忆和应用的桥梁就中断了,辛苦的记忆不就是浪费精力吗?
23.Everybody __D___ in the hall where they welcomed by the secretary.A.assembled B.piled C.joined D.accumulated
assemble——as semble(看起来像)一再的看起来像:(人群)聚集;装配 assembly line装配线
semblance——sembl ance(名词后缀)看起来很像:类似,外表
resemble——re(反复,一再,阿姨)semble反复看起来像:相像,相似 take after看起来像 pile v.堆积
compile——com pile共同的堆到一起:编辑,汇编 cumulate,cumulus,cumulative 共同词根:cum-和,附带 cumulate:vt.累积;堆积 vi.累积 adj.累积的;堆积的 accumulate——ac cumulate一再的堆积:积累,堆积 cumulus:积云
cumulative——cumulat ive逐渐的积累:渐增
24.The patient has been __B___ of the safety of the operation.这位病人已经被确认手术安全了。
A.assured(及物,后不加介词of)B.guaranteed C.entrusted D.confirmed(含有批准的意思)
patience(陪生死:陪你生陪你死):耐心,耐性 patient:n.患者 adj.有耐心的 operation n.手术 operate:运作,经营
assure——as sure一再的确定:vt.确保 insurance让你心里很安稳:保险 policy:保单
entrust——en(使动)trust(信任)使你信任我:委托 entrust sth.to sb.跟确认有关的词:confirm confirm——con firm共同的牢固,共同的坚信:批准,确认,conceive,perceive,receive 共同词根ceive-“收到”;“得到”;“接受”(v.)-ceive→(n.)-caption,(adj.)-captive conceive——con ceive共同的收到讯息共同设想未来:设想 perceive——per ceive每一个都收到:察觉 receive——re ceive反复的收到:收到
25.In a typhoon, winds __ C___ a speed greater than 120 kilometer an hour.A.assume B.accomplish C.attain D.assemble typhoon台风
tycoon(太酷了):大亨,太君 跟台风有关的词:hurricane,tornado hurricane——hurri cane匆匆忙忙的来,匆匆忙忙的去:飓风
tornado——torn(tear tore撕)ado(忙乱了)我慌忙的把你撕碎:龙卷风 assume一再的算总数:假设,承担
accomplish——ac com pl(完成)ish一再的完成:完成 attain——at tain(拿)一再的去拿:获得,达到 contain——con tain共同的拿进来:包含 detain——de tain我把你拿下:拘留 26.We ___B___ Edison’s success to his intelligence and hard work.A.subject B.attribute 特征归属 C.owe感激的归功于 D.refer subject,objective,reject,project,conjecture 共同词跟:ject-扔 subject——sub ject向下仍:n.题目,主题,学科,adj.服从的,v.隶属于 subjective:主观的
objective——ob ject ive不去把什么东西扔来扔去:客观的 reject扔回来,说明不想要这个东西:拒绝
project往前扔:n.项目,计划,v.发射 project ile(-ile名词结尾,表示小东西)向前扔的一个小东西:子弹 inject往里面扔:注射
arbitrary(啊,比出来了):主观的、凭经验的、武断的 empiric(帝国说的)主观的 tribute-给予
attribute一再的给予:归因于,归咎于 attribute to=ascribe to distribute分开了给予下去:分发
owe欠 感激 归因于owe my parents感激 owe to归因于 fer-带来
refer反复的带来:查阅,提到 reference 典故,参考书 conference会议 in ter fer干扰,阻碍
maverick特立独行的人 echo location回声定位 echo(仙女的名字):回音
narcissus(水仙花)narcissism自恋 narcissist自恋主义者 narcissistic自恋的
27.What the correspondent sent us is an ___B___ news report.We can depend on(相信)it.A.evident B.authentic C.ultimate D.immediate evident6颗牙长了出来:明显的 denture 假牙。edentate无齿动物 au then tic金子在当年:真实的,可靠的 authorize:授权,批准 ultimate edition最终版本
immediate——im med(mit中间)i ate我不在中间就能马上离开:立即的 mediate——med(中间,斡旋)iate:调解,调停,斡旋(外交)mediator:调停人,调解人
meddle(卖豆子了)在中间的人:干扰干涉 median——med ian:媒体媒介
med ian 的复数形式有两个mediums,media mass media大众传媒(抽象的概念不规则)媒介质的复数mediums 28.In fact, there is no ___B____ liberty in any country.A.adequate B.absolute C.private D.practical adequate(俺得夸他)absolute绝对的,完全的
private——priv(私人)ate:私人的 privilege——priv i leg(n腿,词根词缀:法律)e 我私人的法律:特权 legislate——leg(法律)isl ate(动词词缀)法律的动词叫立法:立法 29.The manager director took the ___B___ for the accident, although it was not really his fault.A.guilt B.blame C.charge D.accusation guilt内疚 愧疚 guilty(of)有罪的 guilty——gu i l ty我故意来提你:有罪的 blame不是瘸子(lame)的错:责备 blame for charge with 指控
accusation——ac cus(原因)ation 一再的说明发生东西的原因:控告,指责accusation(of)30.They spent many years _____D__ for oil in this small island.A.exploring B.exploding C.exposing D.exploiting
explore——ex(外,出)p lore(老阿姨:知识文化,学问):探索研究 folklore民间学 lode矿脉
my folks = my parents the folks大众
lodestar矿脉之星:北极星 lodestone矿石,天然宝石,吸引人的东西 explode——exp lode(矿脉):爆炸 expose——ex pose放在外面: impose往里面放:强加于,征税
propose把戒指向前放向你求婚,向前放给个建议:求婚,建议 compose:组成,创作 decompose:分解,腐烂 exploit:开发,利用 关于f的打油诗
落后(lag)的旗帜(flag),鞭打(lash)的闪电(flash),残废(lame)的火焰(flame),是(are)在熊熊燃烧(flare),轻击(flip)着嘴唇(lip),飞翔在光(light)中 关于fl(飞)的打油诗
late later latest(时间变化有规则)规则变化,时间上面的晚 late latter last(顺序排位不一定)yearling一岁的动物
31.The lost car of the less was found __B___in the woods off the high way.A.vanished B.abandoned C.scattered D.rejected vanish(哇你消失了):消失 punish(怕你消失才惩罚你):惩罚 abandon放弃,放纵
scatter——s cat ter该死的猫满地都是:分散 disperse把东西分的不能再分:分散 concentrate——con centr ate浓缩 concentrated浓缩的,集中的 concentrating camp集中营 campus校园
32.Children are __C__ to have some accidents as they grow up.A.obvious B.indispensable C.bound D.obtuse obvious明显的
indispensable——in dis pens(花费)able:不可花费的、不可分配的、必不可少的、不可缺少的
dispensable——di spens able可以分开花费的:可花费的、可分配的、可缺少的
expenditure——ex pend(花费)i ture compensation——com pens ation共同的来花费:补贴 compensation for con pens ate v.补偿、弥补 pension养老金
be bound to注定要做某事
33.John assured his boss that he would __A__ all his energies in doing this new job.A.call forth B.call at C.call on D.call off call forth投入,唤起 call at sp.拜访某地 call on 拜访某人 call off取消
evoke,provoke,revoke vok,voc-声音 →n.-vocation,adj.-vocative vocal语音
evoke——e(出)vok e大喊一声:引起, 引发, 唤起 advocate v.支持,拥护;n.支持者 ad-voc-ate(axx 一再 voc声音-ate 助记,一再的给你声音,声援 = v.支持,拥护;n.支持者,拥护者)
invoke祈祷,祈求 <神的慈悲等>c.恳求,请求(in-内 vok-声音 在内心深处喊;在神的面前,默许愿 祈祷)
provoke——pro vok e向前大喊:惹起,激怒 revoke——re vok e我用声音把他叫回来:撤回
vocation职业 avocation(一个完整的单词前加a表示不好的)副业 breach违反,违背 引起:
initiate,arise,trigger 太阳东升rise西落,太阳有9个儿子,轮着值班on duty,有一天一起出现appear,引起arouse了人间灾难disaster,后羿举手raise,搞到了一种药,一粒就能克死你的药elixir(长生不老药),嫦娥偷吃了。
34.The archaeologists(考古学家)examined the __A____ of ancient pottery(罐子).A.fragment B.fragrance C.flagrance D.retinue frag,frac-折 脆的,易碎的 fragment——frag(折)ment pot tery陶做的罐子:陶器 pot ent ial潜能,潜力 fragrance芬芳
fragrant,flagrant 有花的芬芳的,有l的(挑着粪浇花)臭烘烘的,臭名昭著的
brother,broth:兄弟无人是肉汤,broth 肉汤 retinue——re ti nue:随从 relieve阿姨理你: resort阿姨分类:求助, 诉诸,凭借, 手段 缓解 relieve 不简洁,哥悲伤,阿姨平躺为缓解
35.The president ___A__ a nation holiday for the event.A.proclaimed B.distinguished C.acclaimed D.exclaimed exclaim,acclaim claim-喊
exclaim——ex(出,外)claim喊出来:受惊吓以后的大喊、惊叫、呼喊 acclaim一再的喊:欢迎 acclaimed:收到欢迎的 declaim抑扬顿挫的喊:朗诵 reclaim:回收,开垦,感化
proclaim——pro claim在大家面前喊:宣布,声称,表扬 protest提前考试,大家都:抗议
distinguish——di sting(刺)uish :区分、区别 distinct,distinction extinct——ex tinct把刺都拔光了:灭绝
36.Wealthy Romans collected __C___ of Greek statues and paintings A.recreations B.enjoyments C.reproductions D.entertainments stat-站
stat ue永远站在那:雕像
stat ion ary那在那里固定的状态:固定的,静止的 stat ion ery文具 static静态的 stable稳定的 establish我把你弄得站起来:建立 still静止
economy经济 economic经济的 economics经济学 economical节约的,节俭的 frugal节俭的 miserly(Mt.很小气的)小气的,miserable悲惨的 retch干呕 throw up呕吐
wretch(我吐也吐不出来):不行的人,悲催 pathetic——path etic感情太多:悲惨的,可怜的 sympathy同情
mercy同情,仁慈 merciful可怜的,同情的 eternal永恒的
Detroit汽车之城Los Angeles City天使之城
pledge我在漂亮美眉边上发了一个永远爱他的誓言:誓言 pledge one’s eternal love山盟海誓 recreation反复创造出来的:休闲娱乐 amusement娱乐(muse掌管 的女神)riddle谜语
Sphinx(古埃及)狮身人面像 sphinx 谜一样的人 Sphinx's riddle 难解之谜
Oedipus 俄狄浦斯(希腊神话人物)complex共同的让他满了:复杂,情节的
intricate——in tri cate内心里有三角关系:复杂的
complic——com plic(重叠)ated共同进入重重叠叠的状况:复杂的 implic——im plic it进入重叠的状态:含蓄的 explicit从重叠的状况中出来:明确的、直接的 lineal thinking线性思维
entertainment,contain,contain,pertain,retain 共同词根: tain-拿 enter tain ment:娱乐 contain包含 detain拿下
pertain总是拿着:关切 retain:保留 娱乐:
leisure,entertainment,pastime,recreation refresh使振奋精神 refreshment:点心 freshman enjoyment强调的是自得起乐
reproduction——re pro duct ion反复的生产:复制品,生殖 product向前的行为:产品(工业产品)produce:产品(农产品)du plic ate复制,模仿 form形成,表格
perform(跟别人的形式完全一样):表现,表演 reform(一再表演):改革 fantasy的故事
今天是Friday 我却一早ideleness(无事可做),人很lazy,班长inform(通知)我,晚上将会有个party,一想到晚上会assemble(聚集)无数个lady,我心里就感到a burst of happy,老天对我特别mercy,在墙角竟然坐了一个fairy(仙女),lonely的眼神,迷人的appearance,给我留下了深刻的impression,于是我决定要把握opportunity,上前我说了声baby,她看也不看,头也不抬的说了声busy,眼神十分的indifferent(冷漠),我进一步说,我多少也算一个celebrity(名人),这招果然 effective(有效的),她抬头说: really?我摆了个pose,“我像不像snoopy”,她笑了笑“切,你如果要是snoopy,那我就是lovely kitty”,于是我认识了我的honey,这故事听起来的确是个是个神奇的fantasy(幻想)。
女性的四种美Sexy,beautiful,good position,lovely fantasia幻想曲 serenade小夜曲 pretty漂亮 babyface男生可爱
37.If the _A_ in the test is too small, we can not get a good result.A.sample B.meagerness C.leisure D.flight sample样本
meager——m eager我渴望因为我:缺乏的,不足的 I am too eager to help you.我太渴望帮助你 I am too ready to help you.我准备好帮助你 too+eager,ready,anxious+to do太渴望来做某事
gull海鸥,hull硬壳,lull使安静,mull思考,bull公牛,dull蠢笨的、迟钝的、愚蠢的,cull屠宰、采摘 共同词根:ull-
38.Dark glasses serve to __D___ eyes from the glare of the sun.A.dismay B.shelter C.shield D.defend dismay(你不美):沮丧
shelter——shel(小贝壳)ter:避难所 clam:沉默寡言的人 shed:屋子,棚 shell twist the lion's tail冒犯到英国 defend(弟弟防着他)防卫,保卫 offend冒犯,攻击 offensive冒犯,粗鲁的 gl-流动的光,耀眼的光
39.Anna was ____ to give up her property by her treacherous uncle.A.impelled B.expelled C.compelled D.repelled proper ty恰当的一份东西给你:财产 p overty平穷
ap propri ate一再的合适:合适的,恰当的v.拨款
treacherous——treacher ous老师别了很多花来上课:阴险的、狡诈的、有阴谋的、有诡计的 pel-推
expel——ex pel推出去:开除学籍 propel向前推:推进 repel反复的推你:排斥 compel一起推:强迫,迫使 impel往里推:趋势 compelling强制的 热的: hot heat moisture潮湿 human人是泥土捏的 hum(泥土)idity lean学习学的都无力的:斜靠;瘦弱的;瘦肉 delicious美味的
40.In order to improve our condition, this new scheme must be __A__.A.adopted B.adapted C.adept D.addicted scheme(是车神):计划 proficient熟练的
addict一再的说,说上隐了:上瘾 predict contradict verdict说出真实的版本:裁决
41.Insulted(羞辱)by my opponent, I __A__ at him with closed fists(拳头).A.glared B.peeped C.glanced D.stared glare怒目而视 gl(光棍)peep偷窥 glance一瞥 stare at sth凝视 gape看到了猩猩:吃惊的看 gaze amaze leer裸视、送秋波、斜视
oppoent——op pon(推)ent一再去推你的人:对手 post-后 postpone往后退:推迟,推延 proponent——pro pon ent把你往前推:支持者 42.The girl took cheese and _A__ to eat.A.commenced B.commended C.commanded D.commented commence(开门死-开死-开始):开始,着手 commencement正规大学的学位授予仪式;毕业典礼 开始: start begin initiate(从里面开始吃)originate commence com mend我们一起来修补:赞扬 com man d男生比较会:指挥 comment:发表评论 commentary评论
43.Being extremely __A._ to the cold, I don't like skiing.A.sensitive B.senseless C.sensible D.insensitive extreme(额外的颤抖达到极端):极度的,极端的 trem-颤抖 tremendous 来源于extreme treme---颤抖
tremendous 很多的一直颤抖到最后 巨大的,极大的;精彩的,了不起的 sens-sent--感情
sensitive——sens itive 过敏的,敏感的 sensitive paper 感光纸 sensitive to sth.对„„敏感 heyper高的
hypertension。高血压, senseless无知觉的;愚蠢的 sensible a.明智的,合情理的 insensitive 不灵敏的 不敏感的 sentimental a.感伤的;多愁善感的
consent(to)—— con sent我跟你有共同的感情准许:赞成,同意 assent(axx-一再)我一再的和你有一样的感情:同意,赞成 dissent——dis sent 不同的感情 不同意=disagree resent 愤怒 vt.对„表示忿恨,怨恨re-返回 我本来对你有感觉,但现在悬崖勒马了,所以对你 ——愤怒
indignant——in dig nant 没有尊严的:愤怒的
知识与能力: 通过运用分类法对社会成员、家庭成员、身体部位、衣服、穿戴、水果、颜色、动物这几大类别中所涵盖的所有关于初中英语课标单词的学习,掌握分类记忆的特点,学会联想到同类单词中的其他单词,用敏捷的思维和联系的学习方法在记憶、理解和学习单词的同时锻炼自己思考运用单词的的能力以及在应对不同类别的事物的时候的快速反应能力。
重点:掌握各个类别中的单词并能流利地诵读,当单词分开时能够迅速地将他们归类。难点:身体部位类别中的部分单词和穿戴内容里的个别单词有点生疏,不利于掌握。教学方法:归纳法、拓展法,引入法,综合法。教学资源1.教师教学用书(人教版)2.网站资料 课时:5课时
知识与能力: 通过对社会成员、家庭成员类别内单词的学习,拓展学生的词汇量,学会运用和延伸本类别内的词汇并能够正确地读出发音,并学会拼写。
Step1、lead in Every time, every day we live in a large family, this is social.It support us food, sell us clothes, there are also so many kinds of peoples, do you know what are they? Today , let’s learn the members in the social.Step2,begin new class Part 1, social members 1)write English words on the black board and let students tell how many means about words do they know.Cheat prisoner servant employer slave landlord guest babyman runner madam bride friend children bridegroom driver boy host robber girl hostess thief young man speaker liarold man visitor 2)give the Chinese means and ask them which kind of person do they interested and why?
3)pronounce the words to the students and let them follow the teacher repeat the words in right way for several times.4)teacher give a simple check and ask some students read the words and look at blackboard to give us the Chinese mean.Part 2 Family Member1)write English words on the black board and let students tell how many means about words do they know.grandfather cousin daughter-in-law grandmother nephew mother-in-law daughter grandson father-in-law son granddaughter father elder brother couple mother younger brother husband aunt elder sister wife uncle younger sister son-in-law parents 2)give the Chinese means and ask them which kind of person do they interested and why?
3)pronounce the words to the students and let them follow the teacher repeat the words in right way for several times.4)teacher give a simple check and ask some students read the words and look at blackboard to give us the Chinese mean.Step3,Practice Teacher mix all the words together and let students sort them out.Let students try their best to remember as many words as they can.And then check the answer give some claps for the students for their good behavior.Step 4,home work: write the words we have learned today each for five times.Step5,blackboard design Social members and Family member employer prisoner slave servant children boy girl young man grandfather
old man babyman bride son
elder sister aunt mother
hostess speaker bridegroom host
father-in-law uncle parents father
grandmother daughter cousin
nephew grandson
知识与能力: 通过对身体部位类别内单词的学习,拓展学生的词汇量,学会运用和延伸本类别内的词汇并能够正确地读出发音,并学会拼写。过程与方法:我们就是我们最好的自己,猜谜的方式了解自己的身体部位同时拓展此类别中相关的单词,在学习的过程中更加了解自己爱自己。
Step1、lead in Hello everyone, every day we must meet a person who knows you best, about your hobby, your name, your age, and knows your affection.Who is it? Yes, it is myself.So we must totally familiar with our body, right? Now let’s begin our class.Step2,Begin new class Part 1,Introduce our body 1)write English words on the black board and let students tell how many means about words do they know.head lip upper arm ankle hair tooth hand foot forehead tongue palm heel eyebrow cheek finger toe eye face thumb big toe ear neck chest skin nose throat hip bone beard shoulder leg muscle mouth arm knee brain 2)give the Chinese means and ask them which kind of part do they interested in and why?
3)pronounce the words to the students and let them follow the teacher repeat the words in right way for several times.4)teacher give a simple check and ask some students read the words and look at blackboard to give us the Chinese mean.Part2 Sing a song and play a “touch” game.Touch your nose, touch your eyes and touch your arms.Touch your mouth, Touch your neck and touch your eyebrow.Step3,Practice Teacher mix all the words together and let students sort them out.Let students try their best to remember as many words as they can.And then check the answer give some claps for the students for their good behavior.Step 4,home work: write the words we have learned today each for five times.Step5,blackboard designhead hair forehead eyebrow eye ear nose beard mouth
lip tooth tongue cheek face neck throat shoulder arm
upper arm hand palm finger thumb chest hip leg knee
ankle foot heel toe big toe skin bone muscle brain
知识与能力: 通过了解我们日常生活中的服饰和穿戴,学会欣赏美,学会理解美的含义,同时也要能将所学到的单词流畅地加以记忆。过程与方法:通过谈及女性对服饰的热衷来引导学生进入本堂课的内容,了解服饰和穿戴的相关词语并能够学会记忆。
Step1、lead in Today, I wearing a pair of orange trousers and a pair of sandal to have a class.I think you also have interested in clothes, we never think we have enough clothes, especially women.And we want to buy another new clothes when we saw our colleague have a beautiful one.Is that true?
Step2,begin new class Part 1, Clothing 1)write English words on the black board and let students tell how many means about words do they know.vest sweater jacket T-shirt shirt trousers overcoat sleeve pants suit pocket skirt coat dress blouse uniform jeans
2)give the Chinese means and ask them which kind of clothes do they interested in and why?
3)pronounce the words to the students and let them follow the teacher repeat the words in right way for several times.4)teacher give a simple check and ask some students read the words and look at blackboard to give us the Chinese mean.Part 2 Wear1)write English words on the black board and let students tell how many means about words do they know.cap/hat boot ring mask sneaker pearl scarf slipper jewel tie sandal bead tiepin shoelace diamond ribbon belt bangle sock necklace agate shoe earring brooch2)give the Chinese means and ask them which kind of wear do they interested in and why?
3)pronounce the words to the students and let them follow the teacher repeat the words in right way for several times.4)teacher give a simple check and ask some students read the words and look at blackboard to give us the Chinese mean.Step3,Practice The teacher will let the students use their own words and mixed with this lessons to describe a familiar person and try to write down it on exercise book.Step 4,home work: write your own passage to describe a familiar person.Step5,blackboard design Clothing and Wear vest T-shirt overcoat suit jacket trousers pants skirt blouse cap/hat mask
handkerchief scarf tie tiepin ribbon shoelace hairpin sunglass button key holder
belt necklace earring ring pearl jewel bead diamond bangle agate brooch
知识与能力: 通过对水果和颜色的学习,让同学们更多滴了解到了自己的身体与饮食的关系,从而学会热爱生活,调节健康的饮食,多吃水果和蔬菜,让健康与我们同行,让生活丰富多彩。过程与方法:通过简简单单的儿歌导入正文来学习本节课的单词,从而了解到了关于水果蔬菜的这一类单词,拓展到我们的日常生活,让学社产生兴趣并教会学生生活。情感态度与价值观:有老人健康的身体才有为社会做贡献的动力,要让绿色围绕在我们身边,我们就必须珍爱环境,注重饮食,加强锻炼,让五彩斑斓的生活在我们身边。重点:掌握各类水果和颜色单词并能流利地诵读,学会记忆并书写。
Step1、lead in Yesterday I saw a rainbow across the sky.I think that is so beautiful, and I couldn’t find out suitable words to describe the beauty that rainbow belongs, I need your help.So, let’s learn some words about colors.Step2,begin new class Part 1, Color
1)write English words on the black board and let students tell how many means about words do they know.red white colorful orange dark pale yellow brown snowy white green gray indigo blue violet purple pink black off-white 2)give the Chinese means and ask them which kind of color do they interested in and why?
3)pronounce the words to the students and let them follow the teacher repeat the words in right way for several times.4)teacher give a simple check and ask some students read the words and look at blackboard to give us the Chinese mean.Part 2 Fruits
1)write English words on the black board and let students tell how many means about words do they know.apple cherry litchi pear grape pineapple peach strawberry nut orange banana chestnut melon coco watermelon lemon Hamimelon mango 2)give the Chinese means and ask them which kind of fruit do they interested in and why?
3)pronounce the words to the students and let them follow the teacher repeat the words in right way for several times.4)teacher give a simple check and ask some students read the words and look at blackboard to give us the Chinese mean.Step3,Practice Teacher divide the words in two groups, students try to pick one color and try to describe one kind of fruits.Let students try their best to organize their words as they can.And then check the answer and give some claps for the students for their good behavior.Step 4,home work: write the words we have learned today each for five times.Step5,blackboard design 6
Fruits and color
apple pear peach orange melon watermelon Hamimelon cherry grape strawberry banana coco
lemon mango litchi pineapple nut
chestnut red orange yellow green blue purple
black white dark brown gray violet pink off-white colorful pale
snowy white indigo
知识与能力: 通过对动物类别内单词的学习,拓展学生的词汇量,学会运用和延伸本类别内的词汇并能够正确地读出发音,并学会拼写。过程与方法:通过延伸和拓展来学习类别中相关的单词,使用归类法辨别单词的属性和类别,加强记忆,学会巩固。
Step1、lead in 我们居住在地球这个大家庭中,每天都与动物们相依相伴,你们知道地球上和海洋中的动物都叫什么名字么?下面我们来学习今天的内容。Step2,begin new class Part 1, Animals on the land 1)write English words on the black board and let students tell how many means about words do they know.elephant antelope frog tiger deer donkey lion giraffe cat leopard monkey dog wolf panda duck bear kangaroo goose polar bear rabbit hen dinosaur squirrel chick hippo snake cock horse rhino bat fox hare pig zebra goldfish 2)give the Chinese means and ask them which kind of animals do they interested in and why?
3)pronounce the words to the students and let them follow the teacher repeat the words in right way for several times.4)teacher give a simple check and ask some students read the words and look at blackboard to give us the Chinese mean.Part 2 Animals in the sea1)write English words on the black board and let students tell how many means about words do they know.dolphin shark fish sea lion lobster octopus sea horse shrimp eel whale carb mule buffalo tortoise 2)give the Chinese means and ask them which kind of animals do they interested in and why?
3)pronounce the words to the students and let them follow the teacher repeat the words in right way for several times.4)teacher give a simple check and ask some students read the words and look at blackboard to give us the Chinese mean.Step3,Practice Teacher mix all the words together and let students sort them out.Let students try their best to remember as many words as they can.And then check the answer give some claps for the students for their good behavior.Step 4,home work: write the words we have learned today each for five times.Step5,blackboard design
Animals elephant tiger lion leopard wolf bear polar bear dinosaur hippo rhino fox zebra antelope deer giraffe monkey panda kangaroo
rabbit squirrel snake bat
hare pig goldfish frog donkey cat dog duck goose hen chick sea lion lobster shrimp carb
tortoise fish octopus eel mule