
时间:2019-05-14 03:34:55下载本文作者:会员上传


一、开场歌舞 《盛世大联欢》 演员:朱军、周涛、李咏、董卿、耿为华、哈晖、陈小涛、李晖、地方台主持人 32 人


三、相声《咨询热线》 演员:李伟健、武宾

四、歌曲《飞》 演员:宋祖英

五、小品《祝寿》 演员:魏积安、刘小梅、黄晓娟、孙涛、宋宁、小叮当

六、民族歌舞《争奇斗艳--民族风》 1)鼓舞 2)木屐踢踏舞 3)弦子舞 4)山歌年年唱春光 5)旋舞 6)长鼓舞 7)筷子舞

七、小品《装修》 演员:黄宏、巩汉林、林勇健

八、舞蹈《千手观音》 演员:中国残疾人艺术团

九、歌曲《手心手背》 演员:冯晓泉、曾格格

十、小品《男子汉大丈夫》 演员:郭冬临、牛莉、李根

十一、歌曲《邻里之间》 演员:眉佳、蔡国庆、王静、杨洪基

十二、武术歌舞《壮志凌云》 演员:成龙(中国香港)

十三、小品《魔力奥运》 演员:邹德江、潘长江、刘亚津、陈寒柏、王志伟、傅琰东、汪燕飞、奥运冠军、中国 女排等九人

十四、《争奇斗艳-流行风》联唱 1)《要强》(点击此处下载铃声)演员:房祖名 2)《老鼠爱大米》(点击此处下载铃声)演员:杨臣刚 3)《一生有你》(点击此处下载铃声)演员:水木年华 4)《爱情三十六计》(点击此处下载铃声)演员:蔡依林等

十五、杂技《十三人顶碗》 演员:中国杂技团

十六、歌舞《四季奏鸣曲》联唱 演员:张燕、祖海、陈思思、汤灿

十七、小品《浪漫的事》 演员:郭达、蔡明、韩影、于恒

十八、歌曲《爱的阳光》 演员:那英

十九、歌曲《梦圆》 演员:彭丽媛 专题片《天路》

二十、歌曲《天路》 演员:韩红

十一、情景相声《笑谈人生》 演员:冯巩、朱军、蔡明 二

十二、歌曲《回家的人》 演员:满文军 二

十三、戏曲《守岁大观园》 演员:马金凤、高秀敏、刘桂娟、马兰、单仰萍、孟广禄等 二

十四、歌曲《挥着翅膀的女孩》(点击此处下载铃声)演员:容祖儿(中国香港)、魏思佳、谢风 二

十五、小品《功夫》 演员:赵本山、范伟、蔡维利、王小虎 二

十六、舞蹈《年年有余》 演员:赵丽萍、四川省歌舞剧院、江苏省歌舞剧院 二

十七、小品《汇报咏叹调》 演员:许晓明、魏真柏、朱丹萍 二

十八、歌曲《载歌载舞》 演员:隋一宁、王宏伟、北京二中 二

十九、歌曲《为祖国守岁》 演员:阎维文、吕继宏、佟铁鑫 三

十、歌曲《平安中国》 演员:胡雁、廖昌永、地方台三十二名主持人 30 秒零点倒计时 零点钟声金鸡报晓

演员:所有演员及观众 三

十一、《闻鸡起舞--请茶祝酒拜大年》大联唱 演员:魏金栋、梦鸽、游晴、胡圆飞、吴春燕、

马小晨、曾小燕、艾尔肯、天山雪莲组 合、李琼、蚂蚁组合、斯琴格日勒、王莉、霍勇等 三

十二、歌曲《彩铃声声贺新春》 演员:孙悦、北京二中、八拍组合 三

十三、群口相声《鸡年说鸡》 演员:侯跃文、石富宽、郑健、李嘉存 三

十四、歌曲《越爱越美丽》 演员:罗中旭、柏文等 三

十五、歌曲《那个士兵真好》 演员:张迈、白雪、刘一祯等 三


三、孙小宝、模特两人 三

十七、《争奇斗艳--花对花》联唱 演员:鲍蓉、陈莉莉、王丽达、高音、严当当、郑蓉、麦穗、刘媛媛、王霞等 三

十八、歌曲《盛世钟声》 尾声: 《难忘今宵》


CCTV Spring Festival Gala

Beginning 20:00 hours on the eve of the Lunar New Year(the Chinese people's biggest night of the year), China Central Television(CCTV), the leading television broadcaster in the country, presented a Spring Festival Gala to hundreds of millions of viewers around the world.Since 1984, when CCTV hosted its first such evening party, it has been an annual event, which usually lasts some four hours to entertain Chinese families(like mine)who will stay late into the night for the traditional Chinese Lunar New Year, and has been a popular part of the grand celebrations.However, it has become a tough job for the organizing party to prepare the program and they have to work harder still to attract the audiences.It is indeed difficult to cater for all tastes.The theme of the 2005 CCTV Spring Festival Gala is “Golden Rooster, Harbinger of the Dawn”.Being close to ordinary people's daily lives is supposed to be the most striking feature of the gala.To my disappointment, the performance as a whole was only mediocre, far from splendid.As always, the most eagerly anticipated parts of the gala involve singing and dancing.I anticipated a singing cast with more popular figures, like Taiwan's all-girl group S.H.E.and Dao Lang to deliver an enthralling night.Though Hong Kong action movie star Jackie Chan and his son Jaycee Chan, together with new mother Na Ying and other veterans or new promising stars, were highly expected to add fresh blood to the program, which as suffered declining ratings over the past few years, I got the feeling that most, if not all, of the songs, composed especially for the gala, are not likely to become hits.Instead, I was fascinated by the enchanting visual arts where high-tech plays a major role.Sometimes, my focus was not on centerpieces but background scenes!

Dances are excellent with a perfect combination of folk charm and modern dance elements.I regretted not to watch the Guanyin Dance that appealed to my wife immensely.When played, I was away for a karaoke to enjoy myself, as the previous items seemed rather boring to me.A successful sketch can make for an unforgettable evening show.But this time, a number of comedians, including Zhao Benshan and Pan Changjiang, failed to do just that, while an 11-year-old boy did take my breath away with a stunt called Plum Blossom piles.



第一组 横批:盛景争春

1、北京:三海九门 京华迎奥运上海:一江两岸 世博靓申城


3、吉林:车轮飞转 东西南北追风去辽宁:钢水奔腾 春夏秋冬入眼来

4、西藏:雪域春秋 扎西德勒新疆:天山南北 乌鲁木齐

第二组 横批:世间同春

5、广东:南海风清 讲述春天故事广西:漓江水碧 飘来三姐新歌

6、山东:孔子仁 关公义 人文典范山西:泰山日 壶口烟 天地奇观

7、湖南:八百里洞庭 凭岳阳壮阔湖北:两千年赤壁 览黄鹤风流

8、河北:万里长城山海关 龙头为首河南:独门绝技少林寺 天下无双

第三组 横批:联袂贺春

9、贵州:苗寨黔山黄果树 酒乡赤水四川:川肴蜀绣锦官城 花径草堂

10、浙江:饮龙井茶 品江南丝竹江苏:蹬虎丘塔 论天下园林

11、内蒙古:碧草毡房 春风马背牛羊壮黑龙江:苍松雪岭 沃野龙江稻谷香

12、宁夏:红黄蓝白黑 五珍献瑞陕西:字史酒医诗 诸圣流芳

第四组 横批:欢歌迎春


14、云南:石林自有高材生 群峰拔地海南:琼海独具大手笔 五指擎天





17、福建:品铁观音 香飘两岸台湾:拜妈祖庙 情系一家


上下五千年 繁荣盛世庆今日纵横九万里 锦绣中华兴未来

19、赵本山、范伟 小品《功夫》横批:自学成才


第四篇:CCTV春节联欢晚会(CCTV Spring Festival Gala)英文

CCTV Spring Festival Gala

Beginning 20:00 hours on the eve of the Lunar New Year(the Chinese people's biggest night of the year), China Central Television(CCTV), the leading television broadcaster in the country, presented a Spring Festival Gala to hundreds of millions of viewers around the world.Since 1984, when CCTV hosted its first such evening party, it has been an annual event, which usually lasts some four hours to entertain Chinese families(like mine)who will stay late into the night for the traditional Chinese Lunar New Year, and has been a popular part of the grand celebrations.However, it has become a tough job for the organizing party to prepare the program and they have to work harder still to attract the audiences.It is indeed difficult to cater for all tastes.The theme of the 2005 CCTV Spring Festival Gala is “Golden Rooster, Harbinger of the Dawn”.Being close to ordinary people's daily lives is supposed to be the most striking feature of the gala.To my disappointment, the performance as a whole was only mediocre, far from splendid.As always, the most eagerly anticipated parts of the gala involve singing and dancing.I anticipated a singing cast with more popular figures, like Taiwan's all-girl group S.H.E.and Dao Lang to deliver an enthralling night.Though Hong Kong action movie star Jackie Chan and his son Jaycee Chan, together with new mother Na Ying and other veterans or new promising stars, were highly expected to add fresh blood to the program, which as suffered declining ratings over the past few years, I got the feeling that most, if not all, of the songs, composed especially for the gala, are not likely to become hits.Instead, I was fascinated by the enchanting visual arts where high-tech plays a major role.Sometimes, my focus was not on centerpieces but background scenes!

Dances are excellent with a perfect combination of folk charm and modern dance elements.I regretted not to watch the Guanyin Dance that appealed to my wife immensely.When played, I was away for a karaoke to enjoy myself, as the previous items seemed rather boring to me.A successful sketch can make for an unforgettable evening show.But this time, a number of comedians, including Zhao Benshan and Pan Changjiang, failed to do just that, while an 11-year-old boy did take my breath away with a stunt called Plum Blossom piles.

第五篇:2013年 蛇年CCTV中央电视台春节联欢晚会节目单


节目1 开场联唱《换歌庆新春》,中央电视台48位主持人

节目2 歌曲《中国味道》,凤凰传奇 节目3 歌曲《十二生肖》,王力宏

节目4 小品《我要上春晚》,周炜 刘大成 石头 张尧等 节目5 器乐演奏《琴筝和鸣》,雅尼 常静

节目6 小品《想跳就跳》,潘长江 蔡明 郭丰周 节目7 歌曲《春暖花开》,那英

节目8 儿童节目《剪花花》,邓鸣贺 邓鸣璐

节目9 相声《这事儿不赖我》,曹云金 刘云天

节目10 歌曲《茉莉花》,宋祖英 席琳-迪翁

节目11 歌曲《我心永恒》,席琳-迪翁

节目12 小品《大城小事》,艾伦 王宁 常远

节目13 歌曲《嫦娥》,李玉刚 景海鹏 刘旺 刘洋

节目14 歌曲《报喜》,陈慧琳

节目15 歌曲《甲板上的马头琴》,王宏伟

节目16 武术《少年中国》,赵文卓 范龙飞 侯英岗

节目17 小品《你摊上事儿了》,秦海璐 王茜华 孙涛 方清平节目18 杂技《冰与火》,赵丽 张权

节目19 歌曲《一辈子朋友》,杨坤 张靓颖

节目20 小品《今年的幸福2》,沈腾 玛丽 杜晓宇 王琦

节目21 歌曲《幸福》(韩版 中国大陆版),毛阿敏

节目22 魔术《魔琴》,刘谦 李云迪

节目23 歌曲联唱《直通春晚》,阿普萨萨 许艺娜平安

节目24 舞蹈《火》,土耳其火舞舞蹈团

节目25 歌曲《风走麦浪》,李健 孙俪

节目26 相声剧《搭把手不孤单》,冯巩 郭冬临 阎学晶

节目27 歌曲《净土》,孙楠

节目28 歌曲串烧《留声2012》,李晨 杜淳 曲婉婷 侃侃

节目29 乐舞《指尖与足尖》,郎朗 侯宏澜

节目30 相声《追着幸福跑》,郭德纲 于谦

节目31 京剧《迎来春色换人间》,于魁智 托马斯

节目32 歌曲《给我你的爱》,张杰 林宥嘉

节目33 歌曲《我爱你中国》,汪峰

节目34 歌曲《家人》,谭晶

节目35 歌曲《美丽中国》,沙宝亮 徐千雅

节目36 歌曲《中国范儿》,玖月奇迹

节目37 相声《东西南北大拜年》,赵炎 逗笑 逗乐 大新等

节目38 歌曲《Super Shero》,S.H.E

节目39 歌曲《冬天里的一把火》,吴克群 梦想合唱团宁波队

节目40 歌曲《难忘今宵》李谷一 张英席 白丽莎 茹丝 李天翼等



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