大一下学期英语期中口语考试——《Modern city》

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第一篇:大一下学期英语期中口语考试——《Modern city》

Modern city

Good morning everyone!Today, I’m here to show my opinion about modern city.Attention please, my friends!I have a problem, how many people present are there who are brought up in cities? Please put up your hands.Ok.点名。I want to ask, what is your upstairs neighbors’ family name? And, how many people are there in the family downstairs?回答。Ok, thank you.As we all know, modern cities provide much convenience for us.You can buy your clothes,buy your food, your drinks, your daily necessity, almost everything you need in supermarkets which can be seen here and there in modern cities.You can go to the amusement park if you want to relieve yourself.You can go to the library to refer to some books if you have something beyond your understanding.You can attend all kinds of training classes if you want to acquire some professional knowledge.You can take a bus or a taxi to where you want to go.In a word, modern cities can facilitate what you wear, what you eat, what you live in, and how you go out.Everything has two sides, so do modern cities.First of all, modern cities separate us from environment.You see, we are enclosed by concrete and steel buildings.In summer, boring sun shine directly on these buildings, thus it’s just like being in a stove to live in them.In winter, streets made in concrete covered by snow can be so smooth that many accidents occur.What’s more, modern cities product so much noise.Stand on the summit of a tall building and look down, that, so many vehicles and so much noise!What is worse is that so many vehicles product so much smelly gas which can pollute the air in a great

deal.Certainly, air pollution is mostly due to factories around cities.What would you like in summer: to sit or lie on grassland under a big tree or sit under the shelter of tall buildings? What would you like in winter: to listen the music caused by stepping on the deep snow in a small forest or to smooth with caution on the snow-covered concrete streets? What would you like: to listen to the songs of birds and smell the fragrance of flowers or to listen to the noise of vehicles and smell their wasteful gas? Also, the relationship between one and another become more and more indifferent.People living in cities who don’t know what their neighbors’ family name is are not minority, for they are rushing to and from their work and there’s no time to communicate with their neighbors.I was brought up in rural areas.When I was just a little boy, in summer, I can swim in a clear river, I can sit under a big tree and hook fishes;in winter, I can take my dog with me to run after rabbit in wheat land, I can clear a strip and throw some seeds to make a trap to catch birds then set them free.So compared with living in a city, I should say I miss more my childhood in rural areas.That’s all for my report.Thank you.2009-11-26

第二篇:英语演讲:大一下学期英语期中口语考试——《Modern city》

Modern city

Good morning everyone!Today, I’m here to show my opinion about modern city.Attention please, my friends!I have a problem, how many people present are there who are brought up in cities? Please put up your hands.Ok.点名。I want to ask, what is your upstairs neighbors’ family name? And, how many people are there in the family downstairs?回答。Ok, thank you.As we all know, modern cities provide much convenience for us.You can buy your clothes,buy your food, your drinks, your daily necessity, almost everything you need in supermarkets which can be seen here and there in modern cities.You can go to the amusement park if you want to relieve yourself.You can go to the library to refer to some books if you have something beyond your understanding.You can attend all kinds of training classes if you want to acquire some professional knowledge.You can take a bus or a taxi to where you want to go.In a word, modern cities can facilitate what you wear, what you eat, what you live in, and how you go out.Everything has two sides, so do modern cities.First of all, modern cities separate us from environment.You see, we are enclosed by concrete and steel buildings.In summer, boring sun shine directly on these buildings, thus it’s just like being in a stove to live in them.In winter, streets made in concrete covered by snow can be so smooth that many accidents occur.What’s more, modern cities product so much noise.Stand on the summit of a tall building and look down, that, so many vehicles and so much noise!What is worse is that so many vehicles product so much smelly gas which can pollute the air in a great

deal.Certainly, air pollution is mostly due to factories around cities.What would you like in summer: to sit or lie on grassland under a big tree or sit under the shelter of tall buildings? What would you like in winter: to listen the music caused by stepping on the deep snow in a small forest or to smooth with caution on the snow-covered concrete streets? What would you like: to listen to the songs of birds and smell the fragrance of flowers or to listen to the noise of vehicles and smell their wasteful gas? Also, the relationship between one and another become more and more indifferent.People living in cities who don’t know what their neighbors’ family name is are not minority, for they are rushing to and from their work and there’s no time to communicate with their neighbors.I was brought up in rural areas.When I was just a little boy, in summer, I can swim in a clear river, I can sit under a big tree and hook fishes;in winter, I can take my dog with me to run after rabbit in wheat land, I can clear a strip and throw some seeds to make a trap to catch birds then set them free.So compared with living in a city, I should say I miss more my childhood in rural areas.That’s all for my report.Thank you.吉大通信11班黄明瑞520811252009-11-26

第三篇:大一(普通本科)下学期 口语考试大纲


《新视界II》普通本科 期末口语考试大纲






unit 1(para2,para3 and19)、unit 2(para1 and para2)、unit3(para4 and para5), unit 4(para2,para9 and para10)、unit 5(para6 and para7)Active Reading.2:图片描述(可以单独一人或双人对话形式)。根据现场所抽取的图片进行描述或发表看法。考官可选择性地提1-2个问题。2014-6-4


Speaking Topics for Unit 1 I don't think the world around me harmonious.Let me take the current affairs for example——the food safety has always been given priority,let alone the contaminated milk powder one or two years ago, toxic chemicals are found in Taiwan enterprises,and then the additive has also been foundin Chinese mainland enterprises.We dare not to eat everything now.So how can the world around me be regarded harmonious.For one simple reason:like cancer,bitterness can destroy its host,unless it is swiftly rooted out,it takes hold and grows,crippling can eventually even killing those who insist on clinging determinedly to it.What's more,don't you think it will be very awkward to come across the person if you don't forgive him,and the negative mood will have a bad impact on your later daily activity.Speaking Topics for Unit 2What i value most is my life.I value it not for the reason that i am a coward but the consequences of my death.This can be simply interpreted that i live not only for myself but also for my parents.They have devoted whole lives,energies and money to cultivate me,to get me well educated.I must try my best to ensure them a better life when they are old and live a happy life.We should live each day with gentleness towards others,with energy and passion for life and with a strong feeling of gratitude for what we enjoy each day.Speaking Topics for Unit 3 Success is the payback of the effort you have devoted in a specific thing.The meaning varies from different people's perspectives.I think traits like self-confidence,persistence,industriousness,aggressiveness and ambitiousness can lead to success.Let's talk about persistence,Edison failed 10 thousand times before he perfected the light bulb,if he wasn't persistent bulb won't be invented that early.Absolutely,it is worthwhile.Success is not an one-off act,it come only be won through hard work,if it is that easy,everybody can be successful,the thing which has not been put much effort won't be tasty.Speaking Topics for Unit 4

Without doubt,i am positive.Actually being positive is quite easy,you just have to look at thing within its good aspects,highlight the positive and slip right over the negative.I believe optimism is gained by choice,we can choose to be a positive person.A few years ago,when some unfamiliar people asked something about me,i was wondering why they asked this,do they have some terrible purpose,maybe i was a little over self-protected.But later i find that they just want to get to know me,nothing more than it.So that is why i have a lot of friends and live a happy life.Speaking topic for Unit 5

Honesty,if we are honest to each other,we can have trust each other.And then the world is built upon trust,we don't have to worry about food safety,we won't suffer much in traffic accidents because we believe the driver will stop,and the diver believe we won't run the traffic lights.Diligent,persistent,united,warm-hearted,hospitable and so on.That is why we can create the marvellous culture and the thriving economy.Speaking topic for Unit 6

1.it is complexity that makes creative people different from others.And the traits theyshare are integrated with each other in a dialectical manner.For example:they are

energetic but also very quiet and at rest;they are smart and naive, extroverted and introverted , humble and proud,rebellious and conservative at the same time,with many other traits hard to list

2.Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobodyhas thought.So we must chip away at the mental locks that close our minds.Speaking Topicsfor Unit 7

There is no ego in a good team player,and he will obey the strategy which other team members agreed upon,help other team members to finish their work when necessary.He can get along well with other team members and set their goal in accordance with others.If someone can do all the things above in my group,he is definitely a good team player.Once I, along with other two guys,prepared for a contest.One guy who was the leader of our time pressed his own beliefs and thoughts to us,which were not accepted by us two,but he insisted on that,at last we two compromised.The result was we failed the contest.Topics for Unit 8 It means a treasure to me, which others do not have.Adversities are just like obstacles,it will add to your strength and enrich your life experiences.It can be used as a stimulate for your to go on fighting for a better life.Instead of complaining the unfairness of god,which is useless,I choose to live up with it and struggle against the so called fatalism.






学习依然是我们的主要职责,没有了高中老师的“耳提面命”,我们也就慢慢 放松了对自己的要求。只是在课堂上记记笔记,下课做做作业。没有积极主动的自主学习,缺乏自主学习的信心与技






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