1大学体验英语教程3 第二单元课后翻译[大全]

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第一篇:1大学体验英语教程3 第二单元课后翻译[大全]

UNIT1 课文翻译













大学英语3 编制:汤旭杰

Unit 1 Caring for Our Earth 1.这场给人类带来巨大灾难的战争对这样一个诗人产生了什么影响呢?(impact on)

How did the war, which brought terrible disasters to mankind, impact on such a poet? 2.做母亲的有时候不能察觉她们所宠爱的孩子们的过错,这样做的结果会使孩子们再次犯同样的过错。(be blind to)

Mothers are sometimes blind to the faults of their beloved children, which will cause the children to make the same mistake again.3.作为一个在这个完全陌生国度的新移民(immigrant),她总是感觉到孤立无援。(isolate)

As a new immigrant in this completely strange country, she always felt isolated.4.做事不先考虑周全常会导致失败,因此我们应该三思而后行。(result in, act before thinking)

Acting before thinking often results in failure, so we should think before we leap.5.奢谈的时候已经过去了,我们必须积极行动起来保护我们的环境。(take...action)

The time for talking is past;we must take a positive action to protect our environment.6.每次服两片药,每天三次,你的病几天就会好了。

Take two pills each time and three times a day and you will be well in a few days.7.他不是没有耐心,他只是太累了。

He is not impatient;he is just too tired.8.一旦水源短缺到了无可挽回的地步,只得放弃这座城市。

Once water shortage reaches the point of no return, there will be nothing left to be done but abandon the city.9.我们愿意与在座的各位代表交流我们在城市规划方面的经验,并向他们说明我们的创新特色。

We’d like to share our experience in city planning with every representative here and show them what is special of our innovations.10.对日益严重的交通问题我们不能袖手旁观。

We can’t just sit back and do nothing about increasingly serious traffic problems.Unit 2 Nobel Prize Winners 1.记者敦促发言人就此次军事打击作出解释。(to press for)

Reporters pressed the spokesman for an explanation of the military attack.2.他的竞选运动未能使选民相信他就是参议员的合适人选。(to convince)

His election campaign failed to convince the voters that he was the right person for the Senator.3.尽管我承认有问题存在,但我并不认为这些问题不能解决。(while)

While I admit that there are problems, I don't agree that they cannot be solved.4.他在电视上的第一次演讲给听众留下了深刻的印象。(impression)

His first speech on TV made a deep impression on his audience.5.一切事物都是互相联系又互相作用的。(to interact with)

All things are interrelated and interact with each other.6.她本以为历史就是一堆乏味的名字和日期而已,但易教授的讲座彻底改变了她的看法。She might have thought that history was just boring names and dates, but Professor Yi’s lectures completely changed her view.7.飞机失事后,幸存者们唯一能做的就只有待在荒岛上等待救援了。

After the plane crash, all the survivors could do was wait for rescue on this desert island.大学英语3 编制:汤旭杰

8.这个小男孩偶然读到了一些关于百慕大三角(Bermuda Triangle)的故事。正是这些故事激发了他对自然界奥秘的好奇心。

The little boy happened to read some stories about Bermuda Triangle that did stir his curiosity in the mysteries of nature.9.DNA检测结果向警方证明凶手另有其人。The DNA test result was evidence to the police that the murder was someone else.10.达尔文坚信进化论(the theory of evolution)的基础是物竞天择。Darwin was convinced that the theory of evolution is based on natural selection.Unit 3 Famous Brand Names

1.思想是通过语言来表达的。(by means of)

Thoughts are expressed by means of language.2.我今年买的新书多得难以数清。(keep count of)

I have bought so many new books this year that it's really difficult for me to keep count of them.3.这位老太太确信今天她儿子会回家来为她庆祝生日的。(feel assured)

The old lady feels assured that her son will come back home today to celebrate her birthday.4.他妈妈坚持说他每月的零用钱不能超过一百元。(exceed)

His mother insisted that his pocket money should not exceed 100 yuan per month.5.上个月我们买了一辆车,是用我的名字登记的。(register)

We bought a car last month, which was registered under my name.6.对于大部分美国青少年来说,要说既舒服又时尚的衣着,没有什么能比得过T恤和牛仔裤。

For most American teenagers, when it comes to comfortable and fashionable clothing, nothing beats T-shirts and jeans.7.阿迪达斯从2004年开始广为宣传“一切皆有可能”,并且使这种观念深入人心。

Starting in 2004, Addidas widely promoted that “Impossible is nothing,” and the notion took hold.8.当这条消息在网上首次发布时,上网浏览的人不计其数。

When the news was first released online, the number of its viewers beat the imagination.9.这个女孩在歌唱比赛上的杰出表现为她带来了巨大的机遇。

The girl’s big break came with her outstanding performance at the singing contest.10.在许多欧洲国家,人们都反感在公共场所吸烟。

In many European countries people tend to frown on smoking in public places.Unit 4 Cloning and Ethics

1.这只乐队二十世纪八十年代凭借那张专集一举成名。(shot to fame)

The band shot to fame in the 1980s with that single album.2.冒一下险吧,你可能还是会输,但赢的机会增加了。(take a risk)

Take a risk, and you may lose again, but you have improved your chances to win.3.科学家正极力研究治愈艾滋病(AIDS)的良方。(push...to the limits)

大学英语3 编制:汤旭杰

Scientists are pushing themselves to the limits in their researches for the cure of AIDS.4.现在我们知道了网络的意义:鼠标一点就能知晓天下大事。(point)

Now we could see the point of the Internet: we can get information from all over the world just by clicking the mouse.5.一些人认为政府迟早将会使克隆人类的研究规范化。(regulate / sooner or later)

Some people believe the government will regulate the research of human cloning sooner or later.6.他是一个传奇性人物,名下拥有中国最大的门户(gate)网站。

He is a legend with the biggest gate website in China to his name.7.他不是没有耐心,他只是太累了。

At the beginning of the twentieth century, Einstein shot to fame after he published a series of articles on the Theory of Relativity.8.世界卫生组织(WHO)正在敦促成员国采取有效措施阻止禽流感的蔓延。

The WHO is urging its member countries to adopt effective measures to keep bird fluat bay.9.不管人们喜欢与否,中国传统文化正在受到外来文化的冲击。

Like it or not, the traditional Chinese culture is invaded by foreign cultures.10.你不应在实验还没有做完就抢先下结论。

You should not jump the gun in drawing the conclusion before your experiment is finished.Unit 5

Lifelong Education

1.知道原理是一回事,但要付诸实践又是另外一回事。(it's one thing...it's another...)It's one thing to understand the principle, it's another thing to put it into practice.2.据报道,慢跑(jogging)可将患心脏病的可能性减少三分之二。(less likely)It is reported that jogging makes you three times less likely to suffer from a heart attack.3.根据最新调查,半数英国人不清楚欧元与英镑的比值。(to have no idea / in relation to)Almost half of the British people have no idea what the euro is worth in relation to the pound, according to the latest survey.4.这片土地本应建成一个供大家享用的公园,但现在却立起了几栋公寓楼。(should have done)The area should have been made into a park for everyone to enjoy but now some apartment buildings stand there.5.不知道所有这些相关信息能否凑成一幅关于他的清晰图画。(to add up to)I'm wondering whether all the related information could add up to a clear picture of him.6.认识到节约能源的重要性 是一回事,但在生活的方方面面付诸实施又是另外一回事儿。

It's one thing to recognize the importance of saving energy, it's another to put it into practice in every aspect of life.7.销售经理认为,如果销路不好,新产品就不能算好。

The sales manager believes that clever is not clever if the new product doesn’t sell well.8.他不停地编着各种借口来解释为何没能完成任务,好像一千个谎言加起来就可以等于实情。

大学英语3 编制:汤旭杰

He kept on making up excuses for his failure to finish the task as if a thousand lies would add up to the truth.9.这项调查发现,人们逛商场的时间越长,就越不能控制自己的购物欲望。

It is found from the investigation that the longer people stay in a store, the less likely they are to control their desire for purchases.10.我相信像她这样勤奋的人肯定会很快地克服她在英语学习方面的困难。

I believe that someone as diligent as she is will soon overcome difficulties in the study of English.Unit 6

Travel Around the World

1.他悲叹一声,对我们说他年轻时也曾风光一时。(to breathe a sigh of / to have seen a better day)He breathed/heaved a sigh of sorrow and told us that he had seen a better day when he was young.2.他有极强的责任感,这就是为什么他被选中掌管这个项目。(to take control of)He has a strong sense of responsibility, and that's why he is chosen to take control of the project.3.不管你去哪里,不管是出差还是去玩,尽量多了解那个地方总是一个不错的主意。(be it...or...)Wherever you go, be it for business or pleasure, it is always a good idea to find out as much as you can about the place.4.我们得小心一点,同样的情景可能就要出现。(to be about / to repeat)Let's be careful.The situation may be about to repeat itself.5.事实上,室内空气质量与儿童的健康密切相关,当然与成人的健康也有关系。(for that matter)In fact, indoor air quality has a great deal to do with children's health, and adult's health for that matter.6.你知道站在台上,所有的眼睛都看着你是一种什么感受吗?

Do you know what it is like to stand on a stage with all eyes on you? 7.听到人质已被安然无恙地营救出来的消息,我们大家才松了一口气。

We all breathed a sigh of relief when news came that the hostage was rescued unharmed.8.凭着他在金融方面的专业知识和管理技能,他很快就控制住了局面。

With his professional knowledge in finance and skills in management, he quickly took control of the situation.9.最后我终于明白了这一点:实际上他们对问题的解决并不感兴趣。

What became clear to me finally was this: they were not actually interested in the solution of the problem.10.他每次出门,无论是出差还是旅游,总是随身带着笔记本电脑。

Wherever he travels, be it a business trip or a sightseeing tour, he would always take a notebook PC with him.一个月前我问佛祖要考试了怎么办,佛祖送我四字“事在人为”,半月前我又问佛祖,佛祖又送我四字“一切随缘”,今天我又问,佛祖沉默半晌后说:“重在参与”.


1.任何年满18岁的人都有资格投票。(be eligible to, vote)

Answer:1.Anyone over the age of 18 is eligible to vote.2.每学期开学前,这些奖学金的申请表格就会由学校发给每一个学生。(apply for, scholarship)

Answer:2.A form to apply for these scholarships is sent by the university to every student before the start of every semester.3.遵照医生的建议,我决定戒烟。(on the advice of)

Answer:3.On the advice of my doctor, I decided to give up smoking.4.公园位于县城的正中央。(be located in)

Answer:4.The park is located right in the center of town.5.这所大学提供了我们所需的所有材料和设备。(facilities)

Answer:5.The university provides all the materials and facilities we desire.6.警察们正忙着填写关于这场事故的各种表格。(fill out)

Answer:6.The policemen are busy fi lling out forms about the accident.7.我想在还车之前把油箱加满。(fill up, fuel tank)

Answer:7.I want to fi ll up the fuel tank before returning the car.8.如果你要投诉,最好遵循正确的程序。(follow the procedure)

Answer:8.If you want to make a complaint, you’d better follow the correct procedure.9.要不是约翰帮忙,我们绝不会这么快就完成实验。(without)

Answer:9.We couldn’t have fi nished the experiment so soon without John’s help.10.暴风雨之后,岸边的人们焦急地搜索湖面以期发现小船的踪迹。(scan for)

Answer:10.After the storm, the people on the shore anxiously scanned the lake for any sign of the boat.11.我发现量入为出地过日子越来越难了。(increasingly)

Answer:11.I find it increasingly difficult to live within my income.12.现代政治家们都试图以电视讲话来影响普通百姓。(reach out)

Answer:12.Modern politicians try to reach out to ordinary people in their TV speeches.13.应该帮助学生对人生采取积极的态度。(adopt)

Answer:13.Pupils should be helped to adopt a positive attitude to life.14.希望全班同学参加这些讨论。(participate in)

Answer:14.Everyone in the class is expected to participate in these discussions.15.如果你犯了罪就必须受到惩罚。(crime)

Answer:15.If you commit a crime you must expect to be punished.16.她在公共汽车站一直等到末班车进站。(come in)

Answer:16.She waited at the bus stop until the last bus came in.17.如果我们能帮得上忙,尽管和我们联系。(contact)

Answer:17.If there is any way we can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.18.他需要多少船务人员才能使他的游艇航行?(crew, yacht)

Answer:18.How many crew does he need to sail his yacht?.虽然她的新书没有上一本好,但是我还是喜欢它。(not quite as)

Answer:19.I enjoyed her new book though it’s not quite as good as her last one..我从未遇到过如此善良的人。(never before)

Answer:20.Never before have I met such a kind person.21.我们得把感情放在一边,从专业的角度来对待这件事。(from a professional standpoint)

Answer:21.We have to put aside our emotions and take it from a professional standpoint.22.这部戏非常精彩,我很快就沉浸于激动人心的剧情之中。(lose oneself in)

Answer:22.The play was so wonderful that I soon lost myself in the excitement of it.23.她没有什么爱好——除非你把看电视也算是一种爱好。(unless)

Answer:23.She hasn’t got any hobbies — unless you call watching TV a hobby.24.他说他是直接从市长本人那里得到这个信息的。(first-hand)

Answer:24.He said that he had got the information first-hand from the Mayor himself.25.既然你不能回答这个问题,我们最好问问别人。(since)

Answer:25.Since you can’t answer the question, perhaps we’d better ask someone else.26.那件工作很难做,不过我想试试看。(have a shot)

Answer:26.It’s a difficult job, but I’d like to have a shot.27.这是一本关于商务实践而非理论的书。(as opposed to)

Answer:27.This is a book about business practice as opposed to theory.28.社会活动从未耽误她的学习。(in the way)

Answer:28.Social activities never get in the way of her studies.29.直到1911年人们才发现第一种维生素。(It is not until...that)

Answer:29.It was not until 1911 that the first of the vitamins was identified.30.尽管年事已高,爷爷每天还帮忙做家务。(despite)

Answer:30.Despite advanced years, Grandpa helps do housework every day.31.他并不后悔说过的话,只是觉得他完全可以不用这种方式表达。(could have done)

Answer:31.He did not regret what he had said but felt that he could have expressed it differently.32.我们最好等到12月14日。那时大卫已考完试,就能和我们一起去度假了。(will have done)

Answer:32.We’d better wait till 14 December.David will have had his exam by then, so he’ll be able to go on holiday with us.33.他正在做一个新项目,年底前必须完成。(work on)

Answer:33.He’s working on a new project which has to be finished by the end of the year.34.他们让我们使用他们的实验室,作为回报,我们则让他们分享研究成果。(in return)

Answer:34.They are letting us use their lab, and in return, we are sharing with them the results of our research.35.诸如打电话、听电话一类的事情占用了这位秘书的大部分时间。(take up)

Answer:35.Such things as making and answering telephone calls take up most of the secretary’s time.36.为了追求更为健康的饮食,人们现在吃的鱼比过去更多。(in pursuit of)

Answer:36.In pursuit of a healthier diet, people are eating more flish than they used to.37.我们需要在坏天气到来之前叫人把屋顶修一修。(set in)

Answer:37.We need to have the roof repaired before the bad weather sets in.38.这种疾病正在蔓延,所有儿童都有被传染的危险。(at risk)

Answer:38.The disease is spreading, and all young children are at risk.39.信息通过电话线从一台电脑传到另一台电脑。(transmit)

Answer:39.The information is transmitted from one computer to another through a telephone line.40.杰克是个相当好的赛跑运动员。他在大多数情况下都能获胜。(more often than not)

Answer:40.Jack is a fairly good runner.He wins more often than not.


My dream is to become a painter,to study hard is the key to success,I like to see good art documentary, accept the edification of the art, to improve the professional skills, to my dreams我的梦想是成为一个画家,努力学习是成功的关键,我喜欢看优秀的美术记录片,接受艺术的熏陶,努力提高我的专业技能,以实现梦想

I'm from Fijian province fuqing city, Although it is the coastal cities, but our house at the foot of the mountain, the distance from the sea, we still have an hour drive from the hometown of the green good, and the fresh air 我来自福建省福清市,虽然是沿海城市,但我们家在山脚下,距离海还有半个小时车程,我们家乡的绿化很好,空气很清新

It's wonderful.I have made lots of friends here and learned to take care of myself well.And I can learn knowledge from all areas.Teachers and friends all taught me so much.And I really like the library, where is full of the study atmosphere.这真棒。我有很多朋友在这里,学会自己照顾自己。我可以学到知识的所有领域。所有的老师和朋友们教给了我那么多。我真的很喜欢图书馆,哪里是完整的学习氛围

I think she is a very lovely girl, her usual learning seriously。She is very attached to painting, in order to reach her dream, do a painter我觉得她是个很可爱的女孩,她平时学习很认真她非常执着于画画,以达成她的梦想,做一名画家

I think he is a pretty cool of boys,He learning attitude easily, He seems to like singing, and sing well我觉得他是个蛮酷的男生,他的学习态度挺轻松他好像喜欢唱歌,而且唱得不错 Though my English is not good but I like English, because I like to listen to English songs, watch Hollywood movies虽然我英语不好但是我挺喜欢英语的,因为我喜欢听英文歌曲,看好莱坞电影

大学生活A :What is your feeling toward your life in university? B: It's wonderful.I have made lots of friends here and learned to take care of myself well.A: Well, can you learn knowledge all by yourself? B: Of course not.The knowledge is from all areas.Teachers and friends all taught me so much.And I really like the library, where is full of the study atmosphere.A: OK.When I heard your introduction of your life and study in university, I’d like to have a look on my own.B: Wish you lucky.你的感觉是怎样的大学生活A:向你的生活在大学吗? 那太好了。我有很多朋友在这里,学会自己照顾自己。

好的,你能学到知识都是你自己做的吗? 当然不应该。知识来自各个领域。他们所有的老师和朋友们教我那么多。我真的很喜欢图书馆,那里满是学习氛围。

A: Now, today we will talk about friendship.What do you think about friendship? B: Everyone needs friendship.No one can sail the ocean of life single handed.We need help from, and also give help to, others.A: Yes, I agree with you.In the modern age, people attach more importance to relations and connections.A man of charisma has many friends.His power lies in his ability to give.B: The term, friend, can be a nodding acquaintance, a comrade, a partner, a playmate, a brother, an intimate etc.A: True friends share not only joy but, more often than not, they share sorrow.B: Yes!Without friendship, our life is hostile , unfortunate and meaningless.A: To many of my friends, I know what to treasure, what to tolerate and what to share, I will never forget my old friends and keep making new friends.I will not be cold and indifferent to the poor friends and will show concern for them.现在,今天我们要讨论的是友谊。你怎么看待友谊?





I want a clone of myself.Because if I cloned myself one day.I would let him do a lot of work for me.I would be relaxed.We could talk each other and help each other.After all, two heads are more clever than one.If he did something wrong , I would think of myself and avoid doing the wrong things.Above all , I find it interesting

我想要一个克隆自己。因为如果我克隆自己的一天。我叫他做了大量的工作,我将会轻松。我们可以说话,互相帮助?毕竟,三个臭皮匠,更聪明。如果他做错了,我想我自己和我的避免做错误的事情.Dave and Peter are college classmates as well as good friends.They are talking about a trip in summer(Dave和Peter是同学同时也是很好的朋友,他们在讨论关于暑假的旅行)

Dave: Peter, we have been working very hard the whole school year.Don’t you think we need a nice summer vacation?


Peter: Absolutely.I am planning a trip for my summer vacation.Do you want to join me?(当然,我有一个暑期旅行。你想和我一起吗?)Dave: Why not? I’d love to go with you.(为什么不呢?我当然愿意.)Peter: Great!But I can't make up my mind as to which city we should go.It is really hard to decide

(太好了!但我不知道该去哪座城市。这是真的很难作出决定。)Dave: Hehehe...decision, what’ you’re your mind right now?(呵呵呵呵,去哪儿呢,去哪儿呢,你怎么想的?)Dave: I went to Suzhou last year.I had very bad experiences there.The taxi drivers were rude.The hotel services were lousy and the food was...(我去年去过苏州了。我有非常糟糕的经历。粗鲁的出租车司机。差劲的酒店服务和食品还.Peter: all right, forget Suzhou then.How about Hangzhou and Yangzhou?(好吧,忘掉苏州把。杭州和扬州如何?)Peter: you are right.I really hate to go to a scenery packed with people.We can always pick a better time to go to Hangzhou.right?

(你是对的。我真的不想去到处都挤满了人的风景区。我们还能挑一个更好的时间去杭州,对吧.)Dave: absolutely(当然。).Peter: so I will book the tickets and the hotel right now.(那么我现在就订机票和酒店了。)

Dave: Thank you so much, Peter!What shall I do?(非常感谢,Peter!我现在做什么?)Peter: Nothing.Just get ready and relax.(什么都不用。只要做好准备和放轻松就好了。)Dave: I can’t wait for this trip.(我都迫不及待了。)

Peter: me neither.I’ ll let you know, Ok?(我也是。到时候叫你,好吗?)Dave: Ok.Bye.Take care.(好的。拜拜。小心点。)Peter: You, too.写作 Hello,now I want to talk about you.we are writing to introuduce a produce.It is useful to you.we completely make goood use of do some things.In order to do it,we do our best finish make it.however we mkae research from all kinds of people.many people think it important to them.If it is widely all over the world,the world can commmunicate in different country.every people may improve friendship.I think we all hope it.so the produce have a importance.In technical development,our life better and better.we have enough money to buy it.Becauce society make marketing strategy,the price is low.选择题 the maket____B until interview__C that inourcity for__C another the train for beijing__C leaves a __ woman D mature the proposal_A being discussed

his___style C casual 8 is no evidence_B that related_D to

weather will _B persist



(interview)____were interviewed___



if I(be)___were __you Iwill study hard



(accept)___to accept__



阅读理解 we need to plan ahead in order to __B better organize our activitier strategic times are.........._____C study efficiently which of the following could be used as a motiation to do our assignments?B Any activities we are eager to do what can help us to keep refreshed throughout day?B takeing a short nap in the afternoon which of the following could be the best tille...? A study habits and time management this quide is intended to help people to____ B start a new small business what are most important for a business to survive? D petermination and originality 3 what does the word forewarn mean?

C advise beforehand what kind of.......as small in the UK?

A those with fewer than 50....more information...is available by___ B linking to other..._______print____ your name......to be included 1)____address__


not be included 1)___infomation__ such as

2)____a photograph what is the brand of the apple....?

Great wall Brand S 30000

[US3000] when will the good be shipped..?

August 2009 what are the terms of payment?

By letter of credit where....?

Vancourer canada


现金价格_____ cash price___ 销售合同___sales contract

到达港___port of arrival

供货合同supply agreement 逾期付款 late payment

索赔通知 note of claim

贸易协定 trade agreement

信用证 letter of credit

固定价格 fixed...即行装运prompt shipment 翻译1A错的2C错的3B错的4D错的


1.The new drug will not be put on the market B it has proved sage on humans.A.if


C.since D when

2.It was because of his good performance at the interview C he got the job with the big company.A.so




3.Our company is visitors decided to stay in our city for C two days as they wanted to have a look around.A.oter B.the other C, another D.other's 4.According to the time table, the rain for Beijing


at 9:10pm.from Monday to Friday.A.was leaving B.is leaving C.leaves D.has left 5.Although she is only 14,she looks like a D woman, beautiful and full in figure.A.ripe B.grown C.big D.mature

6.The proposal

at the meeting now is of great importance department.A.being discussed B.to be discussing C.having discussed D.discussing 7.When he patted her on the shoulder, she was very upset at his

B style.A.where B.that C.which D.how

9.It is reasonable for people to pursue a career in frelds related B there favorite hobbies.A.pleserve

B.pelsrst C.insist D.endure 二.填空题 1.Nowadays,electronic(pay)


in a more convenment way to pay for purchase than cash and checks.2.Most of the high school students who(interview)



yesterday believed that they should continue with then education.3.It is important that he


(be)called back ……

4.According to the survey(conduct)


recently ,52% of American business people booked then business travel online last year.5.If I(be)


you ,I will study hard.6.It is the(responsible)


of the human resources department to employ new staff members.7.It was reported that the(injure)


people were taken to the hospital immediately after the accident.8.The bank refused(accept)

to accept

my application for the loan because they weren’t convinced by my business plan.10.It is important to realize how(quick)


this disease can spread over the globe.三.阅读理解。

1.(内容:只是一点内容,文章的第一句)College is a place to explorer many possibilities,you really can't do it all----unless you manage your time wisely……………….(问题)(1).We need to plan ahead in order to ? B

B.better organize our activities

(2)Strategic times are best for to?

C C.study


(3)Which of the following could be used as a motivation to do our assignments ?

B B.Any activities we're eager to do

(5).Which of the following could be the best little for the article ? A.Study Habits and Time Management.2.Welcome to our small business set-up guide,providing all the information you…….1.This guide is intended to help people to __……… 答案:start a nem small business.(下同)

2.What are most important for a business to surrive?

Determination and orginality.3.What does the word “forewarn”mean?

Advise beforehand.4.What kind of businesses are regard as “small”in the UK?

Those with fevrer than 50 empcoyees.5.More information about how to start a small………

Linking to other relevant articles.3.阅读理解 三

How to write contact details in your CV? Print your name in lage letters…………… Top of page:(Print)your name inlarge letters To be in cluded:1.(address)


3.mobile phone number Not to be included:1.(personal information),such as......2.(Include a photograph)unless it is requested.5.五


contract No:SC~3 Done and signed in Beijing on this 4th day...A 1.What is the brand of the Apple Jam? 答案:Great wall Brand(下同)2.What is the total value of the contract? Us $30.00.3.When will the goods be shipped?

Auyust 2009.4.What are the terms of payment? By letter of credit.5.Where are the goods to be sent to?

Vancouver Canada.翻译题

Trade agreement贸易协定

Cash price现金价格 Sales contract销售合同

Port of arvival到达港 Supply agreement供货合同

Late panyment逾期付款 Note of claim索赔通知

Letter of credit信用证

Fixed price固定价格

Prompt shipment即期转运 翻译句子

1.When exporting goods,it is essential to arrange in surance cover in case the goods are lost or damaged in transit.当出口商品,它是必要的安排在surance盖万一货物在运输途中丢失或损坏。2.If we do not receive payment by the end of this month, we will have no alternative but to take legal action.如果我们没有收到付款到这个月底,我们将别无选择只好采取法律行动。

3.Party B has the right to cancel the contract with a written notice to party Aunder the following conditions.乙方有权解除合同,一份书面通知乙方有下列情形Aunder 4.I have already given instructions for the tash to be taken up firit.我已经给予了说明,对tash firit挪开。

作文句型(应该为写信形式的作文,注意写信的格式)1.This is to introduce that……

2.We have great pleasure in introducing to you,by this letter,Ms/Miss/Ms……..3.Thsnk you fou the trouble you will have to take for…….4.We are writing to introduce that……..5.I am looking for ward to hearing frow you soon ……… 6.yours sincerely..一,单选; 1.1,without 2,while 3,unless 4,will find 5,whose 1.6,so 7,finish 8,shocked 9,at 10,That 1.二,填空;

1.1,complaint 2,brought 3,rebuilt 4,correcting 5,heavily 1.6,advanced 7,occasionly 8.were interviewed 9,lost 1.10,will be discussed 1.三,阅读;

1.A篇;1,C bosses determine your career future 1.2, C being promoted in position 1.3, A do your best in your work 1.4, D effective communcation 1.5, B Hoe to get along with your boss 1.B篇;1,A Help poor people 1.2, B find out where infection 1.3, D small and medium-sized business 1.4, D conduct studies relatedn to climate changes 1.5, A Google's........1.四;阅读填空

1.1,fastened 2,on the ground 1.3,during the flight 4,video programs 1.5,Northern China 1.问答题

1.1,the after-sales manage 1.2, a lawyer 1.3, Employment service office 1.4, 1June 10 1.5, automatically with drawn 1.五;搭配

1.A------air traffic control system B------armed police 1.C------crime prevention D------entry requirement 1.E------international criminal police organization F------level of security 1.G------picket line H------police station 1.I------patrolling vehicle J------safety precaution measure 1.K------safety control device L------safety command center 1.M------security service N------security control center 1.O------security personnel P------valid documents 1.Q------security monitoring and control 1.(A)空中交通管制系统(J)安全预防措施 1.(I)巡逻车

(B)武装警察 1.(E)国际刑警组织

(P)有效证件 1.(D)入境要求

(O)安保人员 1.(F)安全保障级别(Q)安全监控 1.六;翻译

1.1.If either party wants to renew the contract, it should submit a written notice to the other party three months prior to the expiration of the contract.1.D)如果任何一方希望续签合同,必须在合同期满前三个月书面通知对方。2.2.2.There is no sign that the world economic crisis will lessen in the next few months, although a certain degree of recover is in sight.2.C)尽管已经显现出一定程度的经济复苏,但没有迹象表明世界经济危机在未来几个月会缓减。3.3.3)Most of the issues conserning personnel management have been solved satisfactorily;only a few of secondary importance remain to be discussed.3.B)大多数有关人事管理问题已经得到圆满解决,只剩下几个次要的问题还有待于讨论。4.4.4.Only in this way can Chinese enterprises improve their competitiveness and avoid being defeated by their foreign rivals after China`s entry into the WTO.4.A)只有这个方法才能帮助中国企业去参加竞争,避免在加入世茂组织后被其他国外对手所击败 5.。


我们是下午2:00举行的中每个房间的教学楼205班同学在下周一监察会议上,11月30日。本次会议的主题是“如何提高我们的英语口语”。请你就如何练习英语口语,告诉什么问题,你的同学正面临一种你的想法。你可以说你在学习英语,或者你可以做什么来帮助你的同学取得进步的经验。您的宝贵意见和建议欢迎。请准备好,并及时到。没有人是不存在。学生会Nov.25,2009 6.7.June 20th.2010 Dear Madam or Sir: nowadys , the cellphone has become very popular among people.accourding to a recent survey conducted by CCTV , the past five years has witnessed a sharp increase in the number of people who get to an astonishing number of 18,784,627,000.so i am writing to you in the hope that I may get a new cellphone,as all we know, at recent times,our cellphone are changed sharp fast,i thought my celephone had been out of style early , so i conclude to get a new one.would you like to tell me some informationsuch as the qualities,functions and so on , of course , you should keep in mind that is really suit for me.i sincerely hope you can give me a hand!i look forward to yourreply!--yours sincerely


Unit1 蛙的故事





可上周,我突然对这个爬上爬下的 “小绿人或小灰人”产生了好奇心。


























Unit5 无言以对































Unit6 开罗的女出租车司机











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