
时间:2019-05-14 09:20:21下载本文作者:会员上传




1、Good morning(afternoon, evening), sir(madam)


2、How do you do?


Glad to meet you.很高兴见到您。

3、How are you?


Fine, thanks.And you?


4、Welcome to our hotel(restaurant, shop).欢迎到我们宾馆(餐厅、商店)来。

5、Wish you a most pleasant stay in our hotel.愿您在我们宾馆过得愉快。

6、I hope you will enjoy your stay with us.希望您在我们宾馆过得愉快。(客人刚入店时)

I hope you are enjoying your stay with us.希望您在我们宾馆过得愉快。(客人在饭店逗留期间)

I hope you have enjoyed your stay with us.希望您在我们宾馆过得愉快。(客人离店时)

7、Have a good time!


8、***hotel, front desk.Can I help you?


9、Sorry, I've dialed the wrong number.对不起,我拨错号了。

10、May I speak to your general manager?



11、Sorry, he is not in at the moment.对不起,他现在不在。

Would you like to leave a message?



I beg your pardon.对不起,请再说一遍,好吗?饭店交流用语之祝贺用语


14、Happy birthday!


15、Happy new year!


16、Merry Christmas!


17、Have a nice holiday!


18、Wish you every success!



19、Thank you(very much).谢谢您(非常感谢)。

20、Thank you for your advice(information, help)


21、It's very kind of you.谢谢,您真客气。

22、You are welcome.不用谢。

23、Not at all.不用谢。

Don't mention it.不用谢。

24、It's my pleasure.非常高兴为您服务。

(With pleasure.)

(My pleasure.)

25、I am at your service.乐意为您效劳。

26、Thank you for staying in our hotel.感谢您在我们酒店下榻。

27、I'm sorry.很抱歉。

28、Excuse me.对不起。

29、I'm sorry, It's my fault.很抱歉。那是我的过错。

30、Sorry to have kept you waiting.对不起,让您久等了。

31、Sorry to interrupt you.对不起,打扰您了。

32、I'm sorry about this.对此表示抱歉。

33、I apologize for this.我为此道歉。

34、That's all right.没关系。

35、Let's forget it.算了吧。饭店交流用语之征询和指路用语

36、Can(May)I help you?我能帮您什么吗?

Yes, please.好的。

37、What can I do for you.我能为您干点什么?

38、Is there anything I can do for you?


39、Just a moment, please.请稍等一下。

40、May I use your phone?



Yes, of course.当然可以。

41、Go upstairs/downstairs.上楼/下楼。

42、It's on the second(third)floor.在二


43、Excuse me.对不起。

Where is the washroom(restroom, elevator)?


This way, please.请这边走

Turn left /right.往左转/右转。

45、It's in the lobby near the main entrance.在大厅靠近大门。

46、It's in the basement at the end of the corridor.在地下室走廊尽头。饭店交流用语之提醒和告别用语

47、Mind/(Watch)your step.请走好。

48、Please be careful.请当心。

49、Please don't leave anything behind.请别遗忘您的东西。

50、Don't worry.别担心。

51、Take it easy.放心好了。

52、Please don't smoke here.请不要在这边抽烟。


54、See you late.再见。

55、Good night.晚安。

56、See you tomorrow.明天见。

57、Goodbye and thank you for coming.再见,谢谢您的光临。

58、Goodbye and hope to see you again.再见,希望再见到您。

59、Have a nice trip!


60、Wish you a pleasant journey!Good luck!


1、Have you a reservation?


2、May I know your name and room number?


3、Here is your room key.给您房间钥匙。

4、Please pay at the cashier's desk over there.请去那边帐台付款。

5、Are these your baggage?


May I take them for you?


6、Housekeeping, may I come in?


7、Leave your laundry in the laundry in the laundry bag behind thebathroom door.请把要洗的东西放在浴室门后的洗衣袋中。

8、I hope I'm not disturbing you.我希望没有打扰您。

9、One moment, madam.I'll bring them to you right away.等一会儿,夫人。我马上送来。

10、I'll send for an electrician(doctor...)



11、Sit down, please.Here is the menu.请坐,给您菜单,先生。

May I take your order, sir?


12、What would you like to have, coffee or tea?


13、Would you like to have any wine with you dinner?


14、Service hours are:


7:00a.m.to 9:00a.m.for breakfast.早餐7点到9点。

11:30a.m.to1: 30p.m.for lunch.午餐11点半到1点半。

6:30p.m.to 8:30p.m.for dinner.晚餐6点半到8点半。

15、Here is the bill.Please sign it.这是您的账单,请签字。饭店交流用语之销售用语

1、What kind of rooms(foods)would you like to



2、Here is a brochure of our hotel and tariff.这是介绍我们饭店的小册子和价目表。

3、We'll give you a 10%(ten percent)discount.我们给您九折优惠。

4、We'll offer tour guides complimentary breakfasts.我们给陪同提供免费早餐。

5、We accept your terms.我们接受您的条件。

6、May I introduce myself?


7、May I present you a litter souvenir?


8、Let's drink to our friendship!


9、Let me propose a toast to the health of our guests!




11、How do you like Chinese food?


12、What do you think of our service?


13、Thank you for your comments(compliment, suggestions).谢谢您给我们提的意见(赞扬、建议)。

14、I'm afraid it's against the hotel's regulations.这是违反饭店规章制度的。

15、In our hotel we don't accept tips.我们饭店是不收小费的。

It's our pleasure to serve our guests well.我们为能为客人服务好而感到高兴。

Thank you all the same.然而,还是要谢谢您。

16、I'm afraid you'll have to pay for the damage.您必须赔偿。

17、Thank you for telling us about it.谢谢您告诉我们

I'll look into the mater right away.我马上去处理这件事情。

18、I assure you it wont happen again.我保证此类事情不会再发生。

19、Please don't worry, sir(madam)


I will send someone up to your room right away.我马上派人到你的房间去。

20、I can't guarantee anything, but I'll try my best.我不能保证,但我会尽力而为。

21、What can I show you.您要买什么?

22、How do you like this fashion(color, size, design)?您喜欢这种款式(颜色、尺寸、图案)吗?

23、The extra large size of this color is out of stock.这种颜色的特大号已经卖完了。

Please try us again tomorrow.请明天再来看看。

24、They are altogether 175(one hundred and seventy-five)Yuan.共计175元。

You may pay in cash or with credit card.您可以付现金也可以用信用卡。

25、You have made a good choice, you have very good taste.您真会买东西,眼力真好。


1、Good morning(afternoon, evening), sir(madam)早上(下午、晚上)好,先生(夫人)。

2、How do you do?


Glad to meet you.很高兴见到您。

3、How are you?


Fine, thanks.And you?


4、Welcome to our hotel(restaurant, shop).欢迎到我们宾馆(餐厅、商店)来。

5、Wish you a most pleasant stay in our hotel.愿您在我们宾馆过得愉快。

6、I hope you will enjoy your stay with us.希望您在我们宾馆过得愉快。(客人刚入店时)I hope you are enjoying your stay with us.希望您在我们宾馆过得愉快。(客人在饭店逗留期间)I hope you have enjoyed your stay with us.希望您在我们宾馆过得愉快。(客人离店时)

7、Have a good time!


8、***hotel, front desk.Can I help you?


9、Sorry, I’ve dialed the wrong number.对不起,我拨错号了。

10、May I speak to your general manager?



11、Sorry, he is not in at the moment.对不起,他现在不在。

Would you like to leave a message?



I beg your pardon.对不起,请再说一遍,好吗?




14、Happy birthday!


15、Happy new year!


16、Merry Christmas!


17、Have a nice holiday!


18、Wish you every success!



19、Thank you(very much).谢谢您(非常感谢)。

20、Thank you for your advice(information, help)


21、It’s very kind of you.谢谢,您真客气。

22、You are welcome.不用谢。

23、Not at all.不用谢。

Don’t mention it.不用谢。

24、It’s my pleasure.非常高兴为您服务。

(With pleasure.)

(My pleasure.)

25、I am at your service.乐意为您效劳。

26、Thank you for staying in our hotel.感谢您在我们酒店下榻。

27、I’m sorry.很抱歉。

28、Excuse me.对不起。

29、I’m sorry, It’s my fault.很抱歉。那是我的过错。

30、Sorry to have kept you waiting.对不起,让您久等了。

31、Sorry to interrupt you.对不起,打扰您了。

32、I’m sorry about this.对此表示抱歉。

33、I apologize for this.我为此道歉。

34、That’s all right.没关系。

35、Let’s forget it.算了吧。


36、Can(May)I help you?


Yes, please.好的。

37、What can I do for you.我能为您干点什么?

38、Is there anything I can do for you?


39、Just a moment, please.请稍等一下。

40、May I use your phone?



Yes, of course.当然可以。

41、Go upstairs/downstairs.上楼/下楼。

42、It’s on the second(third)floor.在二


43、Excuse me.对不起。

Where is the washroom(restroom, elevator)?


This way, please.请这边走

Turn left /right.往左转/右转。

45、It’s in the lobby near the main entrance.在大厅靠近大门。

46、It’s in the basement at the end of the corridor.在地下室走廊尽头。


47、Mind/(Watch)your step.请走好。

48、Please be careful.请当心。

49、Please don’t leave anything behind.请别遗忘您的东西。

50、Don’t worry.别担心。

51、Take it easy.放心好了。

52、Please don’t smoke here.请不要在这边抽烟。


54、See you late.再见。

55、Good night.晚安。

56、See you tomorrow.明天见。

57、Goodbye and thank you for coming.再见,谢谢您的光临。

58、Goodbye and hope to see you again.再见,希望再见到您。

59、Have a nice trip!


60、Wish you a pleasant journey!Good luck!



1、Have you a reservation?


2、May I know your name and room number?


3、Here is your room key.给您房间钥匙。

4、Please pay at the cashier’s desk over there.请去那边帐台付款。

5、Are these your baggage?


May I take them for you?


6、Housekeeping, may I come in?


7、Leave your laundry in the laundry in the laundry bag behind the bathroom door.请把要洗的东西放在浴室门后的洗衣袋中。

8、I hope I’m not disturbing you.我希望没有打扰您。

9、One moment, madam.I’ll bring them to you right away.等一会儿,夫人。我马上送来。

10、I’ll send for an electrician(doctor, ……)



11、Sit down, please.Here is the menu.请坐,给您菜单,先生。

May I take your order, sir?


12、What would you like to have, coffee or tea? 您要喝咖啡还是茶?

13、Would you like to have any wine with you dinner? 您用餐时要喝点酒吗?

14、Service hours are:


7:00a.m.to 9:00a.m.for breakfast.早餐7点到9点。

11:30a.m.to1: 30p.m.for lunch.午餐11点半到1点半。

6:30p.m.to 8:30p.m.for dinner.晚餐6点半到8点半。

15、Here is the bill.Please sign it.这是您的账单,请签字。



(1)Mr President of the Congress, President A and distinguished guests: 尊敬的大会的主席先生,会长A和贵宾们。

(2)Dr.(Professor)A, Dr.(Professor)B, ladies and gentlemen.A博士(教授)、B博士(教授),女士们,先生们。

(3)Mr.Chairman, fellow delegates, friends.主席先生、同仁们、朋友们。2 宣布开会。

(4)I am very pleased and honored to declare(the conference)open.我很高兴和荣幸地宣布···开幕。3 来宾在开幕式上致辞。

(5)I am greatly honored to give the opening address/speech at this ···(3rd)International Congress of ABC here in Beijing 我深感荣幸在北京举办的第···次ABC国际大会上致开幕词。4 主办单位对参会者致欢迎词。

(6)On behalf of the ABC society, I am delighted to welcome all of you to the ···(1st)International Symposium of XYZ.我很高兴代表ABC学会欢迎你们所有的人来参加第··· 届XYZ国际学术会议。

(7)You have come all the way for this conference.Thank you very much for your attention/participation.你们远道而来参加会议。谢谢你们出席会议(参加会议)。5 参加者对主办单位表示赞赏。

(8)Thank you for your invitation and warm hospitality.谢谢你们的邀请和盛情款待。介绍会议的背景。

(9)The history of this gathering/conference goes back to September 1982, when it first became apparent to us that developments in the field of ABC had become so important that a conference seemed mandatory.此次会议的历史可追溯到1982年9月,当时ABC领域的发展已变得如此重要,组织一次会议显然是必要的。7 介绍会议的目的和期望。

(10)The goals of this Conference are threefold.First, it should provide a forum for the exchange of information between participants in this interdisciplinary meeting.Second, it should provide an opportunity to establish and renew personal relationships between participants, and finally, it should stimulate the interest and ambition of participants from all over the world to cooperate in their efforts.这个会议的目标有三重。第一,它必须为参会者在这个属于交叉学科的会议上提供信息交流的一个论坛。第二,它必须为参会者之间提供一个重温旧情并结交新友的一种机会。最后,它必须激励来自世界各地的参会者尽力进行合作的兴趣和劲头。

(11)It is the aim of this conference to bring together mainly those who have contributed over a period of years to this subject.Our purpose here is to define the present status of knowledge concerning ABC in five different field.First…Second…third…fourth…finally…,这个会议的目标主要是将在几年期间对这个课题已作出贡献的各位集合在一起。我们的目的是说明有关ABC在五个不同领域中的认识现状。

(12)This conference will focus on the discussion of the various aspects of ABC 这个会议将主要讨论有关ABC的各个方面。(13)I hope that this XXth(6th)International Congress of ABC will improve our understanding of DEF.I also hope that the Congress will provide the opportunity for personal exchange of scientific results, facilitate the making of new acquaintances, and strengthen personal friendships among scientists(participants)from different parts of the world.我希望这次第XX届国际ABC大会将增进我们对DEF的了解。我还希望大会将为个人间进行科学结果的交流提供机会,有利于结识新知识和加强世界各地的科学家(参会者)之间的个人友谊。第二章主持报告会用语

一.报告开始前的用语 1.宣布报告会开始


Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen: It is a(great)pleasure(for me)[It gives me pleasure /It is a privilege(for me)/ I am happy / I am privileged ] to welcome you to Session on ABC.早安,女士们,先生们,我很高兴欢迎诸位参加ABC会议。2.主持人自我介绍和介绍其他主持人

(15)I am Dr.A from ABC University, China, and I am going to be in the chair for this afternoon’s session.我是中国ABC大学的A博士。我将是今天下午会议的主席。3.宣布报告的时间限制

(16)There are some basic rules.First, please limit your presentation in 15 minutes.At the end of each presentation, there will be 5 minutes for discussion.At the end of the session we will have an open discussion on any of the papers presented.我先说下基本要求,每个报告限时15分钟,在每个报告后有5分钟的讨论时间,在回忆结束时,我们将敞开讨论任何一篇已报告过的论文。


(17)Unfortunately, we have to cancel paper No.10 and No.11 不幸地,我们要撤去二篇论文,即第10和第11篇。(18)We have to reverse the order of No.5 and No.6.时刻表有改变。第五篇和第六篇对调。(19)There has been some change in the people listed on the program.Dr.A who was expected to present the second paper could not attend this meeting, and Dr.B will present the paper.列在节目单上的报告人已有些变动,原定由A博士报告的第二篇论文,因(他)不能出席这个会议,而由B博士来报告。

二.主持报告用语 1.宣布开始和引导演讲(20)The first paper this morning will be presented by Dr.A, professor of polymer science at XYZ University, and his topic is “ …(title)…“,Dr.A.今天上午第一篇论文将由XYZ大学高分子科学教授A博士宣读。他的题目是“…(题目)…“,A博士。

(21)The next presentation in this session is on “……(title)……”.I would like to call on [ask] Dr.A to talk this very important subject.本会场下一个报告是:“……(题目)……”。我想请[要求]A博士谈谈这一十分重要的课题。


(22)Sorry, the schedule is very [rather] tight.We haven’t any time for discussion, so we must Go on to next paper.对不起,议程十分[有点]紧,我们没有时间讨论了,所以我们必须继续下一篇报告


(23)Dr.A , I’m sorry, but we do have to move on;we are running short of time.A博士,很抱歉,我们必须往下赶;时间快要完了。4.结束报告及表示感谢

(24)Thank you(very much), Dr.A , for your excellent paper[contribution/ presentation/ message/ speech/ lecture / talk/address].(十分)感谢您的卓越的论文[演讲/报告] A博士。三.报告后的讨论 1.宣布讨论开始

(25)Time for discussion, do you have any question? 现在是讨论时间,大家有问题吗? 2.启发和引导提出问题

(26)Any more questions or comments for Dr.A ? 您还有问题或评论要问A博士吗?

(27)Let’s turn [move on] to the next problem [the subject of XYZ].让我们转到下一个问题[题目XYZ] 3.限制、中断、终止讨论

(28)I think that’ll be the last [final] question before we close this meeting [go on to next speaker].我想这将是结束这次会议[进入到下一个演讲人]之前的最后一个问题。四.建议和通知 1.保持会场秩序

(29)May I have your attention please!请各位注意!2.中间休息的通知

(30)Let’s take five minutes stretch.让我们休息五分钟。五.结束会议用语 1.宣布会议结束

(31)It’s time for us to close this meeting.到结束这次会议的时候了。2.结束会议时表示感谢

(32)Thank you for your attention.谢谢你们的参与。第三章学术演讲的通用句型 一.报告正文前后的社交辞令 1.开头的称谓

(33)Professor A , Ladies and Gentlemen.A教授,女士们,先生们 2.感谢主持人的介绍

(34)Thank you, Dr.A.Let me first of all thank you for your very kind introduction.谢谢A博士,首先让我对您十分友好的介绍表示感谢。3.报告开头的礼节性用语(35)I am very honored to give this speech(at …… conference)(about``````)我很荣幸能(在····会议上)发表此次(有关···的)演讲。4.报告结尾的礼节性用语

(36)Thank you(very much)for the privilege of presenting this paper.(非常)感谢你使我有幸介绍我的论文。


(37)Today [this morning / this afternoon] I want to talk about some of our work in the field of ABC.今天[今天上午/ 下午]我想向你们报告在ABC领域中我们的某些工作。(38)Today I would like to present the results of ABC studies performed with DEF technique at XYZ University by Drs.A,B,C and me [myself].今天我打算发表用DEF方法得到的ABC研究的结果,这个工作是XYZ大学A,B,C博士和我完成的。

(39)I am going to summarize some recent advances in the field of ABC this afternoon.今天下午我(报告)的目的是总结ABC领域某些最近的进展。


(40)I will give this talk in three parts.The first part deals with ABC.The second part concerns DEF, and then the last part related to GHI.我打算作的报告分为三部分。第一部分涉及ABC,第二部分有关DEF,最后部分是关于GHI。

(41)Today, I will first discuss ABC.I will then touch on DEF, and finally describe GHI.今天我将先讨论ABC,然后涉及DEF,最后叙述GHI。

(42)I would like to divide my talk this afternoon into three parts.First···Second···,and third···

今天下午我打算将我的报告分成三部分,第一:···第二:···和第三:··· 四.报告中论点的提出 1.提出另一个论点

(43)We’ll now move on to(the next problem of)ABC.现在我们将转到ABC(的下一个问题)。五.详细论述和简略论述方式 1.论点的详细叙述

(44)I would like to elaborate [expand / enlarge / amplify] on this matter with some more slides.我想再用几个幻灯片更详细说明这一情况。

(45)We will discuss this matter in a little more detail as we go on.我们在后面将更详细地讨论这件事。2.论点的简略叙述

(46)I am afraid I won’t have time to cover everything of ABC.我恐怕没有时间涉及ABC的每件事。

(47)Time is limited, I will go through [over] the next three points very briefly.时间有限,我将非常简略地探讨再下面的三点。3.将在后面再次提到的论点

(48)I will [ Let me] return [come back] to this point later.后面(隔一会儿)我将回到这论点上。六.论述重点的强调方式 1.提出重要内容

(49)I will focus on the research and development of ABC.我将重点讲下ABC的研究和开发。七.口误的修正

(50)The first Figure, excuse me, the first curve shows …… 图一,请原谅,曲线1显示…… 八.归纳重点与总结

(51)Now, I would like to sum up the results of this investigation.现在,我想总结这一研究的结果。

(52)In summary, we have discussed ABC, DEF and HIJ.作为总结,我们已讨论了ABC,DEF和HIJ.九.演讲中转换语意时常用短语

例如 for example 另一方面 on the other hand 然而 however 这是因为 this is because 因此 for this reason / therefore 为了达到这个目的 for this purpose 另外 in addition 除此之外 besides 尽管 although 有关…… as for …… 与此同时 at the same time 稍后 later 总而言之 to sum up 第四章学术讨论用语 一.表示意见看法的各种类型 1.肯定性的表示

(53)I think so.我想是这样。(54)You are true.(那是)正确的。2.否定性的表示

(55)I hope [am afraid/ guess] not.我希望[恐怕/ 猜]不是。(56)I don’t think so.我不认为这样。3.同意,赞成的表示

(57)I agree(with you)(about /that……)我同意(您)(关于/ 那个……)4.不同意,不赞成的表示

(58)(I’m afraid/ I’m sorry)I don’t [can’t] agree with Dr.A about [on] that idea.(恐怕/ 抱歉)我在那个想法上不同意A博士。5.支持、辩护的表示

(59)I am in favor of that point.我支持这个观点。6.反对、不支持的表示

(60)Well, as a matter of fact, I would say just the opposite.实事求是讲,我必须说正好相反。7.要求愿望的表示

(61)Can I have a look at ……, please?我能看一下……,吗? 提议,建议的表示

(62)Why don’t you [Why not] go on your experiment? 为什么您不继续您的实验? 二.陈述意见、观点的具体方式 1.一般性陈述(63)I’d like to offer [present / give ] my opinion [view] on this subject.我想就这个题目提出我的意见[观点] 2.强调性陈述

(64)The point is that the effect of the compound may vary as a function of concentration.重点是:此化合物的影响可随浓度而变化。

(65)Let me emphasize [stress] the limitations of this theory.让我强调这个理论的局限性。3.适当强调性陈述

(66)I’m afraid it may be inadequate [inappropriate] to say that…恐怕…是不恰当的。

(67)I’m afraid I can’t give you an answer.恐怕我无法给您一个答复。第五章报告后的质疑与答疑用语 一.问题的提出 1.直接提问方式

(68)I'd like to ask Mr.Aa question [two questions].我想问A先生一个[两个]问题。2.间接提问方式

(69)Mr.A, can you explain / comment on this point? A先生,您是否能对这一点解释/评论一下?

(70)I’d like to know a little more about ABC.有关ABC,我想再了解一些。二.具体提问各论 1.原因和理由的质疑

(71)One cause of this problem has been stated.Are there other causes? 这个问题的一个原因已被说明,还有其它原因吗?(72)Could you tell us why you object to using ABC? 您能告诉我们为什么您反对用ABC嘛? 2.区别和不同之质疑

(73)What is the difference between ABC and DEF? ABC和DEF之间的差别是什么? 3.关系的质疑

(74)Dr.A, do you see any relation [connection] between ABC and DEF? A博士,您是否看到ABC和DEF之间的一些关系? 4.质询优缺点

(75)Is there any advantage or disadvantage of using these two chemicals in the system?在这体系中用这两种化学药品有什么优点或缺点?


(76)Dr.A, do you have [have you had] any experience with this method? A博士,您对这个方法有什么经验吗?

(77)What is your proof that vitamin C will prevent colds? 维生素C能预防感冒,您的证据是什么? 6.看法、评述的质疑

(78)May [Could] I ask you to give us your opinion [view] about ABC? 我能要求您给出您在ABC方面的观点吗?

(79)Could you please give a little more detail about ABC? 能请您再详细一点讲讲ABC吗?

三.未听清,未明确对方提问内容,要求重述和澄清问题 1.未能听清

(80)I beg your pardon?对不起,请再说一遍。四.回答问题的各种方式 1.回答正题前的表示

(81)That’s a(very)good [important/ excellent/interesting/ difficult/ complicated/ ] question.这是一个(十分)好[重要/极好/ 有趣/ 困难/ 复杂]的问题。

(82)Thank you for(asking)that question.谢谢您(问)这个问题。2.将作正面回答的问题

(83)My [The] answer to that question is [would be] that …… 我对这个问题的回答是…… 3.对于无法回答的问题

(84)Unfortunately I cannot answer that question at the moment.不幸,现在我无法回答这个问题。

(85)It is difficult hard to answer that question.回答这个问题是很难的。4.将来可能回答的问题

(86)We are now working on this problem and, if you agree, I will answer your question in a few weeks.我们现在正在研究这个问题,如果您同意,我将再几周后回答您的问题。(87)The answer to this question is going to need further study.要回答这个问题必须作进一步研究。5.只能部分回答的问题

(88)As far as I know, no enough study has been made on that area.据我所知,在那方面还没有做过足够的研究。6.需要他人协助回答的问题

(89)My colleague, Dr A is here, he may know more about that.Perhaps he has some better ideas and comments on this matter.我的同事A博士在这儿。关于这个问题他知道得比我多。可能他对此有更好的想法和解释。


(90)I hope this answers your questions.我希望这回答了您的问题。

第六章会场上的技术性用语 一.确认音响效果

(91)Can you hear me ?你们能听到我(的话)吗? 二.要求变换灯光


(92)May I turn on/off the lights? 可以开/关掉灯吗? 2.幻灯片展示完毕,希望开灯

(93)Now, you can turn [switch / leave ] the lights on.现在你可以开灯了。三.展示幻灯片 1.开始放映幻灯片(94)May I proceed [go on / move on ] to the next [second/ last] slide, please? 能接着放下一[第二/ 最后张]幻灯片吗? 2.顺序展示幻灯片

(95)If you look at the next slide,…… you will see here ABC that …… 如果你看到下一张幻灯片,你们将看到ABC(96)Let’s see the next slide.我们来看下一张幻灯片。3.要求改善幻灯机聚焦

(97)Could you focus [sharpen] it [that] a little bit(more/ better), please? 能(稍微)聚焦得好一点吗? 4.要求改变放映顺序

(98)Time is limited, I have to pass the following slides and move to the last one.时间有限,我只能省略下面一些幻灯片,直接讲最后一张。(99)Just move on.Next ……,Next …….Go ahead.只要一直往下放,下一张,下一张,还往下

(100)Perhaps we can just leave that on for a moment? 我们可以让这张幻灯片停留一会儿。




1、Good morning(afternoon, evening), sir(madam)早上(下午、晚上)好,先生(夫人)。

2、How do you do?您好!(初次见面)Glad to meet you.很高兴见到您。

3、How are you?您好吗?Fine, thanks.And you? 很好,谢谢。您好吗?

4、Welcome to our hotel(restaurant, shop).欢迎到我们宾馆(餐厅、商店)来。

5、Wish you a most pleasant stay in our hotel.愿您在我们宾馆过得愉快。

6、I hope you will enjoy your stay with us.希望您在我们宾馆过得愉快。(客人刚入店时)

I hope you are enjoying your stay with us.希望您在我们宾馆过得愉快。(客人在饭店逗留期间)

I hope you have enjoyed your stay with us.希望您在我们宾馆过得愉快。(客人离店时)

7、Have a good time!祝您过得愉快!

8、***hotel, front desk.Can I help you?***饭店,前厅。您找谁?

9、Sorry, I've dialed the wrong number.对不起,我拨错号了。

10、May I speak to your general manager?能和你们总经理说话吗?


11、Sorry, he is not in at the moment.对不起,他现在不在。

Would you like to leave a message?您要留口信吗?


I beg your pardon.对不起,请再说一遍,好吗?



14、Happy birthday!生日快乐!

15、Happy new year!新年快乐!

16、Merry Christmas!圣诞快乐!

17、Have a nice holiday!假日快乐

18、Wish you every success!祝您成功!


19、Thank you(very much).谢谢您(非常感谢)。

20、Thank you for your advice(information, help)感谢您的忠告(信息、帮助)。

21、It's very kind of you.谢谢,您真客气。

22、You are welcome.不用谢。

23、Not at all.不用谢。Don't mention it.不用谢。

24、It's my pleasure.非常高兴为您服务。(With pleasure.)(My pleasure.)

25、I am at your service.乐意为您效劳。

26、Thank you for staying in our hotel.感谢您在我们酒店下榻。

27、I'm sorry.很抱歉。

28、Excuse me.对不起。

29、I'm sorry, It's my fault.很抱歉。那是我的过错。

30、Sorry to have kept you waiting.对不起,让您久等了。

31、Sorry to interrupt you.对不起,打扰您了。

32、I'm sorry about this.对此表示抱歉。My apologize.我向您道歉。

33、I apologize for this.我为此道歉。

34、That's all right.没关系。

35、Let's forget it.算了吧。


36、Can(May)I help you?我能帮您什么吗?Yes, please.好的。

37、What can I do for you.我能为您干点什么?

38、Is there anything I can do for you?有什么能为您效劳的吗?

39、Just a moment, please.请稍等一下。

40、May I use your phone?我能借用您的电话吗?Certainly.当然可以。Yes, of course.当然可以。

41、Go upstairs/downstairs.上楼/下楼。

42、It's on the second(third)floor.在二


43、Excuse me.对不起。

Where is the washroom(restroom, elevator)?请问盥洗室(休息室、电梯)在哪儿? This way, please.请这边走Turn left /right.往左转/右转。

45、It's in the lobby near the main entrance.在大厅靠近大门。

46、It's in the basement at the end of the corridor.在地下室走廊尽头。饭店英语交流用语·提醒和告别用语

47、Mind/(Watch)your step.请走好。

48、Please be careful.请当心。

49、Please don't leave anything behind.请别遗忘您的东西。

50、Don't worry.别担心。

51、Take it easy.放心好了。

52、Please don't smoke here.请不要在这边抽烟。


54、See you later.再见。

55、Good night.晚安。

56、See you tomorrow.明天见。

57、Goodbye and thank you for coming.再见,谢谢您的光临。

58、Goodbye and hope to see you again.再见,希望再见到您。

59、Have a nice trip!一路平安!

60、Wish you a pleasant journey!Good luck!祝您旅途愉快!祝您好运!


11、Sit down, please.Here is the menu.请坐,给您菜单,先生。

May I take your order, sir? 您要点菜吗?

12、What would you like to have, coffee or tea?您要喝咖啡还是茶?

13、Would you like to have any wine with you dinner?您用餐时要喝点酒吗?

14、Service hours are:


7:00a.m.to 9:00a.m.for breakfast.早餐7点到9点。

11:30a.m.to1: 30p.m.for lunch.午餐11点半到1点半。

6:30p.m.to 8:30p.m.for dinner.晚餐6点半到8点半。

15、Here is the bill.Please sign it.这是您的账单,请签字。


131.I'm awfully sorry, sir.非常对不起,先生。

132.I do apologize.我向您道歉。

133.No problem, sir.没问题,先生。

134.We'll manage it, but we don't have any spare room today.我们会尽力办到,但是今天我们没有空余房间。

135.Could you wait till tomorrow?


137.And if there is anything more you need, please let us know.如果还需要别的什么东西,请告诉我们。

138.The light in this room is too dim.这房间里的灯光太暗了。

139.Please get me a brighter one.请给我换个亮的。

140.Certainly, sir.I'll be back right away.好的,先生,我马上就回来。

141.The room is too cold for me.I feel rather cold when I sleep.这房间太冷了,我睡觉时感到很冷。


185.I'd like to pay my bill now.我想现在结账。

186.Your name and room number, please?


187.Have you used any hotel services this morning?


189.Can I pay by credit card?


190.Please sign your name here.请您在这里签名。

191.Excuse me.We're leaving today.I'd like to pay our bills now.劳驾。我们今天要离去了。我希望现在就把账结清。

192.By the way, I'd like to tell you that the check-out time is 12:00 noon, sir.先生,顺便告诉您,结账后离开旅馆时间是12点。

193.How about the charge for the days you shared the room with your friend? 这几天您的朋友与您同住费用怎么办呢?

194.Please add to my account.请记在我的账里。

195.Have you used any hotel services this morning or had breakfast at the hotel dining room, Mr.Green?


196.Yes, my friend and I just had breakfast at the dining room, but we didn't use any services.是的,我的朋友与我在餐厅刚用过早餐,但是我们没有使用过任何服务设施。

197.The total for the eight days is five hundred sixty yuan and eighty fen.8天来总计是560元8角。


酒店英语Hotel English

第一章 日常英语(Daily English)




早上好/下午好/晚上好(Good morning /afternoon / evening)


(Q:How do you do?)

(A:How do you do?)(已相识之间的问候)

(Q:How are you?)

(A:Fine, thank you.)



(Welcome to our hotel./restaurant.)欢迎您来这里用餐。

(Welcome to have meals here)见到您很高兴。

(Nice to meet you.)



(Q:Thank you)


(A:You are welcome./It’s my pleasure)


(Thanks for your coming./kindness./reminding.)



(Q:I’m sorry.)不用介意。(A:Don’t mention it./Never mind./ That’s all right.)打扰您了。(Sorry to disturb you!)对不起让您久等。(Sorry to have kept you waiting)


请您再说一遍好吗?(Pardon?/ I beg your pardon?)

您能说慢一点儿吗?(Would you please speak a little more slowly?)


I’m sorry, but I only speak a little English.Wait a moment, I will get someone to help you.②我去叫经理过来,他非常乐意帮您。

I’ll get the manager for you, He’d be most glad to help you.8、告别语:

再见(Good bye!)

晚安(Good night!)

一路顺风(Have a nice trip!)

明天见/待会见(See you tomorrow./later.)

欢迎您再来(Hope to see you again./Welcome to call again)



(Congratulations.)生日快乐(Happy birthday.)

祝您过得愉快(Have a good time!Enjoy yourself!)

(Hope you enjoy your stay with us.)


这里走(This way, please)

向前走(Go straight)

向左/向右(Turn left/right)

左拐角处(at the corner.)

在第二个路口向右拐再一直向前走。(Take the second turn on the right and go straight.)

直走,然后向左拐。(Go ahead, and turn to the left.)


好的,先生/小姐(Yes, sir/miss)

我明白了(I see.)

当然可以。(Certainly, sir/miss/madam.)


(Immediately, sir/madam.)

这是我应该做的。(It’s my duty.)


请小心。(Be careful.)

请走好。(Watch your step.)

请放心。(Take it easy.)

不用担心。(Don’t worry)


早上好,这里是……。(Good morning, this is……)

抱歉,请稍等,我马上帮您转电话.(Sorry Just a moment, please.I’II put you through.)



What can I do for you?(Can I help you?)

需要我帮您做些什么吗? Is there anything I can do for you?


Is there anything else?

您喜欢………………吗? Would you like……………? 您需要………………吗? Would you want…………? 您能够………………吗? Could you………………?

如果您不介意的话,我可以………吗? Would you mind………?

酒店英语Hotel English

第二章 常用词汇(Words and Phrases)

Cover 餐具

tea-set 茶具 Tablecloth 桌布

teapot 茶壶 Plate 盘

teacup 茶杯 Napkin/serviette 纸巾

saucer 垫碟 Chopsticks 筷子

coffee 咖啡 Chopsticks rest 筷架

toothpick 牙签 Knife 刀

toothpick holder 牙签筒 Fork 叉

tray 托盘 Table knife 餐刀

milk jug 奶缸 Table fork 餐叉

ice 冰 Carving knife 肉刀

ice-pail 冰桶 Carving fork 肉叉

ice-tongs 冰夹子 Fish knife 鱼刀

ashtray 烟灰缸 Fish fork 鱼叉

soy 中国酱油 Dessert knife 水果刀

ketchup 番茄酱 Spoon 匙

tomato sauce 番茄汁 Soup spoon 汤匙

chilli sauce 辣椒汁 Tablespoon 餐匙

table salt 精盐 Teaspoon 茶匙

pepper 胡椒 Soup ladle 汤勺

mustard 芥辣 Soup plate 汤盘

curry 咖喱 Glass 玻璃杯

vinegar 醋 Wineglass 酒杯

oil 油 Cruet 装调味品的瓶

chilli oil 辣椒油 Pepper caster 胡椒瓶

oyster sauce 耗油 Vinegar cruet 醋瓶

sugar 糖 Soy curet 酱油瓶

cube sugar 方糖 Soy dish 鼓油碟

sweet black vinegar 黑醋

Salt caller 盐盅

white vinegar 白醋 Cream 奶酪

whiskey 威士忌 Butter 奶油

drinks/beverage 饮料 Cheese 干酪

Jam 果酱

Frying 炒

Pan-frying 煎

Deep-frying 炸

Stewing 炖、焖

Braising 焖、烧

Simmering 煨

Frying and simmering 扒

Steaming 蒸

Scalding 白灼

Boiling 蒸、煮

Roasting 烧烤

Five flavours 五味

Fragrant 香

Crisp 脆

Short 松

Rich 肥

Thick 浓

Six tastes 六味

Tasty 鲜

Sweet 甜

Bitier 苦

Pungent 辣

Salty 咸

Water 水

Beer 啤酒

Juice 果汁

Brandy 白兰地

Radish 萝卜

Onion 洋葱

Welsh onion 大葱

Tomato 番茄

Chill 辣椒

Bell pepper 圆椒

Green pepper 青椒

Encumber 黄瓜

Vegetable melon 冬瓜

Bitter squash 苦瓜

Lettuce 生菜(莴笋)

Spinach 菠菜

Eggplant 茄


Carrot 胡萝卜

Pumpkin 南瓜

Ginger 姜

Petato 马铃薯

Sweet patato 番薯

Bamtoo shoots 竹笋

Watercress 西洋菜

China white wine 中国白葡萄酒

champagne 香槟酒

Mao Tai 茅台酒

cocktail 鸡尾酒

fruit 水果

apple 苹果

pear 黎

pomelo 柚 pineapple 菠萝

banana 香蕉 persimmon 柿 snow pear 雪梨

litchi 荔枝

longan 龙眼 sweet orange 甜橙 tangerine 柑桔

lemon 柠檬

mango 芒果

grape 葡萄

strawberry 草莓 water melon 西瓜

coconut 椰子

canned fruit 罐头水果

vegetable 蔬菜

greens 青菜

cauliflower 椰菜花

cabbage 卷心菜

water spinach 空心菜

Chinese cabbage 白菜

Celery 芹菜

Lots seed 莲子

Chicken 鸡

Duck 鸭

Beijing duck 北京鸭

Goose 鹅

Pigeon 鸽

Quail 鹌鹑 Pork 猪肉

Spareribs 排骨

Trotters 猪脚

Salt(water)fish 咸(水)鱼

Yellow croaker黄花鱼 Mackerel 马鲛

Grouper 石斑鱼

Pomfret 鲳鱼

Bass 鲈鱼

eel 鳝、鳗

Carp 鲤

red carp 鲫鱼

Dace 鲮鱼 Water chestnut 马蹄

Garlic 蒜头

Soya-bean 大豆

Mung-bean 绿豆

Lily bulb 百合 Dried mushroom 香菇

Chestnut 栗子

Peanut 花生

Job’s tears 薏米

Cashewnut 腰果

Almond 杏仁

Abalone 鲍鱼

Shark’s fin 鱼翅

Shrimp 虾

Lobster 龙虾

Shelled shrimp 虾仁

Crab 蟹

Crab roe 蟹膏

Squid 鱿鱼

Bird’s nest 燕窝

Red laver 紫菜

Dried pork sausage 腊肠

酒店英语Hotel English 第三章 服务用句(Sentences)


1、您打算什么时候来用餐?What time would you like your table?


(1)How many people are there in your party?(2)For,how many persons?


May I have your name and your telephone number?


We look forward to having you with us.二、迎客

1、先生,早上好。需要我效劳吗?Good morning, sir.May I help you?

2、欢迎光临。Welcome to our restaurant.三、引座


Do you have a reservation? / Have you got a reservation?


I’m sorry but there is no table available just now.Would you mind waiting a little?

3、二十分钟后才能安排您入座。We can seat you in twenty minutes.4、对不起,那张台已有人预定了。I’m sorry, that table is already booked.5、请这边走。This way, please.6、坐这张台行吗?Will this table be all right?

7、您可以随便坐。You can sit where you like.四、请客人点菜


What kind of tea would you like? We have Wulong tea, Puer tea, Longjing tea , Jasmine tea Shuixian tea and on.2、这是菜单。Here is ht menu.3、现在准备点菜吗?

(1)Would you like to order now?

(2)May I take your order now?


What would you like to drink before ordering?


What would you like to have? Would you like……?


I am sorry, the dish has been sold out.7、我可以推荐……吗?这个菜味道很好。

May I suggest / recommend ……? Its very nice.8、我建议您试一试川菜。I suggest you have a taste of Sichuan dishes

9、今天的特别介绍是……。我肯定您会喜欢它。Today’s special is……, I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.10、请慢慢挑选。Take your time, please!


(1)What kind of drink would you like?

(2)Anything to drink?

(3)What would you like for a drink?

12、您要点甜点吗?(您要点水果吗?)Do you care for some desserts(fruits)?

13、您点的菜很快就会送来。Your order will be ready soon.14、您喜欢鸡蛋怎样烹调,单面煎还是双面煎? How would you like your egg?Sunny-side up or turned over?


Would you like your beef steak rare medium rare, medium, medium well or well-done?

16、请问您的威士忌是要纯饮还是加冰饮? Would you like your whisky with icc or straight up?


We have imported beers, such as Sanmiguel, Heincken, Guinness, Carlsberg and local Zhuhai beer.18、珠海啤酒在这里挺流行的,想试一下吗? Zhuhai Beer is popular here, would you try it?


1、现在上菜好吗?Would you mind my serving now?

2、对不起,请让一让。Excuse me.3、这是正宗的四川菜。Here is the traditional Sichuan dish.4、先生,请慢用。Enjoy your meal(drink), sir.5、当心,这汤很烫。Take care.The soup is rather hot.6、请稍等。Wait a moment, Please.7、我马上拿来。I’ll go and get it right away.8、给您。Here you are.六、餐间征询客人意见


(1)Is everything to your satisfaction?(2)Have you found everything satisfaction?(3)How was the food?

2、对不起,餐厅已客满,请稍等片刻好吗? I’m sorry but there is no table available just now.Would you mind waiting a little?


Would you like it cooked a little longer?


Would you like to have one more beer?

4、您还要点别的什么吗?(1)Would you like anything else?(2)Could I serve you anything else?(3)If you need anything else, just feel free to tell mc.5、我可以撤掉这个盘子马? May I take this plate away?


1、先生,出了什么问题?我能为您做点什么? What’s the problem, sir? Can I help you?

2、对不起,我把您的菜弄错了。I’m sorry, sir J got it wrong.3、我和帮厨商量一下,看看它能否给与补救。I’ll speak to the chof and see what he can do.4、这是很少有的。我会调查这件事的。This is quit unusual, I’ll look into the matter.5、对不起,这道菜需要多些时间准备。您介意多等一下吗?

This dish takes quite a long time to prepare.Would you mind wait a bit longer?

7、非常抱歉,我去叫我们值班经理来。I’m very sorry.I’ll call our manager on duty.8、先生,对不起,请原谅她,我们今天实在太忙了。I’m sorry, sir.Please excuse her.We’re very busy today.9、非常抱歉,如果您愿意,我们可以给您上点别的菜。这是当然是本免费招待。

(1)I’m terribly sorry.I can give you something else if you’d like.That will be on the house, certainly.(2)Would you like to try anything else? With our compliments, certainly.10、我向您保证类似的事情将不再发生。I assure you it won’t happen again.11、感谢您的谅解。相信下次您来时,一切都会令您满意的。

Thank you for your understanding.I’m sure everything will be all right next time you cone.结账

1、这是您的账单。Here is your bill.2、您打算如何付款?How would you like to pay your bill?

3、您是用现金还是用信用卡付款?Would you like to pay in cash or by credit card?

4、市分单还是算还是一起算?Would you like separated bill or all together?


It’s TMB198 Yuan including fifteen percent service charge.Have a check on it, please.6、您是准备签字挂账吗?Would you like to put it on your hotel bill?

7、您准备将这费用记到您饭店的总账上吗?Would you like to put it on your hotel bill?

8、请在这儿签字。May I have your signature here, please.9、请您把房间号也写上,好吗?

(1)Could you also give me your room number, please.(2)Could you please put down your room number, please.(3)May I have your room number, please.10、我需要您的签字和房间号。I’ll need your signature and room number, please?

11、这是赵您的钱(这是您的信用卡)。Here is your change(credit care).九、送客

1、希望您吃得满意。I hope you have enjoyed your dinner.2、感谢您的光临。Thank you for coming.3、欢迎再次光临。再见。Welcome to call again.Good-bye.



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