饭店英文用语 1

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第一篇:饭店英文用语 1


1、Good morning(afternoon, evening), sir(madam)早上(下午、晚上)好,先生(夫人)。

2、How do you do?


Glad to meet you.很高兴见到您。

3、How are you?


Fine, thanks.And you?


4、Welcome to our hotel(restaurant, shop).欢迎到我们宾馆(餐厅、商店)来。

5、Wish you a most pleasant stay in our hotel.愿您在我们宾馆过得愉快。

6、I hope you will enjoy your stay with us.希望您在我们宾馆过得愉快。(客人刚入店时)

I hope you are enjoying your stay with us.希望您在我们宾馆过得愉快。(客人在饭店逗留期间)I hope you have enjoyed your stay with us.希望您在我们宾馆过得愉快。(客人离店时)

7、Have a good time!


8、***hotel, front desk.Can I help you? ***饭店,前厅。您找谁?

9、Sorry, I’ve dialed the wrong number.对不起,我拨错号了。

10、May I speak to your general manager? 能和你们总经理说话吗?


11、Sorry, he is not in at the moment.对不起,他现在不在。

Would you like to leave a message?



I beg your pardon.对不起,请再说一遍,好吗?




14、Happy birthday!


15、Happy new year!


16、Merry Christmas!


17、Have a nice holiday!


18、Wish you every success!



19、Thank you(very much).谢谢您(非常感谢)。

20、Thank you for your advice(information, help)感谢您的忠告(信息、帮助)。

21、It’s very kind of you.谢谢,您真客气。

22、You are welcome.不用谢。

23、Not at all.不用谢。

Don’t mention it.不用谢。

24、It’s my pleasure.非常高兴为您服务。

(With pleasure.)

(My pleasure.)

25、I am at your service.乐意为您效劳。

26、Thank you for staying in our hotel.感谢您在我们酒店下榻。

27、I’m sorry.很抱歉。

28、Excuse me.对不起。

29、I’m sorry, It’s my fault.很抱歉。那是我的过错。

30、Sorry to have kept you waiting.对不起,让您久等了。

31、Sorry to interrupt you.对不起,打扰您了。

32、I’m sorry about this.对此表示抱歉。

33、I apologize for this.我为此道歉。

34、That’s all right.没关系。

35、Let’s forget it.算了吧。


36、Can(May)I help you?


Yes, please.好的。

37、What can I do for you.我能为您干点什么?

38、Is there anything I can do for you?


39、Just a moment, please.请稍等一下。

40、May I use your phone?



Yes, of course.当然可以。

41、Go upstairs/downstairs.上楼/下楼。

42、It’s on the second(third)floor.在二


43、Excuse me.对不起。

Where is the washroom(restroom, elevator)? 请问盥洗室(休息室、电梯)在哪儿?

This way, please.请这边走

Turn left /right.往左转/右转。

45、It’s in the lobby near the main entrance.在大厅靠近大门。

46、It’s in the basement at the end of the corridor.在地下室走廊尽头。


47、Mind/(Watch)your step.请走好。

48、Please be careful.请当心。

49、Please don’t leave anything behind.请别遗忘您的东西。

50、Don’t worry.别担心。

51、Take it easy.放心好了。

52、Please don’t smoke here.请不要在这边抽烟。


54、See you late.再见。

55、Good night.晚安。

56、See you tomorrow.明天见。

57、Goodbye and thank you for coming.再见,谢谢您的光临。

58、Goodbye and hope to see you again.再见,希望再见到您。

59、Have a nice trip!


60、Wish you a pleasant journey!Good luck!祝您旅途愉快!祝您好运!



1、Good morning(afternoon, evening), sir(madam)早上(下午、晚上)好,先生(夫人)。

2、How do you do? 您好!(初次见面)Glad to meet you.很高兴见到您。

3、How are you? 您好吗?

Fine, Thanks.And you ? 很好,谢谢。您好吗?

4、Welcome to our hotel(restaurant , shop).欢迎到我们宾馆(餐厅、商店)来。

5、Wish you a most pleasant stay in our hotel.愿您在我们宾馆过得愉快。

6、I hope you will enjoy your stay with us.希望您在我们宾馆过得愉快。(客人刚入店时)I hope you are enjoying your stay with us.希望您在我们宾馆过得愉快。(客人在饭店逗留期间)I hope you have enjoyed your stay with us.希望您在我们宾馆过得愉快。(客人离店时)

7、Have a good time!祝您过得愉快!


8、**hotel , front desk.Can I help you? **饭店,前厅。您找谁?

9、Sorry, I've dialed the wrong number.对不起,我拨错号了。

10、May I speak to your general manager? 能和你们总经理说话吗? Speaking.我就是。

11、Sorry, he is not in at the moment.对不起,他现在不在。

Would you like to leave a message? 您要留口信吗?

12、Pardon.对不起,请再说一遍,好吗? I beg your pardon.对不起,请再说一遍,好吗?



14、Happy birthday!生日快乐!

15、Happy new year!新年快乐!

16、Merry Christmas!圣诞快乐!

17、Have a nice holiday!假日快乐!

18、Wish you every success!祝您成功!


19、Thank you(very much).谢谢您(非常感谢)。

20、Thank you for your advice(information , help)感谢您的忠告(信息、帮助)。

21、It's very kind of you.谢谢,您真客气。

22、You are welcome.不用谢。

23、Not at all.不用谢。

Don't mention it.不用谢。

24、It's my pleasure.非常高兴为您服务。(With pleasure.)(My pleasure.)

25、I am at your service.乐意为您效劳。

26、Thank you for staying in our hotel.感谢您在我们酒店下榻。

27、I'm sorry.很抱歉。

28、Excuse me.对不起。

29、I'm sorry, It's my fault.很抱歉。那是我的过错。

30、Sorry to have kept you waiting.对不起,让您久等了。

31、Sorry to interrupt you.对不起,打扰您了。

32、I'm sorry about this.对此表示抱歉。

33、I apologize for this.我为此道歉。

34、That's all right.没关系。

35、Let's forget it.算了吧。


36、Can(May)I help you? 我能帮您什么吗? Yes, please.好的。

37、What can I do for you.我能为您干点什么?

38、Is there anything I can do for you? 有什么能为您效劳的吗?

39、Just a moment, please.请稍等一下。

40、May I use your phone? 我能借用您的电话吗? Certainly.当然可以。Yes, of course.当然可以。


41、Go upstairs/downstairs.上楼/下楼。

42、It's on the second(third)floor.在二


43、Excuse me.对不起。

Where is the washroom(restroom, elevator)? 请问盥洗室(休息室、电梯)在哪儿? This way, please.请这边走

Turn left /right.往左转/右转。

45、It's in the lobby near the main entrance.在大厅靠近大门。

46、It's in the basement at the end of the corridor.在地下室走廊尽头。提醒用语:

47、Mind(Watch)your step.请走好。

48、Please be careful.请当心。

49、Please don't leave anything behind.请别遗忘您的东西。50、Don't worry.别担心。

51、Take it easy.放心好了。

52、Please don't smoke here.请不要在这边抽烟。告别语:


54、See you late.再见。

55、Good night.晚安。

56、See you tomorrow.明天见。

57、Goodbye and thank you for coming.再见,谢谢您的光临。

58、Goodbye and hope to see you again.再见,希望再见到您。

59、Have a nice trip!一路平安!

60、Wish you a pleasant journey!Good luck!祝您旅途愉快!祝您好运!


1、Have you a reservation? 您预定过了吗?

2、May I know your name and room number? 您能告诉我您的名字与房间号吗?

3、Here is your room key.给您房间钥匙。

4、Please pay at the cashier's desk over there.请去那边帐台付款。

5、Are these your baggage? 这些是您的行李吗? May I take them for you? 我来帮您拿好吗?


6、Housekeeping.May I come in? 客房服务员,我可以进来吗?

7、Leave your laundry in the laundry in the laundry bag behind the bathroom door.请把要洗的东西放在浴室门后的洗衣袋中。

8、I hope I'm not disturbing you.我希望没有打扰您。

9、One moment ,madam.I'll bring them to you right away.等一会儿,夫人。我马上送来。

10、I’ll send for an electrician(doctor...)我给您请电工(大夫……)。


11、Sit down, please.Here is the menu.请坐,给您菜单,先生。May I take your order, sir? 您要点菜吗?

12、What would you like to have, coffee or tea? 您要喝咖啡还是茶?

13、Would you like to have any wine with you dinner? 您用餐时要喝点酒吗?

14、Service hours are:(餐厅)供应时间是:

7:00a.m.to 9:00a.m.for breakfast.早餐7点到9点。

11:30a.m.to1: 30p.m.for lunch.午餐11点半到1点半。

6:30p.m.to 8:30p.m.for dinner.晚餐6点半到8点半。

15、Here is the bill.Please sign it.这是您的帐单,请签字。



Mature, dynamic and honest.思想成熟、精明能干、为人诚实。

Excellent ability of systematical management.有极强的系统管理能力。

Ability to work independent1y, mature and resourceful.能够独立工作、思想成熟、应变能力强。

A person with ability plus flexibility should apply.需要有能力及适应力强的人。

A stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable.个性稳重、具高度责任感。

Work well with a multi-cultural and diverse work force.能够在不同文化和工作人员的背景下出色地工作。

Bright,aggressive applicants.反应快、有进取心的应聘者。

Ambitious attitude essential.有雄心壮志。

Initiative, independent and good communication skill.积极主动、独立工作能力强,并有良好的交际技能。

Willing to work under pressure with leardership quality.愿意在压力下工作,并具领导素质。

Willing to assume responsibilities.应聘者须勇于挑重担。

Mature, self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills.思想成熟、上进心强,并具极丰富的人际关系技巧。

Energetic, fashion-minded person.精力旺盛、思想新潮。

With a pleasant mature attitude.开朗成熟。

Strong determination to succeed.有获得成功的坚定决心。

Strong leadership skills.有极强的领导艺术。

Ability to work well with others.能够同他人一道很好地工作。

Highly-motivated and reliable person with excellent health and pleasant personality.上进心强又可靠者,并且身体健康、性格开朗。

The ability to initiate and operate independently.有创业能力,并能独立地从业。Strong leadership skill while possessing a great team spirit.有很高的领导艺术和很强的集体精神。

Be highly organized and effecient.工作很有条理,办事效率高。

Willing to learn and progress.肯学习进取。

Good presentation skills.有良好的表达能力。

Positive active mind essential.有积极、灵活的头脑。

Ability to deal with personnel at all levels effectively.善于同各种人员打交道。Have positive work attitude and be willing and able to work diligently without supervision.有积极的工作态度,愿意和能够在没有监督的情况下勤奋地工作

二.【100个精典英文句子】平时生活中应该脱口而出的Any day will do?哪一天都可以?

Any messages for me?有我的留言吗?

Are you by yourself?你一个人来吗?

All right with you?你没有问题吧?

Are you free tomorrow?明天有空吗?

Are you kidding me?你在跟我开玩笑吧?

As soon as possible!尽可能快!

Back in a moment!马上回来!

Believe it or not!信不信由你!

Better luck next time!下次会更好!

Boy will be boys本性难移!

Come to the point!有话直说!

Do you accept plastic?收不收行用卡?

Does it keep long?可以保存吗?

Don't be so fussy!别挑剔了!

Don't count to me!别指望我!

Don't fall for it!不要上当!

Don't get me wrong!你搞错了!

Don't give me that!少来这套!

Don't let me down!别让我失望!

Don't lose your head!别乐昏了头!

Don't over do it!别做过头了!

Don't sit there daydreaming!别闲着做白日梦!Don't stand on ceremony!别太拘束!

Drop me a line!要写信给我!

Easy come easy go!来得容易去得也快!First come first served!先到先得!

Get a move on!快点吧!

Get off my back!不要嘲笑我!

Give him the works!给他点教训!

Give me a break!饶了我吧!

Give me a hand!帮我一个忙!

Great minds think alike!英雄所见略同!I'll treat you to lunch.午餐我请你!

In one ear,out the other ear.一耳进,一耳出!I'm spaced-out!我开小差了!

I beg your pardon!请你再说一遍!

I can't afford that!我付不起!

I can't follow you!我不懂你说的!

I can't help it!我情不自禁!

I couldn't reach him!我联络不上他!

I cross my heart!我发誓是真的!

I don't mean it!我不是故意的!

I feel very miserable!我好沮丧!

I have no choice!我别无选择了!

I watch my money!视财如命!

I'll be in touch!保持联络!

I'll check it out!我去看看!

I'll show you around!我带你四处逛逛!I'll see to it!我会留意的!

I'm crazy for you!我为你疯狂!

You make me jump!你下了我一跳!

Make up your mind.作个决定吧!

Make yourself at home!就当在家一样!My mouth is watering!我要流口水了!Never heard of it!没听说过!

Nice talking to you!很高兴和你聊天!

No doubt about it!勿庸置疑!

No pain no gain!不经一事,不长一智!None of your business!要你管?

There is nothing on your business!这没你的事!Now you are really talking!说得对!

Please don't rush me!请不要吹促我!

Please keep me informed!请一定要通知我!She looks blue today.她今天很忧郁!

She is under the weather.她心情不好!So far,so good.过得去。

Speaking of the devil!一说曹操,曹操就到!Stay away from me!离我远一点!

Stay on the ball!集中注意力!

That makes no difference.不都一样吗?That's a touchy issue!这是个辣手得问题!That's always the case!习以为常!

That's going too far!这太离谱了!

That's more like that!这才象话嘛!The answer is zero!白忙了!The dice is cast!已成定局了!The same as usual!一如既往!The walls have ears!隔墙有耳!There you go again!你又来了!Time is running out!没有时间了!We better get going!最好马上就走!



























Bridal Party 婚礼团体, 一般有新郎新娘,伴郎伴娘,男女傧相, 花童和小听差

Groom 新郎

Bride 新娘

Best man 伴郎

Maid of Honour 伴娘

Groomsman / Ushers男傧相

Bridesmaid 女傧相

Flower Girl在新娘前撒花的小女孩(usually carries flower basket)Pageboy小听差(usually carries a ring pillow)

Mother-in-law 婆婆,岳母

Father-in-law 公公, 岳父

Marriage Celebrant婚礼主持人是在澳大利亚政府注册的有资质主持人,通知时必须填写一份表格《预定结婚通知书》(Notice of Intended Marriage)

Gift Register 礼品登记单

Wishing Well(如意井(钱币投入该井中,便可如愿以偿))

Bomboniere 新人感谢来参加婚礼的客人而送的小小纪念品(例如小银器, 小瓷器, 或是蜡烛,香袋客礼, 巧可力, 一小瓶酒,冰箱上的装饰磁块等等)

Wedding Cake Topper 结婚蛋糕上的装饰, 通常是一度新郎新娘的公仔.Buck’s Night / Bachelor Party 准新郎结束单身生活之前,他的单身好友会为他举办的一场 party,让他正式告别单身生活。

Hen’s Night / Bridal Shower 婚礼前准新娘与女伴们的聚会 Marriage Certificate 结婚证书

Wedding Coordinator 婚礼协调员, 专业从事婚礼的安排策划者.Chauffeur 专职司机



Wedding Invitation 结婚请帖

Photographer 摄影师

Videographer 摄像师

Wedding Ceremony 结婚典礼

Wedding Reception 婚宴(婚庆招待会)

Guest/Signature Book 签名簿

Florist 花商:以销售或养植花及观赏性植物为生的人

Honeymoon 蜜月

Floral bouquet 花球

Buttonholes 钮孔,钮眼上插的鲜花(男士用的, 一般插在胸前左面)Corsage 装饰女服上身或肩部的小花束(一般插在胸前右面)Centerpiece中心装饰品,(餐桌中央的摆饰)

Prenuptial agreement(婚前协议书, 一般有钱人会请律师起草的)Bridal gown 婚纱

Tiara 新娘头上戴的冠状头饰

Bridal waltz 新郎新娘婚礼上的第一支舞, 一般都是悠漫的华尔兹舞 Master of Ceremony(MC)-主持人

DJ – Disc Jockey流行音乐节目主持人

Toast and Speech祝酒: 为某人或某物而干杯的建议或喝这种酒以前的一个讲话和演讲

Bridal Veil 新娘的面纱

Bridal Arch 婚礼装饰的拱门

Wedding Dress结婚礼服, 通常指婚纱

Wedding Etiquette 婚礼礼节

Paper wedding 纸婚、布婚(结婚一周年)

Calico wedding 棉布婚(结婚两周年)

Straw wedding 稻草婚(结婚两周年)

Cotton wedding 棉婚(结婚两周年)

Muslin wedding 羊皮婚(结婚三周年)

Leather wedding 皮革婚(结婚三周年)

Silk wedding 丝婚(结婚四周年)

Wood wedding 木婚(结婚五周年)

Iron wedding 铁婚(结婚六周年)

Copper wedding 铜婚(结婚七周年)

Woolen wedding 毛婚(结婚七周年)

Electric appliance wedding 电器婚(结婚八周年)

Pottery wedding 陶器婚(结婚九周年)

Tin wedding 锡婚(结婚十周年)

Steel wedding 钢婚(结婚十一周年)

Linen wedding 麻纱婚(结婚十二周年)

Lace wedding 花边婚(结婚十三周年)

Ivory wedding 象牙婚(结婚十四周年)

Crystal wedding 水晶婚(结婚十五周年)

china wedding 搪瓷婚(结婚二十周年)

Silver wedding 银婚(结婚二十五周年)第一大典

Pearl wedding 珍珠婚(结婚三十周年)

Coral wedding 珊瑚婚(结婚三十五周年)

Jade wedding 碧玉婚(结婚三十五周年)Ruby wedding 红宝石婚(结婚四十周年)

Sapphire wedding 蓝宝石婚(结婚四十五周年)Golden wedding 金婚(结婚五十周年)第二大典Emerale wedding 翠玉婚(结婚五十五周年)

Diamond wedding 钻石婚(结婚六十--七十五周年)

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    (1)求职英语类 自我介绍:叙述个人年龄、经验 Introducing Oneself: About Age and Experience 1. I have been for over five years in the employ of an exporting company.本......


    常用英文表扬用语(第一部分) You're on the right track now!你现在上路了! Fine!好! Much better!好多了。 That's really nice.真好。 That's right!不错! That's good.好。 Co......


    2014年中考冲刺综合复习指导北京地区试题广东地区试题江苏地区试题水饺类1:0.45斤 馅饼1:0.7斤 烧麦蒸饺烫面类1:0.48斤 加入糖、油、蛋类1:0.2斤 9、各种肉馅加汤量一览......

