
时间:2021-01-15 20:40:11下载本文作者:会员上传



































百度搜索我想大家已不陌生,可你有没有注意过,在搜索的上方,有一排文字,写着:新闻 网页 贴吧 知道 MP3 图片一般打开来就是网页,打开知道后还可以看到百科,打开MP3后还可以看到视频,知道里可以用户注册,注册后还可以创建自己的空间,在空间里可以写博客、上传照片……


这个网我想大家都不怎么熟,可我认为,它是一个好网,因为里面有网站首页 认识领先 听说读写 酷学酷玩 海外校园 领先博客……这些可以使你轻松学英语,快乐写博客。还可以做些小练习,锻炼语法等。开开心心学英语,轻轻松松上大学……




第三篇:新时代网络学习4 答案

Unit1 10/19 What does Talia→选最长

According to →Probaly sometime next year What is→He likes the idea Jack has→Nick sits on a park 11/19 From→wants Nick to agreeNick’s→These When→surprised After→realizes 1A/5 friendship?→Happy family?→She feels now?→They e-mail together?→……or just talk She first→elementary first time?→There were on 1B/5 in a show my age get to went away meet up together sort of like hung out hate talking back and forth keep this friendship going a long way away 2A/5 Nick was→One We arranged→We set Nick is→He We talked→We did I can’t→It’s all 2B/5 看见下面单词选之

independent,insane,unlikely,illegal,irregular,unsuitable 3/5 thinking ,have we ,have been working ,had ,shouldn’t ,are going to have ,isn’t 4/5 noc cre mer a or 5A/5 What’s…… To…….As…….By…….5B/5 A:What’s up J:By Unit 2 3/19 Nick’s voice was… Dean is jealous… Nick was… 8/19 What does→some assistance When Talia→very eager Tony thinks→Dean wants When Tony→confident When is Tony→Tomorrow Tony’s main→wont’ be 10/19 Dean→He’s a member of Patty suggest→She doesn’t What’s Amy going→Try to What is→She want’s to get 11/19 When Amy finds→excited Patty tells→help Amy Amy winks at→make Patty Amy doestn’t→doesn’t want 12/19 get iced tea Coming right up a little get hold of told used to stopped coming Too bad brother works out I’d rather complicated acting catch up acting tip likewise 1A/5 How speaker feel→awkward What kind→very nice How you boss feel→选最长 What’s wrong→mean to kinds What happened at last→选最短 What boss&worker→quarrel 2A/5 He was→He was tricked He most important→The bottom This story→I don’t He is →He reseats What’s new→can you 2B/5 read between the lines She’s just →dropping a line Along the same line but the→bottom line lay it on the line vacation,→drop me a line taking →a hard line 3/5 by spoke examined a lot of(money)many(commercials)a lot of(members)was edited many(soccer)4/5 ec mo se ri in 5A/5 is something wrong I’m really stressed out here’s an idea Hmmm… that might work 5B/5 Are you OK? That’s a thought 1B/5 major falling out awkward kind of mean complaining to sort of hyper weird with ruining so bad conflicts right in the middle quit pretty much coming back to Unit 3 3/19 What Talia ask→To talk to Amy learn→That she has been When→in about to 8/19 When Talia says→最长 What do you know→最短 What are Amy→最长 Why does Amy→Jackie Amy talk→make Jackie says→He has taught At the end→angry 10/19 What did Dean→To introduce What does→To look at Whom did→An agent What are Dean→最长 11/19 During this→ She wants Jackie Jackie→最长

Jackie doesn’t→最长 Jackie probably→最短 12/19 by the way real stage an agent As a matter of fact incredible surprised do seems film director wait adore celebration celebrating Nothing really ever eaten ate exciting the right places booked perfect people-wating impressed plan ahead 1A/5 What’s the best→最长 How does she→She uses What does she→最长

What has she→Making hand-made When of→最短 2/5 an unplanned→improving to research→do your excellent→fabulous to get→find out encourage→inspiring 3/5 ‘ve called Have you being doing have you taken ‘ve had ‘ve been watching ‘ve eaten 4/5 inspiring,improvisation,fabulous,drama,semester 5/5 The actor were How was your meeting She’s absolutely What do you think of his He’s really What do you think of it 1B/5 hand-made funniest usually do cut around the edges favorite a bunch of cut out creativity no limits Unit 4 3/19 go to class;works in journalism;Walking around the university 8/19 To remind her……;She needs to talk with Jackie a little more;He teaches Jackie’s acting class;She wants to find a way to be introduced ……;she wants her to think they’ve met before;…… Gower Building;Their majors are different 9/19 Nick and Talia;…… excited;To make a dinner reservation ……;She acts as……

11/19 threatening Jackie;angry;modest;apologizing;12 /19 shoe company serious quite serious I’ve got must be talking to find out booked Great work Piece of cake reservation was planning being understand anything else a lot two hours 1A/5 movie ;Mondays,Thursday and Saturdays;20 ; e-mail ;Somewhere in the city 1B/5 have got to go by in between your schedule good for really good otherwise ever good for close by quite a bit coming out 2/5 cake——easy ; charmed——pleased ; hold——wait ; Oops——you say 3/5 feel;must——writer ; might——know Jackie ; might not——be married ; must not——suspect ; must——color ; Could——stage name ; can’t be——innocent 4/5 charmed;hold;familiar;run 5/5 take up——nice talking to you ;later ; got to run——getting late 8/19 he’s trying she doesn’t nick looks good a wig talia left to help save nick 10/19 yes,…notice talia plants he watches she asked 11/19 a great potimistic dean almost are too concerned 12/19

; great seeing you Catch you as I was saying feeling as soon as conversation plant their table Brilliant researcher their table watch for plant the mike cough or something warn Hurry up close the menu order though really hungry Neither am I here comes 1A/5 preparing that the award her family to show modesty 2A/5 BY the way on watches for profession wore it about halloween career to put on message cared about take out on a date forgot what’s going on miss you look nice in that costume having conversation BY the way 1B/5 wonderful award even though deserve earned audience Teacher of the Year sounds sort of appreciate throughout the years an honor to be chosen honestly support of principal superintendent grateful opportunity bestowed on me 2A/5 23412213 2B/5 Halloween career to put on message cared about take out on a date forgot what’s going on miss you look nice in that costume so do you having conversation by the way 3A/5 clean has they to work neither did 3B/5 go let change neither do I so do I 4/5 12222 5/5 2312122 Unit 5 8/19 he’s trying she doesn’t nick looks good a wig talia left to help save nick 10/19 yes,…notice talia plants he watches she asked 11/19 a great potimistic dean almost are too concerned 12/19 as I was saying feeling as soon as conversation plant their table Brilliant researcher their table watch for plant the mike cough or something warn Hurry up close the menu order though really hungry Neither am I here comes 1A/5 preparing that the award her family to show modesty 2A/5 BY the way on watches for profession wore it about halloween career to put on message cared about take out on a date forgot what’s going on miss you look nice in that costume having conversation BY the way 1B/5 wonderful award even though deserve earned audience Teacher of the Year sounds sort of appreciate throughout the years an honor to be chosen honestly support of principal superintendent grateful opportunity bestowed on me 2A/5 23412213 2B/5 Halloween career to put on message cared about take out on a date forgot what’s going on miss you look nice in that costume so do you having conversation by the way 3A/5 clean has they to work neither did 3B/5 go let change neither do I so do I 4/5 12222 5/5 2312122 Unit 6 3/16 342 8/19she wants he doesn’t want to attract dean because she didn’t bring two because he has amy’s friends 10/19 about helping her she pretended both nick and jackie no,…from the beginning 11/19 proud of her jackie’s part byron walters can’t help she will try to do somthing calm down worried get into phony tape posed as Big deal superb get suspended actress Speaking of which introduce film director a star patient ridiculous quit the business my big break at all tricked stand for 1A/5 need a lot of.goverment cloning a whole person..parents who she felt it scary no,…living situation 1B/5 really curious opinion cloning kind of crimpy science fiction personality something like that clone organs genetic material getting completely out of hand nature versus nurture debate upbringing grieving government control draw the line 2a/5 keep their keep back keep me posted keep everyone guessing keep quiet 2B/5 show up superb so phony slight pose as what if get into ridiculous break calm down suspended big deal trick stand for keep your voice down 3/5 big deal that gets him to calm down didn’t know is who’s involved making make 4/5 22221 5/5 but I don’t that’s nonsense oh,well excuse i see your big deal Unit 7 3/19 pleased to stay in 8/19 she made him she figured she wants to get she wants to make have a tape of she should just 10/19 because…girlfriend that he had a crush …lovers 11/19 curious ….the clss because..available ask confession confession was over as in remember took together well studying together exam ask you out why didn’t you I’d heard boyfriend split up semester In fact split up by mid-semester You’re kidding guess though all right get Cappuccino 1A/5 she …ready wonderful the girl was jessie was not ready a person..can’t 1B/5 pretty amazing the third date funny person positive sort of a wind chaser put it settle down regret the relationship 2A/5 seeing somebody a serious relationship split up fixed her up played the field a crush on the rebound a blind date played hard to get asked her out 2B/5 on confession clear up admitted fantastic it’s all over relieved catch 3/5 to do hadn’t got hadn’t changed would have starved hadn’t given up hadn’t thought suggested hired hadn’t taken to get offered had studied 4/5 12122 5/5 what a nightmare that was a lot of fun of course do you recall that i guess i should have oh!don’t remind me i should have studied more Unit 8 3/19..excited to wait till he heard he’s eager to listen 8/19 trusted …pleased impatient surprise the evening she helped listen to the tape 10/19 that..planning …record button …rewind the tape 11/19 i’ve ruined she …experience amy..how to 12/19 get reinstated on Just a minute rewound going on It’s been working had it deaned see if was so about to check recording light on going on press I thought I did desaster learned a lesson the hard way 1A/5 the first..receive because..maintenance the …new $57 it’s …server 1B/5 the support people this whole story makes sense to my server fix Anyway program download into run through reboot plug the Internet Wouldn’t you whole my server this program a brand-new computer come for free work get it No problem with that 2A/5 darn unbelievable learned…unpleasant to broadcast the story give jack’s 2B/5 get out of here check hearing is believing pressed disaster reinstated learned a lesson the hard way sure 3/5 was just… repaired found was going to go get it checked that he… were going have it done was… my hair cut 4/5 1122 5A/5 acting up again yes… let’s…66.7 5B/5 maybe you should that never crossed the TV’s messed up yes,but something’s wrong..Section test B题目顺序随机,根据答案自己找合适的题 Listening ○1talia explains… nick complimets… talia tells… ○2nick says he… nick says that… talia implies… ○she got information from they don’t want to get caught she pretended to be a business he lied about talking will tell the truth help out in the city of involves many reply she finds the news she..information that didn’t have electricity over 300 people while on vacation ○432(题目:1.selena grew up…)○523 ○631(1.why is talia happy that tony hasn’t aired the story)○7she pretended… he lied… will tell…0 ○8213 Vocabulary ○caught relieve cleared keep it down fake line of business ○2kinky keep out of clear his name ○3bald keep going clear my head ○4be on the rebound play the field Grammar ○1get had it cut told was going ○2were talking neither so do heard ○3told to write who ○4make me do help him write let her miss the class next week ○5was going to difficult to catch had planned for us to get together ○6don’t show up ‘ll call Pronunciation ○1121 ○2211(1.do you hear final or non-final intonation)○ ○412 ○521(1.they admitted…)Speaking ○1this is a disaster is acting up no,I guss I should do that ○2what… oh… Do… Unit 9 3/16 she didn’t record upset she pressed the wrong buttons 8/19 he doesn’t you …so angry doubts she left him..afternoon she wishes..messed up he seems sympathetic to show…conversation to celebrate with 10/19 she says Newsline the truth will..it is they can’t do anything it’s a natural part of 11/19 angry the situation she has disappointed calm down a little 12/19 do it over Take it from me what’s done is done covering stay so positive optimistic quit my job take my place overreacting let you down win out 1A/5 to stop borrowing it is a lady’s shirt she always borrows she is good at sewing stuff it is gone after Cindy her roommate borrowed 1B/5 10 6 9 1 4 3 5 7 2 8 11 2/5 positive do it over taking my place quitted overreacted won out covering take it from me kick myself 3A/5 were hadm’t asked would return could give knew 3B/5 had been would have gotten could have recorded had pushed hadn’t heard wouldn’t have known 3C/5 could go back hadn’t worked would not have lost supposed 4/5 11212 5/5 don’t worry about it what an idiot I am i can’t believe you stop beating yourself take it easy calm down.i should have been more Unit 10 3/19 amy tells her nick promises not to go to talk to 8/19 he doesn’t know she’ll become famous he knows they need more shocked to see is still angry wants talia and nick to how she looks to tell…framed that she recorded the 11/19 she hopes it she is talking to she wants to be she shouldn’t have trusted 12/19 worn a different outfit space get national exposure forward schemed to frame posed phony Cute name met him there discuss an space lobby space the tape big shot lying the whole time gone along with known better 1A/5 anatomy is dealing the students have to the study is too demanding 这里补充下刚自己做的,第1和5没有。正确结果是1选第三个,5选第一个。1B/5 massage therapy interested in all the time get basically go to pay for it Exactly energy healing college credit sort of meditate focus our point meditating meditating some classes like take anatomy memorize terminology 2A/5 big shots rejoin doctored know better outfit schemed 2B/5 across up out by forward down to through between about down with 3A/5 would go were were should have asked should have gone 3B/5 moved had been working decided had been watching had been throwing reported became had been covering 3C/5 should’ve didn’t had been should were 4/5 121221 5/5 i’m kind of i’m not too thrilled i can’t wait i know what you mean i’m really looking i’m not really Unit 11 3/16 innocence with dean lying 8/16 jackie 50000dollars nick’s problems as if..was guilty to practice sorry..guilty be finished 10/19 innocent your job interview first prictice first 11/19 proud of Talia get a good he wants he is joking 12/19 has been cleared relieved nightmare come out exclusive interview depends on do the interview Go ahead schedule 1A/5 they might out of mind she won’t it is from..her roommates takes..1B/5 5 1 7 3 10 6 9 8 4 2 2/5 exclusive depends on tough break gone through convincing came out interview 3A/5 will be reporting who know that is 3B/5 can’t be allowed can be learned must be limited can be measured may use has to be kept have to respect 3C/5 that talia made will not been playing can’t be allowed can learn 4/5 ent vin che ie lus erv are 5/5 keep cool what!Maybe you… Don’t let it..Take it easy you cann’t be… 第12单元

3/16 His team lost To show us He’s proud of

10/19 He didn’t She appreciated Amy Amy She declined 11/19 Feels bad ask her not confused because very close 12/19 I’ve been meaning Isn’t it great come in here got an offer start right away Go ahead been in touch get in the way turned newsbeat down match their offer in other words made a fool of myself were just being honest qualities

1A/5 she could she turned长的 A map of Africa Tuesday 3小时 Teacher 1B/5 the habitat of the animals blue folder rest of the project map definitely different spot turned it in reliable source coming to me instead of positively check with 2/5 handed it in figured let you turn it 3A/5 how long for since has been playing 3B/5 figure them out help you out put them away clean it up the most expensive the best 5/5 I’m not quite sure what you’re getting at./Exactly./Do you mean that/NO,that’s not what I mean./ Could you go over it again? / Are you saying that Section test C题目顺序随机,根据答案自己找合适的题 Section test C题目顺序随机,根据答案自己找合适的题 Listening ○1talia tells… talia says she’ll… nick describes… ○she doesn’t want she sterts an show appreciation ○..someone..evidence..crime tells the truth he thought….○4223(1.nick says,”dean,that the smartest thing i’ve ever heard you say…)○5patty reminds… nick complains that… patty advises… ○6talking to guests on her show the first phase of an interview ○7celebrate their success worrying about the tape ○8lost he runs ahead through the forest Vocabulary ○depends tough blame win ○2came across oversee come by ○3broke the news overestimating break the habit ○4warm… tired jokes Grammar ○1did that shouldn’t be ‘ll be talking shouldn’t have ○2were had been playing am supposed to could have should have been turn out wouldn’t have ○3’d been trying ‘ll be leaving ○4were which might have ○5hadn’t gone out do where Pronunciation(都是选折题!单词是答案中的)○122 ○2would you will ○3could have shouldn’t have ○4311 ○5yourself explain stir Speaking ○1this is… getting… you can’t… ○2I’ve been… do… let me… 继续继续,眼花了都、、Level test Level test Listening 1.asked worried interrupt at her home 2.stay jackie kicks shoes relieved famous people 3.confession she doesn’t trust arrest her amy 4.some information about a year ago beacuse ame left patty… go look for 5.the bright content 6.uncomfortable class a company that 7.we create it what they believe is iincorrect brain connecyions(1.which statement is true about our memory)8.jackie met… dean and… Jackie took dean… the tape… 9.response car horn referee’s… 10.you leave… the sun… you see… you walk… 11.a hard-working..work for learnt a lot appreciative deserves her Vocabulary 1.straigh rotten apple clear the air seeing him 2.ask… go out… keep… are out of line 3.illegal take a hard line agent 4.overheard coming by come about Broke her promise hot temper Grammar 1.don’t you been… was… to talk 2.lie who taken so have 3.yourself might have could 4.was… to admit can to tell made 5.were told playing had 6.hadn’t do who have 7.supposed to be planning had of out have 8….her coffee jickie arrived if nick sees..9.to put much been… surprised suprising do Pronunciation 1.2121 2.unstressed un s un 3.fool hwe freeze 4.UP SO YOU EVERYTHING Speaking 1.how… that’s… it’s… 2.not too great i have to go now well,he…

3.are you ok I would… keep me… 4.no… you’re… oh…

第四篇:网络文艺应有新时代担当 - 文艺云



广州市文联 李鹏程





近年来,广州市文联积极探索“互联网+文艺”创新发展。我们与中国文联文艺传播中心合作建立文艺名家数据库系统,是全国最早的文联之一。该系统除成为在线展示广州文艺家艺术成就的平台外,也为公众提供在互联网认识、了解、熟悉“文艺广州”的可能。2016年3月,广州市文联组织全国、省市专家和文艺家召开了“迎接网络文艺的黄金时代”研讨会。为进一步巩固研讨会的成果,我们在中国文联网络文艺传播中心的支持指导下,努力在“互联网+文艺”这个课题上进行更深一步的探索与实践,联合组织专门力量,编写出版了《迎接网络文艺的黄金时代》一书。郭运德书记专门为此书作序。这是中国首部全面梳理探究中国网络文艺发展面貌的抛砖石、工具书。我们通过在文化政策、互联网管理、创作观念、文艺批评等方面进行思考,进一步清醒地认识到:既要看 到“互联网+”对文艺生态带来的积极影响,更应该保持一种高度的文化自觉。文学艺术推动人、帮助人、促进人更加全面、自由、健康的发展,是新时代网络文艺题中之义,也是新时代文联应有的担当。


关键的是充分调动各方面力量,给网络文艺提供更为包容的环境。在人人离不开网络的今天,网络文艺正越来越多地影响着人们的精神生活。尽管如此,仍需全社会为其提供更为包容的发展环境。中央提出“大力发展网络文艺”的要求,为网络文艺正了“名”,各级各地各部门需要在政策的支持、管理的多元、创 作上的鼓励,以及其他一切有利于网络文艺发展的做法上,狠下功夫,重抓落实,要把网络文艺与传统、正统文艺放在同等重要的位置上,要统筹谋划、协调推进,不让网络文艺被边缘化、污名化,正确引导网络文艺实现商业价值与社会价值的双赢。


第二,在创作上,要积极拥抱吸纳接收,不可高高在上。在互联网上,“用户生产内容”在数量上已经远远超过了“专业生产内容”。这些文学艺术创作的参与者除了广大的青少年学生,还有公司白领、退休工人、乡下农民和机关干部。传统的创作门槛被互联网穿透,许多“业余作品”不仅满足了创作者自己的创作和审美需要,还可能被广大受众所接受,甚至获得 远超传统作家、艺术家的影响力。作为传统的、专业的文艺家要在大力倡导弘扬中华优秀传统文化的同时,善于借鉴吸收人类所有的文艺发展成果为己所用。要向他们学习,这不是赶时髦,不是传播途径、呈现载体的简单改变,而是思想的更新迭代,新技术应用下的思维转变。需要创作者改变自己,这样才能不断创作出富有新时代中国特色的文艺精品。

一是创作需要与生活更加密切。在网络时代,一切文艺形式都在趋向网络亲近感、“靠近”性,本土化。这既是时代需要,也是人民需求。这就要求创作者们能够真切体会到网络的特征与价值、网络对人们生活与思考方式的改变,始终站在网络潮流前面,不断形成领先于网民的思想,创作出来源于网络生活并高于网络生活的作品。去年以来,广州市联合国内主流音乐平台“酷狗音乐”打造的“听见花开”音乐季·全国大学生原创歌曲征集大赛,倚靠平台资源发起专业的、大型的音乐选秀活动,扩大了平台在产业链上游的话语权,同时对扶持音乐人才成长、扶持音乐事业发展、宣传广州花城国家重要中心城市形象起到良好的助推和引导作用。广州市音协开发的“蘑菇”app,可以进行“名师公开课”“一对多视频直播”“一对多直播分享”“一对一远程陪练”“一对一视频在 线课程”等服务。刚刚闭幕的中国音乐金钟奖也首次通过网络传播,惠及了千百万市民。

二是既要创作“大众内容”,又能创造“分众”和“小众”内容。互联网不仅满足着传统意义上的“大众”需求,同时也满足着各种不同的“小众”需求,甚至能够将那些分散在全国各地、世界各地的用户聚集为小众,再从小众聚集为相对的大众。围绕一个明星,可以形成粉丝部落,围绕一首歌,可以形成发烧友部落,围绕一部漫画,可以形成同人部落,围绕一部小说,可以形成书粉部落……去年由广州市文联与南方报业联合打造的“广州文艺市民空间”为更好满足群众文化生活多样化个性化的需求,文艺为民服务由单点单项单值型向多点多向多值型转变,不仅多、快、全,更是精、准、实。艺术家把创作和作品带到现场,与市民手把手体验,和市民零距离互动,借助新媒体、自媒体,不仅有效地解决供需对接,更有效推动文艺为民的自主自助,受到广大市民的热爱和广大文艺家的踊跃参与。著名表演艺术家姜昆到空间与市民交流互动,并且评价:“广州文艺市民空间跟‘互联网+’的结合非常好,很有创意。”这一活动也在“南方+”全程直播,受众面上百万。日前,空间被中国文 6 联授予全国首个城市的“中国文艺志愿者服务基地”称号。


三、在培育上,要建立评选评价机制,不要放任自流。习总书记在文艺座谈会讲话中明确指出,一部 好的作品,应该是经得起人民评价、专家评价选、市场检验的作品,应该是把社会效益放在首位,同时也应该是社会效益和经济效益相统一的作品。这是我们对网络文化作品进行评价的总要求。各种权威性的文艺评奖也要把网络作品纳入进来,拿出一定的名额分配给网络作品。


四、在管理上,要团结文艺网络组织、不宜拒之门外。如今,各种网站多如牛毛,我们应当采取属地管理,引导和协调成立本省、本市的网络行业和网络 文艺组织。协会内既可以相互学习、交流,不断提高专业水平,也可以通过行业自律,避免恶性竞争,促进本行业健康有序。有意识,尽可能地吸收网络文艺家们加入到各种文艺协会之中,让他们融进文艺创作的大循环中,发挥应有的作用。广州市文联2014年成立全国第一个“动漫家协会”,作为文联团体会员,发展猛。该协会除打造好中国动漫第一奖“金龙奖”和平面出版物外,建立了网络漫画阅读空间,开发了手机APP,所有基于漫画的阅读与分享、动漫衍生品的消费等都可以在协会网上实现。并承办“全国首届动漫美术作品展”,吸引了中国文联、各地文联视察指导。


2015年9月,我们还成立了全国第一个“手机摄影协会”,并相继举办了“最文艺广州在哪里”、“广州过年 花城看花”全国手机摄影大赛,吸引全国各地的7万多人次网友参与。著名评论家向云驹、著名摄 影家解海龙专门撰写评论,给予充分的肯定。中国文联李前光副主席也曾去考察指导。



大成未来http://www.xiexiebang.com 新时代网络营销策划有哪些基本原则









大成未来http://www.xiexiebang.com 网络营销策划的个结果是形成网络营销方案。网络营销方案必须具有可操作性,否则毫无价值可言。这种可操作性,表现为在网络营销方案中,策划者根据企业网络营销的目标和环境条件,就企业在未来的网络营销活动中做什么、何时做、何地做、何人做、如何做的问题进行了周密的部署、详细的阐述和具体的安排。也就是说,网络营销方案是一系列具体的、明确的、直接的、相互联系的行动计划的指令,一旦付诸实施,企业的每一个部门、每一个员工都能明确自己的目标、任务、责任以及完成任务的途径和方法,并懂得如何与其他部门或员工相互协作。







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