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to all the teachers and students in grade 7,

this afternoon,all the students in grade 7 will go to the west hill to plant trees.we‘ll take a bus there,and make sure to gather at the school gate at 2pm.don‘t be late.

the school office

march 18th,2006


We all know English is a useful course ,when we visit western countries,we can use it .So everyone want to learn English well.However,how to learn English well ?The question is everyone want to solve .There are some good ways to learn English well.First ,you need to creat good habits.Everymorning read aloud English words or English stories .It can help you to remember.Then you can talk to your friends or parents in English.This can practice your English spoken.The important point is to creat an interest in English.Such as you like listening to music,you can listen English song ,or you like watching movies ,then you can watch English movies .These ways can help you creat interest.Hope these advies can help you learn English well ,but remember“Where there is a will,the is a way.”


Last Sunday,I was busy but had a good fun!And last Sunday was a special day for me .Because my friends and I went to a big farm.In the morning,wen went to the farm by car .When we arrived there,lots of farmers met us.We were tired,so we relaxed on farm.Then we had a delicious lunch.In the afternoon,we helped the farmers to feed animals. I fed the rabbits ,because I think they were very cute .Next,we picked the fruit,such as apples ,oranges,strawberries.The strawberries were very fresh, We ate them and made some juice together.Finally,we went to home by car. It was interesting.


I get up early at six every day. After doing some morning exercises, I read English for twenty minutes. At seven I have breakfast. After breakfast I take my schoolbag and go to school. Our class begins at eight, and we have four classes in the morning. After lunch at 12 o’clock, I take a short rest in the classroom. We have three more classes in the afternoon.After school at five , I go back home. I often help my mother do some housework. Sometimes I watch TV. After dinner, I begin to do my homework. Then I take a shower. I go to bed at nine thirty.



In English, the word about color can reflect different emotions. Blue and grey mean bad mood and red means vitality. A new research found that people are easily affected by the products that are in colors. For example, when students see the red color in the blackboard, they feel not eased. The candies which are packaged in green often not sells well and the food will not considered to be packaged in blue. The rule that color has something to do with people’s mood, so the wise manufacturers make use of this rule to catch people’s attention. They choose the color that pleases customers and make more profits.

在英语中,有关颜色的词可以反映出不同的情绪。蓝色和灰色意味着坏心情和红色意味着活力。一项新的研究发现,人们很容易受到产品不同颜色的影响。例如,当学生看到黑板上的红色,他们觉得不放松。包装是绿色的糖果往往不是很畅销,食物不会用蓝色来包装。颜色与人的情绪有关 这是规则,所以聪明的制造商会利用这个规则去抓住人们的注意力。他们选择颜色去取悦客户,创造更多的利润。




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