
2022-03-07 11:25:12下载本文作者:会员上传







Good morning, everyone.Today, lets talk about “University and expectation”.I believe that after more than a year of college life, everyone has their own views on the University.How did we get to the university? Why did you come to college? What will we get here? What challenges will we encounter to achieve these gains? How to solve these challenges?

Please listen to some opinions from our group with your own thoughts.First of all, my partner Ji Jie comes to talk to you about why we want to go to college.1、为什么上大学?




Many of us have been stressed by our parents and teachers to go to college since childhood, but do we really know why we want to go to college?

Many people will say: in order to learn more professional knowledge and find a better job, we can improve personal comprehensive quality and ability, improve personal cultivation, improve the ability of independent thinking, improve the ability of interpersonal communication and expand the interpersonal network, so as to reassure parents.But in the end, we all want to be better ourselves.Next, my partners Huang Yuxiang and Huang Xiangbin will introduce to you our expected college life.2、从大学四年收获什么?




In order to become better ourselves, we should not only learn our professional knowledge well, but also develop ourselves in other fields.The most common is to get various certificates to add color to your resume.For example, CET-4 or CET-6 certificate, level-1 computer certificate, certified public accountant, professional skill certificate, Putonghua certificate, teacher qualification certificate, graduation certificate,and so on.Of course, these are not enough.We still need to master some other abilities.Next, my partner Huang Yuxiang will introduce it to you.没错,我们还需要掌握一些人际交往和学生工作能力。




Yes, we also need to master some interpersonal and student working skills.We may join some student organizations and become class cadres or student assistants.In the process of work, we will master a lot of office software, recognize many people with different majors, regions and ideas, and gain friends, knowledge and broaden our horizons in our mutual communication, which will become the nutrition for our growth.In study, work and life, in interpersonal communication, we often face many challenges.Next, my partner, he Junying, will introduce the challenges we will encounter.3、面临的挑战是什么?






There are many challenges in college, such as unable to remember words of CET-4 and CET-6, unable to translate, read and hear.Another example is the election of class cadres, various student union organizations and associations.At this time, we are faced with problems such as nervous speech, unable to answer the relevant questions raised by teachers and insufficient preparation of materials.Of course, in the University, we not only need to study, but also need to communicate.How to communicate with others and how to find friends who fit with ourselves are also a focus of our attention.Next, my partner Chen Ning will introduce to you how we can solve these difficulties.4、如何战胜困难实现期待?




When you cant remember the words, you can try to use some portable memory skills and various ways to remember the words.Recite a certain number every day and review regularly.If you dont understand the listening, you can often practice, do some relevant exercises, listen repeatedly, or ask the teacher for advice.Before CET-4 and CET-6, we have enough time, so we need to make reasonable arrangements.Daily practice and recitation are essential.We can use some existing resources to improve our learning efficiency.When you are nervous about making a speech on stage, you can relax yourself appropriately, adjust your state of mind, take a deep breath and tell yourself you can.In class, the teacher asks questions but he is not prepared.He can make use of the knowledge he has learned before to answer as much as possible.He can also answer the questions according to his own situation, instead of saying I wont, and strive to leave a good impression on the teacher.If you want to know a new friend, you need to take the initiative to communicate.At this time, a good way of communication will make people feel very comfortable and willing to make friends with you.If you want to find a suitable friend, both sides need a certain time to get along, have the same hobbies, get along well in character, and are willing to make heart to heart with each other.I think everyone will find their own bosom friend.结尾:





This video is a small part of our common experience, military training, sports meeting, class meeting and group day activities.We have been standing on the podium calmly from the initial youth to the present.This is the change brought to us by the University, and this is the harvest.Looking back on the university course of more than a year, each of us has gained more or less, improved in all aspects, gained new friends, met new teachers, learned new skills, and tried many things we hadnt tried before.I think this is the harvest of the University.Each of us has gained a better self through our own efforts.There is still a long way to go in the future.We need to do more and harvest a better self in the precious university stage.In college, what we expect to gain is better ourselves in the future.我们的演讲结束,谢谢大家的聆听。

Our speech is over.Thank you for listening.



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