M2U1 教案(含5篇)

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第一篇:M2U1 教案

Unit1 There's Chinese dancing.Module 2







(2)掌握重点句型:There’s a Chinatown in New York.There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there.2、能力目标:

学生能用英语进行生活交际,利用“There be”句型描述生活中的物品。同时通过练习让学生体会合作的重要性。





1、教学重点是学生能听说读写单词词组(miss,sometimes,restaurant,really,dancing);能运用There is a Chinatown in New York.There are lots of Chinese shops there.进行交际。

2、教学难点是学会运用There is/ There are描述事物。







1、Hello,boys and girls ,there’re five groups here.Are you ready for our class ? Class begins!


首先通过观看教学挂图(展示长城、西湖的照片)以及PPT展示北京的图片,请同学们按小组回答问题:How long is the Great Wall? Where’s the West Lake ? How big is Beijing? 这样不仅复习了旧知识,渲染了学习英语的良好气氛,而且渗透了小组合作的思想。


1、导入。出示一张唐人街的图片,问:Do you know where it is ? What can you see in this picture? 请学生回答你的问题。有些学生可能对唐人街有所了解,肯定他们的发言和大胆尝试。(大屏幕出示网联网搜索第一组Chinatown的图片)引导学生说出Chinatown,并且进一步说出“There’s a Chinatown in New York”.(接着再出示第二张图片)引导学生说出shop ,restaurant ,进而说出句子“There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there.”。(然后出示第三张图片)教师提问:What are they doing? 进而引出“Chinese dancing”以及“There is Chinese dancing.”通过互联网搜索,让学生们直接了解中西方文化的差异。

2、听录音。认真听Daming 和Simon 之间的对话,提出问题:a)Where is Chinatown? b)Does Daming miss China ? c)Who is sending an email ? 老师可以引导学生得出正确的回答。通过第一遍录音学生们可以了解课文大意。

3、听录音并跟读,在跟读的过程中划出文中的“There is / There are„”.大屏幕上会显示这三个句子,让学生们认真观察这三个句子,找出它们的共同点与不同点,然后小组讨论、展示,学生们不可能一下子就能发现“There be”这个语法点,需要老师积极的引导。通过孩子们自己的总结引出了“There be”语法点,能够加深学生们的理解。



小组内讨论如何用“There is / There are„”描述教室里的物品。然后进行PK,看哪个小组描述的又多又准。


总结本模块的关键点。特别注意“There is / There are„”的区别,并能在课后运用它们描述见到的事物。看一下评价表,找出获胜的小组,进行奖励,并鼓励其他小组继续努力。(五)作业

回宿舍仔细观察宿舍内有什么物品,运用There is/There are…写一篇小作文。


Unit1 There's Chinese dancing.There be结构:

There is /There are…


本课是外研社三年级起点英语第七册第二模块第一单元的内容,重点是让学生掌握There is / There are的区别和用法。

本篇课文要学习Chinatown(唐人街)。教师在教学的过程中并不是一味的讲解课文知识,而是将Chinatown 的背景知识给学生一一做了介绍,并通过互联网搜索,展示出一些真实的Chinatown(唐人街)的图片,让学生们对Chinatown(唐人街)有了真切的感受,明白Chinatown(唐人街)是将中国文化传播到国外的一个途径。有了背景的知识的了解,再巧妙的过渡到今天所要学习的新知难点让学生轻松的过关,运用“There is „ There are„”来进行描述就不成其为难点。在课堂上营造生活中的情景,使课堂生活化,贴近学生的生活,让学生在自己熟悉的环境中探究新知,为以后的学习打下坚实的基础。因此在巩固阶段让学生来描述教室,学生在介绍时很自然地用到了There is和There are„„。通过这个练习不仅对学生的综合语言运用能力进行了训练,而且很自然地巩固了本课的重点和难点。我在教课文时由浅入深,突破重难点。在学习课文时根据具体内容进行适当的调整,这种由易到难的听读训练,长期坚持下去,学生就能养成良好的听读能力。

学生对本课的重难点基本掌握之后,以PK赛形式进行拓展训练。用学过的There is和There are„„描述自己的教室,小组之间比比看,看哪个小组说出来的物品多,说的准确。而且说之前给学生要求,组内说过的学生不能再说,说过的物品尽量不要重复。学生的兴趣非常高,句子的准确度也很高。这不仅让学生牢固掌握了本课的重点句子,还有利于刺激那些不会的学生,尽快掌握。同时增强了学生学习积极性、参与意识,培养了集体荣誉感。



M2U2 单元重点


1.carry out an interview.2.run into a yeti

3.if you saw a UFO or a yeti, what would you do?

4.who is in charge of the case?/ he took charge of the case 5.step up the search for… 6.go missing

7.the incident received interest

8.due to…the plane is due to arrive

9.a witness to the accident2011 witnesses/sees a gradual drop of the housing price.10.go straight to

11.put on a film/ the CD

12.standing inside were some white-skinned creatures 13.a flash of light/in a flash/ sth flash across my mind 14.let’s assume…/ assume the responsibility

Word power--Task

28.send up/ launch …into space 29.the former…the latter

30.set foot on the moon/land on the moon 31.dream of

32.lift sth upgive sb a lift

33.be enthusiastic about/ with enthusiasm 34.do exist

35.look for treasurethe treasures

36.it’s/has been a long time since he worked here.since he came here 37.it’s /this is the first time sb have done sth 38.be tired from/ be tired out/be tired of

39.do / conduct a survey/experiment/research on… 40.at a time/at one time41.in an appropriate manner

it’s bad/good manners to do sth


56.report seeing sth

57.sb/sth is said to do/have done sthit’s said that… 58.2 meters in length2 meters long 59.have sth done

60.dozens of/many/several/ 3 dozendozen of these/ the/ those people61.by time/ weight/ length

by the hour/ the pound/ the meter…

15.work on

16.occur to…it occurs to/strikes sb that… 17.show up/ turn upshow off 18.so that/ in order that/19.do research on 20.without injuries.21.take sb/sth away

22.when asked about the possibility that…, the detective

said… 23.make up

24.there is no hard evidence that… 25.while 尽管、当…时候、…而… 26.dismiss the idea/ dismiss sb

27.look into other possibilities as well

42.in return(for…)in turn 43.shake hands with 44.take turns

45.at a discount of 10%

46.analyze the statisticsmake an analysis of47.draw/arrive at/ come to conclusions that..48.be based onon the basis of 49.make appropriate suggestions

50.below are some statistics gathered from a school


51.play against sb

52.a number of girls are going to …the number of … is 53.get into shape 54.organize a party

55.offer awards to sbaward sth to sb

give sb rewards

62.nature reservereserve a table/a double room63.ran afterrun into

sth run outsb run out of sth sth be run out of by sb 64.belong to

65.sb be convinced of…convince sb of…/that

sth is convincing

66.be linked tobe connected with

67.a sense of humor/ direction/ …in a sensemake sense

68.one daysome day

69.make/ push/ fight one’s way to…get in the way70.survive the earthquake/ the air crash/survive sb by …years

第三篇:外研版四年级上册M2U1 Shes reading a book教案


Unit1 She’s reading a book.一、概述

本课课文情景是Sam借用图片的形式,展示朋友及家人在图中正在做的事情。本课的语言功能是谈论他人正在做的事情,并初步感知正在进行时的表现形式。通过教学引导学生用“This is my friend Maomao.She’s reading a book.”等句型谈论他人正在做的事情。本课是本模块的第一课时,通过创设Sam介绍朋友及家人的情境,引导学生运用正在进行时介绍自己的朋友及家人。

二、教学目标 1.知识与技能目标:

1)能够听懂、会读、会说、正确抄写read, these, take pictures,;2)能够听懂、会说、会认读并运用句型This is my friend Maomao.She’s reading a book.在情境中谈论朋友或家人正在做的事情; 3)能够借助图片、文字听懂、读懂、朗读和简单复述课文; 4)能够运用所学知识描述他人正在做的事情。

2.情感态度:能体会到英语学习的乐趣,积极参与英语活动,3.学习策略:能过通过歌曲、记忆游戏、猜谜游戏等各种游戏感知英语正在进行时的表述及含义,在图片与词组间建立联想 教学重点:

1.能听懂、会读、会说单词:read, these, take pictures, toy train, running 2.能听懂、会说、会认读句型:This is my friend Maomao.She’s reading a book.3.能过运用正在进行时描述图中正在发生的事情或是生活中正在进行的动作。

教学难点:运用正在进行时描述正在发生的动作;“He’s playing with a toy train.”正确认读


四、教学过程(一)Warming up 1.Greetings T: Nice to meet you here.I bring four toy trains for you.The blue toy train is for group1.The … is for group 2.The … is for group 3.The … is for group 4.You can work hard to make your train run fast and the train can run to the station first will be the winner.2.Listen, sing and act T: Please sing and act, then tell me: What did you hear? 3.Memory game and brain storming

T: What did you hear?

What else activities do you know?(设计意图:在课堂教学前让学生了解评价方式,借此突破“train”的语音教学,歌曲热身,导入activity的头脑风暴,为任务落实奠定词汇基础。)

(二)Lead-in and present the task 1.Guessing game

T: So many activities.Can you guess: What does Lingling like?

Ss: … 2.Look and say T:Let’s listen and find: What does Lingling like? Ss: Lingling likes playing football.T: Great.Look at these pictures, they are Lingling’s friends.What does Lanlan like?(present “these”)What does Daming like?

What do they like?(present “running”)…

3.Listen and repeat 4.Presenting the task and the title T: Lingling likes playing football.I like swimming.I like playing basketball.What do you like? T: …, please.(Ss do the actions)T: Look, he/ she is …

Today we will talk about our friends and family.And we will learn Unit1, Module2 She’s reading a book.(设计意图:借助教材提供的导入建议,结合学生实际,在兴趣中渗透正在进行时,让学生体会like doing sth到正在进行时的过渡,并呈现任务及课题。)(三)Presentation 1.Look and learn

T: Lingling likes playing football.Look, Lingling’s friend, Sam likes taking pictures.Look at these pictures.This is Sam’s sister … This is Sam’s little brother… This is Sam’s friends …

T: Who is reading a book? Let’s listen and find the answer.2.Listen and learn

Who is reading a book? 3.Listen and match T: What are they doing? Let’s listen and find.Please take out this piece of paper.Exercise 1, listen and match.Maomao


with a toy train






a book



pictures 4.Listen and repeat, then find the words with “-ing”.Maomao

is playing with a toy train


is watching TV


is reading a book


is taking pictures

(在学生听音模仿跟读后,请学生说出带有ing的单词,并及时将黑板上的单词补充完整)5.Listen and imitate 6.Read in groups 7.Try to retell the text(according to the tips on the blackboard)(设计意图:课文教学追求循序渐进、培养学生听力理解能力,并关注细节,引导学生在学习的过程中,关注正在进行时的形态,最终能在教师引导和提示下,完成重点内容的输出。)(四)Dealing with the task 1.Guessing game

T: Sam likes taking pictures.Look, Panpan likes taking pictures too.Look, he is taking pictures of his friends.T: This is Fangfang.Please guess: What is she doing?

Ss: …

(借助模糊游戏,激发学生运用动词词组和正在进行时表达自己猜测的兴趣,最终达到机械训练本节课重点词组和句型的目的,为学生展示和运用奠定基础)2.Describe Panpan’s family together

T: Let’s describe the picture together, OK? 2.Write sentences according to the examples.T: You can choose a picture you like best and write a sentence like “Panpan is taking pictures.”.(引导学生在例句的基础上挑选自己最喜爱的一幅图进行描述,达到仿写的目的。)3.Talk about our family and friends

T: Panpan likes taking pictures, and I like taking pictures too.Look, this is my friend Ms.Yu.She is skipping.This is my friend and me.We are climbing the mountains.Can you talk about your family and friends like this?

S1: …

S2: …

T: Please talk about your family and friends in your groups.The phrases on the screen may help you.(设计意图:引导学生小组合作介绍Panpan家庭之后,学着介绍自己的家庭或朋友,最终达到学以致用的教学效果,屏幕上的词组为后进生练习降低难度)(五)Homework 1.Listen and imitate the text 3~5 times.2.Finish Part 2 and Part 3 in exercise paper.*3.Make a poster about your friends or family.(设计意图:作业分必做和选作,第二项作业体现在我们的校本作业中,一题是仿写例句,一题是规范抄写新单词,第三项作业是特色校本作业,请有能力的同学完成,并随后贴在教室与大家分享)


Module 2 Directions Unit1 Go straight on.一、学习目标: 认知目标

1.单词house ,supermarket,road ,excuse me ,lost,next to,live。2.能听懂、会说句型Go straight on,turn left,turn right。情感目标




1.重点:方位口令的掌握和使用 2.难点:区分right, left, straight

二、预习学案: 我知道:(写出下列单词或短语的英文表达 学校医院动物园向左转 直走超级市场向右转



TPR活动。教师边说边做:”Right hand up.Right hand down.”学生跟着教师边做边说。

教师出示一些表示地点的图片如park/zoo/shop/school等,请学生抢答出单词。(通过复习地点单词为练习本课的句型Where’s …,please?做好铺垫。II.自主学习

将学生分成四个小组,播放录音,然后小组内讨论回答问题: Where’s the NO.2 West Lake Road? 再次播放录音,学生跟读。

教师领读,对于新的单词,重点教读。学生小组内分角色朗读。III.合作交流 1.活动:问路。

让学生自己画一幅地图,上面有三条路,分别标有school/ zoo/ supermarket/ my house.在地图的某处标有You’re here.教师请学生用自己的地图进行两人小组练习,一人问路:”Where’s the zoo, please?”,另一人指路:”Go straight on and then turn left”。


教师准备一些路线图和要找的目的地单词卡。教师将单词卡片发给一些学生,再将路线图发给另一部分学生,那单词卡片的学生作为迷路者来问路,如:”I’m lost.Where’s the park?”拿着路线图的学



四、课堂检测: 完成配套练习册1.4题,然后学生小组内讨论订正答案,最后教师评析。

五、课后作业: 请学生画出从家到学校的路线图并英语标注。

六、板书设计: Module 2 Directions Unit1 Go straight on Where’s the NO.2 West Lake Road? Go straight on,turn left,turn right。



一、Listen and tick.(听录音,圈出你所听到的图片)


二、Listen and circle.(听录音,圈出你所听到的单词或字母前的编号)

1.spring2.super3.cold4.warm5.sing6.drink7 s8.q9.r m10.ced

三、Listen and number.(听录音,给下列单词编号)



四、Listen and circle.(听录音,圈出你所听到的句子前的编号)

1.B.Spring is green.2.A.Winter is cold.3.A.In spring, I see flowers.4.A.I drink some juice.5.A.I like autumn.五.Listen and choose(听录音圈出正确的元音字母)


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