
时间:2019-05-11 21:46:00下载本文作者:会员上传


Hello, everyone!My name is.I am three years old.I am clever and beautiful, because I like eating fruits very much.My mother often says fruits are full of vitamin.To eat fruits can make you healthier.Now, let me introduce some of them to you.The green apple is sweet and sour.Coconut is yummy.It is like milk.The yellow mango is sweet.Banana is also yellow.And banana is an energy fruit.When you are hungry, you can eat it as meal.I like to eat watermelon most, because watermelon is sweet and lush.Everyone likes to eat watermelon in summer.It can help you drive off your bad mood.The color of watermelon is green and its inner part is red.My mother likes eating oranges, so she likes to cover our dining table with orange cloth.She says the color of orange can help us have a good meal.Do you want to have a try? Then, just do it.That’s all!Thank you!大家好!我的名字是…… 我三岁了。我既聪明又漂亮,因为我非常喜欢吃水果。我妈妈说水果富含维他命。多吃水果能够使你身体更健康。现在,我就介绍一些水果给你们吧。绿苹果又甜又酸。椰子吃起来很可口。椰子的汁就像牛奶。黄色的芒果很甜。香蕉也是黄色的。并且,香蕉是一种可以当饭吃的水果。我最喜欢吃西瓜,因为西瓜不但很甜而且多汁。在夏天,每个人都喜欢吃西瓜。西瓜能帮助我们驱逐坏心情。西瓜外面是绿色的。西瓜里面是红色的。我妈妈喜欢吃桔子,所以她喜欢用桔黄色的布当作餐桌布。她说桔黄色能让我们吃饭的时候更愉快。你想试一下吗?尽管试试。这就是我要讲的,谢谢!

Conversation 1(对话1)A: What kind of fruit do you like? 你喜欢什么水果? B: I like the dragon fruit.我喜欢火龙果 A: How about you? 你呢? B: I like grapes.我喜欢葡萄。

A: Can you tell me the taste of grapes?你能告诉我葡萄的味道吗? B: Grapes taste yummy.葡萄吃起来很可口。

Conversation 2 A: Where do pandas live? 大熊猫住在哪里? B: They live in Sichuan province.他们住在四川省。A: Where is the giraffe’s home?长颈鹿的家在哪里? B: The giraffe’s home is on grassland.长颈鹿的家在草原上。A: Where do camels live?骆驼住在哪里? B: They live in the desert.他们住在沙漠。

A: Are forests the home of lions? 森林是狮子的家吗? B: Yes, they are.是的。

A: Which kind of animal lives in a river? 什么动物住在水里? B: Fish lives in a river.鱼住在水里。

Conversation 3 A: Can you tell me the smell of a public toilet? 你能告诉我公共厕所的味道吗?

B: Yes, I can.The smell of a public toilet is stinking and disgusting.我能,公共厕所的味道很臭和恶心。

A: Do you think the smell of every public toilet is the same? 你认为所有的公共厕所的味道都是一样的吗? B: No, I don’t think so.不,我不这样认为。

Conversation 4 A: How do you feel in a windy day? 多风的天气你感觉怎么样? B: I feel a little cold in a windy day.我感觉有点冷。

A: How do you feel in a sunny day? 晴朗的天气你感觉怎么样? B: I feel warm.感到很暖和。

A: How do you feel in a snowy day? 下雪天你感觉怎么样? B: I feel freezing.感到很冷很冷。

Conversation 5 A: Today, let’s review something about animals.Can you tell me how many kinds of animals you know? 今天,我们复习一下有关动物的知识。能告诉我你们知道所少种动物吗?

B: Let me have a try.I know monkey, duck, cock, peacock, pig, dog, cat, crab, rat, kangaroo, cattle and…? Cody, can you do me a favor? I forget the name of the animals which live in desert.Can you tell me? 我来试一下。我知道猴子、鸭子、公鸡、孔雀、猪、狗、猫、蟹、耗子、袋鼠、牛和…… Cody, 你能帮我个忙吗?我忘记了住在沙漠里的那种动物的名字。你能告诉我吗?

A: Let me see.Do you mean camels? 让我想想。你是指骆驼吗? B: Yes, that’s it.Thank you very much.是的,就是骆驼。非常感谢。A: You’re welcome.//It’s my pleasure.不客气。

Conversation 6 A: Who has a cell phone? 谁有一部手机? B: Sixuan has a cell phone.思璇有一部手机。A: Does Alexis have one? Alexis 有手机吗? B: No, he doesn’t, but his parents have cell phones.他没有,但是他的父母有。

Conversation 7 A: Who has a computer? 谁有电脑? B: I have a computer.我有一台电脑。

A: What can you do with a computer? 你能用电脑做什么? B: I can play computer games.我能玩电脑游戏。

Conversation 8 A: What time is it now? 现在几点了? B: It is 11:30.11:30了。

A: Do you have some time to play with me? 你有时间陪我玩吗?

B: Sorry, I don’t have.I will go to have a lunch now.对不起,我没有时间。我现在要去吃午饭了。

Conversation One A: How many people in your family? 你家几口人? B: There are five people in my family.They are my grandpa, grandma, father, mother and me.我家有5口人。他们是我爷爷、奶奶、爸爸、妈妈和我。

A: Who is your favorite person in your family? 在你们家,你最喜欢谁?

B: The Favorite person? All of them are my favorite persons.最喜欢谁?他们都是我最喜欢的人。A: The favorite means you have to choose one.最喜欢的人只能选择一个。B: Only one? 仅仅一个吗? A: Yes, only one.是的,只能一个。

B: Oh, that’s really difficult to make a choice.Let me see.En….My favorite person in my family is my mum.哦,我真的很难抉择。让我考虑一下。恩….我最喜欢我妈妈。

Conversation Two A: Do you know Shanshan? 你知道姗姗吗? B: Yes, I do.Shanshan is a girl.She is cute.知道,姗姗是一个女孩子。她很酷。

A: Between you and Shanshan, who is cuter? 你和姗姗相比,谁更酷? B: I think I am cuter.我认为我更酷。

A: Between your name and Shanshan’s name, whose name sounds more beautiful? 你的名字和姗姗的名字相比,谁的名字更好听? B: My name sounds more beautiful.我的名字更好听。

Conversation Three A: What’s that? 那是什么?

B: That’s a pig.那是一头猪。

A: What that pig is doing? 那头猪正在干什么? B: It is eating grass.它正在吃草。

Conversation 4 A: What are you afraid of? 你怕什么? B: I am afraid of smoke.我怕烟雾。A: What is he afraid of? 他怕什么/ B: He is afraid of darkness.他怕黑。A: What is she afraid of? 她怕什么? B: She is afraid of lion.她怕狮子。

Conversation 5 A: Mum, I’m hungry.Can you give me some food to eat? 妈妈,我饿了。能给我些吃的吗?

B: Sorry, baby, there is not any food now.I have to buy some.对不起,宝贝儿。现在什么吃的也没有。我不得不去买一些回来。

Conversation 6 A: Mum, I am afraid I can not finish my homework today.妈妈,今天我恐怕完不成家庭作业了。

B: But if you don’t finish your homework, I think your teacher will punish you.但是你完不成作业的话,我想老师会惩罚你的。

Conversation 7 A: What job do you want to have in the future? 你想在将来找份什么的工作?

B: I want to be a doctor in the future.我将来想当医生。A: Can you explain the meaning of doctor for me in English? 你能用英语给我解释一下医生的含义吗?

B: Sorry, I can’t.I will ask my grandma, because she is doctor.对不起,我不能。我去问问我外婆,因为她是医生。

Conversation 8 A: Who are they? 他们是谁?

B: They are my best friends.They always show me their new books.他们是我最好的朋友。他们经常把他们的新书给我看。A: Do you often play with them? 那你经常和他们玩吗? B: Yes, I do.是的,经常。

A: Do you have any plan this week? 你们这周有什么计划吗? B: This week we are going to play basketball.这周我们打算去打篮球。

Self-introduction—Describe My Body Hello, everyone!Now let me describe my body for you.I am not tall.I have a big round head on my body.My hair is not very long, because I am not old enough.There is a pair of big eyes on my face.I have a small mouth.My mouth is pink.There is a small nose between my eyes and mouth.I also have a pair of big ears next to my eyes.There is a long neck under my head.My hands are next to my body.There are ten fingers on my hands.Under my body there is a pair of legs.My big feet are under the legs.Both my hands and feet are strong.So you know I am a healthy girl.自我介绍------描述我的身体


Conversation one A: Does your mother like butterflies? 你妈妈喜欢蝴蝶吗? B: Yes, she does.She has many butterflies.喜欢,她有很多蝴蝶。A: What can she do with butterflies? 她用蝴蝶做什么? B: I have no idea.I will write a letter to ask her.我不知道,我写信问问她。

Conversation 2 A: Do you know the smell of gas from vehicles? 你知道机动车的汽油味吗?

B: Yes, I do.The gas from vehicles smells very bad.知道,机动车的汽油味很难闻。

A: How do you fell when you smell the gas from vehicles? 你闻到汽油味时的感觉是什么样的? B: I fell dizzy.我感到头晕。

Conversation 3 A: Do you like the lemon juice? 你喜欢柠檬汁吗? B: No, I don’t.I like the mango juice.How about you? 我不喜欢,我喜欢芒果汁。你呢?

A: I like papaya juice.我喜欢木瓜汁。

Conversation 4 A: Is there any lawn around your house? 你家房子周围有草坪吗? B: No, there isn’t.But there are many trees around my house.没有草坪,但是有很多树。

Conversation 5 A: Do you often review English at home? 你在家经常复习英语吗?

B: Yes, I do.My mother helps me to review English everyday.是的,我妈妈每天都帮助我复习英语。

A: Can you review English by yourself? 你能自己复习英语吗? B: No, I can’t.I need my mother does me a favor.不能,我需要妈妈的帮助。

Conversation 6 A: What does your English teacher always make you do in English class? 在英语课上,你们英语老师经常让你们做什么?

B: He always makes us recite some poetry.他经常让我们背诗。A: Can you do a good job? 你背的好吗?

B: It depends.Sometimes I can, but sometimes I can’t.很难说,有时候好有时候不好。

Conversation 7 A:Miss Li is my English teacher.She is also your English teacher? Right? 李小姐是我的英语老师,也是你的英语老师,对吗? B: Yes, we have the same English teacher.是的,我们的英语老师同一个人。A: I think she is a beauty.How do you think? 我认为我们的英语老师是一个美女。你认为呢? B: The same to you.我的想法和你的一样。

Conversation 1 A: Do you know ship and boat? 你知道轮船和小船吗? B: Yes, I know.So what? 知道,怎么了?

A: Can you tell me the difference between ship and boat? 你能告诉我轮船和小船的区别吗?

B: Yes, I can.Ship is big and boat is small.可以,轮船大而小船小。

Conversation 2 A: How do you go to school everyday? 你每天怎样去学校? B: I go to school by bicycle.And you?骑自行车。你呢?

A: I go to school by taxi.我打计程车去。

B: Why don’t you go to school by bus? 你为什么不坐公交车? A: Because bus is very crowded.因为公交车很挤。B: Can you drive a car? 你会开汽车吗? A: Yes, I can.会的。

A: I know your father has a car.Why don’t you drive his car? 我知道你爸爸有汽车的。你为什么不开他的车?

B: My father forbids me to drive his car, because I am not good at driving.He is afraid that I will break his car.我爸爸不准我开他的车,因为我开车还不算太熟练。他怕我弄坏他的车。


Self-introduction Hello, everyone!My name is

.I’m three years old.There are five people in my family.I like singing and dancing.I also like to tell stories.I like English, too.Cats are my favorite animals.Cats are very lovely animals.They are nice and small.They live in ground.They can’t swim.They can not live in water.Many families have cats as pets.My family has two cats, one is red, and the other is black.They like playing with each other.They are very clean.They sleep in their bed.I like them very much.大家好!我叫



Conversation 3 A: Do you know Cody? 你知道CODY吗?

B: Yes, I know.He is my English teacher.知道,他是我的英语老师。A: How do you think about Cody? 你认为CODY是一个什么样的人? B: He is friendly and open-minded.他很友好,性格也很开朗。

Conversation 4 A: Look!What’s that in the tree? 看,树上是什么? B: Oh, there is a beautiful bird in the tree.It’s singing.哦,树上有一只漂亮的鸟儿。它正在唱歌呢。A: Yes, how happy it is!是的,它多么高兴啊。

Conversation 5 A: Look!What is Tom doing? 看,汤姆在干什么? B: He is talking with a girl.他正在和一个女孩子聊天。A: How do you think about Tom? 你对汤姆的感觉怎么样? B: I think he is very stupid.I don’t like him.我认为他很愚蠢,我不喜欢他。

Conversation 6 A: Can you speak English? 你能讲英语吗?

B: Yes, I can.I can speak English fluently.能,我讲英语很流利。A: Do you learn English at school? 你在学校学习英语吗? B: No, I don’t.I learn English at home.不是,我在家学习英语。

Conversation 7 A: When will you go to a primary school? 你什么时候上小学? B: Three years later, because I am just three years old now.三年后,因为我现在才三岁。

A: Which primary school do you want to go?你打算去哪一所小学? B: I want to go to the Primary School Affiliated to Yunnan Normal University in Qianju Community.我想去钱居街的云南师范大学的附属小学。

Conversation 8 A: Hi, my friend.Long time no see.How is going everything? 你好,哥们儿。好久不见,一切可好? B: Not bad.How about you? 还过得去。你呢? A: I’m fine.Thank you!Where are you going? 我很好,谢谢!你去哪里呢?

B: I am going to go to the zoo.我打算去动物园。A: Can I go with you? 我能和你一起去吗? B: Yes, you can.Let’s go.当然可以,我们出发吧。

Conversation 9 A: Have you ever seen a helicopter? 你见过直升机吗?

B: Yes, I have.I can often see many helicopters in the American action-movies.见过,我在美国动作片中经常能看到很多直升机。A: How do you think about a helicopter? 你感觉直升机怎么样? B: I think a helicopter is a kind of convenient transportation.我认为直升机是一种很便捷的交通工具。

A: Between a helicopter and a airplane, which do you think is more convenient? 直升机和飞机相比,你认为哪个更便捷一些? B: I think helicopter is more convenient.我认为直升机更为便捷。


Good afternoon, everyone!My name is.I’m three years old.Today, I want to tell something about transportation.We know, in our daily life, transportation is very important.There are many kinds of transportations.For example, there are buses, ships, cars, bullet trains, subways and jeeps.In the old days, people usually went to somewhere on foot, or by bicycle.But today, they can go somewhere by bus, by train, even take plains.Every day, my parents go to work by car.I go to school by my mother’s car.When my family go shopping, we like to drive my father’s car.If my family go travelling, we like to take a coach or a plain.大家下午好!我叫


Conversation 1 A: Who likes to eat apples in your family?你家里谁喜欢吃苹果? B: My mother likes to eat apples.And my brother also likes.我妈妈喜欢吃苹果,我哥哥也喜欢吃。A: How about your father? 你爸爸喜欢吗?

B: My father doesn’t like to eat apples.And I don’t like either.我爸爸不喜欢吃,我也不喜欢吃。

Conversation 2 A: Can I ask you some questions? 我能问你一些问题吗? B: Yes, you can.当然可以。

A: Where were you born? 你出生在哪里? B: I was born in China.我出生在中国。A: When were you born? 你什么时候生的?

B: I was born on the May first, 2005.我出生在2005年5月1日。

Conversation 3 A: Do you know UFO? 你知道UFO(不明飞行物)吗? B: Yes, I do.是的,我喜欢。

A: Have you ever seen any one? 你曾经见过吗?

B: No, I have not, but I want to see one.没有见过,但是我想见一见UFO.Conversation 4 A: Do you like traveling by bus? 你喜欢乘公交车旅行吗? B: Yes, I like.I think buses are good means of transportation.是的,喜欢。我认为公交车是一种好的交通方式。

A: I agree with you.Besides, taking a bus to travel can make me feel safe.我同意你的说法。另外,乘公交车旅行我感到安全。

Self-introduction Hello, everyone!Let me introduce myself for you.I am three years old this year.I live in Road of

District.I study in the Primary School affiliated to Yunnan University.I like animals, so my parents often take me to the zoo.There, I can see pandas, peacocks, tigers, snakes, lions, giraffes and goats.I like a giraffe, because it is tall and beautiful.The neck of a giraffe is long and the color of a giraffe is orange and white.And, a zebra looks like a horse.Its color is white and black.Zebras like to eat grass and they live on grassland.My favorite animal in the zoo is gorillas because they are clever.Besides, I like to eat fruits.There are so many kinds of fruits, such as kiwifruit, coconut, star fruit, strawberry and banana.I like to eat apple because the color of apple is green and red.I like green and red.The apple tastes sweet and sour.It is delicious.The yellow mango is sweet, too.My mother likes eating mango so she always buys mango to home.Everyday, I go to school by bus.My mother says to go to school by bus is safe.But I want to go to school by bike because it is interesting.My mother goes to work by car, because a car runs faster than a bus and a bike.How about you? Do you go to school by car or by bus? That’s all.Thank you!

大家好!让我介绍一下自己。我今年三岁了。我住在。我在云南大学附属小学读书。我喜欢动物,所以我的父母经常带我去动物园。在那儿,我能看到熊猫、孔雀、老虎、蛇、狮子、长颈鹿和山羊。我喜欢长颈鹿,因为它又高又漂亮。长颈鹿的脖子很长。它身上有橙色和白色两种颜色。另外,斑马看起来像马。它身上有黑色和白色。斑马喜欢吃草,所以他们生活在大草原。在动物园里,我最喜欢的动物是大猩猩,因为他们很聪明。另外,我喜欢吃水果。水果的种类实在很多,比如猕猴桃、椰子、杨桃、草莓和香蕉。我喜欢吃苹果,因为苹果又红又绿,我喜欢红色和绿色。苹果吃起来甜甜的酸酸的,非常可口。黄芒果也很甜,我妈妈喜欢吃芒果,所以她经常往家里买芒果。我每天乘公交车去上学,妈妈说公交车比较安全。但是我想骑自行车去学校,因为那很有趣。妈妈开轿车去上班,因为轿车比公交车和自行车快得多。你呢?你想开车还是乘公交车去上学? 这就是我要说的,谢谢大家!


讲解toilet paper、tissue paper 和paper


Conversation 1 A: What does your father do? 你爸爸是干什么的? B: My father is office assistant.我爸爸是一名办公室职员。A: What does your mother do?你妈妈是做什么的? B: My mother is a bank clerk.我妈妈是一名银行职员。A: What does your Xiao Bai do?小白是做什么的? B: Xiao Bai is a student.小白是一名学生。

A: What does your grandmother do?你的外婆是做什么的? B: She is a doctor.她是一名医生。

A: What do you want to be in the future?你将来想做什么? B: I want to be a reporter in the future.我想当新闻播报员。A: Do you think to be a reporter is interesting? 你认为新闻播报员有趣吗? B: Yes, I do.是的,我认为有趣。

A: Why do you think to be a reporter is interesting? 你为什么认为新闻播报员有趣?

B: Because a reporter knows many things and he or she can show himself or herself on TV.因为新闻播报员知道很多事情。另外,新闻播报员还能在电视上露面。

Conversation 2 Teacher: Today, our class is about jobs.How many kinds of jobs do you know?今天,我的的课程是关于工作的。你们知道多少种工作? Student: Let me have a try.I know a driver, a policeman, a firefighter, a nurse and a farmer.我来试一下。我知道司机、警察、消防员、护士和农民。

Teacher: Do you want to have a good job in the future? 你们将来想找份好工作吗? Students: Yes, we do.我们想。

Teacher: I hope your dreams can come true.我希望你们能够实现自己的愿望。

Conversation 3 A: Who can describe your mother for us? 谁能为大家介绍一下你的妈妈?

B: Let me have a try.My mother is tall and beautiful.Her hair is long and black.Her face is round.Her eyes are cute.Her nose and ears are small.Her body is thin.Her arms legs are long.That’s all.Thank you!

我来试试。我妈妈长得既高大又漂亮。她有一头乌黑的长发。她的脸蛋是圆的。她的眼睛很迷人。她的鼻子和耳朵都不大。她身材很苗条。她的胳膊和腿都很修长。这就是我的妈妈。谢谢大家。A: Thank you!You did a good job.Now, who can describe your father for us? 谢谢你!你做的很棒。现在,谁能介绍一下自己的爸爸。

B: Let me have a try.My father is tall and strong.My father’s hair is short and black.His face is small.His eyes are also small.His ears are very big.His nose is very big, too.His hands and feet are very big.His arms and legs are long and strong.That’s all.Thank you!我来试一下。我爸爸很高大很强壮。他的头发又短又黑。他的脸不大。他的眼睛也不大。但是他的耳朵很大。他的鼻子也很大。他的手和脚都很宽大。他的胳膊和双腿很长很强壮。这就是我的爸爸。谢谢!B: Thank you!You did a good job, too.谢谢!你也做得很棒。


A: What kind of fruit do you like? 你喜欢吃什么水果? B: I like cherries.我喜欢吃樱桃。

A: How do cherries taste? 樱桃吃起来怎么样? B: Cherries taste sour.樱桃吃起来有点酸。A: Do you like strawberries.那你喜欢草莓吗?

B: Yes, I do.Strawberries smell very good.喜欢,草莓闻着就好吃。A: Have you ever tried the orange skin? 你尝过桔子皮吗? B: Yes, I have.It tastes bitter.尝过,有点苦。A:What food taste spicy? 什么食物吃起来很辣? B: The pepper taste spicy.辣椒粉尝起来很辣。

Introduce Myself Hello, everybody!I am very happy to introduce myself to you.My name is

and I'm nine years old.I'm at the Affiliated Primary School of Yunnan Normal University.I'm a clever and handsome boy.I have a small family----my father, my mother and me.I love them and they love me.I want everybody to be my friend.


Conversation 1 A: Do you know some common telephone numbers? 你知道一些常用电话号码吗? B: What are they? 什么电话号码?

A: When will people call 119? 你什么时候拨打119? B: When a fire breaks out, people will call 119.发生火灾的时候,人们会119.A: When will people call 120? 那人们什么时候拨打120?

B: When there is a patient in instant need of first aid, people will call 120.有病人需要急救的时候,人们就打120.Conversation 2 A: Where did you go last week? 上周你去哪里了? B: I went to buy some books.我去买了一些书。A: Where do you like to buy books? 你喜欢去哪里买书? B: I like buy books in Xinhua bookstore.我喜欢去新华书店买书。A: Can I see your books?我能看看你买的书吗? B: Yes, you can.当然可以。

A: Where do you put your books? 你把书放在哪里? B: I put my books in my bag.我把书放在我书包里。

Conversation 3 A: What are you doing? 你在干什么? B: I’m writing a letter.我在写信。A: Can you put down your pen and play with us? 你能不能放下笔和我们一起玩。

B: No, I can’t.I don’t have time.不能,我没有时间。

Conversation 4 A: It is so cold.Isn’t it? 天气太冷了,不是吗? B: Yes, it is.Why don’t you put on your coat? 是啊,你为什么不穿上外套? B: That’s a good idea.好主意。

Conversation 5 A: It’s so hot.天气真的很热啊。

B: Yes, I think so.Why don’t you put on your skirt to replace your trousers? 是啊,你为什么不把裤子换成裙子? A: That sounds good.听起来不错。

Conversation 6 A: What’s the meaning of this word? 这个词的意思是什么?

B: I don’t know.You can ask your teacher to explain the meaning of this word for you.我不知道,你可以请你的老师为你解释一下意思。A: Thank you all the same.仍然很感谢你。

Conversation 7 A: Where are you going? 你要去哪里?

B: I am going to a barbershop to cut my hair.我要去理发店里发。A: Oh, I’m going, too.Can I go with you? 哦,我也要去。我能和你一起去吗? B: Yes, let’s go together.当然可以,一起走吧。

Conversation 8 A: What place do you like to go on Sunday? 你周末喜欢去什么地方? B: I like to go to the park near my house.我喜欢去我家附近的公园。A: What can you do in the park? 你在公园里能做什么?

B: I can play games with other kids.我能和其他孩子一起玩游戏。

Conversation 9 A: How many days are there in one week? 一周有多少天? B: There are seven days in one week.一周有七天。A: What’s your favorite day? 你最喜欢哪天? B: My favorite day is Friday.我最喜欢星期五。

Conversation 10 A: What do you do on Wednesday? 你在周三做什么? B: I go to the Kunming library.我去昆明图书馆。A: What can you do in the library? 你在图书馆做什么? B: I can read kinds of books in the library.我在图书馆可以看很多种类的书。

Conversation 11 A: Where can you see many doctors?你在哪里能够看到很多医生? B: I can see many doctors in a hospital.我在医院里能看到很多医生。A: When will you go to see a doctor?你什么时候会去看医生? B: When I will was ill, I will go to see a doctor.当我生病的时候,我会去看医生。

Conversation 12 A: Which day is the second day in one week?哪一天是一周的第二天? B: Monday is the second day in one week.周一是一周的第二天。A: What do you do on Monday?你周一做什么? B: I go to school on Monday.周一我去上学。

Conversation 13 A: Where do fire trucks stay? 消防车停在哪里? B: Fire trucks stay in the fire station.消防车停在消防站。A: Where do buses stay? 公交车停在哪里?

B: Buses stay in the bus station.公交车停在公交车站。

Conversation 14 A: How many years have your mother worked for? 你妈妈参加工作多少年了?

B: My mother has worked for fifteen years.我妈妈参加工作已经15年了。

A: Where does your mother work? 你妈妈在哪里工作? B: My mother works in a bank.我妈妈在银行工作。

Conversation 15 A: What’s your lucky number? 你的幸运数字是什么? B: My lucky number is eight.我的幸运数字是8.A: Why? 为什么呢?

B: Because eight means richness in Chinese culture.因为在中国文化中,8代表财富。

Conversation 16 A: What’s the weather like in summer in Shanghai? 上海的夏天天气怎么样? B: It is always hot.总是很热啊。

A: How about in northern China? 那在中国的北方呢? B: It’s hotter than Shanghai.比上海更热。

Self-introduction Hello, everyone!Let me introduce myself for you.I am studying in a kindergarten.I am a good student.I know a lot of knowledge, because I like reading.On Saturday or Sunday, I like to go to bookstores to buy many books.I like reading and studying in the library, because it is very quiet and clean.My favorite day is Sunday, because on Sunday, I can have Cody’s English class.I like English and I am good at English.I hope to study in America in the future.大家好!我来介绍一下自己。我在一所幼儿园学习。我是一个好学生。我知道很多知识,因为我喜欢读书。我喜欢在周六或者周日去书店买书。我喜欢在图书馆读书学习,因为那里既安静又清洁。我最喜欢星期天,因为星期天我可以上CODY的英语课。我喜欢英语,并且我的英语很好。将来,我希望能够到美国读书。数数:11eleven, 12twelve,13thirteen,14fourteen, 15fifteen,16sixteen, 17seventeen, 18eighteen, 19nineteen, 20twenty, 21twenty-one, 30thiirty, 40forty, 50 fifty, 100 one-hundred.Conversation 1 A: Where is my English book? 我的英语书在哪里? B: I don’t know.You can ask Lily.我不知道,你问问莉莉。

A: Lily, do you know where my English book is? 莉莉,你知道我的英语书在哪里吗?

B: Oh, I put it on that desk.哦,我把它放在那张桌子上了。

Conversation 2 A: Can you explain the meaning of the word in this sentence? 你能给我解释一下这个词在这个句子中的意思吗? B: Sorry, I can’t.You’d better ask our Chinese teacher.对不起,我不知道。你最好问问我们的语文老师。A: Where is our Chinese teacher? 我们的语文老师在哪里? B: She is in her office.她在办公室。

Conversation 3 A:Where did you buy your pencil-box?你在哪里买的文具盒? B: I bought my pencil-box in a department-store.我在一家百货公司买的。A: How much is it? 多少钱? B: It’s 5 yuan.5元。A: Oh, it’s so cheap.哦,真便宜。

Conversation 4 A: How many seconds in a minute? 一分钟有多少秒? B: There are sixty seconds in a minute.一分钟有60秒。A: How many minutes in an hour? 一小时有多少分钟? B: There are 60 minutes in an hour.一小时有60 分钟。A: How many hours in a day? 一天有多少小时? B: There are twenty-four hours in a day.一天有24小时。A: How many months in a year? 你年有多少个月? B: There are twelve months in a year.一年有12各月。A: How many days in a year? 一年有多少天?

B: There are about three hundred and sixty-five days in a year.一年有大约365天。

Conversation 5 A: What’s the difference between bus stop and bus station? Bus stop(公共汽车站)和bus station(公共汽车站)之间有什么区别? B: Bus stop is small and bus station is big.Bus stop(公共汽车站)比较小,而bus station(公共汽车站)比较大。

A: How do you know that? 你怎么知道的? B: My father told me that.我爸爸告诉我的。

Conversation 6 A: Did you stay in a hotel?你以前住过旅馆吗? B: Yes, last month, when my parents and I travelled to Shanghai, we stayed in a hotel.住过,上个月我和爸爸妈妈去上海旅游的时候就是住旅馆。A: Where did you have meals when you were in Shanghai? 你们在上海的时候在哪里吃饭?

B: We had meals in a restaurant.我们在一家餐厅吃饭。

Conversation 7 A: What does your uncle do? 你叔叔做什么工作?

B: My uncle is a business man.He is the boss of Daguan Amusement Park.我叔叔是商人。他大观娱乐园的老板。A: Wow, he must be rich.哇哦,他一定很有钱。B: You’re right.你说的很对。

Conversation 8 A: Which is bigger, the sun or the earth? 太阳和地球哪个更大? B: The earth is bigger than the sun.地球比太阳大。

A: Sorry, your answer to this question is false.The truth is that the sun is much bigger than the earth.对不起,你的回答是错的。事实上,太阳比地球大得多。

Conversation 9 A: Hi, Sixuan.My family wants to the zoo today.Does your family want to go with us? 你好,思璇,我们家今天想去动物园。你们家想一起去吗? B: I want, but my father and mother don’t want to go there.我倒是想去,但是我爸爸妈妈不想去。

A: It’s a pity.We have to go now.Bye-bye.Conversation 10 A: When do your parents get up on Sunday? 你爸妈星期天什么时候起床?

B: My parents usually get up before 8:00 on Sunday.我爸妈星期天通常在八点之前起床。A: How about you? 你呢? B: It depends.很难说。

Conversation 11 A: How many classmates do you have in your class? 你所在的班级,你有多少同学?

B: I have fifty classmates in my class.我有50个同学。A: Do your classmates often visit you at your home? 你同学经常上家里来找你玩吗? B: No, they don’t.不是。

Conversation 12 A: How does this machine work? 这台机器怎么工作? B: The machine is put in working order when this switch is on.当这个开关打开的时候,这台机器就进入了工作状态。A: It’s so interesting.真有趣啊!

Conversation 13 A: Have you finished your homework? 你做完家庭作业了吗? B: Yes, I have.做完了。A: Don’t cheat me.不要骗我!

B: You should believe me.I’m always true to my words.你要相信我。我从来不撒谎。

Conversation 14 A: Do you have a pet? 你有宠物吗?

B: Yes, I have a cat as my pet.有,我有一只宠物猫。A: What does it like to eat? 那只猫喜欢吃什么? B: It likes to eat meat.I feed it meat everyday.它喜欢吃肉。我每天都喂它吃肉。

Conversation 15 A: Excuse me.Do you have some time? I want to talk something with you.打扰一下!你有时间吗?我想和你谈一点事情。B: Yes, I have.我有时间。

A: Do you have any contact with Lily? 你和莉莉还有联系吗? B: Yes, so what? 有啊,怎么了?

A: I have lost contact with her for half a year.我和她失去联系都半年了。

B: Oh, here is her telephone number in America.If you miss her, you can call her.哦,这有她在美国的电话号码。如果你想她的话,可以打电话给她。

A: Thank you so much.非常感谢。

Conversation 16 A: What can I do for you? 我能帮你什么吗?

B: I want you to buy an ice-cream for me.我想请你帮我买一个冰激凌。A: No problem.没问题。B: Thank you.谢谢!

A: It’s my pleasure.这是我的荣幸!

Self-introduction Hello, friends.I’m happy to say something about myself.It is very funny.Last Sunday, my mother took me to a department store.She bought many presents for me, and we ate something there.But when I wanted to go to the toilet, I couldn’t find one.And I didn’t know the word, so I was worried.I found many places and at last the toilet was just near the door.Oh, at that time, I knew English was very important.朋友们,大家好!我很高兴介绍一下我自己。有一件很搞笑的事情。上个星期天,我妈妈带我去百货商场。她给我买了很多礼物。我们还在那里吃了一些东西。但是当我想去上厕所的时候,竟然找不到厕所在哪里。并且我不认识厕所的英文词,所以我很焦虑。最后才知道厕所其实就在门的附近。哦,那是我明白了英语是何等重要。


Hello, everyone.Today I want to talk about week.There are seven days in one week.They are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.My favorite day is Monday, because I can go to school again and start my new study.On this day, I study very hard, because I know a good beginning is very important.I also like Wednesday, because on this day, we can have PE class.I like doing many kinds of sports, because that can make my body healthy and strong.On weekend, I really have a good time, because my parents will take me to some interesting places, such as park or amusement park.Sometimes, we will go to a restaurant to have a delicious meal.I like each day in a week, because I can have different interesting things to do on each day.大家好!今天我想谈一下星期。一周有7天。分别是星期









Hello/Good Morning/Good afternoon/Good evening!My name is Du Sixuan.It is a beautiful name.I am a beautiful girl.I’m three years old this year.I live in Nanping Street, the center of Kunming city.There are three people in my family---my father, my mother and me.I love them and they love me.My favorite food is ….My favorite fruit is….My favorite animal is ….My favorite color is….My favorite sport is dancing.I want everyone to be my friend.That’s all.Thank you!


Conversation 1(对话 1)

A: Hi, Xiao Hong.你好,小红

B: Hi, Xiao Ming.你好,小明。A: Nice to meet you!


B: Nice to meet you, too.我也很高兴见到你!

A: It is a sunny day today, right? 今天真是格外晴朗啊。

B: Yes, it is.是啊。

A: What can you see in the sky? 你能在天上看到什么? B: I can see the sun and the blue sky.我能看到太阳和蓝蓝的天空。A: What do you feel in a sunny day? 在晴天你感觉怎么样?

B: I feel warm in a sunny day.感到很暖和。A: Do you like a sunny day? 你喜欢晴天吗?

B: Yes, I like a sunny day.What kind of weather do you like? 当然喜欢。你喜欢什么样的天气? A: I like a snowy day.我喜欢雪天。

B: Why do you like a snowy day? 你为什么喜欢雪天? A: Because I like snow.因为我喜欢雪。

Conversation 2 A: Excuse me.Can you give me a piece of paper? 打扰一下,能给我一张纸吗?

B: yes, I can.What can you do with this paper? 可以,你用纸做什么?

A: I want to draw a pig on the paper.我想在纸上画一头猪。

B: Do you like drawing? 你喜欢画画吗? A: Yes, I like drawing very much.是啊,很喜欢。

Conversation 3 A: Can you write your name on this card? 你能在这张卡片上写上你的名字吗? B: Yes, I can.当然能。A: Do you have an English name? 你有英文名字吗?

B: Yes, I have.My English name is Lily.有,我的英文名字是丽莉。

Conversation 4 A: What kind of food do you like? 你喜欢吃什么食物? B: I like beef.我喜欢吃牛肉。

A: What kind of animal do you like? 你喜欢什么动物? B: I like cat and dog.我喜欢狗。A: Do you like a pig? 你喜欢猪吗? B: No, I don’t, because a pig is ugly.不喜欢,因为猪很丑。

Conversation 5

A: What are you afraid of? 你害怕什么?

B: I am afraid of snakes.我害怕蛇。A: Why?


B: Snakes are terrible.蛇太恐怖了。A: Are you afraid of tigers? 你怕老虎吗? B: Yes, I am.怕的。

Conversation 6 A: Do you have cards? 你有卡片吗?

B: Yes, I have many different cards.我有很多种卡片。A: Do you have some pieces of paper? 你有一些纸吗?

B: Yes, I have many pieces of paper.Look at the two pieces of paper.They are the same.有啊,我有很多张纸。看这两张纸,一模一样的。

Conversation 7 A: Can you wash your hands? 你会洗手吗?

B: Yes, I can.I wash my hands before breakfast, lunch and dinner.会啊,我在吃早饭、午饭、晚饭之前都要洗手。A: Do you want to eat/have an apple? 想吃个苹果吗? B: Yes, thank you.But I need to wash my hands first.谢谢,不过吃之前我需要洗一下手。

Conversation 8 A: How is going, everyone? 近来如何?

B: I’m fine, thank you.很好,谢谢。

A: Let’s start our class now.At first, who can recite the poem—the wind? 现在,让我们开始今天的课。首先,谁会背“风”这首诗。B: Let me have a try.我来试一下。

A: When is your birthday? Who can answer my question? 你的生日是什么时候? 谁能告诉我?

B: I can answer your question.My birthday is May first.我能,我的生日时五月一号。

Conversation 9 A: What is this color? 这是什么颜色? B: This is white.这是白色。A: What is that color? 那是什么颜色? B: That is purple.那时紫色。A: Which color do you like more, white or purple? 白色和紫色,你更喜欢哪种颜色?

B: I like white more.我更喜欢白色。

A: What is the color of that book? 那本书是什么颜色?

B: The color of that book is green.那本书是绿色。A: What is your favorite color? 你最喜欢什么颜色? B: My favorite color is pink.我最喜欢粉色。

A: Do you like black color? 你喜欢黑色吗? B: No, I don’t.不喜欢。A: What fruit is yellow color? 什么水果是黄色的?

B: Oranges and pears are yellow color.桔子和梨是行颜色的。A: Do you know other colors? 你还知道其它颜色吗?

B: I know grey, red, green, blue and dark.我还知道灰色,绿色,蓝色和黑色。

Conversation 10 A: Can you draw a peacock? 你能画一只孔雀吗?

B: Yes, I can, but I need a crayon.我能,但是我需要一只蜡笔。A: Which color do you need? I have many kinds of crayons.你需要哪一种颜色的?我有很多种颜色的画笔。

B: I need the green one and the white one.我需要一只绿色和一只白色。

Conversation 11 A: What fruit do you like eating? 你喜欢吃什么水果? B: I like eating watermelon.我喜欢吃西瓜。

A: In what season can you eat this fruit?什么季节才有西瓜吃? B: I can eat watermelon in any season, spring, summer, autumn and winter.在春、夏、秋、冬,我都能吃到西瓜。A: Why do you like this fruit? 你为什么喜欢吃西瓜? B: Because watermelon is sweet.因为西瓜很甜.A: Do you like coconuts? 你喜欢吃椰子吗?

B: Yes, I do.喜欢。A: Can you tell me the taste of coconuts.你能告诉我椰子的味道吗? B: Coconuts taste yummy.味道很美,很可口。A: How does an orange taste? 桔子是什么味道?

B: An orange tastes sweet or sour.有的句子是甜的,有的是酸的。

Conversation 12 A: Mum, I am hungry.Can you give me something to eat? 妈妈,我饿了。能给我一些吃的吗? B: What do you want to eat? 你想吃什么?

A: I want to have some bread and milk.我想吃牛奶和面包。B: Wait a minute.等一下。

Conversation 13 A: Mum, I am sleepy.I want to go to bed now.妈妈,我瞌睡了。我现在想去睡觉。

B: OK, but you need to brush your teeth and wash your hands and face.好的,但是你需要刷牙、洗手和洗脸。A: Do I have to do that?

我必须做吗? B: I think so.我想是的。








我们现在开展暑假学习班,并且有以下优点:东方道德教育与西方自由教育相结合,让孩子在接受知识的同时,接受东方的儒家文化,学习尊老爱幼,孝敬父母等,中国传统文化精髓;自由教育:上课后与老师自由交流,可以充分发挥自己的想象力,让孩子大胆说出自己的想法;系统了解初二第一学期所学内容,具体学习课本重点内容;安全:开课地点在十九中附近,不会让孩子跑的太远,上课时间在白天,以免产生安全隐患;补课费用低:单科200元,两科350元,三科450元,四科600元; 6 补习时间长:每科每天开课,周六日休息,重点知识不会的,周六免费加课补习。







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    很荣幸刚毕业参加工作,就得到了参加学科家教课题的锻炼机会。 这次活动历时差不多1年,无论是学生、教师、家长,在这次活动中都收获颇丰,作为一名老师,我看到了自己在教育观念、......


    板块教学设计 板块教学设计1 【教材分析】《板块的运动》是人教版初中地理教科书七年级上册第二章《陆地和海洋》第二节《海陆的变迁》第二课时的内容,主要讲述板块构造学说,......


    家长如何教育好自己的孩子 ——培养孩子勤俭节约的习惯 社会在不断进步,不断变化的,变化的过程往往是利弊兼有的。经济快速的发展,改变了我们的生活方式,生活习惯和消费勇气。五......


    小学生家教心得 孩子是在不断的学习中慢慢成长起来的,他在习惯、性格养成上的每一点儿进步都离不开环境对他的影响。这种环境包括他身边的每一个人——特别是他的父母。作为......


    小学生家教心得为了了解小学生的认知心理,在家教辅导过程中要随时关注孩子的认知变化 尽量帮孩子发扬优点,克服缺点,如孩子在做错题的时候引导他总结犯错的原因, 同样的错误不要......


    教学设计 加涅曾在(教学设计原理)(1988年)中界定为:“教学设计是一个系统化(systematic)规划教学系统的过程。教学系统本身是对资源和程序作出有利于学习的安排。任何组织机......




    读到这里,你也许会哑然失笑。笑过之后,你从故事中是不是可以得到这样的启示: 启示之一:动作姿势是一个人思想感情的文化修养的外在体现。一个品德端庄、富有涵养的人,其姿势必然......