七年级上册英语Unit 1 Good morning课件(★)

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第一篇:七年级上册英语Unit 1 Good morning课件



本单元要求学生掌握英文字母A—H,能认读其印刷体和手写体字母的大小写等四种形式。书写(大写和小写,笔顺,笔画)基本合乎要求。能看,听,说本单元所列的日常交际用语,重点学会打招呼,并做到语音语调正确。注意一些字母及日常交际用语的发音,提醒学生不要将C/si:/发成/sei:/;也不要将Good moning/






1.Good moning /aftenoon /evening:适用于比较正式客气的场合,双方都应说Good moning /aftenoon /evening!例如:

A:Good moning,Miss Zhao.早晨好,赵老师。

B:Good moning,M.Wang.早晨好,王校长。




B:Heo,Li Lei.你好,李雷。


A:Hi,Han Meimei.你好,韩梅梅。






Peiod 1

Step 1:Intoduction

Begin by geeting the class with a smile and good moning!

Now,intoduce the wods ―teache‖ and ―class‖.by using gestues.epeat

this seveal times and have the class epeat afte you.Students Can answe as a whole goup.As ows and as individuals.epeat ―I am you teache and you ae the class‖ seveal times.

Now,intoduce the class to the instuctions:Class,please sit down and class,please stand up by using actions and gestues.They can pactice this seveal times.

Step 2:Lead—in

You may want t0 leave the class again to intoduce the usual Good moning outine.Say Good moning class.Help students espond with Good moning.Point to youself and say I‘m Miss/,M.…Have them epeat.Explain the tems Miss and M.in Chinese.

epeat this a few times with ows and individuals o ty a ―back-chain‖ dill:

Miss,M.…(Ss epeat)

Moning,Miss/M .…(Ss epeat)

Good moning,Miss,M.…(Ss epeat)

Step 3:Pactice

Say:Stand up,please!(Ss stand up)

Leave the classoom,etun and say Good moning,class!Help the students espond with Good moning,Miss/,M.…Say Sit down,please.Now let‘s stat the lesson.

Step 4:Pesentation and activity

Now point to youself and say My name is Miss/M.… I am you teache.

Find a student you know and say you name is…(Beth).Then ask What is you name? Help them espond with My name is….When the student answes, espond with Hello…Nice to meet you!epeat this activity seveal times,fist with students you know and then with othes.Help them to espond with Nice to meet you,too.Explain the Wod ―too‘‘ in Chinese.

Step 5:Pactice

Get the students to pactice the f0llowing dialogue in pais.

S1:Good moning.

S2:Good moning.I‘m(Ben).What‘s you name?

Sl:My name is(Dale).Nice to meet you!

S2:Nice to meet you.too.

Call out seveal pais of students to give thei pefomance.Paise thei effots as much as possible.Help the slowe students with patience.

Step 6:Pesentation

Do activity 1a:Look at the pictue.Find the small lettes fo these big lettes.

Fist pesent lettes a-h,and get the students to epeat these lettes.Call the students to attention the lette C/si:/not/sei:/.H /e??/ not /e?/

Step 7:Listening and witing

Get the students to listen to the tape and finish the task list on the book.Make sue all the students know what they should do.

Have the students watch the teache witing the lettes on the blackboad, then ask them to follow the teache and wite down these lettes on thei execise—books.Let the students know the diffences between the big lettes and the small lettes.

Step 8:Games time

Let the students do some lettes games to enjoy you lesson,the following is the instuction.抢读字母游戏:教师将全班分成若干小组,然后逐个出示字母卡片,学生们举手抢答。教师让最先举手的学生读出该字母,读对的给该组记lO分,得分最多的组为优胜组。

Step 9: Homewok

Copy the convesation and lettes.(Do enteing famous school)

Peiod 2

Step 1:Lead—in

Do fee talk:Geet students and ask them to geet each othe.Play a ole game.Ask students to collect infomation about thei idols such as Bill Gates, Thomas Edison, Jacky Cheng and so on and wite thei names down.Get them act as thei idols and intoduce themselves to thei patnes.The following is sample:

T: Good moning, My name is Bill Gates.S: Good moning, I‘m Jacky Cheng.T: Nice to meet you, Jacky.S: Nice to meet you, too.Bill.Encouage the students to cae what kind of English they can find in the steet o in the othe ways.Show the students some CDs and ask them if they know what it is.epeat with the othe things.And add some moe things such as DVD and KFC.Tain the students to cae the things happening aound them, such as: ID means identification cad.OK means all ight.Then get them to finish the execise on the sceen.Go on doing the above step to ask them to list moe about the abbeviation.(See the powepoint)

Step 2:Paiwok

Let students wok in pais to pactice the dialogue on 3a.Get them to act it out afte pacticing.Do 3b.Make sue all the students know the answes coectly.Let the students ty thei best to emembe how to ponounce all the names.Let the students ty

Step 3:Pactice

Play the tape and ask the students to sing afte it in chous and individual.Give them a chance to pefom.Paise thei effots as much as possible.Help the slowe students with patience.Step 4:Homewok

Copy the lettes and the new wods and finish off the wokbook.(Do enteing famous school)

Peiod 3

Step 1: Lead-in

Begin the class with singing the song of ―Good moning‖ togethe.Fee talk.Ask : Hi!Good moning, Tom.O Moning, Dale.etc.Let the students get used to speaking English in class,even afte class, Encouage the students to speak English as much as possible.Say out all

the lettes in English while you ae pointing the lettes o things in the classoom.Make sue all the students know what you ae saying and what it is in English.Speech Cassette la of section B.Play the tape and ask the students to listen to it caefully, then act it out, also do the task of lb on the book.Next get the students to wite down the small lettes fo each wod(abb.).

Step 2:Paiwok

Get the students to pactise the dialogue by pointing out the things they know how to say in English.Ask the students to exchange the oles.Let them fill in the missing lette of each wod in pais.Step 3:Listen and epeat

List out the lette A on the blackboad and encouage the students to say out what othe wods a1so make the same ponunciation. Give them some tips.Pesent the othe lettes the same as the 1ette A.Let the students follow the chant afte the tape.Step 4:Homewok

Finish off the wokbook.(Do enteing famous school)

[七年级上册英语Unit 1 Good morning课件]相关文章:








































Unit 1 Topic 3 How old are you ?

Section D












1、预习课本P23 Part 1 ,复习书上的六个音标

2、预习课本P23 Part 2 ,分别找出Jane 和 Huang Hua 的个人信息

3、预习P23 Part 3 ,根据所给信息把空补充完整

4、背诵课本P24 Part 4a 4b

(三)问题导学 再看课本P22 Part 2 ,回答问题。

Where is Jane from ?__________________________

How old is she ?___________________________

What class is she in ? _____________________

Where is Huang Hua from ? _______________

What’s his English name ? _____________________

Are they in the same class ? ______________



1、They are not in the same class ,but they good friends.他们不在同一个班,但是他们是好朋友。

解析:same 意思是“相同的”,前面一定要用定冠词“the”,后面接单数名词。

but 意为“但是,可是”,起转折作用。

eg : We are in the same school ,but in different classes.我们在同一个学校,但是在不同的班级。



1、---How old ________ you ?

2、----I ________ ten.3、---What _____ this ?-

4、---It _________ a pen.5、----Who ________ that ?

----She _________ Lucy.6、---What _________ these ?

----They ________ schoolbags.7、---__________ this a pen ?

----Yes , it _________.(二)单项选择

1.What’s that _______ Chinese ?

A、on B、in C、with

2.Is he ____________ English boy ?

A、a B、an C、the3、These are my _____________.A、book B、pens C、a friend4、---Is this your eraser ?----Yes ,____________.A、it is B、this is C、it’s5、They are not ________ the same class ,but they

are good friends.A、in B、on C、from



1.They are in the s________ class.2、--How o________ is she ?---She is 15.3.Li Ming and Wang Fei are good f___________.4、I’m in a h_________ school.5、Is your p__________ number 3264-7853 ?


1、______ is Zhou Lan._________ phone number is 1358429764.A、Her , her B、She , her C、She , She2、What grade ______ your brother in ?

A、is B、am C、are3、---Is that a car ?---No ,____________

A、that isn’t B、that is C、it isn’t4、Nine and eleven is __________.A、thirteen B、fifteen C、twenty5、_________ are good friends.A、you ,he and I B、I ,you and he C、you and he ,I This is an English boy(男孩).His name is Jim.He is twelve.He is in my school.He and I are in the same grade.I’m in Class Three, Grade Seven, but he is in Class Four.I’m his good friend.He is my good friend, too.根据短文内容, 补全对话。

A: Excuse me, what’s his name?

B: His name is Jim.A: 6.______________________________

B: Yes.J-I-M, Jim.A: Where is he from?

B: 7.______________________________

A: How old is he?

B: 8.______________________________

A: Is he in your school?

B: 9.______________________________

A: Is he in Class Three, Grade Seven?

B: 10.______________________________

He is in Class Four, but he and I are good friends.A: Thank you.汉译英:1.布朗是他的姓氏。Brown is his ____ ____.12.那是一张地图吗

Is that ____ ____.13.它们是五辆公共汽车。

They are ____ ____.14.让我帮帮你吧。

Let ____ ____ you.15.给你。____ ____ are.(五)作业:请写一份自我介绍,内容包括姓名、年龄、国籍、班级、学校、电话号码。




结构:由be动词(am, is, are)+ 动词ing构成,其中be动词要与主语保持性数一致。

Mary is flying a kite in the park.玛丽正在公园里放风筝。

--What are you doing now? 你现在在干什么?

--I’m reading English.我正在读英语。

Are they drawing the pictures now? 他们正在画画吗?




play—playing, do—doing, talk—talking, sing--singing


make—making, write—writing, have—having, take—taking


run—running, stop—stopping, put—putting, swim—swimming


She is cleaning her room now.她正在打扫房间。

Look!The girl is dancing over there.看!那个女孩在那里跳舞。

--Can you go and play games with me? 你能和我们一起做游戏吗?

--Can’t you see I am doing my homework? 你没看见我正在做作业吗?






(2)单词:blue,green,red,yellow,black,white,brown,purple,co lor,UFO,CCTV


—What's this/that?

—It's...—What color is it?







准确而熟 练地描述物体的颜色。




Step 1:Warm-up


这一部分的Guessing game主要是为了让学生从不完整的画面中通过想象,猜出其是什么字母,既复习学过的字母,又丰富学生的想象力。而“What's this?It's...”既是前一单元的重点句型,也是下一课时使用频率较高的一个句型。我们在游戏的最后用同样的方式引出本堂课所要教授的新字母的小写形式。

For example:

The teacher shows a part of a letter and asks:

T:What's this?

Get the students to answer the question like this:

S1:I think it's A/B...Then show the whole of the letter to let the students check whether they're right or wrong.教师指着带颜色的字母问:

T:What color is it?

S1:It's red...导入新课What color is it?



T:Good morning!

S1:Good morning!

T:What's this?

S1:It's A....让同学们拿着卡片互相问答。


T:What's this?

Ss:It's A.T:What color is it?

The teacher answers himself/herself: It's red.教师使用不同颜色的粉笔在黑板上写下字母Aa—Rr,让同学们一个接一个地读出来,教师问:

T:What color is it?

Ss:It's red.(Help the students to answer.)

导入新课 What color is it?


T:Good morning,boys and girls.Good morning,A.Good morning,B.(Greet as many students as possible individually.)

T:What color are your clothes?

(Help the students to answer.)

S1:It's red.T:Good.Now please ask and answer questions with your partner about the color of your clothes.导入新课 What color is it?

Step 2:Present the new letters and words


For example:

T:Look at these pictures.Let's play a game.Who can say these letters and the colors as quickly as possible?If you can,you will be the winner.Now let's begin.S1:It's “Z”;it's red...Get some students to ask each other about letters and colors in English,and then do 1a:let the students write the letters for each color.The teacher can offer some help.2.读一读表示颜色的单词,然后把颜色与对应的单词连起来。

T:They are the names of colors.Draw them on the blackboard or show them on the screen.Now please read after me.You should pay attention to your pronunciation.Let's match the words with the colors.建议:

教学过程中我们可以设计一个任务型活动为顺藤摸瓜。在学生学习了有关颜色的词汇后,作为拓展,向学生介绍几个新的表示颜色的词汇,如:dark/light green,orange,pink。这几个词较常见,也很实用。然后通过顺藤摸瓜的游戏加以巩固。具体操作为:

准备10个乒乓球,乒乓球染成10种不同的颜色,然后将10个乒乓球放在一个开口的纸盒子里。上课时,教师找一个学生背对着大家,放音乐,音乐一开始,大家就开始传盒子,音乐一停,手拿盒子的同学马上拿出一个球举起。问控制音乐的同学 “What color is it?” 他猜:“It's red.”。若猜对了,大家说yes,控制音乐的学生继续放音乐;如果大家说“No,it's blue.”,控制音乐的学生下台,由刚才拿球的学生来控制音乐。游戏继续,直到乒乓球在不同学生手里。可以多练几次,让学生充分掌握表示颜色的单词。


Step 3:Present the skills


具体操作建议是:第一遍 让学生只是听,第二遍让学生听并跟读,然后教师让学生进行操练,先学生齐读,然后把学生分成组齐读,最后让个别学生读。通过这种从整体到部分再到个体的机械操练,让学生掌握本课所学的新句型。

2.教师板书并强调What question 句型。

A:What's this? B:It's V.A:What color is it? B:It's red.A:What's that? B:It's Z.A:What color is it? B:It's black.Step 4:Practice the new skills

1.让学生先按照课本的内容练习,建议前后位互问,同位互问,一生随意选择另一学生互问,尽量采取多形式从多角度练习,让更多 的人参与进来。

2.Pa ir work:Let's look at the pictures below.Can you ask and answer questions about the colors?Now work in pairs.Ask your partner about the letters in the pictures.3.脱离课本,让学生根据身边的事物进行问答,或者用彩笔在白纸上随意写出学过的字母进行问答。

Step 5:Study the new letters

1.Listen and repeat


For example:

Please look at the letters.Let's practice saying the letters Aa—Rr in order.Aa,Bb,Cc,Dd,Ee,Ff,Gg,Hh,Ii,Jj,Kk,Ll,Mm,Nn,Oo,Pp,Qq,Rr

Good.Look at the letters in 2a.They are letters Ss—Zz.Let's listen and repeat them.Pay attention to the pronunciation of the long /i?/sound in T and V and the short /e/ sound in S and Z.The /v/ sounds in V doesn't exist in most Chinese dialects.You should pay special attention.You can't say that like /veI/ or /weI/./zi?/is American English and is also acceptable.OK.Let's listen and repeat them.Ss,Tt,Uu,Vv,Ww,Xx,Yy,Zz


1.第一遍让学生只是听,第二遍让学生听并跟读,然后教师让学生进行操练,先学生齐读,然后把学生分成组齐读,最后让个别学生读。通过这种从整 体到部分再到个体的机械操练,让学生掌握本课所学的新字母。


2.Listen and number

Look at the letters in 2b.They are not arranged alphabetically.Now listen to the tape and number the letters in order[1-8],and then read them aloud.3.Copy and read



建议2:利用投 影仪,以动态的形式展示给同学们看。

4.Read and write




5.Guess and discuss


For example:

T:Have you seen these abbreviations?Do you know what they stand for?Now let's look at the pic tures and abbreviations and discuss in groups.1.小组讨论,展示答案。



Step 6:Summary


本课我们主要学习了red,white,yellow,black等表示颜色的单词,S—Z八个字母的读音及大小写形式,还学习了“What color is it?It's red.”两个句型。难点是准确而熟练地描述物体的颜色。在第二课时的学习中我们会继续使用这两个句型进行语言交际。



Step 7:Homework





1.What color is it?它是什么颜色的?

【用法透析】该句型结构为“What color +be +名词(代词)+?”用来问某物是什么颜色。


2.It's black.它是黑色的。


【误区警示】注意:its易与it's混淆。it's是it is的缩略式,意思是“它是”,用时要注意以下几点:

①在句首时it's 和it is 两者可以通用。例如:

It's/It is a pen.它是一支钢笔。

That is a car.It's an English car.那是一辆汽车,它是一辆英国生产的汽车。

②作肯定回答时,在Yes之后只能用it is,而不能用it's。如:

—Is this a pen?这是只钢笔吗?

—Yes,it is.是的,它是。


Starter Unit 3 What color is it?







What color is it?

It's red...



Unit12 My favorite subject is science课件.rarUnit12 My favorite subject is science课件3.rarUnit12 My favorite subject is science课件2.rarUnit11 What time do you go to school课件.rarUnit11 What time do you go to school课件3.rarUnit11 What time do you go to school课件2.rarUnit10 Can you play the guitar课件.rarUnit10 Can you play the guitar课件3.rarUnit10 Can you play the guitar课件2.rarUnit9 Do you want to go to a movie课件.rarUnit9 Do you want to go to a movie课件3.rarUnit9 Do you want to go to a movie课件2.rarUnit8 When is your birthday PPT课件.rarUnit8 When is your birthday PPT课件3.rarUnit8 When is your birthday PPT课件2.rarUnit7 How much are these pants课件.rarUnit7 How much are these pants课件3.rarUnit7 How much are these pants课件2.rarUnit6 Do you like bananas PPT课件.rarUnit6 Do you like bananas PPT课件2.rar

Unit5 Do you have a soccer ball课件.rarUnit5 Do you have a soccer ball课件2.rarUnit4 Where's my backpack PPT课件.rarUnit4 Where's my backpack PPT课件2.rarUnit3 This is my sister PPT课件.rarUnit3 This is my sister PPT课件2.rarUnit2 Is this your pencil PPT课件.rarUnit2 Is this your pencil PPT课件2.rarUnit1 My name's Gina PPT课件.rar





本单元的核心项目是“喜欢和不喜欢(like and dislike)”。围绕着这一中心项目,课文中设计了各种食物及水果的插图和不同形式的表格,让学生进行听、说、读、写等各种学习活动。通过本单元的教学,使学生学会询问对方与了解别人喜欢与不喜欢的食物,学业会谈论自己与他人早、中、晚餐喜爱吃的食物,为其今后能在交际中恰当地表达自己的情感、灵活运用已经学过的常用功能项目、进一步学习并掌握新的语言功能奠定了坚实的基础。






















第一课时Section A la –lc

第二课时Section A 2a –

4第三课时Section B la –2c

第四课时Section B3a –4 Self-check

Period One




Step One: New words.① Present the new words.T:Let’s play a aguessing game.Is it an apple in my bag?Touch and tell me the answer.S1:(Touch and say)Yes, it’s an orange.T:I like oranges.Like means”喜欢”.Read after me.L-I-K-E,like.Ss: L-I-K-E,like.T:Do you like oranges?

S2:Yes,I do.T: Do you like oranges?

S3:No, I don’t.(Teacher writes the title on the blackboard.)

T: Now today I have a lot of delicious food.First let’t look at some fruit.Look!(Show a picture of a banana.)

T:What’s this in English?It’s a banana.Read after me,B-A-N-A-N-A,banana.Ss:B-A-N-A-N-A,banana.T:Whtat color is it?

Ss:It’s yellow.(Then look at some pictures and teach the other fruit words in the same way such as strawberry,apple.)

(Next go on learning the vegetables and the other food in the sme way with the pictures.)

T:Look at the pictures and fill in the chat according to the category.Step Two:Grammar.① Present the countable nouns and the uncountable nouns.T:Look!What are these?(Show a picture.)

S1:They are oranges.T:How many oranges are there?Let’s count.One,two.S1:Two.T:And what are these?(Show another picture.)

S2:They are apples.T:How many apples are there? Let’s count them.One,two,three.S2:Three.T:What’s this?

S3:It’s broccoli.T:Can we count it”Can we say a broccoli?

S3:Sorry, I don’t know.T:We can’t say a broccoli because it is the uncountable noun.Nouns contain the countable nouns and the uncountable nouns.Countable nouns can be counted with number ,and we add –s or –es to make the blural.For example,we can say an apple, two apples,three eggs.Uncountable nouns can’t be counted with number,and they don’t have plurals.For example, we can say salad, broccoli,but we can’t say salads,broccolis.T:Look at the pictures.Fill in the chart.(Show some pictures of fruits and vegetables.)

T:Check the answers.② Present the rules of noun plural forms.T:look at the pictures,can you say them?

S:Yes,three tomatoes,two oranges, three strawberries.T:Look at the three rules of plural forms.Are they the same?

S:Of course not.Step Three: Drills.① Present the new drills “Do you like…? Yes, I do/ No, I don’t.”

T:Oh,we have lots of delicious fruit.I like apples best.(Holding apples)

Do you like them?

S1:Yes, I do.S2:No, I don’t.I like salad.T:Do you like salad?

S3:Yes, I do./No, I don’t.(Ask some more students to practice like this.)

② Practice the drill.T:Work in pairs.Ask and answer with your pictures.(Before class the students have drawn some pictures of the food.)

Sa:Do you like…?

Sb: …

(Then ask more pairs to practice.)

T:Let’s open your books and do 1b.Listen and number1-3.(The students listen and then check the answers.)

Step Four: Task.T:Let’s make a survey.You can ask eight friends what they like and dislike.Then fill in the chart.(Then ask some students to report.)

S1:Five of the students like…, two of them like…


Step Five :Summary.In this class,we’ve learnt the names of foods, fruit and vegetables and practiced asking and answering questions about likes and dislikes.Please remember the rules of noun plurals.Homework.Make a survey about your parent’s likes and dislikes using Do you like…?

Period Two





Step One: Review the drill.② Review the drill “Do you like…”?

③ The girl and the boy are talking about their likes and dislike.Let’s open your books and listen.Try to finish 2a and 2b as quickly as you can.Ss:…

Step Two: New drills.① Present the new drills “Does she/ he like…? Yes, she / he does./ No, she / he doesn’t”using the chart above.T:Kate, do you like tomatoes?

S1:Yes, I do.T:Do you like ice cream?

S1:No, I don’t.(The teacher points at Kate and asks the class.)

T:Does Kate like tomatoes?

Ss:Yes, she does.T:Does Kate like ice cream?

Ss:No,she doesn’t.(The teacher goes on asking Kate using the chart.)

T:Does your best friend Sue like tomatoes?

S1:Yes, she does.(Kate looks at her chart in her hand.)

T:Who is your best friend?

(The teacher points at Jane.)

S1:Sally is.T:Does she like tomatoes?

S1:Sally is.(The teacher points at Tony and Maria.)

T:Do your best friends like tomatoes?

S1:Yes, they do./No, they don’t.(The teacher asks two more students to answer his/ her questions according to the chart in their hands.Then the teacher writes down the drills “Does she/he like… ?Do they like…?” on the blackboard.)

T:Work in pairs and practice the drill “Does he/she…? Do they…?”according to the chart.(Then the teacher asks some pairs of the students to practice one by one.)

② Practice the drills.T:Let’s work in pairs.(Student A looks at Page 33.Student B looks at Page 83.Try to find out what Bob and Bill and don’t like.)

Sa:Does Bill like French fries?

Sb: … Does Bob like French fries?

Sa: …

Step Three: Task.T:Do you love your parents?

S:Yes.T:How do you show your love to them?

S1:I’ll do as they say.S2:I’ll buy something for them when their birthday is coming.S3:I’ll study better and better.S4:I’ll make a big meal for them.T:Oh, I think it’s a good idea.Now let’s try to know what they like and dislike.First take out yesterday’s homework,exchange the information in pairs.(The teacher have asked the students to have a survey last class.)

(Give a sample to the students)

T:Does your father like chicken?(Point to a student)

S1: No, he doesn’t.T:Does your mother like eggs?

S1:Yes, she does.T:Do they like bananas?

S1: Yes, they do.T:Now work in groups and make a food survey.(The students work in groups.)

S2:Jim’s father likes… He doesn’t like… Jim’s mother likes…very much.She doesn’t like…And they both don’t like…

(Then ask more students to report.)

Step Four:Summary.In this class, we’ve learnt the Simple Present Tense,including of the third person singular form as subject.Homework.Rewrite your conversation in the form of a passage.Period Three





Step One: Check the homework.T:Now let’s cxchange your exercise books and help each other.Try to correct it.(Ask different students to report his/her conversation.)

Step Twp: Review the words.T:You know we have learnt so much delicious food.Now Let’s play a game with the food.Let’s see who will say the names of the food as many as possible during a minute.(The teacher will give the students a minute to prepare it.Then ask someone to say.)

S: Salad, apples, bananas, ice cream…

(Choose the three students who said the most and give some food as presents.)

Step Three: New words.① Present the new words.T:How many meals do you have every day?

Ss:Three.T:What are they?(The students can answer them in Chinese.)

Ss:They are “早餐、中餐和晚餐 ”.T:Oh, yes.In English “早餐”we can say “breakfast”.(Show a picture of the breakfast)

Read after me, “breakfast”.B-R-E-A-K-F-A-S-T,breakfast.Ss: B-R-E-A-K-F-A-S-T,breakfast.T:Do you have your breakfast every day?

S1:No, sometimes I get up late, I have no time to eat.T:I think it’s not good for your health.(Teach the other two words lunch, dinner in the same way.)

② Practice the words.T:Which meal do you like best?(Point to a student.)

S:I like breakfast best.T:Why?

S:Because I like drinking milk.T:Who also likes breakfast in our class? Please put up your hands.T:Oh, so many students.You can sit in this team.(Ask all the students who like breakfast, lunch or dinner to come to the same team.They can talk easily.)

T:We have divided all the class into three groups.One group likes breakfast, the other two like lunch and dinner.But what do you like for your three meals?

(Show a picture of three dinners.)

T:I have three meal plates.What do you want to put on it?

Let’s talk about it.Try to find the food what your group like most and tell us the reason.(When each group is talking about it, the teacher goes around among the students and helps them if they need.Then ask each group to report.)

S:In our group, we like breakfast best.We all like oranges, eggs, milk and an apple.Because they are good for our health, we choose them.(When the student is saying, the teacher puts the food onto the plate for breakfast.)

(Do it for lunch and dinner in the same way.)

T:Look at 1a, and write the number in the box next to the correct food.(Then the students finish off 1a.)

T:How many other food words can you add to the chart?

Try to write them down in the chart.(The students write them down as soon as possible and then read them.See who will add most.)

Step Four: Practice the listening.T: Look!There are so many foods.Maybe they are very delicious.Which food do you like? Do you like apples?(Show the picture.)

S1: …

T: How about chicken? Do you like it ?

S1: …

T: Can you guess what food I like?

S1: Do you like…?

T: No, I don’t.S2: Do you like…?

S3: Do you like…?

T: Yes, you are right.I think you are very lucky.But I have two friends.They are Sandra and Tom.Do you know what food they like? Now, let’s listen and find out the food you hear.(Play the recording 2a in Section B.The students find out each food mentioned in the conversation on the recording.Then check the answers.)

T: Now open your books and listen again.Fill in the chart.(Play the recording the first time.Students listen to the conversation and write in the answers on their charts.Play the recording the second time and then the students can check their answers to be sure they are correct.)

T: Does Sandra like salad?

S: Yes, she does.T: Work in pairs about the chart.Step Five: Task.Go on a picnic with a group of friends and make a list of food to buy.① Divide the students into six groups.② Talk about what the students in your group like and dislike and make a list.③ The leader in each group reports to the class.Step Six: Summary and homework.Make a survey about “What do your parents like for three meals?” after class.

Period Four





Step One: New words.T: Do you like sports?

S: Yes, I do./ Of course.T: What sport do you like best?

S1:I like playing football/ baskball /table tennis …

S2:I like 跑步.T: Oh, Look!What is he doing?

(Show the students a picture of Liu Xiang.)

Ss: He is 跑步.T: Yes, he is running.Now, read after me, run.S: Run.T: R-U-N, run.S: R-U-N, run.T: Do you know him?

S: Yes, he is Liu Xiang.T: You are very clever.He is Liu Xiang.He’s a runner.R-U-N-N-E-R,runner.S: R-U-N-N-E-R,runner.T: Now he is very famous in China.Maybe everyone knows him.He is a sport star.S-T-A-R,star.S: S-T-A-R,star.T: Liu Xiang likes sports.He runs every day.He is healthy and he doesn’t like dessert.Do you know Healthy and dessert? Healthy means “健康的”.Can you guess the meaning of unhealthy?

Ss: “不健康的”.T: Yes, you are clever.Read after me, healthy, unhealthy.Ss: Healthy, unhealthy.T: Look at these pictures.(Show these pictures of dessert.)

They are all dessert.In Chinese it means “甜食”.We often eat it after the important dishes.T: Read after me, dessert, D-E-S-S-E-R-T, dessert.Ss: D-E-S-S-E-R-T, dessert.Step Two: Task.T: Now look at the pictures of these foods.(Show some food pictures.)What kind of food do you think are healthy or unhealthy? Discuss in four people and fill in the chart.(Each group will have a chart)

(Ask some groups to report.)

S: … are healthy food, … are unhealthy food.T: So we eat more healthy food and less unhealthy food.Healthy food is good for our health, but unhealthy food is bad for our health.Step Three: Learn to write about what somebody likes for three meals.① Read the passage.T: Look at Liu Xiang!Do you know why he is very healthy?

S1: Maybe he runs every day.S2: He takes good care of his health.S3: Maybe he eats very well.T: Yes, he really eats very well.Every player just eats healthy food.Three is another running star.Her name is Sandra Dlark.Let’s see what she likes eating for three meals.Open your books and read 3a in Section B.First try to fill in the chart.(The students read the passage and fill in the chart, then check the answers.)

S: Fruits…

T: Sandra Clark has a brother, Tom.He is very clever, but a little naughty.Look at 3b and find out what Tom likes for breakfast, lunch and dinner.Complete the following passage.(The students do 3b and check the answers.)

S: Four lunch …

② Practice.T: I like eggs and milk for breakfast.What do you like eating for breakfast?(Point to a student.)

S: I like apples and bread.T: What about you?(Point to another student.)

S: I like hamburgers and bananas.(Ask two more students to answer his/her questions for lunch and dinner.)

T: Who can ask and answer like this?

Sa: What do you like to eat for lunch?

Sb: I like …

Sa: What do you like to eat for dinner?

Sb: I like …

(Then ask the students to work in pairs one by one.)

Step Four: Task.① Write a passage about you like for three meals.T: Can you introduce yourself for three meals according to what you talked about just now? Maybe many friends want to know you.(The students write about themselves as quickly as they can.When they are ready, ask them to introduce.)

② Make a survey about your classmates for three meals.T: Do you have any friends?(Ask a student.)

S: Yes, I do./ Of course.T: Do you know what they like eating for each meal?

S: No/ Sorry, I don’t know.T: OK.Let’s ask our friends and try to know what they like.Then fill in the chart.(Then ask some students to report to the class.)

Homework.Write a passage about your best friend for three meals.篇二:七年级英语上册unit6课件


1.知识目标:new words and grammer focus

2.能力目标:talk about likes and dislikes freely.3.情感目标:to be friendly to your friends.4.学习策略:practising and listening for specific information.5.文化目标:the differences between english food and chinese food.二、教学重点

words and expressions.三、教学难点

how to talk about likes and dislikes.四、教学关键

let ss have more chances to practise.五、教具与学具



本课的主要情景是在快餐店谈论自己的喜好,面对各种各样的水果和食物,主要学习疑问句do you like bananas?以及如何应答他人的询问.yes, i do./no, i don't.会用i like…/i don't like…句型表达自己的爱好。教学重点是句型的听、说两会;教学难点是灵活运用所学句型完成各项任务。


task 1,导课可以用袋子装个汉堡包,让一个同学来猜

t:guess.what's this? you can touch or smell it.it's very delicious.ss: it is a hamburger.t: i have a new fast food restaurant(课件呈现快餐店图片), you can find it here.let's go and have a look.(ok?)

task 1.learn food names

1.learn the english names for these food.look at it and tell us what you can see? you can answer in english or in chinese.(展示课件,让同学看书上图,说出他们知道的食物名称)

2.let's come to the food counter.(通过课件学单词,每个图片下都有单词)画面出现一个橘子说orange,再出现多个橘子说orange.(之后呈现:banana, hamburger, pear, tomato, strawberry, french fries, broccoli, salad and ice cream)

3.a guessing game.(一共10个标号的盒子,通过课件点击图片,让同学猜测里面是那种食物)学生分成4组进行比赛。回答正确的小组可以得到一张食物图片,并贴在黑板上。

4.match the words with the things in the picture.(准备复印的纸,上面有10个单词和10幅图a-j)让同学用最短的时间完成连线,同时也给最快完成连线的小组在黑板上贴上一张食物图片作为奖励。这张纸也是下个环节的调查问卷。)

task 2, an interview.老师拿着装着食物的袋子,让同学用手触摸,在猜出食物名称的同时,老师呈现新课。

t:do you like bananas? ss: yes, i do.t: she likes bananas.t: do you like pears? ss: no, i don't.t: she doesn't like bananas.1.do an interview in pairs.do you like…?(用课件提供给学生应该使用的句型并用连线的纸单,进行两个的问答)(circle the food names your good friend likes.生成一份点菜单menu)

2.t: i have two foreign friends.they are bill and bob.please help me find out what they like and don't like.(用课件呈现一张调查表,学生a和学生b的各有不同,两名同学互相提问,完成调查)

task 3.an employment.t: i want to find some good waters for my restaurant.还是以小组为单位,抢答,得分。(教师表演为同学服务的场景,表示业务忙想招聘服务员)

test 1.listening

t: listen and fill in the blanks.please tell me what you can hear.(课件内容为p32 2b)学生答完,集体对答案.test 2.memory.(考考你的记忆力)(课件)

t: i say one sentence to see who can say it again first.“i like apples and i don't like pears.” this time you will use 2 minutes to make up sentences like me, then say yours out and let others listen and repeat.学生互相出题,互相提问,重复正确小组加分。

test 3.food survey.t: make a food survey in groups.(表格见课件)4人为一组,一名组长提问,一名同学为记录员。然后以组为单位汇报调查结果,通过三关测试,让小组推举出本组表现好的同学做本组waiter。带上领结,伴着乐曲为同学提供食品。

task 4.enjoy yourselves.(让服务员走起来,为大家提供食品,大家边吃边用刚学习的话题进行交谈,选择自己喜欢的话题编成对话,谈话喜欢的歌曲,影星,动物…)之后选择一组汇取给大家。

topic 1.who do you like?(teachers, parents, singer, film star)

topic 2.which color do you like?

topic 3.what sport do you like?

topic 4.free topic.s1: hello!

s2: hello!who are they?

s1: they are my friends.she is rain, and he is jim.s2: nice to meet you!

s3,s4: nice to meet you, too!

s3: do you like hamhurgers?

s1,s2: yes, we do.s4: let's go to the restaurant, ok?

ss: ok!let's go.t: you can go on this step after class.it's your homework.goodbye class.ss: goodbye, teacher.

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