在“缺氧”状态下生存 乌金木实质上就是乌木,又名“黑檀”(EBONY),古称“乌”或“乌文”等,属柿树种(Ebenaceae)柿树种(Diospyros)中具黑色心材的珍贵树种之木材。
In addition to jewelry,high car,can show there is
your honorable identity.The gentleman needs a decent and elegont dress to show his charm,and a luxurious interior design also needed to match the top of its respect.(公司名称)的精髓体现在其艺术精神和手法上,一反传统古典主义的庄严、宏大的稳定性,强调理性的和谐、宁静。
Reflected in their art the essence of the spirit and methods of presentation,an anti-traditional classical solemn,grand stability,stressing rational and harmonious,peaceful.品签历史 追朔文化
TAST HISTORY RECOLLECT CULTURAL 人类社会的急速发展,往往以历史的遗失,社会的破坏,人文的改变作为代价。无论任何物品,当缺少了历史和文化的底蕴,其价值感总是有着巨大的缺憾。于是,我们需要一种将具有整体化历史内涵的家具风格和人类需求良好结合的生活方式,在满足物质功能和精神需要的同时,可以随时品签历史文化,发掘和保护他们。
The rapid development of human society,often from a historical loss,social disruption,cultural change in the cost.Regardless of any article,when the lack of historical and cultural heritage,and its value is always a sense of tremendous defect.Thus,wu need a historical connotation will have a holistic human needs of the furniture a good combination of style and way of life,physical function and to meet the spiritual needs at the same time,you can always Tasting history and culfure,explore and protect them.在设计制造和使用的过程,用历史文化来陶冶情操,升华追求,从而创造一种高质量的生活和更多的商业机遇。
In the design manufacture and use of the process,With the history and culture,to cultivate virtue,the pursuit of sublimation,so as to create a high quality of life and more business opportunities.融合欧洲古典文化的和东方巧匠神韵;传承欧式古典家具风格,诠释现代时尚艺术精髓;致力于让东方人享受到正统的欧洲贵族家居;满足世人对贵族生活轨迹的追朔和体验的欲望。Fusion of European classical culture and Eastern artisan`s essence;Inherit style of European classical funifure,explain essence of modern fashion arts;Let Eastern enjoy the formal home of European nobility;Content the appetence of locus pursued and experience for nobility life.复古,并时尚着
The pursuit of romantic ornate,decorative,passion,forming the fashion but not out of touch with the history and culture of a unique European-style classic design.我们一直在不懈的追求美感,我们认为它不仅在于家居用品自身的完美,更在于精心营造出的整个空间居室氛围的怡人。
We are considering the beauty all the time,Perfection lies not only in the structure but also the comfortable space they create.自然、环保、健康、品质至纯 NATURE,ENWIRONMENT-PORTECTION,HEALTHY,ANDPURE WE ARE CONSIDERING 表现手法多采用欧洲贵族式的热烈、奔放、奢华、精致,在满足现今社会对高层次生活水平的需求同时,追朔和重温古典欧洲文化,感受历史,沉淀生活。
Expression means more than to adopt the European aristocratic palace warm, unlestrained, extravagant,In today`s society to meet the demand for high-level standard of living while back and revisit the classical European culture,fell the history and sedimentation of life.以创造性的专业研发、人性化的结构设计、严谨的制作工艺,打造产品的卓越品质,在业界领域内傲视同侪
Creative professional development and the humanization of structural design,rigorous production process,build products of excellent quality,still dominate the sector areas excels.囊括了所有匠艺工艺的感染力和魅力,而且与此同时,贴切曲线的设计及反复的考量、认证,完全符合现代人体工程学标准。以这种方式,将创新和传统融合到一起,必将缔造产品的高端品质。
Encompasses all the arts process artisan appeal and charm,but at the same time,oppropriate curve design and repeated consideration,certificatiom,fullcompliance with modern standards of human engineering,In this way,the integration of innovation and tradition together will create a high quality of the product.永恒印象
LONG-LASTING IMPRESSION 家具的设计是室内设计师最为敏感的研究领域,充分的体现了美学与功能的完美结合,所展现的是贵族一样的奢侈享受。、Furniture design is the most sensitive areas for researching of interior designers,reflects the combination of aesthetics and function adequatly,shows the luxury enjoyment as a aristocracy.除注重家具的材质、功能之外,更要强调家具所体现的历史文化内涵,并引导受众接受这一良性的家居生活方式。
In addition to focus on furniture,materials,features,more importantly,embodied in the history of furniture,culfure,and guide the audience to accept the healthy living lifestyle.追求的是一种自在,随意的生活状态,无论是设计、选材、美观、人体工学,都保证现代生活的原为性,展现个性,静静享受一个人的简单纯粹。
In pursuit of a comfortable,comfortable,casual living conditions,regardless of the design,material selection,aesthetics,ergonomics,are guaranteed for the nature of the original modern life,simplicity in showing the special qualities of personality,enjoy belonging to one person`s simple and pure.卧室设计,追求的是舒适,温馨的质感,营造的是欧洲贵族宫殿的奢华、大气的氛围。床头经过了精细的雕刻,镀漆装饰更突出了精致的手工艺,共同组成了设计独特的温情卧室。
The bedroom design offers a cosy,warm quality,creating profound atmospheres redolent of the splendour of European noble palaces.The bed headboard is finely carved,and the decoration highlights the exquiste carpentry,Complete the exclusive design of the bedroom with tender feeling.高贵艺术的真实碰触
A SUBLIME TOUCHOF ART 饱涵着优雅和成熟,成就着金碧辉煌的家饰收藏。旖旎和舒适的房间,彰显着古典风格
Elegant and sophisticated,the furnishings of the day collection are a triumph of gold and splendour.Classical forms are synchronised to create a refined and comfortable room.古典风格从简单到繁杂、从整体到局部,精雕细琢,镶花刻金都给人一丝不苟的印象。一方面保留了材质、色彩的大致风格,仍然可以很强烈地感受传统的历史痕迹与浑厚的文化底蕴,同时又摒弃了过于复杂的肌理和装饰,简化了线条。
Classic style from simple to complex,from whole to part,crafted,carved parquet Waldo gives meticulous impression,On the one hand retains the material,the general style of colors,you can still feel a very strong and vigorous tradition traces the history of the cultural heritage,at the same time abandon the overly complex texture and decoration,simplified lines.对艺术的执着追求
With natural colors and hand-carved to show ancient human,so a piece of furniture,after a fine polish,it become a work of art.家具界的领先地位,需要通过提供多样性的、具有高实用性和高附加值的家居产品,让更多追求高品位生活的人们,享受到真正的尊贵家居。
Furniture industry leading position by providing a diversity of needs,with high availability and high value-added household products,so that more people in pursuit of high qualiyt of life,to enjoy the true noble household.每一款家具都出自名师之手,流淌着高贵的血统,皆让它的主人感受到心灵绽放的光芒,享受原汁原味的文化与生活方式。
All furnitures are from master hands,the body flow with noble blood,are the masters of it heart felt light bloom and enjoy the authentic culture and lifestyle.生活犹如原木,看似简单,万千细节却在其中。生活实是艺术,看似安然,却时刻与你一起呼吸自然,追求完美。
Life just like wood,looks simple,but thousands of details in it.Life just is the art,looks comfortable,but always breathing naturally with you,to pusuit perfection.木之和谐
Focus fully on harmony and balance of Form,function,material,color,texture,durability performance,and cost,demonstrates the restraint for form and decoration,the restraint for form and decoration,the respect for traditional volues,the preference for natural materials,the unity of form and function,the praise for quality of handwork.崇尚原木韵味,向往回归自然
Stripped of the gorgeous coat,solid wood furniture,exposed to the most primitive posture,exudes atmosphere of the original charm of the forest,pro-and paved the moment to breath,it is more difficult to break away from a kind of enjoyment and attachment,because we are from the life lnitially, it had been deep in harmony with nature as a whole with the yearning and desire,and rooted in it.
Walking in the city ofothers, beauty is my own loneliness.Facing the nobleness myself,warmth grows slowly in the chrysalis of missing.2、卸下一身的城市浮华,轻轻地把心交给美丽的家,终于可以休息一下了。
Demount all the luxuryof city, hand your heart to the beautiful home gently, then you canhave a good rest.3、宽大而简洁的沙发,让我忙碌的身体完全迷失,沉寂了一整天的气息,又渐渐苏醒过来。
My busy body is lostcompletely in the broad but brief sofa, the breath which is drearyall the day comes to itself gradually.4、冲一杯原味咖啡,在明净的空间里享受一个人的惬意。
Get a cup of coffee withoriginal taste, then you can enjoy your own comfort in the purespace.5、清新的花儿,静立在圆几上,绽放着自我的美丽。
The clean flowers standon the circular table silently, opening its own beauty.6、摊开我最珍爱的杂志,跳跃在白枫立橱上的几道光线,陪我度过又一个简单的午后。Unfolding my mostprecious magazine, see the bouncing sunshine on the white maplecabinet which consort with me for a simple afternoon.7、轻柔的音乐在宽大的房间里回旋,映射在精巧的地柜上的音符,弥漫出淡淡的味道。The soft music isconvoluting in the broad room, the note which is mapped on theingenious floor cupboard pervades light flavor.8、在最心爱的餐桌上享用美味的晚餐,是我一天来最大的幸福。Having the deliciousdinner on the most precious table is the biggest happiness all theday.9、装饰简洁清雅的书房,延伸着我感性的触角。在这个灵性的空间里,把我孤独的灵魂放飞。
The studying room withsimple and elegant decoration extends my sensible antenna.I canfly my lonely spirit in the inspirational space.10、在这里,自然可以被赋予一种颜色,一种思想,一种境界。
Nature can be endowed bya kind of color, a kind of thought, a kind ofconception.11、构造简洁典雅的转角书柜,蕴藏着古朴的纯粹,完美我的精神寓所。
The turning-angelbookcase with simple and elegant structure contains the immemorialpureness, which can perfect my habitat of spirit.12、静聆人生絮语,轻抚岁月脚步,感悟属于自己的完美空间,心灵也就轻盈起来了。Listening to the wordsof life silently, touching the steps of times lightly, tasting theperfect space belong to you, then the heart will belight-hearted.13、在每一个清晨,安静地享受家的温暖与诗意,生活中最美的细节总是这样令人陶醉。Enjoying the warmth andpoetry of home in every morning, the most beautiful details in thelife are always so charming.14、清雅的生活方式,演绎对生命的深层感悟。
The clean and elegantlife style deduces the deep thought of life.15、枫木的原始清香,在现代家居的优雅中四处漫溢。
The original fragrant ofmaple is flowing freely in the elegance of modern room.16、清雅的色彩与结构,在纷繁的世界里,焕发出独特的表现力和持久的生命力。
The clean and elegantcolor and structure coruscate the unique expressive force andpermanent life.17、用艺术的思维凝结生活的感动,家也可以拥有如此生动的自由。
Coagulating the movementof life by the artistic thought, the house can hold the livelyfreedom also.18、都市的温情,又融入大自然的朴质,使现代家具呈现出一种独特的人文情怀。
The warmth of citymelted with the natural simplicity makes the modern furniture takeon an unique humanism care.19、给自己的居室多一点光亮,不仅是对身心健康的保护,更是彰显生活品位的完美装饰。Giving your room more light is not onlyto protect the health, but to decorate your taste of life.20、华美的客厅洋溢着娴静优美的气息,素洁轻盈的色线营造着浪漫的情趣。生活,本就该如此无拘无束。
The gorgeous parlor arefull of peaceful and elegant breath, the simple and slight lightmakes the romantic taste.Life should be so free inward.21、在这宁静的时刻追忆似水流年,有太多的东西需要在内心里仔细珍藏,有太多的东西需要我们细细品味。
Remembering the pasttimes in the silent moment, there are too many things to treasurecarefully, too many things to taste slightly.22、生活的色彩与个性全在于自己的理解,而生活中似乎也总有一些依托让你找到生活真实而丰富的凭据。
The understanding ofthe color and characteristic of life depends on yourself.However,you can find some authentic and colorful evidence according to reallife.23、每一天都恣意地生活在自己塑造的空间里,欣赏如艺术精品般的家具,将生活的感动化为细致的品味,慢慢鉴赏。
Living in the wonderfulspace of your own, appreciate the delicate and artistic furnitureand taste the exiguous movement of life slowly!
24、面对四季的窗口,总有春暖花开的遐想,有一丝清风扑面而来,有几缕馨香四处飘逸。When facing the windowsin every season, we can not help imagining the flowers in thespring;there is wisps of breeze blowing, wisps of fragrant flowingeverywhere.25、心与自然同在的时候,我们永远都会获得一种宁静,这正是现代人所极力追求的。Our mindwill get the serenity when our minds stay together with nature,which is just the life style we are chasing.26、昏黄与粉色调的交织,轻轻演绎永久不变的爱的主题。
The melt of slim yellowand pink is deducing the subject of love forever.27、在所有诗意灵动的瞬间,内在的岁月之香,一一随风展开
At the moment when thepoetry is flowing, all the intrinsic fragrant of times unfolds withthe wind.28、清枫家具独有的那一种与大自然相融的感觉,引领我们在轻盈的生命中体验真实。The sense melt with nature which grows in PlainMaple, leading us to experience the true meaning in thelight-footed life.29、关于家的记忆,起始于一个遥远的童话,温暖,幸福。
The memories about homebegin with a old tale, which is warm and fortunate.30、在温馨的家里,创造一种宁静与和谐,完成与自然的交融。
Create a kind of peaceand harmoniousness in the warm home to achieve the combination withnature.31、家具也有自己的个性,在宁静的晨光与诗意的黄昏中与灵魂悄悄对话。
Furniture has its owncharacter too, which can whispering gently with our spirit in thepeaceful morning and poetic dusk.32、清枫有一种恒久的魅力,足以让我们为之沉醉。它是简单的,有一种淳朴自然的气质。Plain Maple has aneternal charm to intoxicate us.It is simple, with a kind of simpleand natural temperament.33、在这纯洁的艺术空间里,一切都被赋予了自然的神秘色彩,营造出物我两忘的境界。All things are endowedwith natural and mysterious colors in the chaste artistic space,which constructs a pure ambit.34、生活,就是用一种最恰当的方式满足自己物质与精神的双重需求。
Lifeis to meet your own double need of substance and spirit by a kindof most felicitous way.35、在现代居室里寻觅云高风清的淡泊,时光就在这一瞬定格。
Looking for the leisuremood in the modern room, time is settled at the moment.36、阳光不经意间坠落,一室的清辉便浮动起来。
The sunshine fallscasually, all the slight brightness are floating in theroom.37、阳光轻轻洒进温暖居室的一角,她是那样匆匆,但还是被我捕捉到了她的美丽身影。Sunshine slides into thecorner of the warm house, which is so hasty, but we can catch thebeautiful shadow of it still.38、典雅的色彩与温柔的质感,将现代家居的舒适与完美概括成一种简洁、雅致。
Graceful colors andgentle material recapitulate the comfort and elegance of modernhouse to be a kind of simplicity and concinnity.39、时光的舞姿如此绚丽地呈现,如同看到了梦幻的颜色,被珍藏在温柔的空间里。The gesture of time isshown so colorfully, which is just like the color of dream andtreasured in the warm space.40、生活中的那一份悠游自在,在每天的梦想里回旋。Ease and comfort in thelife lingering in the dreams every day.41、拥有一个具有时尚艺术感的家园是我们一贯的追求。It is our long-term pursuit to have the artistichouse.42、时尚元素与精致美感的完美结合,体现非同一般的艺术感受。
The perfect combination of vogue elements anddelicate essence displays the uncommon and artisticsense.43完美的空间能够记住所有幸福的片断,让人在四季的悠闲时光中慢慢回味。
We can remember all the happy snippet in theelegant space, which can let us taste them slowly in the leisuretimes.44渴望自然的灵魂总是在每个黄昏变得沉静起来,静听四面的天籁之音,和着心灵的交响。
The spirit longing for nature becomes quiet inevery dusk, listening to the sound of nature from every corneraround with the symphony of heart.45自由的感受始终源于内心的深处,而置身于完美的空间,将所有的情绪沉浸在意象的国度里。
The feeling of freedom comesfrom the deep heart.Staying in the perfect space, all the emotionis flying the imagination kingdom.46极简主义有一种原始的神秘美感,真实,自由,没有任何雕饰的繁琐。
Simplicity has an original andmysterious beauty, which is true and free, without anydecorations.47完美的家居视觉感受到处充满活力,如同挥之不去的精灵,游荡在阳光的明媚里。The perfect visual feeling ofhouse is full of energy, just like angels flying in the air and thesun.48 渴望心与自然的距离一再接近,渴望自然的拥抱,在它温柔的气息里慢慢沉醉。
Wish the distance of heart andnature more and more close, wish to be embraced by nature, where wecan be drunk in its warm atmosphere slowly.49 清枫的世界宛若一个艺术的殿堂,将所有与艺术有关的因子细心珍藏。
The world of Plain Maple isjust like an artistic museum, where we can treasure all the thingsabout art carefully.50 宁静而高贵的色彩,散发着木质的芬芳,将自然的传说写进心的家园。
Quiet and noble colors aregiving out fragrance of wood, which brings talesabout nature to the house of heart.51 细腻的线条,优雅的结构,塑造不同一般的居室美感。
The exquisite lines and elegantstructures form the uncommon beauty of house.52兼顾了实用性与舒适性,独特的、人性化的结构使人完全沉醉于休闲与娱乐时光而没有丝毫疲累。
Considering the function andcomfort, special and humanistic structure will make you indulge inthe leisure and enjoyment without any tiring feeling.53有淡淡的花香在空气里四溢,有缥缈的光影在空气里流淌,诗意的空间在每一天的温柔时光中将我们拥抱。
Slight fragrance is floating inthe air, misty light is flowing in the space, so we will beembraced in the poetic space in every gentle moment.54艺术与生活本是植根于同一片土地,自由交流,没有阻隔,我们的思想也正是如此。Art and life has the samesource, interacting freely with no hindrance, ourmind is just like this.55.在都市中体味山野的无限宁静,是一种最流行的惬意!
Tasting the unlimited wildpeace in the city is the most popular comfort.56 追求美感的本身亦是一种非凡的享受,因为这中间包含着我们创造性的发现。
The progress of purchasingbeauty can become a kind of extraordinary enjoyment because itincludes our creative discovery.57如今,人性化的关怀越来越倾向于自然,即在自我的空间,身心完全放松,不受到任何外界的纷扰。
Today, the humanistic care areturning to nature, which is relax yourselves completely in your ownspace, escaping from the disturbance of the outer world.58简洁而精致的,简单而快乐的,简明而富有美感的,其实生活就是这样摆脱所有的喧嚷,达到一种纯精神的境界。
Pure but delicate, simple buthappy, bright but colorful.In fact our life can break off all thenoise as this, and reach a spiritual state.59我们一直在用艺术思索生活的更深层面,让其在具有艺术性的同时,能更多的体现人性关怀。
We are considering the depth oflife with art, trying to perform more humanistic care with theartistic meaning.60 对于线条和光的运用,我们一直谨慎把握,力争从每个角度体现不同的结构美。
Regard to the application oflines and light, we always hold it carefully and try to display theaesthetic feeling of structure from every angle.61外在的质地与内在的气韵浑然一体,将时尚的品位之尊完美体现。
External quality combining withinherent grace, the fashionable taste are perfectlydisplayed.62徘徊在一方居室里,常常感觉忘却了时间,忘却了季节,只记得那温柔的时刻那样易逝。
Lingering in our own room, weoften forget time and season, only remember the gentle moment,which can quickly disappear.63我们一直在寻求新的艺术与生活的表达方式,尽可能将它的抽象美转化为具象的实在。We are looking for the new expression of life andart, trying to turn the abstractive beauty intothe concrete things.64尽管极致之美是无法达到的,但我们一直把它作为我们的精神目标乃至一种信仰。Although perfection isdifficult to realize, but we always take it as our spiritualpursuit and even a belief.65.质感温润的白枫木,精工制作的辅助材料,典雅、健康,自然,写尽现代家居的诗意。Smooth white maple wood, with delicate appendix,appears graceful, healthy and natural characteristics, fullyexpress the poetic style of modern living.66.白天的每一刻思绪与心情都是浑浊的,它需要更多的沉淀与调和,让我们品味幸福与快乐的味道。
The feelings and mood are thickat every moment in the day time, which need more deposition andconsonance, letting us taste blessedness and happiness.67.无论心情怎样漂泊,总有一些东西可以让我们着陆,在某个刹那,当思念闪过,希望会有最真实的寄托。
No matter how vagabond ourheart are, there are always some things on which we can land,wishing the truest bailment at the moment when missing ispassing.68.生活风格的变化在这里有着鲜明而完整的体现,万般色彩在这里得到淋漓尽致的挥洒。The changes of life style canbe shown brightly and perfectly here, all colors can be brandishedcompletely here too.69.客厅应该是这样的一个建筑,不但能够满足基本的生活需求,而且要能充分享受自然。Living room is an architecturewhich can not only meet the basic need of life, but can enjoynature adequately.70.一切气息都幻化成了悄无声息的因子,在记忆的深处潜滋暗长,一切就这样简单而诗意,和谐而亲切。
All breaths are changed intothe silent things which grow stealthily in the deep memory.Allthese are so simple and poetry, harmonious and kindly.71.闭上眼,寻找一片森林,一个永远洒满阳光,永远有湖水、绿地的诗境,撇开人群、都市的拥挤,撇开一切的喧扰。
Close your eyes, look for aforest, a place full of sunshine and poetic conception around withlake, greenbelt, which can seclude yourself from the crowded peopleand city, and all the tumult.72.避开这纷扰,只需要一个理由,忘却一切刻意的安排,让自己在烦乱的世界里保持几分清醒与宁静。
We only need one excuse toavoid the disturbance around, forgetting all the specialmanagement, and holding some clear and peace in theworld.73.雅致、个性、简约、实用。设计者旨在于以一种完美的诗意思维来装点个人的宁静空间。
Elegant, unique, simple andpractical.The designers hope to decorate your peaceful space witha kind of perfect poetic thought.清风吹来,柔美的白色搁架和椅子,营造出温馨的田园风格。坐在铺着英格兰格纹桌布的桌边,悠闲地翻看着旅行时的照片,怡然自得。
中式新古典婚房 不要粉嫩拒绝奢华 俗话说“物极必反”,时尚也不例外,当流行到一个极端的时候,复古的风潮将再度席卷归来。现在越来越多的老外竞相学习中文,越来越多的孔子学院在世界各地遍地开花。中式婚房这股复古风也刮进了新人们的心中。
风情地中海 爱上度假的感觉
清爽田园风 让身心都舒畅
荷韵梅香 精雕细琢中式家
女孩子都喜欢色彩,其实家居也可以上彩妆,缤纷多姿才漂亮,索性让你的家也来上一次彩妆吧,漂亮的色调绝对让你惊艳!为家上彩妆!漂亮公主缤纷家 为家上彩妆!漂亮公主缤纷家
139平韩式田园 真的很柔美
139平米现代简约家居,韩式田园风格的混搭设计,既甜美浪漫,又简约时尚„„所有的小细节都透露出对生活的热爱与美好期望。我们一起看看吧 非常精致的菱形隔板搭配白色的藤椅,非常完美的韩式风范。
田园乡村二合一 乐活族的都市炫生活
三款田园乡村风格装修方案PK 温馨满屋
田园风格总是让人轻松而愉悦,看到下面这些别致而典雅的乡村风情,你最喜欢哪一款呢?三款田园乡村风格装修方案PK 温馨满屋 三款田园乡村风格装修方案PK 温馨满屋
现代简约 演绎100平米火红家
亲近自然 时尚简约的美式家居
典雅欧式家居 金紫红的完美融合
简约至上 白领喜爱的家居设计
简约的家居设计受到很多人的喜爱,特别是白领的喜爱:简约至上 白领喜爱的家居设计简约至上 白领喜爱的家居设计简约至上 白领喜爱的家居设计简约至上 白领喜爱的家居设计
卡普奇诺唯美装修风 小白领秀温馨简约家
简约风情 让寒冷冬季温暖起来
风情混搭 12万搞定134平米的温情家
素雅黑白红 家居永恒的流行色
下面是一个黑白与红搭配的设计案例,在黑白宁静庄重的氛围里,那鲜艳夺目的红给了这个黑白世界以新的生命与活力。不要怕黑白的庄重不适合餐厅,耀眼的红打破了黑白的沉闷,特别那幅画更传神.风情万千家居风格 你最爱哪种?
东南亚田园家居 自然飘逸随风而来
以柳条、实木、马尼拉麻、皮草等为主要材质的东南亚田园家居,暗香浮动, 它的自然、飘逸犹如花香随风而来。简单的电视墙,延伸了居室整体长度,在格局上增加了空间感和透视感。
2010年家居流行色彩趋势预测纯色在时下渐渐流行在家居设计造型中,以淡色为背景,浓烈的纯色灵巧跳跃而出,构成视觉的焦点,彼时一个眼神即勾去了你的热爱。流行似一阵风 色彩的精彩运用
80后一代追求自由与个性释放,这20款空间设计时尚多彩,打破了传统的用色与空间摆放,给人一种完美的视觉感官冲击。80后最中意家居装修风格 80后最中意家居装修风格
“维也纳”套系在家具尺寸上特别考量,更加精致,保持了奢华大气的风格,也为城市公寓等小户型营造传统经典的家居风格提供可能。打造维也纳式小户型家居主题:典雅的外观 精致的尺寸
变身儿童乐园 网友anna_xia和老公带着孩子跟公婆同住在一间两室一厅的老式公房,不过她的生活热情使得这间老房子也能变出花样,现在就随我一起来看看她家变身儿童房的小阳台吧!
走进这个家,没有过多的细节修饰,也没有过于功能性的堆砌,简约的设计,质感的用料,让你产生一种天高云淡的开阔感,这就是8万铸就的157平时尚家:百姓实用简约装修 8万铸就157平时尚家
洁白纯净的天使居室 天使的纯洁居室,白的清纯靓丽。2居室的空间对于一个单身少女虽显得有点略大,但是在主人的装扮下温馨浪漫。也被主人摆放的充实紧凑,生活味道十足。清雅二居,洁白纯净的天使居室。
进门景色进门朝右看,就是我开放厨房和神圣餐厅了整块人造石吧台是大爱呀!吧台上用不锈钢来隔断,当时挣扎了很久,怎么想都觉得无法想象„„米想到做出来效果是very good!这就要多亏了林维丰富经验和他的坚持!
200平的大空间,东南亚风情的设计风格,置身其中,做这个居室的主宰,享受一切,获取异域风情的开心生活!入门凤凰迎客!客厅 很实用的塌,可以躺着看电影 长劲鹿和它妈妈
设计公司:峰光无限装饰 设计师:蒋梅菊 户型面积:150平方米 居家人口:三口之家 装修风格:后现代主义 装修总造价:4.9万 后期软装饰费用:17万 舒适的布置很有家的气息。
虽然这屋子是租的,不过她凝聚了carol 和pp 对小家温馨感的渴望,经历了一系列找房,看房,搬家,满市场满淘宝的找家具,diy拼装。小家终于有了雏形。(昨天写了一堆,忘了保存,我胸口这个闷哪~~~)。我们所住的地方在杭州的西北面,虽然是新楼盘,但是可能因为交通的关系,租来1100元/月,不算水电物业煤气。进屋前差不多地板厨房和厕所都已经有了,加上本来租房剩下能用的东西,所以基本上没有买很多大件。
懒人们最向往的调调,大概非地中海风格莫属了。慵懒的阳光,温暖的色彩,碎花的窗帘,无不显示着一个浪漫而宁静的生活状态。懒人最向往生活 浪漫宁静慵懒地中海调调懒人最向往生活 浪漫宁静慵懒地中海调调。
五个细节 打造瑞典风格风格故事十八世纪晚期古斯塔夫三世统治时期,这位瑞典王曾用一年的时间在法国和路易斯十六世在一起,也就是在那个时候,他爱上了新古典主义风格并将它带回国内,新古典主义风格的装潢在瑞典得到国王的支持与推广,达到巅峰。
生活本来就是这样,装修是一件很麻烦的事情,但是为家、为自己,再苦再累亦是快乐,更何况看到装修好的漂亮家,所有付出都是值得。以简约为美,装出时尚清新的家:简约装修 享受新房的清纯时尚
东南亚风格的居家环境是许多人追求的梦想之家,133平的空间,真实和谐,自然生动,在不动声色中透露出一种宁静详和的气氛,实现了我们对家的最初向往。东南亚风情 133平混搭妩媚家
清新柠檬的味道 在一天繁忙的快节奏工作中,自由休闲生活方式都是现代都市生活追求的渴望。具有”柠檬的味道“的黄色调更加鲜艳、温馨 华美向往与营造中迎着时尚的浪潮,黄色系时时散发着水果的甜润,适合搭配柔软的家饰来强调这 种自然的温馨。色彩是富有感情且充满变化的,会给人的心灵带来温暖,阳光、乐观、愉悦的感觉。大胆选用喜爱的颜色来打破一成不变的白色调,您的家就能出色动人。
当2009年的脚步渐近,我们把目光转向家居软装行业,新年商品中已明显嗅到了浓郁的中国味道!不防用中式元素,给现代居家进行一个时尚变奏,让传统的风格融入现代的生活:特力屋 创世华彩 今视空间《瑞丽家居设计》
国外装修恋上中式古典风 红色,白色,蓝色和华兰这个让人不怎么感兴趣的浴室通过自由的使用红漆呈现出豪华奢侈的感觉。大量的白色使其保持开阔的感觉,而传统的青花瓷配件添加了一些东方的韵味。突出深红色。
窗帘上的草长莺飞,陶罐里的花香四溢,在繁华城市中典藏自然,心随缘,让日子任意流淌。被质朴感动的心灵,在芳菲的田园风光得到归宿。生活 原来,可如此温暖惬意……
它桀骜不群,但不经意间,千万双宠爱之手已为之臣服:生活家·巴洛克地板,美学工艺价值传承与感动,从董事长至经销商,从高层管理者到将地板送达您手中的服务人员,生活家·巴洛克始终以一双双虔诚的手,固执而专注的传承者对纯手工地板的真挚爱恋; 而当它到达您的手中,您将读懂生活家·巴洛克对一块地板的所有探索与思考,您也将深深感触:生活家·巴洛克,值得用手去爱。
富林·卡尔顿地板红橡高尔夫庄园系列汇聚418位木艺匠师智慧 以16年精湛技艺完美呈现 它对木纹的追求,苛刻之极
以艺术之心感悟解读每一处木质纹理,纯手工着色,浑然天成 还原了最具魅力的原生态美别墅庄园生活 它,只属于懂得优雅生活极致的财智阶层
制造:德国AS壁纸股份上海有限公司 创立时间:1974年
万花尺EOS 流行于上世纪80-90年代的美术工具可以画出不计其数的花色图案。从看似纷繁的曲线搭配出或硬朗或柔美的静态几何图形,赋予墙面生动的立体感,彰显居者沉稳的气质与非凡的气度。
创 意 我 的 艺 术 生 活
穿在墙上的艺术The Fashion on the wall 壁纸之于墙面,正如服饰对于女人; 告别色彩的单调与想象的贫乏,拥抱生活的多彩与个性的释放。空间,因瑞宝而不凡!
瑞宝Rainbow Dekor,脱胎于中国家装最具持久影响力的旗舰企业——圣象集团,通过为消费者提供在设计上高度符合个人审美情趣,质量上严格遵循国际环保标准的壁纸产品,致力于为更多中国家庭创造时尚与健康并重的个性化家居环境,引领生活方式的改变和生活品质的提升。
定位于社会精英阶层的美庭品位家居,拥有国际一流的硬件设施和完善的配套服务,用超五星级奢华如殿堂的3万平方米空间,收藏了来自世界各地的顶级家居品牌,如意大利顶级沙发Chateaud'ax夏图、意大利MONDRIAN 蒙德里安、现代奢侈家居颠峰代表FENDI CASA等,以文化和品位为主轴,系统而全面的展示世界家居文明的精髓。
A&K FURNITURE 为客户提供健康、轻松、休闲、回归自然的家居生活方式。体验精致生活
客 厅 写 实 情 景 家 居
制造:北京美堡·饰家丽装饰材料有限公司 诞生于1845年
全球设计 德国制造
好百年是国内知名的家居连锁企业集团,创立于1999年,植根深圳,服务全国。好百年拥有二大家居零售品牌—HOBA好百年家居、METEN美庭品位家居以及全新的家居商业模式---“Hobalife” 网络商城。截止2009年底,已在国内大中城市开设了近20家大型家居连锁商场。
Breathing with the core 精选高纬度高寒羽绒 完美吸湿性面料天丝 三位盒式立体结构
Different perspectives , the same wonderful 用智慧打造精致卫浴生活
1. 灵感与创意的结晶,用颇具雕塑感的外表演绎出现代美之内涵,并且保持人体工学理论的元素。
2. 完美的手工,典雅别致的设计和不断提升的品质,赢得各方青睐,赞誉四起。
3. 大自然资源丰富蕴藏无限生机,也赋予了设计师独特的灵感;脱胎于自然的本质,转化家具之中的一样角色。
4. 梦的季节,天真奇幻,红白争艳,无处不露盛华人的创意风采。
5. 简约、时尚、经典瞬间铸成,彰显生活的惬意质感,弹奏一首和谐的前卫之歌,在梦中静静的品位永恒的艺术„„
6. 设计前卫时尚,色彩鲜艳,个性鲜明,为阁下的起居室注入活力动感的元素。
7. 在都市生活的紧张、喧嚣中,我们太需要一块宁静的小天地来澄清心灵了,有时候,就是需要那样一种朴实透露理性与静思的生活态度。
8. 生活在喧闹的都市中,向往一份简单、自然与纯净。明亮、温馨、简洁的线条,仿若海上翻起的阵阵碎浪。涤荡着世间的一切烦杂。拥有一个诗意的卧室,感受潮起潮落的惬意。
9. 生活的真谛,艺术的气质,是我们阐述的主题。感谢您对我们品牌的信任和支持,不断创新,我们会以更好的产品回报于社会。
10. 面对温馨的家,从容自信于心底长腾而起,也许生活中太多的感动来自于这样平凡的家。
11. 以人为本的设计理念,崇尚视觉与触觉的完美结合,难以觉察的精巧细节,透出优雅与高贵。
It is heavy to visit the classic, riotours color and set up to pursue=but happy doctrine, there is home another place.炫目新品与媚惑之间的经典
Classical charm between brand-new and attractive.2004家具的又一惊喜
2004,Another surprise to furniture profession.美的凝聚与辐射
Mei de ning ju yu fu she.传达个性生活,展现魅力自我。
In the time of free thoughes to seek inspiration in tradition and then understadns tacitly with a hint of a tip leading to one kind of perfect cooperation with years to enjoy.简单之中蕴含精致,洒脱、雕琢之处不失简约。
It contain exquisite in being simple free and easy, place that chisel and carve lose brief.极富创意的结构设计已令人叹为观止,在制作工艺上更值得您细细品味,从细节中您亦可得到产品的品质和品味。
It is surprised to have sutructre desing.And the technology is while being appropriated.From the details,you can find out the quality and graceful taste of products.提炼中西艺术精华,不经妆前的朴素,突破传统设计思维,展现合壁后优越气息,予人安定富足感。
To absorb and purify the artistic soul of china and the western with simple simplicty, and breakthrough of traditonal deesign to demonstrate the spirit of combination and present sense of stability and affluence.品味人生 享受生活
To taste life and to enjoy life
时尚帮派的华丽传奇 Luxury & Fashion Tone
La Fndation cartier;Un Espace vivant pour Art comtemporain.美丽可以如此自由 Inner beauty out beauty
时装家具的引导者 East red rose.生活因我而精彩
Life becose wodnerful for the sake of your.完美的手工,典雅别致的设计和不断提升的品质,赢得各方青睐,赞誉四起。
Due to perfect handicraft, elegant & outstanding design and consecutively promoted quality.Classic sofa is popular and wins the honor both at home and overseas.时尚与前卫的融合
Original greativity & Industrial Designer Pedro Silva Dias.主张·生活·极简主义
实力品牌 信心在握
New lifestyle outlet
雍容华贵 跃燃生色
立足时尚 高人一点
自由态度 一种现代的传说,流线与金色的完美结合。
Natural and tranquil,friendly and agreea ble.典雅时尚 Elegant style
Tokyo,in living colour.没有新概念就没有新生活 A whole new car gane
The elegant shape and bold vigorous jointly create an elegant and graceful romance.超时代的美感和出类拔萃的气派
Superera aesthetic feeling and super eminent manner.设计独具风格,尽显高雅尊贵之气。
The uinque design fully reveals elegance and noblenss.简约 永恒的时尚
深色 精致优雅
艺术 彰显个性空间
原木 呼吸自然的灵韵
个性家具` 代言人
尊贵典范 信心标志
崇尚经典 追求自然
智慧生活 品味所居
现代空间 都市绿园
Featured with background,the table furnishes your office with new life personalitg keeps on replenishing it with an unfading modernisn spite everchaging information.经典中的精英,将研制者一贯的精良品质,精湛技术,严密的质量把关发扬。
Rated among the best of masterpieces,it‟s a good example of the designer‟s merites, excellent technique and stringent quality control.汇集中外精华 展现天然风采
身边的艺术 The art around
展现仿古文化精神 融汇休闲时尚魅力
Vogue of furniture
The technology changes life, the life enjoy the techology.Scient that tradition produce the craft manufactures the technique to combine with the moderns, cent now the technology melt in the living vogue prinnciple.随意舒展 科技领先
Arranging to your likng, enjoyjng a leading technology.舒适自然,令您有贴心贴背的感觉。
Staff chair series, comfortable and natural,give you the feeling of up close attachment.成功人士之首先,王者风范,气派非凡。
The first choice for the successful people, majestic manner, exceptional style.舒服、美观、尤如进入大自然之境界。
Comfortable Beautiful Just Like going into the nature,give you the feeling of up close attachment.生活源自这里的精彩
沙发之经典 潮流之代言
品味时尚家具 尽享个性空间
感受休闲家居生活,放开自我,回归自然,自由的空间,自由的风,让休闲得到充分的释放。The most comfotable lives,open youself and back to nature,free wind, completely relax yourself.让光线靠近情感
Lets close light with emotion
点亮心灵暖意 Warm feeling
The best patten from temperament
New reposism for nature and environmen tal protection
品味时尚家居` 尽享个性空间
Tasty vogue furniture enjoy the character spact 领略简朴自然,体验优越时尚。
To feel the nature and to experience a modern life.艺术,无须过多的装饰,就已经打动人心的深处。拘一格的会议台设计,让你在忙碌中享受一份完美的心情。
Art can attract any one without any excessive decoration.Our special designed meeting table can surely offer you a delighted working mood.各式新款班台,配以独具想象力的设计,展现新时尚的轮廓,让你在澎湃的事业生涯中扬翅高飞。For any help we can do in your marvellour career,we prepare any office tables tables with modern and imaginative design.追求完美空间,经典人生乍现。
To pursue a perfect space for a classical life.缔造舒适环境,触发生活灵感。
To create comfortable working environment and to lead to inspiration for life.悠长的岁月中,独特的传统创作,幻变各类经典艺术,休闲舒适,为你营造一个不同凡响的办公氛围。
In your long-term struggle history,our special traditional works with comfortable and classical design can create a marvellous working environment for you.专业生产沙发、会议椅、转椅等系列办公家具。
We are specializing in producing sofa,meeting chair, swivel chair and office furniture.时尚的设计,款式打破传统的格局,设计出崭新的意念,洋溢时尚风彩,令素雅的空间,燃点出现代的光彩。
The popular design and unconventional patterns refresh you with new idea and fill you home latest trend, making it radiating the splendor of era.居--祥和温馨,外围环境不可以随心改变,但室内居家环境可以由心而设,生活之趣味,全在于
Dwellings remind us of the peace and coziness in our homes.However, we may modify the internal surroudings but not the external as we like.From welcoming living rooms to cozy and refined bedrooms, and trom the artistic kitchens to stylish toilet rooms,eath honsr preaent with us a distinctive landscape, distinctive landscape, displaying a panorama of humanistic attraction and the modern civilization, and embodying the taste of individuals and their interpretation their of lives.采用全新英国ISCOFAEX人体压力测试系统,内置活连锁式弹簧内胆,拉力强劲,配置8000个透气孔道,散热防潮表面。结合比利时提花织锦,为您缔造传世佳品。
Provided with complete new British ISCOFAEX body pressure test system,built-in chain spring with strong tension, 8000 ventilating pores, heat-radiating and damp-proof surface, as well as Belgium jacquard fabric, providing a product that will be handed on from age to age.采用100%美国超级环绕独立弹簧床网,经18000磅的高压稳定测试,保证30年永不变型,配上1.5cm厚的天然弹力纤维及柔软的海棉,为您缔造一个舒适、健康、安全环保的睡眠环境。
Provided with 100% American super surround independent spring mattress mesh undergone high pressure stability test of 1800 pounds, guarantee of non-deformation of 30 years, soft sponge and natural elastic fiber with a thickess of 1.5cm, providing a comfortable, healthy, safe and environ nental-protected area for sleep.外型优雅秀丽,格调与众不同,锐意令您称颂。
The other type is graceful and beautiful,the style is out of the common,make you praise with keen determination.欲实现业务更大化,富有时效的办公配置必不可少,现代人性空间,您我共同分享。It's must to be furnished with time-effective office furniture.In order to attain expansion in business,Let's share a humanistic space.展示办公艺术的世界,一切都基于传统的精湛工艺技巧和天然材料精制作而成,领潮流之先,跨世纪创意。
Standing the world,you will find that all products are made out of traditionaltechnology and natural materials finely and carefully.They are walking before the fashion and the creativeideas.有了设计,才有灵魂;我们只生产极品;我们追求:一丝不苟,不断完美,最潮流的也是最尖端的。
我们研究长度、角度、弧度、精确度; 我们追求精湛的工艺和完美的设计。
产品时尚 线条简约 忠城服务 质量一流„ 人性化设计
New complete Sleepscientific terms 新完全睡眠科学时代
伊夫罗兰床垫选用高品质的环保材料,尖端的生产工艺精制而成。床垫垫料乃经过特别挑选、能紧贴人体曲线,能够在每一点均匀承托您的脊骨而又可以保持脊骨的原始弧度,令您享有 最松软舒适的睡眠感觉,能使您天天拥有一个良好的睡眠空间,提升您的精神面貌和加强记意的能力。
Better sleep better life 更好的睡眠 更好的人生
床褥是良好睡眠的关键,一张不舒适的床垫影响着您的睡眠,使您整夜辗转难眠,得不到应有的睡眠质量。所以,要得到良好的睡眠,必须选择一张舒适、承托力 适度和标准尺都达到要求的床垫。
Choose competent Leading role for bedroom 为卧室选一个称职的主角
波动与不安都被阻隔在外洗尽尘世铅华,忘却世故人情; 在最安稳的空间还自己最真一面„„
床垫采用世界标准的5.5英寸高度独立袋装弹簧制作,独立袋装弹簧比连锁式弹簧承托力更强,由于每个弹簧独立伸缩,可分别承托身体不同的部位,保持脊椎的自然曲线, 而且以袋装式的设计,更可以减低弹簧间的磨擦,延长弹簧的使用寿命,同时可减低弹簧的磨擦响声,不致于影响睡眠.尤其使用D码的独立袋装弹簧床垫,在人体波长振动到 一定的时候,尺寸越大,整张独立弹簧床垫的相互影响率就越低,提高了睡眠的质量。
一张配置有光纤线连通的684个扫描感应器的被套上测量人体对床垫的压力,通过电脑分解图可以明显测试出,当人体睡在低反弹记忆海棉床垫上,由于低反弹记忆海棉对人体的受力均匀,所以人体无论正睡还是侧睡都使人体表面毛细血管的内压稳定在32mmhg以内,同时能促进人体血液循环,从而得到优质睡眠的效果.睡眠中心的材料架,分别展示了制作床垫的内附使用材料,再以透明化的方式让消费者更加清楚产品结构,使消费者卖得放心用得安心。展示的材料要有拉丝提丝弹簧, 2.3线的五环弹簧;2.5线的六环强韧弹簧和天色山棕:世界标准的5.5英寸高度独立袋装弹簧和天色乳胶、乳绒、太空棉、羊毛,还有德国进口的织绵布和比利时进口的防尘、防螨、防静电布等。
漫长岁月中家永远是让我们的灵魂有所寄托的地方,是让我们在缥缈的追忆首先想到的事物。Home is the place where our minds can rest for a moment,and where we can remember the happy memory during the years.铸就永不褪色的时尚,多重组合又彰显了时尚的多面角色。
To create eternal fashion.Varied combinations of black and white appear varied styles of fashion.当代繁忙的社会生活里,我们所需要的不仅是一刻喘息的机会,更需要的是得到源自心灵的温柔慰藉。
In the worldly society,what we need is not only a break to rest,but also gentle comfort from other hearts.无限繁华的时光终会化成无尽的记忆,于是所关于家的记忆都是值得珍藏的,在我们的生命时光里弥足珍贵。
Picking up the memory of prosperity once lost in the long years,find it like good liquor stored for many years and give out charming fragrance.all the memory of passed years becomes so lovely and clear.行走在四季的温馨居室里感受到的都是如同春天般的气息,春的气息沁人肺腑,让人神闲气定,行动自若。
Like living in spring forever.The flavor of spring makes me drunk.the mind is free and the actions are free.the free gree and the blooming flowers predict the hopes of a new year.在亘古的空间与飞逝的时光中留守住我们每个人的坚持。对生命的热爱,对自然的珍惜,使我们更懂得把握我们手中紧握的那一段时光。
In the perpetual space and flying time we must have our firm beliefs in life.Because the future is indefinite,so we have much excuse to enjoy the life today.华灯已上的黄昏,独坐清风徐送的雅室,望着最后的斜阳余辉在西方的天空燃尽,一种轻盈飘渺的思绪浮上心头。
Sitting on the balcony in the wind,seeing the lights flash in dusk and the last colourful clouds disappear in the western sky.just at this moment memory before many years return to minds.我们一直在以一种艺术的虔城来创造我们的作品,使其在具有完美艺术形象的同时,拥有更多的人性化关怀。
We are creating our products with honesty to art,not only perfect the figure but also bring more humanity-oriented care.艺术是有颜色的,我们要在这片纯净的世界里,捕捉所有关于艺术的传说。
The art has its own color,so we will catch all the legend about art in the pure world.记忆停留在时光之外,思想也慢慢成熟起来。这一刻,我无需要想什么,享受生活,是我最大的快乐。
The memory stays around the time outside,and the thought becomes mature too.At this moment l don't need to think anything ,enjoying the life is my biggest hqppiness.专业技术的精湛与保持天真的爱心才是我们创造的最好注释。
The creation comes from the consummate technology and the pure childish heart.午后的阳光,沿着柔丽的线条浮游而上,轻轻演绎一个家居童话。
The sunlight in the afternoon,raising along the soft lines,deduces a beautiful tale of house residing.于传统经典的突破,必须要有专业技术奠定的信心,同时也要有对未来趋势的前瞻性预测,这是
he innovation of tradition depend on the confidence of specific technology and careness during progress.this kind job can only be finished by people who is an artist and designer.古典艺术与先进技术的完美结合,造就了气势恢宏而又富含人情味的现代家具精品。巧夺天工的镀金罗马柱和精雕细雕的装饰金线述说着浓浓的欧陆风情;纯天然的手法诠释木本色的同时,矜持凝重的油彩效果与斑驳的金饰相得益彰,通体散发出浓浓的热情,安宁和富足的气氛。
在冬的宁静下面孕育着春的无尽变化和勃勃生机„„ 为现代人疲惫的心带来不少许返朴归真的安慰吧!宽敞的空间里,弥漫着地中海的气息!典雅别致的情调,静谧娴美的体验!充分体现动静相宜的空间享受„„ 来自于现代雕塑的意念„„
Boundless change and vigor herald spring in the veil of winter's serenity wish you soothe with a bit of simplicity and nature to the modern people mediterranean flavor wafting amidst the spacicus room..With delicate and elegant romance,and a touchingly serene feeling!A broad revelation of space enjoyment of movement and still balance all these come from inspiration of modern sculpture..静聆人生絮语,轻抚岁月之痕,感情属于自己的完美空间,理想由现实而升腾,也许你所营造所求的一切都只是满足你的心灵需要。
Listening to incessant chatter quietly,stroking year trace gently,feelings belong to your own perfect space,dreams fly from reality,perhaps what you created is just to satisfy your mind's demands.品质成就永恒
引领时代之先,来自创新的灵智,稳重飘逸的外表内藏无尽智慧,尊贵典雅的气质尽现自如萧洒。The creative inspiration and wisdoms the source of trend leading;steady and elegant appearance comes withe endless intelligence;moble amd graceful quality fullu demonstrates free and unrestrained styles.恒久流传,家居时尚。
Make your life clourful perament and lasting, the vegue of medern housing.简洁明快的线条,现代简约文化的体现,淡淡冒出现代人文化的气息。
Simple,lucid and lively lines disaplay modern simplicity,even draff out litter modern humanistic flavor.家,是心灵歇息之所;床,是生命之源泉—金蒂雷斯名床。Home,is the place of reaxation for heare and soul;GODY ROSY bedding, is the place for life to recharge.在“金蒂雷斯”的世界,影像的痕迹,氛围的回音,感觉的记忆,让人能听到天籁,心灵受着自由的指引,走向不断放宽的思想与行为。
In the world of “GODLY ROSY”,the image,the atmosphere and the feeling will let you hear the sound of nature and your theought and behavior are beyond and limitation under the guidance of you soul.跳出常规的特别设计,凝聚家居的生命力,表现更多更广的生活内涵,应和现代人的万变要求。Break out jumps out the special design of convention.and condenses the life-force of stay idle at home and should become the requirement with ten thousand of contemporary people.淡雅的奢华,体验一种不张扬的时尚,体现一种品位十足的高贵。
Quietly elegant luxury,expresses kind of fashion that is not exaggerating,experiencing a highly tasteful nobility.纯粹自然,纯粹时尚。无拘无束,收放自如,人生真谛由此点击。
Pure nature and pure fashion,free and unrestrained.Click here to enter in to true life.享受温馨甜美体会浪漫感受„„ Enjoy soft sweet tase romantic„„
Elegant and graceful shaping.tender and delicate feel makes all so comfortable and natural.Yesterday's infinite brilliance,tomorrow's splendidness,demonstrates today's classi-cal fashion among your elegance.所有的创意皆取自于生活的灵感,一切出发点亦是为了我们生活的舒适。
All the creation cmes from inspiration in lifeour purpose it to make your life comfortable.现代气息充满了整个空间,色彩、形态、质感有着掩饰不住的高贵。
Thick modern flavor fills the living space, Colours,shapes and material all display the noble femperament.营造环保舒适的生活空间!
Increasing the life's quality and tase,creating cozy living environment for modern life.Interspersing the life with poety apparenting modern within connotation bring you the feeling of home.在都市生活的紧张、喧嚣中,我们太需要一块宁静的小天地来澄清心灵了,有时候,就是需要那样一种朴实——透露着理性与静思的生活态度。
We are all eager to get a silent space to clear our mind in the busy and noisy city life,sometimes;it is only a kind of simplicity--the life attitude reflecting reason and quiet mind.色彩与结构的组合看似简单、平稳,实则是对简约风格的一种深层表达。
The combination of structures and colors seem simple and stable,but in fact it is a profound expression of simplicity.2004家具的又一惊喜 2004,Another surprise to furniture profession.2004家具的又一惊喜
2004,Another surprise to furniture profession.纯结的菁华来自于自然本色的凝聚、沉积。纯色鲜明、澄清、不著糟粕。
Pure essence comes from the condensation of original nature.it is bright,clear,and no dregs in it.春天圆舞曲
The heavy beauty of hamanism is transmitted when we are looking for the last noble in the city fashion.the exaltedness and luxury of time are fiying in every detal.有精致也有朴实,有随意更有匠心,感受性和理性的完美结合,休闲与实用的高度一致,我们要告诉您的是:让平凡的生活多姿多彩。
There are delicacy there are more optional and more artistic , The sensibility united into nous ,the lie fallow and the lie fallow and the applied have possessed consistent , We now tell you let the common life become interest and make the outstanding art have diversificatipn mien.我们在重视您舒适度的满足的同时,也在努力创造视觉的经典。宁静,和谐,温暖,自然„„
We are making great efforts to create the classic of vision when we pay attention to the satisfaction of comfort , peaceful, harmonious , warm,natural.....想在轻松的时尚之旅中,一路飞奔,感受它给我的欢愉,轻松。无限生活的动力都在这温暖的居室里悄然酝酿。
Flying in the relaxing and enjoyable fashion , enjoy the pleasure and wonder it brings , limitless life inspiration is brewed in the warm and graceful room.高品味的家居设置能使空间整体感雍容端正,家具的个性代表着主人的修养。性情和语言的,只有深知家具品性的设计者才能真正领悟。
High quality furniture will make our hours noble , at the same time the character of furniture represent the culture of the host.we believe that it has own characrer, emotion and language.Only people who
aster can communicate with it.在艺术氛围的家里,我总想起舞,歌唱,面对如此简洁、雅致的家园,心情总是盛开的。让我们足以用一生的时间去守候,去品味,在温馨的家里,一切都是这样值得留念.I only to sing and dance in the graceful space , for l am so groud when sraying in the perfect space here , l believe that there is eternal pursuits in our life worth all the time we live in the word.最经典的颜色及符号,这绝不仅仅是一种装饰或者象征,而是那眼神交错中,火光飘闪的恒久眷恋。
The most classic colors and symbols are mot only a decoration or indications but the permanent sentiment attachment in the interlacing of eyes.身处这个城市上层的你,你清楚的知道,只有为你渴望归属的心灵找到一片宁静、致远的天地,才能真正体现你人生的价值。Atosphere imspires inspirations.Emotions are calm at this moment.It is the straightest declaration Living in the upper Level of the city,you clearly know that only by finding a peaceful space for you
heart that is eager for home that you can truly realize your value of life.我们的背后总有一个让我们想象与探究的梦,它离我们仅有一步之遥,带着梦幻的诱惑。
There is always a dream on our back fro us to imagine and explore,which is only a step far away from us with illusive temptations.The taste, is a kind of intension difficult to cover up, It becomes brilliant by casual revealment.There are the thin sweet ,the thin mind, the thin mood, the thin hue in the perfect life 完美的生活是带着淡淡的甜,淡淡的思绪,淡淡的心情,淡淡的色彩。
Show in nature, release in color, charm of permanent in sheer space-time 在自然中张扬,在色彩间释放,在纯净时空里找寻永恒魅力。
Color,comes with expression offashion 色彩,赋予时尚生活更生动的表情
Pursuing the unification of fashion and perfection, tasting the sweet of life.追求完美的统一,品味生活的温馨居家环境。
Ingenious design that is freshing and natural provide you unbending life with multiple choice 精巧设计,清爽自然,多样的选择,不一样的随意生活
Pure, sheer of extraordinary makes visual impact.纯净、纯粹、带来非一般的视觉冲击。
Bluffness, individuality and autism.率真,修改,真实自我!
Modern & elegance makes perfect.现代&典雅——实现了完美艺术追求
Perfect combination of innovative techniques and creative design 创新工艺与创意设计的完美结合
Spacious sit depth makes relax 宽大的坐深,充分容纳心的放松
Superior design with unlimited materials and thoughts 无限可能的材料与思想,成就了超越平凡的设计
Utility with balance, harmony and freedom平衡、和谐、自由、创造最佳的实用
Syncretization of various materials, special design of stony armrest.不同材质的碰撞。独特的石扶手设计,带来独特的韵味
Gentleness and quietness at home with simple and practical atmosphere 简单而实用的生活扭转,在温馨的家里,随心创造了一份娴静与和谐。
Freedom of the mastery as you wish.自由,来自于360度的随意掌控
To be care you from standout technology and perfect techniques.出色的技术,完美的工艺,带来无微不至的关怀
Conformity and agreeableness of close-fitting and natural curve 贴身自然的曲线,品味舒适与惬意
Harmony of luxuriance and simplicity with shining gold and smooth curve.闪烁的金光,流畅的曲线,华丽而简约,和谐的统一
Harmony in independent, uncommon taste in space.在独立中和谐统一,在空间中体现与众不同的品位
Colorful, various specifications becomes the trend of life.缤纷的色彩,多样的规格,尽显多彩的时尚生活
Dignity from inner without showoff and boast, just like pure water without scent.高贵源于内在的气质,不需要张扬,亦不需要自夸,就好像真水无香
Harmony of thickness and thinness, luxuriance and sucure 厚与薄,华丽与沉稳,在矛盾中和谐统一
Simple life withort foppishness 褪去了浮华,简单的才是生活
Concision and fashion of succinct shapes and spiffy lines 简洁的造型,利落的线条,以极简标榜优雅与时尚
Inosculation, reflection and romance between construction and space 作品与空间融为一体,互相映衬、互相辉映
No spare complication 删繁就简,剔去多余的繁复,只留下„„
Individuality from artful creation and various combination 巧妙的创意,无尽的组合,增减之间,个性尽现
Tolerance originates from diversification.Tolerance of conflict needs not only understand and bearing 包容,是来自于对多元化的深刻认识。容纳矛盾与冲突,需要的不仅仅是理解与气度。
Unlimited tolerance in rotation 旋转间容纳无尽
Ultra experience in refined space with smooth line 流水线条,精细空间,源自非凡体验
Breakthrough, fashion and individuality is just there 突破,时尚与个性就在眼前
Inquiry of space, materials and techniques becomes luxury.奢华有不仅仅由材料及工艺进行传达,还来自于对空间的要求
Elegance and delicacy of integrated design 浑(混)然一体的设计,优雅而趣致
Dominated element arc, like the embrace of lover.以圆弧为主要的设计元素,环绕的后背,像爱人的怀抱
Equilibration between higher and lower ones, rotation guided by axes 高低总相宜,旋转自有心
念的茧,慢慢长出温暖。Walking in the city of others, beauty is my own loneliness.Facing the nobleness myself, warmth grows slowly in the chrysalis of missing.2、卸下一身的城市浮华,轻轻地把心交给美丽的家,终于可以休息一下了。Demount all the luxury of city, hand your heart to the beautiful home gently, then you can have a good rest.3、宽大而简洁的沙发,让我忙碌的身体完全迷失,沉寂了一整天的气息,又渐渐苏醒过来。
My busy body is lost completely in the broad but brief sofa, the breath which is dreary all the day comes to itself gradually.4、冲一杯原味咖啡,在明净的空间里享受一个人的惬意。
Get a cup of coffee with original taste, then you can enjoy your own comfort in the pure space.5、清新的花儿,静立在圆几上,绽放着自我的美丽。
The clean flowers stand on the circular table silently, opening its own beauty.6、摊开我最珍爱的杂志,跳跃在白枫立橱上的几道光线,陪我度过又一个简单的午后。
Unfolding my most precious magazine, see the bouncing sunshine on the white maple cabinet which consort with me for a simple afternoon.7、轻柔的音乐在宽大的房间里回旋,映射在精巧的地柜上的音符,弥漫出淡淡的味道。
The soft music is convoluting in the broad room, the note which is mapped on the ingenious floor cupboard pervades light flavor.8、在最心爱的餐桌上享用美味的晚餐,是我一天来最大的幸福。Having the delicious dinner on the most precious table is the biggest happiness all the day.9、装饰简洁清雅的书房,延伸着我感性的触角。在这个灵性的空间里,把我孤独的灵魂放飞。
The studying room with simple and elegant decoration extends my sensible antenna.I can fly my lonely spirit in the inspirational space.10、在这里,自然可以被赋予一种颜色,一种思想,一种境界。Nature can be endowed by a kind of color, a kind of thought, a kind of conception.11、构造简洁典雅的转角书柜,蕴藏着古朴的纯粹,完美我的精神寓所。The turning-angel bookcase with simple and elegant structure contains the immemorial pureness, which can perfect my habitat of spirit.12、静聆人生絮语,轻抚岁月脚步,感悟属于自己的完美空间,心灵也就轻盈起来了。
Listening to the words of life silently, touching the steps of times lightly, tasting the perfect space belong to you, then the heart will be light-hearted.13、在每一个清晨,安静地享受家的温暖与诗意,生活中最美的细节总是这样令人陶醉。
Enjoying the warmth and poetry of home in every morning, the most beautiful details in the life are always so charming.14、清雅的生活方式,演绎对生命的深层感悟。
The clean and elegant life style deduces the deep thought of life.15、枫木的原始清香,在现代家居的优雅中四处漫溢。
The original fragrant of maple is flowing freely in the elegance of modern room.16、清雅的色彩与结构,在纷繁的世界里,焕发出独特的表现力和持久的生命力。
The clean and elegant color and structure coruscate the unique expressive force and permanent life.17、用艺术的思维凝结生活的感动,家也可以拥有如此生动的自由。Coagulating the movement of life by the artistic thought, the house can hold the lively freedom also.18、都市的温情,又融入大自然的朴质,使现代家具呈现出一种独特的人文情怀。
The warmth of city melted with the natural simplicity makes the modern furniture take on an unique humanism care.19、给自己的居室多一点光亮,不仅是对身心健康的保护,更是彰显生活品位的完美装饰。
Giving your room more light is not only to protect the health, but to decorate your taste of life.20、华美的客厅洋溢着娴静优美的气息,素洁轻盈的色线营造着浪漫的情趣。生活,本就该如此无拘无束。
The gorgeous parlor are full of peaceful and elegant breath, the simple and slight light makes the romantic taste.Life should be so free inward.21、在这宁静的时刻追忆似水流年,有太多的东西需要在内心里仔细珍藏,有太多的东西需要我们细细品味。
Remembering the past times in the silent moment, there are too many things to treasure carefully, too many things to taste slightly.22、生活的色彩与个性全在于自己的理解,而生活中似乎也总有一些依托让你找到生活真实而丰富的凭据。
The understanding of the color and characteristic of life depends on yourself.However, you can find some authentic and colorful evidence according to real life.23、每一天都恣意地生活在自己塑造的空间里,欣赏如艺术精品般的家具,将生活的感动化为细致的品味,慢慢鉴赏。
Living in the wonderful space of your own, appreciate the delicate and artistic furniture and taste the exiguous movement of life slowly!
When facing the windows in every season, we can not help imagining the flowers in the spring;there is wisps of breeze blowing, wisps of fragrant flowing everywhere.25、心与自然同在的时候,我们永远都会获得一种宁静,这正是现代人所极力追求的。
Our mind will get the serenity when our minds stay together with nature, which is just the life style we are chasing.26、昏黄与粉色调的交织,轻轻演绎永久不变的爱的主题。
The melt of slim yellow and pink is deducing the subject of love forever.27、在所有诗意灵动的瞬间,内在的岁月之香,一一随风展开
At the moment when the poetry is flowing, all the intrinsic fragrant of times unfolds with the wind.28、清枫家具独有的那一种与大自然相融的感觉,引领我们在轻盈的生命中体验真实。
The sense melt with nature which grows in Plain Maple, leading us to experience the true meaning in the light-footed life.29、关于家的记忆,起始于一个遥远的童话,温暖,幸福。
The memories about home begin with a old tale, which is warm and fortunate.30、在温馨的家里,创造一种宁静与和谐,完成与自然的交融。
Create a kind of peace and harmoniousness in the warm home to achieve the combination with nature.31、家具也有自己的个性,在宁静的晨光与诗意的黄昏中与灵魂悄悄对话。
Furniture has its own character too, which can whispering gently with our spirit in the peaceful morning and poetic dusk.32、清枫有一种恒久的魅力,足以让我们为之沉醉。它是简单的,有一种淳朴自然的气质。
Plain Maple has an eternal charm to intoxicate us.It is simple, with a kind of simple and natural temperament.33、在这纯洁的艺术空间里,一切都被赋予了自然的神秘色彩,营造出物我两忘的境界。
All things are endowed with natural and mysterious colors in the chaste artistic space, which constructs a pure ambit.34、生活,就是用一种最恰当的方式满足自己物质与精神的双重需求。Life is to meet your own double need of substance and spirit by a kind of most felicitous way.35、在现代居室里寻觅云高风清的淡泊,时光就在这一瞬定格。
Looking for the leisure mood in the modern room, time is settled at the moment.36、阳光不经意间坠落,一室的清辉便浮动起来。
The sunshine falls casually, all the slight brightness are floating in the room.37、阳光轻轻洒进温暖居室的一角,她是那样匆匆,但还是被我捕捉到了她的美丽身影。
Sunshine slides into the corner of the warm house, which is so hasty, but we can catch the beautiful shadow of it still.38、典雅的色彩与温柔的质感,将现代家居的舒适与完美概括成一种简洁、雅致。
Graceful colors and gentle material recapitulate the comfort and elegance of modern house to be a kind of simplicity and concinnity.39、时光的舞姿如此绚丽地呈现,如同看到了梦幻的颜色,被珍藏在温柔的空间里。
The gesture of time is shown so colorfully, which is just like the color of dream and treasured in the warm space.40、生活中的那一份悠游自在,在每天的梦想里回旋。
Ease and comfort in the life lingering in the dreams every day.41、拥有一个具有时尚艺术感的家园是我们一贯的追求。
It is our long-term pursuit to have the artistichouse.42、时尚元素与精致美感的完美结合,体现非同一般的艺术感受。
The perfect combination of vogue elements anddelicate essence displays the uncommon and artisticsense.43完美的空间能够记住所有幸福的片断,让人在四季的悠闲时光中慢慢回味。We can remember all the happy snippet in theelegant space, which can let us taste them slowly in the leisuretimes.44渴望自然的灵魂总是在每个黄昏变得沉静起来,静听四面的天籁之音,和着心灵的交响。
The spirit longing for nature becomes quiet inevery dusk, listening to the sound of nature from every corneraround with the symphony of heart.45自由的感受始终源于内心的深处,而置身于完美的空间,将所有的情绪沉浸在意象的国度里。
The feeling of freedom comesfrom the deep heart.Staying in the perfect space, all the emotionis flying the imagination kingdom.46极简主义有一种原始的神秘美感,真实,自由,没有任何雕饰的繁琐。
Simplicity has an original andmysterious beauty, which is true and free, without anydecorations.47完美的家居视觉感受到处充满活力,如同挥之不去的精灵,游荡在阳光的明媚里。
The perfect visual feeling ofhouse is full of energy, just like angels flying in the air and thesun.48 渴望心与自然的距离一再接近,渴望自然的拥抱,在它温柔的气息里慢慢沉醉。
Wish the distance of heart andnature more and more close, wish to be embraced by nature, where wecan be drunk in its warm atmosphere slowly.49 清枫的世界宛若一个艺术的殿堂,将所有与艺术有关的因子细心珍藏。The world of Plain Maple isjust like an artistic museum, where we can
treasure all the thingsabout art carefully.50 宁静而高贵的色彩,散发着木质的芬芳,将自然的传说写进心的家园。Quiet and noble colors aregiving out fragrance of wood, which brings talesabout nature to the house of heart.51 细腻的线条,优雅的结构,塑造不同一般的居室美感。
The exquisite lines and elegantstructures form the uncommon beauty of house.52兼顾了实用性与舒适性,独特的、人性化的结构使人完全沉醉于休闲与娱乐时光而没有丝毫疲累。
Considering the function andcomfort, special and humanistic structure will make you indulge inthe leisure and enjoyment without any tiring feeling.53有淡淡的花香在空气里四溢,有缥缈的光影在空气里流淌,诗意的空间在每一天的温柔时光中将我们拥抱。Slight fragrance is floating inthe air, misty light is flowing in the space, so we will beembraced in the poetic space in every gentle moment.54艺术与生活本是植根于同一片土地,自由交流,没有阻隔,我们的思想也正是如此。
Art and life has the samesource, interacting freely with no hindrance, ourmind is just like this.55.在都市中体味山野的无限宁静,是一种最流行的惬意!
Tasting the unlimited wildpeace in the city is the most popular comfort.56 追求美感的本身亦是一种非凡的享受,因为这中间包含着我们创造性的发现。The progress of purchasingbeauty can become a kind of extraordinary enjoyment because itincludes our creative discovery.57如今,人性化的关怀越来越倾向于自然,即在自我的空间,身心完全放松,不受到任何外界的纷扰。Today, the humanistic care areturning to nature, which is relax yourselves completely in your ownspace, escaping from the disturbance of the outer world.58简洁而精致的,简单而快乐的,简明而富有美感的,其实生活就是这样摆脱所有的喧嚷,达到一种纯精神的境界。
Pure but delicate, simple buthappy, bright but colorful.In fact our life can break off all thenoise as this, and reach a spiritual state.59我们一直在用艺术思索生活的更深层面,让其在具有艺术性的同时,能更多的体现人性关怀。
We are considering the depth oflife with art, trying to perform more humanistic care with theartistic meaning.60 对于线条和光的运用,我们一直谨慎把握,力争从每个角度体现不同的结构美。
Regard to the application oflines and light, we always hold it carefully and try to display theaesthetic feeling of structure from every angle.61外在的质地与内在的气韵浑然一体,将时尚的品位之尊完美体现。
External quality combining withinherent grace, the fashionable taste are perfectlydisplayed.62徘徊在一方居室里,常常感觉忘却了时间,忘却了季节,只记得那温柔的时刻那样易逝。
Lingering in our own room, weoften forget time and season, only remember the gentle moment,which can quickly disappear.63我们一直在寻求新的艺术与生活的表达方式,尽可能将它的抽象美转化为具象的实在。
We are looking for the new expression of life andart, trying to turn the abstractive beauty intothe concrete things.64尽管极致之美是无法达到的,但我们一直把它作为我们的精神目标乃至一种信仰。
Although perfection isdifficult to realize, but we always take it as our spiritualpursuit and even a belief.65.质感温润的白枫木,精工制作的辅助材料,典雅、健康,自然,写尽现代家居的诗意。Smooth white maple wood, with delicate appendix,appears graceful, healthy and natural characteristics, fullyexpress the poetic style of modern living.66.白天的每一刻思绪与心情都是浑浊的,它需要更多的沉淀与调和,让我们品味幸福与快乐的味道。
The feelings and mood are thickat every moment in the day time, which need more deposition andconsonance, letting us taste blessedness and happiness.67.无论心情怎样漂泊,总有一些东西可以让我们着陆,在某个刹那,当思念闪过,希望会有最真实的寄托。No matter how vagabond ourheart are, there are always some things on which
we can land,wishing the truest bailment at the moment when missing ispassing.68.生活风格的变化在这里有着鲜明而完整的体现,万般色彩在这里得到淋漓尽致的挥洒。
The changes of life style canbe shown brightly and perfectly here, all colors can be brandishedcompletely here too.69.客厅应该是这样的一个建筑,不但能够满足基本的生活需求,而且要能充分享受自然。
Living room is an architecturewhich can not only meet the basic need of life, but can enjoynature adequately.70.一切气息都幻化成了悄无声息的因子,在记忆的深处潜滋暗长,一切就这样简单而诗意,和谐而亲切。
All breaths are changed intothe silent things which grow stealthily in the deep memory.Allthese are so simple and poetry, harmonious and kindly.71.闭上眼,寻找一片森林,一个永远洒满阳光,永远有湖水、绿地的诗境,撇开人群、都市的拥挤,撇开一切的喧扰。
Close your eyes, look for aforest, a place full of sunshine and poetic conception around withlake, greenbelt, which can seclude yourself from the crowded peopleand city, and all the tumult.72.避开这纷扰,只需要一个理由,忘却一切刻意的安排,让自己在烦乱的世界里保持几分清醒与宁静。
We only need one excuse toavoid the disturbance around, forgetting all the specialmanagement, and holding some clear and peace in theworld.73.雅致、个性、简约、实用。设计者旨在于以一种完美的诗意思维来装点个人的宁静空间。Elegant, unique, simple andpractical.The designers hope to decorate your peaceful space witha kind of perfect poetic thought.74.时间就是生命,奋斗体现价值。我们不愿耽误任何时间,总是埋头在自己的岗位上。因为我们拥有永恒的信念、明确的目标。
The time is a life, struggles to manifest the value.We are not willing to delay any time, always earnestly on own post.Because we have the eternal faith, the explicit goal.75.我们相信团队的力量,一加一永远大于二。我们分工明确,各司其职。我们拥有共同的理想。
We believe the team the strength, as soon as adds one forever is bigger than two.We divide the work are clear, perform its own functions.We have the common ideal.76.岁月蹉跎,走过的依然是美丽的回忆;人生浮沉,得失的依然是宝贵的经验;坚如磐石地守候一份不变的情感。一如我们为您精心制造的折叠门系列配件:经得起时间的考验!
Waste time in the years, walk through of still is a beautiful recollection;The life floats to sink, the gain and loss is still precious experience;I am hard to stay and wait a constant emotion such as the huge rock ground.Make with meticulous care for you just as us of fold a series accessories: Withstand a horary test!77.人生的一道风景,是您心灵的洗礼,家里的一道风景,是您驱逐疲劳的一隅,每天一支哗啦哗啦的悦耳歌曲,为您洗尽铅华,享受生活!而默默地在风景背后伴奏的是我们为您家淋浴房精心制造的淋浴房系列配件——默默相伴,从不计较名利与荣誉!
A kind of scenery of life is the baptism of your mind, a kind of scenery of home is you drive out a corner of the fatigue, everyday a pleasing song for you wash cosmetics to the utmost and enjoy life!and silently what to accompany is the shower bathroom series accessories that we take a shower bathroom to make with meticulous care for your house in the scenery back-silent and concomitant, never object fame and wealth and the honor!
家具画册文案--清枫系列 2009-05-08 10:31
Walking in the city of others, beauty is my own loneliness.Facing the nobleness myself, warmth grows slowly in the chrysalis of missing.2、卸下一身的城市浮华,轻轻地把心交给美丽的家,终于可以休息一下了。Demount all the luxury of city, hand your heart to the beautiful home gently, then you can have a good rest.3、宽大而简洁的沙发,让我忙碌的身体完全迷失,沉寂了一整天的气息,又渐渐苏醒过来。
My busy body is lost completely in the broad but brief sofa, the breath which is dreary all the day comes to itself gradually.4、冲一杯原味咖啡,在明净的空间里享受一个人的惬意。
Get a cup of coffee with original taste, then you can enjoy your own comfort in the pure space.5、清新的花儿,静立在圆几上,绽放着自我的美丽。
The clean flowers stand on the circular table silently, opening its own beauty.6、摊开我最珍爱的杂志,跳跃在白枫立橱上的几道光线,陪我度过又一个简单的午后。
Unfolding my most precious magazine, see the bouncing sunshine on the white maple cabinet which consort with me for a simple afternoon.7、轻柔的音乐在宽大的房间里回旋,映射在精巧的地柜上的音符,弥漫出淡淡的味道。
The soft music is convoluting in the broad room, the note which is mapped on the ingenious floor cupboard pervades light flavor.8、在最心爱的餐桌上享用美味的晚餐,是我一天来最大的幸福。Having the delicious dinner on the most precious table is the biggest happiness all the day.9、装饰简洁清雅的书房,延伸着我感性的触角。在这个灵性的空间里,把我孤独的灵魂放飞。
The studying room with simple and elegant decoration extends my
sensible antenna.I can fly my lonely spirit in the inspirational space.10、在这里,自然可以被赋予一种颜色,一种思想,一种境界。Nature can be endowed by a kind of color, a kind of thought, a kind of conception.11、构造简洁典雅的转角书柜,蕴藏着古朴的纯粹,完美我的精神寓所。The turning-angel bookcase with simple and elegant structure contains the immemorial pureness, which can perfect my habitat of spirit.12、静聆人生絮语,轻抚岁月脚步,感悟属于自己的完美空间,心灵也就轻盈起来了。
Listening to the words of life silently, touching the steps of times lightly, tasting the perfect space belong to you, then the heart will be light-hearted.13、在每一个清晨,安静地享受家的温暖与诗意,生活中最美的细节总是这样令人陶醉。
Enjoying the warmth and poetry of home in every morning, the most beautiful details in the life are always so charming.14、清雅的生活方式,演绎对生命的深层感悟。
The clean and elegant life style deduces the deep thought of life.15、枫木的原始清香,在现代家居的优雅中四处漫溢。
The original fragrant of maple is flowing freely in the elegance of modern room.16、清雅的色彩与结构,在纷繁的世界里,焕发出独特的表现力和持久的生命力。
The clean and elegant color and structure coruscate the unique expressive force and permanent life.17、用艺术的思维凝结生活的感动,家也可以拥有如此生动的自由。Coagulating the movement of life by the artistic thought, the house can hold the lively freedom also.18、都市的温情,又融入大自然的朴质,使现代家具呈现出一种独特的人文
The warmth of city melted with the natural simplicity makes the modern furniture take on an unique humanism care.19、给自己的居室多一点光亮,不仅是对身心健康的保护,更是彰显生活品位的完美装饰。
Giving your room more light is not only to protect the health, but to decorate your taste of life.20、华美的客厅洋溢着娴静优美的气息,素洁轻盈的色线营造着浪漫的情趣。生活,本就该如此无拘无束。
The gorgeous parlor are full of peaceful and elegant breath, the simple and slight light makes the romantic taste.Life should be so free inward.21、在这宁静的时刻追忆似水流年,有太多的东西需要在内心里仔细珍藏,有太多的东西需要我们细细品味。
Remembering the past times in the silent moment, there are too many things to treasure carefully, too many things to taste slightly.22、生活的色彩与个性全在于自己的理解,而生活中似乎也总有一些依托让你找到生活真实而丰富的凭据。
The understanding of the color and characteristic of life depends on yourself.However, you can find some authentic and colorful evidence according to real life.23、每一天都恣意地生活在自己塑造的空间里,欣赏如艺术精品般的家具,将生活的感动化为细致的品味,慢慢鉴赏。
Living in the wonderful space of your own, appreciate the delicate and artistic furniture and taste the exiguous movement of life slowly!
When facing the windows in every season, we can not help imagining the flowers in the spring;there is wisps of breeze blowing, wisps of fragrant flowing everywhere.25、心与自然同在的时候,我们永远都会获得一种宁静,这正是现代人所极
Our mind will get the serenity when our minds stay together with nature, which is just the life style we are chasing.26、昏黄与粉色调的交织,轻轻演绎永久不变的爱的主题。
The melt of slim yellow and pink is deducing the subject of love forever.27、在所有诗意灵动的瞬间,内在的岁月之香,一一随风展开
At the moment when the poetry is flowing, all the intrinsic fragrant of times unfolds with the wind.28、清枫家具独有的那一种与大自然相融的感觉,引领我们在轻盈的生命中体验真实。
The sense melt with nature which grows in Plain Maple, leading us to experience the true meaning in the light-footed life.29、关于家的记忆,起始于一个遥远的童话,温暖,幸福。
The memories about home begin with a old tale, which is warm and fortunate.30、在温馨的家里,创造一种宁静与和谐,完成与自然的交融。
Create a kind of peace and harmoniousness in the warm home to achieve the combination with nature.31、家具也有自己的个性,在宁静的晨光与诗意的黄昏中与灵魂悄悄对话。Furniture has its own character too, which can whispering gently with our spirit in the peaceful morning and poetic dusk.32、清枫有一种恒久的魅力,足以让我们为之沉醉。它是简单的,有一种淳朴自然的气质。
Plain Maple has an eternal charm to intoxicate us.It is simple, with a kind of simple and natural temperament.33、在这纯洁的艺术空间里,一切都被赋予了自然的神秘色彩,营造出物我两忘的境界。
All things are endowed with natural and mysterious colors in the
chaste artistic space, which constructs a pure ambit.34、生活,就是用一种最恰当的方式满足自己物质与精神的双重需求。Life is to meet your own double need of substance and spirit by a kind of most felicitous way.35、在现代居室里寻觅云高风清的淡泊,时光就在这一瞬定格。
Looking for the leisure mood in the modern room, time is settled at the moment.36、阳光不经意间坠落,一室的清辉便浮动起来。
The sunshine falls casually, all the slight brightness are floating in the room.37、阳光轻轻洒进温暖居室的一角,她是那样匆匆,但还是被我捕捉到了她的美丽身影。
Sunshine slides into the corner of the warm house, which is so hasty, but we can catch the beautiful shadow of it still.38、典雅的色彩与温柔的质感,将现代家居的舒适与完美概括成一种简洁、雅致。
Graceful colors and gentle material recapitulate the comfort and elegance of modern house to be a kind of simplicity and concinnity.39、时光的舞姿如此绚丽地呈现,如同看到了梦幻的颜色,被珍藏在温柔的空间里。
The gesture of time is shown so colorfully, which is just like the color of dream and treasured in the warm space.40、生活中的那一份悠游自在,在每天的梦想里回旋。
Ease and comfort in the life lingering in the dreams every day.41、拥有一个具有时尚艺术感的家园是我们一贯的追求。
It is our long-term pursuit to have the artistichouse.42、时尚元素与精致美感的完美结合,体现非同一般的艺术感受。
The perfect combination of vogue elements anddelicate essence displays the uncommon and artisticsense.43完美的空间能够记住所有幸福的片断,让人在四季的悠闲时光中慢慢回味。
We can remember all the happy snippet in theelegant space, which can let us taste
The spirit longing for nature becomes quiet inevery dusk, listening to the sound of nature from every corneraround with the symphony of heart.45自由的感受始终源于内心的深处,而置身于完美的空间,将所有的情绪沉浸在意象的国度里。
The feeling of freedom comesfrom the deep heart.Staying in the perfect space, all the emotionis flying the imagination kingdom.46极简主义有一种原始的神秘美感,真实,自由,没有任何雕饰的繁琐。
Simplicity has an original andmysterious beauty, which is true and free, without anydecorations.47完美的家居视觉感受到处充满活力,如同挥之不去的精灵,游荡在阳光的明媚里。The perfect visual feeling ofhouse is full of energy, just like angels flying in the air and thesun.48 渴望心与自然的距离一再接近,渴望自然的拥抱,在它温柔的气息里慢慢沉醉。Wish the distance of heart andnature more and more close, wish to be embraced by nature, where wecan be drunk in its warm atmosphere slowly.49 清枫的世界宛若一个艺术的殿堂,将所有与艺术有关的因子细心珍藏。
The world of Plain Maple isjust like an artistic museum, where we can treasure all the thingsabout art carefully.50 宁静而高贵的色彩,散发着木质的芬芳,将自然的传说写进心的家园。
Quiet and noble colors aregiving out fragrance of wood, which brings talesabout nature to the house of heart.51 细腻的线条,优雅的结构,塑造不同一般的居室美感。
The exquisite lines and elegantstructures form the uncommon beauty of house.52兼顾了实用性与舒适性,独特的、人性化的结构使人完全沉醉于休闲与娱乐时光而没有丝毫疲累。
Considering the function andcomfort, special and humanistic structure will make you indulge inthe leisure and enjoyment without any tiring feeling.53有淡淡的花香在空气里四溢,有缥缈的光影在空气里流淌,诗意的空间在每一天的温柔时光中将我们拥抱。
Slight fragrance is floating inthe air, misty light is flowing in the space, so we will beembraced in the poetic space in every gentle moment.54艺术与生活本是植根于同一片土地,自由交流,没有阻隔,我们的思想也正是如此。Art and life has the samesource, interacting freely with no hindrance, ourmind is just like this.55.在都市中体味山野的无限宁静,是一种最流行的惬意!
追求美感的本身亦是一种非凡的享受,因为这中间包含着我们创造性的发现。The progress of purchasingbeauty can become a kind of extraordinary enjoyment because itincludes our creative discovery.57如今,人性化的关怀越来越倾向于自然,即在自我的空间,身心完全放松,不受到任何外界的纷扰。
Today, the humanistic care areturning to nature, which is relax yourselves completely in your ownspace, escaping from the disturbance of the outer world.58简洁而精致的,简单而快乐的,简明而富有美感的,其实生活就是这样摆脱所有的喧嚷,达到一种纯精神的境界。
Pure but delicate, simple buthappy, bright but colorful.In fact our life can break off all thenoise as this, and reach a spiritual state.59我们一直在用艺术思索生活的更深层面,让其在具有艺术性的同时,能更多的体现人性关怀。
We are considering the depth oflife with art, trying to perform more humanistic care with theartistic meaning.60 对于线条和光的运用,我们一直谨慎把握,力争从每个角度体现不同的结构美。Regard to the application oflines and light, we always hold it carefully and try to display theaesthetic feeling of structure from every angle.61外在的质地与内在的气韵浑然一体,将时尚的品位之尊完美体现。
External quality combining withinherent grace, the fashionable taste are perfectlydisplayed.62徘徊在一方居室里,常常感觉忘却了时间,忘却了季节,只记得那温柔的时刻那样易逝。
Lingering in our own room, weoften forget time and season, only remember the gentle moment,which can quickly disappear.63我们一直在寻求新的艺术与生活的表达方式,尽可能将它的抽象美转化为具象的实在。We are looking for the new expression of life andart, trying to turn the abstractive beauty intothe concrete things.64尽管极致之美是无法达到的,但我们一直把它作为我们的精神目标乃至一种信仰。Although perfection isdifficult to realize, but we always take it as our spiritualpursuit and even a belief.65.质感温润的白枫木,精工制作的辅助材料,典雅、健康,自然,写尽现代家居的诗意。Smooth white maple wood, with delicate appendix,appears graceful, healthy and natural characteristics, fullyexpress the poetic style of modern living.66.白天的每一刻思绪与心情都是浑浊的,它需要更多的沉淀与调和,让我们品味幸福与快乐的味道。
The feelings and mood are thickat every moment in the day time, which need more deposition andconsonance, letting us taste blessedness and happiness.67.无论心情怎样漂泊,总有一些东西可以让我们着陆,在某个刹那,当思念闪过,希望会有最真实的寄托。
No matter how vagabond ourheart are, there are always some things on which we can
land,wishing the truest bailment at the moment when missing ispassing.68.生活风格的变化在这里有着鲜明而完整的体现,万般色彩在这里得到淋漓尽致的挥洒。The changes of life style canbe shown brightly and perfectly here, all colors can be brandishedcompletely here too.69.客厅应该是这样的一个建筑,不但能够满足基本的生活需求,而且要能充分享受自然。Living room is an architecturewhich can not only meet the basic need of life, but can enjoynature adequately.70.一切气息都幻化成了悄无声息的因子,在记忆的深处潜滋暗长,一切就这样简单而诗意,和谐而亲切。
All breaths are changed intothe silent things which grow stealthily in the deep memory.Allthese are so simple and poetry, harmonious and kindly.71.闭上眼,寻找一片森林,一个永远洒满阳光,永远有湖水、绿地的诗境,撇开人群、都市的拥挤,撇开一切的喧扰。
Close your eyes, look for aforest, a place full of sunshine and poetic conception around withlake, greenbelt, which can seclude yourself from the crowded peopleand city, and all the tumult.72.避开这纷扰,只需要一个理由,忘却一切刻意的安排,让自己在烦乱的世界里保持几分清醒与宁静。
We only need one excuse toavoid the disturbance around, forgetting all the specialmanagement, and holding some clear and peace in theworld.73.雅致、个性、简约、实用。设计者旨在于以一种完美的诗意思维来装点个人的宁静空间。
Elegant, unique, simple andpractical.The designers hope to decorate your peaceful space witha kind of perfect poetic thought.线条简洁明朗,手工精致,平面曲线交接不温不火,高贵大气。
Clear simple lines, hand-refined, flat curve transfer tepid, elegant atmosphere.造型方正而不失流线的变化。规则的花边,平直的饰纹,桌腿的变化,无不流露匠心的精巧,悄然于平实中演绎品质的尊贵。
The modelling upright does not lose the streamline the change.The regular lace, the straight decoration grain, the table leg's change, reveals the ingenuity all exquisiteness, deducts the quality quietly in level honored.色调平和,线条轻松,着力塑造如家的亲切。
The tone is gentle, the line is relaxed, tries to mold like family's unkindness.床屏设计沉稳凝重,以座椅的布纹花点调和出活跃轻松的舒适氛围。
Bed screen design calm dignified, compromises the active relaxed comfortable atmosphere by chair's woven water-drop design.一杯清茶一只香烟,在蓄满阳光的书房,数百平米大宅放任我灵魂自由的狂欢……
A cup of green tea cigarette, is gathering the full sunlight the studio, several hundred square meter big dwelling laissez faire I soul free revelry......你选择住宅,住宅也在选择你。优雅的社区氛围,就是在这相互选择中逐渐形成。You choose the housing, the housing are also choosing you.The graceful community atmosphere, is in this chooses mutually forms gradually.简单生活,将生活和现实价值相结合,将有限的时间和精力浪费到美好的事物上。The simple life, will live and the real value unifies, the limited time and the energy will waste on the happy thing.康宝家具一向追求时尚,每款产品的设计无一不体现最具时代感观的元素。款式新颖是产品的特点;科技高、技术高、质量高是产品品质的优质保证;完善管理,到位服务是企业的标志。致力将以人为本,不断创新,重质量,讲信誉的宗旨进行到底。
Kangbao furniture pursue for fashion.Each style of product demonstrate fashion element.The product features novelty.High-tech, high quality is the safeguard of product quality.Consummate management, in place service is the symbol of the enterprise.We will carry out the tenet of “put human first, innovate constantly,pay attention to quality, and strive for credit ” to the end.黑与白的配合是永远不变的潮流。此款沙发更将色彩加以修改,使其更协调和谐,枕头更采用了花纹面料,感觉更优雅。其产品独特之处在于脚凳的设计,独立时可作为台面,摆放各类物件;与沙发二为一时,让更多的朋友可以团坐一场,谈笑风生。
The arrangement of black and white is the unchanged trend.This style of sofa changes the color to make it more harmonious.The pillow adopts flower pattern , make people feel elegant.The uniqueness of the product lies on the design of stool,which can be used as table top separately to place various kinds of articles.When it integrates with sofa, more friends can be gathered together to talk cheerfully and humorously.为创造出一种时尚而舒适的享受,康宝时刻都在坚持这样的原则:让人坐得更舒适,让沙发中的人彻底回归。从体贴的外形设计到优质的材质运,无不体现一种成功后的人生活沉淀„„这里也不只是单纯的皮与布的艺术组合,而是一促人与自然真正和谐的状态,康宝布艺沙发,不只有“天生丽质”这样的美称。亲临康宝专卖店,坐一坐,您准会找到你渴望的生活体验!
In order to create a fashion and comfrotable enjoyment, Kang Bao insists on the principle of : To make people sitting on it more comfortable and make them go back to the nature down to the ground all the time.From the thoughtful shape design to quality material , the deposition of life is reflected in all the aspects……This is not the simple artistic combination of leather and fabric , but the real harmony of
human-being and nature.What Kangbao Fabric Sofa possesses is not the reputation of “born to be beautiful”.Come to Kangbao Specialty Shop by yourself and sit on our sofas, you must find the life experience you are longing for!
Glabrous appearance, soft intrinsic.Just like milk-centered chocolate, after the slippery appearance thaw, the fragrant milk out pour, filling your mouth.Kangbao real leather sofa is the same as this.Soft and elastic connotation is wrapped in the real leather cover , elegant temperament is penetrating little by little.现代都市人,谁不渴望拥有一个温暖的家园,谁愿意无穷无尽地劳累奔波,谁不渴望无拘无束、在柔软的沙发中,阅读、看电视、交谈、或者什么也不做,让思绪如浮云般随风飘逸,一个抱着沙发垫静静地发呆,想着一些自己都觉得莫名其妙的事,偶尔,发出傻傻地一笑„„沉浸在自己的世界里,可能是世上最美好的的时刻。
Who don‟t want to own a warm home of modern people? Who want to endure tire and toil endlessly? Doesn‟t anyone want to read,watch TV or chat on the soft sofa freely? Or with nothing doing , just allow the thought fly with the wind ? Seated silently on the sofa with a pillow in hand, with weird tale in mind , giving a softheaded stiff smiles occasionally… Immersed in one‟s wrold, the time may be best in the world.高贵典雅的气质不是一天两天就能练就拥有的,是要长时间地培养,长时间地陶冶出来。康宝家具自始至终都让自己陶冶时尚高雅的氛围中,也就如此,设计出的产品都能看出她的气质,都能看出她的品味,都能看出她对自己的定位。
Elegant temperament is not made one day , it depend on longtime training, longtime nurturing.Kangbao furniture makes herself nurture in fashion and elegant atmosphere all along.Her temperament , taste, and her orientation can be perceived from the product designed.淡淡优雅的绿黄色,清香的田园气息,平滑整洁的沙发,表露着一股直爽的态度;波点图案是古典式的潮流,融入于枕头里,亦显得和谐温柔,坐在那里,感受着丝丝的清新,感受着点点的温暖。
Light elegant green yellow, faint fragrant rustic sense.Smooth and tidy sofa reveals a straightforward attitude.Wave pattern is the classical trend, looks harmonious sand soft when it melts into pillow.Feel the refreshed feeling, feel the drips and drabs of warmth.时尚的优质生活,除了从家具中入手,布置属于您品位之家以外,还可以从小处着手,点缀着您的生活。茶几上放上一盆你喜爱的盆栽;墙柜上一些别致的小饰品;墙面上挂上一些美丽的图画,只需要那么的零星几点,就已经足够地把您的生活品味体现出来。
To make high quality life, you can arrange your tasteful tasteful home furniture, or you can decorate your home , your life from little thing.You can place a potted plant on tea table , put some elegant ornaments on wall cabinet , or hang some beautiful painting on the wall.Just a few deportment will display your taste.将简约流畅的线条融入到超凡卓越的创意之中,勾勒出意大利简约华贵的气质,同时又揉合了东方不拘一格的性情。康宝全新薄皮沙发系列将纯极简的融合了高科技与人性化体贴的功能设置,让与生俱来的享受文化以最时尚的姿态优雅演绎,为你带超越想像的激情体验。在这样家中,坐着这样的沙发,是一种心境,也是一种生活品质,更是一种难以名状的享受,能将都市人浮躁的心境趋向平和,犹如一部节奏舒缓的交响乐,拥有丰厚的层次和深远的意境。
Simple and smooth lines are integrated into outstanding origination, so as to draw out ltalian simple and noble temperament.Oriental unrestrained character is also integrated.Kangbao thin senther sofa series integrates simple style into high technology and human-oriented function, thus making culture enjoyment elegantly displayed, bringing you unimaginative passion experience.In such home, sitting on such sofa is a state of mind, a kind of quality life , even an unfathomable enjoyment, which can sooth the harebrained mind of city people.Just as a symphony with slow rhythm, it possisses rich layer and profound meaning.白色体表着纯洁、纯真,也摆放在家中,营造了一种清爽高雅的客厅文化,感受非一般的品质生活。她是如此的坦白,如此的直率,如此的纯朴,容忍不了任何的瑕疵,喜爱她的人,会更懂得如何珍惜她,会更懂得如何爱护她,保持她的原有。
White represents pureness and naiveness.Placing it at home, it creates a cool and elegant living room culture, you can feel uncommon high quality life.It is so frank, so straightforward, so simple, intolerant of any defect.People love it will know beetter how to cherish it , know better how to protect her ,maintaining her own looking.一直秉承优越的传统,以人为本的宗旨,把第一个人的生活理念都应用到产品上,无论是产品外观,产品的颜色,产品的功能,都紧贴关注我们需要,在生活应用上发挥很大的功效。
It passes down superior tradition, takes human first as tenet, applies the philosophy of life to product.No matter as to appearance, color, function of the product, has intimate relation to our need, exert great efficacy go life.华贵源于体贴,体贴成就品质,品质源于你对物质的追求。康宝设计的产品同样地充满了对物质的追求,从造型上追求新颖,从技术上追求高科技,源源不断的产品是不能的,设计师的努力也是不容忽视的。
Luxury originates from consideration, consideration makes quality, originates from material pursuit.Kangbao product also pursue for material.It pursues for novelty on shape, high-tech on technology.We pay attention to constant innovation of product, hard work of designer.黑白分明的线条及颜色的配合,极具流线型的设计,充满了现代感,充满了时尚感。让她成为你家里的一道亮丽的风景线,点缀了你的家,也成为了焦点。The distinct line of black and white, the arrangement of color, the streamline design, all are fullof modern sense, full of fashion sense.Make it a bright scene in your home, decorate your home and attracts the attention.把茶几融合于沙发当中,让两者二合为一。选用高级真皮做成的沙发外套,颜色让人感到素雅大方;宽大的沙发配合各类大小的靠垫枕,让无论大人还是小孩都可以坐得舒适自然;穿插其中的小小茶几,无论摆放任何东西都显得方便又别致。具极高观赏价值及实用性功能于一体的她,更显出您那极具时尚的品味。
Integrates tea table into sofa as a whole.The color of the sofa cover made with high chass real leather males people feel simple and groceful.Broad sofa matched with cushion of different sizes will make people comfortably sit no matter he is adult or child.The tea table at center will be convenient and elegant no matter being placed with any thing.It integrates high appreciative valude and practicality , displaying your fashion taste.简洁柔和的线条,不加多余修饰,自然的造型,明亮的色调带给人无限的温暖,柔软的皮质带给人的温柔,坐上去你就舍不得离开。在的一端加多了一层半圆形坐垫,让沙发造型更显得特别。
The simple and gentle line with on excessive decoration.Natural shape , bright tone bring people endless warm.Soft leather bring people endless softness, you will be vnwilling to leave the moment you sit.There is a layer of semicircle cushion addid on the edge of the sofa, making the shape of sofa look special.曾经有一份典雅的沙发摆在我的面前,我没有把握机会拥有她;如今有一组更令我心动的沙发摆在我的面前,我不能够放弃拥有她。她的美丽,她的高雅,她的独特吸引着我,在沙发的转角位的设计上,采用别致的造型,增加沙发的层次感,成立体梯形的座底,显得大方,也不失大气。
Once there is an elegant sofa placed before me, I miss my chance to own her.Now I come across another sofa, I must seize the opportunity to have it.Her beauty , elegance, uniqueness attract me.The design of sofa corner adopts elegant shape to increase layer sense of sofa.The trapeziform base looks graceful and generous.从来阳光的味道不是一个人能够独享的,从来清新的空气不是一个人能够独占的,从来沙发的也并不为一个人所独藏。懂得生活的人,懂得品味的人,会把自己喜爱之物与大家一同分享,会把自己珍藏之品与大家一同品味。
爱其实很简单,受其实也是一种需要。每款康宝沙发都会用一颗宽大的心,等待你们的爱,等待你们的疼惜;而爱她的人也一定会用全部的爱她的怀抱里。The scent of sunlight is not exclusive to any person, so is fresh air.The design of sofa is not exclusive to any person.People with taste and wisdom of life will share his likes with others, such as savoring his treasured collections with them.Love is very simple, love is a demand.Each style of Kangbao sofa will wait for your
love and cherish with its broad mind.People love it will throw into its bosom wholeheartedly, feeling love form each other.简单特别的沙发只要稍加细心,就可以变得更加完美。全真皮的沙发上,我们只针对于靠垫,用绒布外套作为包装。这样不仅不失真皮沙发那大方典雅的真情感,更精致的是她更加体贴了。在你坐下来的时候,你会感到无比的温柔和体贴。Simple sofa will be perfect with care.As to real leather sofa, we focus on cushion,and use velvet cover to wrap.This can retain gracefulness and elegance of leather sofa, and make it considerate.When you sit down, you will feel endless softness and consideration.典雅、华贵、雅致,这些都是真皮沙发所给人的感觉。大方简洁的她无论在任何时候,能够成为你身份的象征,尊贵时尚的无论在任何场合,都能够成为你品位的象征。康宝致力把时尚之作带到生活里,致力把经典之作传承未来,让生活离不开康宝,让人离不开她。
Elegance, nobleness, exquixiteness, these are the feeling leather sofa give people.Gracefu and simple as it is , it can become your symbol of status at any time, your symbol of atste at any occasion.Kangbao commit to bring fashion to life, to pass down classical works to future.Let life inseparable from Kangbao, people can not be separated from her
Practical design earns high praise among people.Red color will attract fashion people‟sattention each time.Red patern will also be the classical pattern in romantic love.Apart from the color impact to the eye, the more special is the design of sofa cushion, which can be stretched at will, is practical and beautiful.橙色,如鲜橙般给人以健康营养的感觉,阳光充沛的气息,融入到了沙发当中,亲切又温暖。独特的身材造型,备具动感魅力,康宝给沙发注入了无限的活力与健康的体魄,年轻的你会喜欢她,活泼的你会爱上她,青春的你会迷上她。可爱又丰富的想像力不仅仅是小朋友的专利,在康宝的这个设计团队里,也有设计师怀着纯真去创作作品。就好像这款沙发,在设计概念里加入了标点符号,坐沙发的侧面看是我们文章中最常出现的“,”,而沙发枕头的设计就采用了“。”,是否你也觉得很可爱,很别致呢?是否让您有许多童年回忆,想起以前如何认识标点符号呢?是否让你心动想马上拥有她呢?
Orange gives people healthy feeling.The abundant sunshine sense is melted into sofa, feeling amiable and sweet.Its distinctive figure and shape is abundant in dynamics and charm.Kangbao inject endless vitality and health to sofa.Young like you will love it, lively like you will love it, youthful like you will be fascinated with it.Lovely and rich imagination is not the patent of children.In Kangbao design team,designer creates product with naiveness.Just as this style of sofa, punctuation is addid into design concept, the profile of sofa looks like the “,” in the article , the design of pillow adopts “。” Do you think it lovely and elegnat? Can it recall your childhood memory, recall how you knew punctuation before? Does it make you desire to have it immediately?
It is simple and splendid.Right angle represents your frankness, your straightforwardness.Among people of different kind , you are outstanding.Your personality, naturalness attract eyeball of each person.Red also represonts your passion, energetic you introduce endless friends to make company with you.青春动感,魅力康宝。是如此青春洋溢的,有如此活泼动人的魅力。进入到了沙发中,也让她活动了起来。青春绿色里感觉像包裹了如牛奶般地白色在中间,感觉好像棉花糖,让人忍不住的好想咬一口。细细的品尝一杯茶。是一种享受;静静的观赏一部电影,是一种享受。在康宝沙发上去享受以上的事情,更是另外一种感受。
Youthful and dynamic, charmful Kangbao.Green is the youthful color.Green enter into osfa, making it dynamic.Milky white color is seemingly wrapped in the youthful green.The feeling is just like cotton candy, people can not help to have a bite.It is an enjoyment to taste a cup of tea.It is another feeling to sit on Kangbao sofa to enjoy these two amusements.亮丽的柠檬黄,具有清香气息的柠檬黄,散发出一种怡人自然的味道。明亮的颜色,她在家里是一道光,会散发的一束光,暖和了整个家,暖和了整个人,让人不再感到孤单,让人不再感到寂寞。
Light lemon yellow with lighy scent emits a pleasant nutural flavor.The light color, being a warm light at home , warm the whole room and preson, making people do not feel lonely.随着越来越多的国家纷纷上太空进行侦察,进行厂家,现在人们对太空的认识也越来越多,每个人都希望自己也能够到外太空游一回。利用太空理念,把产品的设计造型设计得更具太空机械的感觉。沙发的靠垫开关如太空接收站,两端就是太空站的接收器。是否能够让你有到了外太空了一回的感觉呢
Along with more and more countries go outer space to explore and research, people know more abuot outer space, each person like to have a tour of the outer space.By using outer space concept, the products are produced with more outer space sense.The cushion shaoe of sofa is just like outer space receiving station, two ends sofa are the receiver of outer space.Do you hace a feeling of tour.她冷静,她沉默,以简单的线条勾勒出神奇的图案,等于特别,只愿意在旁静静地等候着你,只愿意在旁静静地陪伴着你。只属于你一个人的时尚,只属于你一
She is calm and silent.Mysterious pattern is drawn out with simple line.The shape is spicial, waiting for you alongside, accompanying you silently.It is fashion belongs only to you.Lovely shape, bright color belongs only to Kangbao furniture.又是一能可爱的浆心棉花糖造型的可爱沙发。这次的她显得更加的娇俏可爱,淡淡的柠檬黄加上圆柱形的沙发枕头,成为了孩子们的最爱,成为了孩子们的钟情之物。喜欢的可爱外表,她的美丽颜色,喜欢她的一切。
It is another soe of lovely sofa with candy floss shape.This time it looks more pretty and lovely.Light lemon yellow plus columniform sofa pillow is the favorite of children.Love her lovelyappearance;love her beautiful color, and all about her.21世纪的新时代,讲求高科技,高机械化的新时代里,我们康宝也紧贴时尚潮流,把机械元素加入设计当中,设计出这一款具机械化的的产品。从沙发的手到沙发的身体,最后到沙发的腿,相互的接合,活脱脱的像个机器人。每一部分的颜色配搭,令轮廓更鲜明,更造型弄形象。
In the 21st century, a century strives for high technology , high mechanization, Kangbao also follow closely with trend , adding mechanic element to design, thus bring out this style of mechanic liik product.Form sofa arm to sofa body, at last to sofa leg , the mutual joint is just like a robot.The color arrangement of each part makes the profile more distinct, the shape more visualized.简洁分明的线条,明亮鲜艳的颜色,充满了无限的生机与活力。黄色代表着阳光活力,蓝色代表着机智勇敢。她们分别代表着不同的你,配合着不一样的生活,无论是哪一个都是那样的真实,她们依然是那么的具代表性。
Simple and distinct line, bright and fresh color is full if endless vitality and energy.Yellow stands for sunshine and vitality, blue stand for witness and braveness.They represent a different you.Matched with different lkfe, each color is so real, so representative.线条与色彩的分明,强与弱的配搭,体现着一种中性美。硬朗的线条,表现了您那坚强的性格,色彩的分明,表现了您那黑白分明的个性。不用多言,看着这套沙发,就可以看出拥有她的你,是如此的坚忍不拔
The distinction of line and color, the match of strength and weakness represent a kind of neutral beauty.Stiff line represents your tough character.The distinct color represents your personality that can tell right from wrong.It goes without saying that the owner of you are so resolute.简洁而又奢华我们对真皮沙发的认识,也是她的魅力所在。原始的她历来都受到人们的钟爱,无论她在任何场合,都能够表现出评价的品位,无论她在任何时候都能够成为评价身份的象征,无论她被放在任何角落都不埋没她的那道光芒。We perceive leather sofa as simple and luxurious , which is also its charm.Sofa is loved by people since ancient time.No matter in any occasion, anywhere, it can represent the owner‟s taste, represent the owner‟s symbol of status.素雅体贴的灰白色,象征着相互生活,写意情怀,也像是编写着一段段富诗情画意的生活,休闲的,悠然的,能让你远离尘嚣,静静地享受那片刻的宁静,画画,作诗,名茶都是一种怡然的体验。
Plain and considerate gray symbolize plain life and poetic sense.Gray seemingly compile a passage of poetic life, which is leisure, carefree, making you be far away chaotics.Enjoy a little while of serenity, painting, and drinking tea , all are pleasing experience.生活的百变来源于生活小细节所带来的灵感。相信你一定遇到过,当你在已经累坏的一天,在沙发上却不能名随手地找到遥控器,去播放你最喜爱的音乐以舒缓压力;或者你经常拿来玩弄的小玩意,不能够经常陪伴在你身边。
The diversification of life comes from the inspiration brought by the detail of life.You must experience it.When you are tired after a day‟s business, lying on sofa, you can not get the remote control to play the favorites music to alleviate pressure, or you find the little gadget you play with do not accompany wiith you.先进的电脑放样设备与资深的专业人员,会充分挖掘每一件材料的潜力和利用率,在有效降低产品成本的同时,保证产品品质与国际一流接轨。
Advanced Computer Lofting Facility and senior professionals will fully excavate the potential and utility of each piece of material, so as to guarantee product quality keep pace with world first level when the product cost is efficiently lowered.摒弃传统的沙发造型,把可用空间充分利用,设计出更具容纳性的沙发,依然是那么的讲究。不因实用而埋没了造型,不因实用而夺走了和谐,颜色温和而协调,美丽而大方,美化了我们的家,也点缀了我们的生活。
Abandon traditional shape of sofa, making the most of space available.The sofa contains more people and remains adinty.Shape and harmony won‟t be lost because of practical uses.The warm and harmonized color as well as handsome and decent shape beautify our home and paint our life.沉稳的色调,象征着成熟的魅力,在书房里是如此的和谐协调。您,不一定要规规矩矩地坐在办公桌前,即便在柔软的沙发上也可以随意地从中拿起自己喜爱的书,而且你可以看行更舒适,更自在,更享受。无论是一个,还是会客,邀请朋友一起在此相聚,谈笑间更能让人感受您的那份尊贵的时尚品位
Calm color symbolizes the mature charm.When you position the sofa in the schoolroom, it looks so harmonious.You are not necessarily to sit with exactitude in front of the office desk.Even in the soft sofa, you can also take some favorable books and enjoyably.Whether you are alone, with guests or invite friends to gather at home, your exalted fashion taste releases from your words.时尚新颖是我们对产品的要求,同时,更强调了艺术和实用的相互协调。以舒适体贴为基础,无论在外观上,上都加上艺术元素;与时代的步伐同进步,在现今追求效益的社会中,更注重了产品的实用方面,让我们的产品的得到了青睐,也成为了同行中的首选位置。
Fashion and novelty are our requirements of products.Meanwhile, we put more emphasis on harmony of art and practicality.Based on comfort and sonsideration,we add artestec elements in both appearance and tolor;keep pace with the age, in a society that pursues benefits, we put more emphasis on the practicality of products, making our products more popular and achieving the top position of congeners.要了解沙发给我们带来的生活定义,不仅要从外在出发,更要从内体深入了解。
To understand the life definition brought by sofa, we should concern about both external and internal aspects.Her beautiful appearance consists of pretty complexion and perfect shape, once we get close to her, we are not willing to let her go;containment , the other aspect of her is also attractive.She can contain so many people, can‟t you justice her and take her to you bosom?
时尚的人懂得选择什么是适合自己的,懂得如何创造高效率的生活,同样致力于现代时尚的康宝也懂得如何创造优质生活环境。简洁舒适的布艺沙发摇身一变,成为实用的沙发床,加上沙发中间具备强大的储存空间,让她得到了更多的青睐。Fashion people know how to choose what auits them and how to create high-efficiency life.Kangbao commits itself to strive for modern fashion and know how to create quality living circumstance.Compact and comfort fabric sofa suddenly changes into practical sofa-bed.Along with the large store space inside it, the sofa becomes more favorable.1.低调的奢华
Low key luxuryLow key luxury 2.廷绵几个世纪的雍容华贵,牵系半个地球的动人风情,美典家具以其简洁时尚的外观和深藏的文化气息,迷醉了无数钟情于欧式新古典的人.Seat of monarchical government wadding several century's elegant, captures half Earth's moving character and style, the beautiful standard furniture by its succinct fashion's outward appearance and the deep Tibet's cultural breath, has been enchanted by innumerable being deeply in love in the western-style neoclassic person.3.简约的高雅 Brief loftiness 古典与时尚,在纷繁的现代都市进行了一次美丽的解逅,在享受生活快节奏的同时,也需要体会一份优雅,品味一种气质,新古典家具正以它亘古不变的典雅风格与时尚相遇。
Classical and fashionable, has carried on beautiful Xie Hou in the complex modern metropolis, while enjoys lives quick rhythm, also needs to realize that a gracefulness, savors one makings, the neoclassic furniture by it through ancient times invariable elegant style and the fashion meet.4.诉说现代家居的关怀
Related the modern age lives at concern 5.新古典主义的特色是将繁复的装饰凝练得更为含蓄精雅,为硬而直的线条配上温婉雅致的软性装饰,将古典美注入简洁实用的现代设计,使得家居装饰更有灵性,使得古典的美丽穿透岁月,在我们的身边活色生香。
Neoclassicism's characteristic is concise implicitly the complicated decoration elegant, is joined to the gentle refined soft decoration for hard and the straight line, pours into the succinct practical modern design classical US, enables to live at decoration intelligential, causes the classical beautiful penetration years, in ours side live color unrefined resin.6.迭菪欧陆浪漫
Repeat dang Europe land romantic 7.浓缩中世纪皇室的尊贵和地中海沿岸的迷人传说,用现代的实木打造简化了的古典家居风貌,西方的现代手法融合在典雅的审美传统之中,展现出新兴时尚而又雍容华贵的特质。The concentration middle ages imperial family with the Mediterranean Sea coast's enchanting fable, simplified with modern reality wooden making lives at the style classically honored, West's modern technique fusion in the elegant esthetic tradition, the development new thingses is popular the fashion and the elegant special characteristic.8.倾倒彼洋风情
Falls other foreign character and style 9.仿如一场华丽的舞会瞬间定格,精彩的奏鸣曲嘎然停止,光线突然停止反射凝固在空间,欧式新古典为你营造一场华丽非常的视觉盛宴.于细节之间诠释非凡品味,于动静之间演绎上层意识。这才是极品的境界,——“可以触摸的奢华”。
Imitates like a magnificent dance party instantaneous to frame, the splendid sonata stops abruptly, the optical fiber stops the reflection coagulating suddenly in the space, the western-style neoclassic builds a magnificent unusual visual grand feast for you.Annotates between the detail savors extraordinarily, deducts the upper formation consciousness between the sound of something astir.This is the best quality goods boundary,--“may touch luxury”.10.光线在实木面上渡上岁月光华,不多但却精美的纹饰雕琢着雅致的现代都市情结.华丽的外表蕴涵了中欧的风情意味。细研磨砂的实木,塑造令人赞叹的精品生活.The optical fiber crosses the years brilliance on the solid wooden flooring, not many, but actually the fine decorative design in a utensil is carving the refined modern metropolis complex.the magnificent semblance contained Central Europe's character and style meaning.Grinds the frosting thin the solid wood, the mold makes the high-quality goods life which one acclaims.11.生活本质朴实无华的自然情趣也没有半点贬值的迹象,我们深信那是让人内心宁静的永恒之美。
The life essence unadorned natural appeal also does not have the least bit depreciation sign, we deeply believed that lets the person innermost feelings tranquil eternal beauty.1.阳光鲜亮的照在身上,面对四季的窗口,都有春暖花的遐想,有一丝清风扑面而来,有几缕馨香四处飘逸。
活动时间: 2013年9月19日 活动范围: 博林家具广场
活动目的: 驻马店家居市场竞争日趋激烈,如何在驻马店家居市场保持主流地位,为了稳固博林家居在驻马店卖场地位,扩大客户群,锁定潜在家居消费者,提升中秋期间商场销量,必须组织有针对性、震撼性的促销活动。这是发挥我们营销方式永远在前的重要体现.在中秋,以优惠的促销活动和双节的消费机遇来占领市场,提升商城美誊度和销售额.活动一:名品家具、建材“0利润”惊爆超低价” 倾情奉献(商户提供图片、实物)
活动二:家具 家电巨头联袂贺双节 活动时间:(9月19)活动地点:博林家具广场 活动内容:凡在博林家具广场购物满1000元(含1000元)以上的顾客,凭消费单据均可在博林家具广场客服中心领取“国美电器”千元优惠礼券一张(注:定金不参与该活动)
活动内容: 消费者无需购物凭博林家具广场迎中秋的DM单可在指定时间免费领取精美礼品一份,数量有限,领完为止(领奖区可设置在三楼)建议月饼
活动时间:9月19 活动地点:博林南门前舞台 抽奖时间:2013.9.7日16:00 活动内容:活动期间凡在博林家居购物的顾客,并将全款交至收银台的顾客可领取抽奖券,交款满2000元可领取抽奖券一张,满4000元领取二张,以此类推,最高不超过10张(注:定金不参与该活动,前期定金活动期间交全款的可参与本活动)奖项设置:(待定)
抽奖活动注意事项:略 抽奖活动人员安排:略
活动五:购物送好礼(满赠礼)活动时间:9月22日—— 10月7日