1.Roman Jakobson’s tripartite classification: intralingual translation(rewording), interlingual translation(translation proper), and intersemiotic translation(transmutation)
2.text types: technical, institutional, literary translation
3.outline of major theories of translation:(1)Chronologically(by the time of their birth or occurrence): the philological, hermeneutic, linguistic, communicative, sociosemiotic, skopos, manipulative, norm, post-structuralist, postcolonial(2)topologically(by the particular approach adopted or focus directed by their proponents): their approaches to translation may be grouped into the philological, linguistic, functionalist, semiotic, cultural, philosophical.重要概念:
1.translation studies:
(1).The paper “the name and nature of translation studies” written by James Holmes in 1988, marks the birth of the discipline of TS.The descriptive branch: product, process, function-oriented The theoretical branch: general & partial which includes medium, area, rank, text type, time, and problem restricted The applied branch: translation aids, training and criticism Note: though being lucid and inspiring in his theory, it shall be noted that description and theorizing are usually inseparable from each other in research.(2).The internal studies and external studies The internal studies: the theoretical branch takes as its objects of study the nature, principles, and procedures of translation;the applied branch includes translation practice(text analysis and genre translation), T criticism, and the training of translators, development of the translation profession.Specifically, translation practice includes text analysis and genre translation, and the former covers such areas of research as: source text analysis, comparison of translations & their source texts, comparison of translations and non-translated texts(comparable texts), translation with commentary;while the genre translation covers texts like drama, poetry, prose fiction, religious text, tourism texts, and multimedia texts.The external translation studies are the derived or borderline parts of TS, covering areas where the internal TS interact or marry with other disciplines, such as history, sociology, cultural anthropology, philosophy, linguistics, psychology, theory of communication, computer science and technology, etc.For example, history of translation;sociology and cultural studies of T;T ethics;terminology management;language and translation technology…
Or historical/cultural translation;translation ethics;terminology and glossaries;translation and technology
The internal studies and the external studies of translation are related and complementary to each other in that the research results in the former provide the latter with both a theoretical basis and a practical focus of concern while the research findings in external studies contribute to the depth and breadth of internal studies by providing new observations and new perspectives.2.definition of translation:
According to Wilss(1995), translation is an action directed toward both the source text and the reader of the target language.Its procedure is determined by its function and it pursues a goal of enabling understanding between individuals of different linguistic and cultural communities.Nida and Taber(1969)regard translation as a communication-based task and define it as: Translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning, and secondly in terms of style.(closest in meaning and style;acceptability;loss of information)--translation as a kind of communication between different language group--translation should communicate information or meaning
3.theory: A theory, in the simplest sense, is just a view or understanding of something that concerns us.In modern science, it is generally understood or refers to a proposed explanation of empirical phenomena, made in a way consistent with scientific method.Theories are collections of hypotheses that are logically linked together into a coherent explanation of some aspect of reality and which have individually or jointly received some empirical support.The properties of a good theory: strong explanatory power that can effectively explain the subject matter it pertains to;strong predicative power which means it should proved a)reasonably adequate predictions about the properties not yet discovered of the specific object under investigation and b)a measure of predictability about the degree of success to be expected from the use of certain principles and procedures in the study of the subject matter.3.equivalence: A term used by many writers to describe the nature and the extent of the relationships which exist between SL and TL texts or smaller linguistic units.The nature of “equivalence” was successively discussed by prominent figures such as Jakobson, Eugene Nida, Peter Newmark, and Werner Koller.(1)Jakobson’s linguistic meaning and equivalence.He followed the relation set out by Saussure between the signifier(the spoken and written signal)and the signified(the concept signified).He stated that the signifier and signified form the linguistic sign, but the sign is arbitrary or unmotivated, thus there is ordinarily no full equivalence between ST and TT.He defined translation as “substituting messages in one language not for separate code-units(signifier)but to entire messages(signified)in some other language”.(2)Catford regarded the central task of translation as “defining the nature and conditions of translation equivalence” and there exists a distinction between textual equivalence and formal correspondence.(3)Nida, inspired by Noam Chomsky’s generative-transformational grammar, put forward a three-stage system of translation and used back-transformation to analyze the kernels under some complicated surface structure.In terms of equivalence, he stated that there are
formal equivalence which focuses attention on the message itself in both form and content, the message in the receptor language should match as closely as possible the different elements in the source language.Dynamic equivalence is based on the principle of equivalent effect, where the relationship between receptor and message should be substantially the same as that which existed between the original receptor and the message.There are four basic requirements of a translation.(4)Newmark put forward the notions of communicative translation and semantic translation.Communicative translation attempts to produce on its reader an effect as close as possible to that obtained on the readers of the original.Semantic translation attempts to render, as closely as the semantic and syntactic structures of the second language allow, the exact contextual meaning of the original.4.meaning: According to Nida, meaning is broke down into linguistic meaning, referential meaning and emotive meaning.In terms of traditional studies of meaning, the meanings of meaning are as follows: reference and sense: reference is the relationship between words and the things, actions, events, and qualities they stand for;sense is the place a which a word or phrase holds in the system of relationships with other words or phrases in the vocabulary of a language.From the perspective of sociosemiotics, there are 4 basic facts about meaning: 1)meaning is a kind of relationship.Meaning is not really an entity(because words do not have meanings, people have meanings for words), but the relationship between a sign and something outside it 2)there is a plurality of meaning: three kinds of relationship a sign may enter into –
referential(semantic), pragmatic, syntactic(intralingual);
a.Referential meaning(RM)(sign-real world entity)is chiefly connected with the topic of a communication.Its core elements are the external situation, the facts of the real world.Also known as informative, conceptual, cognitive meaning.But RM does not equal literal meaning(LM).E.g 挂号信;vice-chancellor;indian meal;国际学院;基础实验楼
b.Pragmatic meaning(PM)(sign-user)may be divided into four subsets: identificational meaning(regional, historial background of the speaker);expressive meaning(emotional content of an expression might have in terms of the personality or individual creativity of the user, e.g murder & homicide);associative meaning(connotative meaning隐含意义);social meaning(channel of contact, e.g phatic forms of discourse;forms of address vous/tu;flatter;register);imperative meaning(conative meaning, operative or instrumental meaning)c.intralingual meaning(IM)(sign-sign)is related to the code: phonetic meaning;phonological meaning;graphemic meaning;morphological/lexemic meaning, syntactic meaning, discoursal/textual meaning 3)style is meaning.Style in its linguistic sense is reduced to a group of pragmatic meaning and intralingual meanings.4)different meaning may carry different weight in different contexts.5.code: a system of signs or signals involved in the transmission of messages.Language as a code is a system of multiplicity, i.e.it is composed of diverse elements or has different aspects.6.sign: a thing that signifies or stands for another thing or things.7.signification: using signs to mean.A third item is included in the process of signification, that is, an abstract concept of the thing for which the sign stands.8.message: according to Nida and Taber, it consists of two aspects: meaning and style
9.fusion of horizon: the meeting of different perspectives or backgrounds.So far as translation is concerned, this concept implies that a translator has to emerge from his own intellectual perspective and cultural background in order to assimilate what is foreign in a new light.总结自己学习情况:
Taking the course “Introduction of Translation Studies” is conducive to the improvement of both my theoretical and practical inquiry on translation.It is a pity that we cannot cover all the items outlined in the syllabus such as the skopos theory and the manipulation school, which I find them an enlightening reading as I read them in Jeremy Munday’s “Introducing Translation Studies”.As far as I am concerned, the benefits by taking this course are twofold.First, owning to the systematic exemplifications and illustrations discussed in class, I have a better understanding of the major schools of translation chronologically and topologically.Equipped with the basic knowledge and systematic framework of translation studies, I can conduct my research or my future thesis paper from an in-depth perspective.The philological approach mainly concerning on the “word for word” or “sense for sense” debate, though
1.deep structure analysis The surface structure is the syntactic structure of the sentence which a person speaks, hears, reads or writes.It is the actually observed structure of a sentence.The deep structure is much more abstract and it is considered to incorporate all information relevant to the single or unambiguous interpretation of a particular sentence.Nida believes that the English language possesses seven such basic structures, which he terms “kernels” – the minimal number of structures from which the rest can be most efficiently and relevantly derived.Nida advocated the back-transformation of complex surface structures onto an underlying level, in which the fundamental elements are objects, events, abstracts, and relationals.Four steps for analyzing and transferring complicated SL sentences(1)determine whether each word is an object, and event, an abstract, or a relational(2)identify the kernels,(making explicit the implicit constituent elements of the kernels: who are the recipient and agent?)(3)determine the semantic and logical relationships between kernels(grouping the kernels into related sets)(4)find out the most efficient way of representing the given relationships between kernels in the target language.(state these relationships in a form which will be optimal, i.e.closest to the form in the target language, for transfer into the target language)
例子:the unique and mixed ethnic heritage of the population;the American defence of Bastogne sealed their(Nazi troops)fate;this land, which once barred the way of weary travelers, now has become a land for winter and summer vacation, a land of magic and wonder.2.transliteration 以义出音 vs.translation: a terminological study of the rendition of a sutra text
长答题(essay questions;optional):
1.the philological school, which lays emphasis on the source text, including its production, transmission, and history of interpretation, a typical question raised with this school being that of whether the translator should bring the original to the target reader(liberal translation)or the target language reader to the original(literal translation).Philological tradition in the western history can be illustrated chronologically:
a)roman times – word for word vs.sense for sense.Cicero & Horace & Quintilian: liberal translation;St.Augustine: literal translation b)the middle ages – debate between translation and unacceptable interpretation.St.Jerome, father of the church, translated the Bible into Latin, and developed the Ciceronian distinction between the undesirable “word for word” translation and the desirable “sense for sense”
translation.Translator such as King Alfred in England perceived the task of translating the Bible as linked to the task of elevating the status of the newly developing language known as English, i.e.the Old English.c)the Renaissance – “copying” an original, but also creating a new text with an individual voice.Focus on how to strike a balance in between and how to remain faithful without being subservient.d)Reformation – doctrinal fidelity vs.possible heretical “mistranslation”.Martin Luther elevated and disseminated the usage of German by his translation of the Bible.Etienne Dolet, burn at the stake for his addition to his translation of one of Plato’s dialogues, advocated five principles in translation.e)the 17th & 18th centuries – diversion of the activity of translation: translation as recovery or imitation of classical text;as language learning exercise;as commercial enterprise.John Dryden
reduces all translation to three categories: the triadic model: metaphrase, paraphrase, and imitation.The Port-Royal grammar put forward that “accuracy” in translation could somehow be measured on a qualifiable basis.Alexander Tytler reacted against Dryden’s “paraphrase”(loose translation)and set up three basic and celebrated principles of translation: complete transcript of ideas, style and manner of the same character, and all the ease of the original f)the 19th century – romanticism and “creative translation”, which centered around the problem of whether translation could be considered as a creative or a mechanical enterprise.g)the 20th century – the philological tradition endured
In conclusion, the methodology of this school is introspective, impressionistic, relying heavily on the researchers’ and practitioners’ intuition.Its central concepts are too abstract to be unequivocally understood and too fuzzy to serve as a reliable basis on which detailed theoretical analysis can be conducted and universally accepted conclusion drawn simply because different people may have different views of these concepts.2.the hermeneutic school, which concerns the interpretative process of the ST.The term “hermeneutics” is used in two senses: the part of Christian theology解经学 and theory of understanding and interpretation of the significance of human actions, utterances, products, and institutions 阐释学。Hermeneutics is a Romantic approach to interpretation based not on absolute truth but on the individual’s inner feeling and understanding.Friedrich Schleiermacher, founder of modern Protestant theology and of modern hermeneutics.To “give the reader the same impression that he as a German would receive the work in the original language”, the translator must adopt an “alienating”(as opposed to “naturalizing”)method of translation, orienting himself or herself by the language and content of the ST.While Schleiermacher was instrumental in extending hermeneutics beyond the theological domain, Heidegger was the first related the problem of understanding in general to that of linguistic translation.The interrelationship between hermeneutics and translation may be viewed from two angles: the status of translation in hermeneutics and the inspirations TS derived from hermeneutics.Translation is given by Heidegger a function of challenging thinking that both the original and the translated language are unique in their capacity for harbor philosophical premises or presuppositions.Gadamer develops his philosophical hermeneutics in terms of the concept of “fusion of horizons”, which implies that, in the view of translation, a translator has to emerge from his own intellectual perspective and cultural background in order to assimilate what is foreign in a “new light”.Viewing translation in hermeneutics, meaning must be expressed within the target language “in a new way” and therefore “every translation is at the same time an interpretation”.The status of translator was improved by “translator’s turn” since understanding is achieved through the very involvement of the translator in the convergence of two horizons.In summary, the perspective of hermeneutics is important in TS because it lends inspiring insights into the nature of T and has influenced some subsequent schools of thought on translation like the manipulative and post-structuralist ones and constructivism, but its concern about translation is basically philosophical which does not care about the process of translation.Case study: 圆成十相;土卫六;把汉语规律的解释建立在文化认同的科学基础上;知不知上不知知病
3.the linguistic school, which analyzes, among other things, the SL message and its restructuring in the TL.Principal figures of this school include Catford, Nida and Chomsky.According to Nida, meaning is broke down into linguistic meaning, referential meaning and emotive meaning.He also proposed three techniques to determine the meaning of different linguistic items: hierarchical structuring, componential analysis and semantic structure analysis.Chomsky’s generative-transformational model analyzes sentences into a series of related levels governed by rules which are phrase-structure rules, transformational rules and phonological and morphemic rules.Three levels of conceptualization: a basic component made up of phrase structure rules and lexicon that generate a deep structure, which in turn is changed through the application of transformational rules into a surface structure.Nida’s and Chomsky’s theories share two common features: Both assume that there exists an underlying, coherent and unified entity behind whatever manifestation language takes: the kernel, which are simple, active, declarative sentences that require the minimum of transformation.They both made philosophical claims about the object of investigation for their respective theories.Nida and Taber put forward a three-stage system of translation: analysis, transfer and restructuring.Kernels are the level at which the message is transferred into the receptor language before being transformed into the surface structure in three stages: literal, minimal and literary transfer.Nida advocated the back-transformation of complex surface structures onto an underlying level, in which the fundamental elements are objects, events, abstracts, and relationals.The linguistic school provides powerful analytical tools for decoding and reencoding the ST and adopts a rigorous approach to problems of linguistic translation.On the other hand, this approach is just one way, rather than the only way, of accounting for the translation process because it smacks of the extralingual elements such as pragmatic and cultural ones.4.the communicative school, which is focused on the communicative functions performed by the original and their translations in the source and target language environments.Inspired by the sociolinguistics and information theory, this school views translation as a process of communication that firstly, the process of translation is inherently similar to that of any other kind of human communication, which means the translator should seek an optimum balance between the cost and benefits of the translation;secondly, target texts need to be drawn out by the inclusion of a certain amount of redundancy so as to overcome the effects of noise and increase the predictability of the communicative content.According to Nida and Taber, this procedure of “drawing out” target texts is essential if dynamic equivalence is to be achieved and “there is a tendency for all good translations to be somewhat longer than the originals.”
They put forward the minimal and maximal requirements for translational adequacy.Minimal: readers are able to comprehend and appreciate how the original readers of the text understood and possible responded to it.Maximal: readers of the translation would respond to the text both emotively and cognitively in a manner essentially similar to the ways in which the original readers responded.5.the sociosemiotic school, which studies various codes involved in communicating meaning.The approach this school takes is a synthetic or eclectic one in that it selects and incorporates what is best of the other major schools.The basic assumption of sociosemiotics is that language must be views as a social as well as linguistic code, a shared set of habits using the voice to communicate, which signifies, elements specific to the speech community in which the code is created and used must also be taken into account and taken care of by the translator.Semiotics is the scientific study of the properties of signing systems or codes, whether natural or artificial and covers the investigation of patterned human communication in all contexts and in all its modes or channels.Four mode of semiotic communications: auditory-vocal;visual;tactile;olfactory and gustatory
Charles Morris, in 1938, defined semiotics as the use of signs governed by syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic rules.The definitions of meaning are different.Translation standard: optimal equivalence.The long-standing dispute about literal translation or liberal translation becomes largely meaningless or deconstructed when we approach the problem of what is to be translated in translation from the point of view of meaning.Optimal equivalence: within the bounds of the norms of target language grammar and usage as well as the receptability of the anticipated readership, with the appropriacy of the translation to the occasion in mind and with priority given to the most prominent or important meaning(s)in the context, the translator employs appropriate translation strategies when necessary to transfer the greatest possible number of meanings of the source message and the distributions of these meanings(i.e.the relative relationships among them)so that the translation is maximally equivalent to the source text and its communicative functions in the target language environment optimally fulfilled.e.g 遇难者的头颅和手臂;一笔双叙syllepsis;文明标兵单位
Before translating a text, the translator usually has to judge the likely setting of the translation.Three types of language target readership: expert, educated generalist, uninformed.The Sociosemiotic School: clarifying the essence, objects and procedures of translation in a most systematic and down-way;providing the most comprehensive perspective from which translation can be studied.
第二篇:翻译概论论文 - 副本
BJTU’s Graduate School Course Thesis
中文摘要:许渊冲先生说,“文学翻译的公式是1+1=3, 而科学翻译公式是1+1=2.” 所以文学翻译不是科学。而中国诗歌大多是朦胧美,可意会不可言传,一个词一个字也许表达多重含义,读者不能只停留在字面意思,而要用心挖掘诗人内心的情感和志向,那么译者的任务就更加艰巨,这里讨论怎样把诗中的名词或抽象动词等转化为实意动词,从而传达出诗篇的意境美,读者不仅知之,而且好之乐之。
关键词: 诗歌翻译;意境美;朦胧美;动词活用
Abstract: Xu Yuanchong said, ―The equation of literature translation is 1+1=3, while the equation of science translation is 1+1=2.So there is big difference between literature translation and science translation.Most Chinese poetry depends on the imagination of readers, a phrase or a word may have more than one meaning, so when we read Chinese poetry, we should not only stay at the superficial meaning of the words, we’d better excavate the emotion and ambition of the poet.So the task of translator is more arduous, here we will talk about how to translate the nouns in the original poems into the verbs, thereby the poetic imagery beauty can be conveyed.Thus, the reader not only understands it, but also enjoys it.Key words: poem translation;poetic imagery beauty;hazy beauty;the flexibility of verbs.中国古诗词翻译中的动词巧用
而且语法的模糊性,中国文字重在意合,没有时态,语态,词性和数的字形变化,而且中国诗歌不必像英诗一样,一定要有主语,谓语,代词和介词等,从而造成了时空关系不明确,意向模糊。最 BJTU’s Graduate School Course Thesis
典型的例子,《天净沙 秋思》,全篇以名词为主,没有数量词,没有限定词,介词作连接。至于该景发生在何时何地,有几只昏鸦,是什么枯树,中国读者也许能深深体会到诗人内心的情感,但英美国家读者却可能真的深陷迷茫了。许渊冲先生讲过,写诗不是写史,所以翻译诗词在这些地方也不必过于拘泥,倒是原诗的精神——诗中大意和所含的感情,要用心体贴,重视表达不可。那么,是否可以用动词来传达诗人内心的精神和原诗意境呢?我们这里举11个例子来进行分析。
―the night grows colder every hour,---it chills me to the heart.原诗“天阶夜色凉如水”是纯景物描写,但译者加了一个grows和chill, 表面强调的是天气冷,但实则深层意义是想表达诗人的内心很凄凉,看着牛郎织女已都幸福的团聚,而诗人却和意中人分别两地,内心早已是悲凉万分。何况是在这伤感的秋天,诗人内心怎能不越来越黯淡,幽冷?所以动词grows colder、chill把全诗的意美很形象的翻译出来了。
(2)、《苏小小墓》中有四句:草如茵,松如盖。风为裳,水为珮。英译为:Let grass be her cushion, pine trees her parasol, and wind clothe her, water chime at her tread.不难发现,“如”和“为”这个字分别被译为be、clothe、chine at 这三个动词,汉语中静态词翻译成英语中的动态词,化抽象为具体,形成了一幅惟妙惟肖的画面。
苏小小是南齐杭州名妓,一代美人。动词巧译的翻译给译语国家读者以生动的画面,因此不难想象出苏小小是何等的美人焉。尤其是得知她曾唱着爱歌,与情人去私订终身,但红颜薄命,英年早逝(spring death),希望终成泡影时,她的勇气她的坚强又为这份美增添了不少的分量。
While young, I listened to rain in the house of song, overjoyed in curtained bed beside a candle red.In prime of life I heard rain on the river long, in lonely boat, when wailed wild geese beneath low clouds in western breeze.Now that I listen to rain under temple’ s eaves, my hair turns grey like starry ray.Who cares if men will meet or part, rejoice or grieve? Can I feel joy or sorrow? Let it rain till tomorrow!我们来分析下此译文的动词巧用。
首先,“红烛昏罗帐”译为“overjoyed in curtained bed beside a candle red.‖ 本是名词词组,译者添加了overjoyed一词可谓是眼到心到。因为是少年,所谓“少年不识愁滋味”,虽然窗外下着雨,但是室内充满着歌声笑语,诗人心里是充满愉悦与幸福的,所以overjoyed一词用的很贴切很灵活,也像读者传达了少年时的那种快乐,无忧无虑的生活,同时也为下文的凄凉生活作了铺垫。“悲欢离合总无情”翻译为―Who cares if men will meet or part, rejoice or grieve? Can I feel joy or sorrow?‖ 原文很抽象的四个字“悲欢离合”,英美国家读者就会匪夷所思,是怎样无情的?到底是谁无情?所以译者添加了meet、part、rejoice、grieve,men和I作主语,译文解释的很清晰,且用了反诘句,把全文的感情上升到了高潮之处,这样,原文“悲欢离合总无情”是个陈述句,被译为反诘句,深刻地体现出了诗人内心情感的高潮。
(4).韦庄的《金陵图》: 江雨霏霏江草齐,六朝如梦鸟空啼。无情最是台城柳,依旧烟笼十里堤。”
第一句译文:Over a riverside grass falls a drizzling rain, 译者活用动词“falls”连接起“grass”和“rain”, 创造了一种很立体感的意境;第二句Six dynasties have passed like dreams, birds cry in vain.译者将 ―如梦‖翻成“have passed like dreams‖, 凸显了历史的沧桑,感叹时光的流梭;第三句译文是 BJTU’s Graduate School Course Thesis
For miles around the town unfeeling willows stand.―stand‖一词更能反映了台城柳是无情的,冰冷冷地树立在那里,怎知道诗人此刻的心情;最后一句Adorning like a veil of mist the lakeside land.译者添加了 ―adorn‖一词,让读者能联想到整个画面的唯美。
从第二句译文来分析: How can they bear cold morning showers , And winds at noon? 译者把“无奈”译成动词词组“how can they bear”, 告诉读者,诗人是不堪忍受这样的寒雨寒风的,译出了诗人内心的凄凉与无奈;
最后一句When shall we meet again ? As water eastward flows, so shall we part.译者添加了动词“meet” 和 “part”, 道出了诗人内心的疑问与期待,以及对人生离别的感慨。这样的译文,音美形美,意更美。
White-crested waves aspire to a skyful of snow, spring displays silent peach and plum trees in a row.A fishing rod, a pot of wine, who in this world can boast of a happier life than thine?
浪花本应是无意,但诗人写有意千重雪?怎样能体现出“有意”二字呢?译者译为动词“aspire to”, 渴求,渴望的意思,体现出了拟人手法,原来浪花是由感情的,说明了诗人对大自然的亲切之情。第二句“桃李无言一队春”,译者用动词“display”连接起春天和桃树李树的关系,一排排一列列的桃树李树,装点了春天,景色是多麽灿烂美丽,诗人心情也是爽朗无比。最后一句“世上如侬有几人”,如侬有几人译为了“boast of a happier life”, boast一词,本身含有引以为荣的事物,李煜这两首词,写来情调悠扬轻松,应该是亡国前所作,过着那种逍遥,自由自在的日子。可见诗人是多麽渴望与珍惜此时的生活,觉得世上没有谁再比他幸福了。
Giles 的译文是 My whitening hair would make a long long rope, yet could not fathom all my depth of woe;though how it within a mirror’s scope, to sprinkle autumn frosts, I do not know.此诗其实前两句和后两句是倒装,本应是不知明镜里,何处得秋霜?白发三千丈,缘愁似个长。但诗人倒装的顺序安排更能凸出鲜明的形象。“三千丈”被译为“make a long long rope”, 借助动词make, 体现了诗人那种匪夷所思的心情,和奔放的激情,好像把所有积压在心中的怨愤都体现了出来。
独自莫凭栏,无限江山。别时容易见时难。流水落花春去也,天上人间。Gaze not alone from the balcony, For the landscape infinite extends.However easier parted than met.The river flows— The blossoms fall— Spring going-gone.In heaven as on earth.(林同济)
译得很简洁,没有一个多余冗杂的词语,非常忠实原文,四个动词part、met、flow、fall,做 BJTU’s Graduate School Course Thesis
到了直译,符合了翻译中的对等原则,尤其是“春去也”,由going 转为gone,体现出了时间的飞逝,时光的无情。但是景物虽然描写出来了,但远远不够,诗人的心境并没有展现出来,文学翻译不等于科学翻译,虽然音美形美,但是意美似乎并没有体现出来。再看第二种译文:
Alone at dusk I lean on the balcony;Boundless are the rivers and mountains.The time of parting is easy, the time of reunion is hard.Flowing water, falling petals, all reach their homes.Sky is above, but man has his place.“流水落花春去也”译者翻译为动词“all reach their homes”, 原来流水和落花都是有家的,都是有归属的,但诗人心里想念的人还未出现,他只有遥遥远期的等待心上人的归来,此译文音美形美,意境也很美的展现了出来,让读者好之,乐之。
蛾儿雪柳黄金缕,笑语盈盈暗香去。众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在,灯火阑珊处。One night’s east wind adorns a thousand trees with flowers And blows down stars showers.Fine steeds and carved cabs spread fragrance en route;Music vibrates from the flute;The moon sheds its full light, While fish and dragon lanterns dance all night.In gold –thread dress, with moth or willow ornaments, Giggling, she melts into the throng with trails of scents.When all at once I turn my head, I find her there where lantern light is dimly shed.(许渊冲,1996.)分析译文:原文抽象动词居多,而英译把抽象动词译为具体动词,易于读者接受,可谓是妙笔生辉。“东风夜放花千树”的“放”,译者翻成“adorn”, 将东风拟人化,立刻有了画面美,那样的夜晚是多麽灿烂啊。
“凤箫声动,玉壶光转”被译为动词 ―vibrate、shed”,立刻凸显出了画面的灵动感,使读者也能感受到场面的光辉和繁华景象。最后 “melt”一词,突出了人山人海,而她却消融在了人海里,繁华的外表下衬托出了诗人寂寞的心灵。
(10)、苏轼的《行香子》:一叶舟轻,双桨鸿惊。水天清,影湛波平。鱼翻藻鉴,鹭点烟汀。过沙溪急,霜溪冷,月溪明。重重似画,曲曲如屏。算当年,虚老严陵。君臣一梦,今古空名。但远山长,云山乱,晓山青。实意动词寥寥无几,下面我们分析英译文: 开头“A leaflike boat goes light”,把形容词“轻”翻成动词词组―goes light‖,― At dripping oars wild geese take fright,” 形容词“惊”翻成词组“take fright”,强调了动作而不是状态,好像一副活灵活现的场景展现在读者眼中。
君臣一梦,今古空名。但远山长,云山乱,晓山青。The emperor shared the same dream with his peers.Then as now, their fame was left out in the cold.Only the distant hills outspread till they’re unseen, The cloud-crowned hills look disheveled BJTU’s Graduate School Course Thesis
And dawnlit hills so green.(许渊冲,1996)原诗最后五句都是名词词组,但译文却添加了五个动词:share、was left out、outspread、look 生动地说明了那幅幅青葱岁月都历历在目,不仅忠实于原文,而且诗人感慨人生如梦的内心也活灵活现的被译出。
译文是:Drunk, we parted at Western Bower;Sober ,I can’t recall that hour.Like autumn clouds and dreams of spring disperses every gathering.(许渊冲)
“聚散真容易”用了动词“disperse”, 运用了拟人的手法,更形象地凸显了秋云和春梦的无情,也把诗人从梦境中拉回了现实,使读者看得一清二楚。
参考文献: 顾正阳著.《古诗词曲英译文化探幽》》.国防工业出版社,2012.许渊冲.《翻译的艺术》.五洲传播出版社,1996.张保红.“意像与汉诗英译”.《解放军外国语学院学报》,2005.
《中西翻译简史》(a brief history of translation in china and the west),谢天振等著,这本书共包括十五个章节---翻译与宗教,翻译与知识传播,翻译与民族语,翻译与当代各国的文化交流,可见本书把中西翻译发展的历史放在一起进行描述,既强调中西发展史的共同点,也展示两者发展过程中的各自的独特性。
最后,我想总结一下到底一名优秀的译者应该兼备哪些素养: 第一译者扎实的语言功底。翻泽是一种语言活动,它要求译者熟练地掌握两种语言—这是翻译的根本前提,否则也就无法进行翻译。译者翻译的水准,首先取决于他对原作的阅读理解能力和鉴赏能力。要提高英语的阅读理解能力,最基本的是要掌握足够的词汇,具有系统的语法知识,以确保理解在语法层面上不出错误,或少出错误,并要进行大量的外语原著的阅读,不断丰富自己的语言知识,提高自己的语言感悟能力。将外来语译人汉语的译者,尤其应该下功夫提高自己的汉语表达能力。译者的汉语水平是决定他译文质量的第二大要素。凡想在英译汉上有所作为的人必须大量阅读汉语原著,进行经常性的汉语写作训练,学会熟练驾驭和自如运用汉语的能力。英汉两种语言属于不同的语系结构,在词法与句法上都存在着很大的差异,译者应熟悉汉英两种语言在语音、词汇、句法、修辞和使用习惯上的种种差异。翻译是语言艺术,是最复杂、最深刻也是最难掌握的艺术门类。译者以语言文字为媒介,通过再现原作的艺术形象和意境,揭示、展现原作的语言,反映、预示着原语文化。译者必须了解语言的创造规律及其语言的艺术特征,挖掘出原作的艺术魅力,译者应该是一个懂得语言艺术的传播者。
Genaral Introduction to Translation
1.按照源语(source language)和译语(target language)的相对位置:
1)intralingual translation(语内翻译):
an interpretation of verbal signs by means of other signs of the same language
2)interlingual translation(语级翻译)
an interpretation of verbal signs by means of some other language.语际翻译指发生在不同语言之间的翻译活动,诸如英汉互译、法英互译等。
3)intersemoitic translation(符际翻译):
an interpretation of verbal signs by means of non-verbal sign systems.符际翻译指不同符号之间进行的翻译,此类翻译往往只限于通讯及保密等工作。
3.按翻译手段: 可分为口译(interpretation)
机器翻译(machine translation)
1)科技翻译(translation for science and technology)(科技文献、学术著作等)
2)应用翻译(practical writing translation)(新闻报道、旅游宣传品、)
3)政论翻译(Political writing translation)(政府文件等)
4)文学翻译(literary translation)
二、译者的素养 彦琮,(557—610年),隋代著名高僧,他精通梵文,也是我国佛教史上屈指可数的佛经翻译家和佛教著作家。他提出了“八备”说:
热爱佛法,不怕耗时长久; 忠实可信,不惹旁人讥疑; 通达旨意;不存暗昧疑点; 射猎经史,不令译文疏拙; 度量宽和,不可武断固执; 淡于名利,不求哗众取宠; 精通梵文,不失原文义理; 兼通汉语,不使译文失准。
汉语功底要好、英语语言能力要强 知识面要广(合理的知识结构)
扎实的语言功底 广博的言外知识 敏锐的感受能力 敬业乐业的精神
《汉英科技大词典》 杂志:《中国翻译》 《中国科技翻译》
《上海翻译》 《英语世界》 报刊:《 21世纪报》 《北京周报》
网 站
翻译证书考试 全国外语翻译证书考试(NAETI)
National Accreditation Examinations for Translators and Interpreters 由教育部考试中心和北京外国语大学合作举办。网址:www.xiexiebang.com 全国翻译资格考试(CATTI)
China Aptitude Test for Translators and Interpreters 由国家人事部统一规划,中国外文局组织实施,网址是: www.xiexiebang.com
11月7日 第八周 中国翻译简史作业 217407009 于继杰 一.高昌回鹘(hu)族的翻译活动&二.元代的翻译活动 一.1.高昌回鹘族简介2.所译佛经来源
1.回鹘,维吾尔族的祖先,原称回纥(he)。743年在唐朝的帮助下,回鹘灭突厥汗国,建立回纥汗国(公元745-840)。公元788年回纥改名回鹘。公元840年回鹘政权被黠戛(xia jia)斯推翻后,大部分回鹘人向西迁徙。一支迁到葱岭以西,一支迁到河西走廊,一支迁到西州(今新疆吐鲁番)。西州回鹘又向西发展,以高昌(今新疆吐鲁番)为中心,建立了高昌回鹘政权。西州回鹘后来改称为“畏兀儿”,也就是今天的维吾尔族。
《吉祥胜乐轮曼陀罗》是佛教密宗经典,梵文作Śrīcakrasamvara Mandala-Abhisamaya,藏文译本称之为Cakrasamvara-mandala。其回鹘文译本是由元朝帝师、萨迦五祖八思巴(1235~1280)的弟子本雅失里(Punyaśri)依据藏文本翻译的。
该文献早已引起国际学术界的重视,1928年,德国学者缪勒曾对其做过简略的研究。他注意到该文献与藏文文献《吉祥胜乐轮怛特罗》(藏文作Bde-mchog-lu’i-pa’i lugs-kyi sgrub-thabs rim-pa gsal-ba或Dpal ’khor-lo bde-mchog-gi dkyil-’khor-gyi ’khor-lo’i thabs rim-pa gsal-ba zhes-bya-ba,见载于《萨迦五祖全集》第6卷)近似之处甚多。其后,有不少学者都关注过这一文献,而用功最巨,成就也最大的当属匈牙利学者卡拉和德国学者兹默,二人合力于1978年完成了该文献的转写、注释和德文翻译工作,使该文献的全貌终于得以面世,引起了学界的重视。
二.1.元代简介 2.蒙古文字的创新与元代的翻译力量 3.蒙汉文互译的情况 4.其他方面的翻译情况.1206年,乞颜部首领铁木真在蒙古鄂嫩河畔称汗,尊号成吉思汗。成吉思汗不断对外发动战争,逐渐吞并了金朝、西夏、西辽、花拉子模、大理,招降了吐蕃,建立了大蒙古国(蒙古帝国),势力延伸到了西亚和北亚地区,最远一度到达了东欧 和埃及。除主体政权外,其余占领的地区由成吉思汗的子孙分封统治,也就是四大汗国。
2.蒙古文字的创新与元代的翻译力量 在成吉思汗之前,蒙古各部未见有文字通行。蒙古勃兴之后,虽曾使用文字,然多借自他族,并多行于其他各族。宋人徐霆说:“鞑人本无字书,然今之所用,„„„„行于回回者,则用回回字,„„„„行于汉人,契丹,女真诸王国者,则用汉字”。清人赵翼说:“太祖(铁木真)以来,借用畏吾字以通文檄(xi)。世祖(忽必烈)始用西僧八思巴造蒙古字”。所谓借用畏吾字,就是用畏吾字来拼写蒙古语,这种文字曾长期通行于蒙古人中。蒙古人用以撰写本本族的历史,文学著作,也用以译写异族的典籍。但因这种文字不能完全表达蒙古语。因此成吉思汗以后,有吐蕃喇嘛接受当时蒙古贵族的指使,试图创制新的文字,未成而死。忽必烈继汗位后,乃命蕃僧八思巴再创蒙古新字。
从元世祖忽必烈开始,元朝共传十帝,除文宗和顺帝外,“诸帝多不习汉文”。因此,“凡进文字,必皆译以 国书”。举凡接见,均借助于“通事”,蒙古语称为“怯里马赤”,(意译为翻译者。引申为代言人。)或“乞里密赤”,“却里马赤”。朝廷大臣和国君一样,也很少有人学习汉文。所以,元朝和辽,金一样,都设有译史与通事。
“通事之设,本为蒙古,色目官员语言不通,俾bǐ 之传达”。“各路所设通事,于达鲁花赤之前通传口舌”。(达鲁花赤是蒙元时期具有蒙古民族特点和设置最为普遍的官职)由于通事终日活动在官员左右,其作用大于译史。有时,还常作官府代表办理公事。
前述蒙古字学,不论是在京师者,还是在府,州者,其毕业生员经翰林院“出题试问,观其所对精通者”,即委以必阇 shé 赤,学官或译史之职。
除译史,通事外,元朝在中央政权机构内还设置以下专为皇帝服务的翻译部门和官员: 1.蒙古翰林院,其职责是“掌译写一切文字及颁降玺书,并用蒙古新字,仍各以国字副之”。
3.艺文监,“专以国语敷译儒书,及儒书之合校雠chóu 者,俾兼治之”。4.经筵译文官,负责为帝王翻译和讲解儒家经典之类。5.扎尔里赤,又称扎鲁忽赤,负责“职书制诰 gào”。
(1)诏书制造及官方文书的翻译 元世祖在蒙古新字制定以后,便规定诏书制造及官方文书一律以蒙文为正本,附以各地区的文字。因此,诏书之类必须译成汉文。赵翼曾在《廿niàn二史札记》中曾指出,有两篇诏书的译笔截然不同。一篇是宪宗蒙哥写给忙哥撒儿之子脱欢和脱尔赤的诏书。赵翼说,此诏译者是模仿“尚书体”。另一篇是泰定帝登基的诏书,完全是用“白话”译的。
《帝范》,《忠经》,《帝戒》,《帝训》及其他(3)汉族大臣奏章的翻译 由于元朝诸帝及蒙古大臣多不学汉文,因此汉族大臣所上的奏章必须经过翻译,再呈御览。