
时间:2019-05-12 16:50:04下载本文作者:会员上传


I Like Music









教学重点、难点:能够学习及应用:math, English, art, music, science, P.E., Chinese.七个学科单词,能够运用英语在实际生活中获取知识,如设计并介绍自己喜爱的课程表。





Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.(活泼、可爱的歌曲能够拉近与学生之间的距离。)

2.师生进行“Free Talk” 的自由问答

T:How are you? S1: I'm great, thank you.T: What day is it?

S2: Today is….(引导学生进入英语学习氛围,并自然引出复习内容。)

3.课件演示星期及序数词 S3: …is the…day of the week.二、结合实际,引出新知




T: The first class is math.Ss: math T: Can you show me your math book?

S4: This is my math book.学习art一词


Ss: The second class is art.学生进行分组练习

T: Do you like art? Who draws very well in our class?

S5: I like art.I draw very well.(2)学习music一词


Ss: The third class is music.学生进行集体练习

T: Do you like music? Who sings very well in our class?

S6: I like music.I sing very well.多媒体音频播放一个难听song T: She sings very well, but now listen!集体边做手势边说句型,通过实际声音刺激的真实情境引导学生说出课文中的祈使句型。

Ss: Oh, no, Stop it!学习English一词


Ss: The fourth class is English.利用实物投影演示学生自己的课程表

T: How many English classes do you have in a week?

S7: We have four English classes in a week.(3)学习science一词 课件演示学生科学教师的照片

T: Who‟s this?

Ss: Mr.…is our science teacher.学生个体练习



Ss: The sixth class is Chinese.学生进行个体练习

T: Can you show me your Chinese books? Do you like Chinese?

S8: This is my Chinese book.I like Chinese.(5)学习P.E.一词


Ss: The seventh class is P.E.学生进行个体练习

T: I think all of you like P.E..When I was a student I like P.E.very much.Ss: I like P.E.very much.(在这个部分中集中新授7个单词,主要注重已知内容的运用,以旧带新、新旧结合,将单词巧妙的结合在师生对话中,语言的运用技能很突出的体现出来,多媒体始终贯穿在这一部分中,起到了辅助教学的作用。)2.演示新单词的幻灯片

T: Now, please look at the TV and then speak out!Ss: math, English, art, music, science, P.E., Chinese.(利用多媒体图片反馈学生新知掌握情况)


1.教授新句型 课件演示柯南的图片

T:Today I „ll introduce a friend, and I think all of you know him

Ss: 柯南.T: Do you want to know Ke Nan‟s schedule? OK, let‟s go!


T: What‟s the first class on Thursday?

Ss: Math.T:领读句型,用课程表引导学生说出新句型,学生同桌问答。

Ss: What‟s the third class on Thursday?(利用孩子喜欢的动画人物柯南,新授句型)2.测试性评价一,即时反馈学生学习新单词和句型的情况 T: In our English books we have many new friends.课件演示课文中人物的图片 Ss: Ken, Jess, Kate, Jimmy.放听力材料

T: Do you want to know what are they talking?

T: Who can do number 1? S9: ….课件演示题目

T: OK.Now you can give yourself stars.Ss:涂星星Three stars,….3.听读原文

T: Please open your books, and turn to page 48,listen and repeat.Ss: ….(这个环节中共有三个题目,都是针对刚学过的“What‟s the…class”及科目单词设计的选择题,选项设定为两个,难度都不是很大,听力材料也是课文的原文,在做完题目后,学生进行自评,根据自己答对题目的数量涂星星,并且马上把结果反馈给教师和其他同学。学生很热忠于这种方式,不仅有趣,更重要的是让




T: What class are you in? Ss: We‟re in class….T: Do you want to know class…‟s schedule?


T: Some words are missing, who want come here and guess?

Ss: What‟s the …class on…?

S10: ….(“Guessing game ”是操练句型的最佳手段之一,利用多媒体将一个完整的课程表中的几个科目用问号挡住,然后让学生运用所学的句型和单词猜所缺少的科目,整个游戏过程都是学生主动的来说,并且在猜对了以后都能得到一个用科目单词做成的小卡片作为奖品,这样不仅大大激发了学生的学习兴趣,还强化巩

固了整个新内容。)2.测试性评价二 学生完成测试题目

T: Today we also have some new friends, Billy and Jack.Let‟s go and look what are they talking.T: Who can do number 1?

课件演示题目 S11: ….T: OK.Now you can give your partner stars.Ss:涂星星Three stars,….(这个评价,是以教学重点为材料,编写的一个对话,共有四到题目,前两题是选择,第三题是写单词,第四题是开放性的题目,说说自己喜欢什么科目,为什么。这样设计可以使不同层次的学生都得到不同程度上的训练,基础较好的学生能够完成所有的题目,而程度普通的学生回答简单的测试题目也是没问题的,这样既建立了学生的自信心,又使孩子得到了差异性的发展。)


T: OK.Now, you know many words about subject.Do you want to make a schedule that you like? Ss:学生完成任务以后,教师先做一组示范,用实物展台展示学生完成的课表

S12: What‟s … class on …?




T: You can use all the words, and change your Chinese schedule into English.课件展示中英文科目(最后的作业环节,在本课内容的基础上,给学生扩展了一些课堂上没有学过的学科的英文,这样拓宽了学生的思维,并且让孩子利用所有的单词将自己铅笔盒里的中文课表换成英文版的课表。)

EEC版小学四年级上册英语Lesson4 I Like Music教学设计和教学反思 教学目标:、学习怎样对喜欢的事物进行问答及课程名有关的句子。、能听懂、会说 third music sing stop 单词,学会熟用句型“ What“s the third class?Music” 及“ Do you like …… ?yes,I do.No,I don”t.”、培养学生的观察、记忆、思维入语言应用的能力。教学重、难点:、能正确、熟练地运用本课的日常交际用语。、能用正确的语言、语调、表情和动作表演对话创作对话。教学用具:图片、录音机。教学过程: Step 1 warm up T:Good morning,boys and girls.Ss:Good morning,teacher.T:How are you,today? Ss:We“re fine.thank you,And you? T:I”m very well.thanks a lot.et“s sing a song: “ What”s your name?”


T:(指着班级的课程表)What“s the first class? S1:Math.T:What”s the third class? Step 2 Presentation isten to the tape carefully.who can tell me?(文中讲什么)Teach “ third”.、T、T: 第四、第五……通常在基数词后加“ th”.3、T:What“s the fifth class?

S: 音乐

T:Let”s study “ music”.Teach “ music”.T:I Like music.Do you like music?

S:Yes.Yes.S:No,I don“t.I Like ……

T: 同桌两人合作操练 Do you like …… ?Yes,I do./No,I don”t 句型。

4、T:Look at this pictur.“ sing” “ stop” 教读。

Ss:Make sing in the air.Make sing in the air.S-i-n-g sing

Make sing in the air.T: 说到唱歌“ sing ”你还会想到什么?

S:dance.T: 说到停止 stop,你们会想到什么?

S:begin start.Step 3 Practice、T:Listen to the tape and repeat.、T:Cheak it out.、T:Let“s act out the dialogue.I”ll give you a star.Step 4 Production、T: 以小组为单位,看师手中的图片,操练 Do you like …… ?Yes,I do./No,I don“t.、T : Let”s play a game.Ask、answer and write.、T : Let“s make a new dialogs.(四人一组并表演对话)

Step 5 Homework、给你们当一次老师的机会,把所学的内容教给你的亲朋好友。


师生共唱“ Good-bye to you” 结束



教学目标:(Teaching aims)




教学重点:(Important pints)

To learn the patterns:(“What do you do after school ?”:I like reading books)

“Do you like music?”


教学过程:(Teaching steps)

一.组织教学:(The organization of class)


Ss:Hello!Miss Ni!

T:I‟m so glad to see you again.I miss you very much.What about you?

Ss:Me too.T:I hope you can have a nice day.Ss:Thank you.(此步骤是通过与学生亲切的问候,拉近了师生间的距离,为创设良好的课堂氛围打下了坚实的基础。)


(放大屏幕)Then choose “English”.T:What‟s the first class?

Ss:English.T;Do you like English?

S1:Yes, I do./No, I don‟t.(Choose “Chinese”)

T:What‟s the second class?

SsChinese .(Choose“Music”)

T:Whah‟s the third class?

Ss:Music.T:Do you like music?

Ss:Yes,I do.T:Good,Let‟s sing a song.“If you happy and you know it”.(放大屏幕)。


三.教授新课:(Teaching the new lesson)

T:Let‟s learn lesson5“I Ride a Bike.”Now please open your books to page 58.Listen carefully.Teacher wites the title on the blackboard after listening.T:Look at next page.How many people can you see in the picture?

Ss:Four.T:Who are they

S:Ken,LiL,Jess and Robo.T:Can you guess where they are going ?

S:Maybe they‟re going to school,or going home.T:Great!Listen to the story,you‟ll know the answer after listen.(Listen the story).T:Where are they going?

S: They‟re going home.Teacher asks the students some questions after listening to the tape,the students answer the questions Then listen to the chant,chant.1.(放大屏幕)About one‟s daily activities:play the violin/watch TV /play the piano /sing /read books/play computer games.T:If I‟m the person in these pictures, you can ask me“What do you do after scool?”I‟ll answer you.Clear?

S:Yes.T:One,two three,go!

Ss:(Point to picture)What do you do after school?

T:I play the violin(Do the motion and answer.)Follow me.Boys:What do you do after school.T:I watch TV.Girls:What do you do after school.T :I play the piano.etc.2.Stich the pictures on the blackboard.T:Now,you can choose an activity from these pictures.When you stand up,others will ask you and you answer

(a girl)stand up.Ss:What do you do after school?

S1:I play the computer games.We can say:She plays computer games.(Teacher says twice).T:Are you clear?Remeber:We must say“plays”not“play”here.Ss:What do you do after school?

S2:(a boy)I sing.Ss:Oh,he sings.(Tother with the teacher.)



1.Pair work:

T:What do you do after school?

S1:I go to the library.T:(To other students)She goes to the library.(To S1)Do you like reading?

S1:Yes,I like reading books.T:(To other students)Oh,she like reading books.T:What do you do after school?

S2:I go swimming.T:(To other students)Let‟s say together.Oh,he goes swimming.(To S2)Do you like swimming?

S2:Yes,I like swimming.T:Oh,she likes swimming.Now you can do the dialogue with your deskmate.(同座间的对话练习,以及师生对话,达到了合作学习的目的。)

2.Group activites:

①Teacher hands out the survey sheet,Deride the students into eight groups ,students do the survey in groups.After the survey,each group will select a student to report the result of the group to the whole class and the teacher.(本环节既加强了学生英语口语交际能力,又锻炼了学生与人交往的能力,为培养学生良好的个性品质奠定了基础。)


T:Today,we„ve learned “violin,library ”and“What do you do after school?”You‟ve learnt how to use them.Homework for today.Liaten to the tape and read it.板 书 设 计

Lesson 5.I Ride a Bike(Part I)

What do you do after school?

I play the violin.violin


How about you ?

She goes to the library.She likes reading.Yes, I like reading books.小学英语四年级上第五课教学设计 I ride a bike

小一班 刘桂菊


知识目标:听懂会用下列句子What do you do after school? I play the violin.I ride my bike.Don't do that again.能力目标:自主大方与人沟通,了解同学兴趣爱好,广交朋友。




一 导入:聊天式直接进入主题

Hello,everyone.I want to know what do you do after school?谁




二 观看多媒体课件,学习各种活动表达

play the piano play the violin play football play basketball swim in the pool ride a bike play games read books go fishing...三 听课文录音解答学生不懂内容.如:She goes to the library.She likes reading.四 解决前面悬疑问题 强调注意安全游乐

Jess : play the violin Li Li: read books/ go to the library Kate : ride a bike Jimmy: ride a bike,too

五 巩固训练运用 模拟课后活动情景运用语言

选出两名同学,一人问What do you do after school?另一人做动作来回答,并

说出半句I...下面同学一起补充完整play games等短句.六 巩固强化 小结并补充板书 巩固重点句子



七 作业 完成调查表,询问三至五位同学朋友课后活动,了解他们的兴趣并练习书

写句子.Name:_______________ Hobby:______________________

_______________ ______________________

_______________ ______________________

What do you do after school? I ______________________.



My family

Hello, I’m Pang Bo Yu.I have a very happy family.My mother is a worker.How old is she? Guess!She’s thirty-five, she like zebras.On Saturdays and Sundays, she likes swimming.She doesn’t work on Saturdays and Sundays.My grandfather and grandmother likes running on Saturdays and walking on Sundays.They like ducks, but I don’t.I like horses very much.In the evening, we watch TV.Some times I listen to music.But my mother, grandfather and grandmother doesn’t, they like reading.I love my happy family very much.Do you like my family?







Everybody is good, my name is called He xuan, my English name is called Angle.Everybody knew that Angle is the angel meaning, I hoped that I forever can look like the angel equally happily, joyful, is carefree all day!I am in the sixth grade, faced with rose the middle school now, father and mother, grandfather paternal grandmother, teacher schoolmates place the very big expectation to me, I will certainly not disappoint their expectation, will study diligently, passes an examination junior middle school's key class!In the future will become social a person of great ability and tremendous potential, will make the contribution for the motherland!




Our family

There are six people in my family.My hobby is playing computer games and growing flowers.I play computer games on Saturdays and Sundays.Do I water the flowers every day? Guess!Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t.My mother’s hobby is reading newspapers, she reads newspapers every day.My grandfather has the same hobby, but my grandmother doesn’t, she likes watching TV and going shopping.My uncle’ s hobby is collecting stamps, he has many beautiful France stamps.My aunt likes taking photos, she can take nice photos.There are a lot of photos on the wall.So our home is nice, too.I like our family very much.How about you?

繁忙的一天(A Busy Day)

Mar.25th, 2007 Sunday Fine

This morning I got up early.After breakfast, I helped mom with housework.Then I did my homework.The homework was very interesting, so I did it well.In the afternoon, I played table tennis with my friend Lingling, We enjoyed ourselves very much.In the evening I watched TV with my parents and then prepared my self for the next day's lesson.What a busy day today!


2007年3月25日 星期天 晴


我的小黄狗(My Little Yellow Dog)

I have a lovely dog.We call it Huang huang, because it is yellow.Two years ago, my father got it from a pet shop nearby.And since then, it has lived together with us.My parents and I all like it very much.It has two big round eyes, two small ears.Its big nose is black.Its teeth are very sharp.Huanghuang is very friendly to me, and I often give it something good, such as rice and bones.It often sleeps at noon.After supper, I often take it to have a walk.Huanghuang is funny and nice.I think it is a member of my family.【译文】





HI!My name is Tess.I am a girl.l can speak English verywell.I like English verymuch.I am thin and tall.I amten years old.I am lovely ,too.I look like a big pig.I like my tachers.I like my school.It's big.It's beautiful.It'sclean.There are three buildings inmy school.One is school building.One is dance studio.The other is dormetory.There is a playground, too.We can play on it.I like everything!!!

My Good Friend

My name is ×××.I have a good friend.Her name is Liu Yun.She lives in China.Her mather is a singer.She likes swimming.Her father is a TV reporter.He likes listening to mnsic.Liu Yun likes piaying the violin and riding her bike.Every morning , she goes to school on foot.Every evening, she reads newspaper ai home.Then she goes to bed at nine.This is my good friend Liu Yun.My favourite season

My favourite season is summer.I often wear my shorts and T-shirt.Sometimes I wear my jeans.In summer it is often sunny and hot.Sometimes rainy in summer.I usually swim with my father.Sometimes I eat ice-cream at home.My Chinses Teacher

I have a Chinses Teacher.Her name is Lui Xiaohong.She is from Lanchang.She’s very active and strict.She has two big eyes.She’s very nice.But she is short.She like to smile.I don’t know what season she like.Because I don’t know her very well.Her class is very funny, I like it.In a word, I love my Chinese Teacher.Mr.Wang

Mr.Wang is my PE teacher.He is very tall and strong.He’s a bit fat.His skin is swarthy, but it looks y.He has a round face.There are two big eyes on his face.He always wears a pair of glasses.I think Mr.Wang is very handsome.Our PE lessons are very interesting, because Mr.Wang is very humor.He always plays games with us.Sometimes he makes jokes with us.We feel very happy in PE lessons.We all like Mr.Wang.Introduce myself

My name is Xu Fangyan.You can call me Betty.I'm a girl.I'm 13.I'm 154 centermeters tall.I'm in Xinqi Primary School.I'm in Class 1, Grade 6.My classmates are very nice to me.We often help each other,and learn from each other.I have many hobbies.Such as drawing,writing, singing....I like playing badminton best.It's good for my.There are 3 people in my family.They're my father,mother and me.We love each other.My phone number is 86889886.You can call me if you like.My teather

Our art teather is not too young and not too old.He has black hair two big and black eyes ,a small nose and a big mouth.Look, he is wearing a blue and white jacket ,a blue hat ,brown pants and a pair of old shoes.He is very funny.He is a good art teather.We all like him.Four Seasons

There are four seasons in a year.They are spring、summer、fall and winter.I like spring.It is warm.It often rains.I can plant trees and flowers in spring.The spring is green.Summer is very hot.I can swim in the river.Fall is a good season.It is nice.I can fly kites in fall.I can eat many apples too.Winter is cold.I wish I can play snow and make a snowman in Beijing someday.Because it does not snow in Xinxing.I love all the seasons, because they are nice.My Day

Today is Monday.I get up at 6:00.I have my breakfast at about 6:30.Then I clean my room, wash my face and brush my teeth.I have noodles for breakfast.I go to school at 7:00.I do morning exercises at 7:50.We have four classes in morning.At 11:30, I’m very hungry.I have lunch at school.I go to bed at 12:00 in the noon.We have three classes in the afternoon.I have computer class and art classes.I like them very much.I go home at 5:30.I do homework after school.My sister、brother and I watch TV at 8:00 in the evening.Then I wash my face and brush my teeth.I go to bed at 10:00.I’m happy today!

第三篇:四年英语教案t Word 文档

Unit1 My classroom

Teaching material analyses(教材分析)

In this part,let the students master the useful expression:―What’s on /in……?It’s ……‖ Then let the students master the useful symbols: [ɔ] [∧] Goal request(教学目的)In this part ,let the students master the useful expression: ―What’s on /in……?It’s ……‖ Then let the students master the useful symbols: [ɔ] [∧] Key difficulty(重点难点)

1.In this part ,let the students master the useful expression: ―What’s on /in……?It’s ……‖ 2.Then let the students master the useful symbols: [ɔ] [∧] Teaching times(教学时间)2 Teaching method(教学方法)three doubts three searches Teaching preparation and method(教具学具)cards,radio

第一课时 Listen,point and read Step 1.Review(3 minutes)Show Ss some words and symbols learnt befpre.vest



head [vest]








[swim] [skip]


[hil]Let the Ss read these words ,and pay attention to the pronunciation.Then ask some student to read.All student read after one student.Find the same symbols in each group and read them.Step 2 设疑自探(7 minutes)Show the new symbols [ɔ] [∧] to the Ss.When you see the symbols ,what du you want to ask? Get the Ss ask :How to read ? Step 3 解疑合探(18 minutes)1.The teacher show the words learnt before , let the Ss try to read by themselves.[ɔ]

[∧] doll

cup [dɔl]

[k∧p] clock

hut [klɔk]

[h∧t] 2.The teacher ask one student to read these words, and others listen carefully,at the same time pay attention to the pronunciation.3.Then the Ss read after the teacher and correct the pronunciation.4.Next let the Ss read by themselves.5.Pay attention to black part in the words ,think about the pronunciation,and find out the rule.(第一组中的o都发[ɔ],第二组中的u 都发[∧])6.Let the Ss read after teacher.7.Then read in pairs ,read in groups ,read side by side ,boys and girls.Step 4质疑再探(5minutes)Do you have any questions to ask ? Ss:为什么10页中的o也发[∧]的音? 如果学生回答不出来,老师应该告诉学生。Step5拓展运用(7minutes)1.What we have learnt this class? Ss: ……

2.Show some new symbols to the Ss ,and let them try to read.[wɔt]


klɔk] [s∧m]



第二课时 Let’s talk


T:Good morning ,boys and girls.S: Good morning ,teacher.T:Today we will continue to learn the new lessons.Step 1.Review(3 minutes)

First look at the Bb, try to read the symbols and the words.[e]


/ɔ /

/ ʌ/









Now take out your exercise book ,listen to me and write out the words.Step 2 设疑自探(7 minutes)T:Look here.What’s this ?(show a book)

S:A book.T: Where is it ?(Put it on the desk)S: It’s on the desk.T: What’s on the desk ?(Point at the book)S:It’s a book.T:Good.Today we will continue to learn the new lesson.Lesson 2

What’s on the desk?(板书)Do you have any questions when you see this title ? 1)How to read ?

2)What’s the meaning ? 3)How to exchange ? Give Ss some time to think about these questions.Then the Ss try to answer these questions ,if not ,find others to help him /her.Step 3 解疑合探(12 minutes)T:Turn to page 6,look at the part :Let’s talk.1.Try to read the text by yourselves.2.Then find one student try to say the meaning.If not ,the Ss or the teacher should help him or her.3.The Ss read the text after the teacher and correct the pronunciation.4.The Ss read by themselves ,then read in pairs ,read in groups ,read side by side ,boys and girls.S1:What’s on the desk?

S2:Some cups.S1: What’s on the bed? S2:A box.G1: What’s on the desk?

G2: Some cups.G1: What’s on the bed? G2: A box.Boys: What’s on the desk? Girls: Some cups.Boys: What’s on the bed? Girls: A box.5.Listen to the tape carefully ,and try to follow it.6.Read after the tape for several times.Step 4质疑再探(8minutes)Do you have any questions to ask ? ―文具盒里有什么?一个钢笔。‖用英语怎么表达? S1:…… S2:……


What’s on the……?It’s …….What’s in the……?It’s …….2:Do some exercise:(1)选择

___is on the desk ? A Where B What C what What’s ____the pencil-box? A pen.A on B at C in(2)汉译英

对不起,我猜出来。_______________________ Bb writing desgin(板书设计)

Let’s talk

What’s on the……?It’s …….What’s in the……?It’s …….Unit 2 My schoolbag

Teaching material analyses(教材分析)In this part,let the students master the useful expression:―Is this your……? Yes, it is/No, it isn’t.‖ Then let the students master the useful symbols: [u] [e] [ð] Goal request(教学目的)In this part ,let the students master the useful expression: ―Is this your……? Yes, it is/No, it isn’t.‖ Then let the students master the useful symbols: [u] [e] [ð] Key difficulty(重点难点)

2.Then let the students master the useful symbols: [u] [e] [ð] Teaching times(教学时间)2 Teaching method(教学方法)three doubts three searches Teaching preparation and method(教具学具)cards,radio 第一课时

Listen,point and read Teaching process(教学过程)Step 1 Warmer(3 minutes)

T: Good morning , class.S : Good morning ,Miss Wang.Show Ss some words and symbols learnt befpre.doll



swim [dɔl]



[swim] clock



gift [klɔk]



[gift] 1.Let the Ss read these words ,and pay attention to the pronunciation.2.Next ask some student to read.All the students read after one student.Find the same symbols in each group and read them.Step 2 设疑自探(7 minutes)Show the new symbols [u] [e] [ð] to the Ss.When you see the symbols ,what du you want to ask? Get the Ss ask :How to read ? Step 3 解疑合探(18 minutes)

1.The teacher show the words learnt before , let the Ss try to read by themselves.[u]


[ð] look


this [luk]


[ðis] cook


that 1.In this part ,let the students master the useful expression: ―Is this your……? Yes, it is/No, it isn’t.‖



[ðæt] 2.The teacher ask one student to read these words, and others listen carefully,at the same time pay attention to the pronunciation.3.Then the Ss read after the teacher and correct the pronunciation.4.Next let the Ss read by themselves.Pay attention to black part in the words ,think about the pronunciation,and find out the rule.(第一组中的oo都发[u],第二组中的e 都发[e],第三组中的th都发[ð])Let the Ss read after teacher.Then read in pairs ,read in groups ,read side by side ,boys and girls.Step 4质疑再探(5 minutes)

Do you have any questions to ask ? If they have, solve it , if not, let’s pass.Step5拓展运用(7minutes)1.What we have learnt this class?Ss: ……

2.Show some new symbols to the Ss ,and let them try to read.wood[wud] good[gud] foot[fut]book[buk] thus[[ð∧s]with[wið] then[ðen]them[ðem] Bb writing desgin(板书设计)

Lesson3 Is this your pencil-box?



[ð] look


this [luk]


[ðis] cook


that [kuk]




Let’s talk

Step 1.Review(3minutes)

T:Good morning ,boys and girls.S: Good morning ,teacher.T:Today we will continue to learn the new lessons.First look at the Bb, try to read the symbols and the words.[ɔ]




[ð] clock




this doll





Now take out your exercise book ,listen to me and write out the words.Step 2 设疑自探(7 minutes)T:Look here.What’s this ?(show a book)

S:A book.T: Where is it ?(Put it on the desk)S: It’s on the desk.T: What’s on the desk ?(Point at the book)S:It’s a book.T:Whose book is this? Eve:It’s my book.T:Is this your book? Eve:Yes ,it is.T:Good.Today we will continue to learn the new lesson.Lesson 3 Is this your pencil-box?(板书)Do you have any questions when you see this title ? 1)What’s the meaning ? 2)How to answer? 3)How to exchange ? Give Ss some time to think about these questions.Then the Ss try to answer these questions ,if not ,find others to help him /her.Step 3 解疑合探(18 minutes)

T:Turn to page 11,look at the part :Let’s talk.1.Try to read the text by yourselves.2.Then find one student try to say the meaning.If not ,the Ss or the teacher should help him or her.3.The Ss read the text after the teacher and correct the pronunciation.4.The Ss read by themselves ,then read in pairs ,read in groups ,read side by side ,boys and girls.S1: Is this your bag?

S2:Yes,it is.S1:What’s in it? S2:Look!A book.S1: Is this your pencil-box? S2: Yes,it is.S1: What’s in it? S2: A pen and …a pencil.Boys: Is this your bag?

Girls: Yes,it is.Boys:What’s in it? Girls: Look!A book.Boys:Is that your pencil-box? Girls: Yes,it is.Boys: What’s in it?

Girls: A pen and …a pencil.Then exchange the roles.Listen to the tape carefully ,and try to follow it.Read after the tape for several times.Step 4质疑再探(5minutes)

Do you have any questions to ask ? 1)这样东西不是我的,那该怎么回答? S1:No ,it isn’t.2)―那个书包是他/她的吗‖用英语怎么说,该怎么回答? S2:Is that his/her bag? Yes,it is /No ,it isn’t.让学生再次围绕这个句式进行反复练习。Step5拓展运用(7minutes)请你用你身边熟悉的物体和你的同桌用下列句式进行练习Is this/thatyour......? Yes, it is./No,it isn’t.Look at these words, make dialogues : pen


pencil-box T: Look at that, what’s that? S: It is a pen.T: Look, is that a pencil? S: Yes it is.T: Hi, look at that, what’s that? S: It is a pencil—box.T: Is that your pencil—box? S: No, it isn’t.Bb writing desgin(板书设计)

Is this/thatyour......?

Yes, it is./No,it isn’t.Unit 3 My friend

Teaching material analyses(教材分析)In this part,let the students master the useful expression:―What can you see?I can see…/How many can you seee ?Three./Can you see …?Yes ,I can.(No, I can’t.)‖

Then let the students master the useful symbols: [i:] [∫] [ϑ]

Goal request(教学目的)In this part ,let the students master the useful expression: ―What can you see?I can see…/How many can you seee ?Three./Can you see …?Yes ,I can.(No, I can’t.)‖

Then let the students master the useful symbols: [i:] [∫] [ϑ] Key difficulty(重点难点)

1.In this part ,let the students master the useful expression: ―What can you see?I can see…/How many can you seee ?Three./Can you see …?Yes ,I can.(No, I can’t.)‖

2.Then let the students master the useful symbols: [i:] [∫] [ϑ] Teaching times(教学时间)2 Teaching method(教学方法)three doubts three searches Teaching preparation and method(教具学具)cards,radio

第一课时 Listen,point and read Teaching process(教学过程)Step 1.Review(3 minutes)Show Ss some words and symbols learnt befpre.[æ]

[ə] glad


mother happy family


Let the Ss read these words ,and pay attention to the pronunciation.Then ask some students to read.All student read after one student.Find the same symbols in each group and read them.Step 2 设疑自探(7 minutes)Show the new symbols [i:] [∫] [ϑ] to the Ss.When you see the symbols ,what do you want to ask? Get the Ss ask :How to read ? Step 3 解疑合探(18 minutes)

1、The teacher show the words learnt before , let the Ss try to read by themselves.[i:]-ee-


[∫] sh-

[ϑ] –th-




three [b i: ]


[∫ ip]

[ϑ i:]




teeth [tr i:]


[∫ i:p ]

[t i:ϑ]

2.The teacher ask one student to read these words, and others listen carefully,at the same time pay attention to the pronunciation.3.Then the Ss read after the teacher and correct the pronunciation.4.Next let the Ss read by themselves.5.Pay attention to black part in the words ,think about the pronunciation,and find out the rule.(第一第二组中的ee,ea都发[i:],第三组中的sh发[∫],第四组中的th发[ϑ])6.Let the Ss read after teacher.7.Then read in pairs ,read in groups ,read side by side ,boys and girls.Step 4质疑再探(5minutes)Do you have any questions to ask ? If they have, solve it , if not, let’s pass.Step5拓展运用(7minutes)

1.What we have learnt this class? Ss: ……

2.Show some new symbols to the Ss ,and let them try to read.[bi:] [wi:] [bi:f] [mi:t] [gri:n][ti:m] [ϑik] [ϑin]


[mæ ϑs] [∫ip]




Unit 4 My home

Teaching process(教学过程)Step 1.Review(3 minutes)Show Ss some words and symbols learnt befpre.[iə]-ere,-ear


[eə] –ere






[w eə]





[h eə]

[ð eə]

Let the Ss read these words ,and pay attention to the pronunciation.Then ask some students to read.All student read after one student.Find the same symbols in each group and read them.Step 2 设疑自探(7 minutes)Show the new symbols [əu] [au] to the Ss.When you see the symbols ? what do you want to ask? Get the Ss ask :How to read ?

Step 3 解疑合探(18 minutes)

1、The teacher show the words learnt before , let the Ss try to read by themselves.[au]-ow-

[əu] –o-

[əu] –old













2.The teacher ask one student to read these words, and others listen carefully,at the same time pay attention to the pronunciation.3.Then the Ss read after the teacher and correct the pronunciation.4.Next let the Ss read by themselves.5.Pay attention to black part in the words ,think about the pronunciation,and find out the rule.(第一组中的ow发[au],第二中的o和第三组old中的o发[əu])6.Let the Ss read after teacher.7.Then read in pairs ,read in groups ,read side by side ,boys and girls.Step 4质疑再探(5minutes)Do you have any questions to ask ? If they have, solve it , if not, let’s pass.Step5拓展运用(7minutes)1.What we have learnt this class?

Ss: ……

2.Show some new symbols to the Ss ,and let them try to read.[həup] [həul]



[səuld] [təuld] [snəu]

[nəu] [n au]

[h au]

[d aun]

['au ə]

Unit 5 Dinner’s ready Teaching material analyses(教材分析)

1)Listen to the tape and then do some exercise in order to improve the ability of listening.2)Do some exercise to fill the black.Goal request(教学目的)

Do some exercise Key difficulty(重点难点)

Listen to the tape and then do some exercises in order to improve the ability of listening.Teaching times(教学时间)2 Teaching method(教学方法)three doubts three searches Teaching preparation and method(教具学具)radio and cards Teaching process(教学过程)

Let’s act

Teaching process(教学过程)Warmer:

T:Good morning ,boys and girls.S: Good morning ,teacher.T:Today we will continue to learn the new lessons.Step 1.Review(3 minutes)

First look at the cards, try to read the symbols [b] [p] [m] [f] [d] [t] [n] [l] [g] [k] [h] [r] [s] [z] [v] [w] [i] [e] [ɔ]

[∧] [u]

[ð] [æ] [ə] [i:] [∫] [ϑ] [ɔ:]

[ə:] [ŋ]

[u:] [ɑ:] [t∫] [ai] [ei] [dʒ] [iə] The teacher make dialogues with the Ss : T:What’s this in English?

Ss:It’s a book T:What’s that in English?

Ss:It’s a ship.T:Who’s in it?

Ss:It’s Eve.Ok, we will continueto learn :lesson12 The red hen Step 2 设疑自探(7 minutes)1.Show the new words on some cards and get the Ss to ask : 1)How to read these words ? 2)What’s the meaning of these words ? Encourage the Ss stand up and read the words by themselves.If all the Ss don't know how to read, the teacher should tell them.Then let the Ss read after the teacher, next ask some one to read them, if there is something wrong ,the teacher should correct them.2.Let the Ss look at the pictures on page 58 to page 61,and think [eə]

[əu] [au] [ɔi] [j]

about :What does the red hen want to do ? 3.Give Ss some time to think these questions.Step 3 解疑合探(18 minutes)1.Get someone to answer : What are they doing ? 2.Then try your best to read the following sentences.And then translate them into Chinese.If there is something wrong ,the teacher should correct it.1)I like to work.2)We like to sleep.4)I want to plant wheat.Who can help me ? 5)Then I have to do it myself.6)Let me eat it.Can I eat it ?

3、Let the Ss listen to the tape,and try to answer the following questions : 1)What does the red hen like to do ? 2)What do the dog duck and cat like to do? 3)What day is it today ? 4)Do the dog duck and cat eat the bread ? 4.Find one student to answer the above questions.5.Explain the whole meaning of the text.6.Read after the teacher loudly..7.Do the exercise on page 30:Check back

Step 4质疑再探(5 minutes)

Encourage the Ss to ask questions that they don’t understand and solve them together.Step5拓展运用(7minutes)1:Perform the dialogues in groups freely.2:Do some exercise:

Bb writing desgin(板书设计)

I like to work.We like to sleep.I want to do…… Who can help me ? I have to do it myself.Unit 6 Meet my family

Unit6 Meet my family Teaching material analyses(教材分析)1.this part,let the students master the useful expression:―Who’she /he?She/he is my……‖ 2.hen let the students master the useful symbols: [æ] [ə]

Goal request(教学目的)1.this part ,let the students master the useful expression: ―Who’she /he?She/he is my……‖ 2.hen let the students master the useful symbols: [æ] [ə] Key difficulty(重点难点)

1.In this part ,let the students master the useful expression: ―Who’she /he?She/he is my……‖ 2.Then let the students master the useful symbols: [æ] [ə] Teaching times(教学时间)2 Teaching method(教学方法)three doubts three searches Teaching preparation and method(教具学具)cards,radio

第一课时 Listen,point and read Teaching process(教学过程)Step 1.Review(3 minutes)Show Ss some words and symbols learnt befpre.[u]


[ð] look


this cook


that Let the Ss read these words ,and pay attention to the pronunciation.Then ask some students toread.All student read after one student.Find the same symbols in each group and read them.Step 2 设疑自探(7 minutes)Show the new symbols [æ] [ə] to the Ss.When you see the symbols ,what du you want to ask? Get the Ss ask :How to read ? Step 3 解疑合探(18 minutes)1.The teacher show the words learnt before , let the Ss try to read by themselves.[æ]

[ə] glad


mother [glæd][' æpl]

['m∧ð ə ] happy family



[br∧ð ə] 2.The teacher ask one student to read these words, and others listen carefully,at the same time pay attention to the pronunciation.3.Then the Ss read after the teacher and correct the pronunciation.4.Next let the Ss read by themselves.5.Pay attention to black part in the words ,think about the pronunciation,and find out the rule.(第一组中的a都发[æ],第二组中的er都发[[ə])6.Let the Ss read after teacher.7.Then read in pairs ,read in groups ,read side by side ,boys and girls.Step 4质疑再探(5 minutes)Do you have any questions to ask ? If they have, solve it , if not, let’s pass.Step5拓展运用(7 minutes)1.What we have learnt this class?

Ss: ……

2.Show some new symbols to the Ss ,and let them try to read.[ræt]



[læmp] ['pæd ə]

['mæt ə]


['sist ə]

Bb writing desgin(板书设计)

Listen,point and read [æ]

[ə] glad


mother [glæd][' æpl]

['m∧ð ə ] happy family



[br∧ð ə]

第二课时 Let’s talk

Teaching process(教学过程)Warmer:

T:Good morning ,boys and girls.S: Good morning ,teacher.T:Today we will continue to learn the new lessons.Step 1.Review(3 minutes)

First look at the Bb, try to read the symbols and the words.[æ]

[ə] glad


mother [glæd][' æpl]

['m∧ð ə ] happy family



[br∧ð ə]

Now take out your exercise book ,listen to me and write out the words.Then the teacher say the Chinese ,and the Ss say the English ,then exchange.Step 2 设疑自探(7 minutes)

The teacher shows a picture of a family and asks one student:

T:Look here.Is this your mother?

S1:Yes,she is.T:Is that your brother?

S:No,he is my father.T:Good.Today we will continue to learn the new lesson.Lesson 4 A happy family(板书)

Do you have any questions when you see this title ? 1)有那些家庭成员 ?

2)对家庭成员该怎么问 ?怎么回答?

Turn to page 16-18,give Ss some time to think about these questions.S1:这个家庭有爸爸妈妈哥哥姐姐和我。

Then the Ss try to answer these questions ,if not ,find others to help him /her.S1:这个家庭有爸爸妈妈哥哥姐姐和我。Step 3 解疑合探(18 minutes)

1.Encourage the Ss to read the new words by themselves.Once the Ss can’t do it perfectly ,the teacher corrects it.Master the Chinese meanings.The new words :family ,panda ,mother ,brother ,sister,happy ,have 2.Try to read the text by yourselves.1.Then find one student try to say the meaning.If not ,the Ss or the teacher should help him or her.2.The Ss read the text after the teacher and correct the pronunciation.3.The Ss read by themselves ,then read in pairs ,read in groups ,read side by side ,boys and girls.4.Ask some Ss to act the dialogue out voluntarily.5.Read the dialogue ,learn to answer the questions :

对家庭成员该怎么问 ?怎么回答?

S1: Is this your……?

Yes , he/she is 或者No ,he /she isn’t.S2:Who is he /she ?

He /She is my …

6.Listen to the tape carefully ,and try to follow it.7.Read after the tape for several times.Step 4质疑再探(5minutes)

Encourage the Ss to ask questions and then solve them together.Step5拓展运用(7minutes)Do exercises.A:____this your mother ? B:Yes ,____is.A:Glad to meet you.B:___________________ A:____is he ? B:He is my dad.A:Who is she ? B:She is my ____ A:Oh ,you _____a happy family.Bb writing desgin(板书设计)

Lesson4 A happy family

Let’s talk Is this your……?

Yes , he/she is 或者No ,he /she isn’t.Who is he /she ?

He /She is my …






1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词a pair of shorts、a pair of socks、a pair of jeans、a pair of gloves、scarf。

2. 能听懂、会所、会读和会拼写单词a pair of shoes、a sweater、a jacket

3. 能够熟练使用句型it’s/they’re too small/big/long/short.try this one/pair on.教学重点难点:

1. 掌握服饰类单词的表达方式(单复数形式)a …/a pair of …

2. 能够熟练使用句型it’s/they’re too small/big/long/short.try this one/pair on.教学具准备及辅助活动:



课内:熟读part b单词、词组

课外:完成part d部分填空


unit 6 whose gloves?

what’s this/that in english?

try this one/pair on.love→glove

it’s too small/big/long/short.教学过程:

一.warm up


t: good afternoon.s: good afternoon.t: what’s your name,please?

s: my name is ***.t: how are you ***?

s: fine, thank you.and you?

t: i’m fine,too.2.review

① t: what’s this in english?

s: it’s a pencil/pen/rubber/ruler.t: is this your pencil?

s: no, it isn’t.t: this is his pencil, i think.s: no, it isn’t.it’s ***’s.② t: may i have your cap, please?

s: sure, here you are.t: thank you.look at his cap.it’s nice.it’s a nice cap.s: it’s nice.t: good.(将帽子拿到讲台上)

③ t: where’s your jacket?

s: it’s in my desk.t: may i have a look?

s: sure.here you are.t: thank you.(将夹克拿到讲台上)

④ t: is that your hat?

s: yes, it is.t: may i have your hat?

s: sure.here you are.t: thank you.二.presentation

1.创设情境,学习”try…on.it’s too …”句型,同时学单词scarf,sweater.t: excuse me, what’s this in english?(拿出讲台上的夹克)

s: it’s a jacket.t: very good.come here, please.try this jacket on.(学生不理解,此时教师帮助学生穿上夹克)

s: ok.t: look at his jacket.it’s too….(引导学生说出too big/small,并做动作表示含义。同时用卡片出示句型it’s too big/small.)

s: it’s too big.呈现形式:教师示范,说出look at his jacket,由学生说it’s too big.并以开火车形式操练。


2.拿出另一件夹克,再让学生试穿,熟练使用”try this one on”和”it’s too small/big.”t: try this one on.s: ok.(自己穿上)

t: look at his jacket.s: it’s too big/small.出示卡片:try this one on,并带领全班读熟。

3. 教师拿出帽子试戴,操练以上说学句型。


s1: try this one on.s2: it’s too big.……

4. 学习”gloves”

t: do you like this cap?

s: yes, i do.t: me too.i love it.板书 love,并再前面用红色粉笔加上字母g,组成”glove”,拿出一只手套示意。


5. 学习a pair of以及

① 拿着两只手套,说a pair of gloves(反复阅读pair)

② 让学生说其他成双成对的物品(用实物提示)

a pair of shoes、a pair of socks、a pair of jeans


6. 学习try this pair on

① t: hi,***.come here.try on this pair of gloves.s: ok

t: look at the gloves.s: it’s too small/big.② t: please try this pair on.(用卡片出示句型try this pair on.)

s: all right.t: look at the gloves.s: it’s too big/small.③ 拿出牛仔裤,示意学生太长(或太短),引导学生用too long/short回答。

t: please try this pair on.s: all right.t: look at the jeans.s: it’s too long/short.带领全班朗读try this pair on.用开火车形式操练try this pair on.it’s too ….7.复习本课学到单词,用多媒体、图片卡或实物反复操练


回答问题:is su yang’s dress too big or too small?

are su yang’s jeans too long or too short?




1. 抄写新单词(每个四遍)

2. 完成书本p48 part d对话

3. 读熟课文1-2图对话。

小学四年级英语教案:Unit 6 Whose gloves?




本课是一节复习拓展课。一般来说,复习课是比较枯燥乏味的。我尝试着改变这一现象.所以在这节课一开始复习词组和句子的时候,我借助了多媒体,运用了动画的形式,使同学很有兴趣地来复习。我觉得既激发了同学的兴趣,又达到了复习的目的.而在复习的过程中不应该仅局限于课本知识,所以我又根据实际情况,拓展了与同学生活贴近的词组kick shuttlecock和play badminton.在教授这两个词组的时候,我运用了实物教学,因为贴近生活,同学学的很积极.为了让同学容易记住这两个词组,我把词组和句型联系起来,编了一个简单的chant,这个倒让同学很感兴趣。同学都跃跃欲试.因为简单易学,同学最后也能将自身的喜好编成chant.这样一来,同学就有了学习的成绩感。


我在这节课中还拓展了与生活比较贴切的句型:What do you like best? 并让同学进行操练。在这节课中,我还为同学布置了一个动笔的机会.让同学在课前发的星星上写下自身的名字和他们的喜好.最后我又创设了一个真实环境,让同学选择自身喜欢的俱乐部。并扩展了句型:What club are you in?最后将课堂推向高潮。

回顾这节课,我也看到了一些缺乏.首先我觉得自身要加强自身的专业素质,同时也要加强自身的课堂驾驭能力。比方在教授What do you like best?这个环节中,由于教者急于求成,导致同学并没有完全领会到这句话的意思,在操练这个句型的时候,同学显得有点手足无措。而在最后一个环节中,时间显得有些过紧。我觉得在前面几个环节中,还可以压缩时间,让同学在最后一个环节中得到更多的锻炼。另外,我觉得我这节课还可以增大容量,让同学增加语言的输出和输入量。
































































教材分析:《Amy’s taller than Lingling.》是新标准英语三年级起点第四册第五模块第一单元的内容,这一课的主要内容是形容词比较级的初步了解和应用,要求学生通过对形容词的掌握就使用事物的大小,长短,高矮等进行比较。在一定情景下会用: is taller than,is shorter than等这样的句型进行对话。


1.初步认识比较级taller、shorter、older、younger、stronger。2.学会比较两个人的差异,运用“ is er than ”的句型。知识能力及情感目标:

1.能听说认读单词tall, old, short, young, strong, big, long及听说认读句型Sam is older than Daming.Daming is younger than Amy。



设计思路: 本课我从表示高、矮、长、短等已经学过的形容词的图片引入比较的含义,并顺势引入本课新词,把这些词编成Chant进行教授,让学生在图示和Chant中学习本课的比较级的词的含义.利用图片呈现出表示大小长短的句型,引入新词than,并在句子中教授新词..接下来我继续用图片引入本课的句型并加以练习.练习中,使用一个学生说,其他同学一起说的教学活动,并引入竞争机制,使学生们在情景中理解句型,练习本课句型.教学设计: Step1: 热身操练和复习:

1.Greeting.(与学生轻松交流,拉近距离)2.Sing the song “London bridge is falling down”

Step2: Lead in(导课)

1、教师出示表示tall的图片,图片为两只很高的长颈鹿,复习学过的单词tall,进而对两只长颈鹿进行对比,引入tall的比较级taller并带着动作教授此单词:tall tall taller 教师以同样的方法复习并教授单词short,short,shorter

big,big,bigger small,small,smaller Long,long,longer short,short,shorter old,old,older

2、在出示图片教授young,young,younger strong.strong,stronger 时,引入了本课的新单词young和strong,重点教授.3、编成chant,把新词融入其中教授,寓教于乐.Tall



Step3 Presentation and practice.呈现和练习

1、出示大小对比的图片,引入单词than,并呈现大小比较的句 型:Elephant is bigger than cat.Cat is bigger than elephant.,将than放入句型中教授.(让学生在图片中理解两者进行比较)同样出示长短比较的图片,进一步熟悉单词than和比较的句型 并在句中练习.2、出示教师自己和姚明的照片,两者进行对比。呈现句型:

I’m shorter than….…is shorter than …

…is taller than ….T:Look at the pictures,This is Yao Ming,and this is me.You can call me Mr.Cao.I’m shorter than Yao Ming..And you can say “Mr.Cao is shorter than Yao Ming.Yao Ming is taller than Mr.Cao.”


3活动:分男女生两大组,请学生上台与姚明做比较,引导学生自己说:I’m shorter than Yao Ming 引导其他同学说: … is shorter than Yao Ming.Yao Ming is taller than ,,.进一步熟悉句型

S1: I’m shorter than Yao Ming.其他全部学生:S1 is shorter than Yao Ming.Yao Ming is taller than S1.4.教师出示赵本山和小沈阳的图片,呈现句型:

Zhao Benshan is older than Xiao Shenyang.Xiao Shenyang is younger than Zhao Benshan.利用陆永和刘谦的图片,继续呈现本课句型并练习.5、出示图片呈现问句:Is … taller than …?

Yes,he/she is./ No, he/she isn’t.做游戏来熟悉此句型,游戏以男女生竞赛形式开展

Step 4 Text teaching.1、Listen and answer: Is Sam shorter than Daming?

2、Listen and check.3、Listen and repeat.Step 5 拓展延伸

Talk about your family or your friends, have a comparation.(谈谈你的家人和朋友,并进行比较)男女生竞赛形式开展

Step 6 Moral education.(情感态度价值观教育)用两个苹果,其中一个大,一个小来做比较,学生和自己的哥哥两个人,学生选择哪一个苹果,来引入孔融让梨的故事,鼓励大家做小孔融。

Step 7 Homework Have a comparation about two things or person.(对两件物品或两个人进行比较)Read the text for 3 times.课文朗读3遍)


Module 5 Size

Unit 1 Amy’s taller than Lingling.Sam is shorter than Daming.



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