Join in 小学六年级 英语教案

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第一篇:Join in 小学六年级 英语教案

Join in 小学六年级 英语教案

介休市 宋古二中上站小学 庞汝君

Unit 4 What do you collect ?



1、单词:sticker comic football picture

autograph postcard stamp

2、句型:What do you collect ?

I collect stickers and comics.I don’t collect football pictures or postcards.重点、难点:














1、导入新课: Let’s get started!

Good morning , children!

Today I have got some gifts for you.What are they ? Look, this is my box.(举起盒子)

My gifts are in the box.It’s my turn.(老师念咒语,很神秘地从盒子里拿出贴画)


Oh!What’s this ? Sticker!教读这个单词,一手拿贴画一手拿单词卡片,帮助学生理解词义。等学生掌握这个单词的发音后,老师开始说句子:

3、点明课题并引入新句型 What do you collect ?





I don’t collect postcards or comics.7、老师把实物教具发给学生,让他们自己组织语言进行对话。准备好后请他们上台表演,进一步巩固所学的内容。




Unit 1 A Parade Day 1.Teaching aims: What did you do yesterday? I played basketball.What did you do the day before yesterday? I played basketball,then, too.2.教学重点、难点: a.v-ed: used, studied, played, visited, ran, talked, jumped, cleaned b.Passes: last night, the day before yesterday, last Sunday 3.教具: pictures, word cards, a basketball/football, tape, recorder 4.教学过程: The first period Step 1 Revision a.v-ed using pictures and word cards.b.Ask and answer using What did Jenny do yesterday? P1: She painted.T: Did you painted yesterday? P1: Yes, I did/No, I didn't.Step 2 Presentation a.Ask and answer using pictures.T: Tom, what did you do yesterday? P2: I played watched TV.T: What about you, Peter? P3: I watched TV, too.T: Mary, what did you do yesterday? P4: I basketball/football.T: What did you do the day before yesterday?(Repeat.)P4: I played basketball/football, too.T: You can say, “I played basketball/football, of course.”(Repeat.)(Write “the day before yesterday” , “ of course” and sentences on the Bb.)b.Teach “last night” and “last Sunday” in the same way.c.Teach v.and v-ed at P60 using word cards, pictures/ What did you do the day before yesterday? P5: I practiced piano.What about you, Miss Zou? T: I visited my good friend.(Repeat.)(Write these two pairs of v.and v-ed on the Bb.And ask the students to read them one by one.Tell them how to pronounce and the ways of the sounds.Teach other words in the same way.)Step3 Listen and repeat.Step4 Practice in pairs using word cards from WB.Read v-ed and make sentences using them.Step5 Ask answer and write.Finish P61 Practice 2.Step6 Ask and answer.Step7 Summary.Step8 Homework.a.Try to recite Target.b.Remember v.and v-ed.Blackboard writing: Unit 1 A Parade Day use-used play-played What did you do yesterday/last night/Sunday? run-ran study-studied I played visit-visited What did you do the day before yesterday? jump-jumped clean-cleaned I played basketball,then, Can you play it? P: Yes, I can/No, I can't.T: I can play the trumpet in the parade.(Repeat.)(Showing a picture on the Bb and write“ a parade” on the Bb.Ask the students to read them.)T: What did you do in the parade? P3: I danced.T: I played the trumpet.(Repeat.)b.Listen to tape twice without looking at the book or picture.c.Look at the picture or book and read after the tape twice.d.Read dialogue by themselves.Step2.Practice in pairs/groups.Step3.Act dialogue.Step4.Listening at P61 practice1.Step5.Chant activity.a.Listen and chant.b.Look, write and chant.c.Check answers.Step6.Exercises.a.Do exercises.b.Check answers.Step7.Summary.Step8.Homework.a.Try to recite dialogue.b.Finish Look and write.Blackboard writing: Unit 1 A Parade Day parade I danced/played the trumpet.trumpet We watched.Unit 3 A Lucky Day(The first period)Teaching Aim: Learn some phrases: woke up late /missed the bus /forget the homework /lost my keys Learn the target.Teaching key point: Learn the phrases and using them correctly.Teaching difficult point: Talk about someone‘s bad day.Teaching aids: Tape-recorder,picture cards Teaching procedure: Review: Revise some old words: have-had get-got do-did is/am-was are-were Talk about the pictures in did you buy the can of milk ? B: I bought it at the … A:How much was it ?

B:It‘s … Representation: Put picture cards on the board.T:(Point to the clock)What time is it ? S:….T: In this morning I woke up at 8:00.(Put woke up late on the board)T:I woke up late.S: Woke up late.Teaching other phrases with the same way.Play the tape and have Ss repeat each words.Action game : eg.T:.Action.S: Lost my key.Learn the target : Write I had a bad day.And I had a great day on the board.T:(Show woke up late)read this.Ss: Woke up late.T: Is this bad or good? Ss: It‘s bad.Look at some pictures again 45 The Third period(Song activity, Activity, Sounds and words)


1、继续巩固学习Why are you scared? Because he‘s going into the hole.和Why did you go into the hole? Because it‘s great.这些句型及其问答。

2、学习Sounds and words部分的字母的发音及单词。


二、教学重点、难点: 1.Sounds and words部分单词mountain/ mouth/ house/ cloudy/ mouse/ playground里字母组合ou的发音。



四、教具学具:录音机 单词卡片


六、教学过程: Step1.Review

Unit 5 Being Helpful 教学目标:


1、“四会”单词及词组:turn on ,turn off, put away, take out, trash,light,put on,hang up,clean up,in a minute,later,very good.2、“四会”句子: Can you take out the trash,please? Sure.I‘ll take it out.Can you hang up my clothes? Sure.I‘ll hang them up in a minute.Can you clean up my room,please? Sorry.I‘m busy now.二、能力目标:

1、能使用基本句型表达请求: Can you turn on the light,please? Sure.I‘ll turn it on.2、能在实际生活中灵活运用句子来表达自己的请求,能听 懂别人的请求,并能按照指令做出反应。





二、理解并灵活运用句型:Can you do sth? Sure.I‘ll do sth..教学难点:


二、句型的活用及turn it on,take it out,hang them up 的正确 用法。教学准备:老师准备所用的图片、录音机。学生人手一套图片。Period 1(Vocabulary and Target)教学内容:turn on the light;turn off the TV;take out your notebook;put away your books;take out the trash.Can you take out the trash,please? Sure.I‘ll take it out.一、Warming up:

1、Greeting: Where were you yesterday?Did you go to the park last Sunday? What are you go to do today?No,I didn‘t.2、Revision:What will the weather be like in the afternoon? It will be warm and sunny.Will there be a balcony ? No,there won‘t.二.教学呈现:

1.上课前将窗帘拉上,走进教室时,看看教室说:It’s dark..It’s bad for your eyes.Please turn on the light.(作手示)重复几次书: Can you turn on the light ? Sure.I will turn it on.贴上图片,学习词组:turn on the light 2.创设情景,同样方法教学词turn off the TV, put away your books ,take out your notebook, take out the trash.3.Play a game : A、Look at my mouth and guess the phrases.B,板

组:、Make a small dialogue after modle.4.Listen to the tape first, then listen and read after it.5.Learn Target.Listen and read after the tape.6.Read by yourselves.三、把所学词组的图画卡片堆成一迭。学生随意抽取一张卡片上的短语造一个表示请求的句子,如:Can you turn off the light?另一学生用动作表演回应请求,接着,请其他的学生继续进行活动。四﹑小结:简单小结本节课的知识并复习学生的薄弱知识点。五﹑Homework:Copy the new phrases and sentences.预习Vocabulary的其余三个词组和Conversation.板书:

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b.Play the tape, pausing after each sentence to have Ss repeat.c.Put Ss into four groups and give them the roles of Jenny, Tony, Gogo and the robber.3.Song activity a.Listen to the song.b.Sing together.c.Listen and write.Step four.Sum-up.Step five.Writing on blackboard.I lost my book.So I have to find it.He dropped the plates.So he has to clean the floor.Unit 6 Feeling Fun(The third period)Teaching contests Sounds and words, workbook and writing book The objectives 1.Learn the sound ―ear‖ 2.Finish the workbook and writing book of this unit.Teaching main point Learn the sound and words.Teaching difficult point The sounds ear‖ Teaching aids Tape Procedure Revise 1.Revise the song 2.Revise the new words of this unit.Using the book

―1.Write chair on the board and underline ―ear‖.say: Do you remember this word? Say it.[Ss: chair.] T: Good.Repeat.―ear‖.[Ss: ―ear‖] 2.Have Ss look at the pictures on the page.Play the tape and have Ss point to each word and the tape says it.1.Have Ss repeat after the tape.2.After enough practice, point to the pictures in random order and have Ss say the word.Chant 1.Let the Ss read the sentence.2.Listen to the tape once.3.Read after the tape.4.Play the tape and have Ss practice chanting to themselves.5.When Ss are read , chant together.Exercise 1.Let the Ss do the workbook and writing book first.2.Check the answers together.3.Read all the new sounds.4.Writing on the blackboard


Module1Unit 2 What do you want to eat? learning aims:

1、能听懂、会读、会说、会写本单元的单词restaurant, menu


What do you want to eat? I want a hamburger, please.What do you want to drink? 等句子。


4、会唱歌曲: What do you want to eat? 教学步骤:

Step 1 Warm-up and show the learning aims 1.Review Unit 1.(key words and sentences)

2.T: Boys and girls, today we are going to learn Module 1 Unit2 What do you want to eat?(板书课题)First,please look at our learning aims.(出示本课学习目标,教师慢慢读,学生仔细看、认真听。)Step 2 Learn the new words and the key sentences.① Try to read by themselves.② Listen to the tape and read after the tape.③Read the words in their own small groups.Step 3: Learn the Text(T: Last lesson we have learned that how to be a waiter or waitress in a restaurant and ask the customers what they want to eat.let’s listen to the tape.Then please tell me what Lingling and her Dad want to eat and drink.⑴.Show the children the teaching chart.⑵.Play the tape and ask the children several questions: Where are they? What do they want to do? What do Linglingher father want to eat and drink? ⑷.Practice the key sentences: What do you want to eat? I want to eat….What do you want to drink? I want to drink….Finish activity 2.Ask the children to ask and answer in pairs.⑸.Role play of the text.Step 4: Sing the song 1.Ask the children to look at the pictures carefully.2.Play the cassette and ask the children to listen carefully.3.Teach the sentences of the chant one by one.4.Play the cassette several times and ask the children to chant together.Step 5 :Finish a task 1.Play the game in group :The big dinner.2.Recite the new words and the key sentences correctly and skillfully in 5 minutes.3.Copy the new words and the key sentences correctly three times.Blackboard Writing: What do you want to eat? New words:restaurant menu What do you want to eat?

I want to eat….What do you want to drink?

I want to drink….




一. 教案背景 1.面向学生:小学 2.学科: 英语 3.课时: 1课时


二.教学课题 六年级第七册 Lesson 10 I have a headache 1.学习表达身体不适和病痛的词句。2.掌握“四会”词句:

headache badilltoothachestomachache What’s wrong? I have a headache.I feel bad today.Don’t worry about them.3.认识“三会”词句: stay stay in bed call You look ill.I’ll call the doctor.I’ll telephone your teacher.4.通过听、说、读、写、演各种形式培养学生学习英语的兴趣。



涉及健康、卫生、就医等人们生活方面的日常活动。通过让学生在听、说、读、练、演中学习用英语表达自己某些身体部位的不舒服,发展学生的语言表达能力。本节课主要学习have a headache feel badhave a stomachache go to the hospital have a toothache stay in bed 这些单词,并能让学生灵活使用句型 what’s wrong? I have a____.四.教学方法:



(一).Greetings T: Good morning, everyone!Ss: Good morning, teacher!(二).Warming up Sing a song : 课件出示歌曲“Do-Re-Me”,学生和老师集体跟唱。

(三).Presentation Step 1:老师做头疼的动作,让学生猜,T: What’s wrong with me? Ss: 头疼

学习单词 have a headache,课件出示头疼的图片。学读短语 have a headache.跟读、分组读、游戏大小声读。

老师做动作,学习短语:have a stomachachehave a toothache.Play a game: 几位同学在讲台上做头疼、胃疼、牙疼的动作,其他学生猜单词,看谁猜得最快。Step 2: T: What’s wrong ? I have a headache.老师边说边做动作,学习句型。

(课件出示句型)T:What’s wrong? S1: I have a stomachache.T: What’s wrong? S2: I have a toothache.Step 3: 课件出示图片,学习短语feel bad go to the hospital stay in bed Step 4:课件出示所有短语图片,学生复习,边读边拼写短语,看谁


Game : What’ missing? 利用课前准备的短语图片,每次给学生出示时

少出示一张图片,然后问 what’s missing?

Step 5:(1).Listen to the tape and answer to the question “What’s wrong with Tom?”

S: Have a headache.(2)自读对话,找出自己不理解的单词句型:call You look ill.I’ll call the docotor.I’ll telephone your teacher.(3)老师讲解重点词句。

(4)listen to the tape and read the dialouge after the tape.(5)课件出示对话,让学生表演对话 Step 6: Let’s practise: 课件出示课本P49页练习二。Step 7: Let’s guess.一个同学站在讲台上做动作,其他同学猜 What’s wrong with himher? He She has ________.Step 8: 课堂小结 Homework: 1.书写并记忆本课所学的短语 2.和同学下去表演本课对话。




省份:陕西省 学校:咸阳市彬县水帘中心小学

姓名: 陈兰职称: 无

























篇三:2014新人教版六年级上册教案 Unit 1 How can I get there? 单元教学目标:


(1)能够简单描述城市、城镇或社区内公共设施的大致位置,如:“Where is the cinema, please? It’s next to the hospital.”等。

(2)能够询问线路并简单回答,如:How can I get to the ?? Turn left at the ?, then go straight.It’s on the left.(3)能够掌握四会单词hos pital,cinema,post office,bookstore,Turn,left,go straight.(4)能够听懂、会唱歌曲“Where is the hospital?”。


(1)掌握A,B部分Let’s learn, Let’s talk中的四会短语和句子。

(2)能够听、说、认读A,B部分Let’s learn的三会单词和Let’s talk, read and write中出现的三会句型。

(3)能够理解read and write, Let’s check, Let’s wrap it up等部分的内容。

(4)能够了解tips for Pronunciation中音标的音与形,并能正确读出例词。

(5)了解Story time等部分的内容。3.情感、策略、文化等有关目标




教学重点: 问路以及指点方向。

教学难点:问路的用语以及AB部分read and write中的对话。


第一课时:A Let’s learn / Make a map and talk 第二课时:A Let’s try/ Let’s talk 第三课时:B Let’s learn /Be a tour guide 第四课时:B Let’s try / Let’s talk 第五课时:B read and write/ Tips for Pronunciation 第六课时:B Let’s check /Let’s wrap it up/C Story time 第一课时

一、教学内容:A Let’s learn / Make a map and talk

二、教学目标与要求: 1.能够听、说、读、写单词或短语:hospital,cinema,post office,bookstore 2.能够听、说、认读短语science museum。

3.能够听、说、认读句型:“Where is the library? It's near the post office.”并进行关键词的替换操练。

4.会唱歌曲《Where is the hospital?》



1、掌握Let's learn部分的四会单词和短语。

2、准确书写四会单词和掌握三会单词museum的发音。3.掌握句型:“Where is the library? It's near the post office.”进行关键词的替换操练。

四、教具: 录音机、录音带。

五、教学过程: 1.Warm-up(1)Greeting(2)师生对话,复习介词in,on, under, behind, in front of, near, next to.2.新课呈现(Presentation)Let's learn(1)listen and say T: I want to post the letter.Where can I go?(post office)Oh, I feel bad, I need to see a doctor.Where can I go?(hospital)I’m ok now, I want to see a film, Where can I go?(cinema)I need to buy some books, where can I go?(bookstore)Q: Where is the post office?(It’s near the hospital.)E: We also can say “it’s next to the hospital.” Can you guess what meaning of “next to”?(It’s the same as near.)(2)Make a map and talk There are other two buildings.Look at this one, this is a science museum.The other one is library.In the map, there are 2 blanks A and B.Now, please guess where are they? Sence: I want to go to the library, but I don’t know how to get to the library? Can you help me? Q: Excuse me, How can I get to the library? A: ? Q: Where is the library? A: ? Listen to the tape, read after it.(4)Make dialogues(5)Next week, we will have a long holiday.I want to go to Beijing.I prepare a map.But it’s too small, who can help me write it on Bb?(6)Do the same with partners.六、Homework Copy the 4-skilled words, each 5 times.七、课后反思:


一、教学内容:A Let’s try/ Let’s talk

二、教学目标与要求: 1.复习单词或短语:hospital,cinema,post office,bookstore,science museum 2.能够听、说、读、写句型:“Where is the museum shop? It's near the door.” 3.能够听、说、认读单词:ask,sir,interesting和句子:Is there a...? I want to...What a great museum!


1、学习句型:“Where is the museum shop? It's near the door.”




五、教学过程: 1.Warm-up Let’s do Go to the bookstore.Buy some books.Go to the post office.Send a letter.Go to the hospital.See the doctor.Go to the cinema.See a film.Go to the museum.See some robots.2.Revision 复习单词或短语:hospital,cinema,post office,bookstore,science museum.教师先出示单词卡片,抽读这五个单词,然后再出示图片,让学生看图说单词。3.presentation Let’s try(1)打开课本读一读Let’s try中呈现的问题和选项。


(3)全班校对答案。Let’s talk(1)播放Let’s talk录音,学生带着问题听录音,where is the museum shop?where is the post office?听完录音后让学生回答这两个问题,教师板书:It’s near the door.It's next to the museum.教师讲解:“near”表示在附近,“next to”表示与??相邻,它的范围比near小。最后让学生用“near”和“next to”来讲述学校周围的建筑物。

(2)讲解“A talking robot!What a great museum!”,让学生说说这两个感叹句的意思。

(3)跟读、领读Let’s talk.(4)分角色朗读课文。

4.Consolidation and extension(1)分角色扮演Let’s talk的内容,三人一组表演对话,然后请一些同学到台前表演。

(2)教学A.Talk about the places in your city/town/village.活动方式:教师引导学生共同回忆学过的公共场所名称,并将其板书在黑板上,如:park,library,zoo,school,museum等,先与一名学生示范问答: T: Is there a zoo in our city? S:Yes, there is.T: Where is it? S: It’s near the park.? 然后学生两人一组进行问答练习。5.Homework(1)听录音跟读对话。




Unit 4 第一课时教学设计


1.能够听、说、认读句子:What is your hobby? I like collecting stamps·

2.能够听、说、读、写动词短语的ing形式:collecting stamps,riding a bike,diving playing the violin,making kites。






2.教师准备A部分Let's learn的单词卡片。3.教师准备一些树叶、一本集邮册、两只风筝。

4.学生准备A部分Let's learn的单词卡片。



教师放五年级下册Recycle 2的歌曲“I Love Going Hiking”,学生边唱边跟教师倘相应的动作。



教师边出示各种形状的树叶,边说:“I like collecting leaves.”请一名学生在此去基础上再加一句话,如:“I like collecting leaves.I like taking pictures.依次类推,看谁说出的句子最多。


Let's start

教师与一名学生示范。教师问:“What's your hobby?”学生回答:“Swimming.What about you?”教师回答后示范填写Let's start部分的表格。同桌或前后两名学生之间进行问答、填表。Let's learn

(1)教师边做动作边说自己的业余爱好:“I like playing the violin.What is your hobby?”引导学生回答:“I like...”教师板书:What is your hobby? I like playing the violin.指导学生拼读hobby,playing the violin并进行问答操练。

(2)教师拿出集邮册,从里面取出一张邮票,问学生:“What's this?”引导学生回答:“It's a stamp.”教师板书stamp并带读。教师展示集邮册,同时说:“I like collecting stamps.”然后板书并带读collecting stamps。教师问:“Do you like collecting stamps?”,引导学生作答后拼读并操练:I like collecting stamps.

(3)教师做骑自行车的动作,问:“What am I doing?”学生猜:“You're...教师说:“Yes,I am riding a bike.I go to work by bike every day.I like riding a bike.教师板书:tiding a bike,指导学生拼读,告诉学生riding是tide去掉结尾不发音的e再加上ing。

(4)教师出示一只风筝,问:“What's this?”引导学生回答:“It's a kite.”教师出示两只风筝,问:“What are they?”引导学生回答。接着教师做放风筝的动作,问:“What am I doing?”学生回答:“You're flying a kite.”教师回答:“Yes, I like flying kites.I can make kites.I like making kites,too.”然后出示making kites的单词卡片,问:“What's he doing?”引导学生回答:“He's making kites.板书:making kites,学生拼读,注意making的拼写。

(5)教师出示diving的单词卡片,问:“What is he doing?”引导学生回答:He's diving.教师板书:diving,学生拼读,注意diving的拼写。

(6)教师手指板书,学生齐拍手练习说句子,如:What is your hobby? What is your hobby? Playing,playing, I like playing the violin.Collecting,collecting,I likecollecting stamps.Riding,riding,I like riding a bike.Making,making,I like making kites.Diving,diving,I like diving.

(7)教师放Let's learn部分的录音,学生跟读。教师出示 Let's learn部分的单词卡片,学生根据单词卡片内容进行问答操练:What is your hobby? I like...(8)“猜一猜”游戏。学生拿出A Let's learn部分的单词卡片。同桌一组,每人抽出一张单词卡作为自己的爱好,一人猜:“You like...”另一名学生根据手中卡片上的内容回答:“Yes/No.I like...”两人可进行积分比赛,猜对卡片上的内容就得到这张卡片,最后看谁手里的卡片最多。

Group work

学生带好纸笔在组内进行调查,互相询问:“What is your hobby?”调查完毕,各组派代表上台汇报调查结果:“...boys/girls like...”也可说出名字,如:“”若课上时间不够,可将调查活动放到课后进行,下一节课汇报,建议教师指导学生自己做个简单的调查表,边调查边填写表格。

4.巩固和延伸(Consolidation and extension)

(1)让学生做本单元A Let's learn部分的活动手册配套练习。(2)让学生听Let's learn部分的录音,读给家长或同伴听。(3)让学生背诵并抄写本课四会动词(短语)。

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