Lesson 97教学设计示例-教学教案(含5篇)

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第一篇:Lesson 97教学设计示例-教学教案

Lesson 97教学设计示例-教学教案

Lesson 97教学设计示例



(1)掌握句型: 1)Youd better go to bed earlier tonight.2)A woman saw it happen when she was walking past.3)I was walking in the park when I dropped my pen on the ground.4)You look tired today.(2)继续学习过去进行时态的用法。



(2)能够用Youd better do sth.造句。






T:(对某位同学)Were you watching TV last night?

S1:Yes, I was./No, I wasnt.T:(面向全班)Was he/she watching TV last night?

Ss:Yes, he/she was.No, he/ she wasnt.通过上述练习,由学生小结出过去进行时态陈述句式和疑问句式的构成。


4.请两位同学到前面来,低声嘱咐学生甲装作很累的样子,无精打采;学生乙装作不舒服,伏在课桌上(如能课前布置效果更好)。T:(面向学生甲)You look tired today.Youd better go to bed earlier tonight, if you can.引导大家猜测这两个句子的意思。

(面向学生乙)You are not feeling well today.Youd better go to see the doctor.板书 Youd better do sth.给学生几分钟时间,让大家设计一些情景,然后提出建议。


5.教师由前面走到后面,途中掉下书或钢笔。用英语解释这一情景:I was walking in the classroom when I dropped my book(pen).6.打开书,听课文第2部分录音,学生跟读一遍。教师解释难句(见难点讲解)。





1.Youd better go to bed earlier tonight.今晚你最好早点睡。

had better加动词原形表示:最好做某事,用来向别人提出建议。可缩写为:d better。例如:

Youd better watch carefully before you cross the road.过马路之前你最好要看仔细。

Wed better hurry up, or well be late.我们最好快一点,要不然就晚了。

如果建议别人最好不做某事,使用“had better not加动词原形”这一句型。例如:

Youd better not read in bed.Its bad for your eyes.你最好不要躺着看书,对你眼睛不好。

Youd better not play basketball after lunch.Its bad for your health.你最好不要在午饭后就玩篮球,它对健康有害。

2.A woman saw it happen when she was walking past.一位妇女走过的时候,看到了事情的经过。

上述句子包含以下句型: see sth.happen.表示感觉的动词如:see, hear, watch等,以及其他动词如:make, let等,后面构成复合宾语时,动词不定式的to要省去。例如:

The children saw the motorbike hit the bag of rice.孩子们看见摩托车撞在了米口袋上。

Whose photo is that? Let me have a look at it.那是谁的照片?让我看看。

Did you hear him play the piano just now? 刚才你听见他弹钢琴了吗?

第二篇:Lesson 94教学设计示例-教学教案

Lesson 94教学设计示例-教学教案

Lesson 94教学设计示例













T: Where did the man live?

S1:The man lived in a tall building in the city of Moscow.S0:The man lived in a tall building in the city of Moscow.T:Why did he like to live there?

S2:Because it was usually very quiet and he could see the park from his window.S0:The man lived in a tall building in the city of Moscow.He liked living there because it was usually very quiet and he could see the park from his window.T: What did the man upstairs always do when he came home every night?

S3:The man upstairs always took off his shoes and threw them on the floor.S0:The man lived in a tall building in the city of Moscow.He liked living there because it was usually very quiet and he could see the park from his window.The man upstairs always took off his shoes and threw them on the floor.扮演S0的角色,一次可以是一个人;可以是一个组;也可以是班上其他学生。刚开始练习时,问题不宜一次提得过多,三至五个即可,逐步过渡。此外,较难回答的问题要注意修改,通常不使用一般疑问句(除非学生掌握更灵活的方法 注)。







1.the man upstairs 楼上的人

the man downstairs楼下的人

upstairs和downstairs都是副词,用来修饰前面的名词the man。当副词用作定语修饰名词时,一般要放在被修饰的名词之后。例如: On his journey home, he made a lot of friends.在回家的旅途中,他交了很多朋友。(句中home是副词)

Look at the photo above.请看上面的照片。(句中 above是副词)

2.He liked living there.他喜欢住在那里。

作为动词,like后既可接动词不定式也可接动名词,但在意义上有细微差异。like to do 表示的是具体的动作,往往有特定的场合;而 like doing是抽象意义,表示习惯性动作。例如:

I like walking in the evening.我爱在傍晚散步。

I like to walk in the evening.我喜欢傍晚去散步。

I like playing basketball.我喜欢打篮球。I like to play basketball.我现在想去打篮球。

3.He found it very difficult to get to sleep and he was very unhappy.他发现难以入睡,很不高兴。

句中的it是形式上的宾语,而真正的宾语是动词不定式短语to get to sleep.it作形式宾语时,句子结构往往是:主语+ 谓语+ it+ 宾语补足语+ 真正宾语。除动词不定式以外,that 引导的从句也常作真正宾语。这时,句中谓语动词往往是find, think, make, believe等。例如:

Do you think it right to play tricks on others? 你觉得开别人的玩笑好吗?

He thought it best to say nothing.他觉得最好是什么也不说。

I make it a rule that I should spend at least two hours learning English every day.每天至少花两小时学英语是我的规律。

get to sleep是“入睡”的意思。动词 get有“渐渐”的含义。例如:

We got to know each other later.后来我们逐渐相互了解了。

When winter comes, the nights are getting longer and the days are getting shorter.冬天来临,夜晚变长,白天变短。

4. With a smile the man from downstairs said, “Im sorry to trouble you, comrade.” 楼下的人微笑着说:“对不起,同志,打扰一下。”

句中 with a smile是介词短语,在句子里用作状语,表明楼下的人说话时的伴随状态。介词短语用作状语的情况很多,再如:

Thank you for teaching us so well.谢谢您把我们教得这样好。

Classes begin at eight.八点开始上课。

5.He was just falling asleep when there was a loud knock at the door.他刚睡着,就有人大声敲门。

fall asleep是“睡着”的意思。asleep是形容词,接在连系动词 fall之后。句中 when等于 and then,意思是:那时。再如: He was walking in the park when he saw a watch on the ground.他正在公园里行走,看见地上有一块手表。

第三篇:《Lesson 11》教学设计

Lesson 11 I.Teaching aims: 1.To improve the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing: nine, ten;To improve the skills of listening, speaking and reading: nineteen, twenty.2.To learn and practice the sentences: Wake up.What’s the time? It’s….Oh,no,I’m late.Have some….No, thanks.3.To make the students be polite to others.II.Important and difficult points: To make the students be able to talk about something with the words and sentences.III.Teaching tools: tape-recorder, cards, small blackboard, clock and some food.Ⅳ.Teaching times: For one class.Ⅴ.Teaching procedures: Step1.Warm up To sing an English song: Number song.Step2: Presentation.1.To lead the students do addition games.2.To lead the students to learn the words: nine, ten.3.To ask the students spell the words with the letter cards, and show out.4.To lead the students to learn and practice the words: nineteen, twenty.5.To lead the students to listen to the tape and answer the question.6.To lead the students to listen to the tape and read after it.7.To ask the students to read and practice the dialogues in groups.Step3: Practice.1.To ask the students to act the dialogues out.2.To sing an English song: Wake up, wake up.Step 4: Summary.Today we learned the words: nine, ten, nineteen, twenty and some sentences.We should practice the words and sentences more, and be able to talk about something with them.Ⅵ.Homework.1.To practice the words after class.2.To practice the dialogues in groups.Ⅶ.The words on the blackboard.Lesson 11 nine

nineteen ten


《Lesson 11》教学设计


单位:白涧镇五百户中小 年级:四年级 学科:英语 姓名:张晓娜 时间:2011年11月

第四篇:Lesson 13-14 教学设计

Lesson 13-14 教学设计






1.能够灵活掌握句型:______ works in a ______.2.能根据所学的形容词描述天气状况。



二、教学重点 1.掌握新单词: 有关场所的英文名称: mall grocery store 十二个月份的英文名称:

January February March April May June July

August September October November December 和天气有关的形容词:

cold snowy warm rainy hot sunny windy cloudy 2.掌握下面的句型:

A(clerk)works in a(store).(雇员)在(商店)里工作。



四、教学过程 1.导入

1)师生齐唱歌曲“As I was going down the street”,边唱边做动作。2)教师通过动作模仿某一职业,让学生说出其英文职业名称。2.呈现新课 1)通过精美的图片学习表示场所的单词“mall” “grocery store”。把表示职业的图片和表示场所的图片放在一起来学习句子,比如:A waiter works in a restaurant.2)播放有关十二个月份和描述天气状况的课件。在讲述表达天气状况的形容词时,教师配以动作和面部表情。让学生来描述一下今天的天气状况。


1)让学生画出一个职业人物形象及所工作的场所,然后说一个句子给全班听。例如:A clerk works in a store.2)学生自制日历,标注月份的英文名称。说说自己的生日。







第五篇:Lesson 106 多媒体教学设计

Lesson 106 多媒体教学设计




录音机, 多媒体课件unit27 lesson106


T: 1)Whats the time? 2)Whats Jim doing? 3)Where is he going? 4)What day is it today? 5)Is Jim late or early? 6)What time do you get up/have breakfast/leave home/begin school on weekdays? 7)What time do you get up/ have breakfast on Sundays? 教师也可以问及有关本班学生活动情况时,一人回答之后,教师可问全班:T: What time does he/she get up/leave home…on weekdays?


。两人一组用书上所给的问题进行问答练习。在教学过程中,教师对课文中出现的重要知识点进行讲解如:have breakfast/have lunch/ have supper;usually/ often/ sometimes/ right now。教师根据动画中人物活动提问学生:what time does he get up/ wash face/ have breakfast…?学生通过观察动画中出现的时钟进行回答,教师指导学生一问一答的方式进行口语训练。反复操练后可让学生进行课堂演示。

教师根据学生个人情况,提问学生when do you usually get up/ have breakfast/ go to school/ have lunch/ have sports/got home..? 让学生根据自己的情况回答问题,教师可以先问学生A: what time do you get up?,当学生A:回答完后,让学生B用拨动时钟表示出学生A所表达的时间来。通过此次操练,加深学生对时间的印



教师可根据班级的具体教学情况, 给学生播放与本课文相关的英语歌谣。





录音机, 多媒体动画课件what time do you get up。


T: Now Look at the pictures of Lesson 109.1)Whats the time? 2)Whats Jim doing? 3)Where is he going? 4)What day is it today? 5)Is Jim late or early? 6)What time do you get up/have breakfast/leave home/begin school on weekdays? 7)What time do you get up/ have breakfast on Sundays?


T: What time does he/she get up/leave home…on weekdays?


,教师讲解、领读本课生词usually, right now, sometimes, take off, after school。教师指导学生学习课文第一部分中的句子:

T: Now, look at Picture 1.What can you see in the picture? How many people can you see/are there in the picture? Where are they? Whats the time? What are they doing? What do they do in the morning? 利用每一张画,使学生得到充分练习。教师放课文录音,学生跟读两遍。两人一组用书上所给的问题进行问答练习。在教学过程中,教师对课文中出现的重要知识点进行讲解如:have breakfast/have lunch/ have supper;usually/ often/ sometimes/ right now。

2.教师可以利用多媒体动画课件what time do you get up中read 让学生观看动画中的情景,跟读课文。教师根据动画中人物活动提问学生:what time does he get up/ wash face/ have breakfast…?学生通过观察动画中出现的时钟进行回答,教师指导学生一问一答的方式进行口语训练。反复操练后可让学生进行课堂演示。

教师根据学生个人情况,提问学生when do you usually get up/ have breakfast/ go to shool/ have lunch/ have sports/got home..? 让学生根据自己的情况回答问题,教师可以先问学生A: what time do you get up?,当学生A:回答完后,让学生B用拨动时钟表示出学生A所表达的时间来。通过此次操练,加深学生对时间的印象。



Kate _______ supper at school.A.has not B.doesn’t has C.doesn’t have D.don’t has

It’s time ______ now.A.to get up B.for get up C.get up D.at get up

Your shoes are dirty.Please __________.A.take off them B.take them off C.put them on

—_______ do you leave home on weekdays?

—At about seven thirty.A.How B.What time C.What D.How much time


1.Now he’s having lunch.他现在正吃中饭。


Uncle John is having his breakfast.约翰叔叔在吃早餐。

We’re having our English class.我们在上英语课。

The students are having sports.学生们在进行体育活动。

2.He is taking off his clothes and going to bed.他正在脱衣服准备睡觉。take off是“脱下、摘下”的意思,后面常接表示衣物鞋帽的名词。其反义词是put on 例如:

Take off your old clothes and put on the new ones.脱掉你的旧衣服,穿上这些新的。

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