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一、背景(1)案例背景: 现行外研版高中英语教材具有很多的优点,但由于学生认知水平的发展具有规律性,教师只有充分认识和掌握这种规律,并结合 教学实际,合理设计教学程序,充分发挥学生的主体作用,教学相长,才能达到教学效果的最优化。本文以外研版高中英语必修六 Module 1“How Good Are Your Soc

ial Skills”的阅读部分为例来探究小组活动在阅读课中的应用和如何通过小组活动把阅读课设计一堂有 效有趣的课堂。根据课程标准,学生是课堂的中心,所以本节阅读课将通过多种多样的课堂活动来培养学生的英语综合能力,让学生 主动说、主动做,老师只做一个引导者。在这个过程中,主要采用交际教学法 communicative methods 和任务型教学法 task based teaching methods,培养学生自主、合作及探究的学习方法。进行本节阅读课例设计与反思的重要意义主要表现在三方面:激励学生的阅读兴趣和动机,提高高中英语阅读教学的效率及效果,并 且为学生综合语言应用能力奠定基础。教学背景 这是一节英语阅读课,教学的内容是 how to use social skills to communicate and the practice of reading skills like skimming and scanning.本着教学问题目标化,目标情境化,情境活动化的,活动思维化,学习结果评价化的设计理念,我把教学的 重点和难点:词汇量大,长难句复杂,结合英语任务型教学的特点,设计了 mind map 和 discussion groups 的活动,把模拟现实社 会交际 communicative skills 和 body language 为课堂学习的大情景,通过 acting the gestures、pair work、group work and mind map 活动让学生在模拟场景中学习,体现语言在“用”中学的特点,体现了学生是“学习主人”的高中英语多元学习课堂。

二、教材分析 申继萍

Teaching goals ① To let the students know more about social skills ②To train the students’ ability of reading comprehension ③ To master some useful words and phrasesrelated to small talk Learning goals ①Tolearn the main idea of this passage ②To learn more details about social skills ③ To learn to use some useful words and phrasesrelated to small talk Teachingimportant points: ①To train the students’ ability of reading comprehension ②To let the students master some useful wordsandphrases.Teaching difficult points: ① How to train the students’ ability of reading comprehension by individual work , pair work or group work ②How to make a comment on a small group to make the students active in the class


Teaching steps:

1.Lead in

2.Words review

3.Fast reading 6.Homework

4.Careful reading 5.Summary We/ human beings/live in society.We will meet /some social events.We need/ some social skills.设计思路:

Step I.Lead-in(Train the students to read the sentences with passion.)

以三个简洁和话题有关句子进入,可以活跃课堂气氛,调动学生课堂学习积极性,并且很自然地进入话题阅读。另外,在大声朗 读过程中,也锻炼了学生的口语水平,勇于大声说出英语的能力。

Step II.Words review 1.Learn some words and phrases by themselves 2.Challenge their memory.(Students read some words and phrases together).设计目的:

toreduce the words obstacles in reading for students and build students’ confidence in reading.教学反思: 针对上述教学设计和课堂教学活动,教师有以下三点体会:(1)本活动在设计上比较符合学生的认知水平,能激发学生完成任务的兴趣和参与活动的热情。(2)能使阅读前的“lead-in activities”真正发挥“热身”的作用。这就为顺利开展之后的多个活动打下了基础。(3)上课伊始就顺利切入主题,中间过渡自然,言语富有鼓励性和启发性,能使学生产生强烈的共鸣。(4)在阅读课前处理部分单词,利用软件教学,激起学生的学习兴趣,让词汇和阅读自然的衔接,做到对阅读文本起重要作用的词汇,在课前先教,然学生心中有数。

Step III.Fast reading Read the title(标题),the subtitles(小标题)and the first three paragraphs of the passage.Finish the following three tasks.Task 1.Answer the following questions Q:How many tips are given in this passage? What are they? __________________________________________________________________________ Task 2.What ’s the main idea of this passage?()A.Learn how to do small talk B.Develop your listening skills C.Learn the rules D.Some tips for social skills Task 3.Decide what kind of book it is from.()A.an English teaching book.B.abusiness course C.a book which tells you what to do at social events D.a book to help you prepare for a speaking examination 设计思路:(1)听和读都是学生获取信息的有效途径。通过让学生边听边读(默读)可以培养其快速阅读的能力。(2)通过有目的地进行任务型阅读,让学生初步了解课文大意(3)通过快速阅读让学生掌握阅读中寻找 main idea 的方法。

Seventy-five percent of the students can use fast reading skills to finish the tasks and they grasp the main idea of the passage.Many students even can tell what is the passage about to partners and help their partners to solve reading problems.Step IV.Careful reading: Read the rest parts of this passage and finish the following three tasks.Task 1: Read “Learn how to do small talk” and Choose the topics we can/shouldn’t talk about from the box.age, music, salary(工资), sport, films, a film star , sports stars, travel , weather, food, „ We can talk about„„ We shouldn’t talk about„„

Task 2: Read “Develop your listening skills” and finish the following “true or false” questions 1.We can often change the topics according to our own interest.()2.We should keep good eye contact.()3.We can yawn and sigh while listening.()4.We should smile and nod while listening.()Task 3 : Read “Learn the rules” and answer the following questions.Q1:When in another country, you have to __________ A.arrive on time at a party in any country.B.stay as long as you can.C.take flowers of any color.D.learn and follow their rules.Q2:What conclusion can we draw from this part? A.Rome was not built in one day.B.When in Rome, do as the Romans do.C.All roads lead to Rome.D.Seeing is believing.设计思路:


2、让学生进一步阅读课文,了解文章的内容,通过 pair work 和 group work 培养学生交流与合作能力。

3、通过文章改写与复述培 养学生运用语言的能力。教学反思:针对上述教学设计和课堂教学活动,教师有以下三点体会:(1)pair work 和 group work 是学生比较喜欢的学习方式。以小组讨论形式贯穿整个教学活动是该部分教学设计的亮点。在讨论过 程中,学生反应积极,讨论热烈,思维活跃,竞争激烈,教学效果比较令人满意。在教学过程中,充分并合理安排学生的合作活动,让他们在合作探究中共同提高,收到了较好的效果。(2)只有通过阅读才能让学生理解课文内容,并形成一定的阅读技能。本环节通过“提炼大意,细节捕捉,合作探究和延伸训练” 四个步骤,培养学生概括主题、捕捉细节和再现阅读内容的技能。教师同时能注意设计合适的衔接语言,使各个教学环节自然过渡,让学生在不知不觉中进入学习状态并开展活动。(3)教师在教学过程中积极调动学生,让学生自己来组织并完成任务,真正体现了学生的主体地位。

Step V.Summary.Summarize this passage by finishing the following mind map(思维导图).Mind Map Talk skills Be ________________!_______-risk conversation keep ________ eye contact ask for more information yawn look away from„ __________ other people’s sentences

use____________ noises and gestures

We should Listening skills We shouldn’t use_____________ body language look ____ your watch sigh ________ your subject

Step VII.Step VI: Homework Fill in the blanks according to the passage.If you want________(have)good small talk, you need some social skills.It includestalk skills, listening skills and some social rules.Small talk is very important and _________(prepare)you for more serious conversations, ______you should be prepared and have low-risk conversations ready.When you talk to strangers, you should remember ____________(communicate)is a two-way process,it involves speaking and________(listen),so youmust be a good listener as well as a ________(talk).At the same time, you should remember that social rules can be ___________(difference)in different countries.For example, in some countries, you have to arrive on time at a party, ___________, in other countries, you don ’t need to.In addition, in some places, you can take things such as flowers or _____small gift.But in some countries, you mustn’t take flowers of a certain color, because they are________(lucky).So whatever it is, you should find out first.设计思路:


Social skills

Social rules

The rules can be ___________ in different countries.2、让学生进一步思考 the structure of the passage and the mind map of the passage,了解文章的行文思路,进一步揣摩作者 写此文的意图,通过小组活动培养学生交流与合作能力。

3、通过文章改写的语法填空培养学生运用语言的能力且与高考试题接轨,来源于教材又高于教材。【案例点评】 在教学实践中,阅读教学应处理好以下四个关系: 1:教师的“教”和学生的“学”的关系。教师应更多地关注如何教会学生阅读,而不是仅向学生灌输大量的语言知识。教学过程是 学生在教师的帮助和指导下掌握知识和形成技能的过程。教师应让学生在活动中发挥其主体地位,让学生自己去发现问题、分析问题 和解决问题。2、在教学设计过程中,要尽最大可能考虑学生情感在教学中的重要性,要设法让学生在快乐中学习。但教师不能片面地追求所谓的 “快乐”,一味强调热闹课堂,气氛是活跃了,但忽视了学生对知识的掌握和能力的培养。3、阅读过程与结果的关系。任务型教学要求教师在教学中不仅要关注学习的结果,还要关注学习的过程。学生完成任务的过程就是 学生发现问题、分析问题和解决问题的过程。同时也是逐步提升阅读技巧,提高阅读能力的过程。4、实践和反思的关系。反思是实践的一面镜子,每次的教学反思都能折射出实践中的成功和不足之处。在教学中应该不断借鉴成功,改进不足,把培养学生学会阅读、学会自主学习作为追求的目标。




实行新课改已经有几年的时间了,我认真钻研课改,在组内经常进行集体备课,我们的备课不仅包括备教材,更主要的是备学生,我每节课后经常进行反思,对一些教学案例经常进行思考,这样下来,的确收到了一定的效果,我认为一个教师不断进行教学反思并且对教学案例加以分析,这对于一个教师教学水平的提高会有很大的帮助。好的教法是开展好教学活动的基本保证,在教学活动中善于总结,善于应用,才能不断的推进教学活动的开展。教师要明确教学任务,熟悉教学内容,能够做到承上启下,准确授课。不仅备教材,还要备学生,为准确制定目标奠定基础。该“会运用”,就要能当堂运用,不能人为地降低或提高要求。让学生在上课时就明确学习目标,使其学习有方向,激发其学习动机,调动其学习积极性,从而促进学生在以后各个环节里主动地围绕目标探索、追求。案例片段一 :思考的问题:在单词教学中如何变单一为多样,变死板为生动?我在教授单词的过程中十分注重单词的使用语境, 如在教授cook和cooker这两个单词的时候,我分别出示了几张图片(一些橱具和两位橱师),让学生通过对图片的直观感知,从第一印象开始就对他们有一个清晰而明确的认识, 从而避免了对这两个词汇的混淆.然后再通过“He is a good cook, he has a lot of cookers.”这样的例句加深学生对他们的理解和运用.再例如:在学dessert这个单词时,同时给学生出示desert这个单词,这样在今后的学习中不仅不会混淆,而且还拓展了学生的单词量。


案例片段二: 思考的问题:如何把英语对话教学引入到生活中,达到学以致用?现在学生的英语学习现状是往往学习了几年,甚至是十几年的英语,还不能开口说英语,而只能纸上谈兵.我在教学中十分注重学生对对话的理解和运用,但在实际的操作中效果

并不理想.如我在教授“A:Are you free this Sunday ?B: No, I'm afraid I have no time.A: How about tomorrow?B: OK, I have time then.What's up?A: Let's go to the zoo.B: Sounds great.A: What animals do you like best?B: I like lions.They are strong.A: How about you ?B: I like pandas , they are cute.” 这个对话,在第二天提问时,学生的背诵情况很好,但当我要求他们重新组织一个对话时,效果不尽人意.要么两人一组的搭配不合适,按照固定的座位进行操练,有的搭配过于悬殊,开展不了对话;要么只会运用近期的知识点,稍微久远的就遗忘.


步追求成功的努力."在创设情境时,我是这样做的,在学习Why donˊ you get her a scarf ?一课时,为了达到练习目的,我创设了如下情境:1,父亲节快到了,为了感谢爸爸对你的爱,你要给爸爸买些什么礼物?2,你最好的朋友快过生日了,他邀请了除了你以外的很多人,你很苦恼,不知道该带什么礼物去才合适。有了这两个情境后,学生练习对话的积极性被激发了,达到了练习口语的目的。英语课程是一门思想性很强的学科,英语能直接反映人们的思想感情和传播科学文化知识,并体现出中西方文化的差异.因此,英语教学要充分发挥起思想情感的教育作用,挖掘教材内在的思想教育因素,使学生在思想上、价值观上受到很好的教育和熏陶.充分调动和发挥学生的主体作用,让学生乐于开口,勇于实践,让每个层次的学生都有所收获,以达到实施素质教育的目的.今后的路还很长,我还要进行不断地教学反思,不断地进行案例分析,这有这样才能不断提高自己的教学水平。












Teaching pronunciation: 2.6 Teaching Steps of a Single Sound Generally speaking, there are seven steps in teaching pronunciation, which can be arranged in the following order.(1)Say the sound alone.(2)Get the students to repeat the sound in chorus.(3)Get individual students to repeat the sound.(4)Explain how to make the sound.(5)Say the sound in a word.(6)Contrast it with other sounds.(7)Say the sound in meaningful context.2.7 Types of Pronunciation Practice Activities

2.7.1 Consonants and Vowels In the teaching of consonants and vowels, it is important to introduce characteristic aspects of their articulation(e.g.voiced vs.voiceless, stops vs.fricatives, aspiration, etc.).The realization of these articulatory features can be practiced through a variety of communicative activities such as those presented below.1.Information-gap activities

One of the easiest techniques for practising consonants and consonant contrasts in a communicative way is to use “information-gap” activities.For example, if students are confusing /b/ and /v/, the following activity can be used.Choose a topic such as food and have students brainstorm and think of as many food words as possible which contain the /b/ and /v/ sounds.It is best for the students to work in groups so that they have more opportunity to generate these words in a communicative fashion.If students are beginners, clues or pictures can be provided to help them with the generation of words.Students might come up with 'berry', 'veal', 'liver', 'brown bread', 'vegetables', 'vitamins', 'vanilla', 'beans', 'bacon', etc.Students may also be asked to generate examples of names containing these two sounds.In this case, students might come up with Bill, Bob, Vickie, Barbara, Steve, and Virginia.It may be necessary to provide students, especially beginners, with some of these names.3 When enough words have been generated, the teacher can number the names and foods on slips of paper and hand out even-numbered foods and odd-numbered names to one group and odd-numbered foods and even-numbered names to the other group.Blank grids can be handed out and students can work in pairs or in groups questioning each other about 'Who bought what' at the store.Once the grids are filled out, the result of the activity can be presented to the class.In so doing, the students gain further communicative practice with these sounds.Role plays which incorporate some of the food words and names identified above can be used as a follow-up to this activity.2.Matching exercises

Another way of practicing a sound contrast such as /b/ and /v/ involves the use of matching exercises.Divide the class into two groups.Group A has a written description of several people.Group B has a picture containing all of the people for which there are descriptions.The object of this activity is to match the written descriptions with the appropriate people.Some sample descriptions might be: Becky has big boots.Vicky has a velvet vest.Barbara is carrying a big bag.Virginia is wearing gloves.Bill has a shiny belt-buckle.In attempting to match the descriptor with the appropriate person, the students gain practice producing the relevant sounds.A variation on this activity has these descriptors generated by the students themselves.Creating such descriptors, especially in groups, provides additional communicative practice of these consonant and vowel sounds.3.Chain stories

Each student receives a phrase containing the sound contrasts being practiced.The first student must embed that phrase in a short story(or string of related sentences)of no longer than four sentences.The task of the other students is to guess the embedded phrase based on the correct pronunciation of the relevant sound or sound contrasts.The next student continues the story using the phrase that he or she received.Sample phrases might include: big beautiful baby oven gloves very bad brakes broken bracelet lovely building seventy vehicles 4 Teaching grammar 3.2 The Aspects of English Grammar


e.g.plural of nouns, tenses of verbs…(2)structure or function words e.g.articles: the, a/an prepositions: of , to, by, for, …(3)word order

e.g.a lexical item: chocolate mild, milk chocolate functional item: He is … Is he… Where is he? I know where he is…

(4)derivation or word formation e.g.They put on a drama.The dramatic changes have taken place recently.They wanted to dramatize their novel.(5)concord or agreement e.g.The teacher reads a lot.The teachers read a lot.this man;these men;(6)government e.g.I gave him a book.He gave me a book.(7)stress and intonation

3.4.1简练+容易+效能(材料让学生感兴趣)3.4.2方法适合所教学生 针对特点(1)Age(2)Language level(3)The size of class

(4)The makeup of the class, for example, monolingual or multilingual(5)The specific needs, for example, needs to pass a public examination(6)Interests(7)Usable materials and resources(8)Prior experiences and current expectations(9)The cultural factors which may affect their learning attitude, for example, their attitude toward the function and status of teachers(10)The educational background, such as the public school or the private school, and at home or abroad


Deductive method应该(1)Authenticity.(2)Clear range of application.(3)Clear grammatical rules.(4)Brevity(5)Familiarity.(6)Relevant.演绎法优缺点The demerits of the deductive method

(1)It teaches grammar in an isolated way.(2)Little attention is paid to meaning.(3)Practice is often mechanical.The merits of the deductive method

(1)It could be very successful with selected and motivated students.(2)It could save time when students are confronted with a grammar rule which is complex but which has to be learned.(3)It may help increase students' confidence in those examinations which are written with accuracy as the main criterion of success.8

4.teaching vocabulary Teaching listening listening is a complex cognitive process which needs listeners not only have background knowledge of the related listening materials but also that listeners should be conscious to use some strategies to grasp the meaning of the listening material to achieve right comprehension of the text.5.2.1 逐字逐句

5.2.2 根据背景 先前知识

5.3 Micro-skills of Listening

According to the English Curriculum Standards(2003), the micro-skills of listening should including the followings:

(1)Suppress interference of accent and background noise(2)Detect key words

(3)Listen and carry out instructions(4)Identify gist and themes(5)Establish the sequence or logical relationship of events(6)Predict what people are going to talk about(7)Understand the speaker’s intention and attitude(8)Evaluate what has been heard(9)Infer the implied meaning 12

focus:1.repeating what they have heard 2.words…bottom up processing 3.require interaction of listener.;one-sided

4.not to process everything that has been said but rather to ‘scan’ the material selectively for certain information.5.to develop a top-down, global understanding of spoken language.6.the listener actively participates in discussions, debates, conversations, role-plays and other pair and group work.7.The listener has no difficulty whatever in understanding the whole message.The comprehension process is so natural and smooth that it is exactly like that of a native speaker.(1)text characteristics(variation in a listening passage/ text or associated visual support);(2)interlocutor characteristics(variation in the speaker’s personal characteristics);(3)task characteristics(variation in the purpose for listening and associated response);(4)listener characteristics(variation in the listener’s personal characteristics);

(5)process characteristics(variation in the listener’s cognitive activities and in the nature of the interaction between speaker and listener).5.7 Principles for Teaching Listening

1.Focus on process

2.Combine listening with other skills 3.Focus on comprehending meaning 4.Grade difficulty level appropriately 5.Combine intensive listening with extensive listening 5.8 Principles for Selecting and Using Listening Activities

(1)The listening activity must have a real, communicative purpose.(2)The activity must use authentic language without significantly slower or simpler speech than would normally be used in everyday life.(3)Pre-listening tasks(e.g.discussing the topic, brainstorming, presenting vocabulary, sharing of related articles)must be used to stimulate the appropriate background knowledge and help learners identify the purpose of the listening activity.(4)The listening text must offer content that is personally interesting and motivating to 15 learners.(5)To allow listeners to infer meaning from body language and related context clues, the speaker must be visible whenever possible(unless the explicit purpose is to help students understand radio programs or audiotapes)(6)The listening activity must offer many environmental clues to meaning, just as in real-life listening.(7)When possible, the whole listening text should be given, and then it should be divided into parts that can be repeated.This sequence gives listeners time to think and rethink their hypotheses about the meaning of what is said.(8)At the end, the whole text should be given again, and learners should have the opportunity to discuss their hypotheses and how they tested and altered them.(9)The listening activity must require listeners to respond in some meaningful fashion, either individually or in small groups or pairs by saying something, following a command or request, asking a question, taking notes, and so on.(10)The listening activity must be fashioned so that listeners with normal background knowledge are able to understand the topic without doing specialized research, unless the class is focused on language for special purposes.(11)The text of the listening activity must by typical for its own speech type;that is, an informal conversation must have short, redundant, rapid chunks of speech, while a lecture must be more formalized and orderly.(12)The classroom climate surrounding the listening activity must be non-threatening and positive, and simple affective strategies should be used to reduce anxiety if it is present before or during the listening activity.16 5.9 Activities in the Three Teaching Stages

5.9.1.Pre-listening(1)Looking at pictures before listening(2)Looking at a list of items/thoughts/etc before listening(3)Making lists of possibilities / ideas / suggestions / etc(4)Reading a text before listening(5)Reading through questions(to be answered while listening)(6)Labeling a picture(8)Predicting / speculating(9)Previewing the language which will be heard in the listening text(10)Informal teacher talk and class discussion 17




案例片段(一)思考的问题:在单词教学中如何变单一为多样,变死板为生动?我在教授单词的过程中十分注重单词的使用语境,如在教授cook和cooker这两个单词的时候,我分别出示了几张图片(一些橱具和两位橱师),让学生通过对图片的直观感知,从第一印象开始就对他们有一个清晰而明确的认识,从而避免了对这两个词汇的混淆。然后再通过“He is a good cook,he has a lot of cookers.”这样的例句加深学生对他们的理解和运用。教学反思:新目标(人教版)的教材词汇量大,单词长,生僻词较多,自然也就增加了教学的难度,但我们又必须让学生掌握,否则难以适应教材的要求。那么我们该采取什么方式来教学单词呢?美国学者埃克斯雷指出:“能够引起学生学习兴趣的方法就是最好的方法。”实践证明,拼图法,数字游戏,单词接龙游戏,小歌诀,顺口溜等传统教学方法并不过时,教师再辅以现代化的教学手段,借助图片,课件。动漫等手段,真正达到重情景,重趣味.重运用,使单词具有语言的意义,使其在特定的语境中被引出,这样既便于学生理解,印象也深刻,从而达到学以致用的效果。在英语教学中适时地加入这些美味的“作料”,无疑是一种优化组合的创新,它不但能极大地激发学生的学习兴趣,更能提高学生的学习积极性。案例片段(二)思考的问题:如何把英语对话教学引入到生活中,达到学以致用?中国学生的英语学习现状是往往学习了几年。甚至是十几年的英语,还不能开口说英语,而只能纸上谈兵。我在教学中十分注重学生对对话的理解和运用,但在实际的操作中效果并不理想。如我在教授:

Sandra:Hi,Gina!Gina:Hi,Sandra!How‟s it going? Sandra:I。m in France.Ifm calling to see how you are. Gina:Oh。thanks!Sandra:How‟it going? Gina:Pretty good!I'm just doing my homework.How are you? Sandra:Great!I'm with my pen pal.She‟s from Paris. We ale having lunch.

Gina:Cool!How‟s the weather there? Sandra:Great!Hot and sunny.How„s the weather in Shanghai? Gina:Also hot.And really humid.


学生迸行一个单元的知识整理作业。之前的预习虽然也给了除了要求,但是考虑到学生是初学者,学习能力还不够强,对整理作业的要求不高。整理时只要他们整理出新学的单词、词组、旬捌和语法知识即可,并没有对整理到什么程度作出细致的要求。机缘巧合,同事由于接班。对其班级的整理作业进行了新的要求,非常详细,具体到名词要分出可数不可数,形容词要给出比较级、最高级,动词要给出其第三人称单数、进行时、过去式等.考虑到这个单元刚好学习形容词的比较级和最高级形式,而且之前已经对这个知识点有了初步的学习.我决定也从这个单元开始对他们的事理进行细致的系统的要求。因此,一次系统的整理作业出炉了。但就是这次作业却让我得到了意想不到的收获,让我对初中英语教学又有了新的认识。真正体验到了“教学相长”的涵义。问题出现在第二天的作业批改中。在我进行批改之前。同事张老师已经开始批改,她碰到了疑问,就问我:“honest的比较级是加-er呢还是用more呢?opposite呢?”我快速的思考了一下。然后在电脑上进行查询,很快确定了honest的比较级是用more+opposite等部分形容词没有比较级。但是因为自己在做别的事情,就没有进行进一步思考:哪些形容词没有比较级,为什么没有。发现几乎所有的学生在形容词这个部分把本单元的形容词整理进去以后,非常想当然的写下了“opposite—more opposite—the most opposite”.我开始认真考虑这个问题,并希望能够给出一个系统的确切的解答。






听力 交流 培养 训练 速记 推断

由于多年来一直教毕业班,身边发生了很多的教学案例,感触最深的是听力教学。总是为了应付考试而去完成听力内容,有一天听到两个学生唠嗑:这英语不怕笔试,就怕听力,老师能不能想点办法呢?是啊,孩子学英语是为了终身的发展,我们的英语教学应为壮大学生的生命力而教。《英语新课程标准》提到初中学生在英语学习中听的目标为: “能抓住所听语段中的关键词,理解句子之间的逻辑关系;能从听力材料、简单演讲或讨论中提取信息和观点;能听懂正常语速的故事或记叙文,了解其中主要人物和事件以及他们的关系;能听懂日常的要求和指令,并能根据要求和指令完成任务。”众所周知,农村的英语教学缺少语境、资源匮乏,那么在日常教学中该怎样提高学生的听力水平呢?

一、克服困难 老师敢于用英语交流

作为一名农村英语教师,自己也有很多的困顿。首先,自己不是英语专业出身,总感觉不如别人,总是羞于开口,总怕自己的发音招来同事们的耻笑。其次,农村英语教学资源匮乏,家长、社会重视程度不够。基于种种原因,开口说英语对于我来说真是件难事,每到期末时,总是拎着录音机给学生来一顿恶补,让学生临时过关。作为一名有责任心的老师这样教英语是感到愧疚的,于是我首先克服困难,上课多用英语口语,课下,班级的日常杂事多用英语与同学们交流。如:Who is on duty today ? Who isn’t here? Where is he/she? Why ?Who didn’t hand in homework?等等,当然刚开始学生也制作简单回答,慢慢地就能回答好了。只有老师率先垂范,学生才能勇往直前。其次,作为一名英语教师利用业余时间多向同行学习,多对网上的英语视频课学习、揣摩。渐渐地自己的英语口语能力也有了很大的提高,也就不怕给学生一碗水了。

二、营造环境 培养学生听的习惯














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