《牛津小学英语》6B Unit 6复习课教学设计[推荐五篇]

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第一篇:《牛津小学英语》6B Unit 6复习课教学设计

《牛津小学英语》6B Unit 6教学设计

一、教学内容:《牛津小学英语》6B Unit 6复习课


1、知识目标:熟练运用be going to表达计划或打算。



三、教学重难点:be going to 的灵活运用和综合运用。



Step1: Introduction



T: Today we are going to review Unit6, what’s the title of this unit?

Ss: Planning for the weekend.T: Right.In Unit6,we learned “be going to”

这个句型来表达自己的计划或打算,比如plan for the weekend(板书单词weekend)或plan

for tomorrow(板书tomorrow)

教师引导学生说出“plan for next week/month/year„等,并板书学生所说的短语)



T: I’m going to have a birthday party this weekend.What are you going to do? Please write one sentence about your plan.play…

Be going to





[设计意图]:复习课对学生的要求不能仅停留在口头表达上,而应是既动脑、动口,又动笔。通过写 的活动让学生更加注意时态的时间意义及相应的动词形式,以提高学生的语言运用能力。Step2: Group Activities:(1)师生一起探讨如何完善这份计划

T: …is going to have a picnic this weekend.Who is going to have a picnic this weekend, too?

S1: I’m going to have a picnic this weekend, too.T: Oh, really? You two come here, please.You are going to have a picnic this weekend.What time are you going to meet?(板书问句:What time are you going to meet?)S1: We are going to meet at eight in the morning.T:(向其他学生)Do you have any questions about their plan? Please write them down.(学生四人一组讨论,并将讨论的问题写在一张纸上,站在讲台上的两位同学也同时讨论如何完善他 们的计划)

[设计意图]:小组合作学习有利于学生积极参与课堂活动,并开动脑筋;让学生写出讨论的问题有助 于学生注意单词的拼写。



Step3: More practice


T: I’m going to go fishing this weekend.I like fishing.Do you like fishing? S1: No, I don’t like fish.T:(To S2)Does S1 like fishing? S2: No, she doesn’t.T: Do you like fishing? S2: Yes,I do.I like fishing.T: Did you go fishing last weekend? S2: Yes, I did.I went fishing last weekend.T:(To S3)Did S2 go swimming last weekend? S3: No,he didn’t.T: What did he do last weekend?

S3: He went fishing.T: What did you do last weekend?

S3: I visited my grandparents.T: How do you usually spend your weekend? S3: I usually watch TV or play computer games at weekends.[设计意图]:一句“Do you like fishing?”将课堂教学由复习一般将来时巧妙地转入下个环节,通 过师生之间的对话帮助学生复习所学时态,把对语言形式的训练变成了自然、有意义的交际活动,摆 脱了机械、枯燥的语法训练模式。此外,连续提问的方式,以提醒学生认真倾听别人的发言,将看似 个别训练的活动自然地变成对全体学生的训练。



A running race Rabbit: Hello, I’m a lovely rabbit.Last time, the tortoise and I ______(have)a running race.He

(run)faster than me.I _____(be)still not happy.Now I’m_______(call)him.Rabbit: Hi, is that Mr.Tortoise?

Tortoise: Yes, this is Mr.Tortoise______(speak)

Rabbit: Are you free tomorrow?

Tortoise: Yes.What are you going to do?

Rabbit: I _________(have)a running race with you tomorrow.Would you like to come?

Tortoise: Sure.Where are we going to _____(meet)?

Rabbit: In front of Miss Cat’s house.Tortoise: When?

Rabbit: At nine o’clock.Tortoise: OK.See you tomorrow.Rabbit: See you.[设计意图]:由句子到段落再到篇章的练习形式,让学生对不同的时态及其用法有了更为清晰的认识和理解。

Step4: Listening practice 教师出示视频,让学生做听力练习,并回答问题。Step5: Consolidation and practice 教师呈现课前制作好的海报,给学生2-3分钟的时间阅读。

Good News!

Go to Huangshanhu Park this Children’s Day by bus.Meet at 8:30, in front of our primary school.Go fishing in the morning.Have a picnic at 10:45 on the grass.Have a singing contest in the afternoon.Go back home at 4:10 by bus.(2)分层作业:


Last Sunday was Mother’s Day.I ___________for my mother.She was very happy.I was happy, too.Children’s Day is coming…



Where are you going this Children’s Day?

How are you going to get there?

What are you going to do in the morning in the park? How about the afternoon?

Are you going to have lunch at home?

What time are you going to get back home?


Sunny and warm

Wednesday, May 15th

Children’s Day Plan

Last Sunday was Mother’s Day.I_______for my mother.She was very happy.I was happy too.Children’s Day is coming.I’m going to Huangshanhu Park with my classmates by ______.We’re going to meet _______8:30_________ our primary school.We’re going to______ in the

morning.We’re going to ______.We’re going to_________.Huangshanhu Park is very beautiful.I’m sure we’re going to have a good time there.[设计意图]:根据学生英语水平参差不齐的实际情况设计三个层次的练习供学生选择,让每位学生 都能体验到学习成功的快乐。Step6: Summary and Homework: 教师总结本节课的重点内容,并布置作业:以小组为单位,续编龟兔赛跑的故事。


牛津小学英语6B期末复习课教案 一.教学目标:

1. 知识目标:复习letters and seasons: 信封格式信件内容四季特点。

2. 能力目标:学生能够运用所学知识运用于日常生活中,鼓励他们从因特网上寻找外国笔友,互写英文信,可以交流一下各自国家或家乡的天气情况。

二.教学重、难点:how to write a letter;four seasons 以及所涉及到的四会句型Can I have„?What for?...三.教学准备:胶水,邮票,信封,信纸,多媒体课件 教学过程:

Step1.Warming up Sing English songs.Step2.Introduction 1.Self-introduce.2.Introduce a penfriend:Andy.3.Ss ask some questions about Andy.Step3.Penfriend wanted 1.Show the passage from Andy, listen to the tape, S解决自己所提的问题。2.Ss read the passage together in order to know more about Andy.3.T: Do you want to be Andy’s penfriend? Let’s write a letter to Andy,OK?

If writing a letter, what do we need?

Ss:An envelope, a stamp, some glue, some writing paper.Step4.Bingo game 使用下列句型找齐写信的四件物品:envelope, writing paper, glue, stamp.四人 一起说:“Bingo!”取得胜利。A: Can I have …? B: What for? A: I want to write a letter.B: Sure.Here you are.(四会)Step5.A letter to a penfriend


T:We’ve found 4 things.Let’s write a letter.But first finish the envelope.(出示信封和地址)

T checks the right address.2.An unfinished letter.T show an unfinished letter, Ss try to do it, then T checks it.3.Read it together.Step6.Seasons.1.(前面给Andy的回信中提到了冬天,由此引入)

T:Just now that student likes winter best,Which season do you like best?

Choose the season you like, then write it on the paper.(师生交流)

2. Say a chant.Spring, spring, warm and sunny.Autumn,autumn,cool and windy.Go, go, go!Go rowing.Go,go,go!Go on an outing.Summer,summer, hot and rainy.Winter,winter,cold and snowy.Go, go, go!Go swimming.Go,go,go!Go skiing.Step7.Homework Write a letter to Andy.总复习-牛津小学英语6B教案1 教学目标:

1通过复习,使学生了解不同语境下动词时态的变化。教学重难点:动词时态变化 教学准备:试卷 教学过程: step1.Warm up" What date is it today? What day is it today? What lessons do you have in the morning? Do you have any hobbies? What do you ususally do at the weekends?What did you do last night? step2.Practise 用所给词的适当形式填空:

1.The football under the table is


(visit)her grandparent on Sunday.3.Did you

(watch)a film last week.4.I'd like

(have)a party.5.They are

(water)flowers at home.6.We

(milk)cows ahd picked apples on a farm.7.Helen's family

(be)at home last Sunday.8.Please open

(they)for _

(I).9.The new mirror is

(she).10.Jim likes

(watch)TV very much.11.They

(go)to a farm on Christmas Day.12.(do)Ben and Mike

(go)to school together ? 13.SuYang is


(she)camera now.14.New Year's Day is


(help)her with

(do)housework just now.16.She


(listen)to music.17.People

(go)to the park every morning.18.Listen!The girl

(sing)over there.19.Mike

(have)a blue ballnoon.And I

(have)a green one.20.There

(be)some bread on the plate.Can I

(have)some ? 21.Let’s

(clean)the windows.22.When’s

(he)birthday ?

23.Now the children are

(sing)the song

24.Ben often

(have)breakfast at seven in the


(be)at school a moment ago ,I(be)at home now.26.The girl

(visit)Doctor Wang last month 27.Sunday is the

(one)day of a week.28.Can you help


(do)housework? 29.Listen!The little girl is

(cry).30.The man in a white shirt is the park(keep).31.There was an

(excite)volleyball match in their school last week.32.They are going to have a Sports Day on the

(twenty-one)of December 33.Would you like


34.My birthday’s on the

(three)of November.35.Today is


(not)like listening to music.37.WangBing

(give)Ben a new model plane as a birthday present yesterday.38.Do you like

(collect)stamps ? 39.Where are you

(CD)? They

(be)in the desk yesterday evening.40.There

(be)a pair of

(glass)on the sofa now.41.All the workers are very

(excite)42.The race is very


(draw)pictures every week.44.Your shoes

(be)there just now.45.Go and ask

(he)the way.46.We are

(have)a birthday party.47.There

(be)a big cake and some candles.48.It is the

(five)of October.49.My birthday’s coming.Let’s(has)a party.50.We are now

(live)in China.step:3 Homework Recite the past participle.第二课时 1、教学目标


2、教学重难点: 词组翻译和选词填空

3、教学准备: 练习卷

4、教学过程: Step1 Warm up What date is it today? What's the weather like today? What lessons do you have in the morning? Do you have any hobbies? Step2 Practise 一.在下列选项中选出划线部分发音不同的那一项。5%
















D.thank 二.英汉互译.10%

1.去野餐____ ____ ____ plan for the weekend_______ 2.下车______ ______ at the concert_______

3.炎热的夏天______ ______

8my favourite subjects_______ 4.做更多的运动____ ____ ___ 9as tall as _______

5.参加______ ______ ______ 10twenties minutes younger_______ 三.用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。5% fast three




1.David runs ______than Ben.2.Go along this road and turn at the ________ crossing.3.They’re _______for their weekend now.4.Whose bag is heavier, _______or his ? 5.We ______________ a play next week.四.选择题。15%

()1.Wang Bing is ______ at Music than me.A.good



D.looking()2.Would you like _______ us?


B.to join


D.joined()3.They are talking_______ their plans_______ the weekend.A.with;for



D.for;about()4.A:Is that Gan Shan ? B:Yes, _______



C.speak to

D.speaking()5.He likes _______ football.He’s good ______football.A.playing;in B.play;at

C.playing;at D.is;comes()6.Would you like to go swimming with us ?

A.of course

B.Yes,I’d love to C.Sure

D.All right()7.My eyes _______ than _______.A.are bigger;hers

B.is bigger;his

C.are bigger;her

D.are smaller;her()8.Can I have _______coffee ?

A.many B.any

C.some D.lot

()9.Sorry, I ‘m late.I‘ll get up_______ tomorrow.A.earlier



D.earliest()10.______ you get up as early as her?





()11.I want _______ a letter.A.to


C.to write

D.to writing

()12.My brother _______ going to make model planes tomorrow.A.am




()13.The girl usually plays the violin _______ the weekends.A.at




()14.You can _______ bus No.9 and ______ at the fourth stop.A.take;get

B.take off;get

C.take;get on

D.take;get off

()15.The post office is _______ your right.A.at



D.on Step3: Check the answers: 以学生分析为主,养成学生独立做题的习惯 Step4: Homework Recite the phrases in book 6B第三课时 教学目标

通过分析使学生清楚的掌握现在进行时、过去式以及一般将来时之间的区别,并学会在不同的语境中使用这些时态 教学重难点:

现在进行时,过去式和一般将来时 教学准备: 小练笔试卷 教学过程: Step1 Warm up When's your birthday? What's your favourite holiday? What did you do last...? What are you going to do this....? Step2 Grammers 现在进行时:表示现在正在发生的事

公式:XXX be doing...使用注意点:look listen now 时间

一般将来时: 表示将来会发生的事

公式:XXX be going to do XXX will 动词原形

使用注意点:next this afternoon/weekend tomorrow等表示将来的时间



公式:XXX 动词过去式

使用注意点:yesterday this morning at that time last...ago just now Step 3 pracitise

1.The football under the table is


(visit)her grandparent on Sunday.3.Did you

(watch)a film last week.4.I'd like

(have)a party.5.They are

(water)flowers at home.6.We

(milk)cows ahd picked apples on a farm.7.Helen's family

(be)at home last Sunday.8.Please open

(they)for _

(I).9.The new mirror is

(she).10.Jim likes

(watch)TV very much.11.They

(go)to a farm on Christmas Day.12.(do)Ben and Mike

(go)to school together ? 13.SuYang is


(she)camera now.14.New Year's Day is


(help)her with

(do)housework just now.16.She


(listen)to music.17.People

(go)to the park every morning.18.Listen!The girl

(sing)over there.19.Mike

(have)a blue ballnoon.And I

(have)a green one.20.There

(be)some bread on the plate.Can I

(have)some ? 21.Let’s

(clean)the windows.22.When’s

(he)birthday ?

23.Now the children are

(sing)the song.24.Ben often

(have)breakfast at seven in the


(be)at school a moment ago ,I

(be)at home now.26.The girl

(visit)Doctor Wang last month.27.Sunday is the

(one)day of a week.28.Can you help


(do)housework? 29.Listen!The little girl is

(cry).30.The man in a white shirt is the park

(keep).31.There was an

(excite)volleyball match in their school last week.32.They are going to have a Sports Day on the

(twenty-one)of December.33.Would you likek

(any)bread ? 34.My birthday’s on the

(three)of November.35.Today is


(not)like listening to music.37.WangBing

(give)Ben a new model plane as a birthday present yesterday.38.Do you like

(collect)stamps ? 39.Where are you

(CD)? They

(be)in the desk yesterday evening.40.There

(be)a pair of

(glass)on the sofa now.41.All the workers are very

(excite).42.The race is very


(draw)pictures every week.44.Your shoes

(be)there just now.45.Go and ask

(he)the way.46.We are

(have)a birthday party.47.There

(be)a big cake and some candles.48.It is the

(five)of October.49.My birthday’s coming.Let’s

(has)a party.50.We are now

(live)in China.51.How many

(apple)are there ? 52.(Ben)birthday is on the second day of January.53.Helen

(have)a birthday party at home.54.Ben and Jim usually

(go)home together.55.Would you like

(come)my birthday party.56.They are

(talk)about Ben’s birthday.57.It

(be)the Children’s Day last week.58.Today is the

(two)day of school.59.Tom

(go)to school every day.60.What


(do)yesterday? Step4 Homework

天天练:动词专项练习第四课时 教学目标

通过练习使学生掌握一般疑问句、特殊疑问句以及同义句等句型的做题技巧 教学重难点 特殊疑问词 教学准备 练习卷 教学过程

Step1 warm up What date is it today? What's the weather like today? What's your favourite subject/season? Step2 Grammer 一般疑问句:以be动词、情态动词或助动词开头

特殊疑问句:以特殊疑问词开头,如what, when ,where, when, why, how等

同义句转换要注意意思 Step3 Practise

一、按要求改写句子: I have some nice toys in my room.(改成否定句)____________________________________________ 2 It’s a beautiful hat.(改为感叹句)

____________________________________________ 3 These are my shoes.(改为同义句)

____________________________________________ 4 Close your eyes.(改为否定句)

____________________________________________ 5 Theirs are new.(对画线部分提问)

____________________________________________ 6 The girl in red is his sister.(对画线部分提问)

____________________________________________ 7 I’m in Class One.(对画线部分提问)____________________________________________ 8 Let her have a look.(改为复数句)

____________________________________________ 9 Those books are ours.(改为复数句)

____________________________________________ 10 You can open the door like this.(改为祈使句)

____________________________________________ 11 The dog is under the chair.(对画线部分提问)

____________________________________________ 12 Wang Bing is eleven.(对画线部分提问)

____________________________________________ 13 She is an old woman.(改为复数句)

____________________________________________ 14 she can play football.(改为否定句)

____________________________________________ 15 Their trousers are all black.(对画线部分提问)____________________________________________ 16 There is a tree behind the house.(对画线部分提问)____________________________________________ 17 It’s time for bed.(改为同义句)

____________________________________________ 18 It’s six thirty.(改为同义句)

____________________________________________ 19 Miss Gao is at home.(对画线部分提问)

____________________________________________ 20 That watch is mine.(对画线部分提问)Step 4: Home work



一、教学内容:复习语法一般过去时(The Past Tense)和一般将来时(The Future Tense)






四、教学过程: A:Free talk: a: What date is it today? It’s „.What day is it today? It’s „.What lessons do you have on „ morning? We have „.What’s your favourite subject? It’s „.b: What’s the weather like today? What’s the weather like in „ in Changzhou? Which season do you like best? Why? c: What’s your hobby? What’s your father/ mother’s hobby? My hobby is taking photos.设计意图:由老师与学生的自由交流,拉近了师生之间的距离,营造英语氛围,引导学生乐于用英语开口说话,并从老师的爱好是拍照过渡,为下一个环节作了较好的铺垫。B: Look, listen and guess a: T: Here are some photos.Let’s look, listen and guess what is the girl doing now?(只出示照片上的人物,点击声音键,让学生猜一猜,然后出示完整的图片。)S:Is __________ ? Maybe she’s „.She’s „, I think.Are ___________?(多猜几次,然后出现事情的真实画面)T: What is the girl doing? S: He’s listening to music.b: What are they doing? They are playing basketball.设计意图:通过看图、听音,猜事的活动,让学生在不知不觉中进入了教师精心创设的英语情境,他们可以用现在进行时的肯定句或一般疑问句来猜一猜图中的人物正在干什么,学生的学习积极性一下子就能调动起来。原本枯燥的句型复习具有了较强的趣味性。C: Look and guess T: Do you usually play basketball at the weekends? What do you usually do at the weekends? What do you usually do in the morning? a.出示照片:冯书记(女)早晨跑步 T: What does Miss Fen do in the morning? S: Does she usually / often _________ in the morning? Perhaps she ________ in the morning.b.出示照片:蒋老师(男)星期六上网

T: What does Mr Jiang usually do on Saturdays? S: Does he ________ on Saturdays? c.出示照片:学生们放学后打乒乓

T: What do the boys often do after school? S: They often play table tennis.设计意图:先出现人物的半身照,只给学生提供部分信息,即只能确认人物性别、单复数以及表示一般现在时的时间in the morning/ on Saturdays/ after school,通过这些信息沟的设置,让学生产生想问、想知道的愿望,自然而然地用一般现在时的句型猜图中的人物在特定的时间可能做什么事。D: Review a: The past tense(一般过去时)

(1)T: Do you like playing table tennis? Do you often play table tennis? I played table tennis with my son on May Day.It was great fun.What did you do on May Day? S:I „ on May Day.设计意图:由前面的打乒乓球过渡到刚刚过去的劳动节,由此导入本节课要复习的第一个重要语法一般过去时,让学生用肯定句说说自己在劳动节干了什么。让学生在生活话题中恰当的使用语言进行真实的交流,使学生对所学知识进一步得到巩固。学生带着自己的知识、体验、思考、灵感、兴致参与课堂活动,融入课堂教学。(2)Look at the pictures, ask and answer: ① 出示take photos / yesterday 和dance / just now:

T:Did the boy see a film yesterday? S:No, he didn’t.T:What did he do yesterday? S:He took some photos.出示句型:What did _______ do? Did______________ ? ② Ask and answer in pairs:

What did the girl do just now? Did she sing just now? ③ 出示一组图片和时间状语

Look at the pictures, ask and answer in pairs: What did ____________do __________? He/ She/ They ___________.Did ___________________________? Yes/ No.④Look at the pictures, make all kinds of sentences.Model: The boys played football yesterday.The girls didn’t play football two weeks ago.Did the boy play football yesterday? What did the boy do yesterday? When did the boy play football? Where did she go two weeks ago? 设计意图:通过单张或多张组合图片,给学生提供更多的语言信息和情景,让学生自主地利用创设情景,进行语言交际、实践和运用活动。个性化地发挥自主学习的意识和能力,促使学生有意识地发展语言、运用语言以及用语言表达自己的思想。⑤Listen and answer: Listen to the dialogue, and answer the questions: A: What date is it today? B: It’s the tenth of March.A: Yesterday was Linlin’s birthday.B: Really? Did she have a birthday party last night? A: Yes.Liu Tao, Yang Lin and I went to her party.B: What presents did she get? A: She got a new bike, a schoolbag, a storybook and some new clothes.B: What did you do at the party? A: We sang and danced.We ate a lot of food, too.B: Did you have a good time? A: Yes.Questions: 1.When’s Lin Lin’s birthday? 2.Did Lin Lin have a birthday party? 3.What presents did Lin Lin get? 4.What did the children do at the party? 5.Did they have a good time? 设计意图:此环节是针对前面复习的一般过去时设计的一道听力训练。我在编这段对话时充分考虑到语言规范,语言材料既要符合学生生活体验又要紧贴训练目标,合理设计题型。先让学生阅读问题,然后带着问题去听。听的过程中学生抓住语言材料关键词,抓主要线索,抓整体,并做一些简单却很有必要的笔记。在训练听力时进行听法指导对学生听力技能的提高是十分必要的。

b: The future tense:(一般将来时)

(1)T: Children’s Day is coming soon.Are you happy? Look, this is Mike’s plan for Children’s Day.A plan for Children’s Day Morning Take part in the singing contest Afternoon See a film and go skating Evening Have a big dinner T: What is Mike going to do in the morning? He’s going to ________.What is Mike going to do in the afternoon? He’s going to ________.What is Mike going to do in the evening? He’s going to ________.We also can say: He will have a big dinner in the evening.What are you going to do on Children’s Day? I’m going to __________ on Children’s Day.We also can say: I shall ______________.T: When are going to ________? Where are you going to _______? 设计意图:为了找到合适的切入点,我联系实际情况把即将到来的儿童节通过图片和表格相结合的形式引入到教学中来,让学生用一般将来时的肯定句式表达自己的节日计划,交流自己的设想,从中感受到所学知识与生活密切相关,从而体会到学习英语的成就感。(2)T: My favourite holiday is National Day.I usually have a trip with my family on National Day.Last National Day we went to Shanghai.We visited Shanghai History Museum.There were many interesting things in it.My son was very excited on that day.National Day is coming soon.We are going to Tianmu Lake for two days.We are going to climb the hill and go fishing there.板书: My plan for National Day.My favourite holiday is „.I usually „.Last National Day I „.I’m going to....Do you want to make a plan for the summer holiday / National Day / your birthday or some other holidays? Work in groups.设计意图:首先由我的示范,用一段话介绍我的国庆节计划,屏幕上给出关键句型,这样既 给学生适当的引导,又给学生必要的提示。小组活动时,学生积极参与,自主选择话题,并 且围绕话题讨论、制定节日计划,根据所给提示进行有目的、有方向的活动。通过思考、讨论、交流和合作等方式,学习和使用英语。(3)Fill in the form: Look, let’s fill in the form: 设计意图:首先是帮助学生回忆、巩固动词的四种形式,尤其对特殊形式作了较多的复现。其次为下面游戏中运用四种句式打下了伏笔。

(4)Play a game: Look at the information, then ask a question.The computer will tell you “Yes” or “No”.Model: Who Activities When Nancy play the piano tomorrow Is Nancy going to play the piano tomorrow? 设计意图:采用游戏的形式进一步使学生对四种语法知识的强化、巩固,同时把适度的紧张感带入课堂,让学生既紧张又兴奋,充分调动学生的积极性。D:Homework: A: Read and choose:(选择最佳答案)()1.Did they _____ a film last night? Yes.A.watched B.watching C.watch()2.What ________ she _________ tomorrow? A.is, doing B.is, going to do C.does, do()3.________ Nancy like __________ puppets? A.Did, make B.Do, make C.Does, making()4.Helen ______ the piano every night.A.playing B.played C.plays()5.Listen, Helen ______ the piano.A.is playing B.played C.plays B: Read and complete the passage:(阅读并完成短文)Jim and his parents ________(go)to the farm last weekend.Jim ________(pick)many strawberries.His father ________(milk)cows.His mother ________(cook)them nice food.They ________(have)a good time.They often ________(go)to farms at the weekends.Sometimes they ________(have)picnics or ________(go)on outings.Now they ________(make)a plan for next weekend.His father ________(sit)on the sofa.Jim and his mother ________(stand)near him.What are they ________(do)next weekend? Oh, they are going to have a birthday party, because Jim’s birthday is coming.How happy they are!设计意图:设计适当的习题,既能培养了学生“写”的能力,也可以让他们再次巩固新知。复习课中的练习是为了技能向能力转化,侧重于英语能力的形成;侧重于知识结构转化为认知结构,因此我出示了综合性较强的习题让学生练习。E: Design on the blackboard: Review(Ⅱ)一般过去时(The Past Tense)一般将来时(The Future Tense)



一、教学内容:复习语法一般过去时(The Past Tense)和一般将来时(The Future Tense)






四、教学过程: A:Free talk: a: What date is it today? It’s ….What day is it today? It’s ….What lessons do you have on … morning? We have ….What’s your favourite subject? It’s ….b: What’s the weather like today? What’s the weather like in … in Changzhou? Which season do you like best? Why?

c: What’s your hobby? What’s your father/ mother’s hobby? My hobby is taking photos.设计意图:由老师与学生的自由交流,拉近了师生之间的距离,营造英语氛围,引导学生乐于用英语开口说话,并从老师的爱好是拍照过渡,为下一个环节作了较好的铺垫。

B: Look, listen and guess a: T: Here are some photos.Let’s look, listen and guess what is the girl doing now?(只出示照片上的人物,点击声音键,让学生猜一猜,然后出示完整的图片。)

S:Is __________ ? Maybe she’s ….She’s …, I think.Are ___________?

(多猜几次,然后出现事情的真实画面)T: What is the girl doing? S: He’s listening to music.b: What are they doing? They are playing basketball.设计意图:通过看图、听音,猜事的活动,让学生在不知不觉中进入了教师精心创设的英语情境,他们可以用现在进行时的肯定句或一般疑问句来猜一猜图中的人物正在干什么,学生的学习积极性一下子就能调动起来。原本枯燥的句型复习具有了较强的趣味性。

C: Look and guess T: Do you usually play basketball at the weekends? What do you usually do at the weekends? What do you usually do in the morning? a.出示照片:冯书记(女)早晨跑步

T: What does Miss Fen do in the morning? S: Does she usually / often _________ in the morning? Perhaps she ________ in the morning.b.出示照片:蒋老师(男)星期六上网

T: What does Mr Jiang usually do on Saturdays? S: Does he ________ on Saturdays? c.出示照片:学生们放学后打乒乓 T: What do the boys often do after school? S: They often play table tennis.设计意图:先出现人物的半身照,只给学生提供部分信息,即只能确认人物性别、单复数以及表示一般现在时的时间in the morning/ on Saturdays/ after school,通过这些信息沟的设置,让学生产生想问、想知道的愿望,自然而然地用一般现在时的句型猜图中的人物在特定的时间可能做什么事。

D: Review a: The past tense(一般过去时)

(1)T: Do you like playing table tennis? Do you often play table tennis? I played table tennis with my son on May Day.It was great fun.What did you do on May Day? S:I … on May Day.设计意图:由前面的打乒乓球过渡到刚刚过去的劳动节,由此导入本节课要复习的第一个重要语法一般过去时,让学生用肯定句说说自己在劳动节干了什么。让学生在生活话题中恰当的使用语言进行真实的交流,使学生对所学知识进一步得到巩固。学生带着自己的知识、体验、思考、灵感、兴致参与课堂活动,融入课堂教学。(2)Look at the pictures, ask and answer: ① 出示take photos / yesterday 和dance / just now:

T:Did the boy see a film yesterday? S:No, he didn’t.T:What did he do yesterday? S:He took some photos.出示句型:What did _______ do? Did______________ ?

② Ask and answer in pairs:

What did the girl do just now? Did she sing just now? ③ 出示一组图片和时间状语

Look at the pictures, ask and answer in pairs: What did ____________do __________? He/ She/ They ___________.Did ___________________________? Yes/ No.④Look at the pictures, make all kinds of sentences.Model: The boys played football yesterday.The girls didn’t play football two weeks ago.Did the boy play football yesterday? What did the boy do yesterday? When did the boy play football? Where did she go two weeks ago? 设计意图:通过单张或多张组合图片,给学生提供更多的语言信息和情景,让学生自主地利用创设情景,进行语言交际、实践和运用活动。个性化地发挥自主学习的意识和能力,促使学生有意识地发展语言、运用语言以及用语言表达自己的思想。⑤Listen and answer: Listen to the dialogue, and answer the questions: A: What date is it today? B: It’s the tenth of March.A: Yesterday was Linlin’s birthday.B: Really? Did she have a birthday party last night? A: Yes.Liu Tao, Yang Lin and I went to her party.B: What presents did she get? A: She got a new bike, a schoolbag, a storybook and some new clothes.B: What did you do at the party? A: We sang and danced.We ate a lot of food, too.B: Did you have a good time? A: Yes.Questions: 1.When’s Lin Lin’s birthday?

2.Did Lin Lin have a birthday party? 3.What presents did Lin Lin get? 4.What did the children do at the party? 5.Did they have a good time? 设计意图:此环节是针对前面复习的一般过去时设计的一道听力训练。我在编这段对话时充分考虑到语言规范,语言材料既要符合学生生活体验又要紧贴训练目标,合理设计题型。先让学生阅读问题,然后带着问题去听。听的过程中学生抓住语言材料关键词,抓主要线索,抓整体,并做一些简单却很有必要的笔记。在训练听力时进行听法指导对学生听力技能的提高是十分必要的。


一般过去时(The Past Tense)和一般将来时(The Future Tense)



《牛津小学英语6B》Unit 3(A)教学设计





1、能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词way,get,along,street,take,stop,road和句型Can you tell me the way to …,please?。


3、能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型Go along this street,and then turn right at the third crossing.How far is it from here? It's about a kilometre away.You can take bus No.5.How many stops are there? How can I get to the shopping centre?













五、教学过程(Teaching procedure)Step 1 Revision 1.Have a word competition.T: Nice to meet you, boys and girls.Ss: Nice to meet you,too.T: Before we learn the new dialogue, let's have a word competition, ‘Quick response’between the boys and the girls.He/She who give the right word first is the winner.Ss: Great!T:(出示Part B的挂画)Shall we start? Ss:OK.设计意图:在上课一开始,让男生和女生作为对手进行竞赛,一方面,使学生争强好胜的竞争意识被充分激发和调动起来,营造热烈的学习氛围,使学生快速进入学习状态;另一方面,又让学生复习了表示处所的词组,为对话教学做好必要的准备。

Step 2 Presentation.1.Present the places in the classroom.T:Boys and girls, this is our classroom, but now it's the Garden City.Look, here is

Zhongshan Road(用手指我们教室的某一过道).And here is the shopping centre(将牌子放在桌上).Can you tell me more places which you can see in the city?

S1:Yes.I can see a post office.S2: I can see a shopping centre.T:(摆放a primary school/a train station/a middle school/a shopping center/…等标牌。)


2.Present the key sentences of asking the way.T:Well, some teachers will come to our city tomorrow,and they need some guides.Can you help them? Ss: Yes, we can.T: Let's try to be a good guide.(把一个导游证挂在自己脖子上)I want to be a guide first.Suppose you are one of the teachers.You can ask me the way now.S:Excuse me, where's the …? T:Let me see.Er… go along this street and then turn left/right at the … crossing.The … is On your left/right.(引导问路者走到目的地,然后板书)T: Who wants to have a try?(拿出若干导游证)S1:I want to have a try.T:Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the train station, please? S1: It's on Zhongshan Road.T:How can I get there? S1:Go along this street and then turn left at the first crossing.You can see it on the right/left.T:How far is it from here? How far?(伴手势)(板书并教学)S1: It's about a kilometre away.(板书并教学)T:How can I get there faster? Can I take a bus? S1:Yes, you can take bus NO.1(板书)T:How many stops are there?(板书)S1:There are three.(板书)

T:So I can take bus NO.1 and get off at the third stop.You are an excellent guide.Thank you very much.(板书get off)S1:Not at all.T:(Practice the dialogue with some other students as above.)3.Work in groups.T:Now you can ask the way in your groups.(在交流过程中,给表现踊跃、发言积极的学生发导游证)Step 3 Learn the dialogue 1.Listen and answer.(听引言部分,了解对话的背景)

T:(出示课件)Boys and girls, look at the screen.A visitor is visiting our city now.Please listen to the tape and answer my questions.Ss:(Listen to the tape.)

Q1:Who is new here ?

(He's Mr Smith.)

Q2:Where does he want to visit?(The History Museum.)

Q3:He doesn't know the way.Who can help him?(Yang Ling)

2.Listen and find the way.(听对话Part1部分,并在教室里找出the History Museum.)T:Yes.Mr Smith is asking Yang Ling the way.Let's listen to the dialogue and try to find out how he can get to the History Museum.Ss:(Listen to the tape.)T:Can you find the History Museum in our city? If not, please discuss it with your partners.Ss:(学生讨论,找出the History Museum的具体位置,将标牌放在相应的地点。)3.Listen and find the way.(听对话Part2部分,并在教室里找出the post office.)T:Mr Smith wants to go to the post office, too.Where's the post office? How can he get to the post office? Ss:(Listen to the tape.)Ss:(学生讨论,找出the post office的具体位置,将标牌放在相应的地点。)4.Listen to the whole dialogue.(听全文,整体理解课文。)T:Open the books and listen to the whole dialogue.设计意图:我采用整体理解对话的方式,让学生先听录音,然后带着问题再听录音找答案,发展学生选择信息、捕捉信息的能力,有效地指导学生提高听力水平。5.Read the dialogue.1)Listen and repeat.T:Next, Let's follow the tape.Ss: Read the dialogue after the tape.2)Role read the dialogue.T:Read the dialogue in groups.One is Mr Smith, the other is Yang Ling.(分角色朗读)3)Read and complete.(完成对话后的填空)

T:So much for these.Let's do some exercise on Page 23.You have two minutes to finish the blanks.…

T&Ss: Check the answers.Step 4 Consolidation

1.Review the key phrases and sentences.(梳理词组和句子)

T:Look at the blackboard.There are some important sentences and phrases on it.Read after me.设计意图:高年级A板块(对话)内容多、容量大,课堂上教师着重训练学生的听说技能,对语言知识关注较少。本节课增加了重点词组和句子的梳理这一环节,这样会让学生感到很充实:一节课下来,除了学会了对话,还记住了一些词组和句子。

2.Retell the dialogue.T:Let's try to retell the dialogue in a simple way.设计意图:这个环节,无疑是向学生提出了一个高难度的挑战,但是如果教师坚


Step 5 Production(拓展练习)


Step 6 Homework




Excuse me,can you tell me the way to …

Go along this street, and then turn … on the …crossing.The … is on your …


本课是Unit 3的第二课时,之所以放在第二课时,是因为本课的生词、句型较多,而且对话篇幅较长,学生在理解和学习课文的过程中有难度,所以我在B、C部分已经教完的基础上进行A部分的对话教学,这样降低了课文学习的难度,有利于学生的掌握。





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