新概念英语第一册第55课教学设计 - 副本

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第一篇:新概念英语第一册第55课教学设计 - 副本


课型: New lesson(2)教学内容与目的要求:

1、Learn Lesson 55

2、Learn Simple Present.(3)重点句型及重点单词、词语:



②tape ③phonogram cards ④word cards ⑤stars ⑥poster ⑦phonetic symbol cards ⑧teaching plan ⑨ 教学流程表⑩Pictures(6)教学程序及教学游戏安排: StepⅠ:Warming up exercise

1. Genral greeting 2. 1.go to work, 上班。

3.由动词 go引导的短语课文中还有:go to school(上学),go to bed(上床睡觉)。请注意

work, school以及 bed之前不带任何冠词。

4.2.stay at home, 呆在家里。

5.与 stay home在意思上相差无几。前者中的 home是名词,后者中的home是副词。6.

3.do the housework, 料理家务。

7.housework是不可数名词。请比较:do the homework(做作业)。8.

4.at night, 在夜里。

9.如果说某日夜里,则用介词 on: on the night of June 2 在6月2日的夜里 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

语法 Grammar in use

一般现在时(2)(请参见 Lessons 47~48语法部分。)


every day/week/month/year 每日/周/月/年

in the morning/afternoon/evening 在上午/下午/晚上

at noon/night 在正午/夜里


(1)一般情况在动词后面直接加-s,如:want----wants come----comes arrive----arrives

(2)以-s,-x,-ch,-sh,-o 结尾的动词加-es,如:fix----fixes wash----washes go----goes watch----watches do----does


hurry----hurries carry----carries play----plays stay----stays

词汇学习Word study

1.arrive v.(1)到达;到来:

We arrived home early.我们很早就到家了。

25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68.

The train is expected to arrive in London at 8.20 p.m.火车预计在晚上8点20分抵达伦敦。


At last the day of graduation arrived.毕业的那一天终于来临。

Elizabeth's baby arrived at midnight.伊丽莎白的婴儿是在午夜时分降生的。

2.live v.(1)居住;生活:

Frank lives in Paris.弗兰克居住在巴黎。

Where do you live? 你住在哪儿?


Fish can't live long out of water.鱼离开水活不了多久。

My grandmother lived until she was 94.我祖母活到了94岁。


At 40 he was just beginning to live.他到40岁才刚刚开始过上富有意义的生活。

You haven't lived till you've been to Paris.你没到过巴黎就算不上享受过生活。


He lives by playing the violin.他靠拉小提琴为生。

He lives on the fortune left to him by his father.他靠他父亲给他留下的财产生活。

3.stay v.(1)呆在,停留:

Mrs.White stays at home every day.怀特太太每天都呆在家中。


We were staying at the same hotel.我们住在同一家饭店。


The house has to stay exactly as it was.这所房子必须完全保持原来的样子。

练习答案 Key to written exercises

Lesson 56

A The children go to school in the morning.Their father takes them to school.Mrs.Sawyer stays at home.She does the housework.She always eats her lunch at noon.B What does she do in the morning? She always makes the bed in the morning.What does he do in the morning? He always shaves in the morning.What do they do in the evening? They sometimes listen to the stereo in the evening.What does he do every day? He always cleans the blackboard every day.What do they do at night? They always go to bed early at night.What does she do every day? She usually washes the dishes every day.What do they do in the afternoon? They usually type some letters in the afternoon.What does it do every day? It usually drinks some milk every day.What do they do in the evening? They sometimes watch television in the evening.What does she do at noon? She always eats her lunch at noon.What does he do in the evening? He often reads his newspaper in the evening



StepⅣConclusion 1 Sound and read words together and tell the rules.2 Tell parents important and difficult points.3 Praise Ss who have the best attitude in the class.4 Homework


新概念英语第一册教学重点 Lesson One

1)一般疑问句:由BE 动词开头,并用YES 或 NO 回答的问句。

EG: Is this your handbag ? Yes ,it is.No, it isn’t.2)BE 动词简单的讲一下

Be(am is are)

I am , he she it

(is)you we they(are)

用 student 举例:

I am a student.He(she)is a student.Lesson Three 1)复习一般疑问句及回答。2)教授句型:here’s(倒装句)Eg: Here is my ticket.Here is your umbrella and your coat..3)重点掌握 :否定句:(BE 动词后加NOT 组成。含有“不”的意思的句子。是陈述句的一种。

Eg: This is not my umbrella.Lesson five


2)重点句型:介绍别人时:This is …..and This is ….3)教授国籍(大点的学生教授国家和国籍。)这里第一次输入国籍的询问方式(what nationality ……)4)提一下:a / an Lesson seven

1)复习BE 动词,教授BE 动词的缩写形式。Eg :I am = I’m

2)重点教授特殊疑问句:What’s ….job 3)重点掌握各种职业。4)重点掌握问国籍的问法。(多出一些就画线部分提问的题目)5)a/an 本课过关。Lesson nine 1)复习BE 动词。

2)重点讲述HOW 的疑问句,区别how are you ? How is ….3)适当扩展回答:fine , very well soso, pretty good.4)进反义词的比较。(可出一些填空比较题。)Lesson eleven 1)复习BE 动词

2)Whose 的特殊疑问句。(Whose shirt is that?)3)名词的所有格

4)形容词性物主代词:my your his her their our its Lesson thirteen

1)重点掌握疑问句What color’s …..are …..2)复习或者学习颜色。

3)复习名词所有格,物主代词。Lesson fifteen 1)复习BE 动词


直接加S :Book---books

以 S,X,CH,SH 结尾的加ES:box—boxes 以 F,FE 结尾的单词改 F,FE 为V 加ES:knife---knives 以O结尾的部分单词加ES:potato ,tomato, hero.Negro.不规则的单词单独记忆。


My—our your—your

his(her)---their this—these that—those 3)本课的重点还有复数名词的读音。4)复习a/an 及国籍 Lesson seventeen.1)复习上课的BE动词和代词的复数形式 2)重点学习不规则名词的数

Man—men foot—feet child—children sheep—sheep



He—his Lesson nineteen

1)特殊疑问句:询问及关心别人:what’s the matter? =what’s wrong 2)复习形容词进反义词,学习复数的表达形式。

I’m cold.----We’re cold.3)初次教授THERE BE 句型。

There’s an ice cream man.4)初次教授人称代词的宾格。

I—ME Lesson twenty-one 1)重点教授:GIVE + 双宾 Give sb sth

Give sth to sb 2)重点教授宾格

3)再次区别 THIS,THAT 4)复习所有格和物主代词 Lesson twenty—three 1)复习GIVE。2)复习复数词


glass—glasses(适当的出一些单数变复数的句子。)4)介词 on /in/under/in front of/behind 5)复习宾格



时间:2010-6-30 11:15:02 来源:nanboyu 访问量:911

1.give sb sth给某人某物 give me a book;show/send sb sth展示/发送

give sth to sb 把某物给某人 give a book to him show/send sth to sb 2.live at King street(小地点)arrive at the station stay at home live in Fuzhou(大地点)arrive in New York

stay in London

3.take sb to +地点

My father takes me to school every day.4.want sth 想要某物

I want some milk.Want to do sth 想要做某事

She wants to buy a new book.Want sb to do sth 想要某人做某事 They want me to open the door.dodoes not want sb to do sth 不想要某人做某事 I do not want you to miss the train.5.get up起床

I always get up at 7:00.6.keep sth +adj.保持某物的…….Keep the floor clean keep the room tidy 7.be absent(from)缺席

I was absent from school yesterday.8.on the/one’s way to


On the way home(to school),I met an old friend.On the train to在去……的火车上 9.lose one’s way 迷路=be lost I lost my way.=I was lost 10.say to oneself 自言自语 “I can win” I said to myself 11.put sth into 把……放到…… I put some money into my pocket.I put some books into my bag.12.take out取出

He took out a note book and wrote them down , 13.put on your coat 穿上 take off your shoes 脱掉

turn on 打开

turn off 关掉 put your coat on

take your shoes off put it on

take them off

14.be afraid of sth 害怕 I am afraid of dog.be afraid(that)+宾从 恐怕…… I am afraid that it will rain tomorrow.I’m afraid that I can’t do it.15.buy sth for sb 为某人买某物 I bought a present for you.buy sth from sb 从某人那买某物 She bought a tie from Tony.16.hundreds of 数以百计

thousands of 数以千计.17.Be in fashion 时髦 Jeans are always in fashion.Be out of fashion 过时Skirts are out of fashion this year.18.till(until)I can arrive till(until)3:00 this afternoom.Not ……until

I didn’t finish my homework until 10:00 in the evening.19.a lot of water(不可数)oranges(可数)many apples(可数)much meat(不可数)plenty of time(不可数)/tomatoes(可数)20.not ……at all 根本不 I don’t know her at all.I don’t want to talk with him at all.21.have breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner /a meal /a swim/ a bath /a lesson/a holiday/a good time.22.be ready for sth 准备好

I’m ready for dinner.be ready to do sth 准备好做某事 She is ready to go out.23.Iet sb do sth 让某人做某事 Let’s go to school at once.Let her go out.24.have been to 到过 I have never been to shanghai 25.all the time 一直

26.take/bring sb to +地点 带某人去(来)某地 take /bring sth to sb 带走来某物给某人 27.have a try试一试 try to do sth 试图做某事 try one’s best to do sth 尽全力做某事

28.believe sb 相信……是真的 believe in sb信任某人

believe(that)+(宾语从句)29.since 自从

30.speak to 对某人说 write to 写信给某人 wave to 向某人招手 move to 搬到

31.decide to do sth 决定做某事 I decide to tell her the truth.make up one’s mind to do sth 下定决心做某事

I made up my mind to open my mouth and pratise more.32.fly to 飞往 return to 返回

return sth to sb 归还某物给某人

33.leave 离开 leave for 离开到某地 34.belong to 属于 35.do with /handle 处理

36.be sorry that +从句 be sure that+从句子 确定…… 37.had better(not)do sth 最好做(不要做)某事 38.at once(right away /immediately)立刻 39.help sb(to)do sth 帮助某人做某事

40.be adj.enough(for sb)to do 对于某人说足够做某事

too+adj.(for sb)to do 对某人太…..而不能做某事 41.at the top of 在……顶部

42.tell sb sth 告诉某人某事

tell sb about/of sth 告诉某人关于某事

tell sb(not)to do sth 告诉某人做(不要做)某事

tell sb that +从句 43.be full of 充满

44.ask sb(not)to do sth 要求某人做(不要做)某事 45.would like sth 想要……would like to do sth 想要/愿意做某事

46.instead of +名代(宾格)代替

she was ill, so I went there instead.I went there instead of her.There was no milk, so I drank some orange instead.I drank some orange instead of milk 47.afford sth/lto do sth 付得起某物/做某事

48.A is as +adj.+as B

A和B一样…….A is not as(so)+adj.+as B A 不如B…..49.pay for sth 付钱

50.get on/off 上车/下车

happen to 碰见

grow up 长大

51.invite sb to sth /for sth 邀请某人

Invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事

52.play a joke on sb 开某人玩笑 53.look for /find 寻找/找到

54.forget to do sth 忘记做某事

forget doing sth 忘记曾做过某事

55.offer sb sth =offer sth to sb 提供某人某物

I offered you a cup of tea.=I offered a cup of tea to you.56.must be 肯定

can’t be 不可能 57.by oneself 自己

at least 至少 58.need(实意动词)to do sth 需要做某事

Need(情态动词)+动原 必要做某事needn’t+动原


59.take a photo /a walk /a rest(break)/a bus / advice make tea / coffee /a mistake /a mess /the bed /a film/a noise

60.go abroad /overseas 出国

61.It takes +(sb)+时间段 +to do sth 花(某人多少时间做某事)

62.look after /take care of 照顾 63.in the end /at last 最后

64.worry about sth 担心

be worried about sth 65.introduce A to B 把A介绍给B 66.get married结婚 Marry sb 和某人结婚

67.depend on依靠,取决于

68.by the way 顺便说一下(问一下)

69.talk to sb 对某人说 /with sb 和某人谈话 /about sth 谈话关于

70.begin to do sth /start to do sth 开始做某事 71.make up /dress up打扮,化妆 72.go for a walk.散步 73.make sb +adj 使某人…… 74.be covered with覆盖……

第四篇:新概念英语第一册 语法汇总


课文详注 Further notes on the text 1.Excuse me 对不起。


课文中的 Yes?应用升调朗读,意为:“什么事?”Yes?以升调表示某种不肯定或询问之意,也含有请对方说下去的意思。


当我们没听清或没理解对方的话并希望对方能重复一遍时,就可以使用这一表达方式。较为正式的说法是: I beg your pardon.I beg your pardon? Pardon me.它们在汉语中的意思相当于“对不起,请再说一遍”或者“对不起,请再说一遍好吗?”

4.Thank you very much.非常感谢!

这是一句表示感谢的用语,意为“非常感谢(你)”。请看下列类似的表达式,并注意其语气上的差异: Thank you.谢谢(你)。Thanks!谢谢!5.数字1~10的英文写法

1—one 2—two 3—three 4—four 5—five 6—six 7—seven 8—eight 9—nine 10—ten 语法 Grammar in use



陈述句:This is your watch.这是你的手表。

疑问句:Is this your watch? 这是你的手表吗?

(可参见 Lessons 15~16语法部分有关 be的一般现在时形式的说明。)词汇学习Word study

1.coat n.上衣,外套: Is this your coat? 这是你的外套吗?

coat and skirt<英>(上衣、裙子匹配的)西式女套装 2.dress n.(1)连衣裙;套裙: Is this your dress? 这是你的连衣裙吗?

(2)服装;衣服: casual dress 便服; evening dress 晚礼服


课文详注 Further notes on the text

1.My coat and my umbrella please.请把我的大衣和伞拿给我。

这是一个省略形式的祈使句,完整的句子应为: Give me my coat and my umbrella, please.口语中,在语境明确的情况下通常可省略动词和间接宾语,如:

(Show me your)Ticket, please.请出示你的票。(Show me your)Passport, please.请出示您的护照。2.Here's your umbrella and your coat.这是您的伞和大衣。

Here's 是 Here is的缩略形式。全句原为:Here is your umbrella and your coat.缩略形式和非缩略形式在英语的书面用语和口语中均有,但非缩略形式常用于比较正式的场合。Here's…是一种习惯用法,句中采用了倒装句式,即系动词提到了主语之前。又如 Here is my ticket 这句话用正常的语序时为 My ticket is here。

3.Sorry = I'm sorry。


Sorry 和 Excuse me 虽在汉语中都可作“对不起”讲,但 sorry 常用于对自己所犯过失表示道歉,而 Excuse me 则多为表示轻微歉意的客套语。


这是英语中对不相识的男子、年长者或上级的尊称。例如:在服务行业中,服务员对男顾客的称呼通常为 sir:

What can I do for you, sir? 先生,您要买什么? Thank you, sir.谢谢您,先生。sir 通常用于正式信函开头的称呼中: Dear sir 亲爱的先生

Dear sirs 亲爱的先生们/诸位先生们


Sir Winston Churchill 温斯顿·丘吉尔爵士 Sir William Brown 威廉·布朗爵士 5.数字11~15的英文写法

11—eleven 12—twelve 13—thirteen 14—fourteen 15—fifteen

语法 Grammar in use


否定陈述句与肯定陈述句相反,它表示“否定”,并且含有一个如not 之类的否定词。一个内含be的否定形式的陈述句,应在其后加 not,以构成否定句:


This is my umbrella.这是我的伞。

否定句: This is not my umbrella.这不是我的伞。


针对一般疑问句的否定的简略答语是 No,it's not/it isn't。此处省略和非省略形式的关系为:is not =isn't;it is = it's。全句应为:

No, it is not my umbrella.不,它不是我的伞。词汇学习Word study

1.suit n.(一套)衣服: Is this your suit? 这是你的衣服吗?

a man's suit 一套男装; a woman's suit 一套女装 2.please:interjection(表示有礼貌地请求对方)请;烦劳:

My coat and my umbrella please.请把我的大衣和伞拿给我。

Please come in.请进。


新概念第一册5-6课文详解及练习答案 课文详注 Further notes on the text 1.Good morning.早上好。

英语中常见的问候用句。对此问候的回应一般也是Good morning。根据一天中见面时间的不同还可以说Good afternoon(下午好)和 Good evening(晚上好)。有时英美人见面时只简单地说一声Hello。

2.This is Miss Sophie Dupont.这位是索菲娅·杜邦小姐。This is+姓名是将某人介绍给他人时常用的句式。课文中的例子还有:

Sophie, this is Hans.索菲娅,这位是汉斯。And this is Naoko.这位是直子。

3.Mr. Blake/Miss Sophie Dupont,布莱克先生/索菲娅·杜邦 小姐。


在一般情况下,不用中间名。在熟悉的人中间,以名相称,而在正式的场合中常用 Mr.(先生),Mrs.(太太),Miss(小姐)或Ms.(女士)这些称呼再加上姓。Mr.用于男士的姓之前,不能单独使用,如课文中的 Mr.Blake;而sir 一般单独使用,是对长者、上司或男顾客的尊称,如:

Sorry, sir.对不起,先生。

Miss 一般用于指未婚女子,不过有时在不知道对方是否已婚时也可使用。

4.Nice to meet you.很高兴见到你。

用于初次与他人见面等非正式场合。对方的回应一般应为Nice to meet you,too(我也很高兴见到你)。

人们在正式的场合初次见面时常用:How do you do?相应的回答也是:How do you do?这是一句问候语,并非问话。


请不要将国家名称和与其对应的国籍搞混。课文的 French,German,Japanese,Korean以及Chinese都是表示国籍的词。句中表示中国国籍的词应为 Chinese 而不是 China。

语法 Grammar in use 1.特殊疑问句

以疑问词 who,what,when,which,why,where,whose,how 等引导的问句都叫特殊疑问句,也叫疑问词疑问句,有时还被称为 wh-问句(wh-question)。结构一般为:疑问词+助动词+主语+主动词等。作为疑问词的what可以用来询问名字、国籍、工作、颜色、型号等。例如以下几个问句: What make is this car? 这辆小汽车是什么牌子的? What nationality are you? 你是哪国人? What is your job? 你的工作是干什么? What colour is it? 它是什么颜色的? What size is this skirt? 这条裙子是多大号的? 2.a 和 an

Sophie is a new student.索菲娅是一名新学生。This is an umbrella.这是一把雨伞。





This is a B/C/D/G/J/K/P/Q/R/T/U/V/W/Y/Z.

这是一个 B/C/D/G/J/K/P/Q/R/T/U/V/W/Y/Z字母。

This is an A/E/F/H/I/L/M/N/O/S/X.

这是一个A/E/F/H/I/L/M/N/O/S/X字母。词汇学习Word study

1.make n.(产品的)牌子;类型,型号;式样: What make is your watch? 你的手表是什么牌子的? Her dress is of Italian make.她的连衣裙是意大利式的。2.English adj.英国(人)的;英格兰(人)的;英国化的:

Is it an American car or an English car? 它是美国车还是英国车?

John is very English.约翰生活行事非常英国化。

练习答案 Key to written exercises Lesson 6 A Alice is a student.She isn't German.She is French.This is her car.It is a French car.Hans is a student.He isn't French.He is German.This is his car.It is a German car.B 1 Is she a German student or a Japanese student? She isn't a German student.She's a Japanese student.2 Is this a German car or a French car? It isn't a German car.It's a French car.3 Is he an Italian student or a German student? He isn't an Italian student.He's a German student.4 Is she an Italian student or a Chinese student? She isn't an Italian student.She is a Chinese student.5 Is this an American car or an English car? It isn't an American car.It's an English car.6 Is he a Japanese student or a Korean student? He isn't a Japanese student.He's a Korean student.7 Is this an English car or an Italian car? It isn't an English car.It's an Italian car.8 Is he an English student or a Chinese student? He isn't an English student.He's a Chinese student.9 Is this a French car or a German car? It isn't a French car.It's a German car.10 Is this a Chinese car or a Japanese car? It isn't a Chinese car.It's a Japanese car.11 Is this an English car or an American car? It isn't an English car.It's an American car.12 Is this a Japanese car or a Korean car? It isn't a Japanese car.It's a Korean car.新概念第一册7-8课文详解及练习答案

课文详注 Further notes on the text

1.My name's = My name is。

这是自我介绍时通常使用的句型:My name is…(后面加上自己的姓名)。有时也可用I'm…这一句型。

2.Are you French,too?你也是法国人吗?

在英语中,too和either两个词都表示“也”的意思,然而too仅用于肯定句中,either 则限于用在否定句中。too和either一般都放在句末,且前面通常用逗号隔开。例如:

Is Sophie Italian, too? 索菲娅也是意大利人吗?

Is Robert a keyboard operator, too? 罗伯特也是电脑录入员吗?

3.What nationality are you?你是哪国人?

此问句用来询问对方的国籍。也可以问 Where are you from?或 Where do you come from?

4.What's your job?你是做什么工作的?

What's =What is。询问对方从事何种职业时还可以说:What do you do?

5.I'm an engineer.我是工程师。

I'm/aim/=I am。口语中经常使用这种缩略形式。英语不定冠词有两个:a,an。在发音以元音音素开头的词前面用an,在发音以辅音音素开头的词前面用a。engineer/?enDNi'ni+/的发音是以元音音素开头的,所以前面要用an。(可参见Lessons 5~6 中的有关说明。)


16—sixteen 17—seventeen 18—eighteen 19—nineteen 20—twenty

语法 Grammar in use


(可参见 Lessons 5~6中的有关说明。)What…?这一问句可以用来询问国籍、工作等等:

What nationality are you? 你是哪国人? What's your job? 你是干什么的?

对于以上两个问句可如下回答: I'm Swedish.我是瑞典人。

I'm an air hostess.我是一名空中小姐。


词汇学习Word study 1.job n.(1)职业: What's your job? 你是做什么工作的?

(2)(一件)工作,活计: The whole job takes about 40 minutes.整个工作大约需要四十分钟。

(3)职责: It's your job to be on time.准时是你应该做到的事。



Is she a nurse or a housewife? 她是护士还是家庭主妇?


All her time goes into nursing her child.她把全部时间都花于照看自己的孩子上了。

(3)v .养护;培养: nurse a young tree 养护树苗

nurse an author of promise 培养有前途的作家

练习答案 Key to written exercises Lesson 8 A 1 My name is Robert.I am a student.I am Italian.2 Sophie is not Italian.She is French.3 Mr.Black is my teacher.He is not French.B 1 What's his job? Is he a policeman? Yes, he is.2 What's her job? Is she a policewoman? Yes, she is.3 What's his job? Is he a taxi driver? Yes, he is.4 What's her job? Is she an air hostess? Yes, she is.5 What's his job? Is he a postman? Yes, he is.6 What's her job? Is she a nurse? Yes, she is.7 What's his job? Is he a mechanic? Yes, he is.8 What's his job? Is he a hairdresser? Yes, he is.9 What's her job? Is she a housewife? Yes, she is.10 What's his job? Is he a milkman? Yes, he is.新概念第一册9-10课文详解及练习答案 课文详注 Further notes on the text 1.How are you today?你今天好吗?


Fine, thank you.很好,谢谢。I'm fine, thank you.很好,谢谢。I'm very well, thank you.很好,谢谢。

如问及对方的先生或太太的情况,可以说 How is Tony?或How's Emma?等。

相应的回答可为 He's fine,thanks 或 She's very well,thankyou等。

2.And you?你好吗?

是And how are you?的简略说法。在回答对方问候健康的话之后反问时用。

3.数字21与22的英文写法 21—twenty-one 22—twenty-two 语法 Grammar in use


how 是一个表示“如何”的疑问词,可以用来引导一些用于社交场合的套话:


How are you? 你好吗?

How is Helen today? 海伦今天好吗?

How have you been? 你一向可好?

(2)How do you do?(你好吗?)是正式介绍中的一句套话,从不用来询问健康:

(3)how 经常用在询问目前状况的疑问句里,如: How's life? 生活如何? How are things? 情况怎样? How's work? 工作怎么样? 2.形容词的意义与作用


(2)许多形容词可用以回答 What…like?这样的问题,并可根据上下文给出笼统的或确切的信息。

(3)英语中形容词作定语时一般置于名词之前,如: a young nurse 一位年轻的护士;an old mechanic 一位老机械师

a lazy housewife 一个懒惰的家庭主妇;a thin woman 一个瘦瘦的女人

词汇学习Word study 1.look v.(1)看,瞧,观,望:

Look at that man.Is he thin? 瞧那个男人。他瘦吗? Look carefully before you cross the street.过马路前要仔细看清来往车辆。(2)面向,朝向:

The room looks on the sea.房间面向大海。

Two windows look to the south.两扇窗子朝南。

2.fine adj.(1)健康的;舒适的: How is Steven today? 史蒂文今天怎么样?

(2)极好的,优秀的: a fine view 美好的景色 a fine teacher 一位优秀教师

(3)优雅的,雅致的: He is a man with fine manners.他是一个举止优雅的男人。

练习答案 Key to written exercises Lesson 10 A

Mr.Blake isn't a student.He's a teacher.2 This isn't my umbrella.It's your umbrella.3 Sophie isn't a teacher.She's a keyboard operator.4 Steven isn't cold.He's hot.5 Naoko isn't Chinese.She's Japanese.6 This isn't a German car.It's a Swedish car.B

Look at that man.He's very fat.2 Look at that woman.She's very thin.3 Look at that policeman.He's very tall.4 Look at that policewoman.She's very short.5 Look at that mechanic.He's very dirty.6 Look at that nurse.She's very clean.7 Look at Steven.He's very hot.8 Look at Emma.She's very cold.9 Look at that milkman.He's very old.10 Look at that air hostess.She's very young.11 Look at that hairdresser.He's very busy.12 Look at that housewife.She's very lazy.新概念第一册11-12 课文详解及练习答案

课文详注 Further notes on the text 1.Whose shirt is that?那是谁的衬衫?


2.Yes,sir?什么事,先生? 请参见 Lessons 1~2课文详注以及 Lessons 3~4课文详注。

3.Here you are.给你。

是给对方东西时的习惯用语。递给对方东西或对方在找某物而你指出该物在什么地方时,往往用这种表达方式。也可以说:Here it is(指单数的物)或 Here they are(指复数的物)。句中的are和is一般应重读。

4.非省略形式和省略形式之间的关系: it is not = it isn't = it's not。

5.数字30的英文写法: 30 —thirty 语法 Grammar in use

1.以疑问词 whose 引导的特殊疑问句

(1)用来询问所有关系。所有者总是一个人而且期望得到的回答是某人的名字加-'s形式(如 Tim's蒂姆的),或者是一个所有格代词(如 mine我的)。

(2)这时 whose 也可在句子中作表语,如:(3)当所有关系中指的是某件东西或某种物质时,whose后面的名词可以省略:



This is my car.这是我的汽车。(定语)That is her coat.这是她的上衣。(定语)

Your car is red,mine is blue.你的车是红色的,我的是蓝色的。(主语)

This book is his,not yours.这本书是他的,不是你的。(表语)

I have my way, and she has hers.我有我的处事方式,她有她的。(宾语)


Is this Dave's shirt? 这是戴夫的衬衫吗?(作定语)Whose is that shirt? Is it your daughter's? 那条裙子是谁的?是你女儿的吗?(作表语)

练习答案 Key to written exercises

Lesson 12 A Stella is here.That is her car.2 Excuse me, Steven.Is this your umbrella? 3 I am an air hostess.My name is Britt.4 Paul is here, too.That is his coat.B

Whose is this handbag? It's Stella 's.It's her handbag.2 Whose is this car? It's Paul's.It's his car.3 Whose is this coat? It's Sophie 's.It's her coat.4 Whose is this umbrella? It's Steven's.It's his umbrella.5 Whose is this pen? It's my daughter's.It's her pen.6 Whose is this dress? It's my son's.It's his dress.7 Whose is this suit? It's my father's.It's his suit.8 Whose is this skirt? It's my mother's.It's her skirt.9 Whose is this blouse? It's my sister's.It's her blouse.10 Whose is this tie? It's my brother's.It's his tie.11 Whose is this pen? It's Sophie's.It's her pen.12 Whose is this pencil? It's Hans'.It's his pencil.词汇学习Word study

1.perhaps adv.或许,大概,可能: Perhaps it is, sir.也许是,先生。Perhaps it will rain.也许要下雨了。

Perhaps it's Sophie's handbag.也许这是索菲娅的手提包。

2.catch v.(1)接住,拦住: Catch!接着!

(2)逮住,捕捉: catch a thief 捉住一个贼(3)染上(疾病):catch a cold 伤风 I have caught a bad cold.我得了重感冒。

新概念第一册13-14 课文详解及练习答案

课文详注 Further notes on the text 1.It's the same colour.一样的颜色。

same 通常与定冠词the连用,表示“同一的”、“相同的”: two boys of the same age 两个同龄的男孩子 We live in the same city.我们住在同一个城市里。2.That is a lovely hat!真是一顶可爱的帽子!句末用的是赞叹号,表现出较强的感情色彩。句中的 is 用斜体,是为了强调,应重读。

3.数字 40,50,60,70,80,90,100,101的英文写法:

40—forty 50—fifty 60—sixty 70—seventy 80—eighty 90—ninety 100—a hundred 101—a hundred and one

语法 Grammar in use

1.what colour(s)引导的非凡疑问句(可参见 Lessons 5~6语法中有关非凡疑问句的说明。)以疑问词 what引导的 What colour…?和 What colours…?


What colour is Anna's hat? 安娜的帽子是什么颜色的?

What colour's Helen's dog? 海伦的豿是什么颜色的? What colour's your shirt? 你的衬衣是什么颜色的? What colour is it? 它是什么颜色的? 2.祈使句


Follow me.跟我来。

Shut the door, please.请关门。

Look out!当心!

Keep off the grass!请勿践踏草地!

Help yourself.请自己动手。


Come and see this goldfish.来看这条金鱼。(不用 Come to see)

Go and buy yourself a new pair of shoes.去给自己买双新鞋吧。(不用 Go to buy)

Wait and see.等着瞧吧。(不用 Wait to see)

词汇学习Word study 1.nice adj.(1)美好的,好看的:

It's a nice day today, isn't it? 今天天气真好,不是吗? That's a nice dress.那件连衣裙真好看。


He is very nice to his neighbours.他对邻居很友善。(3)使人兴奋的,令人愉快的:

It is so nice to have you here.你能在这儿真是太好了。Have a nice time!祝你玩得愉快点!2.smart adj.(1)漂亮的,时髦的,巧妙的:

Anna's hat is smart.安娜的帽子漂亮而别致。You look smart in that new dress.你穿那件新连衣裙看上去时髦而潇洒。


She is a smart student.她是一名聪颖的学生。He is a smart businessman.他是一位精明的商人。

练习答案 Key to written exercises Lesson 14 A 1 This is Paul's car.2 This is Sophie's coat.This is Helen's dog.4 This is my father's suit.5 This is my daughter's dress.B What colour's Steven's car? His car's blue.2 What colour's Tim's shirt? His shirt's white.3 What colour's Sophie s coat? Her coat's grey.4 What colour's Mrs.White's carpet? Her carpet's red.5 What colour's Dave's tie? His tie's orange.What colour's Steven's hat? His hat is grey and black.7 What colour's Helen's dog? Her dog's brown and white.8 What colour's Hans' pen? His pen's green.9 What colour's Luming's suit? His suit's grey.10 What colour's Stella's pencil? Her pencil's blue.11 What colour's Xiaohui's handbag? Her handbag's brown.What colour's Sophie 's skirt? Her skirt's yellow.新概念第一册15-16 课文详解及练习答案

课文详注 Further notes on the text

1.Your passports,please.请出示你们的护照。请参见 Lessons 3~4课文详注。

2.Here they are.给您。

本句中的 they指 passports。请参见 Lessons 11~12课文详注。



语法 Grammar in use


(1)假如名词词尾的发音是一个清辅音(如 /f/,/k/,/p/,/t/,/I/;但/s/,/M/,/tM/除外),-s发 /s/的音,如:books/buks/ suits/su:ts/

(2)假如名词词尾的发音是一个浊辅音(如/b/,/d/,/g/,/l/,/m/,/n/,/R/;但/z/,/N/,/DN/除外)或元音,-s发 /z/的音,如:ties /taiz/ dogs /dogz/

(3)假如名词词尾的发音是/s/,/z/,/M/,/N/,/tM/或/DN/,-s发/iz/的音,如:dresses/'dresz/ blouses/'bluziz/

词汇学习Word study 1.blue adj.(1)蓝色的,蔚蓝的:

The sea is deep blue.大海呈深蓝色。

He wears a blue tie.他打一条蓝色的领带。


He looks a bit blue.他看上去有点儿忧郁。

His mood is blue.他的情绪低落。2.grey adj.(1)灰色的,偏灰的:

His hat is grey.他的帽子是灰色的。


Her hair is grey.她的头发灰白。


Tony looks grey and tired.托尼面色苍白,显得疲惫。

练习答案 Key to written exercises Lesson 16 A 1 It is an English car.2 It is a Japanese car.3 It is an Italian car.4 It is a French car.5 It is an American car.6 Robert is not a teacher.B 1 What colour are your shirts? Our shirts are white.2 What colour are your coats? Our coats are grey.3 What colour are your tickets? Our tickets are yellow.4 What colour are your suits? Our suits are blue.5 What colour are your hats? Our hats are black and grey.6 What colour are your passports? Our passports are green.7 What colour are your umbrellas? Our umbrellas are black.8 What colour are your handbags? Our handbags are white.9 What colour are your ties? Our ties are orange.10 What colour are your dogs? Our dogs are brown and white.11 What colour are your pens? Our pens are blue.12 What colour are your cars? Our cars are red.新概念第一册17-18 课文详解及练习答案

课文详注 Further notes on the text 1.How do you do?您好。

这是用于第一次见面时的较正式用语。一般用同样的话往返答。请参见 Lessons 5~6课文详注。

2.Come and meet our employees…来见见我们的雇员……

这里的and表示目的。请参见 Lessons 13~14中语法部分的解释。

3.This is Nicola Grey,and this is Claire Taylor.这位是尼古拉·格雷,这位是克莱尔·泰勒。

这是介绍人们彼此熟悉时的常用句型。请参见 Lessons 5~6课文详注。


假如名词单数词尾为-f或-fe(读作/f/),则其复数一律变为-ves(读作/vz/),即将-f或-fe变成-v,再加-es而成,如 housewife----housewives。



200----two hundred 1,000----a(或 one)thousand 1,001----a thousand and one

语法 Grammar in use 1.who 引导的非凡疑问句

Who is…?或 Who are…?这类以疑问词 who引导的疑问句通常用来询问人的姓名和身份。Who…?仅指人,可以用来询问男性、女性、单数或复数的人。如:

注重这种句型与 What is…?或 What are…?这类句型的区别:What…?句型主要用来询问人的类别或职业,如:

请参见 Lessons 5~6与 Lessons 7~8语法部分的解释。

2.所有格形容词与人称代词(请参见Lessons 11~12语法部分。)

所有格形容词their 意为“他们的”,其对应的人称代词是they。下面是人称代词及其对应的所有格形容词形式:

练习答案 Key to written exercises Lesson 18 A That man is tall.He is a policeman.Those girls are busy.They are keyboard operators.3 Our names are Britt and Inge.We are Swedish.4 Look at our office assistant.He is very hard-working.5 Look at Nicola.She is very pretty.7 6 Michael Baker and Jeremy Short are employees.They are sales reps.B 1 Are they keyboard operators or air hostesses? They aren't keyboard operators.They're air hostesses.2 Are they postmen or policemen? They aren't postmen.They're policemen.3 Are they policewomen or nurses? They aren't policewomen.They're nurses.4 Are they customs officers or hairdressers? They aren't customs officers.They're hairdressers.5 Are they hairdressers or teachers? They aren't hairdressers.They're teachers.6 Are they engineers or taxi drivers? They aren't engineers.They're taxi drivers.7 Are they policewomen or keyboard operators? They aren't policewomen.They're keyboard operators.8 Are they milkmen or engineers? They aren't milkmen.They're engineers.9 Are they policemen or milkmen? They aren't policemen.They're milkmen.10 Are they nurses or housewives? They aren't nurses.They're housewives.词汇学习Word study 1.custom n.风俗;习惯;

When visiting a foreign country, we might find the country's customs strange to us.当我们去外国访问时,我们也许会发现该国的某些风俗习惯有些希奇。

It is his custom to go for a walk in the evenings.他惯常在晚上出去散步。

2.customs, Customs n.[复]海关;征收关税的程序: The spy was stopped at the Customs and questioned.那个间谍在海关被截住并被加以盘问。

How long will it usually take to pass the Customs? 通过海关检查通常要花费多少时间?

新概念第一册19-20 课文详解及练习答案

课文详注 Further notes on the text 1.What's the matter?怎么啦?

相当于 What's wrong?或 Tell me what's wrong。这个句型通常用来询问发生了什么事。假如要非凡提及某人,可以在后面加上介词with,如:

What's the matter with you?你怎么啦? What's the matter with Claire?克莱尔怎么啦?



3.There's = There is。它表示“有”、“存在”,为 there + be结构的一般现在时缩略形式。

4.Two ice creams please.请拿两份冰淇淋。

相当于 Give us two ice creams,please。请参见 Lessons 3~4课文注释。ice cream是物质名词。物质名词前加不定冠词 a或基数词表示一种、一份、一客、一类、一阵等。

语法 Grammar in use 1.there +be结构(1)

在说明或询问人、物等的存在时即可使用there +be结构。说There's an ice cream man比说An ice cream man is there更合乎习惯,也更为自然。there +be结构可将重要的新信息置于句末,以示强调。此结构中的实际主语是be后面的名词。因此,假如该名词是单数就用is,如是复数则为are。


英文中系动词be(是)必须根据不同的人称代词作相应的变化。请参见Lessons15~16语法部分中有关be的一般现在时形式的内容,包括某些缩略形式,如:they are not =they aren't =they're not,we are not = we aren't =we're not。

词汇学习Word study 1.thirsty adj.(1)渴的,口干的: We're tired and thirsty.我们又累又渴。

(2)(土地等)干旱的: a dry and thirsty land 干旱的土地

(3)渴望的,渴求的(for,after):The students there are thirsty for knowledge.那里的学生有强烈的求知欲。

2.matter n.(1)事情,事件:

It's a private matter.这是件私事。

He's not very interested in financial matters.他对财政方面的事情并不太感爱好。


What's the matter, Anna? 怎么了,安娜?

What's the matter with Steven? 史蒂文是怎么回事?

练习答案 Key to written exercises Lesson 20 A Those children are tired.2 Their mother is tired, too.3 That ice cream man is very busy.4 His ice creams are very nice.What's the matter, children? We are thirsty.6 What's the matter, Tim? I am tired.B Are the children tired or thirsty? They're not tired.They're thirsty.2 Are the postmen cold or hot? They're not cold.They're hot.3 Are the hairdressers thin or fat? They're not thin.They're fat.4 Are the shoes small or big? They're not small.They're big.5 Are the shops shut or open? They're not shut.They're open.6 Are his cases heavy or light? They're not heavy.They're light.7 Are grandmother and grandfather


or old? They're not young.They're old.8 Are their hats old or new? They're not old.They're new.9 Are the policemen short or tall? They're not short.They're tall.10 Are his trousers short or long? They're not short.They're long.新概念第一册21-22 课文详解及练习答案

课文详注 Further notes on the text

1.Give me a book please, Jane.请拿本书给我,简。这是一个祈使句。祈使句表示请求或命令。(请参见Lessons 13~14语法部分的说明。)表示客气的请求时,通常加please。

2.Which book? 哪一本?

是Which book do you want?的省略形式。下文中的This one? 是Do you want this one?的省略形式。No, not that one是No, I do not want that one的省略形式。口语中常用这样的省略句。

3.This one?是这本吗?

相当于:Do you want this one? one是不定代词,代替 a book,以避免重复。one的复数形式是ones。one和ones前面都可用定冠词,也可有自己的定语。

4.数字1,010,1,011,1,016的英文写法 1,010----a thousand and ten;1,011----a thousand and eleven;1,016----a thousand and sixteen 语法 Grammar in use 1.人称代词


Give me/him/her/us/them a book.给我/他/她/我们/他(她)们一本书。(宾格代词)

2.which引导的非凡疑问句(请参见Lessons 5~6中语法部分的说明。)

用which +名词可询问物体(单数或复数)或物质。which总是说明一种限定的、特指的选择。如:

Which book/books do you prefer? 你喜欢哪本/哪些书?

Which car do you like best? 你最喜欢哪种汽车?

词汇学习Word study 1.large与big


China is a large country.中国是一个幅员辽阔的国家。Look at that large woman in white.瞧那个身穿白色衣服、个子高大的女人。

(2)big所表示的大,主要指不仅体积大而且很重。所以a large box未必big。big在修饰人时,主要指大人物,但个子未必高大。如:

It is a big house.这是一所大房子。(此句指不仅体积大,而且给人深刻的或坚固的印象。)

She's very big in the filmdom.她在电影界中是个响当当的人物。(此句指不仅成功,且具有很大的影响力。)2.small与little


It is a small factory.这是一个小新概念。

I want the small one with the yellow handle.我想要带新概念把手的那个小的。


There is a little garden behind our house.我们的屋后有个小花园。(此句表示花园虽小,但很可爱。)

She has the sweetest little smiles.她的微笑十分甜蜜可爱。

练习答案 Key to written exercises Lesson 22 A Is this Nicola's coat? No, it's not.Her coat is grey.2 Are these your pens? No, they're not.My pens are blue.3 Is this Mr.Jackson's hat? No, it's not.His hat is black.4 Are these the children's books? No, they're not.Their books are red.Is this Helen's dog? No, it's not.Her dog is brown and white.9 6 Is this your father's tie? No, it's not.His tie is orange.B 1 Give me a cup please.Which one? This dirty one? No, not this dirty one.That clean one.Here you are.Thank you.2 Give me a glass please.Which one? This empty one? No, not this empty one.That full one.Here you are.Thank you.3 Give me a bottle please.Which one? This large one? No, not this large one.That small one.Here you are.Thank you.4 Give me a box please.Which one? This big one? No, not this big one.That little one.Here you are.Thank you.5 Give me a tin please.Which one? This new one? No, not this new one.That old one.Here you are.Thank you.6 Give me a knife please.Which one? This sharp one? No, not this sharp one.That blunt one.Here you are.Thank you.7 Give me a spoon please.Which one? This new one? No, not this new one.That old one.Here you are.Thank you.8 Give me a fork please.Which one? This large one? No, not this large one.That small one.Here you are.Thank you.新概念第一册23-24 课文详解及练习答案

课文详注 Further notes on the text 1.动词的双宾语

在Give me some glasses中,动词give后面有两个宾语,即直接宾语some glasses和间接宾语me。人称代词作宾语时要用人称代词的宾格。请参见Lessons 21~22语法部分。

2.The ones on the shelf.是架子上的那几只。

本句是省略句,句首省略了I want。句中的ones代表glasses。on the shelf是介词短语,作定语,修饰ones。


是Do you want these?的省略形式。4.Yes, please.是的,请拿给我。

当别人问你要不要某物而你同意要时,就可用这句话。假如你不同意要,则应说:No, thank you.不,谢谢。

5.数字1,117,1,420,1,925,2,000的英文写法 1,117----one thousand one hundred and seventeen;1,420----one thousand four hundred and twenty

1,925----one thousand nine hundred and twenty-five;2,000----two thousand

语法 Grammar in use on引导的介词短语

(1)我们经常在名词、名词短语、代词或动名词前面用介词表示人物、事件等与其他人物、事件等之间的各种关系,如空间关系、时间关系、因果关系等。介词始终带有宾语。即使介词与宾语分开时,这种关系仍必定存在。有许多固定的介词短语常可见到。许多介词短语是由介词+名词(+介词)构成的,如:on time(准时),in the middle of(在……中间)。


the pens on the desk桌上的钢笔 the boxes on the floor地板上的盒子

the bottles on the dressing table梳妆台上的瓶子 the magazines on the bed床上的杂志

词汇学习Word study desk与table



He is working at his desk.他正在自己的书桌前用功。I put it on his desk.我把它放在他的办公桌上了。(2)table通常指由若干条腿支撑着的平板,没有抽屉,即“餐桌”、“会议桌”、“工作台”、“手术台”等:

I've booked a table for two at 7.00.我预订了一张两人桌,是在7点钟。

They sat round the table and made this big decision.他们围坐在会议桌旁,作出了这个重大的决定。练习答案 Key to written exercises Lesson 24 A 1 Give Jane this watch.Give her this one, too.2 Give the children these ice creams.Give them these, too.3 Give Tom this book.Give him this one, too.4 That is my passport.Give me my passport please.5 That is my coat.Give me my coat please.6 Those are our umbrellas.Give us our umbrellas please.B 1 Give me some pens please.Which ones? These? No, not those.The ones on the desk.2 Give me some ties please.Which ones? These? No, not those.The ones on the chair.3 Give me some spoons please.Which ones? These? No, not those.The ones on the table.4 Give me some plates please.Which ones? These? No, not those.The ones on the cupboard.5 Give me some cigarettes please.Which ones? These? No, not those.The ones on the television.6 Give me some boxes please.Which ones? These? No, not those.The ones on the floor.7 Give me some bottles please.Which ones? These? No, not those.The ones on the dressing table.8 Give me some books please.Which ones? These? No, not those.The ones on the shelf.9 Give me some magazines please.Which ones? These? No, not those.The ones on the bed.10 Give me some newspapers please.Which ones? These? No, not those.The ones on the stereo.新概念第一册25-26 课文详解及练习答案




2.数字3,000,5,000,10,000的英文写法 3,000----three thousand;5,000----five thousand;10,000----ten thousand

语法 Grammar in use 1.定冠词the


(2)the的发音:the在辅音前读/J+/,如:the floor, the table, the bed, the desk;the在元音(即一般前面用an的词的首字母)之前发/J!:;;;;:/,如the engineer, the ice cream, the old man, the open window。当我们想使听话者非凡注重the后面的名词时,the就读为/J!:/,意思是“这一个而且只是这一个”或“主要是这一个”。


A the通常有明确的所指(即以说话人或听话人已知的人或物为前提);

B the可与单数可数名词、复数可数名词及不可数名词(总是单数形式)连用。



Where is the refrigerator? 冰箱在哪里? On the right./It's on the right.在右边。

词汇学习Word study 1.cup n.(1)杯子(一般带柄,用于盛热饮料,如茶或咖啡):

I have a beautiful set of tea cups.我有一套漂亮的茶杯。I'd like a cup of tea.我想喝一杯茶。


Would you like another cup? 你要再来一杯吗? You can get a good cup at Lucy' s Café.你能在露西咖啡馆喝到一杯上好的咖啡。

2.glass n.(1)玻璃杯或有脚的玻璃杯:

Give me a glass of water, please.请给我一杯水。There's a clean wine glass on the table.桌上有一只干净的酒杯。


He has had a glass too much.他多喝了一杯(或喝醉了)。

I'd like to enjoy a glass now and then.我喜欢不时喝点酒。

练习答案 Key to written exercises Lesson 26 A 1 Give me a glass.Which glass? The empty one.2 Give me some cups.Which cups? The cups on the table.3 Is there a book on the table? Yes, there is.Is the book red? 4 Is there a knife in that box? Yes, there is.Is the knife sharp? B 1 There's a cup on the table.The cup is clean.2 There's a box on the floor.The box is large.3 There's a a glass in the cupboard.The glass is empty.4 There's a knife on the plate.The knife is sharp.5 There's a fork on the tin.The fork is dirty.6 There's a bottle in the refrigerator.The bottle is full.7 There's a pencil on the desk.The pencil is blunt.新概念第一册27-28 课文详解及练习答案

课文详注 Further notes on the text 1.Where are they?它们在哪里?

句中they指图中的那些东西。(可参见Lessons 25~26语法部分。)

2.数字9,999与10,001的英文写法 9,999----nine 语法 Grammar in use 1.there+be结构(2)


Is there a dirty fork on the plate? 碟子上有一个脏的叉子吗?

Is there a full bottle in the cupboard? 橱柜里有一瓶酒吗?

Are there any ties on the floor? 地上有一些领带吗? Are there any newspapers on the shelf? 架子上有些报纸吗?


No, there is not a fork on the plate.没有,碟子上没有叉子。

No, there isn't one in the cupboard.没有,橱柜里一个也没有。

No, there aren't any ties on the floor.没有,地板上没有任何领带。

No, there are no newspapers on the shelf.没有,架子上没有任何报纸。thousand



and ninety-nine;10,001----ten thousand and one




There is some water in the glass.玻璃杯里有些水。There are some cigarettes in the box.盒子里有些雪茄。Have you got some paper-clips in that box? 你那只盒子里有一些回形针吧?(我知道或我认为你有一些,故希望你会说“有”。)



There are not any spoons in the cupboard.橱柜中没有任何汤匙。

There aren't any plates on the dressing table.梳妆台上任何碟子都没有。

词汇学习Word study near adj.(1)靠近的,接近的:

The television is near the window.电视机在窗户旁边。There are some shoes on the floor.They're near the bed.地板上有些鞋子。它们在床四周。


She is a near friend of mine.她是我的一位密友。My uncle is my nearest relative.我叔叔是我血缘最近的亲戚。


The picture may not be an exact replica but it's pretty near.这幅画也许不是一件一模一样的复制品,但它已酷似原作了。

练习答案 Key to written exercises Lesson 28 A There are some pencils on the desk.2 There are some knives near that tin.3 There are some policemen in the kitchen.4 There are some newspapers in the living room.5 There are some keyboard operators in the office.B Are there any books in the room? No, there aren't any books in the room.There are some magazines.Where are they? They're on the television.2 Are there any ties on the floor? No, there aren't any ties on the floor.There are some shoes.Where are they? They're near the bed.3 Are there any glasses on the cupboard? No, there aren't any glasses on the cupboard.There are some bottles.Where are they? They're near those tins.4 Are there any newspapers on the shelf? No, there aren't any newspapers on the shelf.There are some tickets.Where are they? They're in that handbag.5 Are there any forks on the table? No, there aren't any forks on the table.There are some knives.Where are they? They're in that box.6 Are there any cups on the stereo? No, there aren't any cups on the stereo.There are some glasses.Where are they? They're near those bottles.7 Are there any cups in the kitchen? No, there aren't any cups in the kitchen.There are some plates.Where are they? They're on the cooker.8 Are there any glasses in the kitchen? No, there aren't any glasses in the kitchen.There are some bottles.Where are they? They're in the refrigerator.9 Are there any books in the room? No, there aren't any books in the room.There are some pictures.Where are they? They're on the wall.10 Are there any chairs in the room? No, there aren't any chairs in the room.There are some armchairs.Where are they? They're near the table

新概念第一册29-30 课文详解及练习答案

课文详注 Further notes on the text


2.air the room,给房间通通风。


语法 Grammar in use must(1)

must是一个情态助动词,表示“必须”、“应当”,与have to相似,表示不可逃避的义务。在说话人看来,没有选择余地。但是,must带有个人色彩,表示说话人的主观意图。表示个人感情时通常用must。You must…(你必须……)表示说话人说/认为……是必要的。如:

You must sweep the floor.你必须扫地。(我说这有必要)

词汇学习Word study 1.air


Let's go out and breathe some fresh air.咱们出去呼吸点新鲜空气吧。


He likes to stay in the open air.他喜欢在户外呆着。


Open the windows and air the room.打开窗户使房间通风。

Leave the trousers on the washing-line to air.把裤子挂到晾衣绳上去晾干。


(1)v.使空;把…倒出(移出): Empty the bottle of milk.倒光瓶里的牛奶。They emptied the house.他们把房屋搬空了。


The river emptied itself into the sea.河水流入大海。It was raining, and the streets began to empty.天下起了雨,街上的行人开始稀少了。


There are some empty bottles in the refrigerator.冰箱里有一些空瓶子。

Her purse is empty.她的钱包是空的。


It's an empty dream.这是个不现实的梦想。Officials were flattered by empty complements.官员们被空洞的恭维话弄得心里美滋滋的。


She looked at him with empty eyes.她木然地看着他。He said all this in an empty voice.他用一种呆板的声调说了这一切。

练习答案 Key to written exercises Lesson 30 A 1 Clean it!2 Shut it!3 Open it!B 1 Shut the door!2 Open the window!3 Put on your shirt!4 Take off your shoes!5 Turn on the stereo!6 Turn off the tap!7 Sweep the floor!8 Clean the blackboard!9 Dust the cupboard!10 Empty the cup!11 Read this magazine!12 Sharpen these knives!

新概念第一册31-32 课文详解及练习答案

词汇学习Word study 1.climb v.(1)攀登,攀爬:

The children are always climbing trees.孩子们总是在爬树。

He likes climbing mountains.他喜欢爬山。(2)逐步上升(增长):

The temperature is climbing steadily.温度正在慢慢地平稳上升。

The price of gold climbed back.金价逐渐回升了。


He is trying hard to climb to the top of the social ladder.他正努力爬到社会的最顶层。

He has climbed to a very high position in his field.他已在自己的领域中爬到了一个很高的位置。2.run v.(1)跑,奔跑:

He is running quickly.他正飞快地跑着。

He runs a mile every morning to keep fit.他天天早晨跑一英里步以保持身体健康。


The current is running strong.水流湍急。Her eyes ran with tears.她落泪了。(3)追赶;追逐:

The dog is running after a cat.那只豿正在追赶一只猫。Many young men are running after that girl.许多年轻人在追求那个姑娘。语法 Grammar in use


(1)在英文中若想表达此刻正在进行的动作或事件,要用动词的现在进行时形式。现在进行时由be的现在时形式(am, is, are)+现在分词组成。如课文中的Shes sitting under the tree 和Hes climbing the tree等句子均为现在进行时。对大多数动词来说,在动词后面直接加-ing即可构成现在分词,如doing, climbing。以-e结尾的动词,要去掉-e,再加-ing,如making。假如动词只有一个元音字母而其后跟了一个辅音字母时,则需将与辅音字母双写,再加-ing,如running, sitting。


Hes reading a magazine.Is he reading a magazine? 他正在看一本杂志吗?


The dog is drinking its milk.The dog is not drinking its milk.豿没在喝它的那份牛奶。

练习答案 Key to written exercises

Lesson 32 A He is opening the window.2 She is sharpening this pencil.3 She is dusting the cupboard.4 She is emptying the basket.5 He is looking at the picture.B What is Mr.Richards doing? Is he cleaning his teeth? No, he isnt cleaning his teeth.Hes opening the window.2 What is my mother doing? Is she shutting the door? No, she isnt shutting the door.Shes making the bed.3 What is the dog doing? 14 Is it drinking its milk? No, it isnt drinking its milk.Its eating a bone.4 What is my sister doing? Is she reading a magazine? No, she isnt reading a magazine.Shes looking at a picture.5 What is Emma doing? Is she dusting the dressing table? No, she isnt dusting the dressing table.Shes cooking a meal.6 What is Amy doing? Is she making the bed? No, she isnt making the bed.Shes sweeping the floor.7 What is Tim doing? Is he reading a magazine? No, he isnt reading a magazine.Hes sharpening a pencil.8 What is the girl doing? Is she turning on the light? No, she isnt turning on the light.Shes turning off the tap.9 What is the boy doing? Is he cleaning his teeth? No, he isnt cleaning his teeth.Hes putting on his shirt.10 What is Miss Jones doing? Is she putting on her coat? No, she isnt putting on her coat.Shes taking off her coat.新概念第一册33-34 课文详解及练习答案

课文详注 Further notes on the text 1.It is a fine day today.今天天气好。

句中的it是指天气。又如:Is it cold today? 今天冷吗?No, it isn't.不,不冷。2.some clouds,几朵云。

some既可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词。如:some tables一些椅子(可数名词),some milk一些牛奶(不可数名词)。

3.There are some clouds in the sky, but the sun is shining.天空中飘着几朵云,但阳光灿烂。


4.Mr.Jones is with his family.琼斯先生同他的家人在一起。


5.They are walking over the bridge.他们正在过桥。

句中的over有“穿过”的意思。又如: The aeroplane is flying over the river.飞机正在河上飞过。

The birds are flying over the house.鸟儿在屋上飞过。over还可表不“在……上方”(不接触表面),如: The sky is over our heads.天空在我们头顶上。

6.There are some boats on the river.河上有几艘船。

句中on意为“在……上面”(接触表面)。又如: There is a book on the table.桌上有一本书。

7.The ship is going under the bridge.那船正从桥下驶过。

句中under意为“在……下面(或下方)”。如:There is a dog under the tree.树下有只豿。

ship一般指海洋中行驶的大船。boat一词指河中行驶的小船。另外:aeroplane(英国英语),airplane(美国英语),飞机(正式用语); plane,飞机(非正式用语)。语法 Grammar in use

现在进行时(2)(请参见 Lessons 31~32语法部分。)


词汇学习Word study 1.jump v.(1)跳跃;跃过:

They are jumping a ditch.他们正跃过一个深沟。They jumped off the wall and ran off.他们从墙上跳下去跑掉了。


He jumped the first grade in college.他跳过大学一年级(指跳级直接升入二年级)。


They jumped the registration fees from £20 to £50.他们把注册费从20英镑涨到50英镑。

His company's profits jumped surprisingly last year.他所在公司去年的利润令人惊异地飞速增加。2.sleep(1)v.睡觉:

He sleeps for only 4 hours every night.他每夜只睡4个小时。

I was so excited that I could hardly sleep.我兴奋得无法入睡。


He had a good sleep last night.他昨天夜里睡得很酣畅。练习答案 Key to written exercises Lesson 34 A 1 She is typing a letter.2 She is making the bed.3 He is coming.4 The sun is shining.5 He is giving me some magazines.B 1 What are the men doing? They're cooking a meal.2 What are they doing? They're sleeping.3 What are the men doing? They're shaving.4 What are the children doing? They're crying.5 What are the dogs doing? They're eating bones.6 What are the women doing? They're typing letters.7 What are the children doing? They're doing their home-work.8 What are the women doing? They're washing dishes.9 What are the birds doing? They're flying over the river.10 What are they doing? They're walking over the bridge.11 What are the man and the woman doing? They're waiting for a bus.12 What are the children doing? They're jumping off the wall.新概念第一册35-36 课文详解及练习答案

课文详注 Further notes on the text

1.This is a photograph of our village.这是我们村庄的一张照片。

句中of是介词,表示“……的”。又如: the windows of a room 房间的窗户

2.It is between two hills.我们的村庄坐落在一个山谷之中。


The man is standing between two policemen.这个男人正站在两名警察之间。

3.along the banks of the river, 沿着河岸。along为介词,表示“沿着”。

4.He is swimming across the river.他正横渡小河。across为介词,表示“通过”某个平面。5.beside a park,位于公园旁边。beside为介词,表示“在……旁边”。语法 Grammar in use 短语动词

短语动词通常是指后面常跟一个介词或副词短语的动词,即动词+介词或副词小品词。英语(特别是在非正式的、惯用的英语)中存在着一种用动词短语代替与其同义的单个动词的强烈趋势。如听到敲门声,我们会说Come in而不会用Enter来表达。最常见的短语动词是由英语中最短小和最简单的动词构成的,这些动词常与表示位置或方向的词组合,如along, down, in, off, on, out, over, under等。例如:

The cats are running along the wall.猫正沿着墙跑。The children are jumping off the branch.孩子们正从树枝上跳下来。


词汇学习Word study 1.go into(1)走进;进入:

He is going into a shop.他正走进一家商店。(2)进入;介入:

They're going into the business world.他们正步入商界。

2.sit on


The children are sitting on the grass.孩子们正坐在草地上。


They are trying to sit on the bad news as long as possible.他们正试图尽可能拖延时间不把这个坏消息讲出去。

3.run along(1)沿着……跑:

The dogs are running along the river banks.豿正沿着河岸奔跑。


It's getting dark, we must run along.天黑了,我们得走了。

练习答案 Key to written exercises Lesson 36 A He is swimming across the river.2 She is sitting on the grass.3 The cat is running along the wall.B Where is the man going? He's going into the shop.2 Where is the woman going? She's going out of the shop.16 3 Where is he sitting? He's sitting beside his mother.4 Where are they walking? They're walking across the street.Where are the cats running? They're running along the wall.Where are the children jumping? They're jumping off the branch.Where is the man standing? He's standing between two policemen.Where is she sitting? She's sitting near the tree.9 Where is it flying? It's flying under the bridge.10 Where is the aeroplane flying? It's flying over the bridge.Where are they sitting? They're sitting on the grass.12

新概念第一册37-38 课文详解及练习答案

课文详注 Further notes on the text

1.What are you going to do now, George?你现在准备干什么,乔治?

be going to,是打算、准备、按计划在最近做某事,表示将来。请参见本课语法部分。

2.Pink's=Pink is。

3.It's for my daughter, Susan.是为我的女儿苏珊做的。

Susan作my daughter的同位语。语法 Grammar in use 将来时 be going to

(1)将来时be going to的形式由am/is/are going to +动词原形构成。

(2)将来时be going to的用法

A表示“打算”、“准备”在最近做某事。(在非正式语体中,一般多用be going to,而不用will。)

I am going to put it on the floor.我打算把它放在地板上。

He is going to paint the bookcase tomorrow.他准备明天给书架刷漆。


The meeting is going to begin at nine.会议将在9点开始。

Where are you going to build the road? 你们将在什么地方筑路?


The meeting is going to begin at nine.会议将在9点开始。Where are the man



woman reading? They're reading in the living room.It's going to rain!天要下雨了!She's going to faint!她要晕倒了!(3)be going to的疑问式与否定式

将助动词be提至句首可将陈述句变为一般疑问句。如: George is going to paint it pink.乔治打算把它刷成粉红色。

Is George going to paint it pink? 乔治打算把它刷成粉红色吗?

在助动词后面加上not可以得到否定句。如上句可变为: George is not going to point it pink.乔治不打算把它刷成粉红色。

词汇学习Word study 1.paint


What colour is George going to paint it? 乔治准备把它漆成什么颜色的?


Who painted this picture? 这幅画是谁画的?(3)v.描写;描绘:

His novel paints a peaceful picture of the country life in Europe.他的小说描绘了有关欧洲乡村生活的宁静画面。

(4)n.油漆;涂料;颜料: Wet Paint!油漆未干!

I bought a box of paints.我买了一盒颜料。2.work


He works 45 hours per week.他每周工作45个小时。(2)v.从事职业:

He works as a bank clerk.他是一名银行职员。(3)v.学习;做作业:

If you work hard, you'll pass your exams.如果你用功的 话,你就会考试通过。


He wants to have a good sleep after a day's work.在一天的工作之后,他想好好睡上一觉。

The students finished all their work in class.学生们当堂把全部作业都完成了。

He is without work.他失业了。练习答案 Key to written exercises Lesson 38 A What are you doing? We are reading.What are they doing? They are doing their homework.3 What is he doing? He is working hard.4 What are you doing? I am washing the dishes.B 1 What are you going to do? I'm going to shave.What are you doing now? I'm shaving.2 What are you going to do? I'm going to wait for a bus.What are you doing now? I'm waiting for a bus.3 What are you going to do? I'm going to do my homework.What are you doing now? I'm doing my homework.4 What are you going to do? I'm going to listen to the stereo.What are you doing now? I'm listening to the stereo.5 What are you going to do? I'm going to wash the dishes.What are you doing now? I'm washing the dishes.新概念第一册39-40 课文详解及练习答案

课文详注 Further notes on the text 1. Don't do that.不要放在那儿。

在英文中需用祈使语气来表示直接的命令、建议等多种意图。而祈使句的否定式则由Don't(或Do not)+动词原形构成,又如课文中的Don't drop it!(别摔了!)等句子。(请参见本课语法部分。)

2.Give it to me.把它给我。

在第21课有give me a book这样的句型,在本课中又出现了give it to me的句型。

在动词give后面可以有两个宾语:即直接宾语(指物,如a book, it)和间接宾语(指人,如me)。如果直接宾语置于动词give之后,间接宾语之前则带to。再比较一下下列句式:

Show her the magazine.给她那本杂志。Show it to her.把它给她。Give me that knife.给我那把小刀。Give it to me.把它给我。

3.in front of,在……前面。有别于in the front of,在……的前部。

4.There we are!就放在那里!


语法 Grammar in use 祈使句的否定缩略式

形式为Don't(或Do not)+动词原形,如: Don't wait!别等了!

Don't speak to me like that!别那样跟我讲话!使用祈使句时,重音、语调、手势和面部表情,尤其是情境和上下文,都说明这种形式用于表示是否友好、不客气、愤怒、不耐烦、有说服性等。一般而言,祈使句的否定式通常用Don't来表示,完整形式Do not主要用于正式文告中。

词汇学习Word study 1.drop v.(1)(失手)落下;掉下;放下: Be careful!Don't drop it.小心!别摔了。

She dropped her knife and fork and hurried to answer the phone.她放下刀叉赶紧去接电话。


Tears dropped from her face.泪珠从她的脸上滑落。


He dropped his voice.他把声音放低了些。

Yesterday the temperature dropped to 8℃ below zero.昨天气温下降到了摄氏零下8度。

2.send v.(1)送给;寄:

She is going to send a letter to her sister.她准备给她的姐姐寄封信。

I'll send him a present.我将给他送去一件礼物。


He sent his secretary for a doctor.他派他的秘书去请医生了。

Her mother often sends her to the store for some groceries.她母亲经常差遣她去商店买些杂货。

练习答案 Key to written exercises

Lesson 40 A Send that letter to George.2 Take those flowers to her.3 Show that picture to me.4 Give these books to Mrs.Jones.5 Give these ice creams to the children.B I'm going to put it on.2 I'm going to take them off.3 I'm going to turn them on.4 I'm going to turn it off.5 I'm going to put it on.6 I'm going to take it off.7 I'm going to turn them on.8 I'm going to turn it off.9 I'm going to turn them off.10 I'm going to turn it on.新概念第一册41-42 课文详解及练习答案

课文详注 Further notes on the text

1.Not very.不太重。是It is not very heavy的省略形式。口语中回答问题时,常把主语、动词和宾语都省略,只剩一个副词、一个副词词组或一个动词不定式短语等.2.Put it on this chair.把它放在这把椅子上。it指bag。在没有扶手的椅子上用on,在有扶手的椅子上用in。如:

sit on a chair坐在椅子上 sit in an armchair 坐在扶手椅里

3.cheese, bread, soap, chocolate, milk, sugar, coffee, tea, tobacco

这些词都是不可数名词。不可数名词前面不能加a或an,也没有复数形式。如果想表示“一些”之意,可用some,any等词。some用于肯定句,any用于否定句和疑问句。(可参见Lessons 27~28语法部分。)

如果要表示“一块”、“一张”、“一条”等,需加如a piece of这表示数量的短语。本课表示数量的短语还有:

a loaf of 一个 a bar of 一条 a bottle of 一瓶 a pound of 一磅 half a pound of 半磅 a quarter of 四分之一 a tin of 一听

4.a loaf of bread,一个面包。


5.a bar of chocolate,一块巧克力。


语法 Grammar in use



There is a hammer on the bookcase.书箱上有个鎯头。(单数名词)

There is some tea in the cup.杯子里有些茶水。(不可数名词)

There are three bottles of milk on the table.桌子上有3瓶牛奶。(不可数名词,用复数量词修饰)

There is a pen, two books and a knife on the desk.课桌上有一枝钢笔、两本书和一把小刀。(第一个并列名词是单数)

也请参见Lessons 19~20以及Lessons 27~28语法部分。

词汇学习Word study 1.bar n.(1)条;块:

He has just had a chocolate bar.他刚刚吃了一块巧克力。


He is now behind bars.他现在被关在监狱里。(bar指窗上装有铁栅栏,behind bars是一种非正式固定用语,意为in prison,关在监狱里。)


The bar is very crowded.酒吧里人很拥挤。

2.pound n.(1)磅;常衡磅(分成16盎司,等于0.4536千克,略作1b.);金衡磅(分成12盎司,等于0.3732千克,略作1b.t.):

It weighs 15 pounds.它的重量为15磅。Give me a pound of sugar, please.请给我1磅糖。

(2)英镑(英国货币单位,简写为£,全称为pound sterling):

The shirt costs me £ 20.买这件衬衣花了我20镑。Half a pound of coffee costs one pound.半磅咖啡的价格是一英镑。

练习答案 Key to written exercises Lesson 42 A Is there any bread in the kitchen? 2 There's a loaf on the table.3 There's some coffee on the table, too.4 There isn't any chocolate on the table.5 There's a spoon on that dish.Is there any soap on the dressing table? B Is there a spoon here? Yes, there is.There's one on the plate.2 Is there a tie here? Yes, there is.There's one on the chair.3 Is there any milk here? Yes, there is.There's some on the table.4 Is there a hammer here? Yes, there is.There's one on the bookcase.5 Is there any tea here? Yes, there is.There's some on the table.6 Is there a vase here? Yes, there is.There's one on the radio.7 Is there a suit here? Yes, there is.There's one in the wardrobe.8 Is there any tobacco here? Yes, there is.There's some in the tin.9 Is there any chocolate here? Yes, there is.There's some on the desk.10 Is there any cheese here? Yes, there is.There's some on the plate.新概念第一册43-44 课文详解及练习答案

课文详注 Further notes on the text

1. Can you make the tea, Sam? 你会沏茶吗,萨姆? make the tea,沏茶。句中can是英语中最常见的几个情态助动词之一,请参见本课语法部分。


与in front of(在……前面)互为反义词。

3.The kettle's boiling!水开了!= The water in the kettle is boiling!

这里的kettle =water in the kettle。用容器来指代容器内的东西是一种修辞格,叫借代(metonymy)。

语法 Grammar in use



I can see some coffee on the table.我能看到桌子上的一些咖啡。

Can Sam read this book? 萨姆看得懂这本书吗?

can的否定形式为can not, cannot或can't(省略式):

I can't see any coffee.我看不见什么咖啡。He can't find the cups.他找不到杯子。

词汇学习Word study

1.find v.(1)找到;寻得:

It is most important to find a suitable person for the job.找到一位适合做这项工作的人是至关重要的。

Where are the cups? I can't find them.杯子放在哪儿

练习答案 Key to written exercises Lesson 44 A 1 I can see some spoons, but I can't see any knives.2 I can see some hammers, but I can't see any boxes.3 I can see some coffee, but I can't see any loaves of bread.4 I can see some cupboards, but I can't see any shelves.5 I can see Mr.Jones and Mr.Brown, but I can't see their wives.6 I can see some cups, but I can't see any dishes.7 I can see some cars, but I can't see any buses.B Is there any milk here? Yes, there is.There's some in front of the door.2 Is there any soap here? Yes, there is.There's some on the cupboard.3 Are there any newspapers here? Yes, there are.There are some behind that vase.4 Is there any water here? Yes, there is.There's some in those glasses.5 Is there any tea here? Yes, there is.There's some in those cups.6 Are there any cups here? Yes, there are.There are some in front of that kettle.7 Is there any chocolate here? Yes, there is.There's some behind that book.8 Are there any teapots here? Yes, there are.There are some in that cupboard.9 Are there any cars here? Yes, there are.There are some in front of that building.10 Is there any coffee here? Yes, there is.There's some on the table.新概念第一册45-46 课文详解及练习答案

课文详注 Further notes on the text

1.Can you come here a minute please, Bob? 请你来一下好吗,鲍勃?

句中的 a minute是时间状语,表示“一会儿”、“片刻”。又如:Wait a minute, please.请稍等一会儿。

2.She's next door.她在隔壁。这里 next door起副词作用,作表语。

语法 Grammar in use



Can Penny and Jane wash the dishes? 彭尼和简会洗盘子吗?

Yes, they can.是的,她们会。


What can Penny and Jane do? 彭尼和简会干什么? They can wash the dishes.她们会洗盘子。

词汇学习Word study

1.lift v.(1)提;抬;举:

Can you lift this heavy suitcase? 你能提起这个沉重的衣箱吗?

The elderly lady lifted her eyes from the book.那位年长的女士从书本上抬起眼睛。


This polity lifted Chinese exports of silk.这项政策提高了中国丝绸的出口量。

2.make v.(1)制作;创造:

She is going to make a very big birthday cake.她准备做一个非常大的生日蛋糕。

Hollywood can make the most famous film stars in the world.好莱坞可以造就世界上最著名的影星。


You have made a serious mistake.你犯了一个严重的错误。

Don't make so much noise, please!请别这么大肆喧闹!


She is now making the bed for a guest.她现在正为客人铺床。

The coffee is made.咖啡煮好了。

3.terrible adj.(1)可怕的;骇人的:

This is a picture of terrible new weapons.这是一张可怕的新式武器的图片。


Who can accomplish this terrible task? 谁能完成这项艰难的任务?


I've got a terrible headache.我头疼得厉害。

(4)<口>糟透的;很蹩脚的: She is terrible at maths.她的数学很蹩脚。练习答案 Key to written exercises Lesson 46 A 1 They can type these letters.2 She can make the bed.3 You can swim across the river.4 We can come now.5 We can run across the park.6 He can sit on the grass.7 I can give him some chocolate.B 1 Can you type this letter? Yes, I can.What can you do? I can type this letter.2 Can Penny wait for the bus? Yes, she can.What can she do? She can wait for the bus.3 Can Penny and Jane wash the dishes? Yes, they can.What can they do? They can wash the dishes.4 Can George take these flowers to her? Yes, he can.What can he do? He can take these flowers to her.5 Can the cat drink its milk? Yes, it can.What can it do? It can drink its milk.Can you and Tom paint this bookcase? Yes, we can.What can you and Tom do? We can paint this bookcase.7 Can you see that aeroplane? Yes, I can.What can you do? I can see that aeroplane.8 Can Jane read this book? Yes, she can.What can she do? She can read this book.新概念第一册47-48 课文详解及练习答案

课文详注 Further notes on the text

1.Yes, I do.是的,我喜欢。

是一句肯定的简略回答。如果是否定的回答,则应为No, I don't.I like…和 I don't like…这两个句型是分别表示“我喜欢


2.black coffee, 不加牛奶或咖啡伴侣的清咖啡。

加牛奶的咖啡叫 white coffee.black在有些搭配中不译为黑色的,如:black tea 红茶

3.序数词 1st~12th

1st----first 2nd----second 3rd----third 4th----fourth 5th----fifth 6th----sixth

7th----seventh 8th----eighth 9th----ninth 10th----tenth 11th----eleventh 12th----twelfth

英语中序数词必须与定冠词(the)连用。虽然有时不在形式上表现出来,在朗读的时候也必须加上the。如:the 1st month(第1个月),the twelfth century(12世纪)。

语法 Grammar in use



I like black coffee.我喜欢喝清咖啡。

I don't want any milk in my tea.我想给我的茶中加什么牛奶。

My father works in a bank.我父亲在一家银行工作。I get up at 7.我7点钟起床。

The earth goes round the sun.地球围着太阳转。

词汇学习Word study

1.like v.(1)喜欢: I like that sweet girl.我喜欢那个可爱的姑娘。John likes Chinese food.约翰喜欢吃中国菜。


Would you like some coffee? 你要不要来点咖啡? How does Ann like her coffee? 安想喝什么样的咖啡?

2.want v.(1)想要;希望:

I want some sugar.我想要些糖。I want you to try.我希望你试试。


Those drooping flowers want water.那些正在枯萎的花朵需要水分。

My leather shoes want cleaning.我的皮鞋需要擦擦了。

练习答案 Key to written exercises Lesson 48 A 1 The aeroplane is flying over the village.2 The ship is going under the bridge.3 The children are swimming across the river.4 Two cats are running along the wall.5 The boy is jumping off the branch.6 The girl is sitting between her mother and her father.7 The teacher is standing in front of the blackboard.8 The blackboard is behind the teacher.B 1 Yes, I do.I like honey, but I don't want any.2 Yes, I do.I like bananas, but I don't want one.3 Yes, I do.I like jam, but I don't want any.4 Yes, I do.I like oranges, but I don't want one.5 Yes, I do.I like ice cream, but I don't want any.6 Yes, I do.I like whisky, but I don't want any.7 Yes, I do.I like apples, but I don't want one.8 Yes, I do.I like wine, but I don't want any.9 Yes, I do.I like biscuits, but I don't want one.10 Yes, I do.I like beer, but I don't want any.新概念第一册49-50 课文详解及练习答案

课文详注 Further notes on the text

1.What about some steak? 来点牛排吗?

句中What可以换成How,用来征求对方看法或意见。请参看Lessons 31~32课文详注。

2.to tell(you)the truth, 老实说,说实话。


To tell you the truth, I don't like his new car at all.给你讲实话,我一点儿也不喜欢他的那辆新车。


13th----thirteenth 14th----fourteenth 15th----fifteenth 16th----sixteenth 17th----seventeenth

18th----eighteenth 19th----nineteenth 20th----twentieth 21st----twenty-first 22nd----twenty-second 23rd----twenty-third 24th----twenty-fourth

语法 Grammar in use


含有or的问句称为选择疑问句。or之前的部分读升调,之后的部分读降调。这种疑问句不能简单地用Yes或No 来回答。选择疑问句把选择的余地缩小在数目有限的事物、行动等上面,可以有无限性的选择、3项选择以及两项选择。选择疑问句通常可以采用缩略形式,如:

Beef or lamb? 牛肉还是羔羊肉?


What would you like to drink? 你喜欢喝什么?(无限性选择)

Which/What would you prefer, tea or coffee? 茶和咖啡,你喜欢哪一种?(两项选择)

Would you like tea, coffee, or milk? 你喜欢茶、咖啡、还是牛奶?(3项选择)

How shall we go, by bus or by train? 我们怎么走?乘公共汽车还是坐火车?

Did you go there, or didn't you? 你去了那儿还是没有去?

Did you or didn't you go there? 你是去了还是没有去那儿?

2.一般现在时的单数第3人称形式(可参见 Lessons 47~48语法部分。)

词汇学习Word study

1.too adv.也,还(常用于肯定句,有时也用于疑问句,但不能用于否定句。常见于句末,而且too前常有逗号;如果不在句末,too前后都应当有逗号):

I like lamb, too.我也喜欢小羊肉。Can I come, too? 我也来,行吗?

I, too, have been to Shanghai.我也到过上海。

2.either adv.也,而且(一般用于否定句,位于句末,前面通常有逗号):

He doesn't like the house, and I don't like it, either.他不喜欢这所房子,我也不喜欢。

If you do not go, I shall not go, either.如果你不去,那么我也不去。

I haven't seen the film and my sister hasn't either.我没有看过那部电影,我妹妹也没看过。练习答案 Key to written exercises Lesson 50 A 1 He likes coffee, but I don't.2 She likes tea, but he doesn't.3 He is eating some bread, but she isn't.4 She can type very well, but he can't.5 They are working hard, but we aren't.6 He is reading a magazine, but I am not.B 1 Yes, he does.He likes cabbage, but he doesn't want any.2 Yes, he does.He likes lettuce, but he doesn't want any.3 Yes, I do.I like peas, but I don't want any.4 Yes, she does.She likes beans, but she doesn't want any.5 Yes, I do.I like bananas, but I don't want any.6 Yes, he does.He likes oranges, but he doesn't want any.7 Yes, he does.He likes apples, but he doesn't want any.8 Yes, she does.She likes pears, but she doesn't want any.9 Yes, I do.I like grapes, but I don't want any.10 Yes, she does.She likes peaches, but she doesn't want any.新概念第一册51-52 课文详解及练习答案

课文详注 Further notes on the text

1.Where do you come from? 你是哪国人?

问对方是什么地方人。come from表示来源或籍贯。也可说:Where are you from? 在第7课中出现过类似的句子。

2.What's the climate like in your country? 你们国家的气候怎么样?

句中like是介词,不是动词,它的宾语是 What。又如:What's the weather like in spring? climate指某一地区数年间的天气情况;weather是指某个特定的时间内晴、雨、风、雪变化。对于这类问题的回答可以是 It's very pleasant(很好)或 It rains sometimes(有时下雨)。这里的it均指天气。

3.It's often windy in March.3月里常常刮风。

表示在某个月份里通常用介词in。类似用in的时间短语课文中还有 in April(在4月),in June(在 6月),in September(在 9月)等等。

often(经常),always(总是,老是),sometimes(有时)都是课文中出现的表示非确定频度的副词。这些副词一般用来回答用how often 提问的问题。

语法 Grammar in use

What…(be.look, etc.)like? 我们把What…like? 这一句型用于询问事物的状况,例如天气、气候等:

What's the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样? What's it like today? 今天怎么样?

What's the climate like in your country? 你们国家气候怎么样?


What's your brother like? 你兄弟是个什么样子? What's your house like? 你的房子是什么样的?

许多形容词可用以回答What…like? 这样的问题,并可根据上下文给以笼统的或确切的信息。例如课文中表示天气或气候的形容词有pleasant(宜人的),windy(有风的),hot(热的),cold(冷的),warm(温暖的)等等。

词汇学习Word study

1.sometimes adv.有时,间或:

It is sometimes hot and sometimes cold.天气时冷时热。Sometimes he visits his aunt who lives nearby.他有时会去看望他那住在附近的婶婶。

2.pleasant adj.(1)令人愉快的;舒适合意的:

The climate in my hometown is always pleasant.我家乡的气候总是宜人而舒爽。

This study is pleasant to work in.在这个书房里工作令人感到舒适。


She's such a pleasant girl.她真是个可爱的姑娘。Andrew seemed very pleasant on the phone.安德鲁在电话里显得很和蔼可亲。

练习答案 Key to written exercises

Lesson 52 A We come from Germany, but Dimitri comes from Greece.I like cold weather, but he likes warm weather.3 He comes from the U.S., but she comes from England.4 She doesn't like the winter, but she likes the summer.5 I come from Norway, but you come from Spain.23 6 Stella comes from Spain, but Hans and Karl come from Germany.7 We don't come from Spain.We come from Brazil.B 1 Where does she come from? Does she come from England? No, she doesn't come from England.She comes from the U.S.What nationality is she? She's American.2 Where do they come from? Do they come from France? No, they don't come from France.They come from England.What nationality are they? They're English.3 Where does he come from? Does he come from France? No, he doesn't come from France.He comes from Germany.What nationality is he? He's German.4 Where does he come from? Does he come from Italy? No, he doesn't come from Italy.He comes from Greece.What nationality is he? He's Greek.5 Where do they come from? Do they come from Greece? No, they don't come from Greece.They come from Italy.What nationality are they? They're Italian.6 Where do they come from? Do they come from Brazil? No, they don't come from Brazil.They come from Norway.What nationality are they? They're Norwegian.7 Where do they come from? Do they come from Norway? No, they don't come from Norway.They come from Greece.What nationality are they? They're Greek.8 Where does she come from? Does she come from Italy?

No, she doesn't come from Italy.She comes from Spain.What nationality is she? She's Spanish.Where does she come from? Does she come from Norway?

No, she doesn't come from Norway.She comes from France.What nationality is she? She's French.Where does he come from? Does he come from the U.S.?

No, he doesn't come from the U.S.He comes from Brazil.What nationality is he? He's Brazilian.新概念第一册53-54 课文详解及练习答案

课文详注 Further notes on the text

1.in the North=in the north of England.North的首字母大写,是因为它单独使用,特指英国的北部。表示一个国家或地区的方位词一般要大写。本课中的方位词均表示国家的一部分:

in the East 在东部 in the West 在西方 in the South 在南方

但是,仅仅表示方位意义的方位词不需大写。如: a north wind 北风 a south window 南窗

2.Which seasons do you like best? 你最喜欢哪些季节?


3.The sun rises early and sets late.太阳升得早而落得晚。

句中的early和late都是副词,分别修饰动词rises和sets,作状语。注意the sun中定冠词的用法。在英语中,表示世界上独一无二的东西(如太阳、月亮、世界、地球、天空、宇宙)的名词之前通常需加定冠词。

4.favourite subject of conversation, 最喜欢谈论的话题。


语法 Grammar in use like(v.)与like(prep.)

like(v.)表示“喜欢”、“想要”(请参见 Lessons 47~48词汇部分),而like(prep.)表示“像……一样”: His car is like mine.他的汽车跟我的那辆一样。She is very like her sister.她和她姐姐相像极了。The new building looks like a big bird.那座新建筑看上去像是一只大鸟。

词汇学习Word study

1.mild adj.(1)(天气等)温暖的;暖和的:

They had an exceptionally mild winter last year.他们那儿去年冬天出奇地暖和。

The climate in the South is always mild and pleasant.南方的气候总是温和宜人。


John is a mild man who never raises his voice.约翰是一个温和的人,他从不抬高嗓门说话。

I like his gentle and mild voice.我喜欢他那温和而轻柔的声音。


Try this mild curry.试试这种淡味咖喱。

He likes to smoke mild cigars.他喜欢抽淡味雪茄烟。

2.rise v.(1)(日、月等)升起;上升:

The sun rises in the east.太阳从东方升起。

The curtain rises at 8.00 p.m.剧在晚上8点钟开演。

(2)(河水、物价、温度等)上涨;升高;增加: The level of the river is still rising.河水水位仍在上涨。


My mother always rises early.我母亲总是很早起床。The house rose to the singers.全场起立向歌唱演员们致意。

练习答案 Key to written exercises Lesson 54 A 1 Does the sun set late? The sun doesn't set late.2 Does he like ice cream? He doesn't like ice cream.3 Does Mrs.Jones want a biscuit? She doesn't want a biscuit.4 Does Jim come from England? He doesn't come from England.B 1 Where does he come from? Is he Australian? Yes.He's Australian.He comes from Australia.2 Where does he come from? Is he Austrian? Yes.He's Austrian.He comes from Austria.3 Where does he come from? Is he Canadian? Yes.He's Canadian.He comes from Canada.4 Where do they come from? Are they Chinese?

Yes.They're Chinese.They come from China.5 Where does he come from? Is he Finnish? Yes.He's Finnish.He comes from Finland.6 Where does she come from? Is she Indian? Yes.She's Indian.She comes from India.7 Where do they come from? Are they Japanese? Yes.They are Japanese.They come from Japan.8 Where do they come from? Are they Nigerian? Yes.They're Nigerian.They come from Nigeria.9 Where does she come from? Is she Turkish? Yes.She's Turkish.She comes from Turkey.10 Where does she come from? Is she Korean? Yes.She's Korean.She comes from Korea.新概念第一册55-56 课文详解及练习答案

课文详注 Further notes on the text

1.go to work, 上班。

由动词 go引导的短语课文中还有:go to school(上学),go to bed(上床睡觉)。请注意 work, school以及 bed之前不带任何冠词。

2.stay at home, 呆在家里。

与 stay home在意思上相差无几。前者中的 home是名词,后者中的home是副词。

3.do the housework, 料理家务。

housework是不可数名词。请比较:do the homework(做作业)。

4.at night, 在夜里。

如果说某日夜里,则用介词 on: on the night of June 2 在6月2日的夜里

语法 Grammar in use

一般现在时(2)(请参见 Lessons 47~48语法部分。)


every day/week/month/year 每日/周/月/年 in the morning/afternoon/evening 在上午/下午/晚上 at noon/night 在正午/夜里


(1)一般情况在动词后面直接加-s,如:want----wants come----comes arrive----arrives

(2)以-s,-x,-ch,-sh,-o 结尾的动词加-es,如:fix----fixes wash----washes go----goes watch----watches do----does

(3)以辅音加-y结尾的动词,把-y改成-i,再加-es;而元音加-y结尾的动词,只加-s即可: hurry----hurries carry----carries play----plays stay----stays 词汇学习Word study

1.arrive v.(1)到达;到来:

We arrived home early.我们很早就到家了。

The train is expected to arrive in London at 8.20 p.m.火车预计在晚上8点20分抵达伦敦。


At last the day of graduation arrived.毕业的那一天终于来临。

Elizabeth's baby arrived at midnight.伊丽莎白的婴儿是在午夜时分降生的。

2.live v.(1)居住;生活:

Frank lives in Paris.弗兰克居住在巴黎。Where do you live? 你住在哪儿?(2)活;生存:

Fish can't live long out of water.鱼离开水活不了多久。

My grandmother lived until she was 94.我祖母活到了94岁。


At 40 he was just beginning to live.他到40岁才刚刚开始过上富有意义的生活。

You haven't lived till you've been to Paris.你没到过巴黎就算不上享受过生活。


He lives by playing the violin.他靠拉小提琴为生。He lives on the fortune left to him by his father.他靠他父亲给他留下的财产生活。

3.stay v.(1)呆在,停留:

Mrs.White stays at home every day.怀特太太每天都呆在家中。


We were staying at the same hotel.我们住在同一家饭店。


The house has to stay exactly as it was.这所房子必须完全保持原来的样子。

练习答案 Key to written exercises Lesson 56 A 1 The children go to school in the morning.2 Their father takes them to school.3 Mrs.Sawyer stays at home.She does the housework.5 She always eats her lunch at noon.B What does she do in the morning? She always makes the bed in the morning.What does he do in the morning? He always shaves in the morning.What do they do in the evening? They sometimes listen to the stereo in the evening.What does he do every day? He always cleans the blackboard every day.What do they do at night? They always go to bed early at night.What does she do every day? She usually washes the dishes every day.What do they do in the afternoon? They usually type some letters in the afternoon.What does it do every day? It usually drinks some milk every day.What do they do in the evening? They sometimes watch television in the evening.What does she do at noon? She always eats her lunch at noon.What does he do in the evening? He often reads his newspaper in the evening.新概念第一册57-58 课文详解及练习答案

课文详注 Further notes on the text

1.by car, 乘汽车。


by boat 乘船 by bus 乘公共汽车 by plane 乘飞机 by sea 乘船

2.on foot, 步行。

语法 Grammar in use



一般现在时表示永久的情况;进行时表示暂时的情况。进行时只用于表示动作或偶尔发生的事件(We are eating, it is raining等等)。有些动词(如 like, want, know等)不是动作动词,因此不能用进行时态,如不能说 I am knowing或We are liking,而只能说 I know或 We like。一般现在时表达某个习惯性动作,通常与时间频度副词连用,如 usually, always, often, sometimes, never等;现在进行时表示此时此刻正在进行的动作,一般与 now, at the moment, today, this afternoon, this evening, tonight等连用。

We usually watch television at night.But we are listening to the stereo tonight.我们通常晚上看电视。但是今晚我们正在听立体声节目。

词汇学习Word study



The children are playing in the garden.孩子们正在花园里玩耍。

(2)v.参加(体育活动、比赛等): Let's play chess!咱们来下棋吧!

He likes playing basketball.他喜欢打篮球。(3)n.玩耍;娱乐:

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.只工作而不娱乐会使人变呆的。



She cooked a lovely meal for her husband.她为丈夫做了一顿美餐。

The beef is not cooked enough.牛肉煮得不够熟。(2)n.厨子,炊事员:

Tom works as a cook in a local restaurant.汤姆在当地的一家餐馆当厨子。

My dad is really a good cook.我爸爸烹调手艺特棒。

练习答案 Key to written exercises Lesson 58 A 1 She usually drinks tea in the morning, but this morning, she is drinking coffee.2 They usually play in the garden in the afternoon, but this afternoon, they are playing in the park.3 He usually washes the dishes at night, but tonight he is washing clothes.B 1 What does she usually do in the morning? She usually drinks tea in the morning.What is she doing this morning? She is drinking coffee.2 What do they usually do in the afternoon? They usually play in the garden in the afternoon.What are they doing this afternoon? They are swimming in the river.3 What do you usually do in the evening? I usually cook a meal in the evening.What are you doing this evening? I am reading a book this evening.4 What do you usually do at night? We usually watch television at night.What are you doing tonight? We are listening to the stereo tonight.新概念第一册59-60 课文详解及练习答案

课文详注 Further notes on the text

1.writing paper, 信纸。

paper意为“纸”、“纸张”时是不可数名词,一张纸应是 a sheet of paper或 a piece of paper。类似的名词还有:glue(a bottle of glue一瓶胶水);chalk(a box/piece of chalk一盒/枝粉笔);ink(a bottle of ink一瓶墨水)。

2.I only have small boxes.我只有小盒的。

boxes后省略了 of chalk。

3.Do you want one? 您要一盒吗?

one代替 one small box of chalk。

4.What else do you want? 您还要什么吗? What else…? 可以看成是表示疑问的一个句式,意思是“还有什么……吗?”else常接在疑问代词、不定代词及疑问副词后面,表示“此外”、“别的”、“其他的”。又如:

Who else is from New York? 还有谁是从纽约来的? When else shall we meet again? 什么其他的时间我们再见面?

What else did he say? 他还说了些什么?

语法 Grammar in use 完全动词 have(1)

完全动词have的意思相当于“拥有”、“具有”,have当“拥有”讲时,可用于所有的一般时态,却不能用于进行时态(is having, are having等)。

词汇学习Word study

1.change n.(1)找头;零钱:

Here is your change.这是你的零头。I have no change about me.我身边没有零钱。(2)变化;转换:

Roast beef is a welcome change from the usual tasteless food.烤牛肉与平素无味的饭菜比起来实在是一种让人欣喜的变化。

Let's go to a French restaurant for a change.咱们去家法国餐馆吧,换换口味。

2.size n.(1)(衣服、鞋、帽等的)尺码,号:

What size does she want? 她想要几号的?

This blouse is your size.这件衬衣是你这号尺码的。(2)(尺寸、体积、规模、身材等的)大小;(数量)多少:

There are houses of all sizes in that town.那个镇上有着大大小小各式房子。

We have chosen some boys all of the same size.我们选出了一些个头一般高的男孩子。

练习答案 Key to written exercises Lesson 60 A 1 I don't have any grapes, but I have some peaches.2 I don't have any tomatoes, but I have some potatoes.3 I don't have any mince, but I have some steak.4 I don't have any glue, but I have some ink.5 I don't have any envelopes, but I have some writing paper.B 1 I don't have any honey, but I have some jam.2 Penny and I don't have any beans, but we have some potatoes.3 Penny and Sam don't have any wine, but they have some beer.4 Sam and I don't have any bread, but we have some biscuits.5 Sam and Penny don't have any grapes, but they have some bananas.6 I don't have any mince, but I have some steak.7 The children don't have any butter, but they have some eggs.8 I don't have any lettuces, but I have some cabbages.9 Penny and I don't have any beans, but we have some peas.新概念第一册61-62 课文详解及练习答案 课文详注 Further notes on the text

1.fell ill, 感觉病了;look ill, 看起来有病。


2.…so he must stay in bed for a week.……因此他必须卧床休息一周。

so表示“因此”、“所以”。for可以引出一段时间,表示某个动作持续多少时间。又如: for two hours each day 每天两小时

3.That's good news for Jimmy.对吉米来说,这可是个好消息。

句中的news是不可数名词,不是复数形式。在英语中,有些以-s 结尾的名词可作单数使用,又如:mumps(腮腺炎),measles(麻疹)。

4.She has a headache.她头疼。

根据现代英语习惯,headache前常用不定冠词a。其他ache型的复合词也多用不定冠词,如:an earache(耳疼),a toothache(牙疼),a stomach ache(胃疼)。

5.take/have an aspirin, 服/吃一片阿司匹林。

6.have a temperature, 发烧。= have a fever.She has a high fever.她在发高烧。

语法 Grammar in use

1.完全动词 have(2)

have(和 have got)常与表示疼痛和疾病的名词连用。关于与这种名词连用的不定冠词a/an的用法可有几种情况:

(1)必须用不定冠词,如 a cold(感冒),a headache(头疼),a sore throat(嗓子疼):

I have a headache/cold.我头疼/感冒了。

(2)不定冠词可用可不用,如 catch(a)cold(患感冒),have(a)backache/stomach ache/toothache(患背痛/胃痛/牙疼等):

I've had(a)toothache all night.我牙疼了一整夜。(3)复数形式的疾病名称前面不用冠词。如 measles(麻疹),mumps(流行性腮腺炎),shingles(带状疱疹): Most children are in bed with mumps.大多数孩子们都得了流行性腮腺炎,躺在床上。

(4)被认为不可数的疾病名称前面不用冠词,如flu(流行性感冒),gout(痛风),hepatitis(肝炎)等: I was in bed with flu for ten days.我因患流感,卧床10天。

the也可以与 flu,measles和 mumps等词连用,如: He's got the flu/the measles/the mumps.他得了流感/麻疹/腮腺炎。


must是情态助动词(如can一样),它本身没有时态、性或数的变化,也不能单独作谓语动词(简短回答除外)。must表示“必要性”,即某人必须做某事。(请参见 Lessons 29~30语法部分。)

词汇学习Word study

1.feel v.(1)觉得;感到;意识到:

I could feel rain on my face.她感觉到雨点打在我的脸上。

He's feeling a little better today.他今天感觉好点了。(2)摸,触;(客体)给人某种感觉:

He felt his pockets and then took out a small box.他摸摸他的口袋,然后取出一个小盒子。The silk feels very smooth.丝绸摸上去很滑爽。


I feel that he has made a mistake.我认为他犯了一个错误。

I feel it unnecessary to do so.我认为这样做没必要。

2.remember v.(1)记得;回忆:

Can Mrs.Williams remember the doctor's telephone number? 威廉斯太太记得起医生的电话号码吗?

I remember he used to dress in a blue suit.我记得他从前常穿一套蓝色衣服。


I tried hard to remember the long passage of Shakespeare.我努力记住莎士比亚的大段说白。

Remember your appointment with the dentist.别忘了你和牙医的预约。

练习答案 Key to written exercises Lesson 62 A 1 He has a cold.2 He can't go to work.3 He is not well.4 He feels ill.5 He must see a doctor.6 He does not like doctors.B 1 What's the matter with Elizabeth? Does she have an earache? No, she doesn't have an earache.She has a headache.So she must take an aspirin.2 What's the matter with George? Does he have a headache? No, he doesn't have a headache.He has an earache.So he must see a doctor.3 What's the matter with Jim? Does he have a stomach ache? No, he doesn't have a stomach ache.He has a toothache.So he must see a dentist.4 What's the matter with Jane? Does she have a toothache? No, she doesn't have a toothache.She has a stomach ache.So she must take some medicine.What's the matter with Sam? Does he have a stomach ache? No, he doesn't have a stomach ache.He has a temperature.So he must go to bed.What's the matter with Dave? Does he have a headache? No, he doesn't have a headache.He has flu.So he must stay in bed.What's the matter with Jimmy? Does he have a headache? No, he doesn't have a headache.He has measles.So we must call the doctor.8 What's the matter with Susan? Does she have an earache? No, she doesn't have an earache.She has mumps.So we must call the doctor.新概念第一册63-64 课文详解及练习答案

课文详注 Further notes on the text

1.play with, 玩……(东西)。

The children are playing with a toy car in the garden.孩子们正在花园玩一辆玩具汽车。

2.make a noise, 搞出声响。


have a rest 休息一下;take a look at… 看一眼……

3.lean out of the window, 把身子探出窗外。out of是介词短语,与 in或 into相对,表示“离开”、“脱离”。

语法 Grammar in use

禁令 don't与mustn't都可用来表示禁令。用mustn't表示“禁止”或“不许可”,语气比较强烈。

词汇学习Word study

1.keep v.(1)使保持某状态;保持:

Keep the room warm.使房间保持温暖。Keep the fire burning.不要让火熄灭了。


He would not be able to keep his job.他恐怕保不住他那份工作了。If you like it, just keep it.你如果喜欢的话,那把它留下来吧。


Please keep this secret.请保守这一秘密。

Would you keep my things for me while I'm away? 在我离开的这段时间里,你能为我保管一下东西吗?

2.remain v.(1)留下;停留:

You'd better remain at home.你最好留在家里。We're going to remain in Rome for another two days.我们准备再在罗马逗留两天。


It will remain cold for a couple of days.天气还将持续冷几天。

Most people remained silent at the meeting.多数人在会上保持沉默。

练习答案 Key to written exercises

Lesson 64 A 1 Jimmy is better now but he mustn't get up yet.2 Jimmy has a cold and he must stay in bed.3 Jimmy can get up for two hours each day.4 Jimmy often reads in bed.5 Jimmy listens to the stereo, too.6 Jimmy doesn't feel ill now.B 1 Don't take any aspirins!You mustn't take any aspirins!2 Don't take this medicine!You mustn't take this medicine!3 Don't call the doctor!You mustn't call the doctor!4 Don't play with matches!You mustn't play with matches!5 Don't talk in the library!You mustn't talk in the library!6 Don't make a noise!You mustn't make a noise!7 Don't drive so quickly!You mustn't drive so quickly!8 Don't lean out of the window!You mustn't lean out of the window!9 Don't break that vase!You mustn't break that vase!

新概念第一册65-66 课文详解及练习答案

课文详注 Further notes on the text

1.What are you going to do this evening, Jill? 今晚你打算干什么,吉尔?

由every, this, next等词开头的时间状语前面通常不加介词。

2.I'm going to meet some friends, Dad.我打算去看几个朋友,爸爸。


3.Jill's eighteen years old, Tom.吉尔都18岁了,汤姆。

表示“几岁”,一般由基数词+ year(s)old构成。在口语中,year(s)old往往可以省去,而只用数字表示年龄。如:

She is eighteen.她18岁。

4.That's all right.不用谢。

当别人表示感谢时,可以作出如是回答。还可以说You're welcome/Not at all/Don't mention it.5.Bye-bye.再见。

非正式的告别语,语气较随便。非正式的告别语还有 So long,See you或 I'll be seeing you等。正式的告别语是 Goodbye,而夜里向人告别时用 Good night。

语法 Grammar in use



He cut himself when he was shaving this morning.今天早晨刮胡子时,他把脸刮破了。

The old lady is talking to herself.那位老妇人正在自言自语。


We went there ourselves.我们自己去那儿了。They wanted to finish the work themselves.他们想靠自己来完成这项工作。



在某个钟点的1到30分钟内,我们常用 past表示,如8点20分时我们可以说twenty past eight;如果时间是在某个钟点的31分到下一个整点,我们则常用介词to,但要注意钟点及分钟的变换。如6点47分我们通常会将之换算为7点差13分,即 thirteen to seven。


eight twenty 8点20分 six forty-seven 6点47分

表示在什么时间通常都需用介词 at: He goes to school at 7.30.他7点半上学。

(2)通常使用介词 on表示星期几(如 on Monday在星期一)、一天中的某段时间(如 on Monday morning在星期一早上)、日期(如 on April 1st在4月1日)、星期几+日期(如 on Monday,April 1st在4月1日,星期一)、具体时间(如 on that day在那一天)、周年纪念日(如 on your birthday在你的生日)以及节日(如 on Christmas Day在圣诞节)等。

词汇学习Word study

1.enjoy v.(1)过得快活:

She enjoyed herself in the vacation.她假期过得愉快。


I enjoy your company.我乐意与你呆在一起。


We all enjoy our legal rights.我们都享有自己的合法权利。

2.hear v.(1)听见:

He listened but could hear nothing.他留神地听,但什么也没有听到。

Do you hear? 你听见了吗?

(2)倾听,认真听: Please hear her.请听她讲。

We'd better hear what he has to say.我们最好还是听听他要说些什么。

练习答案 Key to written exercises Lesson 66 A 1 I am going to see him at ten o'clock.2 It often rains in November.3 Where do you come from? I come from France.4 I always go to work in the morning.5 What's the climate like in your country? 6 It's cold in winter and hot in summer.B 1 She must go to the library at 1.15.2 Sam and I must see the dentist at 3.45.3 I must type this letter at 2.00.4 Sam and Penny must see the boss at 1.30.5 George must take his medicine at 3.15.6 Sophie must arrive in London at 2.30.7 You must catch the bus at 3.30.8 I must arrive there at 3.00.9 They must come home at 2.15.10 I must meet Sam at 1.45.11 He must telephone me at 2.45.新概念第一册67-70 课文详解及练习答案

课文详注 Further notes on the text

1.hundreds of, 数以百计的。

这是用来表示不定数量的复数形式。类似的结构还有thousands of(数以千计的),millions of(数以万计的)。但必须注意:说 five hundred(五百,500),six thousand(六千,6,000),two million(两百万,200万)等时,hundred, thousand, million 这些词因为之前有具体数字而本身不加-s。

2.at the race, 观看比赛。


3.Our friends Julie and Jack were there, too.我们的朋友朱莉和杰克也去了。

Julie and Jack是 Our friends的同位语。

4.car number fifteen, 第 15号车。

在表示编了号的东西时,可以用基数词表示顺序: Lesson 67 第 67课 Page 2第 2页 Bus No.332第 332路公共汽车 Question 10第 10个问题

语法 Grammar in use

用介词at, on和in的时间短语


at的时间短语通常可表示:确切的时间(如 at 10 o' clock 10点钟时),用餐时间(如 at lunchtime午餐时),其他时刻(如 at noon中午时),节日(如 at Christmas圣诞节时),年龄(如 at the age of 27 27岁时)等。


at the bus-stop 在公共汽车站

at the railway station在火车站

at the butcher's在肉店

at school 在学校

at the office 在办公室

at home在家

(2)介词on用于周和月份中的任何一天之前。请参见Lessons 65~66语法部分。


一天中的某段时间(如 in the evening在晚上),月份(如 in March在 3月),年份(如 in 1997在 1997年),季节(如 in spring在春天),世纪(如 in the 20th century在20世纪),节日(如in Easter week在复活节那一周),时期(如 in the holidays在假期里)等。

词汇学习Word study

1. stand v.(1)站立,起立:

We were standing on the right.我们当时站在右边。They stood because there were no seats.没有座位,所以他们只好站着。(2)(建筑物)直立,耸立;(植物)直立生长: The white house stands on a hill.那幢白色的房子耸立在小山上。

Look at the corn standing in the fields!瞧那长在地里的玉米!

2.finish n.(1)结束;最后阶段(或部分):

The finish of the race was very exciting.比赛的最后一个阶段十分激动人心。

At eleven the dinner finally dragged to a finish.宴会拖到11点才结束。


His dancing lacks finish.他的舞跳得并不完美。We hoped that four years of college would give him some finish.我们希望4年的大学教育会使他有些教养。

练习答案 Key to written exercises Lesson 70 A 1 We were at the stationer's on Monday.2 We were there at four o'clock.3 They were in Australia in September.4 They were there in spring.5 On November 25th, they were in Canada.6 They were there in 1990.B 1 Where were you and Susan on March 23rd? We were at the office on March 23rd.2 Where were Sam and Penny in 1986? They were in India in 1986.3 Where were you and Penny on Saturday? We were at the baker's on Saturday.4 Where were Sam and Penny in 1993? They were in Canada in 1993.5 Where were you and Penny in August? We were in Austria in August.6 Where were Sam and Penny on May 25th? They were at home on May 25th.7 Where were you and Penny in December? We were in Finland in December.8 Where were you and Sam on February 22nd? We were at school on February 22nd.新概念第一册71-72 课文详解及练习答案

课文详注 Further notes on the text

1.What's Ron Marston like, Pauline? 波琳,朗·马斯顿是怎样一个人?

What is sb.like? 这一句式可用来询问某人的外貌或品行。就本课的具体情况而言,波琳的回答更多地是指马斯顿的品行如何。

2.He telephoned me four times yesterday…他昨天给我打了4次电话……

four times, 4次。time在英语中作不可数名词时表示“时间”;作可数名词时表示“次数”。请注意英语中次数的表示法:

once 1次 twice 两次 three times 3次

3次或 3次以上通常都用基数词 times表示: five times 5次 thirty times 30次

3. the day before yesterday, 前天。

4.answer the telephone, 接电话。

口语中也常用 answer the phone。类似的短语如:answer the door/doorbell 应声开门 answer a letter回信

5.She can't speak to you now!她现在不能同你讲话!speak to sb.意为“与某人说话”。例如打电话时可以说: May I speak to Pauline, please? 请让波琳接电话好吗? I' d like to speak to Pauline, please.我想请波琳听电话。

6.This is Pauline's mother.我是波琳的母亲。This is…是英美人打电话时表示“我是……”的句式,而不说 I'm…。相关的电话用语如:

This is Mary speaking.我是玛丽。

This is Edward calling from London.我是爱德华,现正在伦敦给你打电话。

语法 Grammar in use

一般过去时(2)(请参见 Lessons 67~68语法部分。)be动词以外的动词在一般过去时中一般有两种形式。规则动词一般是在动词后面加-ed,如 answered;以-e结尾的规则动词加-d,如 telephoned, arrived。另一部分动词的过去式拼写不规则,因此称为不规则动词,如:say----said, do----did。

用一般过去时的句子中常常有表示过去某一时刻的时间状语,如本课中的 yesterday(昨天),the day before yesterday(前天),yesterday morning(昨天上午),yesterday afternoon(昨天下午),yesterday evening(昨天晚上),last night(昨夜)。

词汇学习Word study



Who answered the telephone? 谁接的电话?

Mary took a few minutes to answer the door.玛丽拖了几分钟时间才去开门。

(2)v.回答;答复: I don't think you've answered my question.我认为你没有回答我的问题。

I wrote him several letters but couldn't get an answer.我给他写了好几封信,可都没有回音。


Do you know the answer to Question 10? 你知道第10题的答案吗?

This is one of the possible answers to today's environmental problems.这是有可能解决当今环境问题的办法之一。

练习答案 Key to written exercises Lesson 72 A 1 It is raining now.It rained yesterday.2 It is snowing now.It snowed yesterday.He is boiling some eggs.He boiled some yesterday.4 We are enjoying our lunch.We enjoyed it yesterday, too.B 1 What did they do yesterday? They cleaned their shoes yesterday.What did he do last night? He opened the box last night.What did they do this morning? They sharpened their pencils this morning.What did she do this evening? She turned on the television this evening.What did she do last night? She listened to the radio last night.What did she do yesterday morning? She boiled an egg yesterday morning.What did they do yesterday afternoon? They played a game yesterday afternoon.What did he do in the morning the day before yesterday? He stayed in bed in the morning the day before yesterday.What did she do yesterday evening? She telephoned her husband yesterday evening.What did she do the night before last? She called the doctor the night before last.新概念第一册73-74 课文详解及练习答案

课文详注 Further notes on the text

1.She does not know London very well.她对伦敦不很熟悉。

know…well这一短语意为“对……了解”。又如: I don't know him very well.我不太了解他。

2.…, and she lost her way.……因此她迷路了。句中的 and当“所以”讲,表示结果。lose one's way, 迷路。

3.ask(sb.)the way,(向某人)问路。

4.say to oneself, 心中暗想。

注意:talk to oneself意为“自言自语地说”。

5.Can you tell me the way to King Street, please? 您能告诉我到国王街怎么走吗?

tell sb.the way(to), 告诉某人(去……的)路。

6.cut himself= cut his face。


语法 Grammar in use



副词可以是单个的词(如 slowly)或词组(如 very well)。单一副词既有以-ly结尾的也有不以-ly结尾的(如 quickly, fast)。



quick----quickly hurried----hurriedly pleasant----pleasantly warm----warmly

(2)以-y结尾的形容词,则把-y改成-i,再加-ly,如: thirsty----thirstily happy----happily

(3)形容词与副词形式相同:如: late----late fast----fast hard----hard well----well


go----went see----saw understand----understood take----took read----read /red/ drink----drank

run----ran know----knew say----said put----put cut----cut eat----ate meet----met come----came

lose----lost tell----told speak----spoke find----found give----gave swim----swam have----had

词汇学习Word study

1.lose v.(1)迷失;(使)迷路:

She did not know London very well, and she lost her way.她对伦敦不很熟悉,因此迷了路。

It's very easy to lose your way in a strange city.在一个陌生的城市里,你很容易迷路。


He lost his sight in a car accident.他在一起汽车交通事故中失明了。She has just lost her job because of carelessness.她刚刚因疏忽大意而丢了工作。


I can't enter my house because I've lost my key on my way home.我进不了自己的房子,因为在回家的路上我把钥匙丢了。

We lost her in the crowd.我们在人群中找不见她了。

2.understand v.(1)理解;懂:

He doesn't understand English and you can try French.他不懂英语,你可以试试法语。

I don't understand what you mean.我不明白你的意思。


How the machine works is still not fully understood.这台机器到底是如何运转的仍未被完全弄清楚。

Only today have I begun to understand the political situation in Northern Ireland.直到今天我才了解了北爱尔兰的政治局势。

练习答案 Key to written exercises Lesson 74 A 1 He read the phrase slowly.2 He worked lazily.3 He cut himself badly.4 He worked carefully.5 The door opened suddenly.B(sample sentences)1 He does not know me very well.2 She worked very hard.3 She smiled pleasantly.4 The bus went hurriedly.5 He shaved slowly.6 She drank a glass of water thirstily.7 He greeted me warmly.8 We enjoyed ourselves very much.新概念第一册75-76 课文详解及练习答案

课文详注 Further notes on the text

1.Do you have any shoes like these? 像这样的鞋你们有吗?

这个句子里的 like these是介词短语作定语,修饰 shoes,意思是“像这样的鞋子”。

2. What size? 什么尺码的?

这是一个省略句,后面省略了 do you want。下文中的 What colour? 同样也是省略句。what size通常用来询问服装、鞋子、手套等的尺寸,即什么号码:

What size do you wear? 你穿几码的?

3.They are very uncomfortable.的确很不舒适。


语法 Grammar in use


一般过去时通常与表示确切的过去时间的短语连用。这些短语一般是 last+ 表示时间的名词、一段时间+ago等。

(1)last week/month/year/night(上星期/上个月/去年/昨夜):

Did you watch the television last night? 你昨晚看电视了吗?

(2)two minutes/hours/days/weeks/months/years ago(两分钟/小时/天/周/月/年前):

She bought the shoes two months ago.她两个月之前买的鞋。

(3)in+ 过去某一年:

We first met him in 1980.我们 1980年初次见到他。

(4)yesterday(昨天), yesterday evening(昨天晚上), the week before last(前一个星期), the month before last(前一个月), the year before last(前年), the day before yesterday(前天), the night before last(前天夜里):

She dusted the cupboard the day before yesterday.她前天清扫了橱柜。

词汇学习Word study 1.wear v.(1)穿着;戴着;佩带着:

But women always wear uncomfortable shoes!可是女人们总是穿不舒适的鞋子!

Look at the beautiful silk scarf she's wearing!瞧她围着的那条漂亮的丝绸围巾!

She never wears perfume.她从不用香水。(2)面带;呈现;保持:

He's wearing a cheerful smile.他面带着快活的微笑。He wears his dignity even in great adversity.他即使身处逆境也仍保持着自己的尊严。

2.uncomfortable adj.(1)不舒服的:

She feels uncomfortable in tight boots.她穿着紧的长统靴感到不舒服。


You'll have an uncomfortable feeling if you sit there alone.如果你独自一人坐在那儿,你会有种不安的感觉。

He often feels uncomfortable with strangers.与陌生人在一起他通常感到不自在。

(3)令人不舒服的,不舒适的: This pair of shoes look very uncomfortable.这双鞋看上去很不舒适。

It's really an uncomfortable day!这真是令人难受的一天!

练习答案 Key to written exercises Lesson 76 A 1 She met her friends yesterday.2 They drank some milk yesterday.3 He swam in the river yesterday.4 She took him to school yesterday.5 He cut himself yesterday(morning).B 1 When did you walk across the park? I walked across the park last week.2 When did you wash your hands? I washed my hands a minute ago.3 When did you work in an office? I worked in an office the year before last.4 When did you ask a question? I asked a question five minutes ago.5 When did you type those letters? I typed those letters a month ago.6 When did you watch television? I watched television every day this week.7 When did you talk to the shop assistant? I talked to the shop assistant last month.8 When did you thank your father? I thanked my father an hour ago.9 When did you dust the cupboard? I dusted the cupboard three days ago.10 When did you paint that bookcase? I painted that bookcase the year before last.11 When did you want a car like that one? I wanted a car like that one a year ago.12 When did you greet her? I greeted her a minute ago.新概念第一册77-78 课文详解及练习答案

课文详注 Further notes on the text

1.I want to see the dentist, please.我想见牙科医生。I want to see sb., please 这一句式是表示想见某人时常用的句式之一。

2.have an appointment(with sb.),(与某人)有约会。I have an appointment with my dentist at 3 p.m.我已约定下午3点去看牙医。

3.Is it urgent? 急吗? 这里的it指“要见牙医”这件事。

4.Can you come at 10 a.m.on Monday, April 24th?您在 4 月24日星期一上午10点钟来可以吗?

Can you come at…? 这一句式通常用来约定见面时间。注意英语中的时间次序一般是由小到大,与汉语正好相反。又如:on July 2nd, 1988(在1988年7月2日), at seven on June 3rd, 1989(在 1989年 6月 3日 7点)。a.m.(=ante meridiem)上午,有时写成A.M.或AM;下午则是p.m.(=post meridiem),有时写成 P.M.或 PM。

5.I must see…我必须见……

比 I want to see… 语气上要更强些,表达说话人某种强烈的愿望或需求。

6.at the moment, 正在说话的这会儿,此时。

7.Can't you wait till this afternoon? 您就不能等到今天下午了吗?


语法 Grammar in use



(be:)Aren't you a student? 难道你不是学生吗? Isn't it hot here? 这里难道不热吗?

(can:)Can't you wait a moment? 你不能等一会儿吗?

(have:)Haven't I asked you? 难道我没问过你吗?(do:)Don't you want to stay with us? 你难道不愿意与我们呆在一起吗?

(did:)Didn't you see him yesterday? 难道你昨天没看见他吗?

回答这种问题时用简略回答。如果答语是肯定的,就用 Yes;如果答语是否定的,就用No。不过,这种答语的汉语译法有特殊之处。


完全式: Is she not a nurse? 她不是一位护士吗?

简略式: Isn't she a nurse? 她不是一位护士吗?

词汇学习Word study

1. urgent adj.(1)紧迫的;急迫的:

There's an urgent message for you.这里有你的一个要紧的口信儿。

The children in that area are in urgent need of medical attention.那个地区的孩子们急需得到医疗方面的关注。

(2)催促的;坚持要求的: The cries and shouts became louder and more urgent.哭喊声越来越响,更加急迫。

2.appointment n.约会;约定:

I have made an appointment with Doctor Smith on next Tuesday.我与史密斯大夫约好了在下星期二见面。

When is your lunch appointment? 你与别人共进午餐的约会定在什么时候?

Once you've made an appointment, you should try to keep it.一旦你定好约会的事情,那么你应努力守约。

练习答案 Key to written exercises Lesson 78 A 1 She buys a new car every year.She bought a new car last year.2 She airs the room every day.She aired it this morning.3 He often loses his pen.He lost his pen this morning.4 She always listens to the news.She listened to the news yesterday.5 She empties this basket every day.She emptied it yesterday.B 1 I painted the room in 1996.2 She met him on 5th November.3 They arrived a quarter to eleven.4 He lost his pen on Saturday.新概念第一册79-80 课文详解及练习答案

课文详注 Further notes on the text

1. And I'm not going to get any!不过,我不打算去买!这里get表示“买”,与buy同义:

I'll get a new bike for you.我将给你买辆新自行车来。2.groceries, 食品杂货。

During the blizzard I was glad I 'd had the foresight to buy enough groceries.在那场大风雪中,我庆幸自己深谋远虑,事先买了足够的食品杂货

语法 Grammar in use

must 与 need

(1)must v.aux.[无时态和人称变化, 后面接不带 to 的动词不定式] [表示义务、命令或必要] 必须, 应当

Soldiers must obey orders.军人必须服从命令。We must keep our word.我们必须遵守诺言。You must not do it.你不可以做那件事。

We must tell him.我们必须告诉他。

【说明】过去、未来、完成等式可用 have to 的相应形式来代替, 例如: I must [have to] do it today.我必须今天做。

I had to do it yesterday.我本该昨天做。

I shall have to go there some day.总有一天我会去那儿的。

[表示推断或指具有较大的可能性]很可能;谅必[否定用cannot be, could not have +p.p]

You must be very tired.你一定很累了。

He must have earned a large sum of money.他一定是挣了一笔巨款。

[表示主张]一定要, 务必

If it is really lost, it must be found.如果真丢了, 一定要找回来。

[表示不可避免性或肯定性]必然要, 必定会 Man must die.人必有一死。


Why must it rain on Sunday? 偏要在星期天下雨, 讨厌!Just as I was sitting down to supper, the telephone mustring.正当我坐下来用晚餐时, 偏偏电话铃响了。


Must I go now? 我现在可以走了吗? n.[口]必须做的事, 必需的东西

The new film is an absolute must.这部新片不可不看。adj.[口]绝对需要的, 不可缺的 must legislation 不可缺少的立法

This is a must book for your reading.这是一本你必须要读的书。


Need I make an appointment? 我需要约一下时间吗? You need not hurry.你不必太匆忙。

need也可作实义动词,这时就要有人称、数及时态上的变化,疑问句中也需用助动词 do。如:

We need a lot of things this week.我们这周需要许多东西。

He needs some money.他需要一些钱。Do you need any sugar? 你需要一些糖吗?

What do they need this week? 他们这周需要什么东西?

词汇学习Word study



I hope that you'll have a lovely vacation.我希望你能有一个愉快的假期。Mark's hoping to study Law at Harvard.马克盼望着进入哈佛大学学习法律。

I hope that you've got some money.我希望你有了些钱。


We are full of hope for the future.我们对未来充满信心。


His hope is that his son will get married and settle down soon.他所希望的是他儿子能早点结婚,安顿下来。He is a young man of genius, the hope of Russian poetry.他是一位年轻的天才,是俄罗斯诗歌的希望所在。


We need some honey.我们需要些蜂蜜。Do you need any help? 你需要帮忙吗? Does he need to know? 他需要知道吗?


There is no need of worrying.不必担心。

There's a growing need of new housing in many cities.许多城市正面临着对新建房屋的不断增长的需求。

We don't have any urgent need for money.我们并不急需钱。

练习答案 Key to written exercises Lesson 80 A 1 I haven't got much butter.2 You haven't got many envelopes.3 We haven't got much milk.4 She hasn't got many biscuits.5 They haven't got much stationery.B 1 They need a lot of bread.They haven't got much.They must go to the baker's to get some bread.2 She needs a lot of eggs.She hasn't got many.She must go to the grocer's to get some eggs.3 They need a lot of magazines.They haven't got many.They must go to the newsagent's to get some magazines.4 I need a lot of beef.I haven't got much.I must go to the butcher's to get some beef.5 She needs a lot of butter.She hasn't got much.She must go to the grocer's to get some butter.6 They need a lot of bananas.They haven't got many.They must go to the greengrocer's to get some bananas.7 He needs a lot of medicine.He hasn't got much.37

He must go to the chemist's to get some medicine.新概念第一册81-82 课文详解及练习答案

课文详注 Further notes on the text

1.No, thanks, Tom.不,谢谢,汤姆。

在别人请你吃东西时,如果你吃,就说Ok, thanks/Oh, thank you。如果你不吃,则说No, thanks。

2. Oh!噢!


3.Well, you're going to have roast beef and potatoes again tonight!唉,今晚你们又要吃烤牛肉和土豆了!


语法 Grammar in use


have可以代替常用动词,表示eat, enjoy, experience, drink, take等意义。这时的have是行为动词,所以与动作有关,而不像 have表示“具有”时(请参见 Lessons 59~60语法部分)那样表示状态(如 I have〈got〉a car)。因此,它可以用于各种时态。


Have a cigarette!抽根烟吧!I'm having a drink.我在喝酒。

We had lunch together today.我们今天一起吃了午饭。

当have不表示“有”而表示其他意思时,其用法和英语中的其他动词相同,意即:在疑问和否定结构中,have的一般现在时和一般过去时形式必须用do,does和 did

词汇学习Word study

1. nearly v.(1)几乎;差不多;差点儿:

The dinner is nearly ready.饭马上就好。I nearly missed the train.我险些赶不上火车。


He resembles a film star nearly.他酷似一位电影明星。The matter concerns us nearly.这事与我们有切身关系。

2.ready adj.(1)准备就绪的:

Dinner will be ready in 20 minutes.20分钟后就可以开饭了。

Are you ready to leave? 你是不是准备好这就可以动身了?


The apples are ripe and ready to eat.苹果完全熟了,随时可以享用。We must get the house ready for our guests.我们必须把房子收拾停当,以期我们的客人随时入住。


He gave a ready consent.他立即爽快地表示同意。This new system gives users readier access to the data.这个新系统可以使用户们更快捷地进入数据库。

练习答案 Key to written exercises

Lesson 82 A 1 They ate a meal at a restaurant.2 We went for a holiday last month.3 Eat a biscuit.4 You enjoyed yourself.5 They are eating their lunch.6 I drank a glass of milk.B 1 They are going to have breakfast.2 They are having lunch.3 He must have tea.4 They had dinner.5 They must have a meal.6 He is going to have a swim.7 He is having a bath.8 He had a haircut.9 They are having a lesson.10 They had a party.11 They must have a holiday.12 They are going to have a good time.新概念第一册83-84 课文详解及练习答案 课文详注 Further notes on the text

1.Come in.进来吧。

Have a cup of tea then.那么喝杯咖啡吧。

Let's go into the living-room, Carol.我们到客厅里去吧,卡罗尔。


2.I've just had a cup.我刚喝了一杯。

句中 cup后省略了 of coffee。

3.We're going to leave tomorrow.明天我们就要走了。

这里的 are going to表示“打算”、“准备”。请参见 Lessons 37~38语法部分。

语法 Grammar in use




(3)现在完成时由 have/has+ 过去分词构成,单数第 3人称用has,其他人称皆用have。规则动词的过去分词与过去式相同,而不规则动词的过去分词则无统一的规律可言,需特别加以记忆。

(4)一般现在完成时通常与表示不确定的时间副词或短语连用如 just, already, before, never, ever, twice, three times等。

词汇学习Word study

1. leave v.(1)离开,出发:

The train is going to leave in 5 minutes.火车将于5分钟后开出。

I'm going to leave Italy.我准备离开意大利。


John's wife left him for another man.约翰的妻子舍他而去,投入另一个男子的怀抱。

Alexander is leaving the company after 30 years' service 亚历山大将在为公司服务了30年之后离开公司。


The famous actress left all her money to charity.这位著名的女演员将她所有的钱都遗留给了慈善机构。

„Leave it to me, ‟he said.“这事交给我来办吧,”他说道。

2.pack v.(1)打包,装箱:

We are leaving tomorrow and I haven't even started packing yet.我们明天就要走了,而我甚至还没开始将行李打包呢。Don' t forget to pack the mirror!别忘了把镜子装起来!


The movie fans packed the hall.大厅里挤满了影迷。The bus was packed with people.公共汽车里挤满了人

练习答案 Key to written exercises Lesson 84 A I've already had some.2 I've already had one.3 I've already had one.4 I've already had some.38 5 I've already had one.6 I've already had one.7 I've already had some.B 1 He hasn't had any beans.He's just had some peas.2 They haven't had any tea.They've just had some coffee.3 I haven't had any apples.I've just had some peaches.4 I haven't had any cabbage.I've just had some lettuce.5 She hasn't had any beer.She's just had some wine.6 He hasn't had any lamb.He's just had some beef.7 They haven't had any tea.They've just had some milk.8 She hasn't had any meat.She's just had some vegetables.9 I haven't had any chicken.I've just had some steak.They haven't had any bananas.They've just had some oranges.新概念第一册85-86 课文详解及练习答案

课文详注 Further notes on the text 1.I've never been there.我从未去过。

never 表示“从无”、“从未”,在这里有强调之意。2. Have you ever been there, Ken? 肯,你去过吗? ever常用于否定句、疑问句以及表示条件的从句中表示“以往任何时候”、“曾经”、“在任何时候”、“从来”这类意思。用在此句中也有强调之意。

语法 Grammar in use

have been与 have gone

have been to a place表示曾经去过某地,但现在不在那个地方了;have gone to a place表示已经去某地了,现在在那个地方或正在去的路上。如:

George has been to Paris.乔治去过巴黎。(他现在不在巴黎。)

George has gone to Paris.乔治去了巴黎。(他在巴黎或去巴黎的路上。)

Have you ever been to America?你去过美国吗?(对方不在美国境内。)

Has he gone to Washington D.C.? 他去华盛顿了吗?(被提到的人有可能现在美国境内或在赴美途中。)

词汇学习Word study

beautiful adj.(1)美丽的,使生美感的:

She was even more beautiful than I had expected.她甚至比我预期的还要美。She's a girl with a beautiful voice.她是一位嗓音美妙动听的姑娘。

(2)出色的,完美的;令人愉悦的: Her French is as beautiful as her English.她的法文说得和英文一样漂亮。He did a beautiful job of painting the desk.他油漆了书桌,活干得很漂亮。Beautiful weather, isn't it? 天气晴朗宜人,对吗?

练习答案 Key to written exercises Lesson 86 A She has just boiled an egg.She has never been to China, but he was there in 1992.4 He has already painted that bookcase.7 He has just dusted the cupboard.B I've already cleaned my shoes.I cleaned my shoes last night.2 I've already opened the window.I opened the window an hour ago.3 I've already sharpened my pencil.I sharpened my pencil a minute ago.4 I've already turned on the television.I turned on the television ten minutes ago.5 I've already boiled the milk.I boiled the milk yesterday morning.6 I've already emptied the basket.I emptied the basket yesterday.7 I've already asked a question.I asked the question two minutes ago.8 I've already typed that letter.I typed that letter this morning.9 I've already washed my hands.I washed my hands five minutes ago.10 I've already walked across the park.I walked across the park an hour ago.11 I've already painted that bookcase.I painted that bookcase a year ago.12 I've already dusted the cupboard.I dusted the cupboard this afternoon.新概念第一册87-88 课文详解及练习答案 课文详注 Further notes on the text

1.When did you bring it to us? 您什么时候送来的? bring表示“送来”、“带来”和“拿来”的意思,在方位上多指朝说话人而来。

2.…they're still working on it.……他们还在修呢。work on 表示“从事”、“干”(某事)。still是“仍然”、“还在”的意思,此处在句中对 working on it起了强调的作用。

3.have a look at it, 看一下。

这里的 it指 car,以避免重复。这里的 look是名词,have a look at与 look at意思是一样的。

4.Isn't that your car? 这难道不是您的车吗? Didn't you have a crash? 难道您没有出车祸吗? 在英文中可以用一般疑问句的否定形式来表示期待、请求或希望得到肯定的答复。

语法 Grammar in use


现在完成时的构成是 have/has+ 过去分词,因此其疑问式是将have/has提到主语之前,否定式则在have/has后加上not即可。

词汇学习Word study

1.repair v.(1)修理;修复;修补: I'll have to get the bicycle repaired.我得请人把自行车修理一下。

She looked into the mirror and began to repair her face.她向镜中望去,开始往脸上重敷脂粉。


How can I repair the mistake I have made? 我如何才能弥补我所犯的错误呢?

It will take a while to repair the confidence of the general public.要恢复公众的信心尚需要一些时间。

2.try v.(1)试图;设法,努力:

They tried hard to repair the damaged car.他们竭尽全力修理那辆被损坏了的汽车。He is trying to move the book shelf.他正试图搬动那个书架。

(2)尝试,试用;试验: She's trying her new car.她正在试她的新车。

I'll try that Italian restaurant next time.下次我要到那家意大利餐馆去尝尝他们的菜。练习答案 Key to written exercises

Lesson 88 A Did he find his pen a minute ago? He didn't find his pen a minute ago.2 Did he get a new television last week? He didn't get a new television last week.3 Did you hear the news on the radio? We didn't hear the news on the radio.4 Did they leave this morning? They didn't leave this morning.5 Did he lose his umbrella yesterday? He didn't lose his umbrella yesterday.6 Did you sweep the floor this morning? I didn't sweep the floor this morning.B Has he met Mrs.Jones yet? Yes, he has already met Mrs.Jones.When did he meet Mrs.Jones? He met her two weeks ago.2 Has the boss left yet? Yes, the boss has already left.When did the boss leave? He left ten minutes ago.3 Has he had breakfast yet? Yes, he has already had breakfast.When did he have breakfast? He had breakfast at half past seven.4 Has she found her pen yet? Yes, she has already found her pen.When did she find her pen? She found her pen an hour ago.5 Has he got a television yet? Yes, he has already got a television.When did he get a television? He got a television two weeks ago.6 Has she heard the news yet? Yes, she has already heard the news.When did she hear the news? She heard the news yesterday.7 Has she made the bed yet? Yes, she has already made the bed.When did she make the bed? She made the bed this morning.8 Has he sent the letter yet? Yes, he has already sent the letter.When did he send the letter? He sent the letter the day before yesterday.9 Has she swept the floor yet? Yes, she has already swept the floor.When did she sweep the floor? She swept the floor yesterday morning.10 Has she told him the truth yet? Yes, she has already told him the truth.When did she tell him the truth? She told him the truth last night.(1)退休;离职: He retired at the age of 60.他60岁时退休了。

He's going to retire soon from the sea.不久他将退休,结束其航海生涯。


He often retires to his country house at weekends.他周末通常到他那个乡间别墅生活。

The ladies retired, and the gentlemen went on drinking and chatting.新概念第一册89-90 课文详解及练习答案

课文详注 Further notes on the text

1.I believe that this house is for sale.我想这房子是要新概念的吧!


I believe you.我相信你(说的话)。

I believe that he has already gone to London.我认为他已经去伦敦了。

for sale意为“供新概念”、“待售”。

She has put her house up for sale.她的房子现在出售

2.How long have you lived here? 您在这里住了多长时间?

how long常用于询问时间的长短与物体的长度。

3.since 1976, 从 1976年起。


4.How much does this house cost? 这座房子卖多少钱?

how much常用于询问东西的新概念。cost是指得到一件东西所花费的钱,其真正的价值可能低于或高于所要的价。这种新概念主要是指商店内的标价或货主索要的新概念。相比之下,worth(prep.)主要是指某物的本身价值。

5.…I can'T decide yet.……我还不能决定。句中的yet常见于否定句,表示“迄今仍未”的意思。

语法 Grammar in use

for与 since

现在完成时还可以描述发生在过去且一直延续到现在的动作,这种动作甚至有可能延续下去。在这种情况下,它一般与for+ 一段时间、since+ 某个时间点连用。

请注意:for+ 一段时间表示某个动作持续多长时间;since+ 某个时间点表示某个动作是何时开始的。

词汇学习Word study

1.retire v.41


2.worth prep.(1)相当于……价值,值……钱: The new house would be worth 50, 000 pounds.这座新房子会值50,000英镑。How much is the necklace worth? 这条项链值多少钱?(2)具有……价值;值得:

That city is worth visiting.那座城市值得一游。Is the film worth seeing? 这部电影值得一看吗?

练习答案 Key to written exercises Lesson 90 A Did the sun set at twenty past seven? The sun didn't set at twenty past seven.2 Did he eat his lunch at one o'clock? He didn't eat his lunch at one o'clock.3 Did they do their homework last night? They didn't do their homework last night.4 Did he come by car this morning? He didn't come by car this morning.5 Did the sun rise at half past five? The sun didn't rise at half past five.6 Did you swim across the river yesterday? We didn't swim across the river yesterday.B Yes, I did my homework last night.He hasn't done his homework yet.Yes, Mrs.Jones went to the butcher's this morning.Mrs.Williams hasn't been to the butcher's yet.3 Yes, I spoke to him yesterday.She hasn't spoken to him yet.Yes, George swam across the river an hour ago.Sam hasn't swum across it yet.5 Yes, I saw that film yesterday.Sam and Penny haven't seen that film yet.6 Yes, Tim took off his shoes a minute ago.Frank hasn't taken off his shoes yet.新概念第一册91-92 课文详解及练习答案

课文详注 Further notes on the text

1.We'll all miss him.我们大家都会想念他的。


2.…but his wife did.……可是他妻子离开。

句中 did代替上文中的 wanted to leave。

语法 Grammar in use


(1)一般将来时表示将来某一时刻的动作、状态以及打算。该时态一般与表示将来意义的时间状语连用,如tomorrow(明天),this month(本月),the day after tomorrow(后天),next week(下周),in two days' time(两天之后),from now on(从现在起),in the future(将来)等。

(2)一般将来时的形式为 will/shall+ 动词原形。will可用于所有人称,但shall仅表示单纯将来时用于第一人称I和we,作为will的一种替代形式。

否定缩写: shan't =shall not, won't =will not:

I shan't leave tonight.I'll leave tomorrow.今天夜里我不走。我将于明天离开。

They won't go to London this weekend.这个周末他们不去伦敦。


(3)除了will/shall外,还可以用其他方法表示将来。在口语中,be going to比 will/shall更为普通,用来表示说话人的意图或打算。如:

She is going to travel by air.她打算乘飞机旅行。也可用来表示有迹象某事即将发生。如: It's going to rain.将要下雨了。(4)可与将来时连用的时间短语有: 今天:

this morning/afternoon/evening今天上午/下午/晚上tonight今夜


tomorrow morning/ afternoon/evening明天上午/下午/晚上


the day after tomorrow后天 the night after next后天夜里


in the morning在上午

in the afternoon 在下午 in the evening在晚上

词汇学习Word study

1.miss v.(1)想念,惦念:

We'll miss you.我们会想念你的。

His mother misses him very much.他母亲很惦念他。(2)错过;未做到:

He overslept and missed his train.他睡过了头,错过了他那班火车。

I missed an opportunity of realizing my dream.我错过了一个可能实现自己梦想的机会。

2.still adv.(1)还是,仍然:

I still don't understand what he meant.我还是不明白他是什么意思。

She was still beautiful at the age of 46.她46岁时依然漂亮。


It was hot yesterday, but it's still hotter today.昨天很热,然而今天甚至还要热些。

She looked very ill last week and this week looks still worse.上星期她看上去病得很厉害,而这个星期看来更不行了。


He is sitting still.他一动不动地坐着。The patient is lying still.病人安静地躺着。

练习答案 Key to written exercises

Lesson 92 A He'll arrive tomorrow morning.2 She'll come this evening.3 It'll snow tonight.4 He'll not believe me.B Yes, and it will snow tomorrow, too.2 Yes, and he will get up late tomorrow, too.3 Yes, and he will arrive late tomorrow, too.4 Yes, and he will finish work late tomorrow, too.5 Yes, and she will drive to London tomorrow, too.6 Yes, and she will telephone him tomorrow, too.7 Yes, and he will have a shave tomorrow, too.8 Yes, and she will sweep the floor tomorrow, too.新概念第一册93-94 课文详解及练习答案

课文详注 Further notes on the text

1.next-door, 隔壁的。

2.the month after next, 再下个月。

after next 表示“下下个”,如:the week after next下下个星期

语法 Grammar in use



this week(这周),next week(下周),the week after next(下下周),this month(这个月),next month(下个月),the month after next(下下个月), this year(今年),next year(明年),the year after next(后年).注:一般过去时中通常会用last一词,而不是next.(2)in a day's time(一天以后), in a year's time(一年以后), in two weeks time(两周后), in three months' time(3个月后)等等。

词汇学习Word study

1.return v.(1)回,返回:

He's just returned from abroad.他刚从国外回来。He'll return to London the week after next.下下个星期他将返回伦敦。


Spring will return soon.很快就又是春天了。He returned to his copy of the New York Times.他又重读起他那份《纽约时报》来。(3)归还;退还:

I'm going to return these books to the library.我要把这些书还给图书馆。

I lent him my records and he never returned them!我把自己的唱片借给他,而他却从未归还!

2.lucky adj.(1)有好运的,幸运的:

Nigel is a very lucky man.奈杰尔是个很幸运的人。She was lucky to get such a well-paid job.她能得到这样一个报酬优厚的工作真幸运。


He didn't really know the answer----it was just a lucky guess.他并非真知道答案——那不过是个侥幸的猜测。It's lucky he's here.他碰巧在这儿。

练习答案 Key to written exercises

Lesson 94 A 1 He will go to New York next week.2 She will go to Sydney next month.43 I will go to Paris the year after next.4 We will go to Stockholm next year.5 They will go to Geneva the week after next.B No, Helen won't return to Geneva next year.She'll return to Bombay.No, I won't fly to London tomorrow.I'll fly to Geneva.3 No, Tom and I won't go to Madrid next year.We'll go to London.w No, Tom won't arrive from Moscow next month.He'll arrive from Madrid.No, Carol and Helen won't stay in New York next month.They'll stay in Moscow.新概念第一册95-96 课文详解及练习答案

课文详注 Further notes on the text

1.plenty of, 充足的,足够的。后面可跟可数名词或不可数名词。

There is plenty of coal in this area.这个地区有丰富的煤。

There are plenty of good places to camp in.有许多好地方可以露营。

We believe in taking in plenty of fresh air and getting plenty of exercise.我们主张呼吸新鲜空气和参加足够的锻炼。

Keep warm, drink plenty of hot water and get plenty of rest.穿暧和些,多喝热水,多休息。

2.ten minutes slow, 慢 10分钟; ten minutes fast, 快 10分钟。

3.When's the next train?下一班车是什么时候? 这个句子是用来询问火车启程时间时常见的句型。

语法 Grammar in use had better与 must

had better表示“最好还是”、“最好”,表达某种忠告或建议。句型:had better do sth.must则表示“必须”、“一定”,语气比 had better强烈。had better表示现在时或将来时,而不是过去时。其否定形式为 had better not do sth.We had better wait and watch for a better chance.我们最好等一等,寻找更好的机会。When it rains, you had better not go out.天下雨的时候,你最好别出去。You had better be overhauled by a doctor.你最好给医生详细检查一下。You had better do a little hard thinking.你最好仔细想一下。If you can't finish the book by then, you must come and renew it.这本书如果你到时候还看不完, 就必须来续借。

词汇学习Word study 1.exact adj.(1)精确的;确切的;恰好的:

What is the exact time? 确切时间是什么时候? This vase is an exact replica.这只花瓶是件很巧妙的复制品。

It's the exact shape I've been looking for.这恰好是我一直以来要寻找的外形。


The workers must obey exact rules.工人们必须遵守严格的规定。

2.catch v.(1)赶上;及时赶到:

We must hurry if we want to catch the last train.假如我们想赶上最后一班火车就必须快点。Every morning she would catch the 7.30 train to town.天天早上她都赶7点半的那班火车进城。(2)听清楚;理解:

I didn't catch what you said just now.我没听清楚你刚才所说的话。(3)引起(注重等);吸引,迷住:

The bright colours on the wall caught our attention.墙壁上鲜艳的颜色吸引了我们的注重力。The beautiful view in front of me caught and held me.我面前漂亮的景色把我迷住了。

练习答案 Key to written exercises Lesson 96 A 1 I had better stay here.2 We had better wait for him.3 You had better call a doctor.4 They had better go home.5 She had better hurry.6 You had better be careful.B 1 I'll go to Sydney in a month's time.2 The next train will leave for Geneva in an hour's time.3 I'll fly to Beijing in two days' time.4 Jean and I will go to London in an hour's time.新概念第一册97-98 课文详解及练习答案

课文详注 Further notes on the text

1.I left a suitcase on the train to London the other day.几天前我把一只手提箱忘在开往伦敦的火车上了。

句中left是leave的过去式。leave在这里表示“遗忘”、“丢下”,通常可与表示地点的短语连用。句型:leave sth + some place(某地)又如:

I left my glasses in the library.我把眼镜忘在图书馆里了。

the other day表示“几天前”。the other +表示时间的名词通常只与过去时态连用。类似的短语有:the other morning/afternoon/evening/night(几天前上午/下午/晚上/夜里),the other week/ month/ year(几周/月/年前)。

2.There's a label on the handle with my name and address on it.箱把上有一标签,上面写着我的姓名和住址。


3.fifty pence, 50 便士。


语法 Grammar in use

所有格形容词和所有格代词(2)(请参见 Lessons 11~12语法部分。)


词汇学习Word study

1.belong v.(1)(在所有权方面)属于:

That pen belongs to him.那枝笔是他的。

This house belongs to Mrs.White.这所房子属于怀特太太。


Do you belong to the golf club? 你是高尔夫球俱乐部的成员吗?

Which party does he belong to? 他是哪个党的党员?


The novel really belongs to the 19th century.这部小说其实是属于19世纪的。We belong to the same generation.我们属于同代人。

2.describe v.(1)描述;形容:

She described the woman to the police.她向警方描述了那个女人的外貌。He described the whole event in detail.他详尽地描述了整个事件。

(2)把……说成;把……称为(as): They describe him as ambitious.44 他们把他称为雄心勃勃的人。

练习答案 Key to written exercises Lesson 98 A 1 They are his.2 It is mine.3 They are hers.4 They are ours.5 The pens are theirs.6 It is yours.B 1 Yes, it's hers.It belongs to Jane.2 Yes, they're theirs.They belong to them.3 Yes, it's mine.It belongs to me.4 Yes, they're hers.They belong to her.5 Yes, it's yours.It belongs to you.6 Yes, it's his.It belongs to him.7 Yes, they' re theirs.They belong to them.8 Yes, it's ours.It belongs to us.Yes, they' re theirs.They belong to them.新概念第一册99-100 课文详解及练习答案

课文详注 Further notes on the text

1.get up,站起来。这一短语还可表示“起床”。

2.be afraid that,想,恐怕;be sure that, 想,认为。这两个结构后面通常接从句,在口语中有时that可省略。I am afraid I can't help you.恐怕我帮不了你。I'm sure that everything will be better by then.我相信到那时一切都会更美好。

语法 Grammar in use


宾语从句在句中作宾语,一般用that引导,但在口语中经常省略掉 that.可用在 say, think, believe, hope, know, understand, suppose 等动词之后:

She says that she is cold.她说她冷。

He thinks that he needs an X-ray.他认为他需要拍个X片。

I know that I can repair this car.我知道我能修理这部车。

They believe that they will have more money.他们认为他们会有更多的钱。

可用在某些描写感情的形容词之后,如 afraid, sure, sorry,glad等:

I am sure that you need an X-ray.我觉得你需要拍个X片。I am sorry that you are ill.45




词汇学习Word study

1.slip v.(1)滑倒:

She slipped and fell down on the wet stones.她脚下滑了一下,跌倒在潮湿的石头上。


The soap slipped out of her hand.肥皂从她的手中滑落。


Profits continue to slip this year.利润今年呈持续下跌趋势。


Our wedding anniversary completely slipped my mind.我把我们的结婚纪念日忘得一干二净。

2.hurt v.(1)弄痛;使受伤: Have you hurt yourself? 你伤着自己了吗?

He fell off the bicycle and hurt his leg.他从自行车上摔下来,摔伤了一条腿。


That case has hurt his reputation.那个案件损害了他的声誉。I don't mean to hurt you.我本无意伤害你的感情。

3.help v.(1)帮助;援助;救助:

He devoted his life to helping the disabled.他付出一生的心血去帮助那些残疾人。Would you help me to lift this box? 你能否帮我抬一下这只箱子?


My knowledge of French helped me a lot while I was travelling in France.我在法国旅行时,我的法文知识帮了我大忙。Humour can help in a tense situation.幽默能够缓和紧张局面。

练习答案 Key to written exercises

Lesson 100 A She says that she has found her pen.2 They say that they must remain here.3 He says that he remembers you.4 She says that she doesn't speak English.5 They say that they are washing the dishes.B 1 He says that he feels ill.2 She says that she has got a headache.3 He says that he wants a haircut.4 They say that they are thirsty.5 They say that they have a toothache.6 She says that she needs a licence.7 He says that he wants an X-ray.8 She says that she is cold.9 He says that he has got a cold.10 He says that he has an earache.新概念第一册101-102 课文详解及练习答案

课文详注 Further notes on the text

1. speak up,大声地说,清楚地说。

up作副词用时可表示强度等的由弱到强、由低到高: Can you get up to that note ? 你能唱得到那么高的音吗?

2.He doesn't say very much,does he?他没写许多,是吗?

附加疑问句中的前后两部分的谓语在时态、人称和数上都要一致。回答这种问句时要简略,要根据事实回答。假如答语本身是肯定的,就用 Yes;假如答语本身是否定的,就用 No。

语法 Grammar in use




She says she's got a headache.她说她头痛。

He says he's staying at a Youth Hostel.你说他正住在一家青年招待所。

He says he has sold his house.他说他已卖掉了房子。


He says: „I hope you are all well.‟ 他说:“我希望你们都身体健康。” He says he hopes we/they are all well.46


The girl says: „I have finished my homework.‟ 那个姑娘说:“她已完成了家庭作业。” The girl says that she has finished her homework.那个姑娘说她已完成了家庭作业。

词汇学习Word study

1.write v.(1)写,书写:

They are learning to read and write.他们在学习读书写字。

She writes legibly.她笔迹清楚。


I'll write to you soon.我会尽快给你写信的。

Why didn't she write and tell him? 她为什么不写信告诉他?


He started to write for the stage.他开始成为一名剧作家。

He soon finished writing a symphony.他很快就谱写成一部交响曲。

2.soon adv.(1)不久:

It will soon be spring.春天很快就要到了。

Soon she would have to resign.她不久就得辞职了。


Why are you leaving so soon? 你为什么这么快就要走了?

He came sooner than we expected.他来得比我们预料的快。

练习答案 Key to written exercises Lesson 102 A She says she has shut the door.2 He says he has put on his coat.3 He says he has read this magazine.4 They say they have spoken to the boss.5 They say the sun has risen.B

(sample sentences)1 He says he has got a cold.2 He says he feels cold.3 He says he will sell his house.4 He says he needs an X-ray.5 He says he must wait for a bus.6 He says he has got an earache.7 He says he feels thirsty.8 He says he needs a haircut.9 He says he feels ill.新概念第一册103-104 课文详解及练习答案

课文详注 Further notes on the text

1.the rest,剩余部分。这里指其余的题,注重rest与定冠词连用的用法。

Throw the rest away.把剩下的丢掉。

2.at the top of,在……顶端。反义词为 at the bottom of(在……末端)。

3.next to,邻近,贴近。

Cleanliness is next to godliness.清洁仅次于圣洁。

语法 Grammar in use

too与enough(1)enough的用法 A 在形容词之后使用:

He failed the exam because it wasn't easy enough.他考虑不及格,因为题不够轻易。(不说 enough easy)B 在名词之前使用:

He didn' t buy the car because he didn't have enough money.他没买那部车,因为他没有足够的钱。

C 可以用在 enough… for sb./sth.和 enough… to do sth.结构之中:

She hasn't got enough money for a holiday.她没有足够的钱去度假。This dress isn't big enough for her.这件衣服对她来说不够大。She's not old enough to live alone.她未到独自生活的年纪。

(2)too的用法 A too 表示“过于”: I can't go out.It's too hot.我无法外出,太热了。

She couldn't answer the questions because they were too difficult for her.她无法回答问题,因为对她来说太难了。B 可以用在 too…for sb./sth.结构之中: This skirt is too big for me.这条裙子对她来说太大了。It's too easy for me.这对我来说太轻易了。

C 可以用在 too…to do sth.结构之中: The exam was too difficult for him to pass.考试太难了,以至于他无法通过。The box is too heavy for you to carry.47

这个盒子太沉了,你没法扛起。She i too young to live alone.她年纪太小了,无法独自生活。It's too far to walk home from here.从这儿步行回家太远了。


The wall is too high for them to climb over.这堵墙太高了,他们无法攀越过去。The wall is low enough for them to climb over.这堵墙矮到如此之程度,以至于他们可以攀越过去。

词汇学习Word study

1.fail v.(1)失败;及格:

Doctors failed to save the old man's life.医生们未能拯救那位老人的生命。

He failed his French paper because it was too difficult.他的法语考试没及格,因为试卷太难了。

(2)(身体等)衰退;变弱;凋谢: My eyesight is failing.我的视力在衰退。

The flowers failed for lack of sunshine.花因缺少阳光而凋谢。

(3)(后接不定式 fail to do sth.)不,不能;忘记: I fail to see why you find it so extraordinary.我不明白为什么你们认为它如此与众不同。

He failed to persuade me.他没能说服我。

2.hate v.(1)讨厌;不喜欢;有反感: He hates exams!他讨厌考试!I hate beef.我不喜欢牛肉。


He said that he hated hypocrisy.他说他憎恶虚伪。Tom really hates the murderer in that film.汤姆十分仇视那部电影中的杀人凶手。

练习答案 Key to written exercises

Lesson 104 A I couldn' t speak to the boss.He was too busy.2 I couldn't go out.It was too cold for me to go out.3 I could answer all the questions.They were very easy.4 Is that suitcase light enough for you to carry? Is your brother old enough to be a member of our association? They couldn' t see that film.They were too young.B Yes, he could.It was cheap enough for him to buy.2 No, he couldn't.It was too expensive for him to buy.3 Yes, they could.They were fresh enough for them to eat.4 No, they couldn't.They were too stale for them to eat.5 Yes, they could.It was loud enough for them to hear.6 No, they couldn' t.It was too low for them to hear.7 Yes, he could.It was low enough for him to climb.8 No, he couldn't.It was too high for him to climb.9 Yes, she could.It was soft enough for her to eat.10 No, she couldn't.It was too hard for her to eat.11 Yes, she could.It was sweet enough for her to eat.12 No, she couldn't.It was too sour for her to eat.新概念第一册105-106 课文详解及练习答案

课文详注 Further notes on the text

1.How do you spell…?……怎样拼写?


2.You've typed it with only one„L‟.但你只打了 1个“L”。


3.And here's a little present for you.这里有一件小礼物送你。


语法 Grammar in use



(1)不定式作动词的宾语(动词+to…): He wants to buy a car.他想买辆车。

He hopes to pass the French exam.他希望自己能通过法语考试。

I want to leave.我想离开。


I want you to carry it.我想让你扛着它。He wants them to listen to it.他想让他们听那个。Tell him to move it.让他搬它。

(3)不定式的否定形式是在 to 之前加 not: He decided not to buy the house.他决定不买这幢房子。He told me not to close the window.他让我不要把窗户关了。

Tell him not to move it.告诉他不要搬动它。

词汇学习Word study

1.correct v.48


Please correct me if I'm wrong.假如我错了,请你纠正。

I spent the whole morning correcting exam papers.我花了整个上午的时间批改试卷。


This pair of glasses will correct your eyesight problem.这副眼镜会有助于矫正你的视力问题。Oh, let me correct my watch first.噢,先让我把我的手表对好。

2.break v.(1)打破;使碎裂:

She told him not to break the vase.她告诉他别把花瓶打坏了。He broke a leg in the accident.他在这起事故中摔断了一条腿。


His little daughter has broken his favourite camera.他的小女儿把他心爱的照相机弄坏了。

You shouldn't have bought such expensive toys for him because he will simply break them.你不应该买这么昂贵的玩具给他,因为他会轻而易举地把它们弄坏的。


Any one who breaks the law should be punished.任何触犯法律的人都应受到惩罚。

The student who broke the school regulations was severely criticized.那位违反了校规的学生受到了严厉的批评。

练习答案 Key to written exercises

Lesson 106 A I want you to spell it.2 I want you to telephone him.3 I want you to wear it.4 I want you to ask her.5 I want you to tell them.6 I want you to help us.B What do you want me to do? I want you to carry it.2 What do you want me to do? I want you to correct it.3 What do you want me to do? I want you to listen to it.4 What do you want me to do? I want you to describe it.5 What do you want me to do? I want you to move it.6 What do you want me to do? I want you to try it.7 What do you want me to do? I want you to finish it.8 What do you want me to do? I want you to keep it.C 1 She is telling him not to hurt himself.She doesn't want him to hurt himself.2 She is telling him not to slip.She doesn't want him to slip.3 She is telling him not to fall.She doesn' t want him to fall.4 She is telling them not to miss it.She doesn't want them to miss it.She is telling him not to break it.She doesn' t want him to break it.He is telling her not to drive it.He doesn't want her to drive it.D 1 Because she doesn't want him to hurt himself.2 Because she doesn't want him to slip.3 Because she doesn't want him to fall.4 Because she doesn't want them to miss it.5 Because she doesn't want him to break it.6 Because he doesn't want her to drive it.新概念第一册107-108 课文详解及练习答案

课文详注 Further notes on the text

1.be in fashion,时髦,流行。

2.Would you like…?你愿意……吗? 这个句型常用于表示委婉的请求或提议:

Would you like to go with us? 你乐意与我们一起去吗?

3.as well,同时,也。通常用于句末。如: He knows Spanish as well.他还懂西班牙语。

too与 as well一般不用于否定句,否定句中用 either。4.Could you…?您能……吗? 用于表示请求,比 Can you…?更加婉转客气:

Could you tell me the way to the post office? 您能告诉我去邮局怎么走吗?

5.like that one,像那件那样的。是介词短语,作定语,修饰dress。

语法 Grammar in use



A 大多数单音节形容词的比较级和最高级的构成是在其原级后面加上-er和-est:

small----smaller----smallest new----newer----newest B 许多单音节形容词只有一个元音字母,其末尾为一辅音字母。在比较级和最高级形式中,这个辅音字母要双写:

big----bigger----biggest thin----thinner----thinnest C 许多单音节形容词以-e结尾,如 nice。这些形容词只需在原级形式后加-r和-st:

large----larger----largest nice----nicer----nicest D 有些形容词以-y结尾,而在-y前是一个辅音字母。这些形容词一般有两个音节。变为比较级和最高级时,-y要变成-i,末尾再加-er和-est:

easy----easier----easiest heavy----heavier----heaviest E 但有少数形容词的比较级和最高级是不规则的,必须熟记,如:

good----better----best bad----worse----worst

F 大多数较长的形容词(即有两个以上音节的词)可与more连用构成其比较级形式,与most连用构成其最高级形式。



This coat is longer.这件外衣较长。


That girl is the tallest student in our class.那位姑娘是班上个子最高的学生。

词汇学习Word study

1.compare v.比较,对照:

The article compares the different features of imported cars on the market.这篇文章比较了市场上进口汽车的不同特点。Compared to our little garden, his garden seemed like a park.与我们的花园相比,他的花园就像是一个公园。

2.suit v.(1)适合;适宜于:

Finding a place that suits us all is very difficult.找到一个适合于我们所有人的地方是很困难的。

„One o'clock? That does not suit me.‟ “1点钟?那个时间对我来说不合适。”


He would not be suited to the job.他不适合干那份工作。Blue suits her.蓝色与她相配。

练习答案 Key to written exercises

Lesson 108 A It is cool today, but it was cooler yesterday.2 It is wet today, but it was wetter yesterday.3 He's late again today, but he was later yesterday.4 This test is easy, but that one is easier.5 This bookcase is large, but that one is larger.B 1 I am older than you are.I am the oldest in the class.2 I am taller than you are.I am the tallest in the class.3 I am lazier than you are.I am the laziest in the class.4 I am heavier than you are.I am the heaviest in the class.5 I am luckier than you are.I am the luckiest in the class.6 I am fatter than you are.I am the fattest in the class.7 I am thinner than you are.I am the thinnest in the class.8 I am bigger than you are.I am the biggest in the class.C 1 But that street is cleaner.It is the cleanest street I have ever seen.2 But that man is older.He is the oldest man I have ever seen.3 But that river is longer.It is the longest river I have ever seen.4 But that woman is shorter.She is the shortest woman I have ever seen.5 But that knife is blunter.It is the bluntest knife I have ever seen.6 But that car is cheaper.It is the cheapest car I have ever seen.新概念第一册109-110 课文详解及练习答案

课文详注 Further notes on the text

1.Just a little,please.请稍加一点儿。

a little(=some),一些/一点,用于修饰不可数名词。又如:

a little money/ water/coffee 一点儿钱/水/咖啡

a few(=some,severa1)则用于可数名词。

2.One and a half teaspoonfuls,please.请放一勺儿半。


3.It doesn't matter.没关系。这是表示此意的几种常用说法之一。


more than you have中 have后省略了 got。下文中的 less than you have和fewer than you have同此。more than表示“比……多”; less than表示“比……少”; fewer than表示“比……少”(用于可数名词)。

I've got the most中 most后省略了 chocolate。形容词的最高级之后的名词在意思清楚的时候可省略。下文中的 the least同此。the fewest后省略了 mistakes。

5.I've ever seen,我所见过的。

定语从句,分别修饰 the best,the worst。

语法 Grammar in use



good----better----best bad----worse----worst many/much----more----most

little----less----least far----farther----farthest(表距离)far----further----furthest(表程度)



词汇学习Word study

1.smoke v.(1)抽(纸烟、烟斗等): He smokes cigars.他抽雪茄。

Eat more and smoke less!多吃点,少抽点!


She could see a chimney smoking in the nearby village.她可以看到四周村子里的烟囱在冒烟。Is the fireplace smoking? 壁炉在冒烟吗?

(3)熏制(鱼肉等): Do you know how to smoke hams? 你知道如何熏制火腿吗?

2.instead adv.(1)作为替代:

I'm tired and can't attend the meeting;you could go instead.我累了,不能去开会了,你可以代替我去。

She did not want to go to the university.Instead, she decided to become a singer.她不想上大学,而是决定成为一名歌手。


She wanted to have milk instead of juice.她想要牛奶,而不是果汁。



1.双宾动词:give sb sth给某人某物 give me a book;= give sth to sb 把某物给某人 give a book to him

show/send sb sth展示/发送给某人某物= show/send sth to sb把某物展示/发送给某人

2,地点介词in+大地点 at+小地点live at(小地点)/in(大地点)


arrive at/in 到达…

stay at/in 呆在…

3.take sb to +地点 送某人去某地 My father takes me to school every day.4.want sth 想要某物

I want some milk.Want to do sth 想要做某事

She wants to buy a new book.Want sb to do sth 想要某人做某事 They want me to open the door.do/does not want sb to do sth 不想要某人做某事 I do not want you to miss the train.5.get up起床

I always get up at 7:00.6.keep sth +adj.保持某物的…….Keep the floor clean 7.be absent(from)缺席

I was absent from school yesterday.8.on the/one’s way to 在去……的路上

On the way home(to school),I met an old friend.On the train to在去……的火车上 9.lose one’s way 迷路=be lost I lost my way.=I was lost 10.say to oneself 自言自语 “I can win” I said to myself 11.put sth into 把……放到…… I put some money into my pocket.I put some books into my bag.12.take out取出

He took out a note book and wrote them down , 13.put on your coat 穿上 take off your shoes 脱掉

turn on 打开

turn off 关掉 put your coat on

take your shoes off

put it on

take them off(名词可后可中间,代词只能放中间)14.be afraid of sth 害怕 I am afraid of dog.be afraid(that)+宾从 恐怕…… I am afraid that it will rain tomorrow.I’m afraid that I can’t do it.15.buy sth for sb 为某人买某物 I bought a present for you.buy sth from sb 从某人那买某物 She bought a tie from Tony.16.hundreds of 数以百计

thousands of 数以千计.17.Be in fashion 时髦 Jeans are always in fashion.Be out of fashion 过时Skirts are out of fashion this year.18.till(until)直到

I can arrive till(until)3:00 this afternoom.Not ……until直到..才

I didn’t finish my homework until 10:00 in the evening.19.许多a lot of water(不可数)oranges(可数)many apples(可数)much meat(不可数)plenty of time(不可数)/tomatoes(可数)20.not ……at all 根本不 I don’t know her at all.I don’t want to talk with him at all.21.have breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner /a meal /a swim/ a bath /a lesson/a holiday/a good time.have可替换其他词,表达意思。22.be ready for sth 准备好

I’m ready for dinner.be ready to do sth 准备好做某事 She is ready to go out.23.Iet sb do sth 让某人做某事 Let’s go to school at once.Let her go out.24.have been to 到过;去过(未回)have gone to去了(已回)I have never been to shanghai.My father isn’t at home.He has gone to shanghai.25.all the time 一直

26.take/bring sb to +地点 带某人去(来)某地 take /bring sth to sb 带走来某物给某人 27.have a try试一试 try to do sth 试图做某事 try one’s best to do sth 尽全力做某事

28.believe sb 相信……是真的 believe in sb信任某人

believe(that)+(宾语从句)29.since 自从(完成时)

30.speak to 对某人说 write to 写信给某人 wave to 向某人招手 move to 搬到

31.decide to do sth 决定做某事 I decide to tell her the truth.make up one’s mind to do sth 下定决心做某事

I made up my mind to open my mouth and pratise more.32.fly to 飞往 return to 返回

return sth to sb 归还某物给某人 33.leave 离开 leave for 离开到某地 34.belong to 属于(后加宾格)35.do with /handle 处理

36.be sorry that +从句 be sure that+从句子 确定…… 37.had better(not)do sth 最好做(不要做)某事 38.at once(right away /immediately)立刻 39.help sb(to)do sth 帮助某人做某事

40.be adj.enough(for sb)to do 对于某人说足够做某事

too+adj.(for sb)to do 对某人太…..而不能做某事 41.at the top of 在……顶部

42.tell sb sth 告诉某人某事

tell sb about/of sth 告诉某人关于某事 tell sb(not)to do sth 告诉某人做(不要做)某事

tell sb that +从句 43.be full of 充满

44.ask sb(not)to do sth 要求某人做(不要做)某事

45.would like sth 想要……would like to do sth 想要/愿意做某事 46.instead of +名代(宾格)代替

she was ill, so I went there instead.I went there instead of her.There was no milk, so I drank some orange instead.I drank some orange instead of milk 47.afford sth/lto do sth 付得起某物/做某事 48.A is as +adj.+as B

A和B一样…….A is not as(so)+adj.+as B A 不如B…..49.pay for sth 付钱

50.get on/off 上车/下车

happen to 碰见

grow up 长大

51.invite sb to sth /for sth 邀请某人

Invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事

52.play a joke on sb 开某人玩笑 53.look for /find 寻找/找到

54.forget to do sth 忘记做某事

forget doing sth 忘记曾做过某事 55.offer sb sth =offer sth to sb 提供某人某物

I offered you a cup of tea.=I offered a cup of tea to you.56.must be 肯定

can’t be 不可能 57.by oneself 自己

at least 至少

58.need(实意动词)to do sth 需要做某事

Need(情态动词)+动原 必要做某事needn’t+动原

没必要做某事 59.take a photo /a walk /a rest(break)/a bus / advice

make tea / coffee /a mistake /a mess /the bed /a film/a noise 60.go abroad /overseas 出国

61.It takes +(sb)+时间段 +to do sth 花(某人多少时间做某事)62.look after /take care of 照顾 63.in the end /at last 最后

64.worry about sth 担心

be worried about sth 65.introduce A to B 把A介绍给B

66.get married结婚 Marry sb 和某人结婚 67.depend on依靠,取决于

68.by the way 顺便说一下(问一下)

69.talk to sb 对某人说 /with sb 和某人谈话 /about sth 谈话关于 70.begin to do sth /start to do sth 开始做某事 71.make up /dress up打扮,化妆 72.go for a walk.散步

73.make sb +adj 使某人…… 74.be covered with覆盖……

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