when is your birthday 英文教案

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第一篇:when is your birthday 英文教案

Unit 8 When is your birthday? Part I Topic: dates Part II Type: listening and speaking Part III Analysis of the teaching material.1.Status and function: This unit is the eighth unit of Grade seven of PEP New Goal, it consists of Section A , Section B and Self Check.It develops a verity of teaching activities focusing on the theme “When is your birthday?”.It is to develop the students’ abilities of listening and speaking.Students can use the structure to communicate.2.The key points:

How to express date and ordinal numbers in English.3.The difficult points: 1).How to remember the words about months and use of ordinal numbers.2).Ask about the birthdays of other people.Part IV Teaching objectives: 1.Knowledge objectives: Vocabulary: January---December, 1st---31st.Sentence structure: When is your birthday? /My birthday is on … Grammar: the expression of dates.2.Ability objectives: To develop the students’ abilities of listening, speaking.Students can skillfully use the structure “When is your birthday” and know the relevant answers.3.Feeling attitudes : This topic is closely related to students’ daily life.It is good for students to know about each other and promote friendship.Part V Teaching ways: DM CLT

Part VI Teaching aids PPT pictures radio

Part VII: Teaching procedures

1.Form the warm-up activity Sing the song “Happy birthday” together.(Play the flash of this song.)Show the words of the song on the screen.And color the word birthday.Sing with the teacher.All the student can sing this song in Chinese.And they are required try to sing in English following the flash.2.Lead in : T: Our birthdays are in different months.Then who can tell me how many months there are in a year.Ss: answer in chorus: twelve.T: Do you know what the name of each month is ? Ss: No.T: Ok.I’ll show you.Here is a calendar, this is January, read after me , “January”.Write the new words on the Bb.Ss: read after the teacher and try to pronounce and practice writing it.The same way to teach the following.3.Play the recording of 1a.Ss only listen.4.Play the recording for the second time.At the beginning, the teacher sets the samples for the students.And then help them learn to say “When is your birthday?” Ss listen and repeat the words.5.Help the students to find out how to express the date.Work in pairs and find out the way of express the date.6.Teach the ordinal numbers.First give the chart of the contrast of cardinal and ordinal numbers.Work in group of four and discuss the rules of changing cardinals into ordinals.Based on the students’ discussion, sum up as a pithy formula.基数变序数,规则记心间,1,2,3,全变,其余词尾加-th,细小变化要注意,八少t, 九去e, five, twelve两兄弟,f来把ve替; 几十基数变序数,变y为i加eth;几十几变序数,几十不变只变几.7.Practice a: Listen and repeat 1a 2b 1c b Pair work Student A:When is your birthday? Student B:My birthday is… c Ask some pairs to act 8.Game Try to find out who is the oldest and who is the youngest 9.Interview One may go out of your seat to interview anyone you like, then do a report.10.Task after class 1 to know about families’ birthdates 2 to search the characters’ birthdates in Self check 3


《When is your birthday》单元教学设计 单元目标与要求

1、掌握十二个月份的名称、序数词1到31的表达法、单词date happy age old birthday party trip art festival Chinese music year,了解speech contest how old basketball game volleyball game sch ool day year old及八个人名。


When is your birthday?My birthday is…/It’s… When is Vera’s birthday?Vera’s birthday is…/It’s…

及扩展句型How old are you?I am thirteen.3、能用所学到的语言知识与实际生活结合起来,使学习过程生活化。


The 1st period::Section A:1a、2a、1b、1c The 2nd period:Section A:2b、2c、2d、Self check 3 The 3rd period:Section A:3a、3b、Section B:

1、2a、2b The 4th period Section B:3a、3b、4、Self check 1.2 The first period Teaching Contents and Analysis(教学内容与分析)Teaching materials(教学内容):SectionA:1a、2a、1b、1c)Teaching aims(教学目标)

1、Sub Topic:Talk about the dates

2、Language focus:When is your birthday?

3、Vocabulary:January February March April May June July August September October November December first second third~thirty-first when birthday month year

4、Structures: When is your birthday?My birthday is language points(语言点)词汇:January February March April May June July August September October November December first second third~thirty-first when birthday month year 句型:When is your birthday?My birthday is Analysis of key items and difficulties of teaching(教学重点、难点分析): 1、Important Points(重点):十二月份的认读。

2、Difficult Points(难点):如何熟练掌握十二个月份的词汇。Teaching steps Teaching Procedures


Step 1:Warming up Listen to the birthday song.Sing together Ask when is my birthday? Step 2:Presentation T:When is my birthday?My birthday is March 12th.And when is your birthday?You may answer it in Chinese.T:There are 12 months in a year.They are January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November and December(a revise from one to thirty-one b教学序数词,再教学生几句基数词变序数词的几句口诀,以便学生记忆。基变序,有规律,第一、二、三单独记。-th从四加起,八去t来九去e。遇到ve,f替,-ty变为tie, 后跟-th莫迟疑。若想表示几十几,只变个位就可以。

c Listen and repeat 2a(SectionA)d Do some practice about the date e Practice f Ask and answer When is your birthday?My birthday is… Step 3:Practice a Listen and repeat 1a 2b 1c b Pairwork Student A:When is your birthday? Student B:My birthday is… c Ask some pairs to act Step 4:Interview One may go out of your seat to interview anyone you like,Then do a report.Step 5:Task after class 1了解家人出生的具体日期

2了解一下明天班里有人过生日吗 3查寻Self check 3里人物的出生日期





The second period Teaching Contents and Analysis(教学内容与分析)Teaching materials(教学内容):SectionA:2b、2c、2d、Self check3)Teaching aims(教学目标)Sub Topic:Talk about the dates Language focus:When is your mother’s birthday?Her birthday is… Vocabulary:some names:Vera Jeff Leila Robert Structure:When is Nick’s birthday?His birthday is…

Analysis of key items and difficulties of teaching(教学重点、难点分析):

1、Important Points(重点):在上节课的基础上学习询问朋友或家人的生日。2、Difficult Points(难点):谈论他人的生日。Teaching steps Teaching Procedures


Step 1:Warming up Step 2:Revision 1 Listen and repeat 1a,2a(SectionA)2 2b Listen and circle the numbers you hear in 2a(SectionA)3 Practice 写出下列日期的英文表达法 1.3月12日



4.7月20日 5.12月1日



8.11月2日 9.2月14日

10.5月30日 11.6月23日

12.10月21日 4 Pairwork T:When is your birthday? Student A:My birthday is… T:What about you,***? Student B:My birthday is… T:And what about you,***? Step 3 Presentation 1 Do you know when Leila’s birthday is?Now let’s listen and match the names,months and dates in 2c 2 Practice in pairs according to2c(SectionA)When is Leila’s birthday? Nick’s Robert’s Jane’s Her/His birthday is…

如Mick’s cat Tom’s bag Jane’s desk Robert’s CD your father’s car your mother’s name等。)Step

3、Pairwork Ask and answer in pairs;write down the answers on your book in 2d.Step

4、Self check 3 Look at the photos of these famous people.Talk about their birthdays in groups.Step 5 Task after class










培养学生积极主动的学习心理状态,调动学习内驱力,通过两人对话、小组活动、查询一些名人的生日等一系列活动,培养学生的交际能力和学习主动性。The third period Teaching Contents and Analysis(教学内容与分析)Teaching materials(教学内容):Section A:3a、3b、Section B:

1、2a、2b Teaching aims(教学目标)Sub Topic:Talk about the dates and ages Language focus and structure:When is your birthday?My birthday is… How old are you?I am fifteen.Vocabulary:date age how old speech contest party trip Language points(语言点)词汇:date age how old speech contest party trip 句型:When is your birthday?My birthday is… How old are you?I am fifteen.Analysis of key items and difficulties of teaching(教学重点、难点分析): 1、Important Points(重点):能阐述自己和朋友的年龄,2、Difficult Points(难点):如何让学生接受一些他们没有经历过的活动。Teaching steps Teaching Procedures


Step 1:Warming up 1 Chatting Chat with the students about their birthdays 2 Play a guessing game Guess some classmates’birthday Step 2:Presentation

1、When is your birthday?My birthday is… How old are you?I am fifteen.2、Practice in pairs

3、Choose an ID card and make a conversation in 3a(SectionA)

4、Groupwork 3b and 4(SectionA)a Ask and answer about your name,your birthday and your age.b Practice again,using your own name,age and date of birth.Then ask some pairs to act.(Four students a group)Rank your partners from the youngest to the oldest.Report about your name,your birthday and your age one by one from the youngest to the oldest.eg.My name is*** I’m fifteen.My birthday is…

Step 3:Match the pictures with the events.(SectionB 1)Write the correct letter next to the word.a Let the students match the pictures b Have them guess the meaning c Then teach the new words.Step 4:Listening 2a Listen and check the events above that you hear.Then listen again and fill in Joe’s calendar in 2b(Section B)Step 5:Pairwork Ask and answer about 2b(Section B)Step 6:Task after class Make an ID card including sex,your name,your birthday,your age,your hobbies and your telephone number.2、Read and copy the new words.信息让学生提供到月份

板书,目的是教新词how old,date,age 对学生来说party,basketball,以前已出现过,所以应该没问题

The fourth period Teaching Contents and Analysis(教学内容与分析)Teaching materials(教学内容):Section B:3a、3b、4、Self check 1.2 Teaching aims(教学目标)Sub Topic:Talk about the dates and ages Language focus and structure:When is the school trip?It’s…

Vocabulary:Volleyball game school day art festival Chinese music Language points(语言点)

词汇:Volleyball game school day art festival Chinese music 句型:When is the school trip?It’s…

Analysis of key items and difficulties of teaching(教学重点、难点分析): 1、Important Points(重点):正确认识学校的各项活动的展开。2、Difficult Points(难点):如何合理地安排学校的履历表。Teaching steps Teaching Procedures


Step 1:Warming up Chatting.Chat with partners about their own ID cards prepared the previous day.Step 2:Pairwork 3a(Section B)Student A read the schedule below.Student B read the schedule on page84.Then ask and answer questions to complete the schedule.Step 3:3b Imagine you are a school headmaster.Which of these events will you have at your school?Complete the chart below.Ask questions about your partner’s school.Model: A:Do you have a School Day at your school? B:Yes,we do.A:When is it? B:It’s April 19th.A:Do you have an Art Festival? B:No,we don’t.b、假设你是一位校长,你会在你的学校设立哪些活动?为什么?.这 Step 4:Groupwork 4(Section B)Write five things about yourself on a piece of paper.Another student will read it to the class.Can your classmates guess who the student is? Step 5:Self check 1 Step 6:Have a dictation








8、中国人 Step 7:Task after class 1.Write something about yourself and your family in your composition book(包括你的年龄、生日、爱好,你的家庭人员的情况等)2.Prepare for Unit 9












(二)正确使用介词in /on表达日期的用法。

(三)理解名词所有格的基本用法:’s,并能准确读出alice’s, father’s。



采用歌曲导入,自主学习、小组合作探究、classifying, contrasting和role-playing的学习策略。利用教学图片、幻灯片、实物(大挂历、日历)或制作课件等来展开课堂教学、pair work问答式的口语交际活动,进行“询问和谈论日期”的课堂教学和练习。












语音教学——让学生进行模仿操练;词汇教学——采取情景介绍或演示对比的方式进行教学,让学生在情境中操练、理解含义,并学会运用;口语教学——采取pair work问答式的口语交际活动或游戏等小组活动互相操练;听力教学——采取图文配对和对话选择的方式;语法教学——总结规律、抓住特征、模仿操练。


step 1: lead-in

播放英文歌曲happy birthday to you,激发兴趣,激活相关信息。


通过视频歌曲happy birthday to you引入新课,活跃课堂气氛,让尽可能多的学生迅速调整到上课的状态中来。

step 2: presentation





a: when is your birthday, …?

b: my birthday is on may 2nd./...或it’s on may 2nd.【设计意图】


step 3: listening 1

activity 1.pre-listening利用多媒体进行月份词汇记忆小组赛。



activity 2.while-listening让学生完成1a和1b。



activity 3.post-listening让学生两两合作,完成1c。



step 4: listening2

activity 1.pre-listening学生展示功能句,深入思考日期表达方式。



activity 2.while-listening听2a-2c,学生跟读,选择,匹配,总结归纳序数词的变化规律。



activity 3.post-listening针对2d听力内容,口头回答问题;并模拟2e对话,总结要点。



step 5: sum-up and homework








4.精选《观潮》教学设计 教案教学设计







Unit 1

Teaching contents: New letters: b & p New words: book boy ball bird

New sentence patterns: Hello!Hi!-My name is Ted.-What’s your name? -What's this? -It's a book.New song: Teddy bear New movie: Aladdin Teaching method: Competence oh

Daily expressions: Let’s take a break.Who want to go pee-pee? I want to go pee-pee.Unit 2 Teaching contents: New letters: d & t New words: desk door dish tape table telephone

New sentence patterns: How are you? I am happy.I am good.I am fine.Open the door close the door.New song: Teddy bear New movie: Aladdin

Daily expressions: Hello!Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you, too.Attention!Unit 3 Teaching contents: New letters: c & g New words: cake candy cup gift girl game

New sentence patterns: Do you like cat? Yes, I do.No, I don’t.Do you like cake? Yes, I do.No, I don’t.New song: The number song New movie: Ice Age

Daily expressions: It’s hot today.I am hot, are you hot? Yes, I am.No, I am not.Unit 4 Teaching contents: New letter: a

New words: ant apple cap bat bag

New sentence patterns: Where is the ant? It’s here.New song: The number song New movie: Ice Age

Daily expressions: Let’s play a game.Good job!Unit 5 Teaching contents: New letter: e

New words: egg elephant pet Ted bed

New sentence patterns: Do you have a pet? Yes, I do.I have a dog.Teddy Bear is my pet.I love my pet.New song: If you are happy New movie: Santa Claus

Daily expressions: Let’s watch TV.Unit 6 Teaching contents: New letter: i New words: igloo ink big dig bib six

New sentence patterns: Count!How many numbers are there ? New song: If you are happy New movie: Santa Claus

Daily expressions: I have a ball.Me, too.Be quiet.Unit 7 Teaching contents: New letter: o New words: ox octopus pot top dot New sentence patterns: I have a top.I have a ball.I have a bag.Me, too.New song: Elephant New movie: Toy Story 3

Daily expressions: Let’s sing a song.Who wants to try? Let me try!Unit 8 Teaching contents: New letter: u New words: umbrella up tub cup bug duck Reviews: Numbers

New sentence patterns: go up stairs.Go down stairs.Take a shower.Follow me.Where is the bug? New song: Elephant New movie: Toy Story 3

Daily expressions: Let’s stop here.Unit 9 Teaching contents: New letters: m & n New words: mop map marker nest nail nose Reviews: where is the nose? It’s here.New sentence patterns: Where are you from? I am from China.I am from America.I am from Canada.New song: Head and shoulders New movie: The Little Mermaid

Daily expressions: Let’s write.Are you sure? Are you clear?

Unit 10 Teaching contents: New letters: f & v New words: foot fan fish vest violin van

New sentence patterns: Where is the fish? It’s here.Where is the girl? It’s there.New song: Head and shoulders New movie: The Little Mermaid

Daily expressions: That’ s all.You are very smart.Unit 11 Teaching contents: New letters: s & z New words: sunny sandwich sock zero zoo zebra

New sentence patterns: What colour is it.? It’s red.It’s green.It’s yellow.New song: Happy New Year

New movie: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

Daily expressions: My name is Sunny.Say hello to Sunny!Hello!Unit 12 Teaching contents: New letters: l & r New words: lamp leaf lemon rug rock rope

New sentence patterns: What time is it? It’s one o’clock.What time is it? It’s 11 o’clock.New song: Happy New Year

New movie: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Daily expressions: Are you hot? How are you today? Unit 13 Teaching contents: New letters: w & y New words: wagon web window yo-yo yellow yak Reviews: marker New sentence patterns:

New song: Ten little Indians New movie: Finding Nemo

Daily expressions: Let’s go up stairs.Let’s begin our class.Where is Tom? Absent? Unit 14 Teaching contents: New letters: h & j New words: hand hat head jam juice jacket Reviews: nose head face eyes

New sentence patterns: There is a book on the desk.There is an eraser in the box.New song: Ten little Indians New movie: Finding Nemo

Daily expressions: Don’ t worry.I can help you.Unit 15 Teaching contents: New letters: k & q u

New words: kitchen kitten king queen quilt question

New sentence patterns: What do you like to eat? I like to eat apples.New song: Do Re Mi

New movie: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Daily expressions: Let’s go!Great.you are very smart.Unit 16 Teaching contents: New letter: x

New words: fox box six ox ax sax Reviews: box ox six hat pencil sandwich

New sentence patterns: how are you ? I’m fine , thank you.I am happy.I am angry.I am good.New song: Do Re Mi

New movie: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Daily expressions: Do you want to drink some water? Yes, I do.No, I don’t.Unit 17 Teaching contents: New letters: _a_e

New words: name tape game cap cape man mane can cane Reviews: Hi, my name is Kate.New sentence patterns: Hi, my name is Kate.I want to make a cake for my snake.I know a girl with a cape and a cane.Her name is Kate.New song: Merry Christmas New movie: Garfield’s carnival Daily expressions: Be careful.Look carefully.Unit 18 Teaching contents: New letters: e &ea

New words: me she beans jeans hen he bed bead red read Reviews: I like apples.Do you like apples? Yes, I do.New sentence patterns: We like to eat meat every meal.She eats beans and meat every day with me.New song: Merry Christmas New movie: Garfield’s carnival Daily expressions: Let’s count numbers.I’ ll call your names.Unit 19 Teaching contents: New letters: _i_e

New words: five kite bike pin pine kit kite Tim time Reviews: My name is Lucy.I like meat.New sentence patterns: My name is Mike.I like my new white bike.Mike likes to ride his bike with five kites.New song: Jingle Bells New movie: The Lion King

Daily expressions: How many boys are there? How many girls are there? Unit 20 Teaching contents: New letters: _o_e

New words: cone nose rope stove a rose in a pot, a robe in a box, a cone on a fox.Reviews: My name is Lucy.I like meat.New sentence patterns: There’s.a hole in the cone and the robe and the bone.Look at the man!He has a rope in his hands a rose in his robe.New song: Jingle Bells New movie: The Lion King

Daily expressions: Let’ s go to the library.Open your books.Close your books.Unit 21 Teaching contents: New letters: _u_e

New words: cube mule tube flute, a cube on a cub, a tube in a tub, a duke with a duck..Reviews: There is an eraser on the desk.There is a bag behind the chair.New sentence patterns: The duke plays his flute for his mule.Can a mule make a flute from a tube.New song: Lemon Tree New movie: The Kung Fu Kid Daily expressions: hands up, please.Hands down.Unit 22 Teaching contents: New letters: ch &sh

New words: cheese chair sandwich shelf shirt dish bench watch cherry shoe

Reviews: fish , What do you like? I like strawberries.There is an eraser on the desk.There is a bag behind the chair.New sentence patterns: I have a cheese sandwich, chips and a dish of chocolate ice cream!Yum!There’s a fish sandwich on the shelf.!Yum!New song: Lemon Tree New movie: The Kung Fu Kid

Daily expressions: Time is up.Let’s take 5 minutes break.Unit 23 Teaching contents: New letters: f &ph

New words: fish feet leaf phone photo elephant family earphones Reviews: I have a cheese sandwich.There is sandwich on the shelf.New sentence patterns: My family has a photo of a fish and an elephant.I have a photo of an elephant with his four feet on a big ball.New song: Lemon Tree New movie: The Chronicles of Narnia Daily expressions: Welcome to our school!Let’s count numbers.Unit 24 Teaching contents: New letters: t & th

New words: top tail foot thumb thirty mouth hat tiger thirteen toe path bath

Reviews: head eyes nose mouth face hands feet thumb toe

New sentence patterns: Thelma touches the tooth in her mouth with her thumb.My tiger likes to run fast with his tail in his mouth!New song: Lemon Tree

New movie: The Chronicles of Narnia Daily expressions: Say hello to Emma!Are you hungry? Unit 1 Teaching contents: New letters: ay ai _a_e

New words: May rain lake hay train tape

New sentence patterns: This girl’s name is Annie.Her birthday is in May.She’s going to the lake today.Oh, no!It’s going to rain!A very small man lives across from a lake.He sleeps on a bed of hay at night.He likes to ride in his train in the rain.New song: Lemon Tree

New movie: The Chronicles of Narnia Daily expressions: Say hello to Emma!Are you hungry? Unit 2 Teaching contents: New letters: ea ee y New words: meat peach queen tree candy happy New sentence patterns: The queen is happy.She is going to climb a tree.She wants to eat a peach.The king likes to sleep under a tree.The queen likes to eat meat and candy.New song: Lemon Tree

New movie: The Chronicles of Narnia Daily expressions: Say hello to Emma!Are you hungry? Unit 3 Teaching contents:

New letters: ie igh y _i_e

New words: tie pie light night sky fly white nine New sentence patterns: Look at that light in the sky.Oh, my!There’s a fly on my pie!The moon is white.We see it at night.That fly and two mice are eating pie under nine stars at night..New song: Lemon Tree New movie: The Chronicles of Narnia Daily expressions: Say hello to Emma!Are you hungry? Unit 4 Teaching contents: New letters: oa ow _o_e

New words: coat soap crow bowl robe globe New sentence patterns: Linda is eating soup from a bowl.Oh, no!She has soup on her robe!She has to wash her robe with soap.Yes or no? Can you see soap and a globe in the snow? What about a crow? New song: Lemon Tree

New movie: The Chronicles of Narnia Daily expressions: Say hello to Emma!Are you hungry? Unit 5 Teaching contents: New letters: oo ue _u_e New words: boots balloons blue Sue flute tube New sentence patterns: My friend’s name is Sue.She likes balloons.Her favorite colors are red and blue.She likes to play the flute, too.My friend Sue sits on a tube and plays her flute in her new boots.New song: Lemon Tree New movie: The Chronicles of Narnia Daily expressions: Say hello to Emma!Are you hungry? Unit 6 Teaching contents: New letters: bl pl cl gl New words: black blouse plane plant clock clown glue glove New sentence patterns: I got glue on my blouse.Look.I found a black glove in my bag.I saw three clowns climb out of the clock.Look at the clown with a big black glove.He has a plant on his head!New song: Lemon Tree

New movie: The Chronicles of Narnia Daily expressions: Say hello to Emma!Are you hungry? Unit 7 Teaching contents:

New letters: sm sn sp st

New words: smile smoke snake snow spoon sponge stove New sentence patterns: Black smoke comes out of Mary’s old stove.She cleans her stove with a big sponge.Now her stove is as white as snow!Look at that snake on the stove.Look at his big smile.He found a big spoon and ice cream!New song: Lemon Tree

New movie: The Chronicles of Narnia Daily expressions: Say hello to Emma!Are you hungry? Unit 8 Teaching contents: New letters: cr gr tr dr

New words: cracker crow grass grandma train trumpet drum dress New sentence patterns: My grandma likes to take the train.She always wears a dress with a big pocket.She keeps crackers in her pocket.Wow!That crow can play the trumpet and the drum.Give him a cracker.New song: Lemon Tree

New movie: The Chronicles of Narnia Daily expressions: Say hello to Emma!Are you hungry? Unit 9 Teaching contents:

New letters: sk sl sw tw

New words: skip skunk sleep slippers swim sweater twins twelve New sentence patterns: Tina and Gina are twins.They are twelve years old.Every day, Tina wears red slippers, and Gina wears a red sweater.Tina likes to swim, and Gina likes to skip.Which girl is Tina, and which girl is Gina? My dad sometimes sleeps with his slippers on.The twins found twenty seashells by twelve o’clock.The skunk in the skirt likes to skip.Don’t swim in your new sweater!New song: Lemon Tree

New movie: The Chronicles of Narnia Daily expressions: Say hello to Emma!Are you hungry? Unit 10 Teaching contents: New letters: pr br fr

New words: pretty prince brown bride frog fruit New sentence patterns: Once there was a very pretty girl.She had long, brown hair.One day a frog came up to her.The girl saw the frog and cried.Then the frog became a prince.The prince asked, “Will you be my bride?” Did the girl say yes? The prince played with the pretty puppy.My friend found a frog in the fruit.The bride brought bread for breakfast.New song: Lemon Tree

New movie: The Chronicles of Narnia Daily expressions: Say hello to Emma!Are you hungry? Unit 11 Teaching contents: New letters: ou ow New words: house mouth cloud cow owl clown New sentence patterns: A clown looked up at the clouds.He saw many different things in the clouds: a cow, an owl and a house.Look at the clouds.What can you see? Watch out for the house in the clouds!The clown sat down on the cow.New song: Lemon Tree New movie: The Chronicles of Narnia Daily expressions: Say hello to Emma!Are you hungry? Unit 12 Teaching contents: New letters: au aw New words: Paul August sauce strawberry paw draw New sentence patterns: Paul had a cat with a very pink nose.The cat’s name was Strawberry.Strawberry liked to draw pictures with her paw.last New song: Lemon Tree New movie: The Chronicles of Narnia Daily expressions: Say hello to Emma!Are you hungry?


冀教版九年级下册Unit 5教案(英文版)

Unit 5 Culture Shapes Us Lesson 33: Welcome, Guest!Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: shape, perhaps, though Teaching Aims:

1.Know more about the foreign culture.2.Good manners at table.Teaching Important Points: 1.Learn different cultures.2.Practice the object complements and attributive clauses.Teaching Difficult Points: The object complements.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures

Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.Lead in by discussing the following questions: What do you know about dinosaurs? List the names of some types of dinosaurs you know of.Discuss the questions in groups.Every member writes his or her answers down.Then discuss it in groups.Make a complete answer.Then present it in the class.Step2.Listen to the tape and answer the following questions: 1.Where was Danny yesterday afternoon? He was at Dinosaur School.2.Did Danny learn Dinosaur song at school? Yes, he did.Finish the task in class in oral.Step3.Reading task Read the text and encourage the students to ask more questions about this part.S1: What did Danny learn at Dinosaur school? S2: He learned dinosaur culture.S3: When will they have dinner together? S4: On Saturday.Step4.Practice Do with the main grammar: the object complements.Point out the sentences with object complements: I find other cultures interesting.Make examples by the students: We must keep the classroom clean every day.Step5.Activity Invite your friend to your home.What do you do? Make up a dialogue with your partner.Then let them present it in front of the class.Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.What do you think dinosaur food is like? Do you think Brian and Jenny will like the food? Write down your ideas.Then share it with your partner.After a while, let some students show their answers in front of the class.Remind them to tell the students why they think so.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the exercise book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary: Students are strange to hear of the Dinosaur culture.We all want to know what real Dinosaur culture is, including their food, songs, clothes and so on.Give the students time to say some other countries’ culture in front of the class.Let them search on the Internet for more information.Lesson 34: Danny’s Dinosaur Dinner Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expressions: knock, hang, hang up, offer Oral words and expressions: hung, hanged Teaching Aims: 1.Know about the Dinosaur culture.2.Cultivate the students’ cooperation ability.Teaching Important Points: 1.Learn something about having a meal.2.The object complement and the attributive clause.Teaching Difficult Points: Have a meal.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures

Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.Lead in by discussing the following questions:

Have you ever invited a guest to your home? Have you ever been a guest? What’s the worst food you’ve ever had? Discuss the following questions in groups.Then present it in front of the class.Step2.Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks with the correct words you hear.1.When Jenny and Brian come to Danny’s home, he is in the _____.2.Danny gives Brian and Jenny some _____ to eat.Finish the task in class in oral.Step3.Reading task Read the text and decide the following statements are true or false.1.Jenny and Brian come to Danny’s home on Sunday.2.Jenny and Brian drink some milk in Danny’s home.3.Dinosaur food is certainly different.Finish the task in class in oral.Step4.Read the text again and retell the story in their own words.Correct their grammar mistakes after he finish telling the story.Ste5.Do with the language points: Make sentences with the useful phrases: Would like to…? Help yourself to… S1: Would you like some dumplings? S2: Yes, I’d love to.S3: Would you like to have an apple? S4: No, thank you.Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.Divide the class into several groups to finish the activity.Every member writes his ideas on a piece of paper.Are guests important in your home? What do you do to make guests feel comfortable? Let the students show their dialogues out in front of the class.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in class.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary: It is important for you to make your guests feel comfortable.At first, you must be polite.Then you can provide them with different drinks and fruits.Ask them what their favourite food is.Of course, as a guest, you must be polite enough, too.Lesson 35: Keeping Culture Alive Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expressions: hand in, strange, mind, share Oral words and expressions: Chinatown Teaching Aims:

1.Learn more about foreign cultures.2.Cultivate the students’ abilities.3.Grasp the important grammars.Teaching Important Points: 1.Know more about the Chinatown.2.Having meals.3.Object complements.Teaching Difficult Points:

Object complements

Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures

Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Lead in by discussing the following questions: Have you ever heard of Chinatown? What do you think of it?

Work in groups.Everyone writes his or her answers down.Then discuss for five minutes.Present it in front of the class.Step2.Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.This is the _____ time for Danny to Chinatown.Would Chinese students visit _____ _____ _____.Finish the task in class in oral.Step3.Read the text and answer the following questions: 1.Did Brian enjoy the school trip?

2.Is there an area called Little North America in Beijing?

Finish the task in class in oral.Step4.Read the text again.Then ask the students to retell the story in their own words.They can practice with her partner first.Step5.Do with the language points: Let the students read the text again.Sum the new words and language points in this lesson.Make up sentences with the new words and the language points.S1: Must I hand in the paper now? S2: Let’s share the experience in the summer holiday.S3: I shall share the fruit with the little girls.S4: Will it rain tomorrow? S5: I don’t think so.Step6.Activity Group work.If there were Little North America in Beijing, what will it be like?

Divide the class into groups to finish the task.Every member writes his or her answers down.Then change it with the others.Then choose the complete one to present in front of the class.Step7.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.Finish this part in groups of three or four.One student sums his group’s advice.Then present it in front of the class.Step8.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary: Chinatown is used for Chinese in America.They can speak Chinese.It if convenient for those people who can’t speak English live there.They are all kinds of shops there.Lesson 36: So We Can Be Friends Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: difference Oral words and expressions: Peru, Scotland, bagpipe Teaching Aims:

1.Learn more about the foreign culture.2.Learn to sing English songs.Teaching Important Points: 1.Keep one country’s culture.2.Grasp the object complement.3.How to use keep.Teaching Difficult Points: Keep one culture’s culture.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures

Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Show some pictures about the foreign culture.Pointing to the pictures, ask the students to guess where they are and what special culture they have.Step2.Listen to the tape for two times.While they are listening, let the students sing after it in a low voice.Step3.Read the song as a poem.Let them find if it has rhythms.Step4.Ask the students to know the meaning of the song with the help of the pictures.Step5.Listen to the tape again and sing after if for several times.Step6.Let the volunteers sing in front of the class.Step7.Come to PROJECT.1.List the differences between the Chinese and Chinese cultures.Finish it in work group.Talk about the different ways in China and Canada.What are the differences between the two countries?

2.Ask the students to act short plays out in front of the class.Show what would happen in Canada and what will happen in China.Step8.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary: Different countries have different culture.We must keep it.Students should know more about it.It can help them when they go abroad to study further.Ask the students to search more after the class.Then present it in the next lesson.Lesson 37: The Fox and the Stock Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: fox, flat, hardly, fetch, thin, stick, regard, realize, promise Oral words and expressions: stork, Aesop, rudely, beak Teaching Aims: 1.Learn about more about the foreign culture.2.The importance of cooperation in the world.3.Improve the student’s creation ability.Teaching Important Points: 1.The lessons we learn from the story.2.The object complement and the attributive clauses.Teaching Different Points: Practice object complement and the attributive clauses.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures

Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Lead in by discussing the following questions: Tell a story about the animals.What can we learn from the story? Finish the task in groups.Let some students come to the front and tell his class his wonderful story.Step2.Listening task Listening to the tape and find the correct answers to the following questions.1.There is a _____ and a _____ in the story.2.The fox brought the soup in large flat _____.Finish the task in class in oral.Step3.Read the text and answer the following questions: 1.Is the fox polite to the stork? 2.What are the stock’s noodles in? 3.Were they still friends?

Finish the task in class in oral.Step4.Read and tell the stories by their own words.Step5.Do with the new language points in this text.1.“Certainly” said the stork, who was doing her best to be polite.Do one’s best S1: I am doing my best to learn well.2.The stork fetched two tall, thin jars.Fetch=go and come back S2: Can you fetch me two bottles of water, please? Step6.Work in groups.Divide the class into groups.Then one member of the group tells a story which are with animals about characters.Then let the others sum the lessons that we learn from the story.Step7.Homework Find the most wonderful story after class.Prepare to tell the class in the next lesson.Summary: All of the students know many interesting stories about animals.We can learn important lessons from the story.They must respect others in their life, or they might have a fight.This is the same as man.We must respect others in our life.Then we can have a peaceful world.Lesson38: One Country, Many Cultures Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: central, although, respect Oral words and expressions: immigrant, tolerant, dancer Teaching Aims:

1.Know about the culture in the world.2.Keep one country’s culture.3.Create the students’ basic abilities.Teaching Important Points: 1.The details about Canadian cultures.2.Different cultures have different features.3.Practice the object complement and the attributive clauses.Teaching Difficult Points: The object complement and the attributive clauses.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures

Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.Lead in by discussing the following questions: How many cultures does China have? How many can you name? What are some of the interesting things in your culture? Discuss the questions above in groups.Then every group answer the questions one by one.Step2.Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks with the words you hear: 1.Only _____ percent of all Canadians are from First Nations.2.Canada has _____ official languages.Finish the task in class in oral.Step3.Read the text and decide the following statements are true or false.1.Most Canadians speak both languages: English and French.2.Canadians have many cultures.3.There is a Canadian way of understanding the world.Finish the task in class in oral.Step4.Read the text again and encourage the students to ask more questions about the text.Why is Canada home to many cultures? Can people from different cultures live together? Step5.Practice Explain some English words in English.ancestor, central, immigrant, respect, tolerant ancestor: the first people who came to live here

central: in the middle of immigrant: people who come here from other places

respect: be polite to sb.or sth.tolerant: not complain Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT.” Work in groups.1.Guess the meanings of “bilingual” and “multicultural”.Explain them in English.Then look them up in the dictionary.Let’s find out the exact meanings of the words.2.Talk about different customs.Every member writes his or her answers down.Then change their ideas in the groups.Finally, give a report in front of the class.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in the activity book.2.Search more information about Canadian cultures on the Internet.Summary: Different countries have different cultures.One culture also has many cultures.When you go to another country, if you know its culture, you may make mistakes.So it is good for you to know more about more about one country.Lesson 39: Memories of Canada Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: memory, accept Oral words and expressions: host Teaching Aims:

1.Different cultures in the world.2.Cultivate the students’ abilities.3.Grasp the main grammars in this unit.Teaching Important Points: 1.Know about the different cultures between China and the other countries.2.The unit grammars: the object complement and attributive clauses The Difficult Points: The differences between Chinese cultures and the Canadian ones.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures

Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Lead in by talking about the Canadian cultures in groups.Then sum it by one student in each group in front of the class.Pay attention to the differences between Chinese cultures and Canadian ones.Step2.Listen to the tape and answer the following questions: 1.Did Li Ming eat many things that he had never eaten before? 2.Which country has more people, Canada or China? Finish the task in class in oral.Step3.Read the text and decide the following statements are true of false.1.The food was the only thing that was strange.2.Li Ming went to Chinatown in Canada.3.The one who served them at the restaurant that day was from Shanghai.Step4.Do with the new words.The new words: host, accept 1.host: the persons who live in their own houses

2.accept: look on sth.as his own S1: We are the host of the 2008 Olympics.S2: Mary got some red flowers, but she didn’t accept them.Step5.Do with the language points: 1.Even in the city, it felt like there was so much space.feel like doing S3: The cat didn’t feel like eating anything because of his illness.2.The Chinese people in Canada are very proud.And they work hard to keep their culture alive.keep+adj.S4: It’s our duty to keep our classroom clean.Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT’.Finish the task in groups of three or four.Every member in each group writes their diaries down.Then exchange them in groups.Talk about why you went there and what made the trip unforgettable or special.Step7.Show some pictures about different cultures in different countries.Let them what they are doing.What festival they are celebrating? Step8.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary: We learn so many different cultures in this unit.Every country must work hard to keep one’s culture.China is a country with a long history.We must keep our country.At the same time, know about more culture about the other countries’.It is good for the development of the world.Lesson 40: Unit Review Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions from Lesson33 to Lesson40.Oral words and expressions from Lesson33 to Lesson40.Teaching Aims: 1.Know about the cultures in the world.2.Cultivate the students’ abilities.3.Grasp the main grammars in this unit.Teaching Important Points: 1.The different cultures in different countries.2.The main grammars in this unit: the object complement and the attributive clauses.Teaching Difficult Points: The main grammars in this unit: the object complement and the attributive clauses.Teaching Preparation: pictures

Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of lesson: review lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Lead in by discussing in groups: what do you about the different cultures in different countries? Discuss in groups for five minutes.During the time, each group exchanges their ideas in groups.Then sum the best ones to show in front of the class.Step2.Finish the exercises on Page 49.At the same time, write the difficult ones on the blackboard.Step3.Come to “Grammar in Use”.Solve the problems on the blackboard.Ask the students to make up dialogues with the main grammars or sentences.The attributive clauses: S1: I like the skirt my mother bought for me yesterday.S2: He doesn’t mind whose coat it is.The object complement: S3: Keep the door open.It’s hot inside.S4: Don’t keep me waiting.Step4.Come to “Speaking the Language”.Finish the dialogue.Make up similar dialogues and act it out in front of the class.Ask several groups to speak in front of the class.Praise the good ones.At the same time, point out their mistakes.Step5.Come to “Putting it All Together”.1.Finish the exercise in Part A.2.Finish Part B in groups.Divide the class into several groups of three or four.Then discuss the following questions in groups.Make a list of the things that threaten your culture.What you personally will do to keep your culture? Share ideas with another group.Do they have the same opinions? Step6.Work in groups.Finish Part C in groups.Talk about good Chinese table manners and write them down.Exchange the ideas in groups.Then exchange the ideas with another group.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in the activity book.2.Search more information about different cultures on the Internet.Summary: Cultures are important to one country.It represents the peoples’ spirit in this country.So we must work hard to keep it.Some old cultures need to protect.When we go abroad to study further, we must work hard to keep our cultures, too.

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