第一篇:九年级英语教案(Unit 1—2 )
九年级英语教案(Unit 1—2)Unit 1
You‟re supposed to shake hands.单 元 分 析 与 提 示
● 内容提示
本单元主要是通过对一些国家的风俗习惯,礼仪差异,时间观念和饮食文化的学习,进一步提高学生对文明生活的认识,加深学生对中外文化的了解,拓展学生的文化视野。● 目标提示
● 教学提示
利用多媒体设备,如音乐、影片、图片等,创设与本单元相关的情景进行教学。围绕本单元的教学目标,设计一些贴近学生实际的教学任务,如礼仪大荟萃,玛丽亚做错了什么? 餐桌礼仪知多少,中外文化对比等等,通过完成任务,达到用语言去做事的目的。● 课时安排 4课时
第一课时:Section A:la,lb,lc,2a,2b,2c
第二课时:Section A:3a,3b,4
第三课时:Section B:1,2a,2b,2c
第四课时:Section B:3a,3b,3c,4 and Self check
第 一 课 时
● 教学目标
学习一些见面礼仪,生活习俗和对时间的看法。通过听力训练和口语练习加深学生对目标语言的认识。掌握be supposed to句型。● 教学方式
教 学 设 计
★★ 热身(Warm-up)及大脑风暴(Brain storm):
老师在黑板上画两栏,写上Right和Wrong,对学生说:Please tell me things these are good to do in school and these are not good to do in schoo1.让学生们讲出他们的suggestion,例如:老师问,Is it a good idea to come to class late? 学生回答,No.老师说,That's right.It's not a good idea to come to class late.You‟re not supposed to come to class late.接着把come to school late写在Wrong的下面。学生可能会说出,eat in class,do homework everyday,rise one‟s hand before talking等等。鼓励学生快速作反应,我们把学生的每一个看法写作黑板上。同时引出,You‟re supposed to do your homework every day.等句型。
(通过Warm—up,开拓学生的思维,活跃课堂气氛,同时,为学习新知识打下基础.)★★ 课程导入(Presentation):
首先,利用多媒体课件,呈现一幅世界地图,提问学生说出每个国家的位置,T:Do you know where Brazil is? 引导学生说,(1)Brazil is in South America,next to Peru.(2)The United States is in North America,next to Canada.(3)Japan is in East Asia,to the east of China.(4)Mexico is in North America,on the south of America.(5)Korea is in East Asia.It‟s our neighbor.老师接着问学生:Do you know what people do when they meet for the first time?引出本节课的学习目标。
利用多媒体动画,或影片放映各国初次见面的礼仪,教学下列单词:bow,kiss,shake, hands,greet等等。(通过多媒体课件,展示丰富多彩的图画,刺激学生的视觉感官,避免枯燥乏味的说教,激发学生的学习积极性,让他们在轻松好奇的气氛中学习本节课的目标语言。)★★ 教学活动(Teaching and Practice):
1b.听力训练。首先,帮助学生明确本题的要求。对学生说,Now listen to the recording and check your answers to activity la.接着,听力练习,学生根据听到的录音内容检查自己在1a的答案。教师介绍本单元的目标语言be supposed to do sth.(学生通过听力练习,进一步熟悉本课的目标语言。)
(学生通过听说活动,进一步操练目标语言。)★★ 巩固和拓展(Consolidation and Extension):
这是一个听力训练,利用2a和2b的听力材料,训练学生的Ⅱ斥力。老师说:Maria is an exchange student.Last night she had dinner at an American friend‟s house.Listen and check the mistakes Maria made.让学生听二次录音,听第一次录音,完成2a的选项。让学生说说,玛丽亚做错了什么?学生第二次听录音完成书本的表格。让学生朗读表格中的对话。
朗读Grammar Focus中的句子,进一步向学生讲解本单元的目标语言。★★ 作业布置(Homework):
第 二 课 时
● 教学目标
通过“应该”和“不应该”进一步了解一些国家的礼仪和对时间的看法。● 教学方式
教 学 设 计
★★ 热身(Warm-up):
★★ 新课的呈现(Presentation):
在屏幕上显示下列关键词:opinion,pretty,relaxed,Cali,Colombia,drop by,Lausanne,Switzerland,land,after all等等,帮助学生理解以上的关键词,然后,让学生反复朗读,直至到语音正确,语言流畅。
老师提问学生,Do you know what an opinion is? 学生会回答:An opinion is what you think or how you feel about something.你知道哥伦比亚人和瑞士人在守时、预约、探访朋友等方面有什么不同的习惯吗?引出本节课的阅读内容。★★ 阅读(reading):
让学生看短文下面的图表(3a),清楚每一个短语的意思,指着单词attitude说,An opinion is like an attitude.告诉学生,他们应该在课文中获取什么信息,并把他们填写在表格上,给学生明确的阅读指引。
★★ 巩固和拓展(Consolidation and Extension):
任务二:Talk Show
(通过活动调动学生学习英语的积极性,培养学生的演讲能力,促使学生平时更关注语音和语调,力争说一口流利和地道的英语。)★★ 布置作业(Homework):
第 三 课 时
● 教学方式
通过对一些国家的风俗习惯和饮食文化、餐桌礼仪的了解,进一步提高对文明生活的认识。能听懂2a和2b的内容,并完成相应的练习。● 教学方式
教 学 设 计
★★ 热身(Warm—up)及大脑风暴{Brain storm}:
单词接龙。在屏幕上显示下列单词短语:pick up,wipe,napkin,chopstick,point,po1ite,rude, be have,table manners,让学生一个接着一个快速拼读,看谁记得最快最准确。
★★ 新课的呈现(Presentation):
★★ 教学活动(Teaching and Practice):
老师指着课本插图问学生,What is happening in it?告诉学生,A family is eating a meal.接着问,How much do you know about table manners around the World? Take the following quiz.然后,让学生完成Section B activity 1中的问题,看谁做得最好,当然老师要指导学生,让他们明白,每个句子的意思。
学生首先看四幅插图,你知道他们在干什么吗?引起学生注意,老师指着插图说:You will hear the exchange student,Steve,talking with his Japanese friend,Satoshi.Satoshi is explaining some things you are and aren‟t supposed to do when eating in Japan, 学生第一次听对话,把2a的插图顺序写出来,第二次听录音把2b的句子连起来。
★★ 巩固 拓展Consolidation and Extension):
学生四人小组开展活动,说说我们国家的餐桌礼仪。让学生共同讨论,互相启发,把每一个观点用笔记录下来,从而达到反复练习目标语言的目的。他们会用到We,re supposed to…等句型。
(本活动的目的是激发学生头脑中已有的知识,培养学生利用各种渠道获取信息的能力,让学生了解中外文化的异同,扩展学生的词汇,培养学生的国际意识。深化主题,培养能力。)★★ 布置作业(Homework):
根据2a和2b的信息,以The table manners in Japan.为题,写一篇短文。
第 四 课 时
● 教学目标
学会表达各国饮食起居、生活习俗和时间的看法。● 教学方式
教 学 设 计
★★ 热身{Warm-up):
在屏幕上显示下列新单词和短语:manner,table manners,behave,be used to,cut up, fork,full,lap,elbow,gradually,compliment,toast等等,先由一个学生朗读,读不下去再由另一个学生接着读,最后由全班评价,谁读得最好,发现存在的语音问题,帮助学生纠正。最后全班比赛,谁记单词最快。
★★ 课程导入(Presentation):
利用多媒体,放映一段影片或一组法国人就餐的图片,让学生观察法国人就餐的习惯。教师问,他们可以用手拿水果吃吗?设置悬念,引出新课内容。★★ 阅读(Reading):
在屏幕上呈现一幅电子邮件图,问学生哪些是主题,哪些是正文,并告诉学生写电子邮件的格式和注意的问题。接着请一个学生大声朗读课本中的电子邮件,老师给学生的朗读情况进行评价,并指出朗读过程中存在的问题,从而提高学生的朗读能力。老师说,Now read the email.Answer the questions in your exercise.让学生细读电子邮件中的内容,并根据短文内容,完成五个问题。老师要学生明白五个问题的含意。老师要讲解阅读技巧,如何注意主题句和文章的细节描写,如何通过上下文稿猜不熟悉单词的意思,学生阅读时,老师巡视课堂,尽可能给学生提供帮助。学生可以小组讨论,交换意见。最后,对短文的难点进行讲解,检查学生的学习情况。学生听短文录音,跟着模仿朗读,结束这部分的学习。
★★ 巩固和拓展(Consolidation and Extension):
学生把上一节课讨论的内容“说说我们的餐桌礼仪”整理成文,写一封电子邮件给一个 外国朋友,告诉中国人的饮食习惯,在吃饭时要注意什么问题。老师首先要讲清楚写电子邮件的格式,和本题目的要求,让学生独立完成。老师最后把优秀学生的作品向全班展示。
(培养学生收集信息,整理信息的能力。拓展学生的文化视野,加深学生对中外文化的了解。)★★ 巩固练习(Self Check):
(2)学生读课文。然后两人一组进行讨论,How would you solve Fan Ling‟s problem? 共同把Fan Ling的故事补充完整。
★★ 作业布置(homework):
编写一份英语手抄报。教师将全班学生分成若干组,每组学生利用网络、报刊杂志、书 籍等查阅有关见面礼仪,就餐礼仪,风俗习惯等信息,设计编辑一份英语手抄报„,并为报纸取名。
Unit 2 Rainy days make me sad.
单 元 分 析 与 提 示
● 内容提示
● 目标提示
How do you feel about loud music?
Loud music makes me tense.
Loud music makes me want to dance.
Waiting for her made me angry.
● 教学提示
充分利用多媒体等教学设备,创设与本课话题相关的情景,如各种不同种类的音乐,图片,广告等等。围绕着本单元的教学目标,设计一些贴近学生实际的教学任务,如让学生谈论对不同颜色、运动、天气、广告以及一些现实问题的看法;让学生根据所学知识,自己来设计餐厅或其他地方的室内装修等等。● 课时安排
第一课时:Section A:1a,1b,1c
第二课时:Section A:2a,2b,2c,3a,3b,4
第三课时:Section B:la,lb,2a,2b,2c,3a
第四课时:Section B:3b,3c,4 and Self Check
第 一 课 时 ● 教学目标
3.能听懂听力内容,并能完成相应的练习‟。● 教学方式
教 学 设 计
热身(warming up)及大脑风暴(Brain storm):
(1)老师问一个学生,T:What is your hobby?学生回答,S1:I like playing football.
T:Why? S1:Because it is interesting.T:So it makes you interested.同时,把这个重要的句子呈现在屏幕上,在interested的下面画上重点符号。然后,以同样的方式问其他几个学生。
(2)进行大脑风暴,让学生们一个一个地说出表示感觉的形容词:happy,sad,excited,relaxed, nervous, sick, energetic,stressed,tense,comfortable… 然后,老师小结这些词组,把这些词组呈现在屏幕上,让学生们齐读一遍。
(大脑风暴开拓了学生的思维,活跃了课堂气氛,复习了旧的知识,同时,为学习新知识打下基础。)★★ 新课呈现(Presentation):
首先,老师利用多媒体课件,呈现几张画,有激动人心的篮球比赛,有美丽的花朵,有温馨幸福的家庭,有悠闲舒适的海边景色,有让人恶心的昆虫等等:针对这些画,老师问学生对这些画的感受,T:How do you feel about picture 17并把本句呈现在屏幕上。Happy? Beautiful? Excited? Awful? 学生回答出相应的形容词。S:Excited.然后老师紧接着说T:It makes me excited·并把本句呈现在屏幕上,同时,在excited下划上重点符号,让学生齐读本句.然后,针对另外几幅图画,问同样的问题,要求学生用“make+代词+形容词”的句型来回答。It makes me happy.It makes me awful.等等。
(通过多媒体课件展示出的丰富多彩的图画,刺激学生的视觉感官,避免了枯燥乏味的说教,激发了学生的学习积极性,让学生在轻松好奇的氛围中学习本节课的目标语言。)★★ 操练(Practice):
1a.学生看书本上1a的图画,根据图画,描述这两个餐厅的特点,老师补充学生没有说道的一些重要的细节。Eg:Rockin‟ Restaurant has red walls,ugly paintings on the walls,and loud music.The Blue Lagoon has blue walls,plants,flowers,and a piano player.然后问学生愿意去哪一家,并尽量用刚刚学到的目标句型来说明原因。老师先示范一次。T:I don‟t like Rockin‟ Restaurant.Because red makes me tense.
(学生通过对话,进一步操练了目标语言。)★★ 巩固和拓展(Consolidation and Extension J:
完成一个任务:在周末,你愿意去什么地方吃饭或玩耍,同时,又不想去哪里,并运用刚刚学过的目标句型,分别说明原因。老师先做一个示范:1 would rather go to the park on weekend.Because it makes me relaxed.I don‟t like to go to see the movie.It makes me bored.然后,学生四人一组,进行讨论。最后,抽查几组学生。
(通过设计一个真实、贴近学生生活的情景,激发学生的学习积极性,让学生运用所学内容,来完成一个生活中的真实的任务,既巩固了本课所学的语言目标,又开拓了学生的思维,使学生的思维跳出了课本,培养学生在实际生活中运用本课所学内容,来解决现实生活中的实际问题的能力,真正达到了新课标提出的培养学生综合运用语言的能力。)★★ 作业布置(Homework):
第 二 课 时
● 教学目标
3.能理解3a的内容,并完成相应的练习。● 教学方式
任务型教学法,多媒体辅助教学等等。● 教学设计
★★ 复习旧课(Revision),呈现新课(Presentation):
(1)老师利用多媒体课件呈现几幅图画,有激动人心的篮球赛,有温馨幸福的家庭,有让人恶心的昆虫,有悠闲舒适的海边景色等。首先老师问,学生答。T:How do you feel about picture l? S:It makes me happy/excited/interested…然后,让学生针对这些图画,两人一组,进行操练,来复习上一节课的目标语言。
(2)放一段舞曲音乐,老师问学生,T:How do you feel about the music? S:It makes me excited/…老师自答,T:It makes me want to dance.并把本句写在黑板上,在want to dance下划上重点符号。再通过放一段流行歌曲,引导学生说出,S:It makes me want to sing.通过课件,播放一段喜剧或悲剧,引导学生说出,S:It makes me laugh/cry.等等。最后,老师点明:make+名词/代词+动词。
(3)呈现la中的图片,帮助学生回忆和复习Amy和Tina对两家餐厅的看法,进一步来复习目标语言。T:How does Amy feel about the awful pictures.S:They make her sad…
(4)转入本课的话题,“Amy和Tina到底去了哪里吃饭呢?‟‟呈现2a中的图画,让学生们一起来谈论图画中的内容。可以通过以下问题来帮助学生谈论图画:Where are they? What are they doing? How are they feeling? Are they having a good time?
(学生可以通过谈论图画,来初步了解听力的内容,为听力练习打下基础。)★★ 操练(Practice):
2b.先让学生读一遍方框中的句子,理解每句话的意思,特别强调包含make的目标句 型。然后,播放录音,学生根据录音内容勾出Tina和John所说的句子。最后,再放一遍录音,核对答案。
(进一步地巩固听力内容和目标语言.)★★ 阅读练习(Practice):
A.引入:老师问,T:What does the fast food restaurant often look like? Color,lighting,seat,music.然后,在屏幕上呈现一些快餐店的图画,让学生从颜色、灯光、座位、音乐等方面来描述。The colors are often red or orange.The seats are often hard.The lightings are often bright.The music is often loud.为什么会是这样?
B.泛读:学生快速阅读文章,回答一个问题:Why are the walls of the fast food restaurant often red?(Because the color red makes people hungry.)
(2)3b.Group work
(通过做这个游戏,进一步激发了学生的学习积极性,使学生在轻松愉快的气氛中巩固和运用了本单元的目标语言,同时,也增进了同学之间彼此的了解,增强了同学之间的友谊。)★★ 巩固和拓展(Consolidation and Extension):
作一个调查(Do a survey):
D.检查学生的调查情况。让几位学生在全班说出自己的调查报告。S:Jim says loud noise makes him crazy.Kate says it makes her want to leave.
(通过这个活动,学生在轻松愉快的气氛中,在听、说、读、写四个方面进一步巩固和运用了本单元应掌握的重要的语言内容。)★★ 作业布置【homework】:
2.以“My Ideal Restaurant”为题,参照3a写一篇短文。要求:从墙的颜色、灯光、音乐、家具等方面来写;必须语言本单元的目标语言;字数:60左右。
第 三 课 时
● 教学目标
3.能理解3a的内容,并完成相应的练习。● 教学方式
教 学 设 计
★★ 复习旧课(Revision):
(1)读单词和Grammar Focus.然后,听写。
(2)根据昨天的作业,老师对几位学生进行提问,T:How about your ideal restaurant? 要求学生回忆昨天作业的内容,运用所学的目标语言,来回答这个问题。
(通过让学生读、写、说这几个环节,学生们复习了所学的本单元的单词和目标语言,为进一步扩展本单元的知识打下基础。)★★ 呈现新课(Presentation):
老师利用多媒体课件呈现几则现实生活中常用的、生动活泼的商品广告。例如:罗西尼手表的广告,“时间因我而存在”——“Time always follows me.”。激发学生的学习积极性。同时,呈现出几则有关肥皂、洗发水、牙膏、太阳镜、面霜的广告,引出本课的生词:mysterious,shiny,silky,cream,toothpaste…
(通过多媒体课件展示出的几则现实生活中常用的、生动活泼的商品广告,刺激学生的视觉和听觉感官,避免了枯燥乏味的说教,在轻松好奇的氛围中引出和扩展了本课的词汇和句型。)★★ 操练(Practice):
la.(1)让学生说出四幅图片中商品的英语名称。(2)要求学生读方框中的广告语,并猜 出他们的意思。如有不懂,老师将进行解释。(3)根据指示语的要求,学生把广告语前的号
1b.根据指示语的要求,学生写出自己喜欢或不喜欢的三种或三种以上的商品,并简单地说出理由。老师先给出例子,T:I like Kitty watch.Because it is beautiful.I don't like Heiren Toothpaste,it tastes terrible.最后,要求几个学生读出.自己所写的商品和理由。
2b.(1)再播放一遍录音,按照指示语的要求,让学生连线。(2)核对答案。(3)要求学生 跟着录音,重复录音内容。明白每句话的意思。
(1)引入:老师重新在多媒体课件上展示几则商品广告。然后,问学生,T:Do you like
these ads? Why or why not?引导学生回答:Yes.Because it is very beautiful…NO.The
real produce isn't like the one in the ad.The produce doesn‟t work well…然后,接着问,T:What are the pros and cons of advertising? 让学生用简单的语言来回答。然后,引
(2)快速阅读课文,找出一个问题的答案。Is the picture in an.ad looks the same as the
real thing?
(4)老师讲解课文中的难点,并画出文中的重要词组和句子。★★ 巩固和拓展(Consolidation and Extension):
设计一个任务。要求学生根据自己所用过的商品及看过的这个商品的广告,运用所学内容,对这个商品和它的广告进行评价。老师可以先给出一个例子。例如:Last week,I bought ShiLi Shampoo.The ad says it is for the shiniest hair.But I don‟t think so.I used it,and it didn‟t work very well.It made me sad. ★★ 作业布置(homework):
3)仿照P105 2c,根据实际情况写一段对话。
第 四 课 时
● 教学目标
2·复习整个单元的主要内容,并做一些相应的练习进行检测。● 教学方式
任务型教学法,多媒体辅助教学等等。● 教学设计
★★ 复习旧课(Revision):
(1)复习本单元的目标语言。首先,老师利用多媒体课件呈现几幅图画(污染问题,堵塞的交通,将要灭种的动物等等)。针对这些图画,老师问学生,T:How do you feel about the picture?” 学生运用目标语言回答老师的问题。S:It makes me sad/happy/tense…It makes me want to dance.It makes me want to study hard.也可以让学生一个问一个答。从而,复习了"How do you feel about it”及“It makes+名词或代词+形容词或动词的原形”这两个句型。同时,还可以教育学生要保护生态环境。接着,老师再问,T:If someone keeps you waiting for a long time,how do you feel about that? 引导学生回答,S:waiting for someone makes me angry.(argue with someone,fail the exam,get a good grade,chat with your friend, play footbail,watch ads on TV…)通过这些来复习分词做主语的情况。
(通过多媒体课件展示出的几幅有教育意义的图画,刺激学生的视觉和听觉感官,避免了枯燥乏味的复习,在轻松好奇的氛围中,既帮助学生复习了本单元的重要的目标语言同 时也教育了学生要保护生态环境。)
(2)复习本单元的内容。针对本单元课文里的内容,老师提出一些相应的问题,来帮助 学生复习本单元的内容和语法点。T:How does Amy feel about the awful pictures in the restaurant? Do you know why the color of the fast food restaurant is red? Do you like ads? What are the pros and cons of advertising? … 老师引导学生运用在课文中所学过的重要的句子和词组来回答这些问题。
(学生通过回答老师提出的问题,既复习了本单元的内容,扩大了学生的知识面,同时,也复习了本单元的重要的句子和词组。)(3)熟读单词和Grammar Focus并进行听写,也是一种复习的方法。★★ 引入新课(Presentation):
老师利用多媒体实物投影呈现Section B的la中的几幅图画,帮助学生回忆昨天听力里的内容,让学生们借助2a中的句子,来谈论人们对这几个产品广告的看法。对一些较难的地方,老师可以通过提问,来简化它们。例如,n Do the people think Easy Care Shampoo worked well?...
(这个环节既帮助学生复习了昨天所学了内容,也为下一步的写作打下了基础。)★★ 写作(writing):
(2)按照要求,根据昨天的听力内容和刚才讨论的内容完成3b部分的写作。在学生进行写作的同时,老师在教室内四处走动,随时关注学生们的写作情况,并对那些需要帮助的 学生及时给予相应的有针对性的指导。
(当场展示和点评学生的作文,不仅可以让学生们对作文中的优点及作文中所犯的错误留下深刻的印象,同时也能够增强学生们的自信心和学习兴趣。必须强调的是老师在点评 作文时,一定要以鼓励为主。)参考范文:
Some advertisements tell the truth and some don‟t.For example, the Easy Care Shampoo says it will give you the shiniest hair ever.But my friend tried it and it didn‟t work.Lookout sunglasses says it will give you a mysterious look.But they don‟t even keep out the sun.Starshine toothpaste says whiter than white.But my friend tried it and it taste terrible.On the other hand,some are good:For example,beauty cream says it‟s for silky skin.I tried it and it worked really well.It made my skin very soft.
3c.首先老师利用多媒体,展示几则简单易懂的广告语。要求几位学生在老师的帮助 下,把它们翻译成英文。然后,要求学生根据所学的知识,写出自己最喜欢的商品的广毒语。方法和过程可以参考3b.
★★ 巩固和拓展(Consolidation and Extension):Pair work(1)要求学生读懂指示语。(2)大家一起来谈论图画。(3)让学生读方框的对话,强调本单元的目标语言。(4)让学生根据图画内容,仿照方框中的对话,两人一组进 行对话。(5)抽查几对学生,在全班展示他们的对话。★★ 巩固练习(Self Check):
(3)核对答案。老师利用多媒体投影,让全班同学一起来修改某一个学生的答案,同时 给出正确答案。
如有时间,要求学生联系自己的亲身经历,运用本单元的目标语言,来仿写文章。★★ 作业布置:
2.仿照P107的文章,联系自己的实际情况写一篇题为An unusual day的文章。
Unit 1
your name?
1、打招呼用语(Greetings):1)Good morning!2)Hello!3)How are you?Fine,thank you ,And you?
2、句型:1)What's your name? 2)My name is „
重复几遍后,请学生猜一猜是什么意思。之后,叫起一位学生提问: What's your name? 教师在讲这两句英语时,两个句子中的name均要重读,以给学生更深的印象。
T:My name is XXX.What's your name? 这样依次再叫几个学生,每次都重复这一步骤,直到确信学生已能听懂这两句,并能模仿教师语调,用汉语拼音回答出自己的姓名。
3、打开书。先让学生看一下Lesson One中的3张图,教师可对图中人物及对话做些解释,也可请学生描述在图中能看到什么人,这些人在干什么。放录音,学生较熟练之后,可将这两句加到前面的对话中: T:Hello!S:Hello!T:My name is xxx.What's
name? S:My
is xxx.T:How
you,xxx? S:Fine
you/ 重复几次。打开课本,让学生看图。教师可视情况解释图中情景以及讲话的先后顺序,并解释学生称呼高教师为:Miss
Gao.放课文录音。S:Hello!T:How are you,xxx? S:Fine,thank you.找几组同学,到前面来表演相同的对话。在最后一组表演完后,教师留住他们,补充新的内容。即:
S1:How are you? S2:Fine,thank you.And you? S1:I'm fine,too.打开课本,让学生看图,教师解释图中情景。放录音,让学生反复读几遍。将学生分为两组,一组扮演Jim,另一组扮演Li Lei;表演这个对话。之后,分别找出几个同学,进行单独表演。
通过提问,引导学生积极思考,并运用所学过的英语,来回答教师的提问。(这时教师可解释高老师称呼王老师为Mr Wang)学生给出自己的猜测后,教师放录音,三、课堂教学设计
2、复习字母A~N的读音。教师每出示一张卡片,说:What's this? 如果学生不懂,可向学生解释,并要求学生用It is(It's„)来回答教师的提问,说出教师手中的字母读音。教师可板书It is(It's„),讲明It's是It is 的缩写形式。教师不断变换自己手中的字母卡片,反复让学生练习用It's„来回答。集体练习后,可搞小组和个人练习。
Unit 15I’ll help clean up the city parks.
The 1st period
Ⅰ. Teaching Aims and Demands
1. Knowledge Objects(1)Key Vocabulary
clean up, hunger, homeless, cheer up, give out, volunteer, food, bank(2)Target Language I’d like to work outside.
You could give out food at a food bank. 2. Ability Objects
(1)Train the students to express offering to help with the target language.(2)Train the students’ listening skill. 3. Moral ObjectOffer help to the others as much as possible. Ⅱ. Teaching Key Points 1. Key Vocabulary
clean up, hunger, homeless, cheer up, give up2. Target Language
How to express offering to help with target language. Ⅲ. Teaching Difficult Points
1. Teach the students how to use the new phrasal verbs.
2. Teach the students to express offering to help with target language. Ⅳ. Teaching Methods
1. Teaching by giving sample sentences and making up sentences. 2. Teaching by showing pictures. Ⅴ. Teaching Aids 1. A tape recorder2. Some pictures on volunteer’
s offering help Ⅵ. Teaching Procedures Step Ⅰ Revision1. Revise the language points in Unit 7.
Ask some questions like this: Where would you like to go on vacation?(I’d like to/I’d love to/l hope to„)Why?(Because„)
2. Revise the contents in Unit 7. Say to the class like this: Who can say something about Singapore?
What things do you like there and what things don’
t you like about it? Ask them to give the answers without looking at the b
3. Check homework by asking some students to read their sentences they’
ve made with the verbs. Let them hand in their homework. 4. Dictate ten words in Unit 7. Step Ⅱ la
This activity introduces the key vocabulary and provides some writing practice. In this unit we learn to offer to help.We’
ll use some phrasal verbs. Each phrasal verbs has two or three words, such as clean up, cheer up, give out.
Here is an example on how to use clean up. Look at the title of Unit 8. I’
ll help clean up the city parks. Repeat it twice, please. Ask the children to read the title twice.
Then go on saying, “clean up means make a place clean and tidy, put things there in order”. Let’
s see another example, We should always clean up after a picnic. Who can explain this sentence in your own, words? Ask one student to explain the sentence.
He or she may say like this. This sentences means we should burn wastepaper, collect litter and empty bottles, etc.
Then ask the class. Who can make more sentences with clean up? Ask several students to share their sentences to the class. Do the same with the other phrasal verbs. Some sample sentences1. clean up—
make a place clean and tidy, put things in order We should always clean up the dirty parts of the sea. 2. cheer up—
make someone feel happy The good news cheers everyone up. 3. give out—hand out, distribute
Lin Tao helped the teacher give out the new textbooks to the class. Rea
d the instructions to the students.
Please look at the picture now. We can see a bulletin board and two children in it. What is the bulletin board about?Help students to answer: Volunteer Today!
Then continue saying, “Who can tell me the meaning of volunteer?”Ask one student to try to explain it. Then tell them the meaning of it. Volunteer means a person who offers to do something unpleasant or dangerous. It means a person who offers to help the others sometimes. Volunteer is used as a verb in this lesson. Draw the students’ attention to the three posters on the board. We can see one sentence in each poster.And we can see some people in each poster, too. What are the volunteers doing in each poster? Please work in pairs and talk about the posters.Give the students a few minutes to talk about what they will say. Let them talk about all the three items. Move around and help the pairs as needed.
Then read the sentences in the posters to the class. Ask the pairs of students
Unit 15—Unit 10 复习
Unit 15I like music that I can dance to.1.I love music that I can sing along with.跟着唱 2.I like music that I can dance to.随着跳
3.Rosa likes music that is quiet and gentle.is与music相搭配4.I love singers who write their own music.write 与singers相搭配 5.We prefer music that has great lyrics.: has与 music相搭配 6.He likes movies that are about monsters.are与 movies相搭配 7.I prefer English to Chinese.可使用名词
8.I prefer singing to dancing.也可跟动名词,要形式一致
9.The music reminds me of Brazilian dance music.使某人想起„ 10.on a Monday morning 具体某一天的前面用on 12.make us happy 使„高兴 13.too much 和much toov.+ too much;
too much + n.过多; much too +adj.太,过于
14.such as 作“例如„”讲,只能例举并列部分事实,即不能是全部He knows six languages, such as Chinese and English.Unit 7 Where would you like to visit?1.I‟d like to go somewhere relaxing.任何形容词与不定代词连用,均要置后
2.I‟d like to go to places(where the weather is warm).括号中为宾语从句;从句中is与the weather进行搭配 3.It‟
s supposed to be very hot.4.Why not consider visiting…? 5.decide to do sth.决定去做„
6.in the east of China在中国的东部(在中国范围以内)to the east of China在中国的东部(在中国范围以外,互不相连)at the east of China在中国的东部(与中国接壤,挨着)7.provide sb.with sth.about„
8.big enough:enough 和形容词一起用放后面enough water:enough放在名词前面 9.let us know:let后面跟动词原形
Unit 8 I‟ll help clean up the city park.1.would like to do sth.2.I will help„一般将来时3.你还认识下列这些动词短语吗?
work outside/ cheer up/ help with/ help sb.do sth./ give out/ clean up/ come up with/ put off/ write down/ put up/ hand out/ call up/ need to do/ put off making a plan/ set up/ volunteer their time to do…/ spend … doing…/ could help…/run out of/ take after/ fix up/ give away/ be similar to…/ try to do/ ask for/ work out
4.put it off代词放在中间/ put off the plan名词放在后面5.Volunteering is great.动名词做主语Unit 9 When was it invented?1.词组:
want to do/ fall into/ decide to do
in the end/ by accident/ according to/ in this waynot„until„直到„才e.g.I didn‟t go to bed until I finished my homework.昨晚我直到完成作业才去睡觉。one of +名词复数: 其中之一
e.g.Dalian is one of the most beautiful cities in China.大连是中国最美丽的城市之一。2.被动语态:be + done
When was the car invented?It was invented in„ Who was it invented by?It was invented by„ What is it used for?It is used for traveling.3.1)some time: 一些时间
I have some time this afternoon, I will go to see you.2)sometime: 未来某一时候
I would like to go to Hong Kong sometime next month.3)sometimes:有时I sometimes watch TV.4)some times:一些次/倍/
遍(once, twice, three times„)I have seen this film some times.Unit 10 By the time I got outside, the bus had already left.1.词组:
take a shower/ get up/ get outside/ get to school/ get in the shower/ leave„at home/ get home/ get back to school/ walk into/ start(begin)doing=start
(begin)to do/ be late for/ go off/ wake up/ have to do/ wait for/ come out/ take a quick shower/ have breakfast/ run off to the bus stop/ give sb.a ride/ break down/ invite sb.to do sth./ stay up late/ show up/ be exhausted/ land on/ move across/ set off 2.on time:准时,按时 in time:及时3.I only just made it to my class.我恰好准时到校.4.forget to do:忘记
I forgot to turn off the lights yesterday.昨天我忘了关灯。forget doing sth.: 忘记做过某事
I forgot sending the letter.我忘了给你寄过信。
5.so„that„:so+adj./adv.+that+句子(如此„以致于„)He is so friendly that everyone likes him.He runs so fast that nobody can catch up with him.6.hundreds of/ thousands of/ millions of: 前面无具体数字时,三个数词后一定加s two hundred/ five thousand/ ten million: 前面有具体数字时,三个数词后不加s 7.stop to do sth.停下来去做某事 stop doing sth.停止做某事 8.both„and„两者都„ Unit 6 — Unit 10写作复习7
jobs, but he didn‟
t have to.John decided to30living a simple life like everyone else.He didn‟
t tell any of his friends and gave his $ 100,000 of his money to a31that helped poor children to live better lives.Today he is 36, he32wears cheap shoes and owns a small car only, but he is much happier.Once, John went to meet a little girl in Africa.He said the meeting was very33.“ When I met her, I felt very, very happy,” he said.“ I saw that the money34for a very good plan.It brought me35to the child in a way that giving money36cannot.” “ I want to do everything I can,” he added.()29.A.rich B.happy C.lucky D.confident()30.A.stop B.have C.keep D.agree()31.A.hospital B.familyC.school D.charity()32.A.also B.still C.everD.never()33.A.excitingB.relaxingC.boring D.frustrating()34.A.invented B.was invented C.usedD.was used()35.A.friendlyB.honestC.closerD.quieter()36.A.prettyB.aloneC.sureD.extremely
David Brenner came from a poverty family.When he finished his school, he was given a wonderful present.“Some of my friends got new clothes and a few rich boys even got new cars.” He remembered, “My father reached into his trousers pocked and took something out, I held out my hand, and he let my present drop into it---a nickel!”
“Dad said to me, „Buy a newspaper with that.Read every word of it.Then turn to the classified section and get yourself a job.Get into the world.It‟s all yours now!”
“I always thought that was a great joke my father had played on me until a few years later when I was in the Army, sitting in a foxhole, and thinking about my family and my life.It was then that I came to know that my friends had got only new cars, or only new clothes.My father has given me the whole world.What a great present!”注:nickel五分硬币;foxhole战壕
37.From the text we know that David Brenner‟
s family was______.A.richB.poorC.strangeD.unusual 38.What did David get as a present when he left school? A.New clothes B.A new carC.Something nice D.A nickel 39.David father asked him to read the newspaper to _______.A.find interesting storiesB.find himself a job C.know what happened in the world D.learn more things in it 40.Some years went by and David became a ______.A.doctorB.teacherC.soldier D.driver 41.In the end David understood the present his father gave him was _________.A.greatB.unimportantC.beautifulD.useless
During the winter, Fred Carpenter goes skiing(滑雪)
just about every weekend.Sometimes he drives as far as three hundred miles to find the freshest snow.Fred has been skiing since he was seven years old.By the time he was twelve, he had won several junior8
championships.When he was thirteen, he lost his right leg in an accident.By the next season, Fred had learned to ski on one leg.“ It‟
s certainly a little harder this way,” Fred says, “ but the thrill is just the same.”
Now Fred is looking for other people like himself who love to ski.“ It‟s time to organize some races!” he says.()42.Fred Carpenter goes skiing during the ________.A.springB.summerC.autumnD.winter()43.Carpenter began skiing when he was ________.A.twelveB.thirteenC.fourteenD.seven()44.Carpenter learned to ski on one leg ________.A.after he had an accident B.after he found the freshest snow C.because he liked skiing this wayD.because he was a champion()45.Fred Carpenter does not ________.A.love skiingB.give up easily C.enjoy drivingD.show up easily(C)
For most students, the time of exams is very stressful and difficult.Some people find exam time so bad that they become ill, because they are afraid of failing;they are afraid of letting their parents and families down.If exams are really making you ill or worried, don‟
t hide your feelings.Talk to someone about it.If one person doesn‟t help you, ask someone else.How to get through exams? Here are some top tips by educational psychologists(教育心理学家):
●Ask a teacher or tutor about how to revise, and exam skills—how to work when you are in an exam.●
Take short rests during your time of work and revision.If your mind is tired, it will not remember well.●
Plan your work: revise at times when you know you will work at your best.●Get enough sleep, and eat healthy food.●If you feel ill, talk to someone about your worries.But don‟
t be too relaxed!Some stress over exams makes you work hard for them.●If it upsets(沮
丧)you to talk to your friends about an exam when it is finished, don‟t do it!In fact, don‟
t even think about the exam you have finished.What is done is done.You cannot change what you have written!To this advice, we would add:
If you are studying in the evening, don‟
t go straight to bed afterwards.Your mind will still be “going round and round”---thinking too much.Do something else, maybe walk or get exercise.Choose something that will relax you, and make you think of other things.Problems Suggestions---don‟
t know how to work for an exam Ask a teacher or tutor about how to revise.---feel tired 46.---feel ill or worried 47.---can‟t sleep well
Don‟t go straight to bed after studying in theevening.---it upsets you to talk to your friends about an exam when it is finished9
Hi!My name is Wang Ming.I‟m fifteen years old, and I‟m a Grade 3 student in Shanghai in the year 2053!
I expect you find that pretty hard to believe.Let me explain.This book is a journal I wrote last month for a very special competition.I won the first prize, which was that my book would become part of the first ever experiment in time travel.It would be put in a time capsule to be sent back almost fifty years into the past.So, if everything went according to the plan, you should be reading this in about the year 2005.Do you know what time capsules are? They are usually containers made of some very strong material---so strong that it should last for hundreds or thousands of years without being destroyed.Inside these containers, you put things that are typical of the place in which you live.For example, in 2005 you might put a copy of a popular comic, a CD by a famous musician, videos of television programs---all sorts of things.The idea is that when people in another century open up the time capsule.They‟ll be able to see what life was like in the past.Until now, all time capsules have been left for people in the future to find.This one is the first that has been sent from the future to the past.I don‟t understand how it‟s going to be done, but I think it‟
s a really cool idea.If it works, my own grandparents will be able to read this when they were secondary school students!But if my grandparents did read this, why haven’t they ever mentioned it to me?
()49.If we believe what the passage says, this book was written ____________.A.last monthB.about fifty years agoC.in the futureD.by a time traveler.()50.Time capsules are usually ____________________.A.hundreds or thousands of years old.B.made by people in another century C.sent back in time to people in the past
D.containers holding objects typical of a certain time and place.()51.The main purpose of most time capsules is to ____________
A.show people in the past what life will be like in the future B.show people in the future what life was like in the past C.keep copies of old comics of CDs
D.store recording of old television programs
()52.The last sentence shows that Wang Ming finds the ideas of time travel______.A.confusingB.excitingC.uninterestingD.cool
A.telescopesB.listening to musicC.microwave ovensD.usefulE.watching moviesF taking photosG computersH.boringI.TV1.Last weekend, we enjoyed B ,.2.The inventions that we saw were _______________________________.3.We thought the inventions were________________________________.(B)回答问题。
What would you like to invent if you can and why?
I would like ____________________________ because ________________________.二、读下列三位志愿者的简历,完成任务。10
Name Jennifer John Mary Age 1614Free time
Saturday & Sunday Saturday & SundaySaturday
Likes 1)fixing up things 2)working outside 3)machines1)reading stories.2)chatting with others.3)kids & teaching1)singing & dancing2)working inside3)animals, kids & oldpeople
Jennifer can help to fix up the machines in a poor elementary school because she(he, she)likes fixing up things.2._______ can help work in an animal hospital because ________
(he, she)likes _______.3.__________ can sing and dance to cheep up the old people because _________(he, she)likes __________.4._______ can help the kids at local elementary schools to finish their schoolwork on Sunday because __________(he, she)likes __________.(B)请阅读Jennifer 的来信,仿照下面的范文替John 或Mary 写一封自荐信。Dear Mr.Black,I‟
m Jennifer, a 16-year-old girl.I want to be a volunteer.I like fixing up things, so I can help fix up toys for kids in an elementary school.Jennifer
unit 1
How do you study for a test?
1)How do you study for a test?
I study by v+ing.2)the way to do sth.the way of doing sth.have trouble doing sth.的用法
flashcard vocabulary aloud pronunciation memorize grammar frustrating quickly spoken pronounce mistakes challenge solution realize matter afraid complete impress trouble soft deal unless regard influence friendship development face
make mistakes be afraid to do sth.laugh at enjoy doing sth.the way to do sth.have trouble doing sth.end up
spoken English practice doing sth.too much look up
make vocabulary lists
try one`s best to do sth.3、重点语法 1)How 引起的特殊疑问句及其回答 2)the way to do sth the way of doing sth have trouble doing sth 的用法
Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark.一、教学目标
1)used to do sth.的用法
2)be afraid /terrified的用法
alone quiet by outgoing friendly serious funny
spider dark insect tall shy impress short terrify
straight hardly enough
be afraid of sth.in front of worry about sb./sth.used to do sth.all the time all day no longer
be interested in as well as
1)used to do sth.的用法
2)be afraid to do sth./be afraid of doing sth.的用法
Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes
1)Talking about what you are allowed to do or not 2)Agree and disagree
license silly study present volunteer experience member sleepy reply achieve race taught importance succeed point 基本要求:can read ,can write ,can use
Instead of , stay up ,concentrate on ,at present , old people’s home , in the way ,care about , driver’s license , spend time with sb , go shopping , be strict with sb.,be strict in sth.一、教学目标
Talking about imaginary situations.(谈论虚构情景)
research tie worry energetic confident permission herself bother annoy fairly plenty listener knowledgeable rest shelf cover deep correct burn knee hurt offer refuse helpful
What if ……., not……in the slightest ,plenty of , get along with ….., let……down, come up with , com out , rather than , hide……from , take a long walk , ask one’s permission , right away.基本要求
3、重点语法 虚拟语气
Unit5 It must belong to Carla
2、知识目标:情态动词 must,might,could and cant 的用法及区别
picnic possibly drop final worried owner sky
catch interview noise wind neighbor director monkey smell finger lift stone ant ocean
belong to make up escape from use up
情态动词 must,might,could and can,t 的用法及区别
Unit6 I like music that I can dance to 教学目标
1、语言目标 学会用定语从句表达自己对事物的好恶
2、知识目标 以that、who引导的定语从句
3、能力目标 根据本单元所学知识,培养学生分析问题和解决问题的能力
重点单词 prefer remind of interest suggest suit expect
lyric entertainment feature photography exhibition photographer display show class energy photograph
gentle known honest Italian Indian 基本要求:会读、会写、会用。
2、重点短语remind of on display
suit sb.fine
to be honest be bad for stay away from be in agreement
Unit7 Where would you like to visit?
1、语言目标 1)学会谈论喜欢去旅游的地方 2)学会用形容词和定语从句介绍旅游胜地
2、知识目标 1)would like 的用法 2)hope to 引导表示愿望的句型
1、重点单词 educational, fall, lively, consider,including,tower,church, wine, translate, light, wonderful, provide, sail, Pacific, programming,report,dream
2、重点短语 take it easy, in general, provide with, thousands of,as soon as possible,be willing to,quite a few,dream of,hold on to,come true 基本要求:会读、会写、会用。
3、重点语法 1)would like的用法
Unit 8
I’ll help clean up the city parks.一、教学目标
1、语言目标 Offer help(提供帮助)
1)学会使用“ I will…” , “ I would like …” 等句型,向别人提供帮助。
2)学会用“ I will…” 做规划。
cheer, advertisement, set, coach, fix, repair, similar, fill, pleasure, blind, deaf, imagine ,shut, carry, specially, fetch
2、重点短语 clean up, give out, put off, set up, think up, take after, fix up,give away, put up, ask for ,hand out, work out, at once 基本要求:会读、会写、会用。
Unit 9
When was it invented ?
1、语言目标:(1)Talking about the history of inventions(谈论重要发明的历史及用途)(2)能用被动语态正确表达发明物的历史。如:It was invented in 1876.It was invented by Bell.2、知识目标: 学会使用含有被动语态的不同句型结构“When was it invented?” 和“Who was it invented by?”来谈论各种发明物的历史。
1、重点单词invent, mistake, ancient, produce, pleasant, pie, throw, century, notice, including, knock, basket, metal, below, towards, develop, risen
2、重点短语be used for, by mistake, in the end, by accident, according to, fall into, in this way, knock into
3、重点语法The Passive Voice(被动语态的用法): 1.When was / were...invented? 2.Who was / were...invented by? 3.What is / are...used for? Unit 10
By the time I got outside, the bus had already left.一、教学目标
1.语言目标Learn to narrate past events.学会描述过去所发生的事情。
2、知识目标Learn to express something with Past Perfect Tense.学习使用过去完成时态。
Strengthen the consciousness of doing things regularly.做事加强连续性,有条不紊。
1、重点单词rush, lock, empty, describe, farmer, marry 基本要求:会读、会写、会用。
2、重点短语go off, run off, on time, give sb.a ride, break down, show up, set off, get married, a piece of 基本要求:会读、会写、会用。
3、重点语法(1)Past Perfect tense(过去完成时的用法):(2)“By the time”和“when”引导的时间状语从句
九年级英语教案 单位:汤池镇中心学校 姓名:汪昌军
Unit 2
I think that mooncakes are delicious!
本单元主要介绍了国内外不同的节日,文化气息浓郁,教学内容丰富。本单元以同学们熟悉的传统节日开始,而且八年级已经学过一些相关内容,素材来源于学生生活,同学们就有表达的欲望和诉求。而教材中Section B 又主要围绕西方的两个节日---Halloween 和Christmas展开,侧重两个节日的文化内涵,让学生更深层次地理解西方文化。这也激发了学生的学习兴趣,提高了他们的学习效率。由that, if/ whether 引导的宾语从句和感叹句是教学重点,学生能利用所学知识表达自己的态度或回应。
Period 1
Section A 1a—2d
整体设计 教学目的
2.通过学习本单元内容,初步掌握宾语从句的用法。教学重难点 重点:1.重点词汇:mooncake, lantern, stranger, relative, pound, put on, in two weeks, sound like, be similar to, throw water at each other, wash away, have good luck 3.目标语言:Bill thinks that the races were not that interesting to watch.But I believe that April is the hottest month of the year there.I wonder if it`s similar to the Water Festival of Dai people in Yunnan Province.难点:陈述句的宾语从句和一般疑问句的宾语从句的用法。课时安排:1课时 课前准备
Step 1 : Lead-in Ask students: What is the Chinese name for this festival? What do you like best about your favorite festival? The teacher writes down some useful expressions on the blackboard.Step 2 : Presentation Ask students to read the names of the festivals in 1a, and the teacher can help say as many as possible.1.______ The Water Festival in Thailand.2.______The Dragon Boat Festival in Hong Kong.3.______ The Chinese Spring Festival in Beijing.4.______The Lantern Festival in Jiangxi.Step3: Listening Before Listening Ask students to read the four sentences and think about which festival they talk about.Ask students to predict whether they will be back next year to watch the races.While listening Ask students to listen and circle T for true and F for false.Check the answers.Listen and repeat for pronunciation and intonation.After listening
Step 4: Work on 1c Ask students to talk about the festivals in 1a.Ask students to make conversations in pairs.Examples A: What do you like best about the Dragon Boat Festival? B: I love the races.I think they`re fun to watch.Ask several pairs to act out.Step 5 : Listening to 2a&2b 1.Ask students to read the four sentences.Read carefully and try to get some information.2.Ask students to predict which one they will choose.If possible, they can tell a short story according to their prediction.3.Listen for different information by listening to the tape different times.4.Check the answers.5.Listen and repeat for pronunciation and intonation.Step 6: Work on 2c Make conversations between Wu Ming and Harry.Role—play and act out.The teacher gives the evaluation.Step7: Work on 2d 1.Read the conversation between Clara and Ben, and answer the questions.(1)Where is Clara going in two weeks?(2)Why is she going there in the hottest month?(3)When is the Thai New Year?(4)Is there the Water Festival in China?(5)Why do people go on streets to throw water at each other? Keys:(1)She`s going to Chiang Mai.(2)Because there is a Water Festival.(3)It`s from April 13th to 15th.(4)Yes.The Dai people in Yunnan Province celebrate the Water Festival.(5)Because the new year is a time for cleaning and washing away bad things.2.Read the conversation again and fill in blanks.Clara: Guess what? I `m going to Chiang Mai in two weeks.Ben: Wow, ______!But I believe that April is the hottest month of theyear there.Clara: _______.But there`s a water festival from April 13th to 15th.Ben: _____________________ of the Dai people in Yunnan Province.Clara: ______.This is the time of the Tai New Year.People go on the streets to throw water at each other.Ben: Cool!But why do they do that? Clara: Because the new year is a time_________________.Then you will have good luck in the new year.Keys: Sounds like fun;Yes, that`s true;I wonder if it`s similar to the Water Festival;Yes, I think so;for cleaning and washing away bad things 3.Role—play the conversation with different classmates.4.Analyze objective clauses.在句子中起宾语作用的句子叫做宾语从句。连接宾语从句的从属连词主要有that, if, whether;that引导表示陈述句的宾语从句,if和whether引导表示“是否”的一般疑问句的宾语从句。But I believe that April is the hottest month of the year there.本句为主从复合句,主句为 I believe, that 引导宾语从句。
I wonder if it`s similar to theWater Festival of Dai people in Yunnan Provine.本句也是主从复合句,但引导宾语从句的引导词为if, I wonder为主句。
Step 8: Homework 1.Learn the new words and expressions by heart.2.Copy the sentences with the objective clause and learn them by heart.板书设计
Unit 2
I think that mooncakes are delicious!Period 1
section 1a—2d 1.Key vocabulary: put on, in two weeks, be similar to, throw water at each other, wash away, have good luck, in the new year 2.Target Language: Bill thinks that the races were not that interesting to watch.But I believe that April is the hottest month of the year there.I wonder if it`s similar to the Water Festival of Dai people in Yunnan Province.