Part A 教学设计2

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第一篇:Part A 教学设计2

人教版pep五年级英语下册 Unit1 My day.Part A教学设计


(1)学生能够听、说、读、写动词词组have English class, do

morning exercises, eat breakfast, play sports, eat dinner.(2)学生能听懂问句:When do you do morning exercises/…? 并能用所学动词短语替换句型: I usually … at…中的关键词回答问句.(3)学生学会表达一天中不同时间段内学习和生活起居情况.教学重点: 动词词组的掌握和句型:When do you …? 的理解.教学难点: 如何表达时间的方法 课前准备 录音机、磁带 教学过程 : Step1 Warm-up 1.Free talk---What do you do in winter holiday?---I often ….2.呈现大量学生已经掌握的动词词组,让学生快速认读

Watch TV, read books, play computer games, play ping-pong/ football,Listen to music, read books, do homework/ housework, cook the meals, sweep the floor, water the flowers, clean the bedroom, empty the trash, make the bed, wash the clothes, put away the clothes, set the table, do the dishes……

(设计意图:通过紧张刺激的游戏既复习了已学的知识,又能起到热身的作用,使学生的注意力集中到课堂教学中来.)Step2 Presentation 1.整体呈现部分单词的同时复习时间的表达法

T: What time is it now? It’s time for English class.Guess when does T get up/ eat breakfast/ go to school/ eat dinner?(设计意图:猜测游戏是一种学生喜欢而非常容易操作的游戏,通过猜一猜,让学生勾起原来的时间表达的小知识.)2.师生问答,呈现出并新授单词

T: When do you eat breakfast?

S1: At 6:30 贴词卡并写出6:30,并教读新词组.用这种方法教授其它的词组:do morning exercises, have English class, play sports, eat dinner 3.Read the phrases follow the TV / T , read by Ss together(设计意图:在教学中引入生活中的经验,自然过渡到新短语的学习.)4.Game: Guess what’s falling?

呈现五个单词和when在一个画面上, 让学生猜一猜哪一个单词掉下去,猜对的加分,直到最后一个也掉下去,游戏结束.(设计意图:在游戏中不断重复所学的短语,让学生在不知不觉中练习,自主地掌握学习的内容.)5.Let’s start

T 介绍自己的timetable: I get up at 6:30.I go to school at 7:00.I eat breakfast at 7:15…..What about you? Listen to me and write down your answers.Pair work.Check it.(中途插入usually)---When do you ….?

---I usually ….at ….6.Let’s play

(1)学生二人一组配合表演动词短语,一人表演,一人在他/她背后说出这个动作的名称,如: I get up/ do morning exercises…表演完毕后全班评选最佳拍档.(2)学生再三人一组进行表演,第一人表演动作,第二人表演时间,第三人说出句子,如: I get up at 6:30….(设计意图:在巩固中引入Let’s start/ play的教学内容,既能作为一个个人的反思,也能作为对话的练习.)7.Spelling the phrases.①Fill in the blank.pl_ _

sp_ _ts;br_ _kf_st… ②Guess the – eat dinner;ay—play sports… ③Spell the phrases by Ss, check someone.(设计意图:这课时的难点在于短语的背诵,特别是do morning exercises,因此设计不同的拼写活动,让学生在不知不觉中背诵单词.)Step3 Sum up Summarize what we have learned in this lesson

思想教育: 合理安排时间,要让孩子把家庭和学校的作息制度衔接起来,知道什么时间该做什么事情.Step4 Homework 抄写单词以及背诵课文3次 板书设计 Part A When do you …? have English class do morning exercises eat breakfast, play sports eat dinner

第二篇:Unit 2 My Favourite Season PartA教学设计

Unit 2 My Favourite Season Part A Read and write

教 学 设 计

马蹄镇新平小学 刘金琼

一、Warm up

1、Free talk What day is it today? What’s the weather like today? It’s very hot.Which season is it? Do you know?

2、Guessing game 教师描述,学生猜(可以用汉语说出季节名称),但描述时不要直接说出这个季节的显著特征。如:

It’s not very cold.The trees and the grass both turn green.The flowers are beautiful and colorful.I can wear my sweater.Which season is it?

3、Preview Teacher says: My favourite season is summer, because I can swim in the river, I can wear my pretty dress, but It’s too hot for me.Then teacher asks students: What about you? Which season do you like best? Can you tell me? 【设计意图】通过这一热身活动,激发学生的学习欲望和兴趣,同时让学生明白本节课要学习的知识点是什么。

二、Presentation Read and write

1、文化知识 教师与学生对话

T: Where is Mike from? Do you know? S: I know.He’s from Canada.T: Yes.In Canada, fall is very beautiful.The sky is very bule.The leaves are colourful。(教师立即出示秋天时加拿大的美景图片)Look.They are collecting leaves.(教师出示多彩的枫叶,让学生了解一些文化知识)Teacher says: So, fall is my favourite season, see the maple leaves is fall.What’s your favourite season?(学生畅所欲言,教师引申“暖冬”、“温室效应”等气候现象并就此现象发生的原因进行分析,教师边分析边展示一些污染源如燃煤、机动车船、废气、粉尘等的图片,使学生知道是大气污染影响了气候。为了防止大气污染,我国特制定了《中华人民共和国大气污染防治法》,其中第5条指出:任何单位和个人都有保护大气环境的义务,并有权对污染大气环境的单位和个人进行检举和控告。)

T: What’s the weather like in fall in Beijing? S: It’s windy and cool.T: Yes.Fall is the best time to see the red maple leaves in Beijing。(教师出示香山红叶图)



(1)教师出示课件中的地点和季节相符的图片,让学生模仿例句造句。如:Spring is the best time to see beautiful flowers in Hangzhou.(2)学生自由看图片并模仿例句说句子,同桌或小组共同完成,教师巡视辅导。

(3)各组派代表汇报模仿的句子,师生进行句子的疏通。(4)教师对表现好的个人及小组给予奖励。一句鼓励的话语,一个小小的奖励也能带给他们极大的乐趣和更大的学习动力。Summer is the best time to eat ice—creams.Fall is the best time to eat fruits.Winter is the best time to play in the snow.【设计意图】通过此环节,可以培养学生的模仿能力,小组合作的意识与能力。





(1)让学生自由完成,教师提示学生正确运用第三人称单数形式。如:HeShe likes…

(2)指名学生Answer the questions,对于回答正确的学生给予表扬。





[设计意图] 课后学习是课堂学习的有效延伸,有针对性的、必要的写、说和读的作业都是巩固已学知识的有效途径。

第三篇:Unit2 PartA Lets spell教学设计

Unit 2 What time is it?

A Let's spell教学设计

【内容来源】人教版 pep(2013 年版)四下 Unit2 【主 题】What time is it?

【课 时】第 3 课时:A Let’s spell


依据新课标,要求小学四年级学生在正确读出 26 个英文字母的基础上,通过感知字母组合的发音规则,建立字母组合与发音的联系,从而让学生对字母组合在单词中的基本读音有初步的认知。


这是本单元的第三课时。Let’s spell 为语音学习,主要学习字母组合ir,ur的发音规则,通过让学生试读含有ir,ur的例词学习总结ir,ur的发音,能够根据ir,ur的发音规则读出生词,巩固学习ir,ur的音—形对应关系,并能按发音规则拼写单词,进一步强化在四线格中正确书写单词,努力达到“见词能读、听音会写”,为学生能更好的运用自然拼读法学习单词打下基础。


三年级及四年级上册教材中学生已经学过 26 个字母的读音、元音字母在开闭音节中的常规发音,对语音有了一定的基础,但依然是“丈二和尚,摸不着头脑”,不能很好的运用于单词的学习中。本课时主要让学生能够读出符合ir,ur发音规则的单词,我们应该利用学生的好奇心,好胜心激发学生的兴趣,把枯燥的语音教学变得有趣起来,并尽量当堂就让学生把所学知识学以致用,根据以前学过的单词总结出字母组合的发音规则然后拼读新词,令学生比较有成就感。





重点:能够读出符合ir 和ur发音规则的单词。难点:能根据已学的发音规则正确的读出小故事。






Step1:Warm up 1.T: Hello, boys and girls.Look, what time is it? S: It’s nine o’clock.T: Yes, it’s time for English class.Today each group has a clock.Show me your clock,please.This class if you do well, I will give you one hour.At last, we can see which group runs the fastest.Are you ready? 2.Enjoy a chant.说唱歌谣,复习辅音字母的发音。

These consonants are very useful to us.They can help us to spell some words today.3.Free talk T: What’s your English name? S1:My English name is….T:How many people are there in your family? S2:There are….T:What animal do you like? S3:I like….T:What food do you like? S4:I like….Now do you want to know more about me? Who want to ask me these questions? Hands up, please.(课件出示四个问题提示学生问问题),教师一一回答问题,并出示答案。


1.Lead-in T: I like hamburgers very much.Look, this is a hamburger.(出示汉堡图卡,板书hamburger.)Let’s watch about a hamburger.PPT出示一个hamburger被吃了几口的图。It’s eaten by a …S: A bird.I think the bird likes hamburgers, too.(出示小鸟图卡)看板书T: What do you see?

S:I see a hamburger and a bird.T:What’s wrong with the bird? Let’s watch a cartoon!2.Watch and answer T: What’s wrong with the bird? S: The bird is hurt.教读单词hurt,并领读句子The bird is hurt.T: The bird is hurt.Oh no.Who can help the bird?Maybe… S: The doctor, the nurse, the bird’s father…

T: Yes, I think all of us can help it, too.Look, a girl, a little girl helps the bird now.出示图卡并板书girl.T: Please take the bird to the nurse.教读并练习该句子。3.Listen and circle.T: Now let’s listen again.Then tell me Which sound can you hear the most? So good, let’s circle the words!师生一起说并圈出单词。4.Teach字母组合“ir”和“ur”的发音。

T:Look at the words in the circles, which letters do you see the most? S:I see ir and ur.T: Yes, girl and bird have the same letters ir.Nurse and hurt have the same letters ur.视频教读字母组合ir, ur,并指名读。T: Ir and ur have the same sound.S: /ɜ:/.5.Let’s spell T: Now let’s spell the words.G-ir-l, girl.B-ir-d, bird…指名拼读。PPT呈现串糖葫芦的方式进行拆音合音(girl, bird, hamburger, nurse.)。6.Let’s chant 师生一起边拍手便说唱,结束后,T: Look, a hamburger.It’s eaten by a bird.Oh no, the bird is hurt.A little girl takes the bird to the nurse.Step3:Practice 1.I can read 课件出示含有ir或ur 的新单词: fir

burn sir

turn bird

nurse girl

purple shirt

turtle dirt

purse 让学生小组展示读,可以齐读也可以接力读,一分钟的准备时间,师点名2-3组同学来展示。2.Let’s blend 通过flash制作的单词拼读游戏,巩固ir和ur在单词中的发音。3.Read, listen and circle.1)Let’s read.T: Please look at the screen.Who can read the words? Number1,… Now let’s listen and circle.2)Listen and circle.听录音,学生做题然后核对答案。4.Look, listen and write.(课本练习题)1)Look and say.T: Look at the picture.What do you see? S:I see a girl and her bird.A nurse and her hamburger.2)Listen and write.听录音,学生完成题目后师生一起核对答案。5.Let’s write T: Take out your notebook ,Listen to me and write down the words.Group leaders check your members’ answer.Then the group leaders check the answers and draw smiling faces or crying faces for them.活动结束后,师统计各组获得的笑脸数,根据笑脸数目分别奖励小组计时。

Step4: Production

1.Story time T: It’s our story time.The story title is“Purple purse”.First, please read by yourselves, and circle the words with ur or ir.听故事,圈出的单词。并用PPT核对答案.2.Group work T: OK, it’s your turn.Everyone can choose one picture, and read it in groups.3.Show time.T: It’s time for story show.Which group can read the story?

Step5:Summary 1.师生一起根据板书内容回忆本节课所学知识:ir/ur-/ɜ:/。2.Who’s the winner? 教师统计各个小组时钟的时间,评选出本节课的优胜小组并将积分加到课堂表现积分表上。


T: The homework is :Read the other story with your friends , and we will show the story next class.

第四篇:三下Unit3 Food PartA教学设计



Unit3 Food Part A






1、知识目标:学习单词:like, rice和hamburger, 并懂得运用;

学习句型:I like...2、技能目标:能听懂并说出所学食物的名称;

能使用I like...句型来表达自己的喜好。



1、学习并掌握单词:rice, hamburger, like.2、能准确使用I like...表达喜好。【教学难点】可数名词与不可数名词及可数名词单复数的正确区分及使用。


Step 1

Warming up1、Greetings.2、Sing the song “Happy Birthday to You!”

【设计意图】通过简单的师生对话及歌曲演唱,让学生在轻松愉悦的气氛中进入英语课堂,并由歌曲自然导入到新知识的学习。Step2 Lead-in and review


2、揭示并板书课题:Unit3 Food Part A 呈现Mimi图片,教师指着图片说:“This is my friend, Mimi.Today is Mimi’s birthday.Let’s say “Happy birthday!” to Mimi.Now, let’s go to Mimi’s birthday party.(呈现食物图片)Wow, so much food.”

【设计意图】由歌曲自然引入到Mimi的生日派对,从而复习所学的食物名词,结合食物图片很自然地引出课题Food, 直观易懂。Step3 Presentation


1、教学like及I like...复习食物环节时教师开始渗入“I like..”句型,如:教师边比动作边说“apple, apple, I like apples.”让学生初步感知like的意思,教学并板书I like。

2、教学rice, hamburger。

呈现新单词图片和卡片,用升降调、大小声等方式操练,并在单词教学中带入I like...句型,如:rice, rice, I like rice.做到词句不分家。


4、巩固新单词:游戏---快速抢答(教师出示单词图片,学生快速反应);小组chant比赛(Rice,rice, I like rice…)



1、翻开课文,教师提出:Who comes to Mimi’s birthday party?

2、教师播放课文录音,学生边听边看书,回答老师提出的第二个问题:What do they like?



5、巩固练习:完成课本第17页的Look and say: Draw a smiling face under the food you like and say “I like...”.【设计意图】利用直观教具循序渐进一步步引导学生掌握新词汇和句型,并让学生词不离句,词句并练,培养学生的语感,提高学生的综合语言运用能力。Step 4 Extention 综合活动:模仿Mimi介绍自己

Hello.My name is...I’m...(年龄)I like...(食物、动物、文具、颜色等)【设计意图】

通过此活动再次操练本课的重点句型“I like...”,并结合所学过的内容,培养学生说和写的能力,在前面知识输入的基础下进行输出练习。Step 5 Homework

1、Read the text.2、Finish the exercises on the English Activity Book.3、Make sentences with “I like...” as many as possible.【设计意图】恰当难度的作业能够帮助学生及时复习巩固所学知识,达到学习的最佳效果。【Writing Design】


Unit 4 My home Part A 第二课时教学设计

一、教学内容: 人教版小学英语PEP四年级上册第四单元Part A Let’s learn & Let’s do。



(1)能听、说、认读study,bathroom,bedroom,living room,kitchen等单词,并能在日常生活中运用。

(2)能在真实情境中运用 Where is...? Is she in the „? 来进行询问及做出相应回答Yes, she is/ No, she isn’t。

2、能力目标:能听懂Let’s do 中的指示语,并按照指令做出相应的动作。





四、教学准备: 多媒体课件、单词卡、图片。



1、Greeting.2、Sing a song, happy happy home.Step2、Lead-in

T: A friend invites us to her home.Do you know her?

1、T: Who is she? Ss: Amy.2、Let’s go to Amy’s home and have a look!Step3、Presentation

1、PPT shows the picture of Amy’s house.Welcome to my home!

2、(1)PPT shows the study.T: Where is it?

Ss:书房。T: study.(Teach the word with the picture.Pronounce the word.High and low voice.)T: Go to the study.Read a book.(Do the action.)(2)PPT shows the bathroom T: Is it a study?

Ss: No.T: It’s a bathroom.(Teach the word with the picture.Pronounce the word.High and low voice.)T: Go to the bathroom.Take a shower.(Do the actions.)

(3)PPT shows the bed.T: What’s this? Ss: bed.T: The bed is in the bedroom.PPT shows the bedroom.(Teach the word with the picture.Pronounce the word.High and low voice.)T: Go to the bedroom.Have a nap.(Do the action.)(4)PPT shows the TV and sofa.T: What are they? Ss: 电视和沙发。T: Where are they? Ss: 客厅。T: living room(Teach the word with the picture.Pronounce the word.High and low voice.)T: Go to the living room.Watch TV.(Do the action.)(5)T: I am very hungry.Where shall I go? Ss: 厨房。PPT shows the kitchen.(Teach the word with the picture.Pronounce the word.High and low voice.)T: Go to the kitchen.Have a snack.Step4、Practice

1、Play a game“Who has good eyes?”

2、Let’s do.T says orders, Ss do the actions.3、Play a game“What am I doing?”

4、Play a game “Where is Amy/Mike?” PPT shows the bedroom.T: Where is Amy? Is she in the bedroom? Ss: Yes, she is./ No, she isn’t.T: Where is Mike? Is he in the kitchen? Ss: Yes, he is./ No, he isn’t.„

5、Listen to the tape and answer the questions.Q: Where is Amy? Is she in the_____?


5、Consolidation & extension

1、Welcome to Miss Hu’s home!

2、Let’s talk.(Make dialogues with your partner.)A: Welcome to my home!B: Wow!It’s so big.A: Yes.Let’s play a game.B: OK.A: Guess.Where is _____? B: Is she/he in the_____? A: No, she/he isn’t.B: Is she/he in the_____? A: Yes, she/he is.3、East or west , home is the best!I love my home!


1.Copy the words for 5 times.(抄单词5遍)

2.Can you try?

Design a home you like best and introduce to your partners.(设计你喜欢的家的样子并向伙伴们介绍。)

Step7、Blackboard design

Unit 4 My home living room bedroom

kitchen bathroom


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下载Part A 教学设计2.doc


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    PEP小学英语第一册Unit 5 PartA教学设计案例

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    教学设计 1、 章节名称 高中《信息技术》6.1.3计算机病毒及预防 2、 教学目标 认知目标:让学生了解认识计算机病毒以及其带来的危害,并掌握防治计算机病毒的方法;了解常用的杀......


    人教版二年级数学下册——用除法解决问题教学设计与反思来源:无忧教学网发表时间:2009-7-7 10:18:31访问次数:11721 【学习内容】:教科书第54—55页例2、例3,练习十二的第1、2题......