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deliberately ad.故意,有意地91-6-48

deliberately ad.深思熟虑地,审慎地97-1-50

exclusively ad.仅仅地99-1-70

explicitly ad.明确地01-6-64

forcibly ad.强行地,有力地01-6-63

formerly ad.原先地,以前,从前96-1-57

increasingly ad.日益,越来越多地01-6-68

inevitably ad.必然地,不可避免地97-1-57

intentionally ad.有意地,故意地98-1-63

optimistically ad.乐观地00-6-46

outwardly ad.表面上,外表上地95-1-65

presumably ad.大概,可能,据推测99-1-64

simultaneously ad.同时发生地00-6-47

somewhat ad.颇为,稍稍,有几分96-1-59

spontaneously ad.自发地,自然产生地

startlingly ad.惊人地97-6-66

triumphantly ad.(欣喜)胜利地,成功地

unexpectedly ad.意外地89-1-70 93-1-68

virtually ad.事实上,实际地95-1-45


access n.入口,通路,接触97-1-47

accommodation n.住宿,膳宿94-1-47

acknowledgement n.承认,感谢,致谢

admiration n.欣赏94-1-52

advocate n.提倡者,拥护者97-1-42

allowance n.津贴93-6-50

ambition n.野心,雄心01-1-33

analogy n.相似,模拟,类比01-6-46

anticipation n.预期,期望93-1-44


appreciation n.感谢,感激97-1-68

array n.陈列,一系列99-6-52

assurance n.保证01-1-34

blame n.责任91-6-55

blunder n.错误,大错99-1-51

budget n.预算97-1-52 98-1-54

capability n.能力,才能96-6-61

cash n.现金90-1-48

circulation n.(书报等的)发行量97-6-70

commitment n.承诺,许诺99-6-58

compensation n.补偿,赔偿97-6-48

consideration n.考虑93-1-59

constitution n.组成,构成00-6-50

consultant n.顾问00-6-52

controversy n.争论,辩论01-1-32

damage n.损坏95-1-60

debate n.争论,辩论97-1-53

denial n.否认,否定,拒绝给与(正义,权利)

digest n.摘要,简编97-6-51

dilemma n.窘境,困境00-1-62

distinction n.区分,辨别99-6-53

emergency n.紧急情况93-6-42


encouragement n.鼓励90-1-69 98-6-43

essence n.本质01-1-41

estimate n.估计93-6-56

expenditure n.开支00-6-49

extinction n.灭绝00-1-70

fashion n.方式,样子00-1-61

flaw n.裂纹,瑕疵97-6-50

fortune n.财产,大笔的钱93-1-64

fraction n.小部分,一点98-6-61

fuse n.保险丝90-1-65

guarantee n.保修单93-6-69

guilt n.犯罪96-1-67

harmony n.与„„协调一致,和谐98-1-51

hospitality n.友好款待,好客99-6-49

humor n.情绪,心境93-1-49

illusion n.错觉,假象01-1-38

ingredient n.成分01-1-36

insight n.理解,洞察力93-1-61 99-1-57

inspection n.检查,视察98-6-55

instinct n.本能,直觉95-6-60

integrity n.正直,诚实99-1-53


intuition n.直觉00-1-60

intuition n.直觉99-1-56

lease n.租约,契约00-6-53

legislation n.立法,法律01-6-70

limitation n.局限性,缺点91-6-60

loyalty n.忠诚,忠心95-6-70

luxury n.奢侈,豪华98-1-55

manifestation n.表现(形式)97-6-69

mechanism n.机械装置00-6-55

minority n.少数97-6-53

misfortune n.不幸,灾难96-1-51

morality n.道德,美德96-6-43

notion n.概念,观念,理解98-6-60

obligation n(法律上或道义上的)责任

occasion n.场合89-1-56

opponent n.敌人,对手95-1-46

ornament n.装饰,装饰品01-1-35

participation n.参加,加入00-1-63

pastime n.消遣,娱乐98-6-49

pattern n.模式97-6-47

penalty n.制裁,惩罚98-1-52 99-1-50

pension n.养老金00-6-54


personality n.人格,人性96-6-52

pledge n.保证,誓言99-6-48

position n.位置,职位,职务95-6-59

predecessor n.前任,原有的事物01-6-44

premise n.前提,假设01-1-31

prescription n.处方98-1-49 01-6-41

preservation n.保护,防护95-1-53

prestige n.威信,威望99-6-50

priority n.优先(权)96-6-48

prospect n.前景,可能性89-1-62

rate n.速度95-1-66

ration n.比率90-1-57

recession n.(经济)衰退,不景气;撤退,退出

reflection n.反映,表现98-6-51 99-6-51

reputation n.名声,声望94-1-42

reservation n.贮存,贮藏98-6-67

reservation n.预订99-1-43

revenue n.税收,岁入99-1-58

rival n.竞争对手96-1-56

routine n.常规,惯例,例行公事90-1-47

scene n.景色,景象99-1-67

scorn n.轻蔑,鄙视89-1-61


shortage n.短缺,不足91-6-49

smash n.打碎,粉碎96-6-54

stability n.稳定(性),稳固96-1-62

stack n.堆,一堆95-6-61

standard n.标准89-1-47

surface n.表面96-1-66

temperament n.气质,性格99-6-47

threshold n.开端,入口00-1-64

tolerance n.容忍,忍耐力98-1-50

transaction n.处理,办理,交易98-6-56

transition n.过渡,转变01-1-37 01-6-42

trend n.倾向,趋势93-6-48

variation n.变化,变动94-1-61

warehouse n.货仓98-6-66

way n.方式90-1-68 “成千上万人疯狂下载。。。


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第一节 六级核心形容词

abnormal.不正常的 absurd.荒缪的abundant.丰富的 acute.敏锐的 锋利的aggressive.侵略的 好斗的 ambiguous.模棱两可的 模糊的ambitious.有雄心的 有抱负的 appropriate.合适的 恰当的authentic α.可靠的 可信的 average α.一般的 普通的barren α.贫瘠的 不毛的bound α.一定的chronic α.慢性的commentary α.实况报道

compact α.紧凑的 小巧的competitive α.竞争性的 具有竞争力的 compulsory a.强迫的,强制的,义务的

confidential a.机紧的,秘密的conservative a.保守的,传统的

consistent a.和……一致conspicuous a.显而易见的,引人注目的crucial a.关键的 current a.当前的current a.当前的 decent a.体面的,像样的,还不错的

delicate a.精细的,微妙的,精心处理的destructive a.毁灭的economic a.经济的elegant a.优雅的,优美的,精致的embarrassing a.令人尴尬的energetic a.精力充沛的 equivalent a.相等的

eternal a.永恒的,无休止的exclusive a.独有的,排他的extinct a.灭绝的 extinct a.灭绝的,绝种的fatal a.假的,冒充的 fatal a.致命的,毁灭性的feasible a.可行的feeble a.脆弱的,虚弱的gloomy a.暗淡的greasy a.油腻的identical a.相同的,一样imaginative a.富有想象力的,爱想象的 inaccessible a.可接近的,易使用的inadequate a.不充分的,不适当的incredible a.难以置信的indifference a.不关心的,冷漠的indignant a.生气的,愤怒的infectious a.传染的,传染性的inferior a.较次的,较劣的inferior a.地位较低的,较差的inherent a.固有的,生来的 inspirational a.灵感的intent a.专心的,专注的 intricate a.复杂精细的

intrinsic a.固有的,本质的,内在的irreplaceable a.不能替换的,不能代替的 literal a.文字的,字面的,逐字逐句的 massive a.大规模的,大量的 merciful a.仁慈的,宽大的mobile a.活动的,流动的naive a.言行自然而天真的,质朴的negligible a.可忽略的,微不足道的notorious a.臭名昭著的,声名狼藉的obedient a.服从的,顺从的obscure a.模糊不清的optimistic a.乐观的 original a.原先的,最早的pathetic a.悲哀的,悲惨的persistent a.坚持不懈的potential a.可能的,潜在的prevalent a.普遍的,流行的primitive a.原始的,早期的proficient a.熟练的,精通的profound a.深刻的,深远的prominent a.突出的,杰出的prompt a.即刻的,迅速的raw a.自然状态的,未加工的relevant a.与……有关的respectable a.可尊敬的

rewarding a.值得的 rough a.粗略的,不精确的rude a.粗鲁的,不礼貌的sensitive a.敏感的sheer a.完全的,十足的 shrewd a.精明的

stationary a.固定的subordinate a.次要的,从属的subtle a.微妙的,精巧的,细微的superficial a.肤浅的suspicious a.对……怀疑

tedious a.冗长的,乏味的trivial a.琐碎的,不重要的turbulent a.动荡的,混乱的underlying a.潜在的versatile a.多才多艺的vivid a.生动的,栩栩如生的void a.无效的vulnerable a.易受伤的worth a.值得

第二节 六级核心副词

deliberately ad.故意,有意地

deliberately ad.深思熟虑地,审慎地exclusively ad.仅仅地

explicitly ad.明确地 forcibly ad.强行地,有力地

formerly ad.原先地,以前,从前

increasingly ad.日益,越来越多地

inevitably ad.必然地,不可避免地intentionally ad.有意地,故意地

optimistically ad.乐观地outwardly ad.表面上,外表上地

presumably ad.大概,可能,据推测simultaneously ad.同时发生地

somewhat ad.颇为,稍稍,有几分 spontaneously ad.自发地,自然产生地 startlingly ad.惊人地

triumphantly ad.(欣喜)胜利地,成功地 unexpectedly ad.意外地

virtually ad.事实上,实际地

第三节 六级核心名词

access n.入口,通路,接触

accommodation n.住宿,膳宿

acknowledgement n.承认,感谢,致谢

admiration n.欣赏

advocate n.提倡者,拥护者

allowance n.津贴

ambition n.野心,雄心

analogy n.相似,模拟,类比

anticipation n.预期,期望

appreciation n.感谢,感激

array n.陈列,一系列

assurance n.保证

blame n.责任

blunder n.错误,大错

budget n.预算

capability n.能力,才能

cash n.现金

circulation n.(书报等的)发行量commitment n.承诺,许诺

compensation n.补偿,赔偿

consideration n.考虑

constitution n.组成,构成consultant n.顾问

controversy n.争论,辩论

damage n.损坏

debate n.争论,辩论

denial n.否认,否定,拒绝给与(正义,权利)digest n.摘要,简编

dilemma n.窘境,困境

distinction n.区分,辨别

emergency n.紧急情况

encouragement n.鼓励

essence n.本质

estimate n.估计

expenditure n.开支

extinction n.灭绝

fashion n.方式,样子

flaw n.裂纹,瑕疵

fortune n.财产,大笔的钱

fraction n.小部分,一点

fuse n.保险丝

guarantee n.保修单

guilt n.犯罪

harmony n.与……协调一致,和谐

hospitality n.友好款待,好客

humor n.情绪,心境 illusion n.错觉,假象

ingredient n.成分

insight n.理解,洞察力

inspection n.检查,视察

instinct n.本能,直觉

integrity n.正直,诚实

intuition n.直觉

intuition n.直觉

lease n.租约,契约 legislation n.立法,法律

limitation n.局限性,缺点

loyalty n.忠诚,忠心

luxury n.奢侈,豪华

manifestation n.表现(形式)

mechanism n.机械装置

minority n.少数

misfortune n.不幸,灾难

morality n.道德,美德

notion n.概念,观念,理解

obligation n(法律上或道义上的)责任

occasion n.场合

opponent n.敌人,对手

ornament n.装饰,装饰品

participation n.参加,加入

pastime n.消遣,娱乐

pattern n.模式

penalty n.制裁,惩罚

pension n.养老金

personality n.人格,人性

pledge n.保证,誓言

position n.位置,职位,职务

predecessor n.前任,原有的事物

premise n.前提,假设

prescription n.处方

preservation n.保护,防护

prestige n.威信,威望

priority n.优先(权)

prospect n.前景,可能性

rate n.速度

ration n.比率

recession n.(经济)衰退,不景气;撤退,退出 reflection n.反映,表现

reputation n.名声,声望

reservation n.贮存,贮藏

reservation n.预订

revenue n.税收,岁入

rival n.竞争对手

routine n.常规,惯例,例行公事

scene n.景色,景象

scorn n.轻蔑,鄙视

shortage n.短缺,不足

smash n.打碎,粉碎

stability n.稳定(性),稳固

stack n.堆,一堆

standard n.标准

surface n.表面

temperament n.气质,性格

threshold n.开端,入口

tolerance n.容忍,忍耐力

transaction n.处理,办理,交易

transition n.过渡,转变

trend n.倾向,趋势

variation n.变化,变动

warehouse n.货仓

way n.方式 第四节 六级核心动词

abandon v.抛弃,放弃

acknowledge v.对……表示谢忱,报偿 acquaint v.熟悉,认识acquire v.(靠自己的能力、努力或行为)获得,得到afford v.付得起

allege v.断言,宣称

alternate v.交替,轮流

anticipate v.预期

applaud v.赞扬,称赞

ascend v.上升,攀登

ascribe v.归因于,归功于

assemble v.集合,聚集

assign v.分派,指派(职务,任务)

attribute v.归因于

base v.建立在……的基础上

bewilder v.迷惑,弄糊涂

breed v.培育,养育

cling v.坚守,抱紧

coincide v.相同,相一致

collaborate v.合著,合作

collide v.互撞,碰撞

commence v.开始

compensate v.补偿,赔偿

complement v.与……结合,补充

comply v.遵守

conceive v.想出,设想

concern v.涉及

condense v.压缩,浓缩

conflict v.冲突,战争

conform v.符合,遵守,适应

confront v.面对,面临

conserve v.保护,保存

consolidate v.巩固

convey v.表达,传达

crash v.(飞机)坠毁

cruise v.航行,漫游

dazzle v.使眩目,耀眼

deceive v.欺骗,哄骗

decline v.下降,减少

dedicate v.奉献,献身,致力于

defend v.为……辩护

defy v.违抗,藐视

deny v.否认

deprive v.剥夺

derive v.得来,得到

descend v.下落

descend v.下来,下去

deserve v.值得

deviate v.(使)背离,(使)偏离

disguise v.假扮,伪装

dominate v.统治,占据

drain v.渐渐耗尽

duplicate v.复制,重复

eliminate v.消除

endure v.忍受,忍耐

enhance v.提高,增加

enhance v.提高

enroll v.使成为……的成员,注册

evoke v.引起,唤起

exclaim v.呼喊,欢呼

expire v.到期,期满

explore v.探险,探索

flap v.(鸟)振翅(飞行)

follow v.遵从 furnish v.配备,装饰

gaze v.凝视,注视

gear v.使适应,使适合grieve v.使伤心,使悲伤

hamper v.妨碍,限制

haul v.拖,拉

hinder v.阻碍,妨害

hoist v.举起,升起,吊起

identify v.认出,确认

ignite v.引燃

immerse v.使浸没

impose v.把……强加于

induce v.劝诱,诱导

indulge v.纵容,放任

intend v.意欲

interpret v.解释,说明

jeopardize v.危及,损坏

linger v.逗留,徘徊,留恋;迟缓,拖延

locate v.位于

magnify v.放大

mean v.打算,意欲

mingle v.混合起来,相混合 minimize v.对……做最低估计

monitor v.检测,监测

neglect v.忽视

occupy v.占领,使忙碌

oppress v.压迫

originate v.首创,起源

overlap v.部分重叠

overwhelm v.压倒,浸没,使不安

parade v.游行

permeate v.渗入,渗透

prescribe v.处方,开药

preside v.主持

prolong v.延长,拖延

promise v.许诺

propel v.推进,推动

protest v.抗议,反对

provoke v.引起,激起

radiate v.辐射状发出,从中心向各方伸展出

reconcile v.使和好,调解

refresh v.提神,使清新

refute v.证明……不对(是错误的),驳诉remain v.停留,依旧是

repel v.抗御,抵拒

rescue v.营救,救援

resign v.辞职

resort v.求助,凭借,诉诸

resume v.重新开始,继续

revenge v.报仇,报复

scan v.细察,审视

scrape v.剥下,刮下

scratch v.抓,搔

shrink v.收缩,减少

standardize v.使标准化

steer v.驾驶,引导

strengthen v.加强,使更强壮

stretch v.伸展

subscribe v.预订,订阅

suck v.(用嘴)吸,吞噬,卷入

suppress v.镇压

sustain v.承受

tackle v.解决,处理

tempt v.引诱,劝诱 tempt v.引诱,劝诱

terminate v.终止,结束

transmit v.传播,传递

verify v.证实,证明

view v.视为,看做

wreck v.(船只)失事






abandon v.抛弃,放弃93-1-43

acknowledge v.对„„表示谢忱,报偿

acquaint v.熟悉,认识98-6-64 01-6-48

acquire v.(靠自己的能力、努力或行为)获得,得到98-6-52

afford v.付得起98-1-48

allege v.断言,宣称00-6-61

alternate v.交替,轮流90-1-51

anticipate v.预期00-1-41

applaud v.赞扬,称赞96-1-42

ascend v.上升,攀登98-6-59

ascribe v.归因于,归功于00-1-51

assemble v.集合,聚集97-6-62

assign v.分派,指派(职务,任务)90-1-59

attribute v.归因于91-6-69 93-1-53

base v.建立在„„的基础上91-6-64

bewilder v.迷惑,弄糊涂98-6-48 01-6-49

breed v.培育,养育98-1-53

cling v.坚守,抱紧97-1-48


coincide v.相同,相一致91-6-58

collaborate v.合著,合作98-6-54

collide v.互撞,碰撞97-1-63

commence v.开始95-1-57 99-1-41

compensate v.补偿,赔偿00-6-69 98-1-43

complement v.与„„结合,补充98-6-46

comply v.遵守95-6-57 98-1-44 99-6-32

conceive v.想出,设想96-6-56 00-1-52

concern v.涉及90-1-60

condense v.压缩,浓缩97-1-62

conflict v.冲突,战争99-1-47

conform v.符合,遵守,适应00-6-63 01-1-54

confront v.面对,面临96-6-54

conserve v.保护,保存01-1-58

consolidate v.巩固99-6-35

convey v.表达,传达93-6-65 96-6-50

crash v.(飞机)坠毁96-1-50

cruise v.航行,漫游99-1-48

dazzle v.使眩目,耀眼01-1-59

deceive v.欺骗,哄骗96-1-45

decline v.下降,减少97-6-57


dedicate v.奉献,献身,致力于98-6-63

defend v.为„„辩护00-1-65

defy v.违抗,藐视01-1-56

deny v.否认96-1-41

deprive v.剥夺97-1-45 00-6-57 01-1-51

derive v.得来,得到94-1-62

descend v.下落91-6-54

descend v.下来,下去97-1-43

deserve v.值得93-1-57

deviate v.(使)背离,(使)偏离01-6-54

disguise v.假扮,伪装00-1-44

dominate v.统治,占据00-6-70 96-6-46

drain v.渐渐耗尽00-6-56

duplicate v.复制,重复97-6-59

eliminate v.消除91-6-70

endure v.忍受,忍耐94-1-55

enhance v.提高,增加01-1-53

enhance v.提高97-6-58

enroll v.使成为„„的成员,注册01-6-47

evoke v.引起,唤起99-6-31

exclaim v.呼喊,欢呼94-1-65

expire v.到期,期满99-6-37


explore v.探险,探索96-1-65

flap v.(鸟)振翅(飞行)00-6-64

follow v.遵从93-6-45

furnish v.配备,装饰97-6-61 01-6-53

gaze v.凝视,注视97-1-58

gear v.使适应,使适合00-6-59

grieve v.使伤心,使悲伤01-6-55

hamper v.妨碍,限制97-6-63 01-1-52

haul v.拖,拉00-1-49

hinder v.阻碍,妨害98-1-41

hoist v.举起,升起,吊起99-1-61

identify v.认出,确认94-1-69 99-1-55

ignite v.引燃95-1-67 99-6-36

immerse v.使浸没01-6-51

impose v.把„„强加于89-1-57 93-6-67

induce v.劝诱,诱导99-1-69

indulge v.纵容,放任97-1-46

intend v.意欲94-1-53

interpret v.解释,说明95-6-55

jeopardize v.危及,损坏00-6-65

linger v.逗留,徘徊,留恋;迟缓,拖延

locate v.位于95-1-50


magnify v.放大91-6-67

mean v.打算,意欲93-6-43

mingle v.混合起来,相混合00-1-53 00-6-62

minimize v.对„„做最低估计99-1-46

monitor v.检测,监测99-6-59

neglect v.忽视97-6-64

occupy v.占领,使忙碌98-6-44

oppress v.压迫00-6-58

originate v.首创,起源95-6-56

overlap v.部分重叠00-6-66

overwhelm v.压倒,浸没,使不安97-1-59

parade v.游行95-1-43

permeate v.渗入,渗透99-1-68

prescribe v.处方,开药95-6-68

preside v.主持98-6-69

prolong v.延长,拖延94-1-59

promise v.许诺93-6-41

propel v.推进,推动00-1-46

protest v.抗议,反对95-1-56

provoke v.引起,激起00-6-60

radiate v.辐射状发出,从中心向各方伸展出

reconcile v.使和好,调解95-1-59 99-6-34


refresh v.提神,使清新94-1-49

refute v.证明„„不对(是错误的),驳诉

remain v.停留,依旧是94-1-56

repel v.抗御,抵拒97-6-60

rescue v.营救,救援89-1-53

resign v.辞职93-1-63

resort v.求助,凭借,诉诸98-6-53

resume v.重新开始,继续95-1-70

revenge v.报仇,报复00-1-48

scan v.细察,审视98-1-45

scrape v.剥下,刮下00-1-50

scratch v.抓,搔01-1-55

shrink v.收缩,减少99-1-45

standardize v.使标准化95-6-53 99-1-52

steer v.驾驶,引导98-1-69

strengthen v.加强,使更强壮97-1-44

stretch v.伸展00-1-47

subscribe v.预订,订阅01-6-52

suck v.(用嘴)吸,吞噬,卷入98-1-42

suppress v.镇压99-6-33

sustain v.承受91-6-59

tackle v.解决,处理96-1-53


tempt v.引诱,劝诱97-1-57

tempt v.引诱,劝诱98-1-47

terminate v.终止,结束98-6-45 01-6-50

transmit v.传播,传递95-6-69

verify v.证实,证明94-1-46

view v.视为,看做93-6-53

wreck v.(船只)失事93-6-44 “成千上万人疯狂下载。。。


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100.If the fire alarm is sounded, all residents are requested to ____ in the courtyard.(97.6.62)

A)assemble B)converge C)crowd D)accumulate

A)[考点] 动词辨异。所填单词应该是表示“集合”的意思。A)assemble集合,聚集,收集;assemble evidence 收集证据;B)converge(指线条、运动的物体等)会合,集中(于一点);converge 强调朝一点汇合,在本题中没有assemble 恰当;C)crowd群集,拥挤;D)accumulate积累,积聚; accumulate funds 积累资金。

[译文] 如果火警响了,所以的居民被要求到院子里集合。

101.Now the cheers and applause _____ in a single sustained roar.(00.1.53)

A)mingled B)concentrated C)assembled D)permeated

A)[考点] 动词辨异。根据句意,空格处应该填一个表示“混合、汇成”的意思的词。A)mingle 混合,相混;mingle in 混合成;mingle with 和„混合;C)assemble 集合,聚集,装配;A)和C)极易搞混,assemble 不能与“声音”搭配;B)concentrate(on)集中,浓缩;D)permeate 弥漫,渗透,透过。

[译文] 此刻欢呼声和掌声汇成一片经久不息的喧嚣。

102.Although the colonists _____ to some extent with the native Americans, the Indians’ influence on American culture and language was not extensive.(00.6.62)

A)migrated B)matched C)mingled D)melted

C)[考点] 动词辩异。本题还考查了介词with搭配,to some extent 是插入语。C)mingle(with/ in)(使)混合,溶入;A)migrate(to)迁徙,移居;B)match(with)相比, 匹配;D)melt(使)融化,(使)熔化。

[译文] 虽然在一定程度上殖民者已与土著人相混合,但印第安人对美国文化及语言的影响并不广泛。

103.After four years in the same job his enthusiasm finally _____.(00.6.56)

A)deteriorated B)dispersed C)dissipated D)drained

C)[考点] 动词辩异。本题考查名词和动词搭配,也就是寻找和enthusiasm搭配的最合适的动词。C)dissipate(情感)消失,消散,消耗;构成最强干扰的是D)drain(感觉、情感)逐渐消失,耗尽,减少,排水,流干;C)和D)都可以作不及物动词,意思也非常接近,但是drain有逐渐消失的意思(progressively, gradually)如:He felt his enthusiasm draining.他感到他的热情渐渐消失。本题中如果没有finally,那么C)和D)都可以,因为finally表示一种最终的状态,所以C)更好。A)deteriorate(使)恶化,变坏;B)disperse(使)分散,散开。disperse knowledge 传播知识

[译文] 在同样的一份工作上干了四年后,他的热情最终慢慢消失了。

104.His career was not noticeably _____ by the fact that he had never been to college.(98.1.41)

A)prevented B)restrained C)hindered D)refrained

C)[考点] 动词辨异。本题要求在几个意思相近,但是内涵不同的动词之间作出辨析。C)hinder 妨碍,阻碍;hinder可以妨碍某事的进行,也可以妨碍sth / sb;A)prevent防止, 预防;(常与from连用)阻止;制止;妨碍;prevent意为“妨 在线学英语 体验请申请:

碍”的时候,指的是妨碍某事的进行。本题是某人的“事业(sth.)”没有被妨碍,所以说只能用hinder。B)restrain抑制, 制止;restrain oneself 克制自己;D)refrain(与from连用)抑制;自制;避免;refrain from doing sth.抑制、避免干某事。

[译文] 他的事业没有因为他从未上过大学而受到明显的妨碍。

108.The automatic doors in supermarkets _____ the entry and exit of customers with shopping carts.(01.6.53)

A)furnish B)induced C)facilitate D)allocate

C[考点] 动词辨异。本题错误率很高,一些书上也选A)furnish 布置,供应,提供.。C)facilitate 使变得(更)容易,使便利;facilitate sth 方便某事。本题中facilitate的宾语是entry and exit。B)induce 引诱,引起,导致;induce sb.to do sth.劝导某人做某事;D)allocate 分配,分派,把...拨给。

[译文] 超市里的自动门方便了推着购物车的顾客的进出。

108.The work in the office was _____ by a constant stream of visitors.(97.6.63)

A)confused B)hampered C)reversed D)perplexed

B)[考点] 动词辨异。本题所填单词要求能和work 搭配,表示“妨碍工作”的意思;B)hampered妨碍, 阻碍,牵制(行动,活动,工作等);A)confused使糊涂;C)reversed颠倒;reverse an order颠倒次序;D)perplexed使困惑、使费解。

[译文] 络绎不绝的来访者妨碍了办公室的工作。

Hill slopes are cleared of forests to make way for crops, but this only _____ the crisis.(03.1.68)

A)accelerates B)prevails C)ascends D)precedes

A)[考点] 动词辩异。此题意为山坡上的森林被砍伐掉种粮食,期待有好的结果,但是(but)这却加速了危机。accelerate the crisis 是一固定搭配

。precede vi.在前面, 领先, 居先,用在此题意思不符合。B)prevail流行, 盛行, 获胜;(常与against, over连用);C)ascend.攀登, 上升。


108.The commission would find itself _____ at every turn if its members couldn’t reach an agreement.(02.6.53)

A)collided B)savaged C)crumbled D)hampered

D)[考点] 动词辨异。本题考查考生是否能从条件句(if)提供的线索找到合适的词。如果大家意见不一,某个集体的行动会受到什么样的影响呢?D)hamper 妨碍,束缚,限制,牵制;A)collide(with)碰撞,冲突,抵触;B)savage v.(狗等)乱咬,激烈抨击;adj.残暴的,凶猛的,野蛮的;C)crumble vt.弄碎;vi.崩溃,瓦解。

[译文] 如果它的成员不能达成一致, 委员会就会发现行动处处受到牵制。

109.Small farms and the lack of modern technology have _____ agricultural production.(01.1.52)

A)blundered B)tangled C)bewildered D)hampered

D)[考点] 动词辨异。D)hampered妨碍,束缚,限制;A)blundered跌跌撞撞地走,犯错误;B)tangled(使)缠结,(使)乱作一团; C)bewildered使迷惑,难住。


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110.The morning news says a school bus _____ with a train at the junction and a group of policemen were sent there immediately.(97.1.63)

A)bumped B)collided C)crashed D)struck

B)[考点] 动词辨异。本题所填单词要和with搭配,表示“相撞”之意,只有B)符合条件。B)collide(with)碰撞,抵触;所撞物体通常都处于运动状态;A)bump(against / on / into)撞,碰,撞击;C)crash(into)碰撞, 坠落, 坠毁;通常指飞机、汽车撞到地面、墙、树、建筑物等静止的物体;D)strike vt.打,击,打击,敲。

[译文] 早间新闻说一辆校车和一列火车在交叉路口相撞,一群警察被立即派往那里。

111.Mary once _____ with another musician to compose a piece of pop music.(98.6.54)

A)merged B)collaborated C)coincided D)constituted

B)[考点] 动词辨异。本题考查和with 搭配的单词。根据题意,所填单词应该是表示“合作”的意思。B)collaborate(with)与„合作,勾结;A)merge(使)合并;(into)融入,融合;C)coincide(with)与...一致, 相同,相符合;D)constitute 构成,组成。

[译文] 玛丽曾经和另外一个音乐家合作创作了一首流行乐曲。

112.There was once a town in this country where all life seemed to live in _____ with its surroundings.(98.1.51)

A)coincidence B)harmony C)uniform D)alliance

D)[考点] 名词辨异。线索词“生命”和“环境”暗示所填词表示“和谐相处”的意思。B)harmony协调, 融洽, 和谐;in harmony with 与„ 协调,和谐;A)coincidence 一致,巧合,巧合的事;by coincidence 碰巧,由于巧合;C)uniform adj.统一的, 相同的, 一致的;n.制服;D)alliance联盟, 联合;in alliance with 与„联盟, 联合。

[译文] 那个国家曾经有一个小镇,在那儿所有的生命都和其周围的环境相处和谐。

113.He was looking admiringly at the photograph published by Collins in _____ with the Imperial Museum.(03.1.42)

A)collection B)connection C)collaboration D)combination

C)[考点] 短语辩异。In collaboration with 与„合作、协作,尤指创作与生产。本题中的photograph是一种创作,符合语境。In connection with 与„有关;无in collection with搭配;in combination with 与..结合、联合。


114.This new laser printer is _____ with all leading software.(03.1.50)

A)comparable B)competitive C)compatible D)cooperative

C)[考点] 形容词辩异。本题考点在2001年6月58题考过,所填单词需要与with 搭配;A)和C)形成近形干扰。C)compatible(with)与..一致,兼容的;A)comparable可相比(with);比得上的(to);类似的。B)competitive竞争的, 有竞争力的(价格);D)cooperative合作的, 协力的。


115.What you say now is not _____ with what you said last week.(02.6.49)

A)consistent B)persistent C)permanent D)insistent

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A)[考点] 形容词辨异。本题考查形近词-sistent辨析,和固定搭配。只有A)可以和with搭配。A)consistent(with)一致的,符合的,坚持的,一贯的。B)persistent 坚持不懈的,持续的;D)insistent 坚持的,不容反对或拒绝的。C)permanent 永久的,持久的,固定的。

[译文] 你现在所说的与你上星期所说的不一致。

116.Being impatient is _____ with being a good teacher.(01.6.58)

A)intrinsic B)ingenious C)incompatible D)inherent

C)[考点] 形容词辩异。本题考查了短语be incompatible with sth 与某物不相容的,矛盾的。C)incompatible 不相容的、矛盾的,不调和的;A)intrinsic(价值)内在的、固有的、本质的;B)ingenious(人)机灵的,有独创性的,(物)精制的,精巧的;D)inherent 固有的、内在的。四个选项都是六级重点单词。

[译文] 缺乏耐心是和成为一个好老师不相容的。

117.The helicopter _____ a light plane and both pilots were killed.(01.1.57)

A)coincided with B)stumbled on C)tumbled to D)collided with

D)[考点] 短语辨异。干扰项coincide with与 collide with词形相近。D)collided with与„碰撞,冲突,抵触;A)coincided with同时发生,巧合,一致; B)stumbled on偶然遇到,碰巧找到;

C)tumbled to(突然)明白,领悟。


118.When you put up wallpaper, should you _____ the edges or put them next to each other?(00.6.66)

A)coincide B)extend C)overlap D)collide

C)[考点] 动词辩异。A)和 D)构成形近干扰,A)和 C)近义干扰。C)overlap(与...)交迭, 部分重叠。A)coincide位置重合,(几乎全部)重叠,一致, 巧合。本题中只是将边缘(edges)重叠,故不能选A);D)collide 碰撞,相撞;B)extend 延伸,伸展。

[译文] 你贴墙纸时,是将边缘相互重叠呢还是紧挨着?

119.If the world is to remain peaceful the utmost effort must be made by nations to limit local _____.(99.1.47)

A)collisions B)combats C)contradictions D)conflicts

D)[考点] 名词辨异。考查了常见固定搭配regional conflicts 局部战争。D)conflicts(尤指长期的)战斗,战争,冲突;C)combats战斗,(尤指信仰、思想、党派间的)斗争,格斗;A)collisions(利益、意见、思想的)冲突,抵触,碰撞;C)contradictions 否认,反驳,矛盾说法,抵触行动。

[译文] 要维护世界和平,各国就必须尽最大努力限制局部战争。

120.The jobs of wildlife technicians and biologists seemed _____ to him, but one day he discovered their difference.(01.6.67)

A)identical B)vertical C)parallel D)specific

A)[考点] 形容词辨异。本题考查后面跟to的形容词。A)和C)都可以。But 暗示了空格处填的是后面difference的反义词。A)identical 相同的,同一的,同样的;C)parallel平行的,类似的,并列的;B)vertical 垂直的,直立的。D)specific 明确的、具体的、特定的。

[译文] 野生动物技师和生物学家的工作对他来说曾经是一样的,但有 在线学英语 体验请申请:


121.The insurance company paid him $ 10,000 in _____ after his accident.(97.6 48)

A)compensation B)installment C)substitution D)commission

A)[考点] 名词辨异。本题所填词汇,与in构成介词短语,作句子状语。根据线索词The insurance company, 所填单词应该是“赔偿”的意思。A)compensation赔偿,补偿;in compensation 以作补偿;B)installment(分期付款的)一期付款;pay monthly installments按月付款;pay for sth.by / in monthly installments按月分期付款购买某物。C)substitution替代、代用品;in substitution for 代替;D)commission委托、佣金;in commission 可使用,在使用中。

[译文] 事故之后,保险公司支付给他一万美元作为赔偿。

122.We couldn’t really afford to buy a house so we got it on hire purchases and paid monthly _____.(02.6.59)

A)investments B)requirements C)arrangements D)installments

D)[考点] 名词辨异。本题考查了表示“分期付款”的固定说法。A)installment(分期付款的)一期付款;pay monthly installments按月付款;pay for sth.by monthly installments按月分期付款购买某物。很多考生选A)investment 投资,是因为不熟悉英文中的常见固定说法;B)requirement 需求,要求,必要条件;C)arrangement 排列,安排。

[译文] 我们真买不起这套房子, 所以只好分期付款购买, 按月付款。

123.The town planning commission said that their financial outlook for the next year was optimistic.They expect increased tax _____.(99.1 58)

A)efficiency B)&n4bsp;revenues C)privileges D)validity

B)[考点] 名词辨异。本题考查和tax搭配的单词。B)revenues 收入,税收,收益;annual revenue 岁入, 全年收入额;A)efficiency效率, 功效;C)privileges 特权,特别待遇,基本人权;an exclusive privilege专有特权;D)validity有效性, 合法性, 正确性。

[译文] 这个城镇的计划委员会说他们对明年的经济前景保持乐观。他们预期税收收入将增加。

124.Whether you live to eat or eat to live, food is a major _____ in every family’s budget.(00.6.49)

A)nutrition B)expenditure C)routine D)provision

48.B)[考点] 名词辩异。本题考查在本句话的语境中和major搭配的词。Budget是线索词,决定了空格处只能填B)expenditure 开支、支出、花费;administrative expenditure行政开支;A)nutrition 营养;C)routine 常规、日常事务;D)provision 条款、供应。the provisions of lease租借条款

[译文] 不管你是为了吃而活,还是为了活而吃,食物都是每一个家庭预算中的一笔重要开支。

125.The elderly Russians find it hard to live on their state ____.(00.6.54)

A)pensions B)earnings C)salaries D)donations

49.A)[考点] 名词辩异。本题考查根据上下文寻找最佳搭配的问题。Elderly Russians(老年俄罗斯人)和state(国家)决定了答案为A)pensions 退休金,养老金;B)earnings 工资,所得;C)salaries 薪水;annual salary年薪;D)donations 捐赠品,捐款。

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[译文] 老年俄罗斯人发现仅靠国家的养老金生活很艰难。

126.The price of the coal will vary according to how far it has to be transported and how expensive the freight _____ are.(02.1 45)

A)payments B)charges C)funds D)prices

B)[考点] 名词辨异。freight货物、货运, 我们要填的词和freight构成搭配关系。D)charges价钱、费用。freight charges 是货运费的意思。再如service charges 服务费;A)payments 支付、付款;advance payment 预付, 预付款项;C)funds 基金、专款;circulating fund流动资金;D)price 价格、代价

[译文] 煤的价格因运输距离的远近和运费的贵贱而波动。

127.The court considers a financial _____ to be an appropriate way of punishing him.(98.1.52)

A)payment B)obligation C)option D)penalty

D)[考点] 名词辨异。本题考查和financial 搭配的名词。Punishing him 是线索词,决定了空格处要填表示惩罚的单词。D)penalty 处罚,罚款;A)payment付款, 支付, 报酬;payment on account 分期偿还;B)obligation义务, 职责, 债务;C)option.选项, 选择权;have no option but to(do)除了...以外没有他法, 只好;stock option职工优先认股权

[译文] 法庭认为经济处罚是惩罚他的合适方式。



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63.All individuals are required to _____ the laws made by their government.(99.1.54)

A)obey B)conform C)concede D)observe

B)[考点] 动词辨异。本题要求在A)、B)、D)区分。空格后跟to, 那么只有B)符合。B)conform(to)符合,遵守;A)obey 服从,遵守;C)concede 承认,退让,容许;D)observe.观察, 观测, 遵守, 评述。

[译文] 每个人都被要求遵守政府制定的法律。

64.Both parties promised to _____ the contract to be signed the following days.(98.6.70)

A)keep with B)tangle with C)adhere to D)devote to

C)[考点] 短语辨异。本题要填表示“遵守”的短语和contract搭配。A)keep with 无此搭配;B)tangle with 与„打架,纠缠。C)adhere to 遵守,坚持;D)devote to 献身于„;奉献。

[译文] 双方都承诺遵守第二天即将签署的合同。

65.All visitors are requested to _____ with the regulations.(98.1.44)

A)comply B)agree C)assist D)consent

A)[考点] 动词辨异。所填单词必须要能和with连用,也the regulation构成动宾搭配。此题只有A)符合条件。A)comply(with)答应, 遵守;B)agree(with)同意,赞成;C)assist援助, 帮助;D)consent同意, 赞成, 允诺。

[译文] 所有访客部被要求遵守规章制度。

66.The vast majority of people in any given culture will _____ to the established standards of that culture.(98.1.46)

A)confine B)conform C)confront D)confirm

B)[考点] 动词辨异。所填意思表示“遵守”,并和to 连用。六级常考B)和D)的形近词辨析。B)conform遵守,符合(to / with);A)confine(to)限制,限于„范围内;C)confront 使面临、面对;D)confirm 确认,证实。

[译文] 在任何一个既定的文化中,绝大部分人都得遵守那个文化已经确立的准则。

67.As visiting scholars, they willingly _____ to the customs of the country they live in.(03.1.60)

A)submit B)conform C)subject D)commit

B)[考点] 动词辩异。本题为六级传统核心考点。考查后接to, 并且与the customs搭配,表示遵守的单词。B)conform(to)遵守,顺从;A)submit(to)服从,顺从(屈服、服从于别人的意志或权威),与本题内涵不符合。C)subject(to)经历, 遭受, 屈从;D)commit犯(错误,罪行), 干(坏事), 委托(to), 对...作出保证; 承诺;commit to memory记住, 牢记。


68.More than 85 percent of French Canada’s population speaks French as a mother tongue and _____ to the Roman Catholic faith.(03.1.61)

A)caters B)adheres C)ascribes D)subscribes

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B)[考点] 动词辩异。本题为六级传统核心考点。考查后接to, 并且与the Roman Catholic faith搭配,表示坚信, 忠于的单词。B)adhere(to)坚持;坚信;忠于;A)cater(to)迎合,满足;C)ascribe(to)归因于, 归咎于;D)subscribe(to)订阅,赞成,同意。61、62题实际上都考查了后接to的六级重点单词。对于用法一样但是意思不同的单词,考生要注意根据上下文辨别。


69.All the students have to _____ to the rules and regulations of the school.(01.1.54)

A)confirm B)confront C)confine D)conform

D)[考点] 动词辨异、搭配。干扰项confirm。D)conform遵守,适应,一致,conform to遵守,适应,符合;A)confirm证实,确认,批准;B)confront遭遇,正视;C)confine限制,禁闭。


70.In some countries, students are expected to be quiet and _____ in the classroom.(01.1.47)

A)skeptical B)faithful C)obedient D)subsidiary

C)[考点] 形容词辨异。and前后的词在词意上必须相关、近义。Quiet是安静的意思,只有C符合。C)obedient服从的,顺从的;A)skeptical表示怀疑的;B)faithful忠诚的,尽职的 〖考〗be faithful to对„忠实;D)subsidiary辅助的,次要的。


71.As soon as the boy was able to earn his own living he _____ his parents’ strict rules.(01.1.56)

A)defied B)refuted C)excluded D)vetoed

A)[考点] 动词辨异。A)defied(公然)违抗,藐视,使不可能;&nbs

;B)refuted驳斥,驳倒; C)excluded(from)把„排斥在外,不包括;D)voted投票,表决。


75.Sadly, the Giant Panda is one of the many species now in danger of _____.(00.1.70)

A)extinction B)migration C)destruction D)extraction

A)[考点] 名词辨异。in danger of 后面的词一般来说是带有否定意味,不好的意思的词。四个选项中唯有A)符合。A)和D)是形近词。A)extinction 灭绝,消失;D)extraction 抽出,取出。B)migration 移民,迁移;C)destruction 破坏,毁灭。和A)是近义词,但是表示物种的灭绝只能用extinction。

[译文] 不幸的是,大熊猫是许多濒于灭绝危险的物种之一。

76.If nothing is done to protect their environment, millions of species that are alive today will have become _____.(01.1.40)

A)deteriorated B)degenerated C)suppressed D)extinct

D)[考点] 形容词辨异。本题If引导了一个条件句,决定了后面所填的词必定和此相关。D)extinct灭绝的,绝种的,破灭了的;其它选项由动词转化而来A)deteriorate 恶化,变坏; B)degenerate 衰退,堕落,蜕化; C)suppress 压制,在线学英语 体验请申请:



77.Many types of rock are _____ from volcanoes as solid, fragmentary material(03.1.53)

A)flung B)propelled C)ejected D)injected

C)[考点] 动词辩异。火山爆发是把熔岩喷出、喷射出(eject)火山口, A)flung 扔,投,抛 , 主语一般是人。构成近形干扰的是D)injected注射, 注入;B)propelled推进, 驱使;be propelled by steam。由蒸汽推进。


78.Certain species disappeared or became _____ as new forms arose that were better adapted to the Earth’s changing environment.(99.6.40)

A)feeble B)extinct C)massive D)extinguished

B [考点] 形容词辨异。As是一个因果线索词,空格处的单词被as后的内容所暗示,另外也和disappear 意思差不多。B)extinct 灭绝的,绝种的,耗尽的;A)feeble(人)虚弱的, 衰弱的, 无力的,(信号)微弱的;C)massive 厚重的,大量的;massive entry 大量进入。D)extinguished 熄灭(火),使(希望等)消失、破灭;extinguish a fire灭火;extinguish one’s faith / hope 使某人的信念 / 希望破灭。

[译文] 由于一些能更好地适应地球变化的环境的新的生命形式的产生,某些物种消失或灭绝了。

79.Astronauts are _____ all kinds of tests before they are actually sent up in a spacecraft.(02.6.67)

A)inclined to B)subjected to C)prone to D)bound to

B)[考点] 动词、形容词辨异。本题为极重要考点,考查后面跟 to 的动词和形容词。tests为本题的语义线索词,所填词必须能和tests搭配。B)subjected to 使经受,遭受,服从;be subjected to tests经受测试。A)inclined to欲„的,想„的, 倾向于„的;C)prone to 易于„的,很可能„的;D)bound to 准备到„ 去的,一定的,必然的。

[译文] 宇航员在真正被送上宇宙飞船之前需要经受各种各样的测试。

80.When supply exceeds demand for any product, prices are _____ to fall.(03.1.46)

A)timely B)simultaneously C)subject D)liable

D)[考点] 形容词辩异。此题需要填一个表示在供给超过需求的时候,价格有可能下降的意思的词。Fall作名词时是可数的,所以此处是动词。Subject在此处是形容词, 有个用法为be subject to sth.,表示倾向某事物,有„可能;而liable的用法有:liable to sth 有可能遭到某事;liable to do sth有做某事的倾向。所以subject和liable有时虽然意思相似,但是在此题fall为动词的情况下,应该选D)。A)timely 及时的, 适时的;B)simultaneous.同时的, 同时发生的(六级核心单词)。


81.Shoes of this kind are _____ to slip on wet ground.(02.1.65)

A)feasible B)appropriate C)apt D)fitting

C)[考点] 形容词辩异 本题考查后跟to 的词,以及单词的多义;C)apt(to)易于„的、有„倾向的、适当的;A)feasible 可行的;B)appropriate 适合的、适当的;D)fitting 适合的、适宜的、相称的。

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[译文] 这种鞋容易在湿地上打滑。

82.I bought an alarm clock with a(n)______ dial, which can be seen clearly in the dark.(03.1.48)

A)supersonic B)luminous C)audible D)amplified

B)[考点] 形容词辩异。本题中后半分句为一非限制性定语从句决定了答案。既然可以在黑暗中看到,肯定是B)luminous 发光的,明亮的;A)supersonic超音波的;C)audible 听得见的;D)amplified放大, 增强(声音、电压)。

译文:我买了一只带有发光钟面的闹钟,83.Her jewelry _____ under the spotlights and she became the dominant figure at the ball.(03.1.57)

A)glared B)glittered C)blazed D)dazzled

B)[考点] 动词辩异。本题考查了几个与“光”有关的词的辨析。B)glittered.闪闪发光, 闪烁, 闪光(珠宝、星辰等);A)glared发出刺目的强光;炫目地照射(太阳等);C)blazed 燃烧, 照耀, 发光(火、灯光等);D)dazzled 使目眩,使眼花。因为本题中有线索词jewelry, 所以填B)。dazzling beauty 令人眩目的美丽。


84.Put on dark glasses or the sun will _____ you and you won’t be able to see.(01.1.59)

A)discern B)distort C)distract D)dazzle

D)[考点] 动词辨异。这几个选项词形相近。D)dazzle使炫目,耀眼;使倾倒; A)discern看出,识别;B)distort歪曲,使变形; C)distract转移(注意力),使分心。


85.In spite of the _____ economic forecasts, manufacturing output has risen slightly.(01.1.48)

A)gloomy B)miserable C)shadowy D)obscure

A)[考点] 形容词辨异。In spite of所引导的让步状语从句,翻译为“尽管„ 但”,逗号前后两分句的意思一般相反,后半句话中的has risen slightly,决定了答案。A)gloomy令人失望的,悲观的,沮丧的;B)miserable痛苦的,悲惨的;C)shadowy有阴影的,虚幻的;D)obscure无名的,费解的,模糊不清的。


86.The fuel of the continental missile is supposed to be _____ by this device.(99.6.36)

A)ignited B)lighted C)fired D)inspired

A)[考点] 动词辨异。根据句意,本句应该填表示“点燃”的单词。A)ignited 点火,点燃,一般用于正式的语体。B)lighted 点,点燃,点着。Light的过去时和过去分词可以是lit或者是lighted, 一般用于点燃“火柴、香烟、蜡烛”等,lighted经常用做形容词,表示“点燃的”意思。C)fire开枪, 射击, 着火, 烧火;D)inspired鼓舞, 感动, 激发, 启示, 使生灵感。inspire sb.with hope 激起某人的希望。

[译文] 这种洲际导弹的燃料应该由这个装置点燃。

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87.Often such arguments have the effect of _____ rather than clarifying the issues involved.(03.1.70)

A)obscuring B)prejudicing C)tackling D)blocking

A)[考点] 动词辩异。本题考查学生利用语义线索解题的能力,句中线索词为rather than, 表示前后反义,所填动词是clarify的反义词,所以选A)obscure v.使变模糊,掩盖;adj.暗的, 朦胧的, 模糊的, 晦涩的。本词为六级核心单词。B)prejudice损害, 侵害;C)tackle 处理,解决;D)block防碍, 阻塞。

[译文] 通常这样的争论不但不会使所涉及的问题更清楚,反而会更难以让人理解。

88.His _____ directions confused us;we did not know which of the two roads to take.(99.6.41)

A)ambiguous B)complicated C)arbitrary D)intricate

A)[考点] 形容词辨异。分号后的句子对前面的句子进行进一步解释和说明。我们不知道该走哪条路,他的指示又使我们糊涂,所以他的指示是A)ambiguous 模棱两可的, 不明确的;ambiguous answer / interpretation / explanation / response / directions;B)complicated 复杂的,难解的;C)arbitrary 任意的,武断的;arbitrary decision / choice / interpretation;D)intricate 复杂的,错综的,难以理解的。虽然B)和D)都能和directions 连用,但用在句中意思不贴切。

[译文] 他模棱两可的指示让我们糊涂了;我们不知道该走这两条路的哪一条。

89.The directions were so _____ that it was impossible to complete the assignment.(98.6.41)

A)ingenious B)ambitious C)notorious D)ambiguous

D)[考点] 形容词辨异。本题考查了考生利用线索词解题的能力,并辨析形近词B)和D)。so„that表明空格处的单词解释了为什么无法完成任务,肯定是这些指令不清晰。D)ambiguous 模棱两可的, 不明确的;ambiguous answer / interpretation / explanation / response / directions;B)ambitious野心勃勃的;有抱负的;A)ingenious机灵的, 有独创性的,(东西)精制的;C)notorious声名狼籍的,臭名昭彰的。

[译文] 这些指令如此模棱两可,以致于无法完成这项任务。

90.Fortune-tellers are good at making ____ statements such as “Your sorrows will change.”(01.6.60)

A)philosophical B)ambiguous C)literal D)invalid

B)[考点] 形容词辩异。大家都知道算命的人(fortune-teller)的话是不可信的,你可以这样理解也可以那样理解,是比较B)ambiguous 不明确的,模棱两可的。A)philosophical 哲学的;C)literal 文字的、逐字的、字面的;D)invalid 残废的,(法律上)无效的、作废的。

[译文] 算命的人很擅长说一些模棱两可的话,比如说“你的不幸会改变的。”

91.The poetry of Ezra Pound is sometimes difficult to understand because it contains so many _____ references.(97.1.61)

A)obscure B)acute C)notable D)objective

A)[考点] 形容词辨异。because 为线索词,表示所填单词解释了“sometimes difficult to understand”,难懂是因为其中的典故比较A)obscure 难懂 在线学英语 体验请申请: 的,晦涩的,模糊的,含糊的,暗的,无名的;an obscure passage一段难懂的文章;B)acute敏锐的, 尖锐的,(医)急性的, 剧烈的;acute pain剧痛;该词为六级常考单词;C)notable值得注意的, 显著的, 著名的;D)objective 客观的;(反)subjective 主观的。

[译文] 伊思拉庞德的诗有时难以理解,因为其中含有太多的隐晦的典故。

92.The law on drinking and driving is _____ stated.(01.6.64)

A)extravagantly B)empirically C)exceptionally D)explicitly

D)[考点] 副词辨异。本题考查和stated(表达)搭配的副词。只有D)explicitly 明白地,明确地 可以与之搭配。A)extravagantly 奢侈地,铺张地;B)empirically 以经验为依据地,凭经验得出地;C)exceptionally 例外地,独特地,异常地。

[译文] 关于饮酒和驾驶的法律表达得很明确。

93.We shall probably never be able to _____ the exact nature of these sub-atomic particles.(02.6.46)

A)assert B)impart C)ascertain D)notify

C)[考点] 动词辨异。本题考查和nature 搭配的动词,只有C)符合要求。C)ascertain 确定,查明,弄清;reveal one’s nature暴露某人的本质;A)属于形近词干扰。A)assert 断言,声称(sb.asserts that„);B)impart 传授,告知,透露;D)notify 通知,告知,报告(notify sb of sth)。

[译文] 我们可能将永远不能确定这些亚原子颗粒的确切本质。

94.Under the guidance of their teacher, the pupils are building a model boat _____ by steam.(00.1.46)

A)towed B)pressed C)tossed D)propelled

D)[考点] 动词辨异。根据题意,空格处要填表示“推进”的动词,因为船只能被蒸汽推动,推进,而不能被拖,压,扔。D)propel 推进,推动;A)tow拖, 曳, 牵引;B)press 压,按,逼迫;C)toss 扔,抛,掷

[译文] 在老师的指导下,学生们正在造一艘由蒸汽推动的模型轮船。

95.If you want to get into that tunnel, you first have to ____ away all the rocks.(00.1.49)

A)haul B)transfer C)repel D)dispose

A)[考点] 动词辨异。本题主要考查了A)和 B)之间的辨析。A)haul(用车等)拖运,搬运,拖拉,可以作不及物动词和 away连用;B)transfer 转移,迁移,调动;搬动石头不能用transfer, 而且不能和away连用;C)repel 击退,抵制,排斥;D)dispose(of)处理,除去,安置。

[译文] 你若想进入隧道,得先把这些石头拖走。

96.Although there are occasional outbreaks of gunfire, we can report that the rebellion has in the main been _____.(99.6.33)

A)canceled B)destroyed C)suppressed D)restrained

C)[考点] 动词辨异。本题要求考生选出能和rebellion搭配的单词,只有C)能。C)suppress 镇压、压制、抑制(活动、团体等);suppress the rebellion / revolt 镇压叛乱 / 起义。D)和C)属于近义辨析。D)restrain 抑制(情绪)、阻止、制止,隐含含义为防止某人干出有害或者愚蠢的事情来。restrain one’s anger / indignation 抑制愤怒;restrain oneself from doing sth.克制自己以免干某事。A)在线学英语 体验请申请:

cancel 取消(成绩、比赛等), 删去;B)destroy 破坏,毁坏,消灭。

[译文] 虽然还有零星的枪声,但我们可以报告叛乱已经基本上被镇压下去了。

97.For years now, the people of that faraway country have been cruelly _____ by a dictator.(00.6.58)

A)depressed B)immersed C)oppressed D)cursed

C)[考点] 动词辩异。A)与C)形近和近义干扰。以press为词根的单词在六级中经常考到。本题考与people搭配的动词。独裁者对人民进行 C)oppress 压迫;A)depress 使沮丧, 压下, 压低, 使萧条;B)immersed(in)沉浸,使专心(于);D)cursed 诅咒。

[译文] 多少年来,那个偏僻国度的人民一直遭受着一个独裁者的压迫。

98.The director gave me his _____ that he would double my pay if I did my job well.(01.1.34)

A)warrant B)obligation C)assurance D)certainty

C)[考点] 名词辨异,句型。本题干扰项在于A。warrant作为动词时有保证、担保的意思,但是作为名词的时候不表示“保证”。A)warrant授权令,理由,根据; C)assurance把握,保证,保险,这个词有个重要句型: give sb.the assurance that向某人保证。B)obligation义务,责任 ; D)certainty必然的事,确信,确实


99.The manager gave her his _____ that her complaint would be investigated.(02.1.46)

A)assurance B)assumption C)sanction D)insurance

A)[考点] 名词辨异。A)assurance保证、担保、断言;give sb.assurance that(句型)向某人保证;D)insurance 保险(单、业、费);B)assumption 假定、担任、承当;C)sanction 批准、制裁、认可。

[译文] 经理向她保证她的投诉会被调查处理



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