
时间:2019-05-14 00:24:50下载本文作者:会员上传





Are you running in the evening recently, SZF? B:有,天天跑,对身体好

Yes, everyday it’s benefit to our body.C:我也去了

I also want to go

A:瞎扯的吧 我都没见过你们

I haven’t seen you.D:B身体不错啊

Good body.B:还好还好,多谢夸奖

Thank you!just so-so


What are you talking? Running? I also want to.D:周末,一起去健身吧

How about going to the gym on the weekend? B:好啊



Good idea.E:好了 大家都在 时间也到了 开始开会吧

It looks like everyone's here,time is over,Shall we begin ? C:我OK啦

I’m ok.B:好啊







If you have mobile phone, could you please turn in off?B:好的Yeah





E:(发材料)这是我们的会议流程 大家看看

Ok, This is our meeting process, have a look.E:上次会议我们做了一个BOBO知名度市场调研报告 表明BOBO还是很受欢迎的,但是公司还没有没有开发很多关于BOBO的一些产品

Last meeting we did a market research report visibility BOBO.It’s suggested that BOBO are popular to young children.Our company doesn’t have many products about BOBO.So the purpose of the meeting is to researching and developing 4 new products for children.E:这次会议主要目的就是研发出4种产品

The purpose of the meeting is to researching and developing 4 new products for children.E:OK 看一下会议流程 SZF 说下你的产品

Ok, look at the agenda, First let Mr.Szf talk about his product B:在我看来,我们可以生产一种bobo的拼图

In my view, we can develop a kind of bobo puzzle.E:拼图?有什么意义吗?能说具体一点吗?

Puzzle? What is the significance of your product? Could you speak specific please?

B:你知道,拼图不仅有益智的效果,而且。。。。。。。。。。You know, the puzzle, not only develop intelligence, but kids can find pleasure from it.After a hard work of puzzle, looking the BOBO pattern at the puzzle, I think the children and adults will have a deep impression in our products.E:你们三个人对他的产品有什么看法?YYC首先来

Do you have any question about his product? YYC first.C:我提个问题哈,这个拼图有很多种,你能具体介绍下吗?怎么把伯伯这个形象融入进去

Sorry, could I ask a question, please? The puzzle have many kinds, so what’s kind of puzzle?Could you speak specific please? And how integrate this image into puzzle?


Oh, the puzzle’s pattern is BOBO image, if we can do it, it will play the effect of publicity.D:但这一点都不实用,我不喜欢你这个方案

But that is not practical;I do not like this program of you.B:如果你想要更实用的话,我们可以把拼图做的大一些。。。。。一举三得啊

If you want a more practical, the puzzle can make some bigger, thicker, softer, so customers can spread the puzzle on the ground and sit down.If we can do it, the funny of play puzzle, the practicability, and the effect of publicity, it is shooting two birds with one stone.A:我认为这是一个不错的想法,我认同你

I think this is a great idea, I support you.B:谢谢

Thank you!


If so, I don’t want to say anything.E:拼图这个不错 那就把它作为一个产品来研发吧

The puzzle is great, so the puzzle would put it to develop it as a product E:SZ 你准备开发什么产品?

what products you are ready to develop? Mr.Sz?


the electric gyro


The electric gyro? Sounds fun.D:首先。其次。还有。。

Tops on the main body-solid-mounted electric motors and batteries.Motor shaft upward, is in the rotation of the electric gyro axis position.On the hinge blades fixed location to start the motor, can expose the gyro vertical in the supporting medium long turns.The electric gyro can also set the colors lamps and light bulbs, so that it turns the brilliance and light in all directions, thus increasing the perception of the entertainment.E:你这和其他普通陀螺有什么不同的吗?

What is the bust difference in contrast to the ordinary gyro? D:这就要提到一点,,,,It is necessary to mention that you can install micro-gyroscope internal music player, causes the gyro to rotate along with the beauty of the music.Of course, in the gyro packages can use stickers of cartoon character Bobo.E:音乐?不错的主意WHH 你怎么看?

Music? Great idea.what about you?


En,good idea.especially children, still very fond of music, but it will not be much capital investment


Sorry, to interrupt, the gyro will not dangerous for children ah? For example, when a child whiplash child may be able to get someone else D:额,因为陀螺是电动的,所以没有陀螺鞭

Break, because the gyro is electric, there is no whip gyroscope B:哦,这样的话还是不错的O, that’s great if so.D:是的,Bobo贴纸和Bobo英语双剑合璧,必胜

Yes, Bobo Bobo stickers and English two-pronged approach to win E:YYC 你有什么意见吗?

what’s your opinion, YYC?


I feel okay, no comment

E:那好 那这个电动陀螺也算一个研发产品吧

Well, then this can be considered an electric gyro product development right

E:WHH 你怎么样?

WHH, how about you?


The bag is printed on a variety of image BOBO.It can not only attract students to buy bags, but also to better promote BOBO sales in student groups.We all know that students must attend class every day and the children like buy something when they find their classmates have new thing but he don’t.E:BOBO背包?好像市场上有很多相似的产品 你们怎么看?

BOBO backpack? If there are many similar products on the market, how do you see?


I also think the backpack on the market too much, perhaps fierce

competition, a lot like this example, we are no advantages Mickey......A:我不这样认为,我觉得卡通形象的书包还是很少的,一般我们见到的都是运动品牌的,比如Adidas,Nike等等,而且卡通形象更能吸引大家

I do not think so, I think the cartoon image of the bags or small, in general we see is the sports brands, such as Adidas, Nike, etc., and cartoon characters more attractive to everyone


No, I feel that the bag itself is not creative, not to mention the fierce competition


I also think so, do not a good school bags


Oh, no ,my god!

E:貌似大家都反对啊 这个方案就放下吧

Looks like we are opposed to this proposal would put it down.E:YYC 你的产品是什么?

What is your product,YYC?


My plan is to launch a series based on the image of parents installed BOBO, BOBO very popular now, the majority of young couples are very receptive to parents installed..........E:SZF 你怎么看?

What’s about you,SZF?


I think the market competitiveness of the clothes with bags as big, but not a good brand, market share is difficult


The parents installed is not particularly pay attention to brand, we focus on BOBO this image, he can mass-market is very wide, can be introduced throughout the year, no seasonal factors


I still reservations


What’s about you?


I agree with the clothes that program, after parents installed over not only the brand, more creative than, Bobo above better reflect the warmth of the family

D:其实我觉得亲子装还是很有潜力的In fact, I think the parents installed or promising

E:恩 我也觉得不错 这个也确认为研发产品吧

En, I also think great!This also


all you said about the new BOBO products is good.We’re nearly out of time.So do we all agree that BOBO puzzle, the electric gyro, BOBO bags and parentage clothes? Next meeting, we need to design certain style of the new product.C:OK~

E: Any question?

孙,苏,魏,晏: no

E: Thank you very much, everyone.The meeting is over.We’ll meet again on the next week at 7:00pm.



Dear Sir,Good day!

Purchasing from overseas can always be a challenge especially for Granite Monuments.FACT 1: China is one of the most important stone exporting countries.Chinese manufacturers make stone products using not only Chinese stones but also stones from worldwide.FACT 2: 60% of China's stone export is from one place: Xiamen and its surrounding areas(Fujian Province, South China)

FACT 3: There are over one thousand suppliers in Xiamen and they all look similar if not the same.If you ask them two simple questions: “Who are you?”, and “How are you different?”Most of the suppliers may tell you how big they are, how many countries they are selling to, how many workers they have, what ISO quality control system they implement, etc.We can tell you the same things since we have them all, but that is not good enough to make us a big difference.I would like to share you with one thing for now that really makes us different: “Our customers are happy and they always come back.” We are big enough to handle your order no matter it’s big or small!

Thank you for your attention!


Respect of sir/miss:

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Conversation 1meeting

A: we need to discuss our work plan for next year.Miss Tang, did you prepare a list of action items?

B: yes.Does everyone have a copy? It’s only a draft, so I would appreciate any feedback before I forward it to the other departments.A: I see that expanding our product line tops the list of priorities.Although product development is important, I also think we need to find ways of upgrading our distribution network.B: I’ve asked the marketing department to follow up on that.I intend to incorporate some of their suggestions into the work plan before we submit the final report

A: we should also brainstorm with folks in advertising to make sure that our target audience is getting the message.B: we’ll have to be careful about how we present our ideas.Those creative types can be awfully sensitive!

A: I’ll speak with the assistant director in the advertising department.We have a good working relationship, and I think she’ll be receptive to our ideas.B: good.Let’s move on.Conversation 2meeting

A: today, we’re going to talk over how to increase sales in our country next year.Have you got any idea?

B: I think we should launch a new advertising and promotion campaign at the very beginning of next year.If we want to enjoy a bigger market share in our country, we should first let more people know about our products.C: I quite agree with your, Mr.Jing.In addition, I think we ought to run some more chain shops not only in some large cities but also in some medium-sized cities in our country.If we only emphasize large cities, we’ll lose market share.I think it is a good channel to promote our products.A: how do you feel about that, Mr.Brown?

D: I agree up to the point.But I think the main point is that our products are a bit expensive, compared with other brands.A: you mean we’ll reduce our prices?

D: as far as I am concerned, I think it’s a good idea to reduce our price by 5%.Perhaps at the beginning, we’ll lose some money, but it can make customers easy to accept our products.Little by

little, we can make small profits but quick returns.B: I don’t agree with you.You know, we only make a small profit at these prices.As I see, it’s more important to improve product quality and after-sales service than to reduce price.A: this seems a sensible and constructive suggestion.On the one hand, we should do further advertising and promotion.On the other hand, we should improve our after-sales service.It’s a good idea to open chain shops in some medium-sized cities.Are we all agreed?

All: yes.


商务英语 / 对公众说话 / 12 总结会议 Concluding a Business Meeting Action公司第三季会议在各部门负责人一一报告,以及与会者热烈讨论之后,即将落幕。会议主持人Jennifer,此时再度上台,为会议做个总结。

That wraps up the last item on the agenda.Before we close, are there any questions?

Fine.In summary, I think we agree that this quarter's domestic sales figures show a marked trend in microwave sales.Sam, I'd like you to follow up on that, please.Let's see where this is heading.Jane, thank you for the comprehensive PR status report.I understand there are still a few problems to be worked out, but we all trust in your ability.Ladies and gentlemen, the new design is satisfactory.Let's keep Action ahead of the game.Finally, I appreciate your comments and suggestions about the Canadian sales outlook.This is our first opportunity to promote our products in North America, so we certainly want to cover every detail.Well, then, that covers everything.I make a motion to close the third quarterly meeting of Action Appliances.Is there a second?


wrap up 完成;结束

这是个口语用法,意同“conclude”、“finish”和“close”。主词可以是人或物。I'd like to quickly wrap up this meeting, so we can go home.我想赶快把这个会议结束,那我们就可以回家。marked trend 明显的趋势


Judging from the graph, you can see a marked trend upward on the Japanese stock exchange.依照这张图表,你们可以看出日本股市明显地上涨。follow up on(something)进一步了解 “follow”原是「跟随」的意思;这个词组是指注意某事发展,并进一步深入地了解它。介系词“on”之后所跟的名词词组即代表需要了解的事。

We can take care of that problem when we follow up.等我们更进一步地了解问题后,就容易解决了。

status report 状况报告

“status”指‘事情的状况’。一般公司都会要求每个计划或部门的负责人在固定的时间,报告事情的最新进展,即“status report”。

The accounting department is required to submit weekly status reports to our general manager.会计部必须每周向总经理提出现况报告。work out 解决,完成


Things will work out as long as you are patient.只要你有耐心,事情早晚会解决的。ahead of the game 领先


She studies hard every day to stay ahead of the game.她为了要领先其它同学,每天都很用功。



1.That wraps up the last item on the agenda.2.That takes care of the last order of business.3.That concludes the final order of business.主席首先应宣布讨论已经结束,之后再作结语。“wrap up”与“conclude”的意思相同,表示‘结束’。“take care of”在此有‘完成’之意。●


1.In summary, I think we agree that this quarter's domestic sales figures show a marked trend in microwave sales.2.Overall, I think we are in agreement about the third quarter's sales figures that show a marked trend in microwave sales.3.To repeat, we agree that the microwave sales figures are showing a marked trend.宣布讨论结束之后,主持人应总结会议的讨论结果或要点。“I think we agree…”是一个的间接句法,婉转地询问其它人的意见;而“in summary”、“overall”或“to repeat”是作摘要的实用词汇,通常置于句首。


1.Finally, I appreciate your comments and suggestions about the Canadian sales outlook.2.And lastly, thank you for your comments and suggestions about the Canadian sales outlook.3.In conclusion, I welcome your comments and suggestions about the sales outlook for Canada.做过要点总结后,主席可以感谢与会者的建议和参与。用“finally”、“lastly”或“in conclusion”来承接上文,亦表示这是谈话的最后一段了。并以“appreciate” ,“thank you”这些字眼表达谢意。


1.I make a motion to close the third quarterly meeting of Action Appliances.Is there a second?

2.I'd like to make a motion to conclude the third quarterly meeting of Action Appliances.Is there a second?

3.I move that we close this quarterly meeting.Do I have a second?




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