
时间:2019-05-14 00:17:30下载本文作者:会员上传


第一课A 1.Frequent wars and lack of roads retarded the development of this area.频繁的战争以及缺少公路减缓了这一地区的发展。


2.The exposure of the scandal put the president in an awkward position.这一丑闻曝光使总统处于尴尬境地。(exposure)

3.The top priority of our work nowadays is study.当今我们的首要任务是学习。(priorty)

4.It snowed heavily for three days on end in this area.这个地区一连下了3天大雪。(on end)

5.The sailor signed up for a voyage to India.那个水手签约参加去印度的航行。(sign up)6.There 这里有两个网球场供俱乐部正式会员使用。(available)

7.are tow tennis courts available for the regular members They worked hard to make up for the lost time.他们用努力工作来弥补时间上的损失。(make up)of the club.8.The school provided a lot of good materials for developing the reading 学校提供了大量培养阅读技巧的好材料。(develop)


1.There must be less empty talk and more hard work.一定要少说空话,多做工作。

2.What are these people after? They are after fame and position and want to 这种人闹什么东西哪?闹名誉,闹地位,闹出风头。

be in the limelight.3.The earth is shaped like a big ball.地球的形状像个大球。

4.The last-minute cancellation of the flight by the airline compelled the 航空公司在最后一刻取消了航班,旅行团被迫改变了行程。

travel group to change its schedule.5.How did he take the examination paper out of the examination hall without 他是如何在不为老师所知的情况下将考卷带出考场的?

the knoweledge of the teacher.第二课A

1.The government decided that the public business was to be suspended for 政府决定暂停公务5天。(suspend)

five days.2.The other students admired his depth of understanding.其他学生很钦佩他理解力深刻。(depth)

3.The evils ensue form lack of a stable government.这些弊病是由于缺乏一个稳定的政府引起的。(ensue)4.Her friends tried their best to banish gloom from her thought.她的朋友们极力帮助她驱除心中的忧郁。(banish)

5.His relatives upbraided him with ingratitude even on public occasions.亲戚们甚至在公开场合谴责他忘恩负义。(upbraid)

6.This 这篇报道指出,总统的这番评论说的不是时候。7.report pointed out that the president`s remarks(time)were

To his surprise ,this proposal called forth a good deal of criticism.令他惊讶的是,这项提案招来很多批评。(call forth)

not well timed.8.Those 那些在游泳的人看到鲨鱼靠近,不禁惊慌失措。swimmers were seized with a panic as they(saw panicthe)shark


1.He is rather reserved in dealing with others.他待人比较保守。

2.Our prices for these goods are very competitive.我们这批货物的价格是很便宜的。

3.This 这个银行设立了客户问讯处,深受群众欢迎。

appreciation.bank has set up an information desk ,much to the customers` 4.It takes ten years to grow trees ,but one hundred years to rear people.十年树人,百年树人.5.Long 长期的社会动荡,造成了社会经济的不正常状态,造成了广大的失业群。widespread unemployment.years of social unrest left outr economy in a chaotic state and caused


1.This teacher richly examplified the use of the word.这位老师通过充分举例说明了该词的说法。(exemplify)2.She flaunted her riches before her friends.她在朋友面前炫耀她的财富。(flaunt)

3.By the end of each month ,my bank account always seems to be in the end.每个月的月底,我的银行帐户似乎总是出现透支。(be in the end)

4.(这就使得用户们能利用其已安装的基础设施,实现网络集成和支持的最终目标。This enabled users to leverage their installed infrastructures for the leverage)

ultimate in network integration and support.5.His pockets were bulging with apples.他的口袋因为装了苹果而胀得鼓鼓的.(bulge)6.The 罢工加上洪水预计会使食品供应大量减少。drastically.strike, coupled with the floods,was expected(be coupled with)to reduce supplies of food 7.He eagerly embraced the opportunity for promotion.他迫不及待地抓住了这个提升的机会。(embrace)

8.The Chinaes people were ecstatic at the victory in the anti-Japanese war.中国人民为抗战胜利而欣喜若狂。(ecstatic)



1.The children banished him form their game because he always cheated.孩子们不许他参加他们的游戏,因为他老是作弊。(banish)

2.This young artist was often frustrated in his ambition to paint.这位年轻艺术家的绘画抱负常常受挫。(frustrate)

3.An intimacy grew up between them.他们之间产生了一种亲密关系。(intimacy)4.This 这是一张北京和上海间的单程有效票。5.is a ticket valid for one single journey(valid)

between Beijing and Shanghai.He was angry at numerous intrusions on his privacy.他因清静生活屡遭别人侵扰而发怒。(intrusion)

6.In terms of the mumbers in employment the hotel industry was the second 就雇佣人数来说,旅馆业是瑞士1929年的第二大产业。(term)

largest Swiss industry in 1929.7.Correct decisions stem from correct judgment.正确的决定来源于正确的判断。(stem)

8.At that time,people scoffed at the idea of stepping on the moon.那时,人们都嘲笑登上月球这种想法。(scoff)


1.China 三十年前,中国在西北地区成功地进行了首次氢弹试验。yesterday.successfully conducted her first hydrogen bomb testin her north-west 2.They won`t do it,nor will they have a try.他们不肯做,也不肯试一下。

3.This 这个公司有工程师technicians,and 300 workers.company has 5人,技术人员a staff of 20 325 人,工人people,including 30人,共有职工3255engineers,20 人.4.Never have we,Chinese scientists,been daunted by difficulties.我们中国科学家,从来未被困难吓倒过。

5.The ache in the tooth is off and on.这颗牙一会儿疼,一会儿又不疼。


1.This country is located in the north of Himalayas,of which one-quarter is 这个国家位于喜马拉雅山北部,它的1/4土地被认为是不毛之地。(reckon)reckoned as unproductive.2.The wave of private equity deal activity has underpinned a huge rise in 私人股本交易活动的浪潮为全球股市市值大涨提供支撑。(underpin)

the value of stock markets all over the world.3.Hemingway 海明威把他的朋友们身上具有的德性赋予他笔下的人物。4.endowed his characters with qualities possessed(endow)

by his friends.The 当地政府大力扶持和发展少数民族的文化艺术。and art of ethnic minorities.local government makes great efforts to nurture(nurture)and develop the culture 5.The election results bolstered up the spirits of the newly formed party.选举结果大大鼓舞了那个新建政党成员们的士气。(bolster)

6.In fact,it is anomalous to be a bead of a department but with no real 事实上,做一个部门的主管而无实权是反常的。(anomalous)

authority.7.Only after 经过长期艰苦战斗后,英军才将德国人全部赶出了非洲。Germans form Africa.a long hard struggle was the British army able(repelto)repel all

the 8.The empolyees would goof off whenever the boss wasn`t around.只要老板不在,这些雇员便偷懒。(goof)


1.These points must be kept in mind in our discussion.我们讨论问题时,不能忘记这些要点。

2.IF we can help you further,please don`t hesitate to get in touch with us.愿意为你们进一步服务,如有需要,请随时与我们联系。

3.We believe the quality of this material will not fail in answering your 我们相信此货的质量一定符合你方的要求。

purpose.4.The specification lacks detail.这份说明书很不够详尽。

5.His absent-mindedness during the driving almost caused an accident.他开车时心不在焉,几乎闯祸。


1.The metal tower is used to relay television singnals to distant villages.这座金属塔的用途是把电视信号传达到边远的村庄。(relay)

2.People will not believe a man who always exaggerates.人们不会相信老是夸大其词的人.(exaggerate)

3.While he was abroad,he consigned his business to his brother`s care.出国期间,他将他的生意委托给他的史弟照看。(consign)

4.The story conveys the idea that those who try to profit at the expense of 这个故事说明,企图损人利已的人不会有好下场。(at the expense of)

others will come to no good end.5.Vanity tempted her off the straight path.虚荣心诱使她误入歧途。(tempt)

6.All the people at the meeting agreed that one`s own interests must be 所有出席会议的人都一致同意,个人私利必须服从公共利益。(subordinate to)subordinated to the public good.7.In this bookstore,prices of books ranged from $5 to $10.在这个书店里,书的价格从5美元至10美元不等。(range from...to)8.He broke with the manager on this issue although they had kept relations 他和经理一直保持友好合作关系,但在这个问题上他俩闹翻了。(break with)of friendship and cooperation for a long time.B

1.Old 新老教师要互相学习,互相帮助,取长补短。each other`s deficiencies.and new teachers should learn form and help

each other ,to make up for 2.Its total area is almost four times that of Japan.它的面积差不多四倍于日本的面积.3.A proton has a positive charge and an electron a negative charge,but a 质子带阳电,电子带阴电,而中子既不带阳电,也不带阴电。

neutron has neither.4.This can 这可以叫做只看见局部,不看见全体,只看见树木,不看见森林。not the forest.be called seeing the part but not the Whole ,seeing the

trees but 5.Our State policy should be to treasure and rationally every inch of land.十分珍惜每寸土地,合理利用每一寸土地,应该是我们的国策。


1.He took to his heels at the sight of the policemen.2.The sugar is soluble in water.一看到警察,他拔腿就跑.3.A force is needed to move an object dgainst inertia.糖能常溶于水.4.In this case,the temperature in the room is up.为使物体克服惯性而运动,就需要一个力.5.His wife has done everything possible to mother him.在这种情况下,房间里的温度就升高.他的妻子竭尽全力,像母亲一样地照顾他.




His dream of becoming a football star faded out as time went by.2.一架波音747飞机没有升到足够的高度以飞越那座高山,转瞬间一头撞向大山爆炸了。机上无人生还。

A Boeing 747 aircraft didn’t gain enough height to climb the mountain,In a twinkling ,it crashed into the mountain and blew up.No one survived in the accident.3.学生们可以很容易地获得图书馆的资源,所以他们应该充分地利用好图书馆。

Students have easy access to the resource in the library, so they are supposed to make the best of it.4.当时世界上最豪华的游轮泰坦尼克号在她前往美国的途中撞到了冰山,结果游轮沉没在大西洋中,成百上千的人死于

Titanic, the most luxurious ship in the world at the time.hit an iceberg when she was under the way to the USA.Consequently, the ship sank into Atlantic Ocean and thousands of people died in this shipwreck.5.每年夏天,游客们都涌向这一著名的海滩。来此享受日光浴的游客像沙丁鱼一样挤满了海滩。

Every summer, all the tourists pour into this famous beach, they packed like sardines on the beach to enjoy the sunshine.6.他们曾经到圣路易斯去过一次,对于那里的新奇事物稍微知道一个大概,可是现在他们的光荣时代已成过去了。他们 They have been to St.Louis once and have a vague knowledge of its wonders ,but the day of their glory is over now ,they lapse into a humble silence and learn to disappear when the ruthless lindneer approches.第二单元:


Some cyber gurus claim that internet will prevent wars reduce pollution and combat various of inequality.2.不可否认,因特网可以增进交流,但它却无法消除战争,因为战争的爆发并不仅仅是由于不同种族间缺乏充分理解而。

Although, Internet can improve communication, It will not put an end to wars,since wars are by no means cause by the failure of different people to understand each other sufficient 3.只有当网上的活动能够真正取代现实世界中的行为时,因特网才能帮助节约能源,减少污染。

The internet can help reduce energy consumption and pollution, only if doing things online replace real world activities.4.穷人不用因特网并不是因为他们买不起,而是因为他们缺乏必要的技能来有效地利用它,所以提高老百姓的文化水平。

The poor are not shunning the internet because they cannot afford it the problem is that they lack the skills to exploit it efficiently, therefore, it make more sense to improve universal literacy than universal.5.因为有了因特网,在不同国家从事类似工作的人们之间收入上的不平等减少了,但是贫穷国家中从事信


Thanks to internet, income inequality between people doing similar jobs in different countries has been reduced, however, the inequality between information works in poor countries and their proceeds compatriots has been increased.6.如果人类的本性始终固执地保持不变,不管科技预言家的预言是什么,人类的发明也绝对不能克服其自身的缺陷。

If human nature remains stubbornly changed, despite the claim of technologist predict, humanity cannot simply incent away its failing.第三单元:


Many studies indicate that the desert air is so dry that it contains any moisture.2.虽然根据法律每个英国儿童从5岁到16岁都必须上学,但1%的儿童到小学毕业时仍不会阅读。

Although the children form age 5 to 16 must go to school in Britain according to the laws, about 1%of the children still can not read when they have primary school.3.听到这个消息后,我知道在两个星期内,我又会坐立不安。After heard the news, I knew I fell restless again within a fortnight.4.我们一致认为要回答这个问题,就必须要仔细地查清这些事实。

We think unanimously to answer the question, we must look more closely at the faces.5.在全世界范围内,各级政府正采取有效措施控制环境污染。

Though out the world, government at all levels are taking effectively measures to prevent environment pollution.6.有些人认为考试中应采取客观题,如多项选择:也有人不同意这种观点,认为这种考试会对学生的学习产生不良影响。Some people think that the objective items, such as multiple choices, should be used for an examination, others don’t agree, because they believe that this kind test has some bad effect on students leaning.第四单元

1.我发现在办公室里坐了一天之后,晚上沿着静静的湖边散散步会令人神清气爽。I find that walking along the quiet lake can provide refreshment from a day’s sedentary job.2.锻炼和放松自己通常被认为是治疗疲劳症的有效方法。

Exercising and relaxing yourself is often prescribed as an effective cure for fatigue.3.你的活动量越小,机体老化的程度就越快,你就越容易面临生理和心理方面的种种问题。

The less active you are, the faster aging process accelerates and the more vulnerable you became to physical and psychological problems.4.即使你坚持节食,你也不可能减到你希望的那种身材的程度。

.Even if you keep up dieting, you cannot reduce to the point where you achieve the kind of body-shaping you want.5.人们认为他有一个幸福的晚年,因为在这期间他除了睡觉、吃饭几乎什么事情都不做。但是他却常常感到疲倦和心情 People thought he had happy late years during which time he did litt1e but slept and ate, yet he was often tired and depressed.6.过去,人们用搓衣板洗衣服,用手捆干草,很少抱怨疲劳;而如今人们拥有各种节省体力的装置和方便的交通设施。In the past when hay was baled by hand and laundry scrubbed on a washboard, people seldom complained of tiredness.However, people feel dragged out and complain a lot in the modern time of 1aborsaving devices and convenient transportation.第六


Passing the English examination should enhance your chances of getting the post.2.山谷里发现了黄金,这会使这个贫穷的山区富起来。The discovery of gold in the valley will enrich the mountain area.3.在警察让她面对证据时她才承认偷了钱。

Only when police confronted her with evidence, did she admitted that she had stolen the money.4.这次集会将使你有机会听到大演说家的演说。

The meting will afford you an opportunity of hearing good public speakers.5.官方的声明消除了大家对于这一行业可能裁员的忧虑。

An official statement laid to rest the remain fears about possible redundancies in the industry.6.玛丽相当聪明。实际上,她的老师对我说过,她今年肯定能升入大学。

Mary is pretty bright.As a matter of fact, her teacher told me that she is certain to get a university place this year.


翻译的标准(李玉杰)Criteria of Translation  Alexander Tytler: 1.A translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work;译文应完整地再现原文的思想内容

2.The style and manner of writing should be of the same character as that of the original;译文的风格和笔调应与原文的性质相同

3.A translation should have all the ease of the original composition.译文应像原文一样流畅自然  Nida

Functional equivalence 功能对等

In the light of linguistic orientation, translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.(Nida)(翻译是用最恰当、自然和对等的语言从语义到文体再现源语的信息) Yan Fu Faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance信、达、雅  Qian Zhongshu Sublimation 化境  Fu Lei Similarity in spirit 神似

 Lu Xun Faithfulness and smoothness忠实、通顺

 Liu Zhongde Faithfulness, expressiveness and closeness 信达切  Gu Zhengkun Polyadic complementary standard 多元互补标准  Chen Hongwei Correspondence in meaning and similarity in function 意义相符 功能相似

 Equivalence 等值  Equivalent effect等效



In the light of linguistic orientation, translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.(Nida)

By signs involved in it, intralingual translation, interlingual translation and intersemiotic translation.(Roman Jakobson)

Translation is in essence during different information exchange and communication.(textbook)


1)Combination of systematic analysis and systematic comprehension

2)Combination of vertical orientation and landscape orientation

3)Combination of accuracy and ambiguity

4)Combination of radiation and convergence

5)Combination of recall and advance


Translatology is also called Science of Translation or Study of Translation.Translatology is a science to study translation.It is a comprehensive science consisting of general translatology, special translatology and applied translatology.It deals with general laws of translation, studies of translation with special reference to Chinese and English, and methods to apply theories to practice.8.新老三论的内容

1).Philosophic Method

2).Horizontal Method

3).Discipline Method

9.什么是学科方法 翻译中常用的学科方法有?

Different languages have the same structural principal:

1).Consonant + vowel


3).Extending from concrete to abstract

4).Reasonable word


7).Shift of perspective

8).Subject + predicate

9).Active and passive

10).Negative, interrogative, command

Chapter2(段娟)Association: 4,联想:联想既是译者在接受原文时的一种途径和方法,也是再传播过程中再创造的基础。联想是在一定条件下所产生的对原文文本的一种偏离。但这种偏离又不违背原文文本的整体性意义和底蕴与内涵,往往使译文更生动,形象,更富于创作性。

想象不同于联想,它并不只局限于形象性而是基于原文的总体框架和意蕴,而产生出更大的创造性,它可以使原文的片断变成整体,使部分变成圆满,空缺得到填充,不定得到确定,他是一种创造意识。5,Functions and status of the original text:

①The original text is the medium of the author and translator.②Translation is a rewriting of the original text.8,所谓“权力”,是指一切控制力与支配力


12,Multiplicity of translation criteria 信、达、雅 忠实、通顺 神似 化境 等值 等效

Faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance Faithfulness and smoothness Similarity in spirit

Sublimation Equivalence Equivalent effect 可以说,对于翻译活动而言,企图定出一条放之四海而皆准的标准时不可能的。它必须是多元的,它们之间有各自的侧重,又可以互为补充。


(1)1.Whatever relation of the two objects is, substitution or association, symbol does not refer to the object itself, hence the meaning comes out;2.Symbol has a material form, otherwise, it can not be aware by the receiver;3.Symbol process includes sender and receiver, that is, a relation of subject and object.(4)老师没有给出具体的答案,在书上第84-85页。(5)老师没有给出具体的答案,在书上第86-87页。



Chapter 4(黄先群)(这章老师没有给题目,就总结了一下PPT)4.1 Objective Study----Meaning Searching 4.1.1 Meaning is the combination of the two(Yizhi and Yiwei).Translation is translating meaning.(Nida)

Meaning is the tie of the subject and object.It is also the tie of man and the world.Translation is a cross cultural, cross interlingual communicative activity.4.1.2 Original Text – The Decisive As Well As the Open One P168的四点问题

(1)The language the author used with personal experience and emotional force(2)The distance between the author and the language he used(3)The abstract and ambiguity of the language itself

(4)Different people, different understanding 4.1.3 Heteronomy of the Text----the Main Evidence of Translator

Literal works contain not only authorythmicity but also heteronomy.Language is a tool of communication.4.2 Aspect Features of Literary Text Ingargen put forward: There are five aspects in the combination of form and contents:(1)Sound(2)Combination of meaningful units(3)Represented object(4)Schematized aspects(5)Metaphysical quality Prof.Tong Qingbing put forward: There are three aspects in the literary text:(1)Literal discourse(2)Literary image(3)Literary implication 4.3.2 Text of Law and Its Translation The following rules should be followed: 1.Clear in order 2.Accurate in language 3.Serious in writing 4.Formal in style Text of Advertisement and Its Translation Advertisement has the following functions: Informative function Aesthetic function Expressive function Vocative function Principle : Similarity in function Slogan of Advertisement:Literal translation, shift of perspective and imitative translation:

Chapter 5(孙晓莉)

1. What is power discourse?(P207)Power discourse theory is put forward by French philosopher Michel Foucault who defined “power” as all the things and concepts that could direct and control people’s ideas and behaviors.And discourse in his theory is far beyond that in linguistics and literature.According to him, discourse is the form of power and all power come into effect in the way of discourse, namely, in fact, power refers to the power to deliver a discourse.Restrictions from power discourse: External Control------Society Control/ Ideology Control Internal Control of Languages

2. What functions do context have?

Context has 8 functions:(according to 西桢光正教授 P219)Absolute function Restrictive function Explanatory function Design function Omission and amplification function Generative function Transformational function Acquisition function

Chapter 6(易三琴)1.翻译主体有哪些责任? 社会责任social responsibility 学术责任academic responsibility 道德责任moral responsibility 2.翻译者的主体性在传统翻译研究中为什么不受重视?



主体和客体是一对关系范畴,它们互相规定,彼此依存。4.译者的再创造性主要体现在哪几个方面? “Recreation” mainly embodies the following:

Psychological attention and aesthetic expectation before reading;Recreation and reconstruction of text in the process of reading;Text reconstruction in the process of translation 5.为什么说译者既有主动的一面又有被动的一面? 因为它受着外界的制约,也受着客体本身的制约

Chapter 7(陈咏梅)语义成分成分分析在翻译活动中起到怎样的作用?(P302-310)Componential Analysis  Word can be divided into sememes which can be called semantic feature or semantic components.This method is called componential analysis. The function of the componential analysis is to help the translator understand the accurate meaning of words in original text. Componential analysis is also a good way for checking when translation is done. Componential analysis is an effective way in doing accurate translation, getting the text fully understood and assuring the quality of translation. Componential analysis is an important step in control activity in translation.11.翻译腔的问题应如何看待?(P316-318)Advantages and Disadvantages of Translationese 13.风格是否可译?在风格翻译中影遵循怎样的原则?(P319-330)Language style refers to language characteristics  Chinese: parataxis, topic-prominent language  English: hypotaxis, subject-prominent language  Parole style is dynamic. Style translation refers to parole style.Generalized Style and Style in Narrow Sense  Views of generalized style include factors of language style and factors of non-language style. Views of style in narrow sense include author’s language style and rhetorical style Subjective Style and Objective Style  Subjective style is also called individual style. Objective style is a general style.System of Style and Translation Principles  Style is a systematical structure. Other characteristics of system of style: 1.Material feature 2.Entirety 3.Unique 4.Sensible  There are five basic principles in system : 1.Entirety 2.Structure 3.Level 4.Environment 5.Optimization



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약 200명은 중국의 대표로서 이 큰 비즈니스 포럼을 참석밖에 협력 의도가 가지고 있는 기업가 약100명은있다。


우리 비즈니스 회의에 방문객에게 인프라 건설, 제조업, 관광업, 첨단 산업에1600 개 더 많은 투자와 무역 프로젝트을 브리핑했습니다.4,国内10余个省市代表团与20多个国家和地区近300位客商参加了洽谈。중국에 10 개 이상의 지방과 지방 자치 단체과 20 개 이상 국가 지역에 약 300 가맹점은 위임회담에 참가했다.5,国内有300余家企业机构与境外150多位客商参与了洽谈。

중국에 300 개 이상의 기업과 해외에 약 150가맹점은 위임회담에 참가했다.6,在北京亚洲大酒店水晶厅举行开幕仪式。

베이징 아시아 호텔 크리스탈 홀에서 개막식을 개최 되었다.















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