大脑随着年龄的增长而萎缩是众所周知的事实,但是这对智力方面的影响却 因人而异。有趣的是,一项有关老年人的研究表明,实际上接受过较多教育的人 大脑萎缩得较多。这项研究成果表明的是,接受过教育的人在大脑功能开始崩溃 之前更能经受得住大脑组织的丧失。
据研究人员说,这份发表在7 月份的《神经病学》杂志上的研究报告第一次 提供了生物学上的证据来支持“储备”假说,即接受过较多教育的人在大脑衰老 时拥有更大的认识上的储备可以利用;实际上这部分人的大脑中有更多的脑组织 处于闲置状态。
研究人员对320 名年龄在66 岁到90 岁的身体健康的男子和女子的脑部扫描 X 光片研究后发现,受试者的受教育经历每多一年,其大脑外层叫做脑皮层的部 位就多一份萎缩。然而,所有受试者的认知能力和记忆力的测试分数均在正常范 围以内。
人的一生应该不断地努力,通过新的生活体验使大脑处于警觉状态。旅游是刺激 大脑的一种方法,较少冒险性的方法是玩拼字游戏.教育是怎样影响脑细胞的尚不清楚。研究人员在报告中推测,接受过较多教 育的人大脑的某些比脑皮层更深层次的结构可能完好无损,从而弥补了脑皮层萎 缩带来的损失。
The term profit in economics has a very precise meaning.Economists, however, often loosely refer to “good deals” or profitable ventures with no risk as profit opportunities.Using the term loosely, a profit opportunity exists at the toll booths in one line is shorter than the others.The general view of economics is that profit opportunities are rare.At any one time there are many people searching for such opportunities, and as a consequence few exist.At toll booths it is seldom the case that one line is substantially shorter than the others
:Thanks to the means of modern transportation and communication,the world is getting smaller and smaller.The whole world community appears to be no more than a large global village,where the residents come together with different cultural backgrounds and values.While experiencing the inevitable cultural exchanges as well as cultural clashes,the “villagers”seek to live in harmony.多亏了现代交通与通讯工具,这个世界正变得越来越小。整个世界似乎和一个地球村一样小,这个村庄里有不同的文化背景和价值观的居民都聚集在一起。在经历这种不可避免的文化交流也是文化冲击的过程中,这些“村民”追求着和谐共处。
Unit 8
1.As she stood in front of her 5th grade class on the very first day of school, she told the children an untruth.开学第一天,当她站在五年级班级的面前,她对孩子们说了一句不实在的话。
2.Mrs.Thompson had watched Teddy the year before and noticed that he didn’t play well with the other children, that this clothes were messy and that he constantly needed a bath.汤普森女士一年前就见到泰蒂莲,management techniques will require a work force with much higher levels of education and skills.此外,提供有质量的产品和服务的需要(而过去则认为大批量生产是不可能做到这一点的),以及参与型管理技术的推广应用,都将要劳动力具有更高的教育和技术程度。4.In a very real sense the world was not technologically competitive.完全可以说,当时世界上不存在技术竞争。
5.Today we live in a world where confuses our sense of reality.广告不仅诱使沃恩买那些我们并不需要而且买不起的东西,同时还混淆了我们的真实感.2.If fear is the negative motive for buying a product, then wanting a good image is the positive reason for choosing it.如果这种担心的心理是我们消费产品的消极动机,那么希望自己有一个好的形象则是我们选择这种产品的积极理由了.3.Two people may choose different brands of toothpaste with the identical price, stored information orally-aurally, talking
2.From a Darwinian perspective, written language is the bridge 从达尔文进化论的角度来看,书面语是连接人类口语文化第一黄金时代和第二黄金时代的桥梁。
3.The second golden age of oral culture has been visible to us since
3.Teddy is an excellent student, well liked by his classmates, but he is troubled because his mother has a terminal illness and life at home must be a struggle.泰蒂是很优秀的学生,很受同学们喜爱。但他母亲得了绝症,他为此而困扰,家里的生活一定很艰苦。4.But she stifled the children’s laughter when she exclaimed how pretty the bracelet was, putting it on, and dabbing some of the perfume on her wrist.但她惊喜地称赞手镯的漂亮,把它戴到手上,并把香水轻拍在她首位上。这些动作止住了孩子们的笑声。5.Four years after that, she got another letter, saying that while things had been tough at times, he’s stayed in school, had stuck with it, and would soon graduate from college with the highest of honors.四年以后,她收到另一封信,说他尽管时常遇到困难,他仍留在学校学习,坚持了下来,他即将以优异的成绩大学毕业。Unit 9
1.The globalization of the world’s capital markets that has occurred in the past 10 years will be replicated right across the economy in the next decade.过去10年世界资本市场出现的全球化在未来10年中,也将在整个经济中重现。
2.Demography and changing social mores mean that white males will become a smaller fraction of the work force as women and minorities grow in importance.人口统计和不断变化中的社会习俗意味着,随着妇女和少数民族重要性的增加,白人男子在劳动力群体中所占比例将会减少。
3.In addition, the need to produce goods and services at quality levels previously thought impossible to obtain in mass production and the spreading use of participatory
American firms no longer have automatic technological superiority.今天,在我们所生活的世界中,美国公司已不再是自然而然地具有技术上的优势。Unit 10
1.Taxes put a big dent in family fortunes, and unless the heirs are careful and invest wisely, they can lose their millions as fast as their ancestors mad them.遗产税大大削弱家族的财富,获取遗产的后人如果不小心或不谙投资,他们失去财富的速度就将像其先辈当年获得它一样快。
2.Today’s Horatio Alger heroes often come from modest backgrounds and rise to the top on pluck, luck and a clear idea of what they want.今天的具有霍雷肖?艾尔格笔下主人公特征的富豪们往往来自平凡的 背景,他们攀上巅峰靠的是胆识、运气以及有清楚的奋斗目标。3.Bill Gates, the Microsoft whiz, left Harvard to tinker with software and developed the operating brain that is installed in nearly every personal computer.比尔?盖茨,那个微软的大能人,没有上完哈佛大学就去钻研软件,开发出一种几乎每台个人电脑都安装的工作大脑。
4.They didn’t drop out to avoid work – they dropped out to start a company or devote themselves to an interest.他们退学并不是逃避工作——实际上他们都是为了创办一家公司,或去从事自己感兴趣的事业。
5.Eventually, you may reach the point where you can afford to spend the rest of your life at the side of a swimming pool with a drink in your hand, but you probably won’t.这样,有朝一日你或许可以有资格把余生打发在游泳池边,手里端着饮料——不过你很可能不会如此。Unit 12
1.Advertising not only leads us to buy things that we don't need and can't afford, but also
amount , and quality;each person believes that he or she is expressing his personality by choosing that brand.两个人所选择的可能是两个不同品牌的牙膏,即使这两种牙膏有着相同的价格、数量和质量。每个人都相信通过购买自己的品牌可以表达自己的个性。
4.Psychologists have found that certain colors on the package of an attractive product will cause people to reach out and take that package instead of buying an identical product with different colors.心理学家们发现,有吸引力的产品,其包装上的特定颜色会使人们伸手去取它,而不会去买另一种颜色的相同产品。
5.They feel that they have freedom of choice, and they like to think they make wise choices.Unfortunately , they probably don’t realize the powerful effect of advertising.他们觉得他们有选择的自由,并且总是认为他们做出了明智的选择。遗憾的是,他们可能没有认识到广告的强大作用。Unit 13
1.Each of us owes it to our spouses, our children, our friends to be
2.The concept that we have to work at happiness comes as news 对于很多人来说,我们需要努力感觉幸福的这种说法可能是前所未有的。
3.I once met a young man who struck me as particularly 我曾经遇到过一位年轻人,他给我的印象是他特别成功、幸福。4.Only rarely do people's jobs, spouses and children
人们的工作、配偶、孩子很少能达到这些想象出来的理想状况。5.The most obvious sources are those pursuits
(幸福)最明显的来源是那些给我们生活带来目的的追求。Unit 14
1.By enabling us to access
4.Like most technologies, written language will serve its function
5.This reality check will help us prepare ourselves to say goodbye
在现实中的行不通有助于我们告别书面语言,并迎接它的取代物-----我们的老朋友,口语的归来。Unit 15
1.In decisions from how much to produce to whether to save and invest ,humans have
2.Whether people will invest in shares or buy insurance depends on how they
3.Traditional economists had long thought-or assumed-that the prospect of a $1,000
4.Having identified these regions ,the hope is that future work can measure how the brain 确定了大脑活动区域后,我们的希望是将来的研究能够搞清楚大脑在选择股票、赌博或是决定参加哪项退休金计划等情况下是怎样执行任务的。
5.People tend much to prefer, say ,$100 now to $115 next week, 人们更倾向于,譬如,现在获得100美元的回报,而不是下一周获得115美元的回报;可是人们却不在乎一年以后的100美元的回报和一年零一周以后的115美元的回报之间有什么不同。
Unit 1
The baby can't even crawl yet,let alone walk!
2.威尔声称谋杀案发生时他正在与一群朋友吃饭,但是我认为他在说谎。Will claimed he was dining with a group of friends at the time of the murder , but in my opinion he told a lie.3.一定程度上阅读速度与阅读技巧密切相关;有了阅读技巧,你就可以更好地应对课外阅读了。
To a certain extent the speed of reading is colsely related to reading skills;and with reading skills you cam cope with outside calss reading better.4.根据规则他俩都可以参加比赛。
Acccording to the regulation/rule, they both can play the game/participate in the game.5.有些人想当然地认为日语中的没一个词在汉语中都有对应的词语。
Some peopleassume that there is a Chinese equivalent for every Japanese word.6.我们已将所有的相关信息告知了警方。
We have passed all rlevant information on to the police.7.关于那件事你问我再多的问题也没用,因为我是不会回答你的。
There is no use asking me any more questions about that matter because I won'tanswer.8.事先没有仔细阅读合同就签了名是吉姆的错误。
It was a mistake on Jim's part to sign the contract without reading it carefully.9.他们拒绝向我们提供所需要的全部信息。
They refused to provide us with all the information we need.10.这起事故与三年前发生的一起事故极为相似。
This accident is very similar to the one that happened three years ago.11.这部影片是根据莎士比亚的戏剧改编的。
The film is based on a play by Shakespeare.12.如果你的英语和电脑技术都能掌握好,那么你在谋职时就一定比别人更有优势。
If you have a good command of English and computer skills, you will surely have an advantage over others in finding a job.Unit 2
Many teachers frowned on this practice.2.当我想从草地上传过去的时候,有位老人在旁边怒视我。
An old man glared at me when I was trying to cut across the law.3.当我提到我的父亲时,她的脸上露出了认出我的笑容。
When I mentioned my father, she showed a smile of recognition on her face.4.我的大孩子比较听话,而小的那个非常倔。
My first born was quite obedint ,whereas my younger child was very stubborn.I can still reacll now how the younger child insisted on going abroad to study after he finished his secondary school.5.当海啸袭来时,许多东南亚国家遭受了巨大的损失。
Coutries in South East Asia sustained gerat losses when the tsunami struch the area.6.每当做母亲的拿弟弟跟哥哥作比较,弟弟就要抗议。
Ever time the mother treis to compare the younger brother with his elder brother, the younger on will protest.7.当他初到这个新学校的时候,发现自己与其他同学格格不入。
He found himself unable to fit in with his classmates when he first came to this school.8.她脸上气急败坏的表情实在把我吓坏了。我再也不敢说个不字。
The fury on her face terrified me.I dared not say no to her again.9.怪不得你最后闯出祸来,原来你从来不听你父母的管教。
No wonder you ended up in trouble.You never followed your parents' advice.10.他花了整整两年的时间才慢慢适应了这个新环境。
It took him two years to adapt to the new environment.Unit 3
1.威廉非常喜欢那女孩子,所以他尽力讨好她,并且很有信心可以赢得她的心。William likes the girl a lot so he tries very hard to imperss her and is optimistic that he will win her heart.2.他有创造性,对未来也有很好的判断力,可就是喜欢秘而不宣。
He is very creative and has a good vision of the future, but he likes to keep things to himself.3.他们来自一个贫穷的小山村,那里的人们远离现代文明。
They came from a poor village where people were shut off from modern civillization.4.我们要努力工作,争取达到我们所订下的目标。
We must work hard and make an effort to achieve the goals that we have set.5.我们应该满足于我们所拥有的一切,不该对周围的事情过分吹毛求疵。
We should learn to becontent with all that we have and should not be too critical about things around us.6.他们经常代表学校参加辩论赛;今晚我们将聚会庆祝他们的成功。
They often represent our school in debating competitions;tonight we will throw a party to celebrate their success.7.通过读书,他不仅开阔了视野,而且学会了不但完善自己的人格。
Through reading, not only has he expanded hie horizon, he has also learned to keeping improving his character.8.为把那个女孩从火中救出,两名警察牺牲了他们的生命。
Two policemen sacrificed lives in order to save that girl from the fire.9.稳定的、无冲突的夫妻关系对家庭中的孩子有好处。
A stable relationship without conflicts between husband and wife benfits the
children in the family.Unit 4
Let's get in touch as soon as we know the results of the text/exam.2.那音乐激起他强烈的思乡之情。
The music aroused an intense feeling of homesikeness in him.3.你已经工作了一上午了,该休息一下了。
You've been working all morningin other words, you failed.9.她病得很厉害,必须停止工作。
She was so ill that she had to leave off work.10.现在没办法知道结果会怎样,案子的决定权在法官手里,我们所能做的就是等待。
There is no way to tell what is going to happen.The case is in the hands of the judge, and all we could do is to wait.Unit 5
We are good friends;however, he kept such an important matter from me ,which took me by surprise.2.考试得不了一百分不要紧。重要的是别失去自信心。
It doesn't matter if you can not get full marks for the exam;what matters is not to lose confidence in yourself.3.昨天晚上他和我聊天,并安慰我说,这种病并不难治,还没人死于这种病。He chatted with me last night and reassured methat the disease was not hard to cure and that nobady had ever died of it.4.她决心用钢铁般的意志来克服生活中的种种障碍。
She was determined to overcome all the obstacles in her life with a will of iron.5.是事实他早就收到我的钱了,却有意不给我回条确认。这实在让我气坏了。
It turned out that he had already received my money, but did not aknowledge the receipt of it on purpose.This really drove me crazy.6.他是个害羞和沉静的男孩,在走上讲台叙述自己的经历之前,他悄悄地坐在礼堂的一角集思冥想。
He is a shy and silent boy.Before he went onto the stage to share his experiences, he sat quietly in a corner of the auditorium, gathering his thoughts.7.他当场承认他要出国留学,因为他相信国外的教育会给他将来的研究国祚打开大门。
He admitted on the spot that he would go overseas for further study as he believed overseas education would open the door to his future research.8.看到自己一个美丽的姑娘,玛丽的叔叔的脸上满是笑容。
Mary's uncle's face lit up when he saw his niece had turned into a pretty young lady in just a few years.Unit 6
Straighten up!You feet should keep time to the rhythm of the music.2.她将一张纸条悄悄塞在了他的手中。他看了以后很不高兴,以为她在取笑他。She slipped a note into his hand.He was very unhappy after reading it, as he thought that she was making fun of him.3.小偷被抓住时,求我们饶恕他。他说他头食物是因为他的妈妈快饿死了,家里几乎一点吃的都没有了。
The thief pleaded for out mercy when he was caught.He said he had stolen the food beacuse his mother wa staving todeath and there was barely and food left in the house.4.既然他们要求更多的电力供应,我们应该满足他们的要求,减轻他们的压力。They have made a request for more electricity supplies, which we should satisfy in order to release them from the pressure they are under.5.他们将酒瓶传了一圈,每人喝了一口后,就向森林深处走去。
They made the rounds with wine bottle;each took a gulp and then they set out for the forest.6.我的电视上订购了一台新的。网上商店会派人送货上门。
My TV set broke down;I have ordered a new one online and the shop is going to have it delivered to the door.7.他的话令所有人不快,大家都停止了吃饭。过了一会儿,大家继续吃饭,但每个人都看上去心事重重。
His words made everyone unhappy and stop eating.After a while, they resumed eating, but they all looked as if something was weighing on their minds.8.像他这么一个温文尔雅的人居然如此粗鲁地打断我们。我们都无法置信地看着他。
We stared at him in dis belief, astonished that someone as gentle as he is could interrupt us so rudely.Unit 7
Whenever we start a new job, there are bound to be a lot of things we may not be familiar with.2.这种新药已经成功地用在动物身上,但这并不意味着它将在人类身上也适用。This new medicine/drug has successfully been used on animals, but this doesn't mean that it can be applied to humans.3.他这次演讲比赛没能得第一名主要是因为他缺乏信心。
His failure to win the first prize in the speech competition is largely due to his lack of confidence.4.对于一般人来说,忧郁症很容易跟压力混淆,因为忧郁症也可是是某些压力的反应。
To the general public, depression can be easily confused with stress, as it may be a response to some types of stress.5.世界粮食的生产将越来越难跟上世界人口的日益增长。
It is becoming increasingly difficult for world food productiong to keep pace with the continuing growth of the world' population.6.要成功地得到一份工作,需要很多因素在一起发挥左右脑更,这些因素包括你的技能、文凭和工作经验。
To successfully get a job , a lot of factors need to come into play, including your skills, diploma and work experience.Unit 8
The judge asked the reporters not to disclose the name of the victim.2.老师费尽苦心务使我们全都理解他说的话。
The teacher took pains to make sure that we all understood what he said.3.最近学校在学业优秀的学生中进行了一项调查。
Recently the school conducred a survey among those students who have attained academic exellence.4.他说他要接受这份工作,我们要求他写封信证实。
He said he would accept the job , so we asked him to confirm his acceptance by writing us a letter.5.乔治学习很努力,他要尽量利用学习机会。
George studies very hard.He wants to make the most of his chance to learn.6.我们不能去。第一,天太冷。另外,我们正忙着。
We can't go.To begin wich, it's too cold.Besides, we're busy.7.该是有人公开讲清楚这些基本事实的时候了。
It's about time that someone spoke up for these basic truths/facts.8.不要说做这事没用,长远看会有好结果的。
Don't say it is profitless to do this.The effort will pay off in the long run.
1、要是我赶不上飞机或火车怎么办What if I miss the plane or the train ?
2、那位演员在成名之前,经历了一段艰难困苦的时期The actress went through a tough period before she was well-known.3、在抄写这份文件时,注意不要漏掉任何字Remember not to leave out any words when you’re copying the file.4、大家一致认为,他的粗心大意造成了这次事故 It was agreed that his carelessness resulted in the accident.5、在冬天,天往往会黑得早一些In winter ,it tends to turn dark earlier6、汤姆汉语考试得高分是自然的事It’s natural for Tom to get high grades on the Chinese test7、他们的计划被一些突如其来的事打乱了 Their plan was upset by something unexpected.8、她的努力给老师留下了深刻的印象she impressed her teacher greatly with her hardworking9、一切都在我们的控制之中Everything is under our control10、如果不能来上课请提前请假If you don’t come to have lessons ,please ask for leave in advance.11、校长又检查了一遍教室以确保没有学生留在教室里 The headmaster check the classroom again to make sure that no students stay there.12、在登山前,小组长给大家腰上牢牢地系上了跟绳子 The group leader attaches a long rope tightly to everyone’s waist before climbing the hill.13、你为什么不参加这项极限运动呢Why not participate in the extreme sports?
14、蹦极需要极大勇气 Bungee jumping involves much courage15、亨利突然想到了一个绝妙的主意 A fantastic idea occurred to henry.16、我渴了,想喝一杯茶,你呢I’m thirsty ,so I feel like drinking a cup of tea ,what about you ?
17、自从在那次事故中受伤后,他行动迟缓多了His action has slowed down a lot since he got hurt in that accident.18、这个城市里有许多旅游景点 The city has many tourist attractions.19、因为雨水充沛,今年庄稼长势好 Due to abundant rain, the corn grew well.20、历史博物馆位于火车站附近The history museum is located near the railway station.21、这种疾病常以发高烧的症状出现 The disease always takes the form of high fever22、那条公路修好后,这座城市周围新建了许多工厂 After the road was built ,many factories sprang up around the city23、这两个问题在会议上占了首要地位 The two questions dominated the conference.24、经过讨论,他们同意用国产机器代替原来的外国机器 After the discussion ,they agree to substitute the home-made machines for the original foreign ones25、20 世纪初,两位美国人从飞鸟那里获得灵感,发明了飞机 Inspired by birds,the two Americans invented the airplane at the 20the centuries.26、骆驼是在大约5,000年前成为驮兽的 It was about 5,000 years ago that camels became beasts of burden.27、她在一家公司里担任总经理助理 She functioned as assistant to the general manager in a company.28、他的话可归结为以下几点 What he said can boil down to the following points.29、人们开始对这里的大气污染表示忧虑 People began to be concerned about the air pollution here.30、大家都应对我厂的发展贡献自己的一份力量 Everyone should contribute to the development of our factory.31、我为自己的无理行为向她道歉I made amends to her for my rudeness.32、情绪低落时,他总是静坐几个小时 When he felt low, he would sit there silently for hours.33、你们应当认真对待即将到来的期末考试 You should take the coming final exam seriously.34、客户满意是我们的最终目标 Customer satisfaction is our ultimate goal.35、新来的职员表现很好,经理对他很满意 The new clerk conducted himself very well, and the manager was very satisfied36、刚来到这所学校时,我感到不适应 I felt like a fish out of water when first come to this school.37、那件衬衣非常适合他That shirt fits him like a glove.38、她轻轻地走进房子,生怕弄醒了家人 She entered the room quietly for fear that she should wake up her family.39、我想不出该如何答复他I could not figure out how to reply to him.40、随着电脑的发展,有朝一日它将取代电视With the development of computers, they will take over from televisions one day.
第六课:环保 1.目前,在文明的社会中,对环境的敏感性和对诸如民主的信仰一样是一种不可或缺的态度。但是既然从 泰德.特纳到乔治.布什,从美国道化学公司到埃克森公司,每个人都声称自己热爱地球,在这么多以环境名 义提出的相互矛盾的建议,约束,提案规章制度,法律法规中,我们该如何选取呢?选而易见,不是冠以 环境名义的每项建议都值得去尝试。我们究竟该如何选择? 2.这里有一种简便的方法,首先,要区分什么是保护环境的奢侈品,什么是保护环境的必需品。奢侈的东 西是那些不需要付出什么代价而能够拥有就好的东西。必需品是我们无论如何都必须要拥有的东西。其次,应用一条规则,我们可以称它为一个理智的环保主义的的基本公理:与直接威胁人类身体健康和安全的生 态变化的斗争是环保的必需品。而其他的都是奢侈的行为。3.例如,保护大气层---阻止臭氧层的破坏和温室效应是一种环保的必须行为。据四月的科学报告说臭氧层 的破坏程度比我们先前认为的要严重得多。臭氧层的破坏不仅可以直接导致皮肤癌,而且还危害浮游生物,这些浮游生物位于一个食物链的起点,而位于食物链另一端,最上层的则是人类。4.对温室效应的现实影响更多是推测性的,不过它可能的后果却更加有毁灭性: 冰川融化,海岸线被淹没,气候被破坏,土地干涸,最终,食物消失殆尽,美国中西部地区的粮食供养着全世界。难道我们愿意看到 衣阿华州变成新墨西哥州的沙漠气候,西伯利亚变成衣阿华州吗? 5.臭氧的耗尽 和温室效应是人类的灾难。这些碰巧在自然界里发生。但是他们非常紧急,因为他们直接威 胁到人类。明智的环保主义---唯一能赢取广泛的公众支持的环保主张--首先要强调自然是服务于人类的。明智的环保主张是完全以人类为中心的。它敦促人类保护环境。但是应以人类的自我保护为基础。6.明智的环保主张并不是对地球的感情用事。它并不要求人类为了其他生物而做出牺牲。毕竟,要求人们 为了其他人做出牺牲也很难。(想想公众对外援和福利的强烈抵触吧)7.当然,人类中心说与当代环保主义的宗旨是相对立的,后者对地球的崇拜已经到了偶像崇拜的地步了,一个科学理论(盖娅理论)声称地球实际上是一个活的生命体。这种环保主义喜欢把自己看成是神圣的。其实他只不过是感情用事而已。比如,在自然是否友善的问题上,当代环保主义采用了高度片面地看问题 的态度。四月份龙卷风肆虐堪萨斯州和五月的飓风大作粉碎了我对自然的崇拜。那场飓风造成 125,000 多 孟加拉国人的死亡,