首先, 校服对于中学生来说,就是身份的象征,就像社会上不同职业的人需要穿著不同的制服一样。例如警察要穿著警察制服,消防员需穿消防制服等;同样地,学生自然便要穿著他们的制服——校服了。这样,我们就可以简单准确的分辨出他们的身份,我们穿校服时,别人便更容易辩认出我们是学生了。
观点)Mobile phones are the main invention of modern technology.They are completely part of our daily life If we look at our society, we can see that all kinds of people are using mobile phones.they have many advantages, 1.The main advantage of mobile phones is that we can use them anytime and anywhere, so they can use one for an emergency紧急时刻).2.it is very easy to send messages to your friends.Mobile phones can make people keep intimacy in spite of long distance.3.Mobile phones are turning the world into a small vilage where we can communicate with each other easily and simply
I think middle school students should be allowed to bring the cell phone.4.Because in the modern sociaty,there're a lot of trouble that you may get into.If you get into trouble,you need to have a conversation with your friends or your parents immediately.So you need a cell phone.5.if you have something important and you must tell somebody right away,you need a cell phone.、、、、Then somebody may say that if you have a cell phone,you will play it in class.At this time,you can say like this:If there's bug in an apple,you can't say that there're bugs in every apple.It's true that there're one or two people liay it in the class,but it doesn't mean that everyone plays it in class.There're only a few people play it.You can't say that students shouldn't bring cell phone because of a few people,right? AND,1 2 In the future ,everyone can't stop harmful things to come.So we should improve self control at present ,instead of protecting us from all the harmful influence by the parents.
Dear Mrs Andrews,I am writing because you chair a committee in charge of the compulsory
wearing of school uniforms.I am a student at Brinsley High School, a friendly and successful school where uniforms are not worn.(Introduction: covering the subject and setting forth your own position)
I believe that there is good evidence that wearing school uniform is now
outdated.I fully understand that uniform looks smarter than casual clothes and that this might attract parents on Open Day.However uniforms are expensive and forever need replacing as students grow.This poses a real worry to financially stressed families.This is made worse by the fact that the uniform is only available from an expensive school shop rather than from inexpensive and competitive retailers.(Body: providing convincing evidence based on the facts)
It's true that wearing uniform means students don't spend all morning choosing what to wear or beg parents for clothes that will impress their friends.However there is another side to this argument: uniforms breed uniformity.We are a culturally diverse nation and if we all dress the same, this encourages us to be the same.At Brinsley High, we are encouraged to express our individuality, yet this seems to be in conflict with the message enforced uniform sends to us.(Body: discussion of opposing views to counter back)
A big argument in favour of uniform is one of safety.We are easily identifiable and this can be very useful if there is an accident.This appeals to parents who are always worried about new dangers facing us.But could it also be that wearing
uniform can bring potential problems? Two friends of mine have been bullied while walking home just because their school uniform identified them as being from a
“rival” school.Surely, you wouldn't want this to happen to one of your own children?(body: discussion of opposing views to counter back)
In conclusion, I can fully understand the motivation for making students wear uniform to look smart, to worry less about wearing the right clothes and also for safety.However, I hope I have shown that there is another case to be made.School uniforms can be a burden to parents with less money and to students identified as being different.They also stifle a sense of freedom and self-expression.I believe this rule is outdated and is in many ways illogical.It needs to change.(Conlusion : to persuade the reader to agree with you and accept your postion on the issue)
Yours sincerely,Gary White
Hello, Kehan.Hello Jenny!I recently read a piece of news , it said there was a survey in a large forum , which was whether students should be forced to wear uniforms.85.7% of the participants voted ‘Yes’, while 2.2% voted ‘No’.In my opinion, it has its reason that this tradition can exist among countries with different development degrees of education all over the world.For schools, uniform can be a reflection of a school’s appearance and a symbol of a school.It can make a school look neat instead of looking like a place of public community or somewhere.It’s easier to manage the students and point out the different people to ensure the safety of students.I have learned that serious violence in school occurred frequently, especially the things in Jiangxi and Zhejiang.So my point is it’s better for students to wear uniforms.Well , that’s a good point, but I want to say, for students, uniforms can also be the signs of them.It can remind students who they are and what they should do.Junior and high school students are mostly in adolescence and often express their feelings through the clothing that they wear, if they keep focusing on this kind of behavior, then they will miss the other part of individuality establishment.Wearing uniforms can alleviate this problem and reduce the situation of material comparisons made by dressing in order to let the students put their more energy on the study rather than what they should wear today.In that way, every one looks equal no matter handsome or not so handsome.Therefore, I believe it’s better for students to wear uniforms.