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第八节 书面表达






Hello,everyone.I'd like to talk about my life in our school.___________ __________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________


Hello,everyone.I'd like to talk about my life in our school.We will graduate in a few weeks.I think it is a good chance for me to say “Thanks” to our school,all the teachers,classmates and school workers.Our school is very beautiful.I have spent my happiest three years here.And I really hope she will be better and better.For me,the most unforgettable people are all the teachers who are so knowledgeable and experienced.You are always kind and caring,patient and responsible.I will never forget your help.I'm also thankful to my classmates and friends who are very hard­working.I hope everyone will enter their dream school to study.In the end,I'd like to give my special “Thanks” to all the workers in our school.Thank you for everything you have done for us!Thank you for your listening.And good luck to you!


第八节 书面表达



●Do you have the same problem as I do? ●Do you think I am a little stupid(笨的)? ●What can I do when I take an exam?



参考词汇:自信的confident 注意attention 全神贯注concentrate on Dear Sandy,I am happy to receive your e­mail and I am sorry to hear about your problem.I hope I can help you.____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ I hope my advice will help you.Yours,Li Hua



1.你爱好画画;2.课余时间你喜欢野营,喜欢在大自然中画植物,聆听鸟儿的歌唱; 3.你最喜欢的科目是科学,希望长大以后成为一名科学家;4.你很高兴参加夏令营,希望你们能成为好朋友。__________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________



One possible version: Dear Sandy,I am happy o receive your e­mail and I am sorry to hear about your problem.I hope I can help

you.Sometimes I feel the same way you do.I also feel a little nervous before exams.Maybe everyone does.I don't think you are stupid and you will always be clever in my eyes.Be confident when you take an exam.You should read the questions carefully and think over your answers.You shouldn't worry about your grades while taking the exam.Just concentrate on answering the questions.If you worry too much,it will take your attention away from them.If so,you won't get good results.I hope my advice will help you.Yours,Li Hua


One possible version: Dear friends,I'm very glad to introduce myself to you.My name is Li Qiang.I'm 14 years old.I live in Shangdong.I'm interested in drawing.In my free time,I often go camping,draw some pictures of plants,and enjoy the singing of birds in nature.My favorite subject is science.I want to be a scientist when I grow up.I feel lucky to join you.I hope we can be good friends.That's all.Thank you for listening.


Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes 教学目标(Language Goal)1.能够谈论允许和不允许做的事情



目标语言(Target Language)

1.I think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive 我认为应该允许16岁的孩子开车。

2.I disagree.I think sixteen is too young.我不同意,我认为16岁这个年纪太年轻了。

3.Do you think thirteen-year-olds should be allowed to have part-time jobs ? 你认为应该允许13岁的孩子们做兼职工作吗?

4.No , I don’t.不,我认为不应该。5.Anna is allowed to wear her own clothes.安娜可以选择自己的衣服。

6.They are not serious enough at that age.那个年龄的他们不够稳重。

7.-What rules do you have at home ? 你家有什么规定吗?

-Well , I’m not allowed to go out on school nights.噢,我在周一至周五不能外出。

词汇和短语(Vocabulary and expressions)

allow 允许 drive 架车 pierce [pi s]刺穿 license 执照 driver司机 silly愚蠢的、傻的 earring 耳环 concentrate集中 volunteer自愿、志愿者 Local地方的 perform表演 primary初级的 go out with their friends 和朋友一块出去 part-time jobs 兼职工作

driver’s license 驾驶执照 get their ears pierced 穿耳孔

choose one’s own clothes 选自己的衣服 sixteen-year-olds 十六岁的孩子

seem to 好像 at that age 在那个年龄 so do we 我们也一样 get to class late.上课迟到 fail a test 考试不及格 be strict with 对„要求严格 the other day 前几天 get to doing sth 着手做某事 look smart 看起来整洁 concentrate on 关注„ be a good way to do 是„的好方法

It’s a good idea for sb to do 是„的好主意

get noisy 变得嘈杂 at present 目前

have an opportunity to do sth.有做„的机会

be a good experience for sb.对„来说是很有意义的经历 take time to do things 花费时间做事情

old people’s home 敬老院

be sleepy 睏 after a long week of classes 上完一周课之后 have Friday afternoons off 周五放假

语法内容: 一.被动语态

1.“语态”表示主语和谓语动词之间的关系。英语中有“两态”的说法,即主动语态和被动语态,本单 元中反复出现的should be allowed 就是一个含有情态动词(should)的被动语态。






The office is cleaned every day.The office was cleaned yesterday.Compare active and passive:

动作的接受者the office成了句子的主语,就应该用被动语态。从上面的例句我们可以总结:

一般现在时的被动语态为:主+am / is / are(not)+过去分词

一般过去时的被动语态为:主+was / were +过去分词

如:Butter is made from milk.This house was built 100 years ago.以前我们学过的was / were born 生于,就是一个被动语态 born是个过去分词(bear)

-When were you born ? -I was born in 1989.如果要特别强调动作或行为的执行者,句子后面需接by ~,译为“被(由)„”

如:We were woken up by a loud noise.我们被嘈杂的声音吵醒。



主语+is / am / are + being +过去分词


My car is being repaired now.Some new houses are being built near the park.公园附近在建一些房子。




主语+have / has +been +过去分词


My key has been stolen.My keys have been stolen.I am not going to the party , I haven’t been invited.含有情态动词的被动语态


A note had better be left to him.Teenagers should be allowed to wear their own clothes 这里我们列举了几个主要时态,那么其它时态呢?

一般将来时 主语+will +be +过去分词

过去将来时 主语+would / should + be +过去分词

过去进行时 主语+was / were + being +过去分词

过去完成时 主语+had + been +过去分词

被动语态的时态是由be的时态决定的,be是什么时态,全句就是什么时态,be动词后面的过去分词不 变。


肯定句:主语+be + 过去分词+(by ~)

否定句:主语+be not +过去分词+(by ~)

一般疑问句:Be +主语+过去分词+(by ~)? 特殊疑问句:疑问词+be+主语+过去分词+(by ~)


(1)不知道或没有必要说明动作的执行者是谁,不用by+动作执行者短语 Such books are written for children.这些书是为儿童写的。

I haven’t been told about it.没有人告诉我这件事

(2)强调动作的承受者,这时应用by短语。The cup was broken by David.(3)作客观说明时,常采用一种被动语态句型

It’s / was said / believed / reported / + that „

It’s reported that about three hundred people were killed in this earthquake.

















如:He gave me a book.-I was given a book by him.(以I做主语)

-A book was given to me by Tom.(以物book作主语)He teaches us English.-We are taught English by him.(以人当主语)

-English is taught us by him.(以物作主语)


keep, make 三类的动词常常有宾语补足语,在被动语态中,宾语补足语位置不变。We keep food fresh in the fridge.主 谓 宾 宾补

-Food is kept fresh in the fridge.I saw him go into the office building.-He was seen to go into the office building.英语中有“十大动词”的说法,即feel , hear , listen , have , make , let , look , watch , see , notice,这些词在主动句中,其后的动词不定式不加to,但变被动句时必须加to.(3)含有短语的主动语态变被动语态




They take good care of my child.-My child is taken good care of 他们把我的孩子照顾得很好。I turned off the radio.

-The radio was turned off(by me)


take care of -be taken care of cut down -be cut down laugh at -be laughed at look after-be looked after 下列这些短语本身即是被动语态的形式,不需再加-by be covered with „用„覆盖着

be interested in „对„感兴趣

be surprised at „对„感到惊奇 be made of(from)用„制造的(4)由情态动词形成的被动语态


肯定句:主语+情态动词(can , may , must)+be+ 过去分词„

否定句:主语+情态动词+not + be + 过去分词„

疑问句:情态动词(Can , May , Must)+主语+be+过去分词+„.如:We should allow teenagers to surf the Internet.-Teenagers should be allowed to surf the Internet.Can you use it ? 你会使用它吗?

-Can it be used ? 6.不能用于被动语态的几种情况


他在镜中看见了自己的模样。We often help each other.我们常常互相帮助。

(2)当谓语是表状态的及物动词时(如have , like , take place , belong to „)


I like these flowers.我喜欢这些花。I will have a meeting.不说A meeting will be had.应说A meeting will be held.二.重点、难点: 1.the other day 我们还可以说the other day , morning , week , month.不久前的一天,一个上午、一个星期、一个月等 I saw him in London the other day.我最近有一天在伦敦见过他。2.get to 着手做某事

„ and I got to talking about the rules „

He got to doing the homework after supper.

3.concentrate on sth.专注于某事(做某件事而不做其他事)

He decided to concentrate on English because he just failed the exam.他决心专攻英语因为他刚刚考试不及格。

This company concentrate on the Chinese market.这家公司把重点集中在中国市场。

4.be good for 对„有好处 有益于(„that is good for studying „)This kind of food is good for me.这种食物对我身体有益

Sunshine is good for plants.阳光对植物有益。

5.It’s a good idea for sb to do sth.做„对„来说是个好主意(It’s also probably a good idea for parents to allow „)

It’s a good idea for us to travel to the south.6.get noisy 变得嘈杂(I know we got noisy sometimes , „)noise -noisy

7.learn from 向„学习,从„中学习

„ but we learn a lot from each other.We should learn from our mistakes.我们应从错误中学习。

8.at present.(At present they’re too short.)at present 此刻、现在=at this time , now I can’t help you at present --I’m too busy


9.„ have an opportunity to do sth


have no opportunity to do 没机会做„

I hope to „„ have an opportunity to go to the States.I have no opportunity to have a talk with her I 注意:文中在谈论将来时,用了一些动词过去式和would + 动原的形式




它相当于一个名词 相当于sixteen-year-old kids.“一个16岁青少年的表达方式” a kid sixteen years old a kid of sixteen a kid of sixteen years old.a sixteen-year-old kid

2.stop doing

He should stop wearing that silly earrings.(Section A 2a)


We two stopped talking.我们俩个停止了谈话。3.主+seem to do sth.好像

His temperature seems to be all right.他的体温好像完全正常。seem其他用法


The question seems quite easy.那个问题好像很容易。


That seems a good idea.那好像是个好主意。

(3)It seems + that 从句

It seemed that nobody knew anything about the matter.看来没有人知道这件事。4.So do we(Section A 3a)

So do we 为倒装句,其结构是So + be 动词/助动词/情态动词+主语,在时态上应和上一句保持一 致。应翻译为“我们也是这样”用英文解释是: We have a lot of rules at my house , too.5.on school nights , on Friday nights , on Saturday afternoons.我们在说某个具体的,特定的早晨、下午、晚上时应用on.6.be strict with 对„要求非常严格

She’s very strict with her children.她待子女很严。

7.old people’s home 敬老院

以前我们曾学过old folk’s home

8.take time to do things 花费时间做事情。take在这里为“花费”的意思。


It takes sb some time to do sth.it为形式主语


It took me 2 hours to finish the homework.9.be a great experience for sb.对„来说是一次很棒的经历。10.volunteer(1)n.志愿者

volunteer groups 志愿小组

volunteers to run Christmas show.自愿操办、圣诞节表演的人。


Tim’s busy but I’ll come , he volunteered.蒂姆很忙,我来吧,他主动说道。11.sleepy想睡的(a.)Are you sleepy ? 你睏吗? asleep 睡着的、熟睡的

He waits until the children are asleep.他一直等到孩子们睡着了。

词组fall asleep 入睡

He was just falling asleep when there was a loud knock at the door.他刚要入睡,就有人大声敲门。


第三节 语法填空



One day,Tina sat on the chair and 1(watch)her mother do the dishes in the kitchen.Tina noticed that her mother had some white 2(hair)on her head.She looked 3 her mother and asked,“Why do you have some white hairs,Mum?”

Her mother answered,“Well,every time you do something wrong and make me 4(sadly),one hair turns white.If you don't make me sad any more,I 5(have)black hair.”

The little girl thought for a while 6 then said,“Mum,I am going to listen to your words 7(careful)from today on and I would like 8(be)a good kid.Then you will not have so many white hairs,will you?” Her mother smiled and nodded.Tina's grandma 9(watch)TV in the living room.Tina glanced(看一眼)at her grandma and asked,“Mum,why is grandma's hair all white?Her children aren't good ones,are 10 ?” 1.__________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.__________ 5.__________ 6.__________ 7.__________ 8.__________ 9.__________ 10.__________


There are lots of jobs which we can do.Some are just ordinary(普通的)jobs and 1(other)are careers(职业),but each person likes something different.My favorite job is that of an 2(art).You can paint beautiful 3 and you don't have to travel to get to work.Also,you don't have to do what other people tell you.You can decide what you are going to paint 4 then just do it.The only bad thing is that artists don't make 5 money.The 6(bad)job I can think of is a pilot's.You have to work for long hours and it's really 7(tired)and boring.If you make a serious mistake,things 8(go)wrong.It's so dangerous.The only good thing is that pilots 9(pay)a lot of money,but money isn't the most important thing about a job.In a word,every job 10(have)both good and bad things,but I think that artists have got the best job.1.__________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.__________ 5.__________ 6.__________ 7.__________ 8.__________ 9.__________ 10.__________



1.watched 解析:该空与前面的sat是并列谓语,所以时态应该一致,故用一般过去时watched。2.hairs 解析:这里指一些白头发,不是指整个一头头发,所以要用复数形式hairs。3.at 解析:look at意为“看……”,是固定搭配,故填at。

4.sad 解析:“make sb.+形容词”是固定结构,形容词作宾语补足语,故填sad。

5.will have 解析:这是if条件状语从句,从句是现在时态表将来,主句应用将来时态,故填will have。

6.and 解析:thought和said两个动作是先后承接关系,因此应用连词and连接。

7.carefully 解析:该空作状语,修饰前面的动词短语“listen to”,因此应用副词形式carefully。

8.to be 解析:would like to be/do...意为“愿意成为/做……”,是固定搭配。

9.was watching 解析:根据后一句“Tina glanced at her grandma”和该句的句意可知,这里表示动作正在进行,而且是发生在过去,故用过去进行时。所以填was watching。10.they 解析:该句是反意疑问句,反问部分的人称代词要与前面的主语一致,该句主语是her children,故应用第三人称的复数代词they。


1.others 解析:some...others是固定结构,意为“一些……另一些……”。

2.artist 解析:空格前由不定冠词an修饰,且根据下文“You can paint beautiful...”可知,此处用artist最合适。

3.pictures 解析:上文提到最喜欢的工作是艺术家,因此此处指的是画画,故填pictures。4.and 解析:空前后为并列关系,故应填连词and。

5.much 解析:由“The only bad thing”可知,此处指的是缺点,由此可推断,艺术家挣钱不多,money是不可数名词,故用much修饰。

6.worst 解析:上文提到最喜欢的工作,因此此处指的是最差的工作,故应用形容词的最高级worst。7.tiring 解析:空格处和“boring”并列作表语,且用来说明事情,故填tiring。

8.will go 解析:if引导的条件状语从句中,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时表将来。9.are paid 解析:“pay”和“pilots”之间为动宾关系,故此处应用被动语态are paid。10.has 解析:every修饰名词作主语,谓语动词用第三人称单数。故填has。


第三节 语法填空



When I was young,I used to get into trouble with my classmates.My head teacher often said it was important 1(get)along well with others.However,I always thought I could do everything well by 2(my).

At that time,I was not 3(interest)in my study at all.I really didn't want to go to school any longer.So I often slept in my classes.At last,nearly every teacher did not 4 attention to me.They gave me up.One day,my head teacher asked me to go to her office.To my surprise,she told me my classmates 5(choose)me to be the new monitor.I felt very happy 6 I had never been a monitor.I really wanted to be a good monitor.First,I made a 7(decide)to study hard.Even though I tried to work hard at every subject,I could not catch up 8 others.My classmates 9(help)me.I was moved.In the end,I got better at my study.And I took pride in 10(have)such good classmates.1._________ 2._________ 3.__________ 4.__________ 5._________ 6._________ 7._________ 8.__________ 9.__________ 10._________


Last week the manager of a jewelry shop received a letter from a 1(strange).As he was very busy 2 his work then,the letter lay on his desk till teatime.He 3(open)it and 10 pounds dropped onto his desk.With the money was a letter which said: Dear Sir,I'm Peter.In 1935 I got engaged(订婚).But 4(unlucky),I lost my job.Although I got 5 job again six months later,I was very short of money.I came to your shop 6(buy)a ring.The shop assistant showed some rings to me,but she 7(call)away for a moment,and I put one of the rings in my pocket.When she came 8,I said I didn't know the size of my girlfriend's finger.So I left the shop without 9(pay)for the ring.My wife died a short while ago and the fact that I never paid for the ring has been 10(heavily)in my heart all these years.At that time the ring cost two pounds,so I think that is ten pounds at today's price and I'm sending 10 pounds.Yours truly,A customer 1._________ 2._________ 3.__________ 4.__________ 5.__________ 6._________ 7._________ 8.__________ 9.__________ 10.__________



1.to get 解析:It is+adj.+to do sth.是固定句式,意为“做某事是……的”。故此处填to get。2.myself 解析:by oneself是固定短语,意为“单独,独自”。故此处填myself。

3.interested 解析:be interested in是固定短语,意为“对……感兴趣”。故此处填interested。4.pay 解析:pay attention to是固定短语,意为“注意,留意”。故此处填pay。

5.had chosen 解析:该动作发生在“told”这一动作之前,故应用过去完成时即had chosen。6.because 解析:前后两个分句为因果关系,前为果,后为因,故应用连词because。

7.decision 解析:空格处在句中作made的宾语,且前面有冠词修饰,故应用其名词形式即decision。8.with 解析:catch up with是固定短语,意为“赶上”。故此处填with。9.helped 解析:根据上下文语境可知,此处用一般过去时即helped。10.having 解析:空格处在句中作介词in的宾语,故应填having。


1.stranger 解析:空前是冠词a,因此该空用名词单数形式,即stranger。

2.with 解析:be busy with sth.是固定搭配,意为“忙于……”。故此处填with。

3.opened 解析:该句是and连接的并列句,后一个分句是一般过去时,因此前面也用一般过去时,即opened。

4.unluckily 解析:分析句子结构可知,该空是状语,故用副词形式即unluckily。

5.a 解析:根据句意可知,这里表示数量“一”,而且job的发音以辅音音素开头,故用不定冠词a。6.to buy 解析:此处用不定式作目的状语即to buy。

7.was called 解析:分析句子可知,call与主语she是动宾关系,而且动作发生在过去,因此要用一般过去时的被动语态即was called。

8.back 解析:上一句的“but she 7(call)away for a moment”说明她离开了,因此这里应该表示“她回来的时候”。故填back。

9.paying 解析:without是介词,后面应用动名词,即­ing形式即paying。

10.heavy 解析:空前是系动词be的完成形式,因此该空应用形容词作表语即heavy。



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