
时间:2019-05-14 02:40:21下载本文作者:会员上传



activity 工序;活动

actual cost for work performed [ACWP] 已完工作量的实耗费用 advance payment;down payment 预付款

advance payment bond;bank guarantee for advance payment 预付款保函;为预付款出具的银行保 证书

ahead of schedule 进度提前 analysis estimate 分析估算


bank guarantee;letter of guarantee [L/G] 银行保证书;信用保证书 bar;bar-chart;Gantt chart 横道图 bid;quotation;proposal;tender;offer 报价;投标 bid bond 投标保函

bid evaluation 标书评审;报价评审 bill of materials [BOM] 材料表;材料 清单

bond 保函;担保(书)

budget;project control budget 预算(值);项目控制预算

budget change procedure 预算变更 程序

budgeted cost for work performed [BCWP] 已完工作量的预算费用 budgeted cost for work scheduled [BCWS] 计划工作量的预算费用


certificate 证书;证明书 change 变更

change control procedure 变更控制 程序

civil engineering 土建 claim;claim indemnity 索赔 client 用户;客户

client acceptance 用户验收

client acceptance certificate(of plant)用户验收证书;合同项目验收证书

close-out report(项目)完工报告 commissioning 试车

commissioning activities cost 试车 费用

construction 施工

construction cost 施工费用 construction craft 施工工种 construction phase 施工阶段 contract 合同;承包

contract award 签订合同;合同签约 contractor 承包商

control baseline;performance measurement baseline;progress baseline 控制基准;执行效果测量 基准;实物进度基准 cost 费用;成本

cost and freight [CFR] or [C&F] 成 本加运费(价)

cost control 费用控制;成本控制 cost insurance and freight;cost insurance freight [CIF] 到岸价 cost of construction indirect 施工间接费用

cost of material related freight;insurance, etc.(直接)材料相关 费用(运费和保险费等)

cost performance index [CPI] 费用 执行效果指数

cost plus fixed fee contract [CPFF] 成本加固定酬金合同

cost plus fluctuating fee contract;cost plus sliding scale fee contract 成本加浮动酬金合同

cost trend display chart 费用趋势展 示图

cost variance [CV] 费用差异

critical activity 关键工序;关键活动critical path method [CPM] 关键线 路法


data 数据 default 违约 delivery 交货

delivery date;date of delivery 交货


design;engineering 设计;工程设计 detailed engineering phase;final engineering phase;production engineering phase 详细工程设计 阶段

deviation;variance 偏差;差异 diagram;chart 图表 discipline 专业 drawing 图纸 duties 关税


earned value concept [EVC] 赢得值 原理

effective date of the contract 合同生 效日期

equipment 设备

equipment cost;purchased cost of equipment 设备费用;设备购买费 用

equipment engineering 设备 equipment estimate 设备估算 estimate;cost estimate 估算;费用 估算

estimated cost at completion [EAC] 竣工预测费用


final payment 最终付款

(fixed)unit price contract(固定)单 价合同

“float” 浮动时间;工序时差 free on board [FOB] 离岸价

freight prepaid;advance(d)freight 运费预付

frustration of contract 合同失效


guarantee;warranty 保证;担保


histogram 直方图

servers 公司本部(服务)费用 home office service 公司本部服务


income taxes 所得税

initial approved cost [IAC] 批准的控


initial phase of project execution 项 目初始阶段

inquiry;invitation to bid 询价;招标 instructions to bidders [ITB] 投标者 须知;报价须知

instruments engineering 仪表 insurance;assurance 保险 insurance certificate 保险证书


joint venture [JV] 合营企业


kick-off meeting 开工会议


labor cost;erection labor cost;construction force cost 施工人工 费用;施工劳力费用

labor productivity;productivity factor;productivity ratio 劳动生产率;劳 动生产率系数 lead time 交货周期 license 许可证 loan 贷款

lump-sum contract[L-S] 总价合同


man-hour estimate 人工时估算 man-hour rate 人工时单价 material 材料 meeting 会议 milestone 里程碑

milestone network 里程碑网络图 monitoring 监控

monthly cost and progress report 费 用和进展月报告


negotiation 谈判



organizational breakdown structure [OBS] 组织分解机构

overhead;home office overheads 公司管理费

over-run;cost over-run 预算超支

(值);费用超支(值)owner 业主


performance 执行效果;效绩;性能 performance bond;performance bank guarantee 履约保函;履约担 保(书);为履约出具的银行保证书 performance guarantees 性能保证 performance report 执行效果报告 plan 计划

planning engineering phase平面设 计阶段

plant acceptance procedure 装置验 收程序

plant layout engineering 布置 precommissioning 试车准备 pre-qualification 资格预审 procedure 程序 procurement 采购

progress;physical progress 进展; 进度;实物进度

progress curve;“S” curve 进度曲 线;S 曲线

progress payment 按实物进度付款 project 项目;工程项目

project change;internal change 项 目变更;内部变更

project change notice [PCN];internal change order [ICO] 项目变更(通 知)单;内部变更(通知)单 project commissioning procedure;project start-up procedure;project test run procedure 项目试车程序; 项目开车程序

project construction manager [PCM] 项目施工经理

(project)construction plan(项目)施工计划

project control 项目控制

project control procedure 项目控制 程序

project controlling;tools for project control 项目控制手段

project controls manager 项目控制


project cost summary report 项目费 用汇总报告

project duration's 项目建设周期 project finance 项目融资;工程项目 筹资

project financial manager 项目财务 经理

project plan 项目计划

project process manager 项目工艺 经理

project procurement manager [PPM] 项目采购经理

(project)procurement plan(项目)采购计划

project procurement procedure 项 目采购程序

project quality manager 项目质量经 理

project safety engineer 项目安全工 程师

project scheduling engineer;project scheduler 项目进度计划工程师 project secretary 项目秘书 project start-up manager 项目开车 经理

(project)start-up plan(项目)开车计划

project summary work breakdown structure[PSWBS] 项目大项工作 分解结构

project team 项目组 proposal estimate 报价估算 proposal manager 报价经理


quality 质量

quality assurance [QA] 质量保证 quality control [QC] 质量控制 quality improvement 质量改进 quality management 质量管理 quality manual 质量手册 quality plan 质量计划

quality planning 质量策划 quality policy 质量方针 quality system 质量体系



work breakdown structure [WBS] 工 作分解结构 work item 工作项 work package 工作包


report 报告

requisition(package);requisition documents 请购文件;请购单

resource loading curve;Bell curve 资源负荷曲线

responsibility assignment matrix [RAM] 责任分工矩阵 risk 风险

risk analysis 风险分析


schedule 进度;进度表;进度计划 schedule control;progress control 进度控制

schedule delay 进度拖延 schedule index [SI] 进度指数 schedule payment 按日工程进度付 款

schedule performance index [SPI] 进度执行效果指数

schedule report 进度报告

schedule trend display chart 进度趋 势展示图

schedule variance [SV] 进度差异 scheduling;time scheduling 编制进 度计划

scope of work;project scope 工作 范围;项目任务范围 start-up 开车 subcontractor 分包商


(target)cost plus fee contract, with bonus or penalty conditions 目标 成本加奖罚合同 tax(es)税;税金


under-run;cost under-run 预算结余(值);费用结余(值)utility 公用工程


data scheduling status report 供



silicon 硅 silicon material硅料 silicon ingot硅锭 silicon block 硅块 wafer硅片cell电池module组件 lay up敷设 solder焊接 soldering machine 焊接机lamination层压 laminator层压机 delamination脱层 framing 装框cleaning 擦拭 test测试


frame 边框 backsheet 背板 tape 胶带 silicone硅胶encapsulation 封装 string电池串 ribbon 焊带tabbing ribbon汇流带finger 细栅busbar主栅线 flux 助焊剂residue 残渣junction-box 接线盒 cable线缆 connector接插头 mono 单晶poly多晶5月22日

temperature温度humidity湿度record记录power 功率voltage电压 current电流

rated power 额定功率 rated voltage额定电压

rated current 额定电流 open circuit voltage 开路电压 short circuit current短路电流AM 大气质量 irradiance 辐照度


electrical performance 电性能 insulation 绝缘 resistance电阻serial number序列号 tolerance公差 specification规格type型号workshop车间warehouse库房 inspection检验 inspector检验员opening meeting首次会议 closing meeting末次会议

repair返修 rework返工 audit审核 internal audit内审external audit外审



轮档挡好--Chocks in 地面电源设备接好--Ground power connected 收到--Roger

现在关闭发动机--Shutting down engines 准备牵引--Ready for pushback

所有舱门已关好--All doors checked closed 松刹车--Brakes off

松刹车--Release parking brakes 刹车已松--Brakes off

刹车已松--parking brake Released 刹车--Brakes on

刹车--Set parking brake 刹车刹好--Brakes on

刹车刹好--Parking brake set 可以牵引--Clear for pushback 牵引完成--Pushback complete

23号跑道起飞--Runway(or face)two three 05号跑道起飞--Runway(or face)zero five 准备启动1(或2)号发动机--Start number one(or two)

可以启动1(或2)号发动机--Clear number one(or two)

已经供气(如需气源车)--Pressure on 启动结束--Start complete

断开地面设备--Disconnect ground equipment

插销移开--Ping Removed 稍等--Standby

稍等启动--Standby for start

稍等推出--Standby for pushback

在左(或右)方打手势--Hand signal on the left(or right)

aircraft crew, air crew 机组, 机务人员 pilot 驾驶员, 机长

co-pilot, second pilot 副驾驶员 navigator 领航员

steward/stjued/ 男服务员 stewardess, hostess 空中小姐 radio operator 报务员 Airliner 班机

Mono-plane 单翼飞机

glider 滑翔机

trainer aircraft 教练机 passenger plane 客机

propeller-driven aircraft 螺旋桨飞机 jet(aircraft)喷气飞机 amphibian 水陆两用飞机

seaplane, hydroplane 水上飞机 turbofan jet 涡轮风扇飞机 turboprop 涡轮螺旋桨飞机 turbojet 涡轮喷射飞机 transport plane 运输机 helicopter 直升机 supersonic 超音速 hypersonic 高超音速 transonic 跨音速 subsonic 亚音速 Airbus 空中客车 Boeing 波音 Concord 协和 Ilyusin 依柳辛

McDonald-Douglas 麦道

Trident 三叉戟 Tupolev 图波列夫 hatch 舱口

aeroengine, air engine 航空发动机 navigation light 航行灯 fuselage, body 机身 nose 机头 wing 机翼 aileron 副翼 wing flap 襟翼 tail plane 水平尾翼 starboard wing 右翼 port wing 左翼

pilot"s cockpit 驾驶舱 parachute 降落伞 passenger cabin 客舱 propeller 螺旋桨

pressurized cabin 密封舱 undercarriage 起落架

undercarriage wheel 起落架轮 elevator 升降舵 radio navigation device 无线电导航设备 radio directive device 无线电定向设备 luggage compartment 行李舱(fuel)tank 油箱

auxiliary(fuel)tank 副油箱 main(fuel)tank 主油箱 autopilot 自动驾驶仪 ground crew 地勤人员 airport 航空港, 民航机场

airfield, aerodrome, airdrome 机场 airport beacon 机场灯标

airport meteorological station 机场气象站 main airport building, terminal building 机场主楼

emergency landing runway, forced landing runway 紧急着陆跑道 taxiway 滑行跑道 runway 跑道

omnirange radio beacon 全向式无线电航空信标

fuel depot 燃料库 control tower 塔台 tarmac 停机坪

radio beacon 无线电信标

boarding check 登机牌 plane ticket 飞机票 flight, flying 飞行

bumpy flight 不平稳的飞行 smooth flight平稳的飞行 ramp 扶梯

altitude, height 高度 air route, air line 航线 extra flight 加班

economy class, tourist class 经济座 non-stop flight 连续飞行 climbing, to gain height 爬升 circling 盘旋

forced landing 迫降

connecting flight 衔接航班 speed, velocity 速度 ceiling 上升限度

cruising speed 巡航速度 top speed 最高速度 first class 头等

night service 夜航 airsick 晕机

direct flight, straight flight 直飞 landing 着陆

to rock, to toss, to bump 颠簸 to taxi along 滑行

to lose height, to fly low 降低 to take off, take-off 起飞

to board a plane, get into a plane 上飞机 to get off a plane, alight from a plane 下飞机 to face the wind 迎风


Main Facilities in the Airport 机场主要设备

aerodrome/airport 飞机场

alternate airfield 备用机场

control tower 管制塔台

hangar 机库

fuel farm 油库

emergency service 急救站

localizer 航向信标台/定位信标

weather office 气象站

runway 跑道

taxiway 滑行道

parking bay 停车位置

maintenance area 维修区

terminal departure building 机场大厦/候机楼international departure building 国际航班出港大厦

seeing-off deck 送客台

domestic departure lobby 国内线出港候机厅 coffee shop 咖啡室

special waiting room 特别休息室

quarantine 检疫

Customs 海关

emigration control 出境检查

snack bar 快餐部

automatic door 自动出入门

arrival lounge 到达大厅

departure lounge 离港大厅

transit lounge 过站大厅

telephone/telegram/fax room 电话/电报/传真间

stand-by ticket counter 补票处

flight inFORMation board 航班显示板

check-in counter 办理登机手续柜台

transfer correspondence 中转柜台

carousel 旋转行李传送带

public address 广播室

dispatch office 签派室

police office 机场公安局(警察局)

boby temperature scanner 体温检测仪

medical centre 医疗中心

escalator 自动扶梯


moving/automatic walkway 自动步道

air bridge 登机廊桥

airport fire service 机场消防队

catering department 配餐供应部门

duty-free shop 免税商店

airtel/airport hotel 机场宾馆

VIP room 贵宾室

main lobby 主厅

freight building/cargo centre 货运大厦/货运中心

security centre 保安中心

imports shop 进口商品店

entrance 入口

passenger route 旅客通道

boarding gate No.18 第18号登机桥

bosrding gate besides No.16 第16号以外登机桥

inFORMation counter/office 问询处

lavatory 卫生间

international arrival building 国际航班到达大厦

taxi stand 出租汽车站

demestic connection counter 国内线联运柜台

exit 出口

hotel and limousine service 旅馆及机场交通服务处

limousine stand 机场交通车站

waiting room 休息室

exchange and tax payment 兑换及付税

Customs personnel 海关人员

Customs inspection counter 海关检查柜台

baggage claim area 行李认领区

immigration control 入境检查

plant quarantine 植物检疫

animal quarantine 动物检疫

connection counter 联运柜台

arrival lobby 入境旅客休息室

security counter 安检柜台

security check station 安全检查站

airport tax sales 机场税购买柜台

passport control 护照检查柜台

Passengers and People Working on and with Planes


international passenger 国际旅客

domestic passenger 国内旅客

connecting passenger 转机旅客

transit passenger 过境旅客

stand-by 候补旅客

no-show 误机者

unaccompanied passenger 无人陪伴儿童

handicapped passenger 残疾旅客

departing passenger 出港旅客

arriving passenger 进港旅客

flight crew 机组人员

captain 机长

pilot 飞行员

copilot 副驾驶员

flight engineer 飞行机械师

stewardess/cabin attendant/air hostess 女乘务员/空中小姐

steward 男乘务员

purser/chief attendant 乘务长

chief purser 主任乘务长

air crew 空勤人员

ground crew 地勤人员

ground service staff 地面服务人员

navigtor 领航员



开口扳手 Open End Wrenches 梅花扳手 Spline End Wrenches 块扳手 Crowfoot Wrenches

开口/梅花扳手 Combination Wrenches 内六角扳手 Hex Wrenches 平板棘轮扳手 Slab Ratchet 棘轮扳手 Ratchet Wrenches 力矩扳手 Torque Wrenches 管钳 Pipe Wrenches

活动扳手 Adjustable Wrenches 六角套筒 Six Point Sockets 梅花套筒 Twelve Point Sockets 万向套筒 Universal Sockets 转接头 Adaptor

套筒接杆 Socket Extension 万向转接头 Universal Joint


快速螺刀 Fast Screwdrivers

仪表螺刀 Electronic miniature Screwdrivers 十字头螺刀 PILLIPS Screwdrivers 磁性螺刀 Magnetic Screwdrivers 一字头螺刀 Flat Tip Screwdrivers 摇把 Speeders


尖嘴钳 Needle Nose Pliers 大力钳 Locking Pliers

保险丝钳 Safety Wire Twisters 鹰嘴钳 Adjustable Joint Pliers 插头钳 Connector Plug 剥线钳 Wire Strippers

鱼口钳 Combination Slip-Joint Pliers 卡环钳 Convertible Snap Ring Pliers 剪线钳 Diagonal Cutters 压线钳 Wire Crimpers

电气工具Electronic Tools

矿灯 Safety Lamb(Miner’s Lamb)手电 Flashing Light 对讲机 Interphone 电烙铁 Electronic Iron 耳机 Earphone

防静电手腕 Static Wrist 电池 Battery 充电器 Charger 扬声器 Speaker

电源插座 Receptacle 电枪 Electronic Runner 电钻 Electronic Drills

指挥棒 Flashing Emergency Light 超声波 Ultrasonic

测量工具Measuring Tools 钢板尺 Steel Rulers 卷尺 Tape Rulers

螺旋卡尺 Outside Micrometer 塞尺 Feeler(Thickness)Gauges 量杯 Measuring Cup 游标卡尺 Dial Caliper 表 Gauges

三用表 Multi Meter 兆欧表 Meg Ohm Meter


反光镜 Inspection Mirror 放大镜 Magnifier

软杆双爪式机械手 Flexible Two_claw Pick Up Tool

软杆磁棒 Flexible Magnetic Pick Up Tool 划刀 Utility Knife 刮刀 Scraper Knife 剪刀 Snip(Scissor)锯 Saw

凿子 Chisels 錾子 Punch

三脚架 Tripod(Spider)铜榔头 Copper Hammer 铁榔头 Iron Hammer 胶榔头 Rubber Hammer 弯勾 Hook 锉 File

镊子 Nipper(Pliers)

销钉插拔工具 Pin Removal Tools 气枪 Pneumatic Runner 气钻 Pneumatic Drills

铆钉枪 Rivet Gun

注射器 Injector(Squirt)滑油加油车 Oil Cart

液压油加油车 Hydraulic Fluid Cart 注油枪 Grease Gun 抹布 Dishcloth 手套 Glove 绳索 Rope

工具箱 Tools Kit 工具架 Tools Rack 千斤顶 Jack

撬棒 Tommy Bar 工作梯 Work Ladder 砂轮 Grinding wheel 砂纸 Sand paper 胶带 Adhesive Tape 焊锡 Soldering Tin 拖把 Tow Bar

发光背心 Flashing Vest 护目镜 Goggle(Blinkers)安全带 Life Belt(Safety Belt)


常用经济类词汇: economist 经济学家

socialist economy 社会主义经济 capitalist economy 资本主义经济 collective economy 集体经济 planned economy 计划经济 controlled economy 管制经济 rural economics 农村经济 liberal economy 自由经济 mixed economy 混合经济 political economy 政治经济学 protectionism 保护主义 autarchy 闭关自守 primary sector 初级成分 private sector 私营成分,私营部门 public sector 公共部门,公共成分 economic channels 经济渠道 economic balance 经济平衡 economic fluctuation 经济波动 economic depression 经济衰退 economic stability 经济稳定 economic policy 经济政策 economic recovery 经济复原 understanding 约定 concentration 集中 holding company 控股公司 trust 托拉斯 cartel 卡特尔 rate of growth 增长 economic trend 经济趋势 economic situation 经济形势 infrastructure 基本建设

standard of living 生活标准,生活水平purchasing power, buying power 购买力 scarcity 短缺

stagnation 停滞,萧条,不景气 underdevelopment 不发达 underdeveloped 不发达的 developing 发展中的

initial capital 创办资本 frozen capital 冻结资金 frozen assets 冻结资产 fixed assets 固定资产 real estate 不动产,房地产 circulating capital, working capital 流动资本 available capital 可用资产 capital goods 资本货物 reserve 预备金,储备金

calling up of capital 催缴资本 allocation of funds 资金分配 contribution of funds 资金捐献 working capital fund 周转基金 revolving fund 循环基金,周转性基金 contingency fund 意外开支,预备金 reserve fund 预备金

buffer fund 缓冲基金,平准基金 sinking fund 偿债基金 investment 投资,资产 investor 投资人

self-financing 自筹经费,经费自给 bank 银行

current account 经常帐户(美作:checking account)current-account holder 支票帐户(美作:checking-account holder)cheque 支票(美作:check)bearer cheque, cheque payable to bearer 无记名支票,来人支票 crossed cheque 划线支票 traveller's cheque 旅行支票

chequebook 支票簿,支票本(美作:checkbook)endorsement 背书 transfer 转让,转帐,过户 money 货币 issue 发行

ready money 现钱 cash 现金

ready money business, no credit given 现金交易,概不赊欠 change 零钱

banknote, note 钞票,纸币(美作:bill)to pay(in)cash 付现金

domestic currency, local currency] 本国货币 convertibility 可兑换性

convertible currencies 可自由兑换货币 exchange rate 汇率,兑换率 foreign exchange 外汇

floating exchange rate 浮动汇率 free exchange rates 自由汇兑市场 foreign exchange certificate 外汇兑换券 hard currency 硬通货 speculation 投机 saving 储装,存款

depreciation 减价,贬值 devaluation(货币)贬值 revaluation 重估价

runaway inflation 无法控制的通货膨胀 deflation 通货紧缩 capital flight 资本外逃 securities business 证券市场 stock exchange 股票市场

stock exchange corporation 证券交易所 stock exchange 证券交易所,股票交易所 quotation 报价,牌价 share 股份,股票

shareholder, stockholder 股票持有人,股东 dividend 股息,红利 cash dividend 现金配股 stock investment 股票投资 investment trust 投资信托 stock-jobber 股票经纪人

stock company, stock brokerage firm 证券公司 securities 有价证券

share, common stock 普通股 preference stock 优先股 income gain 股利收入 issue 发行股票

par value 股面价格, 票面价格 bull 买手, 多头 bear 卖手, 空头 assigned 过户 opening price 开盘 closing price 收盘 hard times 低潮

business recession 景气衰退 doldrums 景气停滞 dull 盘整 ease 松弛

raising limit 涨停板 break 暴跌

bond, debenture 债券 Wall Street 华尔街

short term loan 短期贷款 long term loan 长期贷款 medium term loan 中期贷款 lender 债权人 creditor 债权人 debtor 债务人,借方 borrower 借方,借款人 borrowing 借款 interest 利息 rate of interest 利率 discount 贴现,折扣 rediscount 再贴现 annuity 年金

maturity 到期日,偿还日

amortization 摊销,摊还,分期偿付 redemption 偿还 insurance 保险 mortgage 抵押 allotment 拨款

short term credit 短期信贷 consolidated debt 合并债务 funded debt 固定债务,长期债务 floating debt 流动债务 drawing 提款,提存 aid 援助

allowance, grant, subsidy 补贴,补助金,津贴

cost 成本,费用

expenditure, outgoings 开支,支出 fixed costs 固定成本

overhead costs 营业间接成本 overheads 杂项开支,间接成本 operating costs 生产费用,营业成本 operating expenses 营业费用 running expenses 日常费用,经营费用 miscellaneous costs 杂项费用 overhead expenses 间接费用,治理费用

upkeep costs, maintenance costs 维修费用,养护费用 transport costs 运输费用 social charges 社会负担费用

contingent expenses, contingencies 或有费用 apportionment of expenses 分摊费用

income 收入,收益 earnings 利润,收益 gross income, gross earnings 总收入,总收益 gross profit, gross benefit 毛利,总利润,利益毛额 net income 纯收益,净收入,收益净额 average income平均收入 national income 国民收入

profitability, profit earning capacity 利润率,赢利率 yield 产量收益,收益率

increase in value, appreciation 增值,升值

duty 税

taxation system 税制 taxation 征税,纳税 fiscal charges 财务税收 progressive taxation 累进税制 graduated tax 累进税 value added tax 增值税

income tax 所得税 land tax 地租,地价税 excise tax 特许权税

basis of assessment 估税标准 taxable income 须纳税的收入 fiscality 检查 tax-free 免税的 tax exemption 免税 taxpayer 纳税人 tax collector 收税员

国民生产总值 GNP(Gross National Product)人均国民生产总值 per capita GNP 产值 output value 鼓励 give incentive to 投入 input

宏观控制 exercise macro-control

优化经济结构 optimize the economic structure 输入活力 bring vigor into

改善经济环境 improve economic environment 整顿经济秩序 rectify economic order

有效地控制通货膨胀 effectively control inflation 非公有成分 non-public sectors 主要成分 dominant sector 实在的 tangible

全体会议 plenary session 解放生产力 liberate/unshackle/release the productive forces 引入歧途 lead one to a blind alley 举措 move

实事求是 seek truth from facts 引进、输入 importation 和平演变 peaceful evolution 试一下 have a go(at sth.)精华、精粹、实质 quintessence

家庭联产责任承包制 family-contract responsibility system 搞活企业 invigorate enterprises 商品经济 commodity economy 基石 cornerstone 零售 retail

发电量 electric energy production 有色金属 nonferrous metals 人均收入 per capita income 使负担 be saddled with 营业发达的公司 going concerns

被兼并或挤掉 annexed or forced out of business 善于接受的 receptive 增额、增值、增长 increment 发展过快 excessive growth 抽样调查 data from the sample survey

扣除物价上涨部分 price increase are deducted(excluded)实际增长率 actual growth rate

国际收支 international balance of payments 流通制度 circulation system 总工资 total wages

分配形式 forms of distribution 风险资金 risk funds

治理不善 poor management

农业 farming 林业 forestry

畜牧业 animal husbandry 副业 sideline production 渔业 fishing

第一产业 primary industry 第二产业 secondary industry 第三产业 tertiary industry 生产资料 means of production

生活资料 means of livelihood/subsistence 生产关系 relations of production 生产力 productive forces 公有制 public ownership 私有制 private ownership

全民所有制 ownership by the entire/whole people 社会主义集体所有制 socialist collective ownership

厉行节约,反对浪费 to practice strict economy and combat waste 外资企业 foreign-funded enterprise 合资企业 joint venture

合作企业 cooperative enterprise

独资企业 wholly foreign owned/funded enterprise

一个中心、两个基本点one central task and two basic points 资本主义和社会主义并不是以计划经济和市场的多少来划分的。

Socialism and capitalism are not distinguished by the proportion of planned and market economy.初步建立社会主义计划商品经济新体制。

to establish at a preliminary level a new system of socialist planned commodity economy.work/needs.经济结构改革。

reform in economic structure 剩余劳动力。

surplus labor 经营机制

operative mechanism 发挥市场的调节作用

to give play to the regulatory role of the market 经济和法律的杠杆

economic and legal leverages 经济计划和市场调节相结合

to combine economic planning with market regulation 计划经济和市场调节相结合的机制

a mechanism that combines planned economy and market regulation

China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, C.C.P.I.T.中国国际贸易促进委员会

National Council for US-China Trade 美中贸易全国理事会 Japan-China Economic Association 日中经济协会

Association for the Promotion of International Trade,Japan 日本国际贸易促进会

British Council for the Promotion of International Trade 英国国际贸易促进委员会

International Chamber of Commerce 国际商会

International Union of Marine Insurance 国际海洋运输保险协会 International Alumina Association 国际铝矾土协会 Universal Postal Union, UPU 万国邮政联盟

Customs Co-operation Council, CCC 关税合作理事会

United Nations Trade and Development Board 联合国贸易与发展理事会

Organization for Economic cooperation and Development, DECD 经济合作与开发组织

European Economic Community, EEC, European Common Market 欧洲经济共同体

European Free Trade Association, EFTA 欧洲自由贸易联盟 European Free Trade Area, EFTA 欧洲自由贸易区 Council for Mutual Economic Aid, CMEA 经济互助委员会 Eurogroup 欧洲集团 Group of Ten 十国集团

Committee of Twenty(Paris Club)二十国委员会 Coordinating Committee, COCOM 巴黎统筹委员会

Caribbean Common Market, CCM, Caribbean Free-Trade Association, CARIFTA 加勒比共同市场(加勒比自由贸易同盟)

Andeans Common Market, ACM, Andeans Treaty Organization, ATO 安第斯共同市场

Latin American Free Trade Association, LAFTA 拉丁美洲自由贸易联盟

Central American Common Market, CACM 中美洲共同市场 African and Malagasy Common Organization, OCAM 非洲与马尔加什共同组织

East African Common Market, EACM 东非共同市场

Central African Customs and Economic Union, CEUCA 中非关税经济同盟

West African Economic Community, WAEC 西非经济共同体

英语教学常用的句子: 1.上课(Beginning a class)(1)Let’s start now./ Let’s begin our class / lesson.(2)Stand up, please.(3)Sit down, please.2.问候(Greeting)(4)Hello, boys and girls / children.(5)Good morning, class / everyone / everybody / children / boys and girls.(6)Good afternoon, class / everyone / everybody / children / boys and girls.(7)How are you today? 3.考勤(Checking attendance)(8)Who’s on duty today? / Who’s helping this morning / today?(9)Is everyone / everybody here / present?(10)Is anyone away? / Is anybody away?(11)Is anyone absent? / Is anybody absent?(12)Who’s absent? / Who’s away?(13)Where is he / she?(14)Try to be on time./ Don’t be late next time.(15)Go back to your seat, please.(16)What day is it today?(17)What’s the date today?(18)What’s the weather like today?(19)What’s it like outside? 4.宣布(Announcing)(20)Let’s start working./ Let’s begin / start a new lesson.Let’s begin / start our lesson.(21)First, let’s review / do some review.(22)What did we learn in the last lesson?(23)Who can tell / remember what we did in the last lesson / yesterday?(24)Now we’re going to do something new / different.Now let’s learn something new.(25)We have some new words / sentences.5.提起注意(Directing attention)(26)Ready? / Are you ready?(27)Did you get there? / Do you understand?(28)Is that clear?(29)Any volunteers?(30)Do you know what to do?(31)Be quiet, please./ Quiet, please.(32)Listen, please.(33)Listen carefully, please.(34)Listen to the tape recorder / the recording.(35)Look carefully, please.(36)Look over here.(37)Watch carefully.(38)Are you watching?(39)Please look at the blackboard / picture / map …(40)Pay attention to your spelling / pronunciation.


会展英语专业词汇 admission ticket:入场卷 2 attendee:出席者,在场者 3 applicant:申请者 4 badge:胸章 booth:展台;售货棚;展览摊位 6 booth contractor:展台搭建公司 7 booth number:展位号码 8 booth order:展位预定 9 box lunch:盒饭 brochure:宣传小册子 11 budget:预算开支 12 business card:名片 classroom type meeting room:教室形会议厅 14 clinic:教学班,现场会议 company fascia/signage:公司楣板 16 confetti:彩色纸屑 conference:专业会议,协商会 18 congress:代表大会,会议 19 cooperation:合作;协作 20 consortium:国际财团 convention site inspection:会议场地考察 22 convention registration:会议代表签到 23 corner booth:角落展台 24 dealer meeting:经销商会议 25 decorator:装潢公司 26 destination:目的地 diplomat:外交官,外交家 draping:布帘,铺设桌面的群布 29 drayage:运送展品 30 dress code: 着装规范

exhibit designer:展台设计师 32 exhibit producer:展台搭建商

exhibit directory:参观指南(主要列出参展商名单及其位置)



exhibition planning:展前联络 37 exhibitor manual:参展商手册 38 exhibitor:参展商

exposition manager:展厅经理,负责一个展览会从立项、促销到现场举办的各个方面的工作,也称为“show manager”或“show organizer”。40 exposition:博览会 41 facility manager:展馆或展厅经理 42 facility:同“convention center*”,指展览馆或展览设施 43 FHC:展馆内用于标明灭火器箱位置的符号 44 fire exit:展馆内的紧急出口

floor load:指展馆地面最大承重量

floor plan:展馆平面图,具体标明展区位置及展览辅助服务区位置,如活动室、洗手间、电源和水供应处等

floor port:展馆地面接口,主要是展馆电、电话和水管接口 48 follow-up meeting:后续会议 49 forum:论坛

hall:对展览馆的泛称,也可指一个展馆中的一个具体的展厅 51 hollow shape meeting room 回字形会议厅 52 hospitality area:会客区 53 hub:中心

indoor exhibition space:室内展区 55 information pack:会展资料袋 56 island booth:岛形展台 57 lease of space:展位租赁 58 lectern:主席台 59 lecture:讲座

main/head table:主桌 61 meeting:会议

minimum area:起租面积 63 minutes:会议记录

move-in:展台搭建、布展期 65 move-out:撤展期

multiple-story exhibit:多层展台 67 on display:展示中 68 on-site ads:现场广告

on site construction:主场搭建

outdoor exhibition space:室外展区 71 pamphlet:小册子 72 panel:(常在听众前举行的)专题小组讨论会 73 peninsula booth:半岛形展台 74 post-conference tour: 会后旅游 75 premise:会址;房屋

products of interest:有意向的产品 77 projector:投影设备 78 raw space:展览广地 79 retreat:异地会议 80 row booth:标准展台 81 sales literature:宣传资料 82 seminar:研究班,研讨会

seating arrangement:席位安排 84 service kit:服务指南

show:贸易展览会 会展英语专业词汇 86 showcase:陈列,陈列柜 87 skirting:装饰围边

space assignment:展会分配 89 speaker:音箱

speaker with stand:立式音箱

specialized pavilion:专业展出馆,专项展示厅 92 strategy:战略,计划 93 strike:撤展


theatre shape meeting room:剧院性会议厅 96 toastmaster:正式宴会主持人

U-shape meeting room:U形会议厅 98 venue manager:场地(馆)经理 99 warehouse:仓库




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