牛津英语8B Unit4 第七课时教案(小编推荐)

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第一篇:牛津英语8B Unit4 第七课时教案(小编推荐)

丹阳九中8B unit4教(学)案

Unit 4 Main Task

主备人:Zheng Lin审核人:2012..教学目标:


2.To learn to design a poster of your charity show and write a speech to ask more people to come to your show.3.To learn how to raise more money for charity



To make a poster and describe the details of a charity show.难点:

To learn to write a speechof your charity show to ask more people to come to your show.课型方法:writing电教手段投影机



1.If you are going to hold a charity show, what will you do before the show?

2.What should you plan?

3.How would you attract people’s attention to poster as well as the event.?


1.What is the name of the show?

2.When will they hold the show?

3.Why do they hold a charity show?

4.Where will the show be held?

5.How much do the tickets cost?

6.Which charity are they supporting?



.If you are going to hold a charity show, what will you do before the show?

2.What should you plan?

8B unit 4教(学)案

3.How would you attract people’s attention to poster as well as the event.?












1.一、Complete the table.Name of the show______________________________________________________ Purpose _____________________________________________________________ Price ________________________________________________________________ Programme __________________________________________________________ Which charity you are raising money for and why__________________________

Place ________________________________________________________________ Date ________________________________________________________________ Time ________________________________________________________________







a charity show2 hold a microphonebe the host of a charity show 4 practice a lotpractice sth/ doing sth 6 only ifsleep less during the day 8 advertise on the Internet 9 give out(leaflets)organize a charity show 11 Project Green Hope 12 Project HopeSave China’s Tigers 14 Spring Bud Project 15 in poor areashelp protect rivers and lakes in Chinahelp(sb.)with sth.,help(sb.)do sth 18 have/hold a meeting 19 have/hold a charity show 20 raisemoneyforsb.donatesth.(money)tosb.22 those organizerschoose sbto dosth24 because of the TV caneras 25 start working on the show 26 introduce sb to sb27 introduce oneselfhave many other duties29 hard work 30work hard

remember to do sth32 remember doing sth33 at the right time

remember to look at the right camera at the right time35 in the beginning = at first 36 in the end = at last = finally 37 at the same time 38 do everything right39 become a little bit easier 40 the night before the big event 41 can’t sleep at all 42 the way to success

keep asking myself,keep doing sth.44 come/ go into the theatre 45 have no time to do sth8b unit 4词组 1一次慈善演出 2拿着话筒

3做慈善演出的主持人 4多练习5练习做某事 6除非


8在英特网上登广告 9散发(传单)

10组织一次慈善演出 11绿色希望工程 12希望工程 13拯救中国虎 14春蕾计划 15在贫困地区

16帮助保护中国的河、湖 60-62

17帮忙(某人)做某事 18开一个会


20为某人(某组织)筹款/募捐 21捐某物(钱)给某人 22那些组织者 23选某人做---24由于电视摄象机 25开始演出排练 26把某人介绍给某人 27自我介绍

28有许多别的职责 29艰苦的工作

30努力工作(学习)31记得去做某事 32记得做过某事 33在适当的时候

34记得在适当的时候找准机 35在开始;起初 36在末尾;最后 37在同时

38把每件事做对 39变得容易一点

40这件大事的前一天晚上 41根本睡不着 42成功之道

43一直问我自己(一直做某事)44走进剧院 45没时间做某事

the fans of the pop stars47 speak loudly 48 seem to do sth

seem angry/ to be angry

have a lot of support from local businesses

have more events like this52 hope to do sth53 best wishes

help people in need

make money by selling goods and services

introduce the guests in a show57 at a big theatre58 many things to do63-67

make your voice sound louder 60 a person who performs in a show61 hang in front of the stage 62 want the show to be a success 63 at the end of the show64 on the ground

because of the heavy rain66 make some decisionsdecide to do sth

make s decision to do sth 67 hold the show indoors 68 be broken 69 use notepaper

be /become interested in71 design some posters72 I wish I were you.73 wish you a happy holiday(I wish you goodluck)74 wish sb.to do sth75 pay attention to sth 68-73

work on a charity show77 name of the show /charity

ticket price, the price of the ticket 79 talk about holding a charity show80 a charitycalled Project Hope 81 do a very important job 82 cost ﹩20 each 83 volunteer to do sth84 set up the stage

call the show Sunshine For All 86 phone sb.46那些流行明星的迷 47大声地说话 48似乎要----49似乎生气


51有更多的像这样的事件 52希望做某事 53最好的祝福 54帮助需要的人


56在表演中介绍来宾 57 在大剧院 58 许多事要做

使你的声音听起来更大一些 60 在剧中表演的人 61 挂在舞台前

想要这次演出成功 63 在演出结束时 64 在地上 64因为大雨 66 做出决定决定做某事

在室内举行表演 68 坏了 69 使用信纸 70 对----感兴趣 71 设计海报



祝你好运 75 注意某物


这个表演/慈善机构的名字 78 票价


一个叫“希望工程”的慈善机构81 做一个非常重要的工作 82 各花20 美圆 83 自愿去做某事 84 搭建舞台

把这演出叫做“阳光洒向每人”86 打电话给某人

有许多空余时间 88 做-----是没有关系的89 raise money to help poor children go to school

a musical performance

Sunshine Advertisement Agency 92 it’s important that---93 learn to read and write

go to work instead of going to school

a magic show

a fun /funny evening97 support Project Hope 98 thank sb

be thankful to sb

thank sb for(doing)sth 101 give one’s thanks to sb102 donate money to do sth103 make this show possible104 Sunshine Department Store 105 pass the exams106 go/come to the show 107 write back to sb108 return to sp

go/come back to sp

tickets for a charity show110 clap and shout excitedly 111 perform very well112 perform on the stage

a break between the two classes114 do business115 the exit to--

speak/talk in a low/high voice117 donations are welcome 118 the purpose of119 invite sb to lunch 120 can’t wait for sthcan’t wait to do sth

do another show next year

have lots of free time88 it doesn’t matter that----


一场音乐表演 91 阳光广告公司 92------是重要的 93学会读书和写字 94去上班来代替上学

一场魔术表演 96 一个有趣的晚上 97 支持希望工程 98 谢谢某人 99 对某人感激

100因为(做)某事而感谢某人 101谢谢某人 102捐钱做某事

103使这次演出成为可能 104 阳光商场 105 通过考试

去/来参加这个表演 107 写回信给某人 108 回到某地 109 慈善表演的票 110激动地鼓掌和大叫 111 表演得好


两节课之间的短暂休息114 做生意

通向----的出口 116 低/高声说 117 欢迎捐款 118---的目的 119邀请某人吃午餐 120迫不急待做某事



牛津小学英语6B教案——Unit 7 A letter to a penfriend第二课时

一、教学内容: 6B Unit 7 C.Look and say



2、听懂、会说、会读、会写句型:Can I have...?What for ? I want to...Sure.Here you are.三、教学难重点:在真实情景中自然操练C部分句型。




3、板书准备:预先写好课题:Unit 7 Aletter to a penfriend

五、教学过程:A. Greeting.B. Revision.1、出示B部分挂图,开始读单词,看哪一组火车可以不断,即为获胜组。

2、请学生拿出前一课布置准备的谜语,念给同学们猜。C.Presentation and practice.1、教师出示准备好的C部分句型卡片,因没有生词,可请学生自由朗读。

2、教师可与学生作示范:T:Can I have a postcard ? S: What for? T: I want to write to Tom.S: Sure.Here you are.3、教师可将全班学生分为A、B两个大组,每组分别担任不同的角色,如A组担任班级的“材料保管员”,B组负责完成教师布置的任务。教师可设计“Writing to teacher“, ”Drawing a picture“, ”Making a kite"等任务,B组学生在完成以上任务时首先向A组领取材料,在此过程中,A、B两组学生必然要用Can I have....? What for ?I want to....Sure.Here you are.等句子进行交流,在完成各自任务的过程中自然运用语言。

4、回到课本中,请学生2人一组,操练C部分图片。D.Consolidation.1、本部分均为四会内容,其中要向学生特别强调I want to +动词原形。

2、同桌合作,可用身边所有的学习用品来操练本部分句型。E.Assigning homework.1、看C部分图片,写句子。



第四篇:初中牛津英语8Bunit4 a good readPeriod 2 Reading I学案


Unit 4 A good read Period 2 Reading I

班级_________ 姓名_________ 主备: 复备:八年级英语组 时间:
















(1)Are you interested in reading stories?

(2)What stories have you read?

(3)Why do you like them?


3.听录音, 快速阅读并回答问题。

(1)Which adventure does this extract belong to?()


(2)In this extract,who am “I”?()

A.Jonathan SwiftB.GulliverC.Sandy

(3)How many tiny people did “I”meet in the end?()

A.OneB.A fewC.A large number


(1)Did Gulliver know where he was when he woke up?

(2)Why did the tiny people tie Gulliver to the ground?

(3)Did Gulliver do anything to help himself out? What did he do?

(4)What were those tiny people’s reactions to Gulliver when he tried to help himself out?1


1.against 介词,“紧靠,碰,撞” ,固定结构:kick against the pricks以卵击石

拓展:介词,“反对;违反”,反义词为for.固定短语:fight against“同„战斗”

2.wake up醒来 如果宾语是代词,只能位于两词中间,即wake sb up.例:Wake me up at seven tomorrow morning,Mum.3.be tired out筋疲力尽

比赛过后,他筋疲力尽。Heafter the competition.4.fall over 跌倒

我看到这女孩摔倒了,碰了头。I saw the little girland hit her

head.5.tie„to„ 把„捆到„上

把马拴在那棵树上。the tree.【当堂检测】


1.It is terrible for your car to crash碰,撞)the big tree.手指)on each hand.3.It was dark.The police(继续)searching for the lost children.4.You can’t do it.I can’也).5.The game can test yourof English.he comes back.二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。

1.Tom(fall)down on the ground and hurt his leg.2.My father began3.Look!He(tie)his horse to the tree.4.The man found himself(able)to walk.7.I stood up as the sun(rise)at the top of the mountain last Sunday.8.What


(the books on it.A.arrive atB.reachC.get toD.arrive in


(A.Me tooB.Me eitherC.Me alsoD.Me neither

()4.The computer doesn't work well.A.how to doB.what to do it

C.how I can doD.what to do

()5.—A.Give it to meB.Give me them

C.Give them to meD.Give me it

第五篇:牛津英语8B Unit4 第八课时教案

8B Unit 4 教案

Unit 4 checkout 主备人:Zheng Li 审核人: 2012..教学目标:

1.audience, curtain, stage,perform(performer)actor rise

词组 a ticket for…/ at the end of/ shout with excitement 2.use passive voice to talk about the charity show 教材分析 重点:

To revise passive voice in future tense and with modal verbs 难点:

To review vocabulary related to the theatre.课型方法:Revision 电教手段

投影机 课前预习:


1.charity.many charities许多慈善团体

a charity show慈善表演, raise money for charity 为施舍而集资

2.advertise, v.advertise on TV/advertise in a newspaper在电视上做广告,在报纸上做广告 advertise sth.做广告宣传某事

advertise for sb/sth.做广告征求某人或某物 3.give out.give out leaflets/give them out散发传单

4.organizer, n.organize, v.organize a charity show.组织一个义演 5.introduce, v.introduce oneself to向---作自我介绍 6.bit 一点儿,a bit of water/news/help一点水/消息/帮助

a bit tired/hungry一点儿疲劳/饿 a little tired/hungry 7.success, n.succeed, v.successful, adj.Successfully, adv.8.fan, n.basketball/football fans蓝球/足球迷 9.seem好象、通常①seem + adj

②seem +to do sth

③It seem + that从句

He seems very tired.He seems to be tired.It seems that he is very tired.10.business, do business做生意

Unit 4教案

8B Unit 4 教案

be busy with the business 忙于生意

on business 出差


一、小组讨论 讨论前置作业




Instead of , in need , meaningful, Even though, used to

My neighbour is an 80-year-old woman.He retired(退休)25 years ago.He has lived in his small flat on his own since her husband passed away.She is a woman who likes to help people _____1___.__2___ she is very rich, she leads a simple life.She says he __3____ be helped by others, now it’s time for him to pay back.4_____ buying herself good clothes, she buys lots of clothes for homeless children.She donates much money to the house for the elderly.She says it’s ___5___to support old people who have no sons or daughters.How helpful and generous he is!4.小组核对答案


1.discuss and summary Because of后接名词或代词。

Because of him 因为他。Because of the weather.因为天气原因。instead;instead of.instead 通常位于句末,instead of 后接名词或动名词。

rise, vi.升起。通常指一些自然现象和价格等的上涨。

The sun rises in the east.太阳在东方升起来。

The river rose a lot because of the flood.由于洪水,河水涨了许多。Break, n.休息,暂停,通常指活动中途的休息。

Let’s have a break.让我们休息一下。

The bell for break.休息的铃声。

It’s time for break.休息的时间到了。practise doing练习干某事 practise speaking English.at the right time在适当的时候 at the same time在同一时候

Keep asking 不停的问 keep doing sth


Unit 4教案

8B Unit 4 教案

dorate money to---捐钱给---donate money to Project Hope.捐钱给希望工程



1.There are many ways to raise money for ________(慈善).2.I think it is ________(有意义)for us to help other people.3.Pollution is a very ________(严重)problem in many parts of the world.4.Please tell us about your ________(经历)in Africa.5.You stay too much ________(室内).6.We should give out leaflets to ask people to ________(募捐)money.7.He is one of ________(组织者)in this activities.8.Usually curtain hangs in front of the ________(舞台).9.Host means the person who ________(介绍)the guests in a show.10.His ________(成功)was the result of hard work

四、交流小结 Discuss



1.Why don’t we organize a c________ show to raise money for the poor? 2.We call the people who come to watch a show as a________.3.Usually c_ ______ hangs in front of the stage.4.We can go away from the e________.5.There are three actors on the s________.6.Microphone can make your v________ sound louder.7.I felt very happy when the o________ chose me to be the host.Unit 4教案

8B Unit 4 教案

8.It was my job to i________ each star in the charity show.9.I hope we can have more e________ like this to raise money for charities.10.We had a lot of support from local b________.三.改写句子

2.I was nerous because of the exam.(划线部分提问)

3.We will hold a charity show next week.(被动语态)

4.They should set up the stage quickly.(被动语态)

5.He has finished his homework.(被动语态)

1.They shouted excitedly in the end.(同义句)教学后记

Unit 4教案

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