牛津英语6A Unit 5 On the farm 第二课时 教案

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第一篇:牛津英语6A Unit 5 On the farm 第二课时 教案

牛津英语6A Unit 5 On the farm 第二课时 教案

主备人:惠成霞 审核人:赵小丽

教学内容:牛津小学英语6A On the farm(PartA)


1.能听懂、会说、会读单词 last, fun.2.能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语 Did you like the film? It was a funny cartoon.We all liked it very much.Were there any fruit trees in the farm? There were apple trees, orange trees and pear trees.3.能听懂、会说、会读Part A.二、教学重点、难点:

1.能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语 Did you like the film? It was a funny cartoon.We all liked it very much.Were there any fruit trees in the farm? There were apple trees, orange trees and pear trees.2.能听懂、会说、会读Part A.三、教具准备:录音机、磁带、挂图、投影等。



1.预习Part A,并试着能把它们读出来。2.完成Part A 后面的判断正确与错误练习。3.尝试表演 C部分的对话。预习指导:

1.先自主预习Part A部分,自己试读,标出中文意思。2.跟录音,纠正读音,然后标出自己觉得掌握的不好的词。3.检查学生Part A的朗读情况。



Step 1学情调查

Free talk 1.What’s the date today? What was the date yesterday? What day is it today? What day was it yesterday? 2.Do you like„?

Can you„?

What do you usually do on Sunday? What did you do yesterday? What else did you do? What did you do last Sunday? Teach: last Sunday 1.T: What did you do last Sunday? S: I watched TV.T: Did you watch a cartoon? S: „

Teach: Did you watch a cartoon? Yes, I did./ No, I didn’t.Drill: What did you do last Sunday? I„

Did you like„?

Yes, I did./No, I didn’t.Step 2 自主探究


1.T: I like taking photos.I usually take photos on holidays.Last National Day holiday I took many photos for my family.What did you do last National Day holiday?

S: „

2.T: What did Helen and Nancy do last National Day holiday? Let’s learn Unit 5 On the farm.Ss: Read the title.3.T: Now please listen to the tape and tell me: Where are Helen and Nancy?

Ss: Listen to the tape and answer the question.Listen and repeat.4.T: Helen and Nancy are talking.What are they talking about? What did they do? Let’s listen and fill in the blanks.Who



★★★(喜爱程度)Nancy on Wednesday(watched a film)Helen

on Monday

on Tuesday

(visited a farm)

T: Did Nancy like the film?

S: Yes.It was a funny cartoon.Teach: funny, fun 5.T: What did Helen do on the farm? Listen and fill in the blanks.1)On Monday Helen


trees, carrots.2)On Tuesday Helen

cows,eggs,a lot of


them.Step 3 合作交流

Listen , read and say

1.Listen and read after the tape.2.Read in rolls.3.Nancy is telling Yang Ling about her conversation with Helen.Read the sentences.Write a T if the sentence is true.Write an F if it is false.Step 4 交流反馈

Last week Last week was the National Day holiday.Nancy()with her family.It was a()cartoon, they all()it very much.On Monday and Tuesday I()with my family.On Monday, we()and().On Tuesday, we()and().There were many()trees on the farm.They were apple trees,()and pear trees.We()and tasted them

Step 5 拓展运用

1.It was the National Day holiday last week.(改为否定句)


2.It was the National Day holiday last week.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定、否定回答)


3.It was the National Day holiday last week.(对划线部分提问)_____________________________________________________

4.I watched a film with my parents on Wednesday.(改为否定句)___________________________________________________

5.I watched a film with my parents on Wednesday.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定和否定回答)





6.洗衣服________________ 2.有趣的卡通________________

7.一棵苹果树________________ 3.参观农场________________

8.milk cows________________ 4.fruit trees________________

9.pick a lot of oranges________________ 5.clean the house________________

10.watch a film with friends________________



2.first(基数词)_________________ 3.they(宾格)_________________

4.cooked(原形)_________________ 5.up(反义词)_________________

6.shouldn’t(完全形式)___________ 7.catch(第三人称单词)___________

8.child(复数)__________________ 9.driver(动词)__________________



1.Helen often ________(go)to school by bike.2.Where ______(be)you just now? I _______(be)in the classroom.3.What ______ you _______(do)last Friday? We ________(plant)trees on the farm.4.Listen, the boy _________ __________(cry)5.We made a lot of ________(colour)kites last Sunday.And we ______(fly)them in the playground.7.I’d like ________ ________(make)a model ship.8.Does she like ________(dance)? 9.The women ________ ________(clean)the room.Homework

1.Copy the phrases: the National Day holiday, last week, watch a film, a funny cartoon, visit a farm 2.Copy the sentences:

Did you like the film?

It was a funny cartoon.We all liked it very much.Were there any fruit trees in the farm?

There were apple trees, orange trees and pear trees.Did you like the film?

3.Listen , read and recite the dialogue.板书:

Unit 5 On the farm(Part A)Did you like the film?

It was a funny cartoon.We all liked it very much.Were there any fruit trees in the farm?

There were apple trees, orange trees and pear trees.Did you like the film?


本课的主要内容是 能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语 Did you like the film? It was a funny cartoon.We all liked it very much.Were there any fruit trees in the farm? There were apple trees, orange trees and pear trees.在教授课文之前我先让学生整体感受下课文,并回答几个简单的问题,然后将课文中的重难点分解出来分析,如National Day holiday, last week等,最后再要求学生听录音完成表格,这样总-分-总的课文分析比较全面,学生容易接受。



牛津小学英语6B教案——Unit 7 A letter to a penfriend第二课时

一、教学内容: 6B Unit 7 C.Look and say



2、听懂、会说、会读、会写句型:Can I have...?What for ? I want to...Sure.Here you are.三、教学难重点:在真实情景中自然操练C部分句型。




3、板书准备:预先写好课题:Unit 7 Aletter to a penfriend

五、教学过程:A. Greeting.B. Revision.1、出示B部分挂图,开始读单词,看哪一组火车可以不断,即为获胜组。

2、请学生拿出前一课布置准备的谜语,念给同学们猜。C.Presentation and practice.1、教师出示准备好的C部分句型卡片,因没有生词,可请学生自由朗读。

2、教师可与学生作示范:T:Can I have a postcard ? S: What for? T: I want to write to Tom.S: Sure.Here you are.3、教师可将全班学生分为A、B两个大组,每组分别担任不同的角色,如A组担任班级的“材料保管员”,B组负责完成教师布置的任务。教师可设计“Writing to teacher“, ”Drawing a picture“, ”Making a kite"等任务,B组学生在完成以上任务时首先向A组领取材料,在此过程中,A、B两组学生必然要用Can I have....? What for ?I want to....Sure.Here you are.等句子进行交流,在完成各自任务的过程中自然运用语言。

4、回到课本中,请学生2人一组,操练C部分图片。D.Consolidation.1、本部分均为四会内容,其中要向学生特别强调I want to +动词原形。

2、同桌合作,可用身边所有的学习用品来操练本部分句型。E.Assigning homework.1、看C部分图片,写句子。



第三篇:牛津英语8B Unit4 第八课时教案

8B Unit 4 教案

Unit 4 checkout 主备人:Zheng Li 审核人: 2012..教学目标:

1.audience, curtain, stage,perform(performer)actor rise

词组 a ticket for…/ at the end of/ shout with excitement 2.use passive voice to talk about the charity show 教材分析 重点:

To revise passive voice in future tense and with modal verbs 难点:

To review vocabulary related to the theatre.课型方法:Revision 电教手段

投影机 课前预习:


1.charity.many charities许多慈善团体

a charity show慈善表演, raise money for charity 为施舍而集资

2.advertise, v.advertise on TV/advertise in a newspaper在电视上做广告,在报纸上做广告 advertise sth.做广告宣传某事

advertise for sb/sth.做广告征求某人或某物 3.give out.give out leaflets/give them out散发传单

4.organizer, n.organize, v.organize a charity show.组织一个义演 5.introduce, v.introduce oneself to向---作自我介绍 6.bit 一点儿,a bit of water/news/help一点水/消息/帮助

a bit tired/hungry一点儿疲劳/饿 a little tired/hungry 7.success, n.succeed, v.successful, adj.Successfully, adv.8.fan, n.basketball/football fans蓝球/足球迷 9.seem好象、通常①seem + adj

②seem +to do sth

③It seem + that从句

He seems very tired.He seems to be tired.It seems that he is very tired.10.business, do business做生意

Unit 4教案

8B Unit 4 教案

be busy with the business 忙于生意

on business 出差


一、小组讨论 讨论前置作业




Instead of , in need , meaningful, Even though, used to

My neighbour is an 80-year-old woman.He retired(退休)25 years ago.He has lived in his small flat on his own since her husband passed away.She is a woman who likes to help people _____1___.__2___ she is very rich, she leads a simple life.She says he __3____ be helped by others, now it’s time for him to pay back.4_____ buying herself good clothes, she buys lots of clothes for homeless children.She donates much money to the house for the elderly.She says it’s ___5___to support old people who have no sons or daughters.How helpful and generous he is!4.小组核对答案


1.discuss and summary Because of后接名词或代词。

Because of him 因为他。Because of the weather.因为天气原因。instead;instead of.instead 通常位于句末,instead of 后接名词或动名词。

rise, vi.升起。通常指一些自然现象和价格等的上涨。

The sun rises in the east.太阳在东方升起来。

The river rose a lot because of the flood.由于洪水,河水涨了许多。Break, n.休息,暂停,通常指活动中途的休息。

Let’s have a break.让我们休息一下。

The bell for break.休息的铃声。

It’s time for break.休息的时间到了。practise doing练习干某事 practise speaking English.at the right time在适当的时候 at the same time在同一时候

Keep asking 不停的问 keep doing sth


Unit 4教案

8B Unit 4 教案

dorate money to---捐钱给---donate money to Project Hope.捐钱给希望工程



1.There are many ways to raise money for ________(慈善).2.I think it is ________(有意义)for us to help other people.3.Pollution is a very ________(严重)problem in many parts of the world.4.Please tell us about your ________(经历)in Africa.5.You stay too much ________(室内).6.We should give out leaflets to ask people to ________(募捐)money.7.He is one of ________(组织者)in this activities.8.Usually curtain hangs in front of the ________(舞台).9.Host means the person who ________(介绍)the guests in a show.10.His ________(成功)was the result of hard work

四、交流小结 Discuss



1.Why don’t we organize a c________ show to raise money for the poor? 2.We call the people who come to watch a show as a________.3.Usually c_ ______ hangs in front of the stage.4.We can go away from the e________.5.There are three actors on the s________.6.Microphone can make your v________ sound louder.7.I felt very happy when the o________ chose me to be the host.Unit 4教案

8B Unit 4 教案

8.It was my job to i________ each star in the charity show.9.I hope we can have more e________ like this to raise money for charities.10.We had a lot of support from local b________.三.改写句子

2.I was nerous because of the exam.(划线部分提问)

3.We will hold a charity show next week.(被动语态)

4.They should set up the stage quickly.(被动语态)

5.He has finished his homework.(被动语态)

1.They shouted excitedly in the end.(同义句)教学后记

Unit 4教案


Unit11 Shapes Period 1



一、Teaching aims:

1.能准确地听、说、读、写四会单词shape, star,四会句型What shape is the...? It’s a...2.能准确地听、说、读三会单词circle, square, diamond, rectangle, triangle

二、Teaching keys: 1.掌握以上单词及句型

2.注意单词shape, rectangle, triangle的正确发音

三、Teaching tools:


四、Teaching procedures: Step1.Greetings and free talk a: T: Good afternoon, boys and girls.S: Good afternoon, Miss OuYang.b: T: Hello,girl,do you like singing?/What do you like?


T: Hello,boy,can you dance?/What can you do?.S2:…

T:What can I do?I can draw.Now I am drawing.I am drawing some shapes.(在黑板上画圆形、菱形、三角形,边画边说)Step2.Presentation and Practice

1.Teach:“shape”出示卡片,用she tape帮助发音,开火车读单词,拼写单词。揭示课题:Today,we’ll learn Unit 9 shapes.(加s)2.T:If you learn well, I’ll give you a star.Teach “star”,用car来帮助发音,开火车读,拼写单词。

3.T: Look,this is a magic box.(指板书好的盒子)If you say the order:“what shape ,what shape „”(板书)it’ll give you many nice things.用不同的节奏把what shape这个口令练熟。

【设计意图:通过这个环节激发学习兴趣,并不断操练what shape这个词组,为句子教学做好准备。】

4.T:What shape is the box?(用慢速说两遍,让学生听清句子结构)You can ask me : What shape is the box?(生问)S1„S2„.S3„..随机奖励学生星形纸。S4„S5„(耳语告知,引起学生注意和兴趣,声音渐大It’s a square.)Ss: What shape is the box? T:It’s a square.Teach “square”,用hair帮助发音,开火车读单词。T:What shape is the box?

Ss:It’s a square.Ss:What shape is the box?

T:It’s a square.5.T: What’s in the box? Let’s say the order“what shape ,what shape „”(生不断重复,师在原有的圆形上添画成一个球)Look, the magic box gave us a ball.What shape is the ball? You can ask me : What shape is the ball?(生问)随机奖励学生星形或正方形纸

Teach “circle”,用bird帮助发音,开火车读单词。

T-Ss Ss-T问答句型

Group1-Group 2, Group 2-Group3„小组间问答。

6.复习巩固star/square/circle, T show the paper, Ss say the word 7.Ss say the order: “what shape ,what shape „”(生不断重复,师在原有的菱形上添画成一个闹钟)T: Can you make a question?

S1:What shape is the clock? S2„S3„ Teach “diamond”,用violin帮助发音,开火车读单词。T-Ss Ss-T问答句型

Work in pairs.Check(请若干学生问答句型,随机奖励星形、正方形、圆形、菱形纸,给的过程中教师要边说单词让学生加深印象:The „ is for you.)【设计意图:奖励各种图形纸,一方面激发学习热情,一方面在不知不觉中巩固所学单词,并为写的练习做好铺垫。】

8.复习巩固star/square/circle/diamond,Follow the teacher , draw and say the rhyme: star,star,it’s a star/ square,square,it’s a square/ circle,circle,it’s a circle/ diamond,diamond,it’s a diamond T draw Ss say,T say Ss draw 9.简笔画一棵三角形的小树T:Look,It’s a little tree.It’s not happy.(添画哭脸)Becouse it’s too short.It wants to be a tall tree.Let’s help it.We must say the conjuration“triangle” T say the word slowly some times, ask some students to say.Train practice: triangle(随机奖励图形纸)Show the word ,spell it.在学生说熟的情况下,采用小组说,男女生说,齐说的方式进一步巩固读音,教师边画三角形,使小树“长成”大树。T: Look, it’s a tall tree ,it’s happy now.(添画笑脸)

T: What shape is the tree?

Ss: It’s a triangle.Train practice: What shape is the tree? It’s a triangle.【设计意图:triangle学起来有点难度,通过创设帮小树成长的小情境,用“triangle”作为成长咒语,采用不同形式的读,调动多重感官,较好的突破难点。】 10.Ss say the order: “what shape ,what shape …”

T 悄悄拿糖果在手上,作一从盒内取物的手势:It’s in my hand,What’s this? Ss:It’s a sweet.You can ask me : Ss:What shape is the sweet? T:It’s a „It’s a „(故作停顿,集中学生注意力)板书:angle—tangle—rectangle,借triangle和red学习rectangle的读音,鼓励学生自己读出。Train practice: rectangle

快速闪现图形纸,区分读triangle/rectangle Look at our classroom.Let’s look for rectangles.T:Oh,look,I find it.What shape is the door? Ss:It’s a rectangle.S1: What shape is the...? Ss: It’s a rectangle.Ask some students to make the sentence随机奖励三角形或长方形纸,加深学生对这两个单词的区分。

Step 3.Consolidation 1.Can you say the order? OK, The box gave me a piece of paper.Oh, where’s it?(师作寻找状)It’s over there.(事先发给一生保管)T:This is a piece of magic paper.Look, what shape is the paper? Ss: It’s a rectangle.T: what shape is the paper? Ss: It’s a square.„(通过折叠、剪裁的方式变换出六种图形,巩固单词和句型)T:Do you want to have a piece of magic paper? 让学生看板书复习刚才的六种图形,再一次巩固单词。


2.Take out your paper,(让学生拿出随机奖励的纸), write down the sentences.Watch me,(T write the sentences on the blackboard:What shape is the paper? It’s a...)写的过程中提醒学生注意句子开头的大写,结尾的标点。

Who has no paper? What shape do you like? I like „(用这个句型和没有得到纸的学生对话,让他选择一种纸,同时复习单词)Ss write

Whose handwriting is good ?Ask some students to read the sentences 拿到一类纸的学生读句子(stars:what shape is the paper? It’s a star./ squares:what shape is the paper? It’s a square./ circles:what shape is the paper? It’s a circle./ diamonds:what shape is the paper? It’s a diamond./ triangles:what shape is the paper? It’s a triangle./ rectangles:what shape is the paper? It’s a rectangle.)


3.拓展作业T: I’m hungry now.I want to eat some biscuits.Please draw some biscuits for me

(让学生画上不同于纸形状的饼干,并写上句型:What shape is the biscuit? It’s a „)

五、板书 she Unit9 shapes tape


star What shape„


It’s a...square(is the „)









what shape is the paper?

It’s a …




第五篇:牛津英语2A unit3 第一课时教案教案


unit 3 Things I like to do.第一课时教案


1运用I like to …表达自己喜欢做的事情。



用I like to …来表达自己喜欢做的事情,补充what do you like to do?



Step1: warming up

1.Greetings.T: Hello, boys and girls.Ss: Hello, Miss Tang.T: How are you?

Ss: Fine, thank you.And you?

T: Very well.Thanks.Step2: Free talk

T: Which food do you love?

S: …

T: Where do you live?

S: …

Step3: Revision

1.T: Think over, which words we’ve learnt from Unit 1 to Unit 2.(show pictures)

S:(bin park road building shanghai pizza biscuit hotdog juice water)

[Ask some students answer me and then read after me.]




Step4: presentation

1.Appreciate a song.2.T: I like to sing.(做唱歌的动作)Do you like to sing?

S: Yes, I like to sing.[Ask some individual pupils to say the sentence.]

T: I like to draw, too.What do you like to do?(Explain the sentence.)

S: I like to …(教师适当指导)


2.Enable pupils to sing the song.3.鼓励学生用学过的词句替换歌曲中表示动作的词语。

Step5: Homework

用学过的句子I like to …告诉同桌你喜欢做的三件事。


下载牛津英语6A Unit 5 On the farm 第二课时 教案word格式文档
下载牛津英语6A Unit 5 On the farm 第二课时 教案.doc


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    Unit 1 Who is younger? 第一课时 教学设计:张金玲 审核人:丁子珈 一、教学内容: 6B. Unit 1 A部分. Listen, read and say. 二、教学目标: 1 初步掌握理解句型,并能在交际中口头......


    Module One Relationships Unit One Meet my family (First Period Page2) Analysis of the Teaching Material 1. Page 2 is the beginning of this unit. So if the s......


    英语交通工具教案第二课时 活动目标:1. 学习新单词能够标准发音plane,ship,truck,train. 2. 老师提问How do you go to travel? 幼儿会回答 By plane/ship/ctruck/train… 3. 乐......


    小学牛津英语6B第一单元(第六课时)教案 一、教学内容: 综合练习二、教学目标: 掌握形容词以及比较级的使用。 2. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写tall ,light ,young ,old ,heavy......