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1.Warming up practice: 1.Pair work Translate the following sentences related to business letter writing into Chinese orally, and check with your desk mate.1)First impressions, in business letter as elsewhere, count heavily.第一印象,在商业书信和其他地方一样,计数严重。

2)A business letter generally consists of date, inside address, salutation, body, complimentary closing, and signature.It may include a subject or reference line.商业信件通常由日期,信内地址、称谓、身体、免费关闭,以及签名。它可能包括一个主题或参考线。

3)Clarity means making the contents of a letter clear to the reader from its appearance as well as its words.清晰意味着制作内容的信件清楚读者从它的外观,以及它的单词。

4)The date is normally typed in a month-day-year sequence.The month should be spelled out in full;a comma separates the day from the year.日期通常是输入一个月的序列。这个月要说清楚全面;一个逗号分隔的那一天在今年。

5)The inside address usually consists of the name of the person to whom the letter is sent, often with a social title and his company title, the name of the company, and its postal address.The inside address appears exactly the same way as on the envelope.内地址通常是由人的名字的字母是谁发送,往往与一个社会的头衔和公司名称,该公司的名称和它的邮政地址。内地址看起来一模一样的方法在信封上。

6)Sometimes, you may wish to highlight the subject matter of your letter by writing a subject line.“Re:” or “Subj:” often precedes the subject itself in order to make it clear that you are writing about that particular subject.有时候,你可能想要强调的主题了你的信写的主题句。“Re:”或“主题:“通常是先于拍摄对象本身为了让你清楚地知道你正在写关于特定主题。

7)As for salutation, “Dear” is the first word;this is followed by the person’s name.至于称谓、“亲爱的”是第一个字;紧随其后的是那个人的名字。

8)When copies are sent to people.His or her names should be listed on the letter so everyone who receives a copy of the letter knows who else has also received a copy.The safest manner for listing names is in alphabetical order by surname,当拷贝发送到人。他或她的名字应该列在信上所以凡收到信的副本知道还有谁还获得了一

个拷贝。最安全的方式对清单的名字是依字母顺序排列的姓氏,2.Group discussion 1)Explain why business letter’s appearance is so important.2)What are the basic principles the writer should follow in order to make the business correspondence effective?

3.Arrange the following in the format of a business letter(full block style).1)Sender’s name: Dealls Oriental Inc.2)Sender’s address: 305 Rainbow Avenue, Seattle, VA 98101 3)Sender’s telephone number: 5336235 4)Sender’s fax(003)5336494

5)Sender’s E-mail address: dealls@sina.com 6)Sender’s reference number: 789 JS/ns 7)Receiver’s name: Emerson World Trade Corp.8)Receiver’s address: 3920 West Big Beaver Road, Troy, Michigan, 48084,U.S.A

9)Date: September 19, 2001

10)Attention Line: Transportation Dep.11)Salutation: Dear Sirs 12)Subject line: 2002 Fleet Lease 13)Opening sentence: Thanks for the excellent service your company has offered us over the last two leasing periods.However our fleet lease agreement with your company expires on December 31, 2001.It is time for us to get ready for the next leasing period.14)Body:

We enclose specifications for our fleet needs for the two-year lease period, beginning January 1, 2002.Please note that these specifications call for fifteen automobiles, ranging from intermediate to luxury models.Please prepare a quotation for our consideration.We will make our decision about the 2002/2004 lease on November10, 2001.We would appreciate having your quotation no later than October 20, so we can study it adequately in comparison with others we are seeking.15)Closing sentence: Looking forward to the possibility of a continued relationship.16)Complimentary close: Faithfully yours,17)Signature and title: James D.Sunders, Vice President 18)Enclosure: 2002/2004Lease Specifications 19)Copies: Faye T.Henderson, Daniel Koser, Roger F.Brown Dealls Oriental Inc.305 Rainbow Avenue, Seattle, VA 98101 Telephone: 5336235

E-mail address: dealls@sina.com Fax(003)5336494 Our Reference number: 789 JS/ns Your Reference number Date: September 19, 2001 Emerson World Trade Corp.3920 West Big Beaver Road, Troy, Michigan, 48084,U.S.A Attention: Transportation Dep.Dear sir:

Re : 2002 fleet lease

Thanks for the excellent service your company has offered us over the last two leasing periods.However our fleet lease agreement with your company expires on December 31, 2001.It is time for us to get ready for the next leasing period.We enclose specifications for our fleet needs for the two-year lease period, beginning January 1, 2002.Please note that these specifications call for fifteen automobiles, ranging from intermediate to luxury models.Please prepare a quotation for our consideration.We will make our decision about the 2002/2004 lease on November10, 2001.We would appreciate having your quotation no later than October 20, so we can study it adequately in comparison with others we are seeking.Looking forward to the possibility of a continued relationship.Faithfully yours, James D.Sunders, Vice President 2002/2004Lease Specifications Faye T.Henderson, Daniel Koser, Roger F.Brown 4.Study the following sentences carefully, and you will find they are a little bit wordy.Try to change them into concise ones with your pairs.1)I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude to you for your prompt reply.2)In case you would wish to schedule the deliveries of all the products, arrangements for these shipments can be made by getting in touch with us.3)We wish to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated April 22 making us your best offer for 100 metric tons Bitter Apricot Kernels and we wish to thank you for the same.4)In compliance with your request, we immediately contacted our branch office in San Francisco, and now we wish to inform you of the following result.5)We have begun to export our products to the foreign countries.6)Thank you for your catalogue and samples.You sent to us on April 29.We are pleased to place an order with you.It is specified on the enclosed order sheet.5.Read more


Envelopes When you write a letter, you must not only pay attention to the inside lay-out, but also that of the envelope.Business envelopes ordinarily have the return address printed in the upper left corner.The receiver’s name and address should be typed about half way down the envelope.The postmark or stamps should be placed in the up right-hand corner, while the bottom left-hand corner is for post notations such as “Confidential”, “Secret”, “printed matter”, etc.In addition, it is important to include the postcode(zip code in the U.S.A.)in order to facilitate mail-sorting.Goldwell Banker real Estate Consult

STAMP 1162 Southwest Freeway, Houston, Texas 887056

Mart’s Saving Bank

P.O.Box10, Jacksonville Florida 49223 Printed Matter

2.Systematic practice: 1.Complete the following sentences by translating the part in Chinese into English: 1.__ By the introduction of branch ___(经我们驻贵国分公司介绍),you are importers of canned mushroom.

2.We learned that ___ your company is one of the leading exporters of furniture industry __(贵公司是家具业的主要出口商之一).

3.We are interested in your products and_we will be appreciated if you send your price list _(如蒙寄来你方价格单,将不胜感激).4.We have heard from China Council for the Promotion of International Trade ____ you are interested in buying fan ____(你们有意购买电扇).

5.____ To make your business understand somewhat about our all kinds of home textile _____(为使你方对我公司经营的各种家用纺织品有所了解), we have pleasure in forwarding you by air one catalogue and a few sample books for perusal.

6.We are looking forward to ______your early reply___(你方早日答复).

2.Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given expressions: with, large, catalogue, appreciate, reply, benefit,establish, importer, samples, understand, supply, to Dear Sirs,

1.By the courtesy of Mr.Black, we are given to _ catalogue _____ the name and address of your firm.We express our desire to _establish_____ business relations _with_____ you.We are _importer_____ of textiles.We now have a _large____ demand for Printed Cotton Piece Goods.From your recently published ___ samples ___ , we notice that you are able to supply Printed and Dyed Cotton Piece Goods, and we shall appreciate______ it if you would kindly send us some ___ understand ___ of the goods which you can __ supply ____.We look forward __to____ your early ___reply___ and trust that for our mutual ___benefits___ we shall be able to conclude some transactions with you in the near future.

Yours faithfully,


A)Translate the following sentences into English:


At present we're hoping to expand the business of all kinds of printing overseas, but unfortunately not to enter the European and American market.2.如你方能立即寄来样品,我们将不胜感激。

We will be appreciated it if you can send the sample immediately.3.我们相信通过双方的共同努力,贸易往来会朝着互利的方向发展。

We believe that through the concerted efforts of both sides, trade will develop towards the direction of mutual benefit.感谢你方九月二日来函并愿意与你方商讨扩大贸易的可能性。

We thank you for your letter of the 2nd of September , and would like to with our party to discuss the possibility of expanding trade.5.倘若你方价格具有竞争性而且交货期可接受的话,我们有意向你方大量订购。

If your price is competitive and delivery time can be accepted , we are interested in you a substantial order.6.我们对你方所有的订单将予以及时认真办理。

We will be dealt with all your order seriously in time.7.如对目录中所列之任何产品感兴趣,请具体询价,我方将立即报价。

If you are interested in any products listed in the catalogue , please specific inquiry, we will immediately offer.B)Translate the following sentences into Chinese: 1.We had the opportunity to see a display of your products at the Guangzhou Commodities Fair, and we were most impressed with their high quality and low prices.


2.We take the liberty to introduce ourselves to you with a view to building up business relations with you.

我们冒昧地向你自我介绍,以期建立业务关系。3.We are already importing a large number of foodstuffs from Europe and U.S.A.and consider, therefore, that we have considerable experience in this field.


4.We are a state-operated company, handling exclusively the import and export of Cotton Piece Goods.我们是国营公司,专门处理(商品)的进口和出口的棉布。

5.We are well acquainted with the market condition in your neighboring countries.我们熟知你邻国的市场状况。

6.We trade with merchants all over the world on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.我们的贸易与世界各地的客商在平等互利的基础上。

7.We shall be obliged if you would furnish us with your opinion on the financial status and reliability of the above company.如果你能够提供我们上述公司的财务状况和可靠性,我们将不甚感激。

4.Translate the following letter into English: 执事先生:




谨上,Dear Mr.Minister: To the best of your city chamber of commerce of various specifications of the children's clothing styles identity will your company introduced to us.So, we are writing to you party hope to establish trade relations with your company.You will understand the above products to our customers both at home and abroad, have been accepted up to 20 years, and enjoy good reputation.Because the quality of our products is excellent, we can say that if you can inform us specific requirements, we can supply you with a minute products with competitive price.About the terms of payment, we do business practices is irrevocable l/c for the foundation.Yours faithfully

3.Project training: 1.Write a letter with the ideas given below, expressing your wish to establish business relation with them.1)introduced by the Bank of China, 2)you are an importer of Light Industrial Goods,r 3)ask for illustrated catalogues and a price list.Dear sir , Your company has been kindly introuced to us by the Bank of China, We have a certain understanding of your company, and we want to cooperate with your company.you are an importer of Light Industrial Goods,now your products have a very big market in our country.Therefor we approach you for the establishment of business relations with you.We want to know the details of your products and please give us the illustrated catalogues and a price list.We look forward to your favourable reply.Yours faithfully.2.Write an English letter in a proper form based on the following information: Write a letter to Foothill Enterprises Trade Development Co.Ltd.(P.O.Box 22789 Taiz Street, Sana’a, Republic of Yemen)telling them:

1.you are introduced by the Commercial Counselor’s Office of their embassy in Beijing(驻北京的大使馆商务参赞处);2.you wish to set up business relations with them;3.the main scope of your business is exporting chinaware(瓷器);4.samples and catalogues will be sent to them upon receipt of their specific inquiries.Dear sir , We know you learn our company through the Commercial Counselor’s Office of their embassy in Beijing.We wish to set up business relations with you.The main scope of our business is exporting chinaware.After investigation, chinaware has very big market in

you country.We hope that you can order chinaware from our company.If you have specific inquiries,please tell us ,we will sent you the samples and catalogues immediately.We will look forward to your early reply.Yours faithfully



1.Warming up practice:

Ⅰ.Read the following material and make a speech of at least two minutes to express your opinion on the information and questions that follows:

Market for the Used Goods to Fill Local Demands

Establishing more markets for second-hand goods this year will promote commodity distribution and help serve consumer needs.In 1996, the State approved eight second-hand goods business in six cities.The purpose of these markets is not only to sell second-hand goods and make use of their value, but to help open market for new products, which is also important.The potential is great when you take into account the consumption differences between high and low-income earners in cities, and the consumption differences between big and small cities and townships.Many companies have gained much experience in purchasing and marketing used furniture, home electric appliances, equipment and office merchandise confiscated by judicial departments.Questions:

1)What’s your opinion about the second-hand market?

2)Does it help the economy?)How do you think about the goods sold or bought at the markets?

4)Do you think it necessary to establish a market of second-hand goods in China?

2.Systematic practice:

Ⅰ.Complete the following sentences by translating the part in Chinese into English:

1.Your L/C reached us yesterday, but _____经审阅后发现信用证金额少于合同金额,请立即修改信用证,增加信用证金额)so that we can effect the shipment in time.2.As there is no direct sailing from Guangzhou to your port next month, _____(请你方将信用证装运条款改为“允许转船”).

3.Please instruct the opening bank to allow partial shipment in the L/C,____(以便我方立即发运现有货物).

4.As there are no direct steamers available to your port, ____(我方只好将货物通过香港转运至纽约).

5.We shall book shipping space on that vessel _____(一俟收到你方的信用证修改书).II.Fill in the blanks with the proper words:


1)All the canned fruits and meat are to be packed ____ cartons.2)Our Trip Scissors are packed ______ boxes ____ 1 dozen each, 100 boxes ____ a

carton lined _____ waterproof paper.3)A thorough examination showed that the broken kegs were due _____ improper

packing, ______ which the suppliers should be definitely responsible.4)Please see to it that the packing is suitable _____ a long sea voyage.5)The tea _____ the captioned contract should be packed ____ international standard

tea boxes, 24 boxes _____ a ballet, 10 ballets _____ an FCL container.(B)

1.We avail ourselves ____ this opportunity to assure you ____ our prompt and

careful attention ____handling your further orders.2.The buyers are complaining ____ the wrong goods ____the sellers.3.As the damage occurred during transit , please direct your claim ____ the insurance

company.4.Our clients have claimed _____us _____ delayed delivery of the goods.5.We regret to say that we have to _____our claim to the Arbitration Committee.6.Please cable your confirmation on receipt of our remittance for US$5,000 in

settlement ____ the claim.Ⅲ.Translation:

A)Translate the following sentences into Chinese:

1.Should any damage be incurred, you may, within 60 days after the arrival of the consignment, file a claim with the insurance company.2.Not every breakage is a particular average.It is a particular average only when the breakage results from natural calamities, or maritime accidents.3.With many years’ marketing experience and good connections in the trade, we offer our service as your agent in Kuwait.4.We appreciate your suggestion that you sell our products on an exclusive basis, but we think it premature for us to enter into agency agreement at the present stage.5.We are sorry to learn that your goods were badly damaged during transit and the insurance company will compensate you for the losses accordingly to the coverage arranged.6.We could not deliver the total quantity by one shipment.Since this was unforeseen, we hereby request you to amend the L/C by deleting the special clause “partial shipment not allowed”.Your compliance will be greatly appreciated.B)Translate the following sentences into English:


2.我们可以应你方要求,按发票价的百分之三十投保, 但必须请你方注意: 额外的保险费用应由你方负担。





C)Fill in the contract form in English with the particulars given below:



买方:Smith & Sons Co., Ltd.商品名称、规格及包装:锌钡白(Lithopone)

硫化锌含量最低28%(ZnS content28%min.)








装 卸 缸:2012年2月份自天津新港装船运至新加坡,允许分运和转船。



Contract No.Date:

Signer At:



This Contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers, whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulater below:

Name of Commodity

Specifications & Packing



Total Value

Shipping Mark:


Port of Shipment:

Port of Destination:

Time of Shipment:

Terms of Payment:

3.Project training:


Messers.Westcott & Co.公司发现K-123号订单项下的听装Condensed Milk有许多凹痕和戳破现象发生,给公司的销售带了了极大的不便。分析原因是由于有缺陷的包装造成的,强烈要求提高产品包装质量。以该公司名义写一封索赔函电。<理赔函电>



























We have been looking for a reliable manufacturer to supply us with cotton ladies's dress on a regular basis.recently from the advertisement in “China Daily” we have learned that you are a firm who is engaged in import and export business and believe that you can meet our requirements.(2)或者是谈及对方某日期的来信来电等。例如:

In response to your letter of February 24 enquiring forour cotton ladies' dress, we have the pleasure of enclosing our Quotation Sheet No.TEX1346 foryour consideration.结尾句子或段落往往是用来表达写信人的期望,因而结尾句子要具体,说明你的请求等。例如:we are looking forward to your favoufable reply.Your prompt attention to our order will be much appreciated.此外,就同一业务环节选择具有代表性的信函进行系统性的学习,正确理解其内容,体会它们的语言风格和写作技巧,对同一意思而不同意思而不同表达方式所收到的效果进行比较,我们学习外贸函电就能从量变到质变了。





1.Warming up practice:

Ⅰ.Choose the appropriate word or words.1)We are(arranging, arranging for)the punctual(shipment, shipping, ship)of the(ordered, order)goods.2)Our offer is(remain good, available, obtainable)subject to your reply(for, in, within)one week.3)Any delay(of , in, about)shipment will cause us inconvenience.4)Enclosed is our order(for, on)300 sets of Transistor Radio.5)Your(term, terms)are satisfactory and we are pleased to(enclose, place)an order(with , to)you.6)If you cannot(send, give)the goods as per(requirements, specifications), please send us alternates.7)Please take the matter(to, into)consideration at once and see to it that the goods are delivered(without, within)further delay.8)Please send them(on, in, by)s.s.“Mars” which will(ship, sail, start)from Seattle on or about May 18.9)We hope you will(agree, accept, receive, admit)our terms and make(preparation, arrangements)for an early delivery.10)We(admit, acknowledge)with thanks your order of June 1.Ⅱ.Read more

How to Convert an Inquiries into Firm Orders

A buyer who is already familiar with the price and other terms may submit a formal order for a specified quantity of goods at a stated price.If the seller agrees with the specifications in the order and thinks he can comply with all the provisions, he may send a written and signed order acknowledgement.So, a sakes contract may come into existence as the result of an order by a buyer or an offer by a seller.1.Speed A quick response will show the customer that you are keen and efficient.But the customer has probably sent similar enquiry to other companies as well and they may be nearer to the customer than you.So speed is essential if your want to get the order.If there is any delay in sending your reply, you may lose the business opportunity.2.Clarity All your correspondence and other written materials must be sent with completeness, precision and clarity, and are made out in the manner1

requested by the customer.Query the details of the customer’s needs that are not clearly stated in his order.If you will not be able to comply, tell him immediately.3.Keeping in touch If no reply to a quotation is received, the exporter should contact the customer after a treasonable lapse of time to find out whether he is willing to have any further links and cooperation or whether he is placing an order.Follow-up letters should be sent to the customer from time to time.Discussion:

As a foreign trade, how to establish trust with customers?

2.Systematic practice:

Ⅰ.Complete the following sentences by translating the part in Chinese into English:

1.We hope ____(该首次订购)will lead to further business with you. 2.If the time of shipment meets with our satisfaction, ____.(我们将大量订货)

3.We will open the L/C _____.(收到你方合同后)

4.You may be assured that we shall try our best to____.(执行此批定货,使您满意)

5.We ____(寄上以下试购单)on the basis of your estimate of March 10.6.We regret that ____(我们很难获得更多的货源).

7.Please supply the goods _____(严格按下列细节).

8.The covering L/C was opened _____(通过中国人民银行于7月10日开出).9.If you can reduce your price by, say, 2%, we will be glad to ____(续订500吨).10.As _____(急需货物), we shall do our best to advance shipment.

11.____(随函附上)is our Purchase Confirmation NO.402_____(一式两份).12.Please countersign and return one copy ____(供我们存档)without delay.13.We will open an L/C _____(以你方为抬头)in time. 14._____(由于)our mutual efforts, we were able to____(弥合价格差距)and ____(使贸易顺利达成).

15.The relative L/C will reach you _____(在适当时候).

II.Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given expressions:


together with,enclose,satisfy,place regular orders,to the amount of

1._____ please find our order No.245 for various items of hand tools.2.If the quality of your machine is satisfactory and your prices are right, we expect to ____for fairly large numbers.

3.We have opened an L/C in your favor _____ Stg£25,000.

4.We have received your letter of Feb.25_____a draft contract showing the terms and conditions of your sale.

5.We feel sure that the packages _____you.


receipt,shipment,in due course,without delay,in urgent need of

1.Please sign and return one copy for our file _____.

2.We acknowledge ____of your letter of February 18.

3.Upon receipt of your L/C, we will effect _____ of your order without delay.

4.The relative L/C will reach you _____.

5.We are _____ of the goods.


A)Translate the following sentences into Chinese:

1.We find both the price and quality of your products satisfactory to our clients and are pleased to give you an order for the following items.

2.As the goods you ordered are now in stock, we will ship them without fail as early as possible.3.We have pleasure in informing you that we have booked your order No.234.We are sending you our Sales Confirmation No.789 in duplicate, one copy of which please sign and return for our file.4.Enclosed is our order No.100 with full instructions concerning shipping and packing.5.As wages and prices of materials have risen considerably, we regret we are not in a position to book the order at the prices we quoted half a year ago.B)Translate the following sentences into English:


2.请按第114号定单细节供应五千吨煤。 3.已收到贵方产品目录和价格表。现按所示价格订购下列货物。



IV.Translate the following letter into English:





3.Project training:


The buyer: Young-In Trading Co.,Ltd/115-30 Namsan-Dong, Kumjeongku, Pusan, Korea

The seller: Zhangjiagang Guitai Group Yida Imp& Exp Co., Zhangjiagang, Jiangsu 215600 P.R.C.Commodity: 13000 sets of pocket electric calculator(PEC1158)

Package: 10 sets are packed in one box and 10 boxes are packed in one cardboard carton


Shipment: June/July

Payment: 30% by T/T in advance and 7 0% by D/P.



1.Warming up practice:

1.Pair work

Translate the following sentences related to business letter writing into Chinese orally, and check with your desk mate.1)——我们想知道订货超过1,000打,能打多少折扣?






4)We have cut our price to the limit.We regret, therefore, being unable to comply with your request for further reduction.5)We are not in a position to entertain business at your price, since it is far below the discount you ask for.6)Should you be prepared to reduce your limit by, say, 10%, we might come to terms.2.Group discussion

1.List some channels of appealing to orders.Elaborate their economical efficiency and effectiveness respectively.2.How to make your letter of inquiry be attractive to suppliers?

3.Read more

International Trade

International trade leads to more efficient and increased world production, thus allowing countries(and individuals)to consume a larger and more diverse bundle of goods.A nation possessing limited natural resources is able to produce and consume more than it otherwise could.The establishment of international trade expands the number of potential markets in which a country can sell its goods.The increased international demand for goods translates into greater production and more extensive1

use of raw materials and labor, which in turn leads to growth in domestic employment.Competition from international trade can also force domestic firms to become more efficient through modernization and innovation.Within each economy, the importance of foreign trade varies.Some nations export only to expand their domestic market or to aid economically depressed sectors within the home economy.Other nations depend on trade for a large part of their national income and to supply goods for domestic consumption.In recent years foreign trade has also been viewed as a means to promote growth within a nation’s economy;developing countries and international organizations have increasingly emphasized such trade.How to achieve a promising future in foreign trade business?

2.Systematic practice:

1.Complete the following sentences by translating the part in Chinese into English:

1.We are one of the largest department stores here and believe_______(市场前景广阔)in our area for moderately priced goods of the kind mentioned.

2.We are interested in the mechanical toys demonstrated at the recent Guangzhou Commodities Fair and should be glad to have_______(你方的详细出口条件).

3._________(本公司请贵方告知这项产品的价格)shipping date and other terms of business for this article.

4.We would be pleased to receive__________(一份贵公司产品的目录和价目表).

5.We shall appreciate_______(贵方报CIF伦敦价).

2.Fill in each blank with the proper forms of the given expressions:


quote, attract, quantity, oblige, confident, interest, appreciate, size, give, source

We are ____ in buying large quantities of Iron Nails of all _____ and should be _____ if you would give us a _____ per metric ton CIF Bangkok, Thailand.It would also be _____ if you could let us have your samples.

We used to purchase this article from other_____, but we now prefer to buy from your company, because we are ______to understand you are able to supply large _____ at most ______ prices.Besides, we have _____ in the quality of Chinese products.B

afford, rock bottom price, in view of, prepare the sales contract, stick to,superior to, with a view to, in one’s opinion, bridge the gap, meet each other halfway

1.________, we should focus our export to the European market.2.We have shown maximum flexibility(最大的灵活性)in order to ______ price difference between the two sides.3.I don not know how I can put this business through.Let’s _____________, I think mutual efforts would bring this transaction to a successful conclusion.4.Now that we have agreed on everything, can you _____________ for us to sign?

5.Although this is a rather small order, we still _____ our principle of treating every customer with respect.6.Our microwave ovens are _________ any other similar products thanks to our advanced technology.7.This price is beyond what we can ________.8.Even if you have offered us a ____________, we still have to decline your offer, because the demand is too weak.9.____________ the heavy demand for sugar, we advise you to order at once.10.We would like to grant you a 3% discount _____ helping you in your sales promotion for table cutlery(餐具).3.Translation:

A)Translate the following sentences into English:






B)Translate the following sentences into Chinese:

1.If you think this offer is acceptable to you, please cable us immediately for our confirmation.2.On regular purchases in quantities of not less than 1000 gross of individual items, we would allow you a discount of 2%.3.Because of their softness and durability, our cotton bed-sheets and pillowcases are rapidly become popular, and after studying our prices you will not be surprised to learn that we are finding it difficult to meet the demand.4.Berlin Trade Co.has recommended you to us and we wish to know the details of your export terms.

5.As the price we quoted is quite reasonable, and we trust it will be acceptable to you.4.Translate the following letter into English:











4.Project training:

1.Write a letter of quotation according to the following particulars.你参加了2012年1月7-11日的香港服装展销会, 展销会上与纽约服装贸易有限公司的JILL进行了简短会晤。她对该公司的产品表示了极大兴趣。特别是对真丝连衣裙感兴趣,并在展销会上询价。回国后JILL写了一封EMAIL表示对货号为2012-1的真丝连衣裙很感兴趣。要求我方报纽约的最低到岸价,付款方式和交货期。并索取商品目录和相关的样品。

请你对JILL 这封EMAIL写回函,要点如下:





付款方式: 保兑的、不可撤消的、即期信用证

交货期: 收到信用证后两个月交货



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