
时间:2019-05-14 05:26:44下载本文作者:会员上传




1-5 BBCAC6-10 AACAC11-15 ACBAC16-20 BCBCA


21-25 DBCDA26-30 ACBDB


31-35 DCBCA36-40 BADDA41-45 CDCAB46-50 BCABD


51-55 ADBCC56-60 DABCD61-65 ABDBC66-70 DCBAD


71.It doesn’t matter whether

72.ruining our vacation/holiday

73.(in)being/feeling/getting upset about it

74.wouldn’t have happened

75.as they are

76.twice as many friends

77.had I turned on

78.to be invited

79.which is announced

80.as is called/called


We always take it for granted that receiving is better than giving.But in fact, it’s a good virtue to give rather than receive.I learnt it from my mother.Ten years ago, there was a tough time for my family.One day, there were two apples for my family of three.Knowing that, my mother announced that she didn’t like eating apples.So she

gave the two apples to me and my father.As a child, I grasped the apple immediately and ran away.But my mother wore a bright smile when she saw me eating the apple happily.At that time, I just wondered why my mother was so delighted, even when she didn’t eat the apple.But as time went by, I gradually realized that giving is better than receiving, because giving can bring more happiness and love.Looking back on my mother’s giving, I always choose to give rather than receive in my life.听力原稿

Text 1

W: Excuse me, but did you see a six-year-old boy with a red hat pass by just now? My son...my son...M: No, madam.I was reading a newspaper, I think you should call the police for help.Text 2

W: The flight is due at 2:20 pm

M: But ours may be delayed by 25 minutes because of the fog.Text 3

W: Peter, ask your father to come to the kitchen to have supper now.M: OK.But where is he? Is he in the garden or in the sitting room?

W: He must be watering the flowers.Tell him to hurry.Text 4

W: Ruijin Hotel, please!

M: Do you want to go by way of the People’s Road or Triumph Road?

W: Whichever is the fastest.M: Yes, madam, we’ll take the People’s Road.Text 5

W: Taylor.Do you see your brother here?

M: No.But I’m sure he’s here somewhere.W: Well, maybe he’s downstairs in the baggage area.M: Oh, sure we can check.But he said he would meet me at the gate.Text 6

W: Hello, may I speak to Allison?

M: Hello, this is Allison speaking.W: Janice here.Do you have time this evening?

M: I suppose so.W: I’ve got a couple of tickets for the National Women’s Volleyball match.Would you like to go with me?

M: I’d love to.W: Let’s make it at 6:20 at the entrance to the Capital Stadium, OK? The match begins at 6:40.M: That’s fine.See you then.W: See you.Text 7

W: This is the most beautiful palace in the city, but it’s not as big as the one we’ve just visited.M: How many palaces are there in the city?

W: Three.M: Just three? I thought there are more.W: On you right, you can see a statue of Paulo Pementez.M: I’m sorry.Who’s he?

W: He was a famous writer who lived and died in the city.M: I think I saw another statue of him in the park.It was beautiful!

W: That wasn’t a statue of Paulo Pementez you saw in the park.There are a lot of statues in the city.Text 8

W: Thanks for calling Quality Inn.Morine speaking.M: Hello.I’d like to make a reservation for this Friday.W: This Friday? November the tenth?

M: Yes.W: I’m afraid we’re totally booked for that weekend.M: What about the weekend after that?

W: So...Friday the seventeenth?

M: All right Sir.We have 3 types of room, standard, deluxe, and suite.The price of the standard room is $160 per night, the deluxe room is $220 per night, and the suite is $380 per night.Which type of room would you like to book?

M: I want to book a standard room.W: All right Sir, we still have standard room available for November the seventeenth and eighteenth.M: Good.Can we pay when we arrive?

W: Yes, but we do require a fifty dollar credit card deposit to hold the room.M: That’s fine.W: Who’s the booking for, please, sir?

M: Mr Ryefield.W: Okay, Mr.Ryefield.Thank you for choosing Quality Inn.Goodbye.Text 9

W: Did you see the late night film on television yesterday?

M: The one on Channel 8?

W: No, on Channel 5.It was about a couple who hitch-hiked across the Sahara desert.M: No, I didn’t.Was it any good?

W: Well, it was quite good, I suppose, but all those miles of sand did get a bit boring after a while.I think I prefer horror films to travel stories or love stories.M: I went out for a meal with my friends.They took me to a Greek restaurant.W: Sounds unusual!What was the food like?

M: Actually, I quite liked it.W: I’m not keen on foreign food myself, I’d rather stick to roast beef or just fish and chips.M: Yes.I noticed you always eat chips!Don’t you ever get sick of chips?

W: No, never.In fact, I’d rather eat chips than bread.M: Well, I prefer trying new food to eating the same old things day after day.W: I see.So you won’t be coming to the cafe at lunchtime with me, then.You’d rather eat on your

own, right?

M: Well...Text 10

W: Thank you to all the competitors.I won’t say much because I know you’re all anxious to hear the results-it was a very difficult decision and I’ll start with the band which came in fourth.That’s Texas Team, who are the youngest group here today.Unfortunately, the violinist played so quietly that we couldn’t hear him.So bad luck to Texas Team.Third was Eastside.They are such good dancers that they should enter for a dance competition.And with a bit more practice on the music they’ll do very well.In second place is Third Avenue.They did well, especially their young guitarist, but the singer looked so unhappy we thought maybe he didn’t want to win!Never mind-you nearly won, so better luck next time.Congratulations to The Storm who are our winners today.The singer had such a great voice that we had to give them first place.Well done.



英 语 试 卷 参 考 答 案

第一部分 听力





第二部分 阅读理解





第三部分 英语知识运用 第一节 完形填空

41-45.BDABC 46-50.ADCBD 51-55.ADBAC 56-60.CADCB

第二节 语法填空









69.more enjoyable


第四部分 写作 第一节 短文改错









第九处:become改为became 第十处:What改为How

第二节 书面表达参考答案: Dear teachers and fellow students, In a couple of weeks, we’ll say goodbye to our mother school.How time flies!Gone will be our senior high school days when we are full of dreams and efforts.Now It’s really hard for me to put my feelings into words.The past three years has been really a wonderful journey with you guys, full or laughter and tears.To make the journey safe and fruitful, our great teachers contributed their time, energy, love and the whole heart.Here, we are extremely grateful for all that you, dear teachers, have done for us.It’ll soon be the time for us to depart, though unwillingly.But it is not the end.It just means that we’re going to begin a new journey.Finally, on behalf of all the graduates present here, let me extend our sincere wishes for our mother school and respectable teachers.Thank you!



21.D.细节理解题。根据第一部分第一段中的some couples are still carrying out the “Pyebaek”—a Korean wedding custom.可知,尽管西式婚礼在韩国受到推崇,但传统的韩式婚礼习俗依旧在实行,故选D。注意选项中的observe表示“遵循;遵守”。


23.D.细节理解题。根据第三部分第二段中的These are tiny sweet cakes with a condensed milk filling that are meant to bring good luck to the new couples.可知,在巴西,人们制作这些糕点是为了向新人表示祝福。




25.B。细节理解题。根据第一段中的„Ms.Brown got to the area, the sign was lying on the floor.And shortly thereafter, so was she.Her foot got caught in the sign, in a bad way, and she fell可知,Brown女士被警示牌绊倒了。

26.C。推理判断题。根据第二段中的not allowing Brown’s case to proceed及Georgia’s Court of Appeals ruled in favor of the store可推断,AMC提到这一案例的目的是为了强调自己对该事故不应承担法律责任。

27.A。细节理解题。根据最后一段中的it did conclude that Brown’s case could continue to a jury





29.B。推理判断题。根据第四段中的Most experts recommend early evaluation and treatment可知,如果小孩子开始口吃,最好马上就医。

30.C。细节理解题。根据文章最后一段末的Many people who have taken stuttering treatment programs are able to make positive changes in their speech skills and communication abilities so they can communicate freely可知,这些治疗口吃的方法都取得了积极的效果。



本文是议论文。作者认为旅行之所以吸引人是因为它可以让人们探索未知,但是我们并不一定非得去旅行才能达到这个目的。正如Alan Watts所建议的,我们应该关注当下,因为我们看似平淡无奇的日常生活同样可以很精彩。

32.D。细节理解题。根据第一段中的what a waste it seemed to be, spending our time inside in front of a computer all day long.I ended up leaving my job, and so did Dusty.Neither one of us are sitting in an office all day 可知,作者和Dusty都不喜欢每天呆在室内,坐在电脑前,所以他们都辞掉了工作。

33.A。段落大意题。第二段中的exciting, experience new things, be a slightly different version of ourselves, a sense of excitement for the unknown, a sense of wonder及Not thinking about yesterday or tomorrow, and just about whatever’s right in front you都是旅行之所以诱人的原因。因此本段主要介绍了是什么让旅行如此吸引人。

34.A。词义猜测题。第二段主要介绍了旅行的迷人之处,而本段开头的However„表明了作者对旅行有不同的看法,即:我们不需要”到处走,到处逛”就能让我们的日子像旅行一样精彩。35.B。标题归纳题。通读全文可知,作者认为我们不一定非得去旅行才能探索未知,发现新的自我。只要我们关注当下,看似平淡无奇的日子也可以同样精彩。B项Adventures in our own backyard可以翻译成“自家庭院的探险;家门口的旅行”,非常符合作者的这一看法。



38.D.根据主题词Memorize和本空后面的文意可知,此处应谈及的是记忆问题,D项中的After motivating yourself也提示此句的起承转合作用。





42.D.按照下文提示,此处选manage,意为“经营”,指Jack以前自己经营一家餐馆。43.A.毫无疑问,Jack在获得the Center Lovell Inn的所有权之前自己经营一家餐馆。








53.B.这道题目可以用排除法做,keep up意为“保持”,apply for意为“申请”,cast down意为“使沮丧”,明显都不合适,只能选B,narrow down意为“把……缩小到;缩小范围”。54.A.由上文可知,两位匿名的裁判将最终决定餐馆新的“主人”是谁。

55.C.两位匿名的裁判决定谁是获胜者之后,Jack将在五月一日“宣布”继任者。56.C.通过上文可以看出,Jack信心满满,认为作文比赛一定能够达到选拔继任者的目的。57.A.他相信和上次一样,通过作文比赛将会选择新的合适的所有者。此处pick out意为“挑出;选出”。



60.B.联系上文,Jack相信比赛的结果一定会“证明”自己是对的。turn out意为“结果是;被证明是”。听力材料: Text 1 W: How much will it cost my daughter and me to go to Beijing by bus? M: It’s 90 yuan for you and half of the ticket price for your daughter as she is under l.2 meters.Text 2 M: Honey, you’ve been on the phone for a couple of hours.Who are you talking with? W: It’s Sally, daddy.She always knows the latest news from school, and she couldn’t wait to tell me.Text 3 W: Listen!What’s that noise? M: Look out of the window and you’ll see.The cat is out in the backyard playing with a piece of vase I broke yesterday.Text 4 M: What’s your lunch special? W: All our specials are listed on the menu.Text 5 W: There will be a close basketball match between Class One and our class on the playground this afternoon.M: How I wish I could have time to watch it.Text 6 W: Concert Choice, may I help you? M: Yes, I’d like two tickets for the Mississippi Blues Festival in April.W: Could you please hold while I check on tickets? Hello, sir? I’m afraid it’s almost sold out.There are only a few seats left.M: Uh oh.Where are they? W: They’re some on the first floor for $55 and some on the second floor for $45.M: I see.W: The seats on the first floor are beside the stage, and the seats on the second floor are on the side.Which would you prefer? M: Sorry? Did you say beside the stage? W: Yes, sir.That’s right.M: Great!I’ll take them.Text 7 W: Well, that’s a bit strange.M: What? W: That telephone call.I don’t know who it was.He was talking about something I couldn’t understand, and then just broke off in midsentence and hung up.M: Maybe he realized he had mistaken you for someone else.W: I know something simple lies behind it.But isn’t it strange that it’s not the first time this week that it’s happened? M: Was it the same voice? W: I’m not quite sure.I only recognized it was a man’s voice.M: Next time the same thing happens, record what he says.Maybe it’s funny.W: A fourth time? But I do hope it won’t happen again.Text 8 W: Have you heard that the boss of the law office where Rick works wants him to fly to Brazil to do a month’s work there? M: That’s nice.He’ll love it because everything will be paid for, such as air travel, meals, hotel and this is his first time to get out of the states.W: Indeed, you won’t believe how much he is looking forward to it and how much his little sister admires him.He is going to enjoy lying on the beaches when work is done, and he promised to buy his sister gifts.M: Who else is going besides him? W: He’s going alone.M: When will he be leaving? W: He was told about it three days ago.And I think he will leave in a week.Text 9 W: I would like to know how to make out this check.M: Right.Em...do you want to draw out some money? W: Yes.£200.M: 200.OK.Well, the first thing you need to do is write today’s date in the top right-hand corner where you see the line, at the top you write just today’s date… and the year.You must put the year in.And if you want to draw out money after it says pay...can you see over on the left-hand side? W: The first...line? M: That’s it.On the first line it says PAY and you write CASH afterwards.W: In letters? M: Yes.CASH, you write CASH, OK? Then below that, right below that, you have to write the amount of money you want.So just two hundred pounds and then you write ONLY at the end in words.Then at the end of that line where you can see the box, see over on the right-hand side, you have to write the amount you want in numbers.And then below the box, the last thing you have to do in the bottom right-hand corner is just write your signature.W: OK.Thank you very much.Text 10

Good afternoon.I’m John Holland, housing director here at the university.I’m visiting all the dormitories this week to inform students about check-out procedures.I know you have a lot on your mind with finals coming up, but there are a few things you need to be aware of, as you prepare to leave for vacation.This dormitory will be closed during the summer months and will reopen in September.You must vacate your room by June 3rd.And you should remember to turn in your room key before you leave.Failure to return your key can result in a 25-dollar fine.You must also make sure that all of your personal things have been cleared out of your room.I’ll be passing out a form for you to fill out concerning the condition of your room.You should report on the form any damage to your room which has occurred over the last year, such as holes in the room’s walls, door or windows.That way, we will know where to make repairs before the next school year starts.If you have any questions, please call into my office.




录音材料: Text 1:

M: It’s nice and quiet here, away from the noise of the city.And our apartments are new and well furnished.W: It’s a good place except that it’s a bit far from where we work.Anyway, I’ll talk with my husband tonight and give you a call tomorrow.Text 2:

M: Can I help you, madam? W: Oh, yes, I want to report a robbery.M: I see.What has been stolen? Text 3:

M: This machine has so many buttons.I can’t figure out which one makes it run.W: You’d better read the instructions first.Pressing the buttons improperly may cause the machine to break down.M: Oh, I see.Text 4:

M: What do you think of my new painting? W: Well, the colours are a little too vivid.M: Ah, yes.That’s the point.W: Well, it’s not quite my cup of tea.But we all have different tastes, don’t we? Text 5:

W: Were you given or did you earn pocket money as a child? M: I was given half a dollar a week by my father, but on condition that I behaved myself.If I didn’t behave well, I didn’t receive it.W: Parents were much stricter in those days.Text 6:

W: I noticed you were late for work again.Is there a problem? M: I’m sorry, but no matter how early I leave my house, I get stuck in traffic and end up late.W: Well, I’m afraid you can’t keep doing this.We’d better find a way to settle the problem.M: I’ve thought about taking a train or bus, but I take care of my elderly aunt and I have to drive to her house after work.W: I see.In that case, you can come in later and make up the time at the end of the day.M: That would be perfect.Thank you very much indeed.Text 7: M: Do you think we’ll have time to stop for lunch soon? W: Why? Are you hungry? M: Not quite, but almost.Don’t forget I didn’t have any breakfast.W: It was your own fault.You preferred staying in bed for about another thirty minutes to eating breakfast.M: It seemed like a good idea at that time.W: I won’t let you starve.I have to stop for gas in the next town anyway and you can eat then.M: Will that be long? W: Only about ten minutes.Text 8:

W: I just read an interesting article.Did you know that people who spend less than ten minutes in

a department store are more likely to buy something than those who spend half an hour there? M: I saw that article, too.But I think, if someone runs into a store for 10 minutes, it’s usually to get something that was already in mind.W: And someone who spends more time there may be just looking.M: Exactly.Haven’t you ever gone into a store, thinking that you’d buy something and then

talked yourself out of it? W: Yes, I have.Especially when I thought I ought to get it for less somewhere else, or I really didn’t need it at all.M: Exactly, but if you run into something that you want to buy and have very little time, you

pick it up, pay for it immediately and then leave.W: That’s true.May be we should learn a lesson from that.Take your time and you will spend less money.M: Yes, I think so, too.Text 9:

W: you’re leaving school soon, aren’t you? M: Yes, my A-levels start next week, but I’m not bothered about the results, because when I leave school I’m going to concentrate on my music career.I’m the leading singer in a band and I don’t need any qualifications to be a pop star.I see my future very clearly.I’m going to be incredibly famous and rich.W: So you’ve already got a contract then? M: Not yet.But the minute I’ve taken my last exam.I’m going to find a really good manager.W: So, do you intend to continue living at home? M: No way.I’m moving to London just as soon as I’ve left school.London’s where it all happens in the music industry.W: Do you think you’ll be able to live off your music right from the start? M: Well, I believe at first we might have to get part-time jobs for a few months and it’s going to

be hard, but I bet you, by this time next year, we’ll have had a record in the charts.Text 10:

W: Hello.Welcome to our class for beginning computer users.Typing skills are required for this course.In a moment you’ll begin typing the text I’ve placed on the stand next to each keyboard.First, however, I’d like you to look at the screen in front of you.There are no words on it yet, but it does contain two important objects, the end mark and the action point.You’ll be learning more about these later.Right now, please place your fingers on the keyboard and prepare to use it as if it were a typewriter.For example, to type capital letters, hold down the shift key.Don’t stop typing at the end of a line.When you type a word that is too long to fit at the end of the current line, the computer will automatically move the word to the beginning of the next line.If you make a mistake while typing the text, you can correct it by using the backspace key.Now please prepare to begin typing.Keys:

1-5 BAACA 6-10 BCABB

11-15 CBACB 16-20 ACACB 21-25 CDADC 26-30



67-70 DADD 71.how it was

73.did he put forward 75.if(it is)taken

72.have been painting

74.but to hand in

76.where they belong

78.would have got lost 77.being settled

79.how tired we felt

80.has been invited Writing:

As middle school students, not only should we acquire rich knowledge, but also we should have good qualities.I think expressing our gratitude to people who have helped us is among the good qualities we must possess.Two years ago, my classmate Wang Wei ran into difficulty because his father had been diagnosed with lung cancer.His father’s illness added to his family’s trouble so that Wang Wei was in danger of dropping out of school.After learning about his difficult situation, our head teacher gave him timely help by allowing him to continue his schooling without any tuition.With the aid of our teacher, and classmates, Wang Wei has finished school.Just before this important exam he wrote us a letter expressing his sincere thanks for what we have done.We were deeply moved by his letter.Being grateful to people who helped and supported us is what we are supposed to keep in mind forever.后面是B卷















(一)增强农产品监管检测团队建设,提升团队素质,健全工作长效机制 一是增强团队建设。为增强农产品监管检测团队建设,我中心经人事局批准,引进一名硕士研究生和一名本科生,充实农产品监管检测队伍。下一年仍将继续引进高级特殊人才,来提升团队素质。二是完善农产品质量安全监管机构。目前除浠水和蕲春外,其他9个县市区农产品检测机构尚未建立完善,为进一步加强农产品安全监管工作,尽快使其他各县(市、区)设立农产品检测机构,并启动运行。三是落实工作责任制,健全工作长效机制。要严格落实《黄冈市农产品质量安全工作实施方案》、《黄冈市饲料质量安全整治行动实施方案》、《关于严厉查处在饲料中使用瘦肉精等违禁药品行为的通知》、《黄冈市畜产品安全监管工作方案及畜产品质量安全抽检实施方案》、《黄冈市水产品质量抽样检测实施方案》,对全市11个县市区农产品质量安全、监管等任务和责任进行层层分解,落实到责任人,确定其具体工作目标、工作措施和工作责任,将农产品质量安全纳入政府工作绩效目标管理,确保各项措施落到位,工作做到位。





(四)强化宣传引导,不断增强全社会的农产品质量安全意识 以市举办的各种活动为契机,开展形式多样、内容丰富的宣传培训活动来增强公众农产品安全意识,营造良好的农产品质量安全工作氛围,促进农业的健康稳定发展。一是在全市范围内开展“创建国家级农产品质量安全示范市”活动,抢占“1+8”城市圈和大别山革命老区经济社会发展试验区的先机,唱响“大别山绿色农产品”品牌,开展创建国家级农产品质量安全示范市,树立大别山绿色农产品的市场地位和放心消费信誉,重塑居民对食品安全的信任感,为全省、全国提供优质安全的农产品。二是进一步扩大农业标准化生产覆盖面,加大农业“三品”开发力度,使源头产品的安全供给率在原有基础上有所突破。




英 语 参 考 答 案


1-5 ABBCA6-10 ACCBA11-15 BCCAB16-20 AACCB



21-25 CABBB26-30 ADDCD


31-35 CBDAC36-40 BDACB 41-45 DCBCA46-50 DCBAB


51-54 DCBA55-58 AABC59-62 DCBD63-66 BCAC67-70 BCBA



71.none of which tears

72.to be built

73.when(he was)talking with

74.would have seen the beautiful bridge

75.that he may not have been informed

76.make it clear

77.does it influence

78.has been engaged in

79.(being/feeling)ashamed of

80.as important to accompany


It is said that honesty is the most important.I couldn’t agree more.Although we all seem to like clever people, and desperately want others to recognize our own cleverness.However, I hold on to the belief that we should be honest rather than clever when it comes to business or other deed of humanity.One of my friends came back from a job interview and told me he was accepted instead of the candidate who seemed to be cleverer than him in every aspect.The explanation was that the company thought he was more honest with himself because he admitted he had some

shortcomings and should keep improving, while the competitor was drunk with cleverness and said he could handle everything.In this modern world, every one craves for cleverness, but we should be aware of the higher value of honest.Only through honesty could we gain others’ trust, otherwise, we might end up cheating ourselves.In fact, the cleverest way to handle is to be honest with ourselves as well as others.听力材料Listening Script:

(Text 1)

W: Do you like to dance?

M: Well, when I was a teenager, I would go dancing every Friday night, but I seldom go anymore.W: How come?

M: I don’t like all these new dances, not to mention disco music!

(Text 2)

W: May I help you?

M: Yes, give me something for my upset stomach, please.W: We have a specific medicine for a stomachache and it doesn’t have any side effects.(Text 3)

W: I’m sorry to hear that Jane was in an accident.Was she hurt badly?

M: No, she wasn’t injured as seriously as we thought at first.If only she had been wearing her seat belt, she wouldn’t have been hurt at all.(Text 4)

M: What happened to you?

W: I was stepping into the bath tub when I tripped and hit my head on the washbowl.M: Come on, get into the car.Let’s go to the emergency room and have someone look at it.(Text 5)

M: Susan told me you were on a diet.How much weight have you lost?

W: Well, to start with, I weighed 160 pounds.The first two weeks I took off ten pounds, but then I gained 3 over the holidays.(Text 6)

M: What seems to be the trouble, Ms Lee?

W: I have a terrible pain in my stomach.M: I see.How long has this pain been occurring?

W: Since late last night.M: I see.Let me have a look, shall I? What did you eat yesterday?

W: We went to an American seafood restaurant, and then we went to eat Chinese food.After that, we had a lot of Italian things such as…

M: Did you throw up, or did you have the runs?

W: Both.M: Well, that could be an upset stomach from overeating.Allergic to any drugs?

W: No.M: All right.Take the medicine every six hours and stay in bed today.W: Thank you, doctor.(Text 7)

W: The trouble with education in Britain, I think, lies with the teachers.I don’t think they get enough training in how to teach rather than the subject.I think they’re too serious and not imaginative enough.And that means that there’s not enough excitement in the classroom for children to get interested in the subject.M: I couldn’t agree more.I think there is too much teaching given and too little room for children to use their imaginativeness, with the result that students are far too busy studying for exams to

have time to learn about life itself and how to live in the world.W: Mm, that’s true.I think all the teachers should be at least twenty-five before they start teaching.I think they should be required to live in the outside world, rather than go from the classroom to the university and back to the classroom again.(Text 8)

M: Hello.I’m Peter.It looks like you had an accident.W: Oh, yeah.Glad to meet you.I’m Linda.Right at the beginning of the skiing season.M: That’s too bad.Then, how did you break your arm?

W: Well, I guess you could say I fell off a mountain.M: What happened?

W: I was in a ski-jumping competition.I landed the wrong way and fell the rest of the way down.M: Wow!How far did you fall?

W: I’m not sure, but it was far enough to break my arm.M: When can you ski again?

W: Probably in about two months.You know, I’m really mad at myself.Last year I broke my ankle in another ski-jumping competition.M: Terrible!Why do you enter these contests, anyway?

W: Well, for the fun of it, of course.I like risk very much..(Text 9)

W: Please come into this room.M: OK.W: Now, what’s the problem?

M: I just can’t stop throwing up.I feel dizzy and feel cold and hot in turn.I’ve been this way since yesterday morning.W: Do your bones ache?

M: Well, yes.My legs hurt and I have a dull pain in my back and chest.W: Do you have a sore throat?

M: Well, it’s a little hard for me to swallow.W: OK.Let me check your heart and blood pressure.(She checks them.)I think you have a virus or flu bug that’s been going around, but just to be on the safe side.I’m checking for more serious conditions.If you don’t stop throwing up after you take the medicine, please call me.(Text 10)

W: Do you have trouble sleeping at night? Then maybe this is for you.When you worry about getting to sleep and keep tossing and turning around, trying to find a comfortable position, you’re probably only making matters worse.What happens when you do that is that your heart rate actually increases making it more difficult to relax.You may also have some bad habits that contribute to the problem.Do you often rest during the day? Do you get very little exercise, or do you exercise a lot late in the day? Have you already got enough sleep, or do you sleep late on weekends? Any or all of these might be leading to your sleeplessness interfering with your body’s natural clock.What should you do, then, on those sleepless nights? Don’t bother with sleeping pills.They can actually make it worse later.The best thing to do is to drink milk or eat cheese.These are all rich in a kind of acid and help produce a chemical in the brain that controls sleep.That will help you relax, and you’ll be on your way to getting a good night’s sleep.Until tomorrow’s broadcast, this has been another in the series Tips for Good Health.



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