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Unit 5 Business Travel Teaching objectives

After completing this lesson, student should be able to;---understand and use basic travel-related vocabulary---understand procedures related to checking-in, clearing customs and checks at the airport---effectively use communication skills to: Enquire about flights Reserve airplane ticket Enquire about facilities and services in a hotel Book a hotel room Request services in a hotel Business profile

Making enquiries about flights, luggage, and check-in times Booking airline tickets Checking in at the airport Going through customs Making a reservation in a hotel Checking in at a hotel Checking out

Teaching plan

I.Check the homework of unit 4

II.part 1 Warm-up Let students have a discussion about what people will usually do when they travel by air?

III.Part 2 listening practice Task I and task 2 a.Ask students what they should let the ticket agent know when booking an airline ticket

b.Have students discuss the question above in pairs c.Select one pair of students to present d.Check the answer with the whole class while listening

IV Part 3 language focus A Present theses important sentences Making enquiries for your trip: Could you tell me about the flights to pairs, please? Do you have any flights in the morning? How much is the fare? How much is the one-way trip? What time do I have to be at the airport? Checking in at the airport May I see your passport, sir? Your tickets and passport, please? Can I take these small bags with me ? Ask students what may be examined at the check-in counter of an airport List what students suggest on the board Listen and check the answer with whole class Follow-up practice

V.Part 4 Video 1 going through customs Show students an abstract of “PRC customs regulations on clearance on entering and exiting passengers”.Highlight the information about duty-free and dutiable articles.Ask students to think of as many duty-free and dutiable articles as possible Have a few students share their ideas with the class Watch the video and do the task Check the answers of this part

VI.Part 5 language focus B Present the important sentences to students Follow-up practice Divide the students of the class into pairs and have students choose the roles Ask the students to role play according to the given situations Have a few pairs perform the role play in class Invite other students to give comments and suggestions for improvement

VII.Part 6 Video 2 making a room reservation Let students watch the video and do the tasks post-viewing Divide the students of the class into pairs and have students choose the roles Ask the students to role play according to the given situations Have a few pairs perform the role play in class Invite other students to give comments and suggestions for improvement Business culture How to behave appropriately on a business trip

Answers of listening and video Part 1

a f g j e b c o d h part 2 in a taxi at a hotel on an airplane at customs in a booking office reserve a room check for rather full ticket and passport boarding passport tags room service plain black declare subject to belongings check out comes to receipt part 3

seats c and d row 12 two kilos

gate 7

now Part 5 From January 15th to 18th No there isn’t By credit card He is booking a small conference room He is asking for a wake-up call for tomorrow morning Approximately 8 hours The price for a single room with garden view is us 150, and that for a similar room with rear view 125

Unit 6 Company Presentations Teaching objectives After completing this lesson, students should be able to Understand and use basic vocabulary for introductions and presentations Identify the structure of a company presentation Effectively use communication skills to Talk about a company profile Answer general questions about a company Give a brief self-introduction Give a short business presentation Business profile

Organization of the information Delivery of the information Use of language Audience Participation Types of company Company corporation Firm Enterprise Township enterprise State-own enterprise Privately-owned enterprise Wholly owned foreign enterprise Foreign capital enterprise Sino-foreign joint venture Multinational corporation Group corporation Limited corporation Parent company Subsidiary

affiliate company Partnership Share holding company Listed quoted company Cooperation Industrial corporation Consulting corporation

Teaching plan Part one warm-up Divide the class into pairs Have each pair choose two logos they are familiar with and talk about the history, location, type of the company, etc Have a few students share what they know about particular companies with the class with telling the name of the companies Have the rest of the class guess at the name of the companies

Part 2 listening practice Task I and task 2 Keys of this part Products leading global first connecting London car Address audience PR department information china 2 5 minutes Largest first china 1977 California 42000 11 billion 1989;

Part 3 language focus A Introducing yourself and your talk Key sentences I am in charge of the PR department of…..Ladies and gentlemen, it is an honour to address such a distinguished audience.Lets start with the first point.Firstly, I’ll tell your about…..Secondly, I’d like to talk about…….Now we move to the second point.A final point is…….Follow-up practice Present Part 4 Video 1 making a start Post-viewing Divide the students of the class into pairs and have students choose the roles Ask the students to role play according to the given situations Have a few pairs perform the role play in class Invite other students to give comments and suggestions for improvement

Part 5 language focus B Talking about company profile Follow-up practice Pre-viewing Divide the students of the class into three or four groups.Ask them to: Rank the severity Compare their ranking with other group members Give explanations Change ranking if convinced Present Part 6 Video 2 making a room reservation Post-viewing Divide the students of the class into three Ask students to reorganize Joan Copper’s presentations in a logical and clear framework with the help of the flow chart Ask students to divide the presentations into three parts, beginning, body, conclusion, each group member dealing with one part Choose two or three groups to give complete presentations Business culture How to behave appropriately on a business trip


Teaching Plan


Listening ,Watching and Speaking




Unit Two Technology today Our Earth

Estimated time periods

Teaching Objectives and Requirements

1.Learn words and expressions to talk about the computer and modern technology 2.Go over both the everyday meaning and the computer meaning.Important and Difficult Points

Words Program install desktop software word publishing file graphics folder virus spreadsheet Useful Expressions Showing interest : Oh, really? How interesting!That’s interesting!

That sounds interesting!Fancy that!Dear me!


Procedures and Time

Vocabulary Link…………………………………………(5 minutes)Listening ……………………….…….…….…….……(10minutes)Speaking……………………………………….……….(15minutes)Communication…………………………………………(15minutes)Listening Practice…………………………………………(45minutes)Global Viewpoints………………………………………(10minutes)City Living………………………………………………(35minutes)

8.Listening Practice…………………………………………(45minutes)

Lesson A

Computers are everywhere 1.Vocabulary Link(5’)Natural wonders

A.Many common English words have different meanings when they are used to talk about computers.Look at the pictures and study the words.B.Match the correct forms of the words in A to complete the sentences.Use each word twice.2.Listening(10’)Computer problems

A.Listen to some people talking about different situation with their computers.Match each situation and its problem..Situation 1

a.a problem with a keyboard Situation 2

b.an e-mail problem Situation 3

c.a hardware problem B.Listen again.Circle True or False.1.The man was e-mailing his mother / friend.2.The man clicked on Reply to Sender / to All.3.The woman received a new computer / keyboard.4.The woman spilled soda / coffee.5.The man thinks the woman needs a new computer / mouse.6.The woman’s computer is five / ten years old.3.Speaking(15’)

I used to write our papers on typewriters A.Here are some useful expressions for showing interest.Oh, really? How interesting!That’s interesting!

That sounds interesting!Fancy that!Dear me!B.Listen.Steve is helping his daughter, Lea, with her term paper.How did Steve use to write his papers? C.Practice the conversation with a partner.D.Complete these sentences with your own information.E.Students A shares a personal fact from D.Student B shows interest and asks a follow-up question.Then switch roles.4.Communication(15’)The wave if the future A.Read about these five new products.In your opinions, which products do the words in the box describe? Tell your partner.B.Discuss the following questions with your group.Who would use each product? Would you use it? Why or why not? What might be one problem for each new item of technology? Which product will be common in the near future? Would these problems improve our lives? If so, how? C.Look at the products again, Agree on a product for each category.You can use each product more than once.D.Listen to two people talking about their computers.Pay attention to the expressions used.Then tell partner what you like about the computer you use.5.Listening Practice ——announcements(45’)Micro-listening(10’)

You will hear 5 advertisements.Fill in the blanks with the missing information.Macro-listening(5’)

Listen to the announcement and choose the right answer to each question you hear.Oral practice(15’)

D.Home listening(15’)Lesson B

Modern Technology Part1 Video Course Global Viewpoints(10’): 1.Before You Watch Language Notes Proper name: Philadelphia Other words: digital camera laptop feature instant messenger affordable convenient online download 2.While You Watch A.Watch the interviews and check the sentences that are true.Correct the false sentences.Part2 Video Course City Living: For first word processor 1.Preview(5’)

A.In this episode, Tara learns how much technology has changes.B.Look at the photos below.Then circle True or False.2.While You Watch(15’)

A.What’s the story? Watch the video and circle a and b.B.Here are some useful expressions from the video.Everyday English

Talking about things in the past

Making comparison

Oh my gosh As for No big deal Nowadays In those days

In high school I used to Weren’t that bad

Used to crash all the time

chat Were so unreliable Used to use the ones at the university

As affordable or as fast as … Not as fast as some of the

Newer ,more expensive ones

C.Watch the video again and fill in the blanks with the information you hear.3.After You Watch(15’)

A.Look at this ad for a wide-screen TV.circle the correct verb forms and unscramble the adj.B.Discuss with your partner how TV has changed modern life.You may use the information below to help create conversations.4.Listening Practice ——Celebrities(45’)Micro-listening(10’)

You are going to hear 3 conversations.After each conversation a question will be asked about what was said.Choose the right answer to the question you hear.Macro-listening(5’)

You are going to hear a passage three times.Listen carefully and supply the missing words.Oral practice(15’)


Unit 1 Greetings and Introductions Step One: Introduction 1.Welcome the students and introduce myself and the subject.Boys and girls, welcome to this college.Nice to meet you all.First, please allow me to introduce myself.My name is…From now on we will learn this book together.This subject focuses on viewing, listening and speaking.We all know that the whole part is the most important in learning English.So try to concentrate ourselves on it in class and listen and speak more after class.Then we can make a rapid progress and get good marks at the end of this term.It will also help you a lot when you are taking some exams such as Practical English Test For Colleges(专科学院)Band A and B or College English Test Band 4.At last, I want to remind you that try to be brave when facing difficulties in learning English then you can overcome them and I am always here to help you.Remember, we are students and teacher in class but friends after class.2.Ask some class cadres to introduce themselves: monitor, commissary in charge of discipline.They can say anything as they like.3.They have been familiar with each other during the military training.So ask some volunteers to introduce some other students around them.4.Ask a person to come to the front and another one to stand by his seat.The person on the platform will make an introduction of the other.(1)Are you sure you are describing her?(2)Do you think the person he described just now is you?(3)Is his description vivid and graphic?

(4)What percent of his description is right? Step Two: Lead-in Do you know how introductions and greetings are made? In this unit, we will learn something about it.1.Turn to Page One, read through the passage carefully and answer the questions:(1)How to start a conversation with a stranger?(2)What are the two kinds of introductions?(3)What are the two kinds of greetings? 2.Work with their partner to discuss the following questions and then share the answers with the rest of the class.(1)What would you do if some of your guests at your birthday party don’t know each other? I would introduce them to one another, giving some information about each, so that they would have enough common interests to begin a conversation.I’d like everybody at my party to have fun, like old friends being together again.(2)What English greetings do you know about? And when do we use them? Good morning.---Before 12:00.Good afternoon.---From about 12:00 till around 17:00.Good evening.---From about 17:00 till around 24:00.Goodbye.---It can be used at any time of day when people are leaving.Hello.Hi.---It’s informal but can be used at any time.How do you do? Nice to meet you?---For people who meet for the first time.How are you? How is everything?---For acquaintances [ə'kweintəns].For certain days, holidays, or other special occasions, there are special greetings.---Merry Christmas.Happy New Year.Happy birthday.Congratulations on enrolling in this college.Step Three: Video One: Nice to Meet You.1.Before Watching(1)Ask them to look at the picture and finish the two questions.(2)There are some phrases or sentences in Task Two which you will hear in this conversation a moment later.Please read through carefully and then finish the exercises about words definitions.It will help us to understand the conversation.(3)Check the answers.2.While Watching(1)Once for them to listen carefully and don’t do anything else.Ask them for the persons’ names.(2)Read through Task One in P3 and another once for them to finish it.(3)The third once for them to finish Part A of Task Two.(4)Ask them to finish Part B according to the contents of the conversation in their memory.(5)Ask them to listen to the conversation sentence by sentence for two times and then role-play it.Step Four:

1.Before Watching:(1)Ask them to look at the picture and finish the two questions.(2)

There are some phrases or sentences in Task Two which you will hear in this conversation a moment later.Please read through carefully and they will help us to understand the conversation.2.While Watching(1)Look at the picture in P5.Once for them to listen carefully and try to find the persons’ names.(2)Read through Task One in P6 and another two times for them to finish it.(3)The fourth once for them to finish Part 2 of Task 1.(4)P8 Task 3

Watching and Speaking

a)Watch the video again, with all the students doing Mrs.Green’s voice.b)Watch the video again, with all the students doing Michael’s voice.Step Five: Homework 1.Finish reading the cultural tips after class.2.Work with your desk-mates and finish Situation 1 of Mini-dialogues.3.The second question of Discussion.What gestures do we use in China when greeting someone? In China, a handshake is considered as the standard greeting.People who know each other well may wave to each other as a greeting when they meet.And sometimes a nod or a slight bow may also be used to greet people.


Unit 1 Stating That You are out of Money

I.Objectives: Students are required to be able to 1.identify the topic of this unit;2.describe that you are out of money 3.make and accept suggestions II.Importance and difficulties: 1.The words and phrases to describe that you are out of money 2.Language and culture points.III.Teaching methods: 1.Multi-media 2.Discussion

IV.Teaching-steps: 1.Lead-in

Ask the students to work in pairs, then discuss the following questions and then share your answers with the whole class.(1)What do you say when you are out of money?(2)What do you do when you are out of money?(3)Can you guess whose pockets are empty in the picture? 2.Basic listening Practice Listen to the short dialogs and choose the best answer to each question you hear.3.listening in Task1: soft answers turn away wrath.Listen to the dialog and choose the best answer to each question you hear.Listen to the dialog again and answer the questions.Task 2:

Watching and observing: Listen to the passage three times.When the passage is read for the first time, listen for the general idea.When the passage is read for the second time, fill in the blanks with the exact words you hear.Write down either the exact words you hear or the main points in your own words.When the passage is read for the third time, check what you have written.Task 3: A View of the video Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to each question you hear.Listen to the passage again and answer the question.4.Speaking out Describing that you are out of money.(1)Money is the root of all evil.(2)Whether you are rich or poor, it’s nice to have money.V.Language points: 1.special:

n.特价品 2.water: v.流口水

3.I’m dead broke.我一个子也没有 4.to tell the truth 老实说。5.cut coners:

节省时间 6.bulletin board 布告牌 7.student loan: 学生贷款 8.apply for

申请 9.make it 成功 10.know the rope 懂得诀窍 11 paycheck 支票 薪金

12.Looking forward to 期待 13.get laid off 被解雇

14.for the time being 暂时 15.awful

糟糕的 16 in the red

赤字 17.get by 对付过去 18.emergency 紧急情况 19.I guess

我认为 20 lay off

失业 21 crush 压垮 land on one’s feet突然险

VI Intensive listening Listen to five dialogues and select the best answers from among the four choices given.Passage: A 20 minute speech.words and phrases: convention: furious: 会议



狂怒的audience: 听众 使困惑


额外的 confuse:

Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks with no more than 3words.Homework Further listening.Unit 2 Making the best of a bad situation I.Objectives:

Students are required to be able to 1.identify the topic of this unit;

2.Learn some useful expressions about making the best of hard times 3.express that how to help a person keep his chin up II.Importance and difficulties: 1.The words and phrases to express encouragement 2.Language and culture points.III.Teaching methods:

1.Multi-media 2.Discussion



Ask the students to work in pairs, then discuss the following questions and then share your answers with the whole class.(1)Is it normal these days that life is full of frustration?(2)What kind of things frustrate you in daily life?(3)Do you know what to say in English when you know someone is in a bad situation and feeling frustrations? 2.Basic listening Practice listen to the short dialogs and choose the best answer to each question you hear.3.listening in Task1: Dictation

Listen to the sentences and fill the best answer to each question you hear.Listen to the sentences again and answer the questions.Task 2:

Listen to the passage three times.When the passage is read for the first time, listen for the general idea.When the passage is read for the second time, fill in the blank with the exact words you hear.Write down either the exact words you hear or the main points in your own words.When the passage is read for the third time, check what you have written.Task 3:Tntensive listening Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to each question you hear.Listen to the passage again and answer the question.4.Speaking out Expressing how to make the best of hard times.V.Language points: 1.ATM 自动取款机 恰好 余额 忙于 兼职 怎么会 亲身实践 令人沮丧的 候选人 激烈的 2.happen to

3.balance 4.up to


6.How come 7.hands on

8.frustrating 9.candidate


11.Take it in stride 泰然处之 12.failure 失败

13.come through 成功 14.persist 坚持 前途 前景 15.prospect

16.have what it takes 具备必要条件 17.make a sale

做生意 18.get cold feet 感到害怕 19.make good 成功 20.exaggerate 夸张 21.strike out 失败 22.figure out 断定

23.stand a chance 又希望 24.break into 成功打入

25.I have a lot going for me 我有很多有利条件 26.get ahead 获得成功

27.Useful expressions(1)There is no point in crazing over spilled milk(2)That is the way the cookie crumbles(3)When life hands you lemons, make lemonade(4)When god closes a door, he opens a window.VI Intensive listening 1.Listen to five dialogues and select the best answers from among the four choices given.2.Passage: A 20 minute speech.(1)words and phrases: investment:


counselor: 顾问 法律顾问

go out on one’s own: 自己创业




勤奋的 in-house:




integrity: 诚实

Beyond question: 毫无疑问

lean forward:




squirm: 扭动身子(2)Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks with no more than 3words.Homework Further listening

Unit 3 Making Yourself Understood When Booking Accommodation I.Objectives:

Students are required to be able to 1.survive the process of booking accommodations in English-speaking countries;2.understand and use the language for making oneself understood when booking accommodations;3.learn how to speak on a specific topic using these newly-acquired expressions;4.focus on five short frequently-used oral expressions;5.improve their listening comprehension in general.II.Importance and difficulties: 1.words and phrases essential to properly making reservations;2.language points about booking accommodations.III.Teaching methods:

1.Multi-media 2.Discussion

IV.Teaching-steps: 1.Lead-in

Ask the students to work in pairs, then discuss the following questions and then share your answers with the whole class.(1)What do you think of jobs for which you have to travel most of the time?(2)Do you like to make reservations online or over the phone?(3)Is there any relation between the image of your company and the ranking of the hotel you check in?

2.Completion As you listen, complete each sentence with the missing words.3.Listening in Section one: Watching, Listening& Speaking Video Episode: I’d Like to Make a Reservation, please!(1)(2)

watch the video and then decide whether each of the following statements is true or false watch the video again and then complete the following conversation.(3)After watching the video a third time, complete the following third-person account of the conversation.Section two: Intensive listening(1)Listening Focus This section focuses on becoming familiar with five short, frequently-used expressions: “How come?” “Got me” “Absolutely” “You are kidding!” Right away”(2)Mini-Dialogues Select the best answer from among the four choices given.(3)Conversation Listen to the following conversation and then, for each question below, select the best answer from among the four choices given.(4)Passage: Miracle Make-up Listen to the following passage and then, for each question below, select the best answer from among the four choices given.Section three: Time for Fun(1)Watch & Enjoy Watch a movie clip from The Age of Innocence(2)Listen & Relax Listen to the English song When You Say Nothing At All

V.Language points: 1.dial: 拨电话

2.business conference : 商务会议 3.in all : 总共

4.wake-up call = morning call 催醒电话

5.spell: 拼写

6.Gotcha=(I have)got you!7.deposit: 8.in cash:

押金 以现金支付 威式信用卡 磁卡

职员,办公室人员 9.visa card:

10.magnetic card: 11.clerk :

12.front desk:

(宾馆)前台 13.in a minute:


14.room service:

(宾馆)客房服务 15.menu:

菜单 16.right away:

立刻,马上 17.line:

品种 18.cosmetics:

化妆品 19.miracle:

奇迹 20.guarantee:

保证 21.mirror:

镜子 22.apply:

涂,敷,抹 23.honestly:

诚实地说,坦率地说 24.nod:

点头 25.assessment: 估计

26.language points for booking accommodations: Useful expressions: 1)I need a room,please.2)Do you have a single available?

3)I’d like a double/ suite

4)Can I reserve a room?

5)Do you have a reservation for…?

6)What are the rate?

7)How do I get room service?

8)When’s checkout?

VI Homework Further listening.Unit 4 Invitation and Gratitude I.Objectives: In this unit,you will learn different experssions to: 1.invite someone to a party or to dinner 2.accept or decline an invitation 3.show your gratitude to others II.Importance and difficulties: 1.The words and phrases about invitation and gratitude 2.Language and cultural points.III.Teaching methods:

1.Multi-media 2.Discussion

IV.Teaching-steps: 1.Lead-in

Encourage one or two pairs of students to act out one of the following situations.What would you say in the following situations?(1)you want to invite somebody to dinner or to a party.(2)you would like to accept an invitation.(3)you can’t accept an invitation.(4)someone has helped you.(5)someone has offered you some advice or service.(6)someone has given you a present 2.Section A :focus----extending an invitation(1)listening activities a: Lead the students to read the new words and expressions.b: Before plaing the recording, lead and encourage the students to discuss and anticipate how to extend an invitation.(2).Speaking activities a: Lead a discussion to encourage the students to anticipate what the dialogue may incude.Tell them the following dialogue is between two close friends.One has moved to a new house and wants to invite the other to a celebration party.Some useful sentences: I am calling because I want to invite you to a party.I’d like to bring you something, what would you like? Nothing , I mean , don’t bring anything.Well, just bring yourself!I am looking forward to seeing you.Section B: Focus---expressing gratitude.(1)Listening activities Listen to a short dialogue between a man and a woman, and then decide whether the following statements are true or false.(2)Speaking activities Tell the syudents that there are four people in this dialogue:the hostess and three of the guests and three of her guests.And play the recording once ,then ask the students to recall the expressions used to give good wishes to someone on his/her party.Section C: Listening Actvities: focus-----accepting an invitation and expressing gratituude.(1)listening activities a:Before playing the recording, tell the students that they are going to listen to a story.Ask them to guess what the story may be aboout according to the questions and illustrationsin activity A.b: Ask the students to retell the story in pairs..(2)Speaking activities: Read and parctice the following dialogue with your partner.Uesful sentences: I just don’t know how to thank you for it.No big deal.I really want to see Maria in person.He got the tickets for free, and then he sold them to me for 250 yuan a piece Wow, I really appreciate that.(3)Cultura notes:Some rules about invitation 4 Section D Either let the students read the passage or you read the passage to them, and then ask them some questions V.Language points: 1. assginment

2. present 3. Draft

作业 展示 草稿 提到,提及 4. Mention

5. can you make it? 你能来吗 6. Just take your time.不必着急 7. traffic jam 8. blow out 9. Curious 10.Fan

交通阻塞 吹熄 好奇的 影迷,球迷 赞助,正规的,正常的 11.Sponsor 12.Regular

VI Homework:Further listening.Unit5

Feeling Fed Up and Bored I.Objectives:

Students are required to be able to 1.identify the topic of this unit;

2.appreciate the rich variety of expressions used in such situations 3.learn how to speak on a specific topic using these newly-acquired expressions 4.focus on how to express feeling fed up and bored when listening;5.improve their listening comprehension in general.II.Importance and difficulties: 1.The words and phrases to express feeling fed up and bored 2.Language and culture points.III.Teaching methods:

1.Multi-media 2.Discussion

IV.Teaching-steps: 1.Lead-in

Ask the students to work in pairs, then discuss the following questions and then share your answers with the whole class.(1)What do you say in English when you feel fed up and bored with repetition and have no interest?(2)Are there any differences between native English-speaking cultures and Chinese culture when expressing feeling fed up and bored?(3)How would you act out these differences? 2.Completion As you listen, complete each sentence with the missing words.3.Listening in Section one: Watching, Listening& Speaking Video Episode: I’m Bored Silly(4)(5)(6)watch the video and then decide whether each of the following statements is true or false watch the video again and then complete the following conversation.After you watch the video a third time, complete the following third-person account of the conversation.Section two: Intensive listening(5)Listening Focus This section focuses your attention on five short expressions frequently used in oral English.Match each of them with the choice on the right that has the same thing.(6)Mini-Dialogues Select the best answer from among the four choices given.(7)Conversation Listen to the following conversation and then, for each question below, select the best answer from among the four choices given.(8)Passage: Airsick Listen to the following passage and then answer each question below in no more than 3 words.Section three: Time for Fun(3)Watch & Enjoy Watch a movie clip from As good as It Gets(4)Listen & Relax Listen to the English song No Matter What.V.Language points: 1.nothing but =only 2.no wonder

除….之外没有什么;只不过,仅仅 难怪,当然 把某人逼疯

最终使人无法忍受的事情 旅游 3.drive sb crazy

4.the last straw

5.take a trip

6.beat adj


7.I’m easy


路线,旅行计划 9.ancient

古老的,古代的 10.sightseeing

观光 11.promote




庞大笨重的,笨拙的 14.glare


15.air pocket

(大气中使飞机突然下跌的)气阱 16.nausea

恶心,作呕 17.hold in

控制住 18.puke

呕吐 19.vomit

呕吐物 20.plague

瘟疫,麻烦 21.outfit

全套服装 22.compliment



(身体或精神)不适 24.overshoot vi 行动或讲话过火

25.Useful sentences to express:

feeling fed up and bored: I’m bored to tears.I’m sick and tired of this.I’m fed up.When does the fun start? It’s a pain in the neck.He’s like a broken record.I need a change of pace.What a yawner!VI Homework Further listening.Unit 6 Talking About Finances I.Objectives:

Students are required to be able to 1.be aware of the sensitivity of money talk in the economic world;2.understand and use the language for talking about finances;3.learn how to speak on a specific topic using these newly-acquired expressions 4.focus on listening to five short frequently-used oral expression;5.improve their listening comprehension in general.II.Importance and difficulties: 1.The words and phrases to relating to finances;2.Language and culture points.III.Teaching methods:

1.Multi-media 2.Discussion IV.Teaching-steps: 1.Lead-in

Ask the students to work in pairs, then discuss the following questions and then share your answers with the whole class.(1)Are you money-conscious?(2)Do you think that money is an emotional issue?(3)What’s your attitude towards money? 2.Translation Listen to each of the following expressions of Money Talk to make sure that you understand its meaning, and then translate it into Chinese.3.Listening in Section one: I need to watch my pennies Video Episode: I need to watch my pennies(7)watch the video and then check off six items that you have observed in it ,saying out loud a sentence composed for each checked item.(8)(9)

watch the video again and then decide whether each of the following statements is ture or false.watch the video again and then complete the following conversation.(10)After you watch the video a third time, complete the following third-person account of the conversation.Section two: Intensive listening(9)Listening Focus This section focuses your attention on five short frequently-used oral expression.(10)Mini-Dialogues Select the best answer from among the four choices given.(11)Conversation : Shopping at a Department Store Listen to the following conversation and then, for each question below, select the best answer from among the four choices given.(12)Passage: A Penny

Listen to the following passage and then answer each question below in no more than 3 words.Section three: Time for Fun(5)Watch & Enjoy Watch a movie clip from Erin Brockovich.(6)Listen & Relax Listen to the English song: How Can I Not Love You.V.Language points: 1.mortgage :

2.do without : 3.fat chance : 4.lay off :

5.in the red: 抵押贷款,按揭


希望太渺茫了? 解雇.负债的,赤字的.6.to one’s knowledge :据某人所知 7.put up with:

8.dilemma: 忍受,忍耐(进退两难的)困境(紧接上文)具体是什么? 要看情况而定 冒险 礼券 收据,发票 9.Like what ?:

10.It depends:

11.take a risk :

12.gift certificate: 13.receipt:

14.write up :


15.sales slip:

销货单,销货发票 16.register: 收银机 17.cashier:


18.ring up: 把什么打入收银机 19.purchase:

购得之物 20.scanner: 扫描器 21.call out:

报出 22.run up at:

(价格)为 23.mount:

增加 24.verify: 证实,核实 25.order: 定购

26.Useful expressions of Money Talk

(1)I can’t afford it :


(2)We have to watch our spending: 我们必须计算着用钱

(3)I have to cut back on expenses


(4)We’ve got to tighten our belt :

我们必须省吃俭用(5)We have to get back to basics:

我们必须重新过俭朴的生活(6)I’m on a strict budget:

我手头拮据(7)What a miser/ What a Scrooge!:

好一个吝啬鬼(8)Money is no object :


(9)Money doesn’t grow on trees:

钱不是生在树上的;钱不是容易挣的(10)You must make both ends meet:


(11)Penny-wise,pound-foolish :


VI Homework Further listening.Unit 7 Speaking of Health I.Objectives:

Students are required to be able to 1.deepen their awareness of the inportance of health;2.understand and use the language for speaking about health;3.learn how to speak on a specific topic using these newly-acquired expressions;4.focus on listening to five short frequently-used oral expressions;5.improve their listening comprehension in general.II.Importance and difficulties: 1.words and phrases essential to properly speaking of health 2.language points about speaking of health.III.Teaching methods:

1.Multi-media 2.Discussion

IV.Teaching-steps: 1.Lead-in

Ask the students to work in pairs, then discuss the following questions and then share your answers with the whole class.(1)Are you health-conscious?(2)Do you know the difinition of health established by the World Health Oraganization(WHO)?(3)To what extent is your health in your own hands? 2.Completion Listen to each of the expressions and drawing on the classifications A-D below, insert the appropriate letter beside each expression.3.Listening in Section one: Watching, Listening& Speaking Video Episode:Keep Regular Hours(11)watch the video and then decide whether each of the following statements is true or false(12)watch the video again and then complete the following conversation.Section two: Intensive listening(13)Mini-Dialogues Select the best answer from among the four choices given.(14)Conversation: In the Emergency Room Listen to the following conversation and then, for each question below, select the best answer from among the four choices given.(15)Passage: Who’s deaf? Listen to the following passage twice and then answer each question below in no more than 3 words.Section three: Time for Fun(7)Watch & Enjoy Watch a movie clip from Mona Lisa Smile(8)Listen & Relax Listen to a short essay, which is full of meaning ,and read along.V.Language points: 1.what brings you here?

2.I didn’t sleep a wink last night.3.supervisor

4.can’t help but


6.manage stress


8.keep regular hours







15.food poisoning

16.run some tests



19.sure enough



VI Homework Further listening.你哪不舒服? 昨晚整夜没有合眼

主管人 不得不 延长

拖延 调节压力 整合同化 过有规律的生活 继续 处方 呕吐

头晕的,晕眩的 头晕目眩的 流感 食物中毒 做一些化验


严重性 果然,确实 剁


Unit 8 Expressing Congratulations &Making Toasts


Students are required to be able to 1.appreciate the social implixations of expressing congratulations and making toasts;2.understand and use the language appropriate for expressing congratulations and making toasts;3.learn how to speak on a specific topic using these newly-acquired expressions;4.focus on listening to five short frequently-used oral expressions;5.improve their listening comprehension in general.II.Importance and difficulties: 1.The words and phrases to express congratulations and make toasts;2.Language and culture points.III.Teaching methods:

1.Multi-media 2.Discussion

IV.Teaching-steps: 1.Lead-in

Ask the students to work in pairs, then discuss the following questions and then share your answers with the whole class.(1)When do people express congratulations? Can you make a couple of such occasion?(2)Are there any cultural differences in terms of drinking toasts?(3)Which do you prefer, making friends before doing business or making friends after doing business? 2.Recognition Listen and repeat each of the expressions used for giving congratulations and making toasts.3.Listening in Section one: Watching, Listening& Speaking Video Episode: Congratulations!Bottoms up!

(13)watch the video and then decide whether each of the following statements is true or false(14)watch the video again and then complete the conversation.Section two: Intensive listening(16)Listening Focus This section focuses your attention on an aspect of authentic, day-to-day English: congratulations(17)Mini-Dialogues Select the best answer from among the four choices given.(18)Conversation: Accepting an Invitation to a Party Listen to the conversation and then, for each question below, select the best answer from among the four choices given.(19)Passage: First Business Lesson

Listen to the following passage twice and then answer each question below in no more than 3 words.Section three: Time for Fun(9)Watch & Enjoy Watch a movie clip from Just Like Heaven(10)Listen & Relax Listen to the joke and read aloud.V.Language points: 1.promotion


2.when in Rome , do as the Romans do.入乡随俗 3.sauce







辛辣的7.steamed fish



偏爱的9.This one’s on me

这顿饭我请 10.split the bill

平摊账单 11.sweater

针织上衣 12.side dish

配菜 13.If that doesn’t work out

如果那样不行 14.casual

非正式的,不拘礼节的 15.puzzle

使困惑 16.obedient

服从的,顺从的 17.bruised





VI Homework Further listening.21





2、课程名称: 法语视听说

3、英文名称: French

4、课程简介: 《法语视听说》为专业必修课程,通过课程的教学活动,旨在使学生学到纯正的法语,提高用法语进行社交活动的能力。






3、周学时: 2学时;

总学时: 本学期共34学时。



6、考试方法:平时作业占40%, 期中考试占20%, 期末考试占40%。




三、课程内容与教学要求: 导论




四、教学内容: 第一节

1、法语字母表 26个字母的书写与发音 2.姓名拼读



1、法语字母与音素界定 音素与字母的区别。音素分为元音音素和辅音音素。2.清辅音和浊辅音


第一课 Bonjour Paris





四、教学内容: 第一节


基本句型练习:Je vous présente...(介绍别人)第二节


小结:本课基本句型、语法点回顾。课后练习:小组对话练习第二课 A l’Hôtel Concorde





四、教学内容: 第一节


基本句型练习:Je voudrais...(我想要...)第二节



第三课 Paris, la nuit





四、教学内容: 第一节


基本句型练习:Il est...heures(现在已经几点了。)第二节


第四课 Allons aux Puces





四、教学内容: 第一节


基本句型练习:J’ai faim(我饿了。)第二节



第五课 TGV pour Lyon





四、教学内容: 第一节

观看视频教学节目Leçon 5 TGV pour Lyon 基本句型练习:un billet pour...(买一张去...的票。)第二节



第六课 Allô!Allô!





四、教学内容: 第一节

观看视频教学节目Leçon 6

基本句型练习:Je voudrais parler à...(我找某人接电话。)第二节



第七课 Invitation





四、教学内容: 第一节

观看视频教学节目Leçon 7

基本句型练习:Vous venez déjeuner demain(明天你们来我家吃饭吧。)第二节



第八课 Paris Luxe





四、教学内容: 第一节

观看视频教学节目Leçon 8

基本句型练习:faire plaisir à qn(使某人感到愉快。)第二节



第九课 Premier salaire





四、教学内容: 第一节

观看视频教学节目Leçon 9

基本句型练习:Je vous conseille...(我建议您...)第二节



第十课 Leçon de cuisine





四、教学内容: 第一节

观看视频教学节目Leçon 10

基本句型练习:Donne moi...(递给我...)Aujourd’hui, c’est...(今天星期...)第二节


小结:本课基本句型、语法点回顾。课后练习:小组对话练习 第十一课 Objet trouvé





四、教学内容: 第一节

观看视频教学节目Leçon 11

基本句型练习:Je vous dois combien ?(我该付给你多少钱?)第二节



第十二课 S.O.S Médecin





四、教学内容: 第一节 观看视频教学节目Leçon 12

基本句型练习:Je viens pour...(我来是为了做...)第二节



第十三课 Le match





四、教学内容: 第一节

观看视频教学节目Leçon 13 基本句型练习:Il y a...(...)第二节



第十四课 Balade dans Paris





四、教学内容: 第一节

观看视频教学节目Leçon 14

基本句型练习:demander à qn de faire qch 第二节



第十五课 Départ en vacances





四、教学内容: 第一节 观看视频教学节目Leçon 15 基本句型练习:souhaiter...第二节


小结:本课基本句型、语法点回顾。课后练习:小组对话练习第十六课 Sous la tente





四、教学内容: 第一节

观看视频教学节目Leçon 16 基本句型练习:aimer qch/faire qch 第二节


小结:本课基本句型、语法点回顾。课后练习:小组对话练习 第十七课 A bicyclette





四、教学内容: 第一节

观看视频教学节目Leçon 17 基本句型练习:Il fait...第二节



第十八课 Faire les courses







观看视频教学节目Leçon 18 基本句型练习:Prendre qch.第二节



第十九课 La lettre





四、教学内容: 第一节

观看视频教学节目Leçon 19 基本句型练习:avoir l’honneur de faire qch 第二节



第二十课 Champion





四、教学内容: 第一节

观看视频教学节目Leçon 20 基本句型练习:faire du sport 第二节



第二十一课 Le colloque





四、教学内容: 第一节

观看视频教学节目Leçon 21 基本句型练习:devoir faire qch 第二节



第二十二课 Visite d’usine





四、教学内容: 第一节

观看视频教学节目Leçon 22 基本句型练习:savoir faire qch 第二节



第二十三课 Secrétaire





四、教学内容: 第一节

观看视频教学节目Leçon 23 基本句型练习:laisser faire...第二节



第二十四课 Le château





四、教学内容: 第一节

观看视频教学节目Leçon 24 基本句型练习:compter sur qn 第二节



第二十五课 Au spectacle





四、教学内容: 第一节

观看视频教学节目Leçon 25

基本句型练习:Il n’est pas question que...第二节 语法点练习:条件式过去时。听力练习


第二十六课 Fête nationale





四、教学内容: 第一节

观看视频教学节目Leçon 26 基本句型练习:Il falait faire...第二节

语法点练习:Acte de parole。听力练习



编制日期: 2009 年 3 20



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