第一篇:校本课程 英语绕口令教案
1.绕口令中一些生词难词需要教师示范并教授:fantastic, lusty, lawyer, longed, laboratory, cafe, vote, vital, vast, Finnish, fissure.三、教具准备:
四、教学过程: 第一步:热身活动:
八十八岁公公门前有八十八棵竹,八十八只八哥要到八十八岁公公门前的八十八棵竹上来借宿。八十八岁公公不许八十八只八哥到八十八棵竹上来借宿,八十八岁公公打发八十八个金弓银弹手去射杀八十八只八哥,不许八十八只八哥到八十八岁公公门前的八十八棵竹上来借宿 2.教师挑选2-3名学生或小组挑战,奖励一个小的礼物。第二步:练习含有/ᵆ/的英语单词以及绕口令
师:梅花/ᵆ/需要大家把嘴巴张大,越夸张越大声越好。1.学生练习/ᵆ/的单词:apple, pan, fan , fantastic 2.教师在PPT上出示含有/ᵆ/的绕口令,教师先快速示范。然后在10秒钟的背景音乐下,学生开始自主练习。
We need a plan to fan a pan;find a pan to fan, then find a fan to fan the pan,then fan the pan.我们需要计划用扇子扇平底锅,找个锅来扇,然后找把扇子扇锅子,然后扇锅。
that three
them thief
there thanks
they 4.教师在PPT上出示含有/θ/、/ð/的绕口令,教师先快速示范。然后在10秒钟的背景音乐下,学生开始自主练习。
There those thousand thinkers were thinking how did the other three thieves go through.成千上万的人在思考其他的三个小偷是怎么通过的。
Thank the other three brothers of their father's mother's brother's brother's brorher's sister's side.感谢他们父母的母亲的哥哥的哥哥的哥哥的姐姐的那三位哥哥 5.教师挑选2-3名学生或小组挑战,奖励一个小的礼物。第四步:练习含有/l/的英语单词及绕口令 师:/l/需要大家的舌尖抵住上齿后,然后发音 1.学生练习/l/的单词: Light let leave letter late 2.教师在PPT上出示含有/l/的绕口令,教师先快速示范。然后在10秒钟的背景音乐下,学生开始自主练习。
A lusty lady loved a lawyer and longed to lure him from his laboratory.一个精力充沛的女士爱上了一位律师,她渴望诱惑律师离开实验室,投入她的怀抱。
师:/f/、/v/需要大家的上排牙齿放在下唇,然后发音。前者是清辅音,后者是浊辅音。2.学生练习/f/、/v/的单词: fine
very fifty
vote wife
vital cafe
vast 2.教师在PPT上出示含有/f/、/v/的绕口令,教师先快速示范。然后在10秒钟的背景音乐下,学生开始自主练习。
A Finnish fisher named Fisher failed to fish any fish one Friday afternoon and finally he found out a big fissure in his fishing-net.1.Finnish:芬兰的(板书)2.fissure:裂缝(板书)
very well, very well,very well...很好,很好,很好...3.教师挑选2-3名学生或小组挑战,奖励一个小的礼物。
fantastic, lusty, lawyer, longed, laboratory, cafe, vote, vital, vast, Finnish, fissure.
4、准备《哈姆雷特》电影 教学时间:二课时 教学过程:
哈姆雷特(又作哈姆莱特)Prince Hamlet —— 丹麦王子。
克劳迪斯(克劳狄斯)Claudius ——丹麦现任国王。他是哈姆雷特的叔父,在哥哥死后继任了王位。老国王的鬼魂告诉哈姆雷特,他正是谋杀自己的凶手。他罪有应得,最后死在侄子复仇的毒剑下。
鬼魂King Hamlet(Ghost)——哈姆雷特的父亲死后化成的鬼魂。他被弟弟毒死时,哈姆雷特正在国外。
波洛涅斯Polonius—— 克劳迪斯的御前大臣。他是个出了名的老顽固,阻挠哈姆雷特与欧菲莉亚之间的爱情。哈姆雷特总是假装呆头呆脑来戏弄他。他躲在一块挂毯后,偷听哈姆雷特与王后的谈话时,被王子一剑刺死。
奥菲莉娅(欧菲莉亚)Ophelia—— 波洛涅斯的女儿。她与哈姆雷特双双陷入爱河,但种种阻力警告王子,政治地位使他们无望结
霍拉旭Horatio—— 哈姆雷特大学里的密友。他没有直接卷入王室之间的阴谋,所以他成了哈姆雷特的传声筒,莎翁用他来烘托剧情。他也是唯一一个活到全剧结束的主要角色。虽然他曾扬言要自杀。
罗生克兰和盖登思邓Rosencrantz & Guildernstern—— 都是哈姆雷特大学中的老同学。他们被克劳迪斯招来照看哈姆雷特。虽然两人在剧中的作用不大,但王子很快就猜疑两人是间谍。当国王下密令要处死远在英国的哈姆雷特时,他把名字偷换了。于是两人在幕后莫名其妙地死去。
福丁布拉斯Fortinbras—— 挪威王子。在剧中只有短短的过场戏。但他的重要性在于,全剧的最后台词由他说出,似乎象征着一个更为光明的未来,阐述了剧作主题。
To be, or not to be-that is the question: whether it's nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them? To die:to sleep;no more;andby a sleep to say we end the heartache and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to.'tis a consummation devoutly to be wish'd.To die: to sleep;To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub: for in that sleep of death what dreams may come when we have shuffled off this mortal coil, must give us pause: there's the respect that makes calamity of so long life;For
proud man's contumely, the pangs of despis'd love, the law's delay, the insolence of office, and the spurns that patient merit of the unworthy when he himself might his quietus make with a bare bodkin? Who would fardels bear, to grunt and sweat under a weary life, but that the dread of something after death, the undiscover'd country, from whose bourn no traveller returns, puzzles the will and makes us rather bear those ills we have than fly to others that we know not of? Thus conscience does make cowards of us all;And thus the native hue of resolution is sicklied o'er the pale cast of thought, and enterprises of great pith and moment with regard their currents turn awry, and lose the name of action.六、点评鉴赏 人物形象
Title: Bingo
Period: 2
Times: 2 Teaching aim:
1.To feel the Chinese meaning of the song “Bingo” 2.To read the song loudly and act out the song freely.3.To stimulate the Ss’ interests by clapping and singing.Teaching importance: To guide the Ss to understand the Chinese meaning of the song;Teaching difficulties:
To sing the song and act it out.Teaching tools:
printing materials, ppt Teaching procedure: Step 1: warm-up
Simon says: stand up.Simon says: sit down.Step 2: Listen to the song, watch the cartoon to let the Ss master the general idea and rhythm of song.1.Watch the cartoon of the song and let the Ss to watch carefully.2.Watch the cartoon again to let the Ss say the general idea.3.Watch for the third times to let the Ss translate sentence by sentence.Step 3: Teach the new words and sentences 1.Show the difficult words and phrases on the screen, and teach the new words.(there, was, farmer, had, name, bingo)Show the word cards “there” and let the Ss follow the teacher.Play games to read.Game rule: The teacher points, the Ss reads.if the teacher points to a place near the teachers’ desk, the students stop speaking.If the teacher points to a far place, the students should say the words loudly.Words like was, had, name, bingo and farmer are taught in the same way.Games chosen are:
Point my palm
Looking for the word card and wolves
2.Read the new sentences by means of games.New sentences: There was a farmer had a dog.Bingo was his name.Games: Whisper
Driving cars Step 4: Learn to sing the song
Teach the song sentence by sentence with the students followed.Let the Ss sing with the cartoon.Step 5: Practice
Sing the song group by group to see which group is the best.Sing the song with the hands clapping.Sing the song with games.Game rule: Sit on the chairs, Ask seven students to go to the middle of the yard.The other sing the song.When the song stops, the Ss should sit on the six chairs as quickly as possible.The one who has no chairs should show us a play.Step 6: Activity
Run run run, go go go;
Jump jump jump, go go go;
Shake shake shake, go go go.Cant and do.The Ss should run, jump and shake when they are chanting.Step7: Summary
Sing the song again to end the class.Lyric:
There was a farmer had a dog And Bingo was his name, Oh B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O
And Bingo was his name, Oh There was a farmer had a dog
And Bingo was his name, Oh
I-N-G-O, I-N-G-O And Bingo was his name, Oh There was a farmer had a dog And Bingo was his name, Oh
N-G-O, N-G-O And Bingo was his name, Oh There was a farmer had a dog And Bingo was his name, Oh
G-O, G-O
And Bingo was his name, Oh There was a farmer had a dog And Bingo was his name, Oh
O, O
And Bingo was his name, Oh There was a farmer had a dog And Bingo was his name, Oh And Bingo was his name, Oh
英语短剧《Listening to the sound of blooming》
英语短剧《听花开的声音》 Listening to the sound of blooming 主要角色:小雨,父亲、母亲、李老师、吴老师(班主任),吴老师的女儿、张老师(生活老师)、四个学生
Miss Li
Miss Wu
Miss Zhang
Four studerts 第一场
(暑假后,小雨爸爸又要出去打工了,想让小雨的妈妈也一起去,但要上三年级的小雨让他们感到为难。)Mum: Come here!Come here!Dad: Hi!Mum: What’s wrong?
Dad: I have to go out to work in a few days.Mum: Oh!I know.Dad: I’ve thought a lot.You’d better go with me.Mum: I’d love to.But what will Xiaoyu do without us?
Dad: That is what I’m worrying about!If only we could go together.We can work for two more years to build our house.Then we needn’t go.Mum: But, Xiaoyu? Dad: Oh, yeah!I’v got it.There may be some boarding schools.Mum: I’ve heard of it.Tongtong, our neighbor’s daughter, is studying in our country.I remember the name of the school seems to be Songlin Primary School.Dad: Let’s inquire it before we decide tomorrow.If that didn’t help there would be other ways Mum: Enn, OK!第二场
(小雨的父母到县城打听寄宿制学校的情况,来到了松林小学。)Dad: Excuse me.May I come in? Miss Li: Come in, please.Can I help you? Dad: I want to send my daughter to study here.Miss Li: Where are you from? Dad: We are from Xiao’ an village.Miss Li: Well, our school is only for the students whose household registrations are in country.I’m sorry to tell you she can’t.Mum: Can’t she really come? We will both go out to work in a few days.She is left alone at home.We are worried about her.Miss Li: What? Go out to work!Mum: Yeah!Miss Li: Oh, If that so, you’re lucky.We could receive the children whose parents have gone to the cities to do business and find jobs since last year.Dad: Is that true? Thank goodness.Mum: By the way.What if she can’t take care of herself at a very small age? Miss Li : Rest assured of that.There are some special life teachers in our school.Even at night, they will be on duty by turns.Dad: How about studying? Miss Li: Don’t worry.Our school pays more attention to the teaching of cultural course, as well as offers 5 featuring projects of English, reading, writing and so on.Mum: Oh!It’s good news!
Dad: Let’s go home quickly and tell Xiaoyu about it.Dad and Mum: Thank you!Bye-bye!Miss Li: Goodbye!第三场
Miss Wu: Good morning, class.Today, There is a new student in our class.Her name is Xiaoyu.Xiaoyu: Hello!Ss: Hello!
Miss Wu: Her parents are also working outside.From now on, she will be one of us.Let’s welcome her.Xiaoyu, This is your seat.Sit down, and we’ll begin our class.Boys and girls, books can lead to growing up, Reading can enlarge our life.Let’s join in the New Education Experiment and have a meaningful study life.Let’s read a poem: A Book.Ss:《神奇的书》狄金森
没有一艘非凡的战舰, 能像一册书籍把我们带到浩瀚的天地 There is no frigate like a book to take us lands away 也没有一匹神奇的坐骑,能像一页诗扉带我们领略人世的真谛 Nor any coursers like a page of prancing poetry 即令你一贫如洗,也没有任何栅栏能阻挡你在书的王国遨游的步履 This traverse may the poorest take without oppress of toll 多么质朴无华的车骑,可是它却装载了人类灵魂中全部的美!How frugal is the chariot that bears a human soul Miss Wu: Class is over.Ss: Goodbye!Miss Wu.(课间活动:舞蹈)第四场
(晚上十点左右,吴老师家。吴老师的女儿刚刚睡着,生活老师张老师打来电话,小雨发高烧需要及时送往医院,但张老师正在值班。)Miss Wu: This is Miss Wu.Who’s that?
Miss Zhang: This is Miss Zhang.I’m sorry to call you so late.Miss Wu: What’s up?
Miss Zhang: Xiaoyu has a fever.I’m on duty.Can you come to school now? Miss Wu: Oh!Miss Zhang: Can’t you come? Have you got anything to do now? Miss Wu: It doesn’t matter.I’m going at once.Miss Zhang: Oh!I will wait for you in the dorm.Miss Wu: All right.(放下电话自言自语。)Miss Wu: My baby is asleep.Her dad isn’t at home.What if she wake up at midnight.What am I going to do? Come to school first.just hope she wouldn’t wake up.(孩子半夜醒来却找不到妈妈。)
Daughter:Mummy, mummy!Where are you? Where are you? Mummy, mummy!Miss Wu: Oh!My baby.Daughter:Mummy, I’m frightened.Miss Wu: Sorry.I’m sorry.I’m really sorry.Daughter:Where did you go? Mummy.Miss Wu: I went to school.Daughter:I couldn’t find you.Mummy.Miss Wu: My baby.Sorry.I’m sorry.I’m really sorry.My baby.From now on, I must tell you if I go out.Daughter:I feel sleepy.Miss Wu: Go to sleep now.(第二天早上学生上课前)S1:How are you feeling now? Xiaoyu.Xiaoyu: I feel better.Thank you!S1: Do you know what festival it is today? Ss: No.S1: Let me tell you.Today is Thanksgiving Day.S2: Thanksgiving Day? I heard people should say the prayers according to custom.And should say a few words about what they are the most thankful for.S1: Yeah!That’s right.I think I should thank Mum for telling stories every night.What about you? S3: I thank Dad for reading with me.Xiaoyu: I think we should thank our teacher.I stay at school without my parents.But I don’t feel alone.S2: Yeah!You’re right.Our teachers are like a mother to us.S3: I think so.Xiaoyu.When did Miss Wu leave school? Xiaoyu: About one o’clock.S3: Oh!It was so late.I heard Miss Wu left her child alone last night.S2: What about her husband? S3: I heard he was on business outside.S1: Really!Her daughter is only five years old.S2: I think Xiaoyu is right.We should thank our teacher.Ss: En.(一起上场扶起老师,为学校和老师献上一首歌《感恩的心》。)感恩的心
My thankful heart.感谢有你
Grateful to you.伴我一生
Keep me company, 让我有勇气作我自己
let me brave to be myself.感恩的心
My thankful heart, 感谢命运
Grateful to fate.花开花落
blooming of fading, 我一样会珍惜 I’ll still cherish them.Ss: Thank our teachers!Thank our school!-
绕口令课程安排: 第一课时:
拿出道具:小纸条 深吸一口气,吹动纸条,看谁的纸条坚持的时间最长。(气息的训练:闻花练习、气声数数)第二课时:
第一课时: 复习:上节课学习了两个绕口令:羊和狼的绕口令,训练气息的数枣的绕口令。先集体回忆,可以情景再现羊和狼的故事。然后上台比赛,比赛胜出方,老师告诉一个小秘密,相当于做游戏:交头接耳。内容:绕口令:知道就说知道,不知道就说不知道,不要知道说不知道,也不要不知道装知道,一定要做到不折不扣的真知道。《知道便知道》(一口气)训练速度语音准确清晰度
学习有关凤凰的绕口令: 练习h---f 的发音区别