
时间:2019-05-14 16:53:48下载本文作者:会员上传



姓名______ 得分______


visit______ do ______ play ______ read _______ am/is_____ watch_____ wash _____ clean _____ want_____ saw have______ cry______ fix listen go



6、wash clothes


_ _

7、read a book


8、listen to music


9、play football


10、see a film


1、He w to a park yesterday?

2、I c my room last weekend.3、Did you r the magazine?

4、Did Lucy c her cloths?

5、Last Saturday ,Candy v her uncle.6.What did you d_____ last weekend ? 7.She r______ a book last night.8.He went h________ yesterday.9.Amy l_________ to music last Tuesday.10.We w________ fishing yesterday


1、-Did you help me clean my room ?-Yes , I.A、did B、do C、does()2-What did Lisa do yesterday?-She to music.A、listens B、listen C、listened()

3、-What did you do last weekend?-I TV.A、saw B、looked at C、watched()

4、Did John football yesterday? A、play B、played C、plaied()

5、They books last weekend.A、read B、readed C、look()

6、Did you play football Zhang Peng? A、with B、and C、to()

7、Tom busy yesterday.A、did B、was C、were()

8、Did you swimming last weekend? A、go B、goes C、went()9.What ____ he _____ yesterday ? A.does, do B.do , did C.did, do()10.She _______ yesterday.A.went fish B.went fishing C.goes fishing()11.He _________ the clothes yesterday.A.didn’t washed B.didn’t wash C.don’t washed()12.They _______ English last night.A.study B.studyed C.Studied()13.It ______ a windy day yesterday.A.is B.was C.Am()14.They _______ English last night.A.study B.studyed C.studied


1、did , what , you , yesterday , do?

2、you , full , did , the , moon , see

3、went , I , to , park , a , yesterday

4、jumped , the,into,lake,he

5、with , Wang Ping , his ,played ,friends , last , football , weekend



B()1.What did he do yesterday ?

A.Yes, she did.()2.Did she wash the clothes yesterday ? B.I went fishing.()3.What did you do last weekend ? C.No, I didn’t.()4.Did you went to the park ? D.He read a book yesterday.()5.What was the weather yesterday ? E.It was sunny.七、读下列短文,选择正确答案(每题2分,共10分)

Today was hot.I went to the farm(农场)with my parents.There was a river near the farm.I went to the river with my dog.We ran and played.Suddenly I dropped(掉进)into the river ,“Help , Help„„”My dog jumped into(跳进)the river and swam to me , Ten minutes later , I was saved(得救)。I was grateful(感谢)to him.We are good friends.()

1、It was very today.A、cold B、hot C、windy()

2、I went to the farm with my.A、parents B、friends C、teacher()

3、I ran and played with.A、my cat B、my dog C、my sister()

4、jumped into the river and saved me.A、My dog B、My mother C、My father()

5、I was very grateful to my.A、mother B、friend C、dog


1、What do you usually do on the weekend?

2、What did you do last weekend?

3、Did you help your mother clean the room?(肯定回答)

4、Did you go to the park yesterday?(否定回答)


pep小学英语六年级下册第二单元测试题 一.选出不同类的词。(10分)


()7.A.play sports B.read books C.watch TV D.post office()8.A.have a cold B.climb mountains C.have a fever D.have a headache



1.feet(单数)________ 2.know(同音词)________ 3.sad(反义词)_________ 4.fat(比较级)______________ 5.bigger(原级)____________ 6.centimeter(缩写)__________ 7.young(比较级)_________ 8.kilogram(缩写)____________ 9.strong(比较级)_________ 10.funny(比较级)________

三、单项选择(20分)()1.How ___ he feel? A.do B.does C.is D.are

()2.What’s the matter ____ you, Amy?

A.for B.on C.with D.in()3.My nose _____.A.hurt B.hurts C.is hurt D.are hurt()4.Tom _____ a toothache.A.is B.are C.have D.has

()5.Tom is laughing ___ the TV play.A.at B.on C.for D.in()6.He is going ___ a trip.A.to B.on C.at D.in()7.you ___ happy today.A.look B.looks C.looking D.look at()8.I am so _____.A.excite B.very excited C.excited D.is excited()9.You should stay __ bed ___ a few days.A.at in B.with for C.in for D.at on()10.My little sister is 5kg ____ than me.A.older B.bigger C.heavier D.taller


(cold, better, bed, take, today, see, sad, doesn’t, can’t, go, come, drink), he _____go to school.He has a badand ___ the doctor.The doctor tells him:some medicine and hot drinks.Stay in _____ for a few days.You will feelsoon.



学校: 班级: 姓名: 得分:



()1 A.strong B.stronger C.longer()2.A.taller B.shorter C.smaller()3.A.hot B.short C.shorter()4.A.156cm B.165cm C.155cm()5.A.happy B.healthy C.heavy


()1.A.Bai Ling is two years older than Amy.B.Amy is two years older than Bai Ling.()2.A.I’m heavier than Zhang Peng.B.I’m not heavier than Zhang Peng.()3.A.My bedroom is 15 square meters.B.My bedroom is 13 square meters.()4.A.Lucy’s sister is 5cm taller than Sarah’s sister.B.Lucy’s sister is 5cm shorter than Sarah’s sister.()5.A.My pencil is 1cm longer than yours.B.My pencil is 2cm longer than yours.三、听填单词。根据录音内容在横线上填上正确的单词。每小题2分,共10分。1.He is 159 cm _______.I’m _______ than him.2.Your brother is _______ than John.3.I think the little elephant is _____ than that one.4.I’m 12.I’m _____ year old than you.笔试部分(70分)


1.dog fish bird _____ 2.two eleven ten ______ 3.taller shorter stronger _______ 4.big heavy long _____5.singer worker doctor _______


1.old ______ young ______ short _____ small ______2.big _____ thin _______ hot ______ 3.heavy _____ funny ______ angry _____ 形容词比较级形式的构成方法: 1. 一般情况下直接加 _________.2. 以重读闭音节结尾、末尾只有一个辅音字母的单词_____________.3. 以辅音字母加y结尾的单词__________


例:I’m tall.Your brother is short.→ I’m taller than your brother.1.I’m 151cm tall.He is 154cm tall.→

2.Chen Jie is 30kg.Amy is 31kg.→

3.Miss White’s hair is short.Sarah’s hair is long.→

4.My hands are small.Your Hands are big.→

七、选词填空。每小题1分,共10分。1.I ___ taller than John.(is, am , are)2._____ you heavier than Tom?(is, am, are)3.She _____ three years older than her litter sister.(is, am, are)4.How _______ is your brother?(tall, taller, high)5.An elephant is ______, and it is _______than a panda.(big, biger, bigger)6.The monkey’s tail is ____ than the rabbit’s tail.(long, longer, short)7.I’m taller than ____.(him, his, he)But he is stronger than ______.(me, my, I)8.My arms are longer than ______.(you, your, yours)

八、下列句子中哪些你已经学过?你不想全部了解一下吗?请在B栏中找出A栏问句的答语。每小题1分,共12 分。

A B 1.How old are you?()a..There are five.2.How many people are there in your family?()b.I’m 12.3.How tall are you?()c.How do you do.4.How much is your T-shirt?()d.It’s about 6300 kilometers long.5.How do you usually go to school?()e.On foot.6.How long is Changjiang River?()f.It’s about 10 minutes by bike.7.How high is that mountain?()g.Over 1000 kilometers high.8.How far is it from your home to your school?()h.Thirty yuan.9.How are you?()

i.I’m 158cm tall.10.how do you feel?()

j.Thank you.11.How do you do?()

K.I feel happy.12.How clever(聪明)you are!()

l.Fine.Thank you.九.阅读理解。

Nancy is reading an e-mail from her American friend Jack.She is very happy to get the e-mail.Jack writes about his school and his weekend.Jack’s school is not very big but it’s beautiful.There are two buildings, two gardens and a playground.Their classrooms are big and clean.Jack likes his school very much.Jack doesn’t go to school at the weekend.He often gets up at six on Saturday and Sunday.He runs in the park for half an hour.Then he eats his breakfast.At eight, he begins to do his homework..He has lunch with his family at home.In the afternoon, he helps his mother do housework.Sometimes he plays computer games with his classmates on the Internet.In the evening, he listens to music or reads books.He really has a good time at the weekend.1. 读短文,然后判断下列句子的正(√)误(ⅹ)。每小题2分,共10分。

()1.Jack is an American boy.()2.Jack’s school is big and beautiful.()3.Jack doesn’t go to school on Saturdays and Sundays.()4.He does his homework in the evening.()5.He often plays computer games with his classmates on the Internet.2.根据短文内容回答下列问题。每小题2分,共8分。(1).Are Nancy and Jack pen pals? Do you have a pen pal?(2).Does Jack like his school very much? Do you like your school?

(3).Does Jack get up at six at the weekend? What time do often get up at the weekend?

(4).Jack has a good time at the weekend.What about you? 听力材料


1. An elephant is stronger than a monkey.2. The football is smaller than the basketball.3. My brother is not short, He is taller than our Chinese teacher.4.-How tall are you? I’m 48kg.3.– How large is your bedroom?-It’s 15 square meters.4.Lucy’s sister is 160cm,and Sarah’s sister is 165cm.5.My pencil is 10cm., and yours is 8cm.三、听填单词。

1.He is 159 cm tall.I’m shorter than him.2.Your brother is stronger than John.3.I think the little elephant is taller than that one.4.I’m 12.I’m one year old than you.6



第一部分:单元突破 第三单元达标测试密卷




二、听音,排序。(10分)()1.Yes.I did.()2.What did you do last weekend ?

()3.Did you help them wash clothes ?()4.I visited my grandparents.()5.I played football.What about you ?


()1.Last weekend I _______to the zoo.()2.—______you climb a mountain ? —Yes , I did.()3.I ________a book yesterday afternoon.()4.Mike went ________yesterday.()5.—Did you go ________last weekend ? —No , I didn’t.笔试部分(70分)



1.I often _____(do)my homework in the evening.But yesterday evening, I ____(watch)TV.2.Did Mike ____(go)swimming? 3.She usually ____(read)book at night.4.What _____you _____(do)on Saturday afternoon?

I______(do)my homework.I ____(go)fishing.5._______(do)you ________(clean)your room last weekend ?


()1.What ______you usually do on the weekend?

A.does B.do C.doed D.did()2.What ______you do last weekend?

A.does B.do C.doed D.did()3.Did you help them clean their house?

A.Yes ,I didn’t.B.No, I did.C.Yes, I did.D.No, I don’t.()4.Did you _____football last weekend?

A.play B.Play C.plays D.played()5.Xiaojing _____very busy yesterday

A.is B.are C.was D.were()6.He _____his grandparents ______Saturday morning.A.visited / B.visit on C.visits / D.visits on()7.They played football ______their friends.A.with B.for C.and D.in()8.He washed clothes ______cleaned his room.A.with B.for C.and D.in()9.Liu Yun walked ______ Sarah’s home ,then I walked ______home.A./ to B./ / C.to / D.to to()10.He jumped ______the lake and swam _____it.A.in to B.into to C.to in D.to into

七、选择正确的答句。(5分)()1.What did you do last weekend?

A.No, I didn’t()2.Did you climb mountain?

B.I went hiking too.()3.How about you?

C.I am sorry to hear that.()4.I failed the math test.D.I went to a park.()5.What do you usually do?

E.I usually go to a park.八、连词成句。(10分)

1.What,did , weekend,you ,do , last(?)

___________________________________ 2.did,a,you,mountain,climb,(?)

___________________________________ 3.Last,was,busy,weekend,Mike,(.)

___________________________________ 4.morning ,do ,did ,what ,Sunday ,he

(?)_ ___________________________________ 5.lake , the ,the ,kite ,into ,.flew(.)___________________________________

九、用一般过去式改写下列句子。(10分)1.There is a bird on the tree。

___________________________________ 2.I go to school by bus.___________________________________ 3.He does his homework..___________________________________ 4.I am very busy today.___________________________________ 5.I clean my room and listen to music.____________________________________


I had a happy weekend last week.On Saturday morning, I watched TV and helped my mother washed clothes.In the afternoon, I cleaned three bedrooms in my house--mine, my parents’ and my brother’s.On Sunday, I played football in the park.Then I went to my grandparents’ house.Grandpa played the piano!The whole(整个)family was so happy.Later, we wanted to swim.But it was too cold.This was last weekend.(1)回答问题:

1.Did he have a happy weekend? ______________________________ 2.What did his grandfather do on Sunday? ______________________________ 3.What did he do Saturday morning? ______________________________(2)判断正误 :

1.They swam on Sunday.

)2.I was so bored last weekend.()


以 Last weekend为题,写一篇小短文,至少5句话。

要求: 1.条理清晰,意思明确,标点正确;



_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________



一.选出不同类的词。()1.A.sad B.angryC.happyD.trip()2.A.heavy B.longC.taller D.strong A.doB.doesC.isD.are()2.What’s the matter ____ you, Amy? A.forB.onC.with D.in()3.My nose _____.()3.A.meter B.foot()4.A.finger B.nose()5.A.funny B.quiet


1.feet(单数)________________3.sad(反义词)______________5.bigger(原级)______________7.young(比较级)_________9.strong(比较级)_________三.连线。A组1.Nice to meet you.2.How do you feel?3.Where is the hospital?4.What’s the matter?5.I have a flu.6.How long is your pencil?7.What day is it today?8.How tall are you?9.How heavy are you?10.How big are you feet?


()1.How ___ he feeling?C.ton D.cm C.strong D.leg C.English D.young2.know(同音词)______________4.fat(比较级)______________6.centimeter(缩写)___________8.kilogram(缩写)____________10.funny(比较级)________B组

A.I’m sorry to hear that.B.I have a high fever.C.Nice to meet you too.D.I’m very happy.E.It’s next to the cinema.F.I wear size 16.G..I am 35kg.H.It’s Tuesday.I.It’s 20cm.J.I am 160cm tall.A.hurtB.hurtsC.is hurtD.are hurt()4.Tom _____ a toothache.A.isB.areC.haveD.has()5.Tom is laughing ___ the TV play.A.atB.onC.forD.in()6.He is going ___ a trip.A.toB.onC.atD.in()7.you ___ happy today.A.lookB.looksC.lookingD.look at()8.I am so _____.A.exciteB.very excitedC.excitedD.is excited



__________________________________________ 2.AmydoesfeelHow(?)

__________________________________________ 3.todayyoulooksosad(.)

__________________________________________ 4.toothacheIahave(.)

__________________________________________ 5.failedImathmytest




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