Baccalaureate Address: Reclaiming Politics President Richard C.Levin
May 23, 2010 Yale University What a journey you have had!Four years of exploring a place so rich with treasure: courses taught by some of the world’s most brilliant and creative scholars and scientists, a library with few peers, museums that expose you to the full variety of nature and human cultures, musical and theatrical performances of the highest quality, vigorous intercollegiate and intramural athletic programs, and classmates whose excellence never ceases to astonish – and all this set within the imposing and inspiring architecture of a campus that is itself a museum.You have had the chance to interact with classmates from 50 states and 50 nations, and the great majority of you have taken advantage of Yale’s abundant international programs to spend a semester or a summer abroad.In the classroom, you were encouraged to engage thoroughly and rigorously in thinking independently about the subjects you studied.You were challenged to develop the powers of critical reasoning fundamental to success in any life endeavor.Outside the classroom, as you worked productively in the hundreds of organizations you joined or founded, you exercised the skills of teamwork and leadership.In your overseas experiences, you deepened your capacity for understanding those whose values and cultures differ from your own – preparing you for citizenship in a globally interconnected world.You may not recognize this in yourselves, but you are ready for what is next.Understandably, you may be uncertain and a bit anxious about what lies ahead.But, if history is to be trusted, you will find many paths open to you.Because of the talent you possessed before you came here, as well as the intellectual and personal growth you have experienced here, you will find, with high likelihood, success in your chosen endeavors.And we expect you to stay connected.The vibrant life of this university is greatly enriched by the deep commitment and active participation of its graduates – think of all the master’s teas and guest lectures and college seminars offered by our alumni.And keep in mind that when you thanked your parents a few moments ago, you might also have been thanking the generations of Yale graduates whose gifts past and present supported half the total cost of your education.Perhaps I am overconfident about your prospects for personal fulfillment and professional success, but I don’t think so.If you will concede my point for the sake of argument, let’s ask the next question, one so deeply rooted in Yale’s mission and tradition that for most of you, fortunately, it has become ingrained.And that question is: how can I serve? How can I contribute to the wellbeing of those around me, much as we all have done in building communities within the residential colleges and volunteering in so many valuable roles in the city of New Haven? Now is an important time to be asking this question.Let me suggest why, and then let me suggest an answer.Aristotle tells us that we are by nature political animals.But one wonders whether he would recognize the species that we have become.Eighteen months ago, the United States elected a new president who was prepared to address, intelligently and collaboratively, the most pressing problems confronting the nation – education, health care, climate change, and improving America’s image in the rest of the world.Late in the election campaign, the financial crisis intervened, and economic recovery and financial sector reform were added to this ambitious agenda.What has happened since does not inspire great confidence in the capacity of our system to deal intelligently with important problems.We legislated a stimulus package that was less effective than it should have been, and far less effective than the corresponding measures undertaken in China.Fifteen months later, unemployment in the United States is still 9.9%.After months of stalemate, Congress enacted a health care bill that extends care to millions of uncovered individuals and families, but takes only the most tentative steps toward containing the escalating costs that will create an unsustainable burden of public debt within the next decade or two.We failed to address climate change in time to achieve a meaningful global agreement in Copenhagen.And, although financial sector reform now seems to be a possibility, the debate has been replete with misunderstanding of what actually went wrong and a misplaced desire for revenge.Why is this happening? Let me make two observations, and then trace their implications for how you might conduct yourselves as citizens and participants in political life.First, contemporary political discussion is too often dominated by oversimplified ideologies with superficial appeal to voters.And, second, political actors in the United States give too much weight to the interests of groups with the resources to influence their re-election, and too little attention to the costs and benefits of their actions on the wider public.In The Federalist(No.10), James Madison addresses the second of these observations, in the context of the fledgling republic established by the U.S.Constitution.He notes that the tendency to pursue self-interest can never be entirely suppressed, but it can be mitigated by the proper design of political institutions.In contrast to a direct democracy where individuals would tend to vote their own interests, a republican form of government, Madison argues, will have a greater tendency to select representatives who attend to the broader interests of the whole.And, he further argues, representatives in a large republic constituted of a wide range of divergent interests will find it easier to rise above parochialism than those in a smaller republic comprised of a small number of competing factions.The protections that our form of government offers against ideology and faction have attenuated greatly since Madison’s time, for at least two reasons.First, mass communication increases the opportunity to sway voters by appeal to simple formulations.Of course, the rise of mass communication could be a tool for raising the level of discourse through more effective education of the electorate.But it interacts with the second attenuating factor: that the money required to win elections through the media has created a dependence on funding from special interest groups.And it is these interest groups who distort reasoned dialogue by sponsoring oversimplified messages.It is easy to see how these developments have thwarted recent efforts to shape responsible public policy.For example, the interest groups opposing health care reform defeated efforts to contain costs by labeling them ―death panels,‖ and they defeated the creation of a new public vehicle for providing health insurance by insisting that we must ―keep government out of the health care business,‖ when in fact Medicare, Medicaid, and the Veterans Administration already pay nearly 40 per cent of the nation’s health care bill.I am not taking sides here, only pointing to the fact that intelligent debate on these subjects was crowded out by ideological distortion.How can we create a national and global dialogue that transcends such oversimplification and parochialism? Let me suggest that we need each of you to raise the level of debate.You came here to develop your powers of critical thinking, to separate what makes sense from what is superficial, misleading, and seductive.Whether you have studied literature, philosophy, history, politics, economics, biology, physics, chemistry, or engineering, you have been challenged to think deeply, to identify the inconsistent and illogical, and to reason your way to intelligent conclusions.You can apply these powers of critical discernment not simply to fulfill personal aspirations, but to make a contribution to public life.Every signal you have received in this nurturing community has been unwavering in its message that the growth of your competencies is not to benefit you alone.You have learned in your residential colleges that building a successful community has required you to respect and value one another, and, when appropriate, to moderate your own desires for the benefit of the whole.And so it should be in your lives after Yale.If you are to help to solve this nation’s problems – or work across national boundaries to address global problems such as climate, terrorism, and nuclear proliferation – you will need to draw upon both these fruits of a Yale education: the capacity to reason and the ethical imperative to think beyond your own self-interest.I know that many of you are taking advantage of these first years after graduation to take up public service, and I hope that even more of you will consider this path.There are plenty of jobs in the public sector for enterprising recent graduates;many are short-term but others may lead to careers.Many of you have signed up to be teachers.Others will enter business or the professions.But whatever choice you make, you can help to strengthen the nation and the world – by treating political choices not as triggers for an ideological reflex and not as opportunities to maximize self-interest.To combat reflexive ideologies, you must use the powers of reason that you have developed here to sift through the issues to reach thoughtful, intelligent conclusions.To combat parochialism, you must draw upon the ethical imperative that Yale has imbued in you – an imperative that begins with the golden rule.Whether you serve in government directly or simply exercise your responsibilities as a citizen and voter, recognize that we will all be best served if we take account not merely of our own self-interest, but the broader interests of humanity.To move beyond ideology and faction, we need to raise the level of political discourse.You, as the emerging leaders of your generation, must rise to this challenge.In first paragraph of The Federalist(No.1), writing about the infant republic whose constitution he was endeavoring to defend, Alexander Hamilton asserts: It has frequently been remarked, that it seems to have been reserved to the people of this country, by their conduct and example, to decide the important question, whether societies … are really capable or not, of establishing good government from reflection and choice …
There is much in America’s history of the past two and a quarter centuries that would incline us to conclude that Hamilton’s question has been answered in the affirmative.Our institutions of representative government have proven themselves to be durable;the rule of law has prevailed, and the scope of personal liberty has expanded far beyond what the founders envisioned.But today, in the face of oversimplified ideology and the dominance of narrow interests, we must wonder again whether Hamilton’s question is still open.Women and men of the Yale College class of 2010: It falls to you, the superbly educated leaders of your generation, to rise above ideology and faction, to bring to bear your intelligence and powers of critical thinking to elevate public discourse, to participate as citizens and to answer the call to service.Only with your commitment can we be certain that our future will be decided by ―reflection and choice‖ in the broad best interest of humanity.You can do it.Yes you can.重塑政治
2001年4月24日11:32:4 新华社
耶鲁大学创建于1701年,今年恰逢该校建校三百周年。作为一所世界著名学府,同时也是第一所接收中国留学生的美国大学,耶鲁大学长期以来十分重视与我国教育界的合作与交流。该校早在1901年成立了负责发展中国事务的专门机构“雅礼协会”(the Yale-China Association)。在其成立后的五十年间,雅礼协会在湖南建立了湘雅医院、湘雅医学院(今湖南医科大学)、雅礼中学和华中大学(Huachung University)。九十年代以来,雅礼协会了解到我国英语师资方面的需要,共派出200余名耶鲁毕业生,志愿来我国湖南、浙江等地区帮助当地开展英语教学,并在法律培训、公共医疗卫生、社团服务等多个领域积极寻求与我国有关部门合作。去年,教育部陈至立部长成功访美,曾受耶鲁大学邀请出席该校举行的容闳(首位在该校学习的中国留学生)画像的揭幕仪式,进一步增进了中美教育界的传统友谊。
Yale’s motto “Light and Truth”, which is a calling[呼喊;召唤]for human progress, represents the aspiration of every motivated[有积极性的]young man and woman.Over the past 300 years, Yale has produced a galaxy[一群(尤指出色的人或灿烂的事物)]of outstanding/prominent figures [人物;名人]including 20 Noble laureates and five American presidents.inspire: 1)赋予...灵感,给...以启示;2)鼓舞,激励,驱使[(+to)];3)激起,唤起(感情,思想等)[(+in/with)]
开拓进取的精神 pioneering[开创的,先导的]and enterprising[有事业心的;富进取心的]spirit 随着中国的快速发展和中美合作的不断拓展,越来越多的美国人也把目光投向中国,更加关注中国的发展进步。
As China develops rapidly and steady headway is made in China-US cooperation, more and more Americans are following with great interest China’s development and progress.今天,我愿从中华文明历史流变和现实发展的角度,谈谈当代中国的发展战略和前进方向,希望有助于美国人民更全面、更深入地了解中国。
Today, I would like to speak to you about China’s development strategies and its future against the backdrop[背景]of the evolution[发展,进展]of the Chinese civilization and China’s current development endeavor.I hope this will help you gain a better understanding of China.在5000多年的历史长河中
in a history that spans more than five millennia
contribute significantly to the progress of human civilization
In particular in the 160 years since the Opium War, Chinese people fight courageously and unyieldingly[不屈服地;坚硬地;顽强地]to rid themselves of backwardness and poverty and to realize national rejuvenation, thus profoundly changing the destiny of the Chinese nation.推翻了君主专制制度 overthrow[推翻;废除]the feudal[封建(制度)的]autocracy[独裁(政府);专制制度]
长期浴血奋斗 protracted and hard struggle
28年前,中国人民开始了改革开放和现代化建设的伟大历史进程,经过艰苦创业取得了举世瞩目的巨大成就。years ago, the Chinese people embarked upon the historic drive of reform and opening-up and modernization and have phenomenal[异常的;杰出的;惊人的]progress through unremitting[不间断的;不懈的]efforts.进出口总额 import and export volume
外汇储备 foreign exchange reserve
沧桑巨变 profound changes
艰苦探索和顽强奋斗 carry out persistent[坚持不懈的;固执的]and hard/indomitable struggle 不富裕 well-off
持之以恒的艰苦奋斗 sustained and unremitting efforts
人均国内生产总值仍排在世界100名之后Per capita GDP ranks behind the 100th place.这就是树立和贯彻以人为本、全面协调可持续发展的科学发展观。
That is, to pursue a scientific outlook on development that makes economic and social development people-oriented, comprehensive, balanced and sustainable.更加注重解决民生问题,更加注重克服发展的不平衡性,更加注重解决发展中存在的突出矛盾。
Greater emphasis will be put on addressing issues affecting people’ livelihood, overcoming imbalance in development and resolving key problems that have occurred in the course of development.致力于走科技含量高、经济效益好、资源消耗低、环境污染少、人力资源优势得到充分发挥的新型工业化道路。
We will pursue a new path to industrialization featuring high technology, good economic returns, low resource-consumption, low environment pollution and full use of human resources.Insatiable[永不满足的;贪得无厌的[(+for/of)]]
The concept of scientific development is based on the experience China has gained in its modernization drive and put forth[提出;发表]in response to the trends of the times.It is also rooted in the cultural heritages of the Chinese nation.中华民族在漫长历史发展中形成的独具特色的文化传统,深深影响了古代中国,也深深影响着当代中国。
The distinct[与其他不同的,有区别的]cultural traditions of the Chinese nation that developed in the long course[过程;进程]of history have exerted a strong influence on contemporary China, just as it did on ancient China.既有着中华文明的深厚根基,又体现了时代发展的进步精神。
These values[价值观] that are being pursued in China today are derived from its tradition.But they also give expression to the progress of the times.注重 give prominence[引人注目的事物(或地方)] to
关注 care about
The ancient Chinese emphasized the value of serving people, enriching them, nourishing[养育;滋养] them, and benefit them.今天,我们坚持以人为本,就是要坚持发展为了人民、发展依靠人民、发展成果由人民共享。We are pursuing today a people-oriented approach[方法,方式;态度]toward development because we believe that development must be for the people and by the people and its benefit should be shared among the people.保障人民的生存权和发展权仍是中国的首要任务。
Ensuring the right to survival and development remains China’s top priority.自强不息,不断革故鼎新 unremitting self-improvement/reform and innovation[革新,改革,创新] “天行健,君子以自强不息。”这是中国的一句千年传世格言。
As an ancient Chinese motto put it, “As Heavens keeps vigor through movement, a gentleman should unremittingly practice self-improvement.中华民族所以能在5000多年的历史进程中生生不息、发展壮大,历经挫折而不屈,屡遭坎坷而不馁,靠的就是这样一种发愤图强、坚忍不拔、与时俱进的精神。
Throughout the 5000-year history, it is thanks to their perseverance[坚持不懈;坚忍不拔], determination[坚定;果断], stamina[精力;体力;耐力]and innovation that the Chinese nation has grown after surviving numerous setbacks and adversity.中国人民在改革开放中表现出来的进取精神,在建设国家中焕发出来的创造热情,在克服前进道路上的各种困难中表现出来的顽强毅力,正是这种自强不息精神的生动写照。
The Chinese people have shown enterprising spirit and reform and opening-up creativity in national development and great tenacity in overcoming difficulties on the road to progress.All this gives expression to the spirit of unremitting self-improvement embodied in China’s cultural tradition.团结互助 unity[团结;]/mutual assistance
提出了“和为贵”的思想 advocate that “harmony is most valuable”
追求身心和谐 strive for harmony between man’s body and soul[灵魂;精力]
向往“天下为公”的理想社会yearn for an ideal society where “the whole world is one community”
It is a society where there is unity between the material and the spirit, democracy and rule of raw, fairness and efficiency, and vitality and order.中国人民把维护民族团结作为自己义不容辞的职责,把维护国家主权和领土完整作为自己至高无上的使命。
The Chinese people take the maintenance[维持,保持]of ethnic unity and harmony as their bounden[非做不可的]duty and the defense of the country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity their sacred[神圣的;不可侵犯的;庄严的;郑重的]mission.一切有损于民族团结和国家统一的举动,都会遭到中国人民强烈的反对和抗争。
Any act that undermines[暗中破坏;逐渐损害] China’s ethnic harmony and national unity[统一体;整体] will meet their strong opposition and resistance[抵抗,反抗].中国人在对外关系中始终秉承“强不执弱”、“富不侮贫”的精神,主张“协和万邦”。
In external/foreign relations, China believes that “the strong should not oppress[压迫;压制]the weak and the rich should not bully[威吓,胁迫;欺侮]the poor” and advocate that “all nations live side by side in perfect harmony”.中国人提倡“海纳百川,有容乃大”,主张吸纳百家优长、兼集八方精义。
The Chinese held that “One should be as inclusive as the ocean, which is vast because is admits[准许进入] hundreds of rivers” and called for drawing upon the strength[长处] of others.坚定不移地走 commit oneself firmly to
维护世界和平uphold[维护;维持;赞成;确认]the world peace
China firmly pursues a strategy of opening-up for mutual benefit and win-win outcomes.广泛开展合作 enter into[加入;开始]extensive cooperation
China is inclusive and is eager to draw on the strength of other civilizations to pursue peace and development through cooperation and play its part in building a harmonious world of enduring peace and common prosperity.中美都拥有辽阔的国土,都是多个民族并存、多种文化融合的国家。
China and United States are both countries of vast territory where many ethnic groups coexist and different cultures intermingle.相互借鉴,取长补短 learn from each other and draw on each other’s strengths
符合根本利益 serve the fundamental interests of…
美好篇章 moving episode
In the 27 years since the establishment of diplomatic relation in 1979, China-US relations have maintained steady momentum despite turns and twists on the way, bringing tremendous benefits to both countries and peoples.不稳定不确定因素 factors causing instability and uncertainty
合作领域在扩大 the areas of cooperation are widening
反对国际恐怖主义 fight international terrorism
防止大规模杀伤性武器扩散 prevent the proliferation of weapons of massive destruction 保护人类生存环境 protect the environment and human habitat
打击跨国犯罪 combat transnational crimes
There is a broad prospect for the growth of constructive and cooperative China-US relations in all fields.达成了许多重要共识 reach broad and important agreement.我们都认为,双方应该坚持从战略高度和长远角度审视和处理中美关系,加强对话,扩大共识,增进互信,深化合作,全面推进21世纪中美建设性合作关系。
We are both of the view that the two sides should approach our relations from strategic and long-term perspective and that we should enhance dialogue, expand common ground, increase mutual trust, deepen cooperation and promote the overall growth of the constructive and cooperative China-US relations.一个音符无法表达出优美的旋律,一种颜色难以描绘出多彩的画卷。
A composer cannot write enchanting melody with one note, and a printer cannot paint landscape with only one color.世界是一座丰富多彩的艺术殿堂,各国人民创造的独特文化都是这座殿堂里的瑰宝。
The world is a treasure house where the unique cultural achievements created by people of all countries are displayed.一个民族的文化,往往凝聚着这个民族对世界和生命的历史认知和现实感受,也往往积淀着这个民族最深层的精神追求和行为准则。
The culture of a nation tells a lot about the evolution of the nation’s understanding of the world and life, both past and present.Culture thus embodies a nation’s fundamental pursuit of mind and dictates its norm of behavior.障碍和束缚 obstacle and obstruction
Differences in ideology, social system and development model should not stand in the way of exchanges among civilizations, still less should they become excuses for mutual confrontation.相互排斥 mutual exclusion
克服自然的屏障和隔阂 remove natural barriers and overcome physical isolation
交融 interaction
As an old Chinese saying goes: “As in the Yangtze River where the waves behind drive on those before, so a new generation always excels the last one.”
They are full of vitality, new ideas and creativity.